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CSTC College Bldg. Gen. Luna St. Maharlika Hi-way, Pob. 3, Arellano Sub. Sariaya Province
of Quezon R4A
Registrar’s Office: 042 3290850 / 042 7192818
CSTC IT Center: 042 7192805
Atimonan Contact Number: 042 7171420


Instructional Module in
The Contemporary World

I. Module Number 1
II. Module Title Introduction to the Study of Globalization
III. Brief Introduction Globalization is the process of interaction between
individual, corporations, and government around the world.
Also, it seen by some as a complex and multifaceted
phenomenon as a process of capitalist expansion involving the
incorporation of local and national economies into a gobal,
unregulated market economy.
This also discusses the globalization process, condition,
ideology and the impact of this in our Academe.
Misconceptions about it also influences the globalization
IV. Module Outcomes After studying this module, you are expected to:
1. identified the actors that facilitate economic
2. internalized and stated the things happened Post-
World War II Economic System.
3. explained the role of international financial institutions in
the creation of a global economy.
4. compared-and contrast the GATT and WTO
5. identify the underlying philosophies of varying
definitions of globalization

Lesson Number 3
Lesson Title The Global Interstate System and Global Governance
 The United Nations
 Reforming the United nations
Brief Introduction of In this lesson you will have deeper understanding of
the Lesson Global Instate System and Global Governance as well as
articulate a stance on these concept while demonstrating
effectively how these ideas impact the Philippines.

Lesson Objectives At the end of this lesson, you are expected to:
a. explained the effects of globalization on governments.
b. designed a flow chart to demonstrate the possible solutions
to the problems in the United Nations.
c. determined the role of the United Nations in the Global
Interstate and Global Governance
d. identified the importance of reforming the United States in
today’s world

Lesson Proper
I. Getting Started
Read the trivia below?In your own perspective, why does Philippines join in the United Nation?
CSTC College Bldg. Gen. Luna St. Maharlika Hi-way, Pob. 3, Arellano Sub. Sariaya Province
of Quezon R4A
Registrar’s Office: 042 3290850 / 042 7192818
CSTC IT Center: 042 7192805
Atimonan Contact Number: 042 7171420

(Write your answer in the question here.)


II. Discussion
In a w orl d wh er e th er e is a na rchy , where no overpowering state-like en tity imposes
rules and order, it is imperative that the nation state impose its sovereign power within it
domain. The state is the legitimate user of physical violence (Weber , 1964), through its military
and police apparatus, together with its territorial, fiscal and ideological monopolies
(Wallensteen, 2012). The global system is anarchic, and this necessitates global governance to
maintain international peace and security.

How do we govern in the absence of a cosmopolitan state? This chapter aim s to

answer this question by focusing on the United Nations as the primary venue and formal
arrangement for global governance involving states and non-state actors. I n sum, global
governance is defined as "the formal and informal arrangements that produce a degree of
order and collective action above the state in the absence of a global government," that
involve coordination among state and non-state actors (Young, 1999: 2). However,
governance in an anarchic setting has been challenged by the self-interest of major states and
has exposed the limitations which this chapter intends to discuss.

The United Nations

The United Nations (UN) serves as the primary organization for international cooperation, peace,
and security. It is the only international organization that can authorize the use of force against an
aggressor. Its primary concern is collective military security through the facilitation of peaceful
settlement of disputes among member-states or by [commanding allegiance of the entire UN
membership; sanctions]. While its primary objective is to ensure peace and order, the UN as an
organization can be a conflict actor in itself or an instrument for action driven by the interests of
particular states. With that, it must be emphasized that "UN is a membership-directed organization and
the member are all states.
Six Principal Organs in 1945
1. Economic and Social Council's (ECOSOC) primary objective is to advance the economic, social
and environmental dimensions of sustainable development. It serves as a gateway of the
UN's partnership with the rest of the world for the c oordination, policy review, dialogue,
recommendations, and implementation of international development goals. The organ is
composed of 54 elected members by the General Assembly for overlapping three-year terms

2. Trusteeship Council was established as a main organ of the UN (Chapter XIII) to provide
international supervision of Trust Territories that are under the administration of seven
member-states, to ensure that adequate steps are being made to prepare the peoples of Trust
Territories for self-governance. All 11 Trust Territories achieved independence in 1994. The council's
operation was suspended and will meet whenever an occasion necessitates it.
CSTC College Bldg. Gen. Luna St. Maharlika Hi-way, Pob. 3, Arellano Sub. Sariaya Province
of Quezon R4A
Registrar’s Office: 042 3290850 / 042 7192818
CSTC IT Center: 042 7192805
Atimonan Contact Number: 042 7171420

3. International Court of Justice is the United Nation's principal judicial organ (Chapter XIV). Its
role is to settle legal disputes between states (contentious cases) and to provide advisory
opinions on legal questions referred by the UN organs and specialized agencies, in accordance to
international law (advisory proceedings) (International Court of Justice, 2018).

4. Security Council (SC) is the most potent organ with the power to make legally binding
resolutions. It is comprised of the strongest military states and is concrete manifestation of
the reality of power dynamics. The Council has 15 members, including 5 permanent members:
China, France, the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom, and the United States. At the end of
World War II, these five countries played key roles in the establishment of the United Nations. The
creators of the UN Charter conceived that they would continue to play important roles in the
maintenance of international peace and security. The other 10 rotating members are elected by the
General Assembly on the basis of geographical representation for two-year terms.

5. Secretariat is made up of an international staff working at UN Headquarters in New York, as well as

UN offices in Geneva, Vienna, Nairobi and other locations. It consists of departments and offices with
a total staff of 16,000 drawn from most Member States.
The Secretariat is headed by the Secretary-General, who is appointed by the General
Assembly on the recommendation of the Security Council for a 5-year term and is responsible for
implementing decisions taken by various organs of the United Nations.

6. The General Assembly (GA) is the only UN organ with universal representation, with all 193
member states represented in the body. The GA decides on essential questions with a
simple majority, while concerns related to peace and security, budgetary matters, and
new membership admissions require a two-thirds majority. Yearly, the GA meets for the
annual General Assembly Session and general debate participated by several heads of
state. Moreover, the body also elects a GA President and 21 Vice-President (elected
according to equitable geographical representation) every session for a one-year term.
While the assembly may discuss questions relating to international peace and security, it
can only make recommendations when a dispute is already being discussed by the SC.
In reality, the SC remains to be the primary decision-maker of the UN in all matters of
international peace and security. However, the "Uniting for Peace" Resolution of 1950 ensures
that divisive issues in the SC are blocking the members to take action may be assumed by the
assembly, to bypass the vetoes of the council and recommend measures including the use of
The General Assembly is the main deliberative organ of the United Nations comprised of all
Member States, each of which has one vote, no matter its size or influence. It may discuss any matter
arising under the UN Charter. Decisions on international peace and security, admitting new Member
States and the UN budget are decided by a two-thirds majority. Other matters are decided by a
simple majority. In recent years, a special effort has been made to reach decisions through
consensus, rather than a formal vote. General Assembly resolutions are only recommendations to the
Member States, but as they represent the majority of the world’s view, they carry heavy moral weight
and often lead countries to join international agreements called treaties, conventions, and protocols,
etc., and, ultimately, have a positive influence in the world.

The six main committees of the General Assembly are: First Committee (Disarmament and
International Security); Second Committee (Economic and Financial); Third Committee (Social,
Humanitarian and Cultural); Fourth Committee (Special Political and Decolonization); Fifth Committee
(Administrative and Budgetary); and Sixth Committee (Legal).
CSTC College Bldg. Gen. Luna St. Maharlika Hi-way, Pob. 3, Arellano Sub. Sariaya Province
of Quezon R4A
Registrar’s Office: 042 3290850 / 042 7192818
CSTC IT Center: 042 7192805
Atimonan Contact Number: 042 7171420

Reforming the United Nation

UN Secretary-General António Guterres has made proposals to reform the United Nations since the
beginning of his term in January 2017. To improve the delivery of our mandate, the United Nations has made
sweeping changes in the following areas:

 Development
The 2030 Agenda will require bold changes to the UN development system for the
emergence of a new generation of country teams, centred on a strategic UN
Development Assistance Framework and led by an impartial, independent and
empowered resident coordinator.

 Management
A new management paradigm for the Secretariat and a United Nations that
empowers managers and staff, simplifies processes, increases transparency and
improves on the delivery of our mandates.

 Peace and Security

The overarching goals of the reform are to prioritize prevention and sustaining peace;
enhance the effectiveness and coherence of peacekeeping operations and special
political missions and move towards a single, integrated peace and security pillar.

Retrieved from:

III. Application
Case In Point: A tale of a Filipino Fisherman in the Scarborough Shoal
(Personal Interview Calilung, Aug. 23, 2016)
CSTC College Bldg. Gen. Luna St. Maharlika Hi-way, Pob. 3, Arellano Sub. Sariaya Province
of Quezon R4A
Registrar’s Office: 042 3290850 / 042 7192818
CSTC IT Center: 042 7192805
Atimonan Contact Number: 042 7171420

It was a clear sunny August midday of 2016. In the past years, Dodong recalls how
this time of the year spells bountiful catch for him and other groups of fishermen in
Bajo De Masinloc or Panatag shoal. He also narrated how rich the fishing grounds of
the Kalburo is (kalburo is their native name for the Scalborough Shoal). When asked
about the fishes that abound the shore of the shoal situated just 124 nautical miles off
Zambales. Madaming isda doon, maganda I and mga black and orange lapu-lapu, bakalaw, tanigue, and
damns o bisugong bato, tsaka galunggong. Dati, lcaya naming makakuha ng dalawang tonelada ng
galunggong doon dalawang araw lang, dito ngayon sa amin kase nga di na kami makapalaot doon, mga
isang jeep lang isang lingo, di pa kayang punuin. Mahirap talaga.
This came several months after the July, 2016 rendering of the decision of the
Permanent Arbitration Tribunal regarding the UNCLOS based claim of the Philippines.
The landmark ruling of the Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA) in favor of the Philippines
over its maritime entitlements in the South China Sea. The ruling is considered landmark
because it sets a historic precedent in'international law with a pronouncement that historical
right does not exist under the Constitution of the Oceans, or the United Nations Convention
on the Law of the Sea (Unclos).
In simple terms, it means that China cannot claim the entire breadth of the South
China Sea part of its maritime territory based on historical right under the so-
called "nine-dash-line," which basically makes the South China Sea a Chinese

Dodong recalls how this decision made them very happy thinking that they can
ilready fish again without harassment from the Chinese coast guards patrolling heir area.
Nothing has changed according to him, Wala, ganun pa din, anth ill pa in sila sa lagoon,
nagpapatrol, araw gabi yun, pag lumapit ka, Halms nila yule g (Maw la ?lidera sabay sabi na alis daw kami
This has been the plight of our poor Filipino brothers in Panatag shoal. In fact, it
is only in October of 2016 that Filipino fishermen were allowed again to fish in area. This
came after the bilateral meeting and talks between Pres. Rodrigo Duterte and Pres. Xi
Jinping of the People's Republic of China. However, recently report of Chinese coast guard
harassment have resurfaced again as some Chinese coast guards are again accused of
harassing our Filipino fishermen.

Inquiry Based Learning (IBL) Guide Questions:

Inquiry Based Learning (IBL) Guide Questions:

1.Did the Philippines really "win" this dispute in the West Philippine Sea?

2.Explain why the UN cannot enforce the decision, what impression does it give about
the UN brand of Global Governance.

3.Research on other conflicts around the world. Highlight the role played by the UN in
these conflicts. On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being the highest, come up with your
rating for the UN in each of these conflicts and state your reason for such.
CSTC College Bldg. Gen. Luna St. Maharlika Hi-way, Pob. 3, Arellano Sub. Sariaya Province
of Quezon R4A
Registrar’s Office: 042 3290850 / 042 7192818
CSTC IT Center: 042 7192805
Atimonan Contact Number: 042 7171420

4.Reflect on the following: Has the UN successfully fulfilled its mandate in the realm
of Global governance?

B. Write the correct principle organ of United Nations in the statements below.

________________1. Provide international supervision of Trust Territories that are under the
administration of seven member-states, to ensure that adequate steps are
being made to prepare the peoples of Trust Territories for self-governance.
________________2. It serves as a gateway of the UN's partnership with the rest of the world for the
coordination, policy review, dialogue, recommendations, and implementation of
international development goals.
________________3. The main deliberative organ of the United Nations comprised of all Member
States, each of which has one vote, no matter its size or influence. It may
discuss any matter arising under the UN Charter.
________________4. The creators of the UN Charter conceived that they would continue to play
important roles in the maintenance of international peace and security.
________________5. Its role is to settle legal disputes between states (contentious cases) and to
provide advisory opinions on legal questions referred by the UN organs and
specialized agencies, in accordance to international law.
________________6. Recommends to the Member States, but as they represent the majority of the
world’s view, they carry heavy moral weight and often lead countries to join
international agreements called treaties, conventions, and protocols, etc., and,
ultimately, have a positive influence in the world.
________________6. Made up of an international staff working at UN Headquarters in New York, as
well as UN offices in Geneva, Vienna, Nairobi and other locations.
________________7. The organ is composed of 54 elected members by the General Assembly for
overlapping three-year terms
________________8. It is the most potent organ with the power to make legally binding
resolutions. It is comprised of the strongest military states and is concrete
manifestation of the reality of power dynamics.
_______________9. Gateway of the UN's partnership with the rest of the world for the
coordination, policy review, dialogue, recommendations, and
implementation of international development goals.
_______________10. Headed by the Secretary-General, who is appointed by the General Assembly
on the recommendation of the Security Council for a 5-year term and is
responsible for implementing decisions taken by various organs of the United

V. Enrichment
Designed a flow chart to demonstrate the possible solutions to the problems in the United Nations
during this pandemic. How can United Nation help steer the world.
CSTC College Bldg. Gen. Luna St. Maharlika Hi-way, Pob. 3, Arellano Sub. Sariaya Province
of Quezon R4A
Registrar’s Office: 042 3290850 / 042 7192818
CSTC IT Center: 042 7192805
Atimonan Contact Number: 042 7171420

V. References
Ambidda et. al (2019). The Contemporary World. Mandaluyong City, Books Atbp. Publishing Corp.

Coronacion et al. (2019). Convergence a college textbook in contemporary world. Mandaluyong

City, Philippines: Books Atbp. Publishing Corp.

Claudio et al. (2018.) The contemporary world. Quezon City, Philippines: C & E Publishing, Inc.

Retrieved from:

Prepared by: Reviewed by:


Instructor Program Head, School of Teacher Education

Validated by: Approved by:

________________________ JESS JAY M. SAJISE, DBA

Internal Validator, Vice President of Academic Affairs External

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