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2. Masao or Mazaua in Butuan City, Agusan del Norte.

The next popular one is Mazaua

in Butuan City, the capital of Agusan del Norte in Northern Mindanao. The Butuanons
and their supporters advocate that Magellan and his men landed in Mazaua for the
reason that it has the anchorage, rice fields, gold, antique "balanghai" and other
artifacts which they unearthed in scattered areas in Butuan City. In the so-called
'Magellan% Harbor' in Butuan, the real harbor for the cargo and passenger ships
traveling to and departing from Butuan City is actually in Nasipit, which is 25 kilometers
west of Mazaua. Mazaua or Butuan Citys offshore is too shallow for ship navigation!

If Mazaua had the abundant rice fields, other food supplies, and water at the time when
Magellan and his troops landed and held the 'First Mass' or observed Easter Sunday,
how come Magellan and his fellow sailors sought for a more significant island? Mazaua
was and is attached to Mindanao, the second largest island in the entire Philippines.
Since the pro-Mazaua supporters emphatically claimed that Magellan and his fellow
sailors held the 'First Mass' or observed Easter Sunday in their 'island of plenty.' But
what happened to the abundant foods, drinks, and other supplies in Mazaua and their
neighbor, the 'Kingdom of Butuan'? Why did the two rajahs of 'Mazzaua" and Butuan
volunteer as pilots to Magellan to obtain provisions in Cebu, which is much smaller than

Tie pro-Butuan proponents claimed that Magellan and his troops landed in Mazaua,
Butuan City because Pigafetta wrote in his book about the small gift items made of gold
supposedly from Butuan which Rajah Kalambu gave to Magellan. Well then, if gold was
such a big deal in Butuan, Magellan and his sailors could have sailed easily south to
Surigao, Mindanao while they were still sailing off the eastern coast of Panaon Island.
They had seen Surigao which Was and is in northeast Mindanao before nighttime
because Mindanao is the second biggest island in the entire Philippines. Surigao was
known to have gold at that time and up to the present day. Magellan and his men in 3
ships did not search for spices only. They searched for anything or things of value to
bring home and hand them over to the King of Spain.

Furthermore, the pro-Butuan supporters claimed that the antique 'balanghai' that some
of them found under the ground in, Masao or Mazaua is one proof that Magellan was in

Salazar (2015) refers to the writings of de Jesus wrote a lengthy article entitled,
'Mazaua: Magellan's Lost Harbor.' The government of Butuan City, Mindanao,
commissioned him to do extensive research on the Mazaua landfall issue. He
concluded that Magellan and his troops landed in Mazaua, Butuan City, Philippines. He

For most Philippines, two events define the meaning of Mazaua, Easter mass and
theplantation ofa big cross on top ofthe highest hill. In a huge sea lined with mighty
waves of Islam, Buddhism, Hindu, and other beliefs, Ihe Philippines is the isolated rock
ofChristianity. 83% ofits people are Catholics, 9% Protestants. Iherefore, Mazaua is an
icon for a highly religious people, a major event. This aspect of a signal event has
unfortunately served to distortion the way the event is seen in world geography and
Renaissance navigation." Source: De Jesus, Vicente.Mazaua: Magellan's Lost Harbor
(A Lee Shore Stands For 1521 Safe Haven Thanks To Errors of Translation, Copying,
Bad Logic, Superficial Research And An Attempt At Fraud By A Government Historical
Agency). It may be an icon of great significance for professed "Christians" and Holy
Bible analphabets, but the first mass on Easter is meaningless and worthless for those
who practice Biblical Christianity Most Philippines have read newspapers, tabloids,
publications for politics, sports and entertainment all around the world, but they can read
and study the Sacred Bible not just in minutes.

Before Magellan and his explorers crossed the Pacific Ocean from South America, the
so-called experts on Mazaua Butuan denied or ignored the' unwritten history of the
Portuguese colonization of Mindanao. They ignored or pretended that they were not
aware that Portuguese sailors like Joo de Barros, Gaspar Correia, Diogo do Couto,
Francisco de Castro and Antonio Galväo were exploring Mindanao from 1520 to 1565.
Ihe Portuguese were at least one year ahead of the expedition of Magellan to the

Roman Catholic Portuguese sailors were more likely to have held the' First Mass' in the
South of the Philippines before Magellan's explorers landed in March 1521. Thus, the
proponents of the pro-Butuan were entitled to assume, but not historically documented,
the' first mass' in Mindanao before Portugal had exchanged the entire Philippines with
Spain for Brazils. Butuan was called Butan or Butuäo on a Portuguese map from about
1535 to 1538. Spain didn't even know that there was Butuan.

Therefore, Magellan and his fellow explorers did not sail south to Mazaua Butuan in
Mindanao while carrying the Spanish flag which was financed by Spanish King Charles
V. A year before Magellan and his troops arrived in Southern Leyte, the Portuguese
navigators who navigated east from Portugal to Mindanao via Indonesia occupied
Mindanao Island. The Mazauan, Butuan indigenous people have mistreated the
Portuguese from Portugal as the Portuguese explorers of Magellan from Spain.

The Portuguese knew that the fleet of Magellan was bound even before it sailed; the
ships would undoubtedly be waiting for it to be stopped. While Magellan is looking for
the Moluccas, he loaded his ships with precious spices, but after he went away, most of
the port and trading stations on the way back to Spain would be Portuguese outposts.'
As some Portuguese navigators and their crew had explored and settled in Mindanao
Island, they would have arrested Magellan and its men for staying there. After the ship
was loaded with spices during its eastward journey from Spice Islands to Central
America to Panama as planned, the Portuguese authorities arrested and imprisoned the
entire 54 members of Trinidad, Magellan's flagship.

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