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Date: August 02, 2021

To: All Employees

Cc: Nahiyan Muakkher

Policy Advisor,
Schultz Enterprise.
All Directors,
All Managers.

From: Andrew Schultz,

Managing Director
Schultz Enterprise.

Subject: Introduction new managing system as Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)

Dear Employees,

You all know that our company is upgrading day by day. With the growth of our company, it is
becoming difficult to manage everything in an analog way. And that's why we decided to use
digital methods to make things easier.

Considering the problem, we have come to the conclusion that we will use digital methods to
make things easier.
So we are introducing RFID system for employees for entering the office premises, going to the
cafeteria, accessing library and as well as making coffee from the coffee maker. This system will
be using every employees ID card to trace their activities in the office the entire time.

Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is the use of wireless non-communication of radio

frequency waves for data transfer.

Please don't think that we are 'policing' to you. It is only for Management purpose. Our
management will be easier and it will be very much helpful to us. We would want to express our
gratitude to each of you for your time and dedication to us. As a result, we hope you will
understand the circumstances.

Andrew Schultz,
The Managing Director of Schultz Enterprise
Managing Director

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