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Joyoshish Saha

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With best wishes from Joyoshish Saha
1P a Subna tting supra neti

Clossful 1P addreseRrg (A-E) > Casting iP vs NAC &ubne targ

9uboe+ mask Vor. -fiud length ubncttig Routin ta ble wkir)

VLSM SMa» k heage in N/N resoluttm Limitations sf cdassful add oessiry

CIDR/Clecsless oddressirg CCTDR block rvles) » Subne Hirg An t1PR (Bzo-

Variable) SM 265 Giwen DBA #subyets poas ble Supereti

tP addresses.
Cundttowa) Prfvoe

FRow Contro Cethods. Ll-GeN TL SR (TCr)

elaysCTL.Tp T,Tpyoe.) Stop 4 Wait pro focel ( ,, Thooushput,

RTT, Totat
Tota tme) SA N ARG TOT, SNo. Tor pkt & ack, SN 041

Sotuiions -io Nest daBa pkt, losi ack, delayed ock, amaged
discards clupioate pockuts|sN ARG uses NAK) SAN ys

wmd ou)
(NAK,TOT, SN) Crmmunication channels Ceapocity) Sidir
dende It 2a, q cq. no eheTn n
Poedocot opfimal window iJ
wimdow ise)> GBN Psofoce s = N, = 1 , Cnmulative ack, auk timo

GBN doesnt Gccept Tupttd or ot-of-0Tden -/oames lently discarol

the no NACK , Telanomissîo t i v c windsto, TT 7 AT 7N 420
Problem duplicce pockets #SN = N+i) SR Protocot ( Hs Mg
uses NAK
indep ack, doees not accept coroup ted same
Ampiat A explioit etsamwssi m r c s , accoptr out-of -orde Packets

of1o N
3ortina at R., sear hi r at s , Tetsamsmissiow TOT expi + 2a
Cmparisrw Hod n t t pstocols

Access Control Methods. a t DLL)

ommunication ltmks P2P, broadcast)> Topologies o CN(SRMBH)
TDM (-iud i2e ÅleTvals alloeated round ro bin m anner,
lotT+Tn t feitive bandnidth) Polling L Potling alao
One tatfow to let sono data, CSMA/LD (T*2Tp-
TCTpol+ T +Tp)
Aedl in carly 2thernet, Tam siqnat 48b, bak- sff 4ima, back-¥f hmít,
2Tp +ime wa4ted ad maxfor Aaessiw, n 7644 a T
cx2Tp+4 +Tp
WîMed LANs, CSNA/LD snly mnd mitea 2covery ttme does not
Wed i
PTovent coltisian, 8inary ex poewial bocko baukstf me Anuseaard 2KP
CotleAow prob. deereas A Captw aftch: Winner alvayss winsToken Pasin
(Rimg 1adeny , Tokan holdnfime, :
Delaye d Token 4

hold token unHI +akes

Cary+okaw reinserhion DTR k+Towmitted by i
Cawplade nevolutiw th mas bac to + - THT = Ti * RiT larteny
to ka Ammed
THT T, +Tp (bit delay 0) >
NT ETR-release

Tt NT, +T) NT
ely ater putra pkt to +he i THTT- p NF
h g r f tteny Albha Cfure Hioka - n = Ge**- ma = i8:4,
TR han

Slotted Albha Ge - man36-8

EE Contrst Method s. DLL 0r TY

Redandancy bits- Amplo parity checking Cfven-Dadd parity -

detect odd no. s bit errors 2D Penity checking cRe Poope7ies dt N

gsnrOtrldivisi blu by , divisible by a1), dete nale
bit orrr

n-i 2<70
CRC ste ps (,s CRC cade - a d d
tOdd bit 2070s-burst esos)
divtde dcta nî th cRC od CRC Code - check à
to data- @R oliVide recoived data Jith
&ttaoh emaider

sagmonts of mbits
em-0 to
x) Check5u CHo bit esum,
cs u Kentt Wih
added CAse bNTaP asOund) hem s Camplenmem to Gett

@R Suv of all memts t sum= o Ceaninetul eoror wnoo le to detect)

TS0/OS1 Madel DNTS PA Saormation 2nchmge 2ncapsulaHon n-1

layar of n layan)PL( Bit rate controt, Bi+ Sync. ,4rann
pstogy encodirg analins) Encediny (NRZ-L/1,
Biphate Manchste7, Diffeson tiat Monchestat , 48/56 DLL ( Noda-Node
deltvery ot mag, AraminS,Phyical addzess?ntflw -evror-

LLC MAC SuplagT, Bit Byde gtuffirg) ->NL (Host 2 host connectivity
Sitehing.10tilogicab addressi , congoet on comtrot,fragmentaHon)
TLrocess 2 proc0ss delhvery, serviee point addressi, Segmeon ta tion
assembly, Conncetion control, COmecHen cortst, flow comtosl, error
covwtaot, muti plexim demux "a)> sL( Diaogua contoot , thackponts - 5yne)
PL LSyntoz- spmanies info Tmeti w , tramlatim, eneayf ton,
compvaseiorn) AL ( Wser rte face)
L4 NTechnologies hernet (Bus topology, CsMA/CP, NCanchwster emoding.
(DLL no+ uged for eal thme opps as hg no, of- cellii oma

r e a
m b l e

Doata ++ C4-5 13 B
Paddira i 2e. Lhornet
7B 4B 6B 2B AG - 1900B
£ thernet heoder - 148

&4hernet P TCP
har hdy hdr Paylo od fCS
14B 208 20B 6- 1460 B
TCP MSS/ TCP Payloacd
TP NTU / Ethernet Payloed 4G- 4Se0B) > Isads to fagmunt
CN 2

SWHching Ciru, M2, Pagket C Vistual ciocuit, DaBag raw
PL Stre faand DLL

An pcke fwitchg > m cs

Tp T
Dp H a l pocn sie
In PS T 7 Tp pake Swithir after #hops X TE)
ahen packut hs denmredo R), evesy T ime the
eceAve PackeLt
because f ipeling
HLen (Scalng foctor A) ho
Ver HLen TOS8 TL offs+:#f data bules ahead f i t in
7iag. 07gna) unamrented datagoam
Scaling facty 13 8
TTL Protou HCSAm S T T L Hax #hops allwed to reach dest"
d e s t " TTL shauld be 0 .
S1P (32) DIP (32b) Paotouot 1C4HP- 1, 4GMP-2, TCP - 6, UPP-1 7
imimaion of datagoam rom bulH
Ophons(0 -40 5) 1GMP 16HP > UPP) TCP
Kecovgoude, Sourca H CSum entire headern Canly)
Toutins, Padding n nogscase, 3B. of dummy dota).
fraqme ntaHon Check e odatagTam, MTU o dest" NA, DE bi+
laot pk,
Changes madeCTL{ield, 1f-1 erap
f.o4 get field) Amt. of dato saut+ n 1Psa. às chosew
4ha ) ' s a lag fossibu but < MTU ) ds mu Hple s8
have amy amt. dafta ,
f.Rcet Aeld La»t r s can

frasm" done.
7Keoscembly algorihm frogmentaHon over head.
t outersArtermuoliany dewiA)
Proto cols NLIndernct (NL) docs not hae umapt broadcaotirg ,mly
L4Ns hav NAT Poivate Publí ARP (Knon) othor
host's MAC ven thir îP) Localhsrt R4RPKnow yow Wn P ven

M 1Pachv houts RARP +alla )BooTP (R4-RP 4

Lent Talisad tobla t rlay ognt DHCP (( B00TP + dynamic table DORA-) ,

TCHP Eron handn -ced back - TTL ixceed, joarameter Potlem, arte qun

Soureeckree, des" unsea chab le Ke. 4 Keply &ho, ine stamp, N/H m an
TP, UDP botw -
1CH P fr s
soliuta-fow 4 ad vertise ment)-ICHP fr
out e t
Applicatfon 1HP autoyde, fHTUD, Rewdroute (un
rasmnt only
1TL exCeed 1(P)

PT wng
DR CDistTibuted Bellmon-ford : D) min ( D(), D+ c(u, v)
Rouig Dijtro's
Pes, weight, NH
5sskuriet patk d,9) - miny /c(s,v). d, (y)
Lloom LS packts
laanaport layer protocols. TCP( 0phew ield- Time stamp,
kdemin, parom. nes otiatf on, fadins)
TCP headeT
Check sum Nro a0umd timme,
Pseud oheador. Life Hma (1803)
SoTCe Desth
Port 16b Poat 16b Src. addr. (1P) 32 AT 7 LT to
Seq. no. 32b Ds4 ald 2b avid same SN f»

ACK. no 32b Res |ootoud TUPsmurbytos

Hlew Re REIE Alv. wid 3 Nay hamd chae
siae 16b a from 1P e n 6 C sYNrea, SyN -AGK- 9apl
A J4]-|k|t|4|a|
CSum 14b Ug p 4b K Pure ack) - SYN=I- 1 SN, ACKE O 5n
PTN 1 ISN data byle - J SN TGP
optiom+ Padding, (0-40B) Conntednna%on (f? N, AGK, f IN, AC
TCPlo Contsot Ws min
(tnnd, Twnd)) SN.SENT SYN
TCP eTO COntool sum, Atk, qutrammis-| sN/CK SYN-RGVp
Aon- alten TOT expAres, afdet Tevn 3
duplicate acks) Congeshon
C CongestHon policySS, CA, D SS We,mit
4SS, Cnd = 2 x pTêvioue till threshold =
u97Ent k - u,= i uss fNNA17.2 IN
TOT axry thresh =

TLSumu ss 3 dup. aeks- +hy »CuTynbNy - "TME-HATT

N= h . -
resum CA)TP mous CLOSED.
TOT, Ti me wait, Acu Hme, fem seuHlilu,
TOT )Bare
Meep allve (sewu)) Setis TOTAtuall RTT
CIRTT ToT 29RTT IRTTn+i 1RTT, + (1-*) ARTT,
TOT, 41D, + TRT T1

9KT)+ Jacohson's a l (RT7, 1D i =

IRTTnt (1-) ARTT, +T *tD, +l-)AD,
*JD+(I)AB T0T, 41D, + IRTT2)

1RTT, =IR1T, (1-)ART7, JD, =

Amitia TO T
T0T 2es off no
Kan's Mod" ack arrives ato double T0T

so" Nhen Ctanvmi«in

Value as ack is delayed
elaami t). Traffhc » shapir (Leaky
hewwer ees aff
Toksbucke k bucket
1ale always -u uaua
buckat Sam aa
tokens gewrated o eae tick ha mad capacity -

tokan - ma
to kan 1 u to +e n]n
ac quirns a jots
rLady packet
P rale = e+.t
t ) » 8lly windom yndrone ( lork',Noalas * )
UDP Leng th- haadert dota , csum w hdr, data, psedo i? heacdr
Soue* Dest PortApplicaat tom - DNS, y i a l fTP (TETE) , bseacde ant
Lengt CSum.2B muicat,eal
c o e s not
ima opp , strmoming, DHCP, SNP.
uar amter Anodr dellvey
Applicotion loyen predocols.
DNS CStoteless, yDP, connacttonless , non-peis-tent, port $3 , mbanc),

HTTP LStateles, Te?, tntutt onles, HTTP 10,istn, HTTP 41 pas'stt, t av
n bom), fTP(, S4tateful, TCP, nu ofented, ntrot esnn pasistent,
antod ann")
tawn" is non-pristem out -of bamd, post 20 for data, 21 f

SHTP 94akeless, TCP, conn" oreptcd,ptistnt, prt 25, Anmd),

POP CStateful, TOP, Conn" ooptedpnstomt,prt+110, Anbomd)
Wif Collns tom avo tdon ce uins RTS, CTS, Exposed & t leden terminal

PToblem Poitiv acknowledaemomnt ystem MACA)

NN Security Passive attacker, Acti ve atta eker ( Masquroel,
gay mod ficali on, D.S) Symmutarie or Sacr
RAyyogrophy d£s,AEG) a =
bmod n (a-b)1n
inwerze ab i modP b a mod P a,b coprimms
Mulph cative =

aeer, ac =i (mod b) pln) # of

Euler'stotoent "
Cged 1)
+ve irles pto n that orime h n 4(9)- 1,2,4,5,7,8)
n-i m,n cpimes, p(m) 9()
wis is prime )
Euler'sqoductfos mula ) n(1-) (1-4) when

euler thearem
Pi atai autors
P mod n ;0,n buns peimuo fermads Ite
copi ms

theoy cm Y4Cn) *1 s a mod w a,being (primu Asymmtric

Hellmww kay «ckang, RsA alf)

snuypton algo9{fe

RS4 AoL pu: (e) : (d,n) c= f°mod w

, p mod n P L modw
mod w ed mod n )
phukin m,,d mP thte lage prims k &esf%
o that
.aed (e, 4a)) = ad i mod ( ) .
Re%da clacs , metiv ToOt , ulMptcative 0 d e , dycrut

le aritt qibuu
les amtha
dindiny a= bmop,np-kerd
- pviw a,b nan ?em t )> b woy functw,
2. S:a = 6 mod P
dHKE. . Pu: f .
Ry GmodP 8. echamg y 49ecret kay
S mod P modp alge breitally "mod p

modP Parewalls Digstal 4matwu4.

Cehannel capasty, A - angival ae ams ranes/sec).

-o. vds /frame delay tim T uC-A

N ubhae T MC

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