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7 lessons that change yourself.

Who moved my cheese summary open the mind that allows us to move with the change in
life. Life is all about continuous changing condition and events. So, Do you want to stick
with your cheese? Yep, everyone wants cheese. Habits provide. you The story of the mice
and small people explains the person who deserves cheese most. Change is the eternal truth
of nature. If you want it or not, it happens and crushes us. How we conquer change?
The truth is change is unstoppable whether you like it or not. The best is to join it. Use the
compound effect and stop complaining about the cheese-less situation. Summary Who moved
my cheese tells us that to get a successful life, we need to move the needle by trying new

7 lessons from who moved my cheese summary are given below;

1. Change happens:
Life is about to change continuously from one phase to another. The success we have now
can end unless we embrace the change. We need to move continuously towards cheese
Because cheese is what makes us happy and satisfied. The story tells us the clear result if you
don’t take change. Those who don’t change become a ruin.

Why? change:

Who moved my cheese summary point out the change with 4 Points;

1. Change gives glory.

2. It provides the ability to face fear and go after cheese.
3. The move put you out of your comfort zone and live for something.
4. The ability to imagine your cheese give change.

2. Anticipate change:
The author gives the idea of old cheese. It means achievements gets old. For new results or
success, you need to leave the old success or result. Likewise, for success, we need
continuous achievements.

Why anticipate change:

Who moved my cheese summary define the reasons of the impact of change in life;

1. Start search fresh cheese often know when it is getting old. It means checking your
achievement and move towards a great challenge continuously.
2. Change always occurs whether you accept it or not. Join innovation and avoid the fear
of danger.
3. Ask yourself when you feel fear- What would you do if you aren’t afraid?

3. Monitor Change:
Change always happens so, why we measure it? We should Because it shows the progress
that we make in some direction. Otherwise, you can be lost. In the story, the characters who
monitor their progress with some direction get cheese. 

Why Monitor Change.

Who moved my cheese summary mentions that People Do not give the direction of their
change at the whim of conditions.

1. Smell the cheese often to identify when it is getting old. It means smell your past
achievement and make new achievement when it is getting older.
2. Movement in a new direction helps you find fresh cheese. It means your path of
success also defines the level of your achievement in the long or short term.
3. When you stop being afraid of every mistake you done you feel resilience. It means
our movement gives us some reason to work instead of worry. We would head
towards a purpose.

4. Adapt to change quickly.

Dr Spencer explains the idea of quick movement. The speed to achieve something matters. In
this story of change, mice move fast to find new cheese that can relish them again. In the end,
they get cheese earlier.

No matter what the way you have chosen, the continuous movement with determination reaps

Why Adapt to change quickly.

According to who moved my cheese summary, We need a direction to move in some

direction which should quick.

1. The quicker you let go of old cheese, the sooner you find the cheese. It means your
level of want to get new determines, How quick you move towards new goals. 
2. Imagine yourself with your new cheese give you desire to get it. It shows that belief is
the first step to get something. You don’t believe that something new happens to you.
You wouldn’t get it by any mean.

5. Change move with cheese and with who?

The happiness or success you give the name of that feeling needs continuous movement. This
movement gives you confidence and hope. 

In other words, who moved my cheese summary redirect your existing choices, grow yourself
in the way you want to grow. Our change move with the resource of human life, Read rich
dad poor dad summary for financial freedom ideas. Don’t expect every achievement with a
single or no effort. 

Why? Change move with cheese.

1. It is safer to search in the maze because it is comfortable and easy to live in compared
to the cheese-less situation. In other words, hope needs to search for what you want in
life. At least, it is better than cry on nothing. 
2. Your Old beliefs and conceptions do not help you to find new cheese. Your past
believes perceptions with prejudice don’t allow you to get something unusual and
innovative. It means you need a proper mindset and exercise to get some new cheese.

6. Enjoy change.
In the story of who moved my cheese summary, the mice and haw take the adventure and feel
joyful with the change. The hem stays, cry for cheese and don’t change his mindset. Instead
of crying about what you lose, enjoy what you have. Dr Spencer explains the attitude of
gratitude requires change.

Why Enjoy change.

1. When you see and observe that you can find and enjoy new success, you change your
way of motion. In other words, You need to give mercy to your past mindset and
innovate yourself for new achievements. 

7. Be ready to change quickly and enjoy it again and

We need to innovate continuously. Because quicker we move, the chances to get the cheese
become quicker. No ones can stop change, but everyone can join it. Who moved my cheese
summary highlights the idea of the compounding effect with the change. The compound
effect is the small initiative to get a huge, prominent result in the future.

Why Be ready.

1. Noticing small changes first helps you to adapt to the mature changes that are to
come. In other words, small changes lead to great results. 

Real-life example:
In the real world, we see a lot of characters who understand change and embrace
change. Many real-life examples in this world can help to find the crucial wisdom of who
moved my cheese summary to bring out the best version.

I want to explain my favourite cyclist, Kristin Armstrong, A 43-Year-Old Olympic Gold

Medalist In Cycling. She answered beautifully about her come back strategy at this age.
People have asked me, over and over: Why? Why am I back in-game? And it’s because I can.
It’s the message to try new hard things of who moved my cheese summary.  

Who Moved My Cheese short summary?

It’s a short story about change in life that has 4 Characters; 2 mice and 2 Little people. The
story explains how humans feel fear to change themselves to get more success.

Who Moved My Cheese moral of the story?

The story moral lesson is to embrace change as far as possible to explore the opportunities for

Who Moved My Cheese conclusion?

The whole story sums up with the power of change that is hard to attain constant in life.

What do the four characters represent in Who Moved My Cheese?

The 4 Characters represents the 4 Levels or behaviours towards the change. 2 Mice observe
the low cheese and try to explore new cheese proactively. 2 Little people build up biases that
stop them adopt change very early.

Who Moved My Cheese content?

Spencer Johnson uses the tale to express the reactions towards constant success in life. The
desire to achieve success is the same in all 4 Characters, but their choices remain difficult.

Who Moved My Cheese symbolism?

The cheese represents our deep desire, success or our mental satisfaction after work. The 4
characters with specific qualities show the wide nature and selection of human nature.

Who Moved My Cheese quotes about change?

The whole book quotes lesson um up as; Change happens, if you want or not, move with
change, adopt it and be ready to change quickly.

What is the maze a metaphor for in Who Moved My Cheese?

The maze is the metaphor for where you live in, circumstances, conditions, issues, chances of
failure and risks.

Who Moved My Cheese and the Four Forces

This article is for managers who want a better grasp of personality styles and how to quickly
read and understand them in themselves and others.

I read Who Moved My Cheese for Kids to my 9-year-old son recently. It’s a fun little book,
based on the eponymous bestseller, about four characters who live in a ‘maze’ and look for
‘cheese’ to nourish them and make them happy. You probably know how the story goes
already (it was a bestseller) but if not, or you’ve forgotten, here’s a quick synopsis:

Two of the characters are mice named Sniff and Scurry and two are little people – beings the
size of mice who look and act a lot like people. Their names are Hem and Haw. The ‘cheese’
is a metaphor for what you want to have in life – whether it’s a good job, a loving
relationship, money, possessions, health, or peace of mind. The ‘maze’ is where you look for
what you want – the organization you work in, or the family or community you live in.

In the story, the characters are faced with unexpected change. Eventually, one of the little
people deals with it successfully, and writes what he has learned from his experience on the
maze walls. When you come to see the handwriting on the wall you can discover for yourself
how to deal with change, so that you enjoy less stress and more success (however you define
it) in your work and life.

There’s a lot of truth in the book and I thought it would be fun to relate the four characters to
the four PSIU forces of Organizational Physics. That way, the next time you’re managing a
Hem, Haw, Sniff, or Scurry, you’ll have a better sense for how to handle it.
As a refresher, here’s a matrix that shows the traits of the four universal PSIU forces. If
this concept is new to you, you can quickly get a sense of it using the world’s fastest
personality test (it takes less than 15 seconds to get a good sense of someone’s style).

The four forces of Organizational Physics: PSIU.

And here are the four Who Moved My Cheese characters mapped to each force:

The characters of Who Moved My Cheese mapped to the four PSIU forces of Organizational

In a nutshell:
 Sniff is an Innovator style. He’s got the ability to sense and respond to changes
happening in the environment much more quickly than the other styles. He gets
excited about creating new things and likes you to get excited with him.
 Scurry is a Producer style. He’s got the ability to run, run, run and do the work from
early to late. He gets frustrated when there are obstacles in his path and seeks to run
around them or punch through them.
 Hem is a Stabilizer style. He’s got the ability to make things systematized and
controllable. In the story, it is Hem who gets left behind because change can be seen
as a really big threat to someone who excels at control and stability.
 Haw is a Unifier style. He’s got the ability to empathize and connect well with
others. In the story, it is Haw who follows Sniff and Scurry but all the while is
concerned about where Hem is and how Hem is doing. Ultimately, Haw leaves the
writing on the wall for others like Hem to follow.

Key Takeaways
The main thing I want you to take away is that the four PSIU forces of Organizational
Physics are universal. That means they show up in good children’s books and the board room
alike. When you learn to spot and understand them, you exponentially increase your own
capabilities as a communicator and manager. The second thing that I want you to take away
is that, just as in the story Who Moved My Cheese, the correct approach to managing change
is to be on the right side of the matrix above. The Producer and Innovator are both lean-
forward styles who excel at sniffing out change and scurrying to make it work in their favour.
You too should lean into change rather than lean away from it. The third thing that I want you
to take away isn’t in the story. It’s that the left side of the matrix, the Stabilizer and Unifier,
also bring incredible value to the table. They help to make things systematized and efficient
and care for others while helping to keep everyone working well as a team. It takes a
complementary team to manage and respond to change. One side without the other is doomed
to fail. In other words, all sides — all forces — working in concert towards a common goal
are what makes “finding the cheese” truly fun and sustainable over time.

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