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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been

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Transactions on Automatic Control

Stabilization of nonlinear systems using event-triggered output feedback controllers

Mahmoud Abdelrahim, Romain Postoyan, Jamal Daafouz and Dragan Nešić

Abstract—The objective is to design output feedback event-triggered we need to invoke non-smooth analysis tools to conclude about the
controllers to stabilize a class of nonlinear systems. One of the main stability of the closed-loop system (like in [4]).
difficulties of the problem is to ensure the existence of a minimum
This type of triggering rules has been used in [15] to stabilize
amount of time between two consecutive transmissions, which is essential
in practice. We solve this issue by combining techniques from event- nonlinear singularly perturbed systems under a different set of as-
triggered and time-triggered control. The idea is to turn on the event- sumptions. Note that the idea of enforcing a given time between two
triggering mechanism only after a fixed amount of time has elapsed since jumps is linked to time regularization techniques, see [16]. Similar
the last transmission. This time is computed based on results on the approaches have been followed in [10], [11], [17], [18] in different
stabilization of time-driven sampled-data systems. The overall strategy
ensures an asymptotic stability property for the closed-loop system. The contexts, mainly for linear systems. It is worth mentioning that our
results are proved to be applicable to linear time-invariant (LTI) systems strategy is essentially different from the aforementioned techniques
as a particular case. in the sense that the enforced lower bound on the inter-transmission
times corresponds to the MASP for time-triggered controllers [14].
I. I NTRODUCTION This is not the case in the previous works where the lower bound in
Networked control systems (NCS) are systems in which the com- [10] comes from the event-triggering condition, or taken small only
munication between the plant and the controller occurs through a to rule out the Zeno phenomenon [11], [17], [18]. This seems to
shared digital channel. Since the network has a limited bandwidth be the first study where tools from time-triggered control and event-
and is typically used by other tasks, it is essential to develop triggered control are combined to stabilize nonlinear systems with
communication-aware control strategies. Event-triggered control is output feedback laws. The only result that addresses this class of
a relevant paradigm in this context as it adapts transmissions to the systems is [13], to the best of our knowledge. Compared to [13],
current state of the plant, see e.g. [1]–[5] and the references therein. we propose a different approach and we rely on a different set of
In that way, transmissions only occur when it is needed according to assumptions, which allows to consider classes of systems for which
the control objectives. the results of [13] do not apply as we show in the paper.
A fundamental issue in the implementation of event-triggered Our results rely on similar assumptions as in [14], so that we
controllers is to ensure the existence of a minimum amount of can derive an explicit expression for the upper bound on the MASP.
time between two consecutive transmissions to respect the hardware These conditions are shown to be verified by the nonlinear Lorenz
limitations. This task becomes particularly challenging when we have model of thermal convection [19] and the nonlinear model of a single
to design the controller using only an output of the system and not link robot arm [20]. Furthermore, the required conditions are always
the full state vector (see [6]), in particular when we aim to guarantee satisfied by LTI systems that are stabilizable and detectable, in which
asymptotic stability properties. To the best of our knowledge, this case these are reformulated as a linear matrix inequality (LMI). In the
problem has been first addressed in [7] and then in [6], [8]–[12] for particular case of LTI systems, the proposed technique also appears to
linear time-invariant (LTI) systems and in [13] for nonlinear systems. provide interesting features compared to [6], [10], [11]. Indeed, unlike
In this paper, we design output feedback event-triggered controllers [10], [11], our approach is not necessarily based on an observer.
for nonlinear systems which guarantee a (global) asymptotic stability This has the advantage to potentially lighten the implementation since
property and the existence of a uniform strictly positive lower bound the triggering mechanism only needs to have access to an output of
on the inter-transmission times. The proposed strategy combines the the plant, and not the controller state variable (but our results are
event-triggering condition of [3] adapted to output measurements and also applicable in this case). Compared to [6], we ensure a global
the results on time-driven sampled-data systems in [14]. Indeed, the asymptotic stability property as opposed to ultimate boundedness.
event-triggering condition is only (continuously) evaluated after T Finally, simulation results show that our technique may generate less
units of times have elapsed since the last transmission, where T transmissions than existing techniques for LTI systems.
corresponds to the maximum allowable sampling period (MASP) It has to be noted that the event-triggering mechanism that we
given by [14]. This two-step procedure is justified by the fact that the propose is different from the periodic event-triggered control (PETC)
adaptation of the event-triggering condition of [3] to output feedback paradigm, see e.g. [21], [22], where the triggering condition is verified
on its own can lead to Zeno phenomenon (see [6]). Although the only at some periodic sampling instants. In our case, the triggering
rationale of the approach is intuitive, the analysis is not trivial. Indeed, mechanism is continuously evaluated once T units of time have
we need to construct a hybrid Lyapunov function which handles elapsed since the last transmission. The first results of this work
the features of both the time-triggering condition and of the event- have been presented in [20]. In comparison to our previous works, we
triggering one to prove stability. The obtained function is only locally provide all the proofs of the results. We also show how the proposed
Lipschitz (and not differentiable everywhere). As a consequence, technique can be fruitfully employed in the context of state feedback
control as a special case, to directly tune the lower bound on the
M. Abdelrahim, R. Postoyan and J. Daafouz are with the Université
de Lorraine, CRAN, UMR 7039 and the CNRS, CRAN, UMR 7039,
inter-transmission times. Finally, we apply the results on a different
France {othmanab1,romain.postoyan,jamal.daafouz}@ physical nonlinear example to better motivate our results and we J. Daafouz is also with the Institut Universitaire compare our event-triggered controllers with the existing results on
de France (IUF). Their work is supported by the ANR under the grant linear examples.
COMPACS (ANR-13-BS03-0004-02).
D. Nešić is with the Department of Electrical and Electronic En- II. P RELIMINARIES
gineering, the University of Melbourne, Parkville, VIC 3010, Australia His work is supported by the Australian Let R := (−∞, ∞), R≥0 := [0, ∞) and Z≥0 := {0, 1, 2, ..}. A
Research Council under the Discovery Projects. continuous function γ : R≥0 → R≥0 is of class K if it is zero at zero,

0018-9286 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TAC.2015.2502145, IEEE
Transactions on Automatic Control

strictly increasing, and it is of class K∞ if in addition γ(s) → ∞ fp , fc are assumed to be continuous and the functions gp , gc are
as s → ∞. A continuous function γ : R≥0 × R≥0 → R≥0 is of assumed to be continuously differentiable. We follow an emulation
class KL if for each t ∈ R≥0 , γ(·, t) is of class K, and, for each approach in this paper to design the event-triggered controllers.
s ∈ R≥0 , γ(s, ·) is decreasing to zero. We denote the minimum Hence, we assume that the controller (3) renders the origin of system
and maximum eigenvalues of the symmetric matrix A as λmin (A) (2)-(3) uniformly (globally) asymptotically stable in the absence of
and λmax (A), respectively. We write AT to denote the transpose a network. Afterwards, we take into account the communication
of A. We use In to denote the identity matrix of dimension n. constraints and we synthesize the triggering condition. In particular,
We write (x, y) to represent the vector [xT , y T ]T for x ∈ n
√ R and we consider the scenario where controller (3) communicates with the
m n
y ∈ R . For a vector x ∈ R , we denote by |x|p:= x x its T plant via a digital channel. Hence, the plant output and the control
Euclidean norm and for a matrix A ∈ Rn×m , |A| := λmax (AT A). input are sent only at transmission instants ti , i ∈ I ⊆ Z≥0 . We
We will consider locally Lipschitz Lyapunov functions (that are are interested in an event-triggered implementation in the sense that
not necessarily differentiable everywhere), therefore we will use the sequence of transmission instants is determined by a criterion
the generalized directional derivative of Clarke which is defined as based on the output measurement and the control input, see Figure
follows. For a locally Lipschitz function V : Rn → R≥0 and a vector 1. At each transmission instant, the plant output is sent to the
υ ∈ Rn , V ◦ (x; υ) := lim suph→0+ , y→x (V (y + hυ) − V (y))/h.
For a continuously differentiable function V , V ◦ (x; υ) reduces to Plant
the standard directional derivative h∇V (x), υi, where ∇V (x) is the
(classical) gradient. We will invoke the following result, see Lemma
II.1 in [23]. u(ti ) u(t) y(ti ) y(t)
Lemma 1 (Lemma II.1 [23]). Consider two functions U1 : R → R
and U2 : Rn → R that have well-defined Clarke derivatives for all
x ∈ Rn and υ ∈ Rn . Introduce three sets A := {x : U1 (x) > Event-triggering
U2 (x)}, B := {x : U1 (x) < U2 (x)}, Γ := {x : U1 (x) = U2 (x)}. mechanism
Then, for any υ ∈ Rn , the function U (x) := max{U1 (x), U2 (x)}
satisfies U ◦ (x; υ) = U1◦ (x; υ) for all x ∈ A, U ◦ (x; υ) = U2◦ (x; υ) Fig. 1. Event-triggered control schematic [6]
for all x ∈ B and U ◦ (x; υ) ≤ max{U1◦ (x; υ), U2◦ (x; υ)} for all
x ∈ Γ.  controller, which computes a new control input that is instantaneously
transmitted to the plant. We assume that this process is performed
In this paper, we consider hybrid systems of the following form
in a synchronous manner1 and we ignore the computation times and
using the formalism of [24]
the possible transmission delays. In that way, we obtain
ẋ = F (x) x ∈ C, x+ = G(x) x ∈ D, (1) 
ẋp = fp (xp , û) t ∈ [ti , ti+1 ] 

where x ∈ R is the state, F is the flow map, C is the flow set, ẋc = fc (xc , ŷ) t ∈ [ti , ti+1 ] 

u = gc (xc , ŷ) 

G is the jump map and D is the jump set. The vector fields F and 

y = gp (xp ) 
G are assumed to be continuous and the sets C and D are closed.
The solutions to system (1) are defined on so-called hybrid time ŷ˙ = 0 t ∈ [ti , ti+1 ] 

domains. A set E ⊂ R≥0 × Z≥0 is called a compact hybrid time û˙ = 0 t ∈ [ti , ti+1 ] 

domain if E = ∪ ([tj , tj+1 ], j) for some finite sequence ŷ(t+
i ) = y(ti ) 

j∈{0,...,J −1} + 
of times 0 = t0 ≤ t1 ≤ ... ≤ tJ and it is a hybrid time domain if û(ti ) = u(ti ),
for all (T, J) ∈ E, E ∩ ([0, T ] × {0, 1, ..., J}) is a compact hybrid where ŷ and û respectively denote the last transmitted values of the
time domain. A function φ : E → Rn is a hybrid arc if E is a plant output and the control input. We assume that zero-order-hold
hybrid time domain and if for each j ∈ Z≥0 , t 7→ φ(t, j) is locally devices are used to generate the sampled values ŷ and û, which
absolutely continuous on I j := {t : (t, j) ∈ E}. A hybrid arc φ is a leads to ŷ˙ = 0 and û˙ = 0. We introduce the network-induced error
solution to system (1) if: (i) φ(0, 0) ∈ C ∪ D; (ii) for any j ∈ Z≥0 , e := (ey , eu ) ∈ Rne , where ey := ŷ − y and eu := û − u which are
φ(t, j) ∈ C and φ̇(t, j) = F (φ(t, j)) for almost all t ∈ I j ; (iii) for reset to 0 at each transmission instant.
every (t, j) ∈ dom φ such that (t, j + 1) ∈ dom φ, φ(t, j) ∈ D and
φ(t, j + 1) = G(φ(t, j)). A solution φ to system (1) is maximal if Remark 1. We can alternatively define the sampling-induced error
it cannot be extended, complete if its domain, dom φ, is unbounded, eu as eu := x̂c − xc , where x̂c denotes the value of xc at the last
and it is Zeno if it is complete and supt dom φ < ∞. transmission instant. All the results presented hereafter apply in this
case, provided the required conditions hold. This allows to encompass
III. P ROBLEM STATEMENT the case where the controller state, rather than the output of the
controller, is used by the event-triggering mechanism which may help
Consider the nonlinear plant model reducing the amount of transmissions, as shown in Example 2. 
ẋp = fp (xp , u), y = gp (xp ), (2) We model the event-triggered control system using the hybrid
where xp ∈ R is the plant state, u ∈ R nu
is the control input, formalism of [24] as in, e.g., [4], [6], [11], for which a jump
y ∈ Rny is the measured output of the plant. We focus on general corresponds to a transmission. In that way, we obtain
       
dynamic controllers of the form
ẋ f (x, e) x+ x
     +  
ẋc = fc (xc , y), u = gc (xc , y), (3)  ė  =  g(x, e)  q ∈ C,  e  =  0  q ∈ D, (5)
       
where xc ∈ Rnc is the controller state. We emphasize that the xc - τ̇ 1 τ+ 0
system is not necessarily an observer. Moreover, (3) captures static
feedbacks as a particular case by setting u = gc (y). The functions 1 See Section VII for a discussion on the asynchronous case.

0018-9286 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TAC.2015.2502145, IEEE
Transactions on Automatic Control

where q := (x, e, τ ) ∈ Rnx +ne +1 with x := (xp , xc ) ∈ Rnx and Indeed, when y = 0, an infinite number of jumps occurs for any
τ ∈ R is a clock variable which describes the time elapsed since value of x such that gp (xp ) = y = 0. In [6], this issue is overcome
the last jump, f (x, e) := fp (xp , gc (xc , y + ey ) + eu ), fc (xc , y + by adding a constant to the triggering condition, which would lead
  to γ 2 W 2 (e) ≤ δ(y) + ε here for ε > 0, from which we can derive
ey ) and g(x, e) := − ∂x∂ p gp (xp )fp (xp , gc (xc , y + ey ) +
 a practical stability property. The event-triggered mechanism that we

eu ), − ∂x c
gc (xc , y + ey )fc (xc , y + ey ) . The flow and jump sets propose allows us to guarantee an asymptotic stability property for the
of (5) are defined according to the triggering condition we will closed-loop while ensuring that the inter-transmission times are lower
define. As long as the triggering condition is not violated, the bounded by a strictly positive constant. The idea is to evaluate the
system flows on C and a jump occurs when the state enters in D. event-triggering condition only after T units have elapsed since the
When (x, e, τ ) ∈ C ∩ D, the solution may flow only if flowing last transmission, where T corresponds to the MASP given by [14].
keeps (x, e, τ ) in C, otherwise the system experiences a jump. The In that way, we allow the user to directly tune the minimum inter-
functions f and g are continuous (in view of the assumptions made jump interval, up to a certain extent as explained in the following.
on fp , fc , gp and gc ), and the sets C and D will be closed (which We thus define the triggering condition as follows
ensure that system (5) is well-posed, see Chapter 6 in [24]).
γ 2 W 2 (e) ≤ δ(y) or τ ∈ [0, T ], (9)
The main objective of this paper is to design the flow and the jump
sets of system (5), i.e. the triggering condition which involves e and where we recall that τ ∈ R≥0 is the clock variable introduced in (5).
y, to ensure a (global) asymptotic stability property for system (5). Consequently, the flow and jump sets of system (5) are
n o
C = (x, e, τ ) : γ 2 W 2 (e) ≤ δ(y) or τ ∈ [0, T ]
n o
We first present the conditions that we impose on system (5), then D = (x, e, τ ) : γ 2 W 2 (e) ≥ δ(y) and τ ≥ T .
we present the triggering technique and finally we state the main
result. We make the following assumption on system (5), which is Hence, the inter-jump times are uniformly lower bounded by T . This
inspired by [14]. constant is selected such that T < T (γ, L), where
 1
Assumption 1. There exist ∆x , ∆e > 0, a locally Lipschitz function  Lr arctan(r) γ>L
V : Rnx → R≥0 , a locally Lipschitz positive semi-definite function T (γ, L) := L
γ=L (11)
 1
W : Rne → R≥0 , a continuous function H : Rnx → R≥0 , real Lr
arctanh(r) γ < L
numbers γ, L ≥ 0, α, α, α ∈ K∞ and a continuous, nonnegative
with r := ( L )2 − 1 and L, γ come from Assumption 1.
function δ : Rny → R≥0 such that, for all x ∈ Rnx
Remark 3. The triggering condition (10) requires to continuously
α(|x|) ≤ V (x) ≤ α(|x|), (6)
monitor both the plant output and the control input which are needed
for all |e| ≤ ∆e and almost all |x| ≤ ∆x to evaluate W (e). This may be difficult to implement in practice.
We have decided to present the triggering condition with W (e)
h∇V (x), f (x, e)i ≤ −α(|x|) − H 2 (x) − δ(y) + γ 2 W 2 (e) (7) which depends on both ey and eu for the sake of generality. Indeed,
and for all |x| ≤ ∆x and almost all |e| ≤ ∆e this formulation encompasses the following important implementation
scenarios as particular cases:
h∇W (e), g(x, e)i ≤ LW (e) + H(x). (8) • when only the output measurement is sampled and the controller

We say that Assumption 1 holds globally if (7) and (8) hold for almost is directly connected to the actuators, in this case e = ey ;
all x ∈ Rnx and e ∈ Rne .  • when only the control input is sampled but not y, in this case e =
eu . Note that in this case the event-triggering rule γ 2 W 2 (eu ) ≤
Conditions (6)-(7) imply √that the system ẋ = f (x, e) is L2 - δ(y) depends on both y and u, i.e. the controller and the sensors
gain stable from W to (H, δ). This property can be analysed by need to be co-located.
investigating the robustness property of the closed-loop system (2)-(3)
When the controller and the plant/sensors are not co-located and
with respect to input and/or output measurement errors in the absence
we need to sample both y and u, asynchronous event-triggered
of sampling. We also assume an exponential growth condition of the
implementations are probably more relevant, like in [6], [10] for
e-system on flows in (8) which is already used in [14], [25]. We
LTI systems. The proposed mechanism can be adapted to cover this
provide an example of a nonlinear system which satisfies Assumption
implementation scenario for nonlinear systems, see [27]. 
1 at the end of this section and we can always guarantee it for any
stabilizable and detectable linear system. We are ready to state the main result.
Remark 2. Note that, since W is positive semi-definite and contin- Theorem 1. Suppose that Assumption 1 holds and consider system
uous (since it is locally Lipschitz), there exists χ ∈ K∞ such that (5) with the flow and jump sets (10), where the constant T is such
W (e) ≤ χ(|e|) (by following similar arguments as in the proof of that T ∈ (0, T (γ, L)). There exist ∆ > 0 and β ∈ KL such that any
Lemma 4.3 in [26]). Hence, conditions (6), (7) imply that the system solution φ = (φx , φe , φτ ) with |(φx (0, 0), φe (0, 0))| ≤ ∆ satisfies
ẋ = f (x, e) is input-to-state stable (ISS), however the converse is
|φx (t, j)| ≤ β(|(φx (0, 0), φe (0, 0))|, t+j) ∀(t, j) ∈ dom φ. (12)
not necessarily true. Although this requirement is stronger than ISS,
it is satisfied by important classes of systems as we show in the paper Moreover, the inter-transmission times are lower bounded by T , and
and in [20] as well. We rely on Assumption 1 to design the MASP if φ is maximal, then it is complete. If Assumption 1 holds globally,
that we enforce as a lower bound on the inter-transmission times as then (12) holds globally. 
we explain in the sequel. 
Example 1. Consider the controlled Lorenz equations which model
Under Assumption 1, the adaptation of [3] leads to a triggering a thermal convection loop [19], ẋ1 = −ax1 + ax2 , ẋ2 = bx1 −
condition of the form γ 2 W 2 (e) ≤ δ(y). The problem is that Zeno x2 − x1 x3 + u, ẋ3 = x1 x2 − cx3 and y = x1 , where a, b, c > 0.
phenomenon may occur with this type of triggering conditions. The static output feedback law u = −( pp21 a + b)x1 , where p1 , p2 >

0018-9286 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TAC.2015.2502145, IEEE
Transactions on Automatic Control

0, globally stabilizes the origin. This can be proved by using the |e|, H(x) = |A2 x|, L = |B2 |, γ = µ, α(|x|) = ε2 |x|2 , δ(y) =
quadratic Lyapunov function V (x) = p1 x21 + p2 x22 + p2 x23 , which 2 nx
ε1 |y| , for any x ∈ R , y ∈ R , e ∈ Rne .

verifies condition (6) with α(|x|) = min{p1 , p2 }|x|2 and α(|x|) =
Proposition 1 provides a sufficient condition, namely (16), for the
max{p1 , p2 }|x|2 . We take into account the network-induced error
verification of Assumption 1, which thus allows us to apply the results
e = ŷ − y (it is not necessary to consider the error in u as the
of Section IV. It has to be noted that LMI (16) can always be satisfied
controller is static) and we select W (e) = |e|. Hence, condition (8)
when system (13) is stabilizable and detectable. Indeed, in this case,
is satisfied with L = 0, H(x) = a(|x1 |+|x2 |). By taking p1 > 1 and
we can select the controller (14) such that A1 is Hurwitz. Noting that
p2 > 2a, condition (7) holds with α(|x|) = min{a(p1 − 1), (p2 −
(16) is equivalent to the following inequalities, by using the Schur
2a), 2p2 c}|x|2 , δ(y) = a(p1 − 1)y 2 and γ 2 = p2 ( pp12 a + b)2 . For
complement of (16) (see Section A.5.5 in [28]), AT1 P + P A1 +
the parameter values a = 10, b = 28, c = 8/3 used in [19], we set T
AT2 A2 + ε1 C p C p + ε2 Inx + µ1 P B1 B1T P ≤ 0. We see that we can
p1 = 2, p2 = 3a and we obtain T = 0.01. Figure 2 shows that T
the Zeno phenomenon occurs when we transmit only based on the select the matrix P such that AT1 P + P A1 + AT2 A2 + ε1 C p C p +
event-triggering rule γ 2 W 2 (e) ≤ δ(y), i.e. with T = 0 in (10), which ε2 Inx is negative definite. It then suffices to choose µ sufficiently
supports the discussion above (9). We note that the results in [13] are large to ensure the last inequality.
not applicable to this system because condition (3) of Proposition 1 Example 2. We consider Example 1 in [10] where both the output
in [13] does not hold.  measurement and the controller state are used to trigger transmissions.
x 10
We thus redefine the sampling-induced error eu to be eu = x̂c −xc , as
explained in Remark 1, and we modify the matrices A1 , A2 , B1 , B2 in
Inter-transmission times

4 (15) accordingly. In this case, L = |B2 | = 23.7340. By solving LMI

3 (16), we obtain ε1 = 86.1643, ε2 = 15.1622, γ = 151.4831. The
guaranteed minimum inter-transmission time is T = 0.009, according
to (11). We have run simulations for 100 randomly distributed initial
conditions for 5 s such that |xp (0, 0)| ≤ 100, |xc (0, 0)| ≤ 100,
0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.1 0.11 ey (0, 0) = 0, eu (0, 0) = (0, 0), and τ (0, 0) = 0 and we compare
Transmission instants
our result with architecture II in [10]. Table I provides the obtained
Fig. 2. Inter-transmission times with [3]. minimum and average inter-transmission times, respectively denoted
V. L INEAR SYSTEMS as τmin and τavg . We notice that less transmissions are generated
when eu = x̂c − xc . We also note that in this case our technique
We now focus on the particular case of linear systems. Consider yields larger values of both τmin and τavg than [10]. 
the LTI plant model
Proposed mechanism with Proposed mechanism with
ẋp = Ap xp + Bp u, y = Cp x p , (13) eu = û − u eu = x̂c − xc
0.57×10−3 0.9029×10−3 9.4476×10−3
lower bound
where xp ∈ Rnp , u ∈ Rnu , y ∈ Rny and Ap , Bp , Cp are matrices of τmin 0.57×10−3 0.9029×10−3 9.4476×10−3
τavg 3.8310×10−3 1.2207×10−3 10.1955×10−3
appropriate dimensions. We design the following dynamic controller TABLE I
to stabilize (13) in the absence of sampling S IMULATION COMPARISON WITH [10].
ẋc = Ac xc + Bc y, u = Cc xc + Dc y, (14)
where xc ∈ R and Ac , Bc , Cc , Dc are matrices of appropriate VI. S TATE FEEDBACK CONTROLLERS
dimensions. Afterwards, we take into account the communication The technique proposed in Section IV is also relevant in the context
constraints. Then, the hybrid model (5) is of state feedback control, i.e. when y = x, as the constant T in (10)
       
ẋ A1 x + B1 e x+ x can be used to directly tune the minimum inter-transmission time
     +   (up to T (γ, L) in (11)). It has to be noted that in this case, we can
 ė  =  A2 x + B2 e  q ∈ C,  e  =  0  q ∈ D,
        replace γ 2 W 2 (e) ≤ δ(y) in (9) by γ 2 W 2 (e) ≤ (α(|x|) + H 2 (x) +
τ̇ 1 τ+ 0 δ(x)) when Assumption 1 holds. The following result is a direct
(15) consequence of Theorem 1.
Ap +Bp Dc Cp Bp Cc
where q := (x, e, τ ), A1 := , Corollary 1. Suppose that Assumption 1 holds and consider system
   Bc Cp Ac
 (5) with y = x and the flow and jump sets defined as
Bp Dc Bp −Cp (Ap +Bp Dc Cp ) −Cp Bp Cc
B1 := , A2 := and n o
 Bc 0  −Cc Bc Cp −Cc Ac C = q :γ 2 W 2 (e) ≤ σ(α(|x|) + H 2 (x) + δ(x)) or τ ∈ [0, T ]
−Cp Bp Dc −Cp Bp
B2 := . n o
−Cc Bc 0 D= q :γ 2 W 2 (e) ≥ σ(α(|x|) + H 2 (x) + δ(x)) and τ ≥ T ,
We obtain the following result. (17)
where q := (x, e, τ ), σ ∈ (0, 1) and T is such that T ∈ (0, T (γ, L)).
Proposition 1. Consider system (15). Suppose that there exist Then, the conclusions of Theorem 1 hold. 
ε1 , ε2 , µ > 0 and a positive definite symmetric real matrix P such
that Example 3. Consider the dynamics of a single-link robot arm
  ẋ1 = x1 , ẋ2 = − sin(x1 ) + u, where x1 denotes the angle, x2 the
 A1 P + P A1 + A2 A2 + ε1 C p C p + ε2 Inx P B1  rotational velocity and u the input torque. The system can be written
  ≤ 0, (16) 0 1
  as ẋ = Ax + Bu
 − 0
 where x := (x1 , x2 ) and TA = [ 0 0 ] , B =
B1 P −µIne [ 1 ] , φ(x) = sin(x1 ) . We design u = Kx + B φ(x) such that
Ā = A + BK is Hurwitz (which is possible since the pair (A, B)
where C p = [Cp 0]. Then Assumption 1 holds with V (x) = is controllable). We now take into account the effect of the network
xT P x, α(|x|) = λmin (P )|x|2 , α(|x|) = λmax (P )|x|2 , W (e) = e = x̂ − x and we obtain ẋ = Āx + BKe + φ(x + e) − φ(x).

0018-9286 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TAC.2015.2502145, IEEE
Transactions on Automatic Control

We take W (e) = |e|, V (x) = xT P x, for all (x, e) ∈ Rnx +ne , as in the proof of Theorem 1 in [14] since α ∈ K∞ and V is positive
where P is a real positive definite symmetric matrix such that definite and radially unbounded, there exists a continuous positive
ĀT P + P Ā = −Q. By following similar lines as in Section VI definite function ρ1 such that
in [20], we deduce that conditionsq(7), (8) hold with L = |BK| +
2(|P BK|+|P |)2 R◦ (q; F (q)) ≤ −ρ1 (V (x)) = −ρ1 (R(q)). (20)
1, H(x) = |A + BK||x|, γ = λmin (Q)
, δ(x) = 0 and
α(|x|) = ( λmin2 (Q) − |A + BK|2 )|x|2 with λmin (Q) > 2|A + BK|2 . When q ∈ C and ζ(τ ) > 0, we have R(q) = V (x) + λζ(τ )W (e).
We take K = [−2 −3] and we obtain L = 4.6056 and γ = 19.1361 As above, in view of Lemma 1, Assumption 1 and (18) and
which yields T = 0.071485 in view of (11). We set T = 0.0714 and by following the same lines as in the proof of Theorem 1 in
σ = 0.15 in (17) and we run simulations for 100 randomly distributed [14], we obtain R◦ (q; F (q)) ≤ −α(|x|) − H 2 (x) − δ(y) +
initial conditions such that |x(0, 0)| ≤ 100, e(0, 0) = (0, 0) and γ 2 W 2 (e) + 2λζ(τ )W (e)H(x) − λ2 ζ 2 (τ )W 2 (e) − λ2 W 2 (e). Us-
τ (0, 0) = 0 for 10 s. We obtain τmin = 0.0714 = T and ing the fact that 2λζ(τ )W (e)H(x) ≤ λ2 ζ 2 (τ )W 2 (e) + H 2 (x),
τavg = 0.0778 which indicate the interaction between the time- R◦ (q; F (q)) ≤ −α(|x|)−δ(y)+γ 2 W 2 (e)−λ2 W 2 (e) ≤ −α(|x|)+
triggering and the event-triggering rules. To compare with [3], we γ 2 W 2 (e) − λ2 W 2 (e). Recall that λ2 = γ 2 + η, it holds that
set T = 0 and we have obtained τmin = 0.0192 and τavg = 0.0727. R◦ (q; F (q)) ≤ −α(|x|) − ηW 2 (e). By using the same argument
Hence, the proposed triggering condition generates less transmissions as in (20), we derive that R◦ (q; F (q)) ≤ −ρ1 (V (x)) − ηW 2 (e) =
than [3] for this example.  −ρ1 (V (x)) − ηθ λ
λθ−1 W 2 (e) = −ρ1 (V (x)) − ρ2 (λθ−1 W 2 (e)),
where ρ2 : s 7→ ηθ λ
s ∈ K∞ . Since ζ(τ ) ≤ θ−1 for all τ ≥ 0 in view
VII. C ONCLUSION of (18), it holds that R◦ (q; F (q)) ≤ −ρ1 (V (x))−ρ2 (λζ(τ )W 2(e)).
We have developed output-based event-triggered controllers for the We deduce that there exists a continuous positive definite function ρ3
stabilization of nonlinear systems. The proposed technique ensures such that R◦ (q; F (q)) ≤ −ρ3 (V (x) + λζ(τ )W 2(e)) = −ρ3 (R(q)).
an asymptotic stability property and enforces a minimum amount In view of the last inequality, (20) and Lemma 1, when ζ(τ ) =
of time between two consecutive transmission instants. The required 0, R◦ (q; F (q)) ≤ max{−ρ1 (R(q)), −ρ3 (R(q))}. Consequently, it
conditions are shown to be satisfied by any stabilizable and detectable holds that, for all q ∈ C, R◦ (q; F (q)) ≤ −ρ(R(q)). where
LTI systems. ρ := min{ρ1 , ρ3 } is continuous and positive definite. Let φ be a
We show in [29] that these results can be used as a starting point solution to (5), (10). By definition of the Clarke’s derivative (see
to address the challenging co-design problem for linear systems in Section II) and page 100 in [32], it holds that, for all j and for
which the output feedback law is not obtained by emulation but almost all t ∈ I j (where I j = {t : (t, j) ∈ dom φ})
is jointly synthesized with the triggering condition. The proposed
Ṙ(φ(t, j)) ≤ R◦ (φ(t, j); F (φ(t, j))) ≤ −ρ(R(φ(t, j))), (21)
approach is relevant for perturbed systems as the enforced dwell-time
prevents the occurrence of the Zeno phenomenon, which may occur as φ(t, j) ∈ C for all (t, j) ∈ dom φ. Thus, in view of (19),
otherwise, see [15], [30]. We address this problem in [31] for systems (21) and since inter-jump times are lower bounded by T in view
affected by plant disturbance, measurement errors and perturbation on of (10), we conclude that, by following the same lines as in the
the control input. We also study in [27] the extension of the presented end of the proof of Theorem 1 in [14], there exists β̃ ∈ KL such
approach to the asynchronous transmissions of the plant output and that for any solution φ to (5), (10) and for all (t, j) ∈ dom φ,
the control input. R(φ(t, j)) ≤ β̃(R(φ(0, 0)), 0.5t + 0.5T j). In view of Assumption 1
and since W is continuous (since it is locally Lipschitz) and positive
A PPENDIX semi-definite, there exists αW ∈ K∞ such that W (e) ≤ αW (|e|)
Proof of Theorem 1. First, we prove the result when Assumption 1 for all e ∈ Rne by following similar arguments as in the proof of
holds globally. Let ζ : R≥0 → R be the solution to Lemma 4.3 in [26]. As a result, in view of Assumption 1, (18) and
the definition of the function R, it holds that, for all q ∈ C ∪ D,
ζ̇ = −2Lζ − λ(ζ 2 + 1) ζ(0) = θ−1 , (18) α(|x|) ≤ R(q) ≤ α(|x|) + λθ αW (|e|) ≤ αR (|(x, e)|), where
p αR : s 7→ α(s) + λθ αW (s) ∈ K∞ . Hence, we deduce that (12)
where θ ∈ (0, 1), λ := γ + η for some η > 0 and L, γ come
from Assumption 1. We denote Te (θ, η, γ, L) the time it takes for ζ holds for any solution φ to (5), (10) and for all (t, j) ∈ dom φ,
to decrease from θ−1 to θ. This time Te (θ, η, γ, L) is defined as (28) where β : (s1 , s2 ) 7→ α−1 (β̃(αR (s1 ), 21 min{1, T }s2 )) ∈ KL.
in [14] and is a continuous function of (θ, η) which is decreasing in Regrading the inter-transmission times, we note that the event-

θ and η. In addition, it holds that Te (θ, η, γ, L) → T (γ, L) as (θ, η) triggering mechanism (10) ensures that j − j ′ ≤ t−t T
+ 1, for any
tends to (0, 0) (where T (γ, L) is defined in Section IV), like in [14]. (t′ , j ′ ), (t, j) ∈ dom φ such that t′ +j ′ ≤ t+j. Hence, two successive
As a consequence, since T < T (γ, L), there exists (θ, η) such that transmissions are spaced by at least T units of time.
T < Te (θ, η, γ, L). We fix the couple (θ, η). Let q := (x, e, τ ). We We now investigate the completeness of the maximal solutions to
define for all q ∈ C ∪ D, R(q) := V (x) + max{0, λζ(τ )W 2 (e)}. system (5), (10). Let φ be a maximal solution to (5), (10). We first
Let q ∈ D, we obtain, in view of (5) and the fact that W is positive show that φ is nontrivial, i.e. its domain contains at least two points
semi-definite , (see Definition 2.5 in [24]). According to Proposition 6.10 in [24],
it suffices for that purpose to prove that {F (q)} ∩ TC (q) 6= ∅ for
R(G(q)) = V (x) + max{0, λζ(0)W 2 (0)} = V (x) ≤ R(q), (19) any q := (x, e, τ ) ∈ C\D, where F (q) := (f (x, e), g(x, e), 1) and
where G(q) := (x, 0, 0). Let q ∈ C and suppose that ζ(τ ) < 0. As a TC (q) is the tangent cone2 to C at q. Let q ∈ C\D. If q is in the
consequence it holds that τ > T . Indeed, ζ(τ ) is strictly decreasing interior of C, TC (q) = Rnx +ne +1 and the required condition holds.
in τ , in view of (18), and ζ(T ) > ζ(Te (θ, η, γ, L)) = θ > 0 If q is not in the interior of C, necessarily τ = 0 as q ∈ C\D, in
as T < Te (θ, η, γ, L). As a consequence ζ(τ ) < 0 implies that this case TC (q) = Rnx +ne × R≥0 and we see that F (q) ∈ TC (q), in
τ > T . Hence, γ 2 W 2 (e) ≤ δ(y) in view of (10) since q ∈ C. 2 The tangent cone to a set S ⊂ Rn at a point x ∈ Rn , denoted T (x),
Consequently, in view of Lemma 1, Assumption 1 and the definition is the set of all vectors ω ∈ Rn for which there exist xi ∈ S, τi > 0
of the function R, R◦ (q; F (q)) = V ◦ (x; f (x, e)) ≤ −α(|x|), where with xi → x, τ → 0 as i → ∞ such that ω = limi→∞ (xi − x)/τi (see
F (q) := (f (x, e), g(x, e), 1). Hence, by following similar arguments Definition 5.12 in [24]).

0018-9286 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TAC.2015.2502145, IEEE
Transactions on Automatic Control

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