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Business Statistics

Component 3

Submitted By

Arpit Arya: 20020542025

Avinash Kumar: 20020542031

Devinder Kumar Barwal: 20020542040

Honey Joshi: 20020542047

Sakshi Gupta: 20020542116

Samyak Deshbhratar: 20020542118

Prasad Kailas Shinde: 20020542127

(Sample size = 50)

Enter Your name: ___________________________

1. Please indicate your Gender? [Nominal measurement]

° Male
° Female

2. Age Group [Ratio measurement]

° 18 – 25 (Age group 1)
° 25 – 35 (Age group 2)
° 35 – 45 (Age group 3)
° 45 – 55 (Age group 4)
° 55 – Above (Age group 5)

3. How many hours of a day do you spend on your mobile phone? [Ordinal measurement]
° Less than 2 hours

° Two to 4 hours

° 4- 6 hour

° More than 6 hours

4. Which feature do you prefer the most? [Interval measurement]

5. What is your ideal budget to buy a smartphone? [Ordinal measurement]

° Less than Rs 10,000
° Rs 10,000 – Rs 15,000
° Rs 15,000 – Rs 20,000
° Rs 20,000 – Rs 25,000
° Rs 25,000 – Rs 30,000
° Rs 30,000 – Rs 40,000
° Greater than Rs 40,000
6. Which smartphone brand are you currently using? [Nominal measurement]

° Samsung
° Nokia
° Apple

° Oppo
° OnePlus
° MI
° Realme

7. If SAMSUNG, then on a scale of 1 to 7 rate your experience using Samsung smartphones. (1 being the
strongly Disagree and 7 being Strongly agreed) [Interval Measurement]

° 1 – Strongly Dissatisfied
° 2 – Dissatisfied
° 3 – Moderately Dissatisfied
° 4 – Neutral
° 5 – Moderately Satisfied
° 6 - Satisfied
° 7 – Strongly Satisfied

8. Which media of advertisement influences your purchase? [Qualitative – Open ended]

ANS. ________________________________________
1. Gender-wise budget preference Analysis:
Budget plays an important factor in buying a smartphone for a customer and so does for a company.
However, it may vary between males and females as it would help in targeting the market with an idea of
a budget they look for. For this, we can go for gender-based Analysis for the budget range as below:
Statistical test: Independent sample T-test

 Null Hypothesis, H0: μmale = μfemale. The average budget of males and females is equal.
 Alternate Hypothesis, H0: μmale ≠ μfemale. The average budget of male and female is not equal.
If p < 0.05 then the null hypothesis (μmale ≠ μfemale) is wrong.
If p > 0.05 then null hypothesis (μmale = μfemale) is correct.
Example Analysis: 20 people are asked about the budget for their phones. Out of 20, 10 are male and 10
are female. The following is the observation:

The mean Budget for females comes out to be 7417 while for males it comes out to be 17007.7.
With P<0.05 the null hypothesis is rejected.

2. Gender wise customer satisfaction rating using Likert scale –

For any company, it is important to know which segment is preferring their product. Hence, it is important
to know the Gender – Wise rating.
Statistical Test: Independent Sample ‘T’ Test
A. Null Hypothesis - H0: VARmale = VARfemale.
B. Alternate Hypothesis - H1: VARmale ≠ VARfemale.
A. Null Hypothesis - H0: μmale = μfemale. (The Average Customer rating of male and female is equal)
B. Alternate Hypothesis - H1: μmale ≠ μfemale. (The Average Customer Rating of male and female is not
Analysis Example: There out of 50 people 25 people use Samsung smartphones -
If the P-value is more than 0.05 (significance value) then the null hypothesis (μmale = μfemale) is
‘Accepted’. This indicates a difference in gender-wise satisfaction.
If the P-value is less than 0.05 (significance value) then the null hypothesis (μmale ≠ μfemale) is ‘Rejected’.
In the above case, P-value is greater than 0.05 which means the hypothesis is selected. Male and Female
are equally satisfied with Samsung smartphones.

3. Age-wise Customer Satisfaction Rating using Likert Scale -

Age-wise Customer satisfaction is important as it allows the researcher to identify which age group is
having the most satisfaction with their product. With this analysis, the organization can make necessary
changes in the technology to withstand the competition.
Statistical Test: ANOVA
A. Null Hypothesis - H0: VARAG1 = VARAG2= VARAG3= VARAG4 = VARAG5
B. Alternative Hypothesis – H1: Not all VARAG1, VARAG2, VARAG3, VARAG4, VARAG5 are equal.
A. Null Hypothesis - H0: μAG1 = μAG2= μAG3= μAG4 = μAG5 (All the age groups are having equal
satisfaction level)
B. Alternative Hypothesis – H1: Not all μAG1, μAG2, μAG3, μAG4, μAG5 are equal
Analysis Example: Age-wise Customer Satisfaction Rating using Likert Scale

If the P-value is more than 0.05 (significance value) then the null hypothesis (H0: VARAG1 = VARAG2=
VARAG3= VARAG4 = VARAG5) is ‘Accepted’. This indicates a difference in gender-wise satisfaction.
If the P-value is less than 0.05 (significance value) then the null hypothesis (H1: Not all μAG1, μAG2, μAG3,
μAG4, μAG5) is ‘Rejected’.
In the above case, the Levene’s test is rejected but the null hypothesis is accepted which means that age
groups have variance but their satisfaction level is not significant.
Through this test, an organization can target the segment which is having the highest level of satisfaction
with Samsung Smartphones.

4. On average how many hours do people use their phones

This is Interval Measure, for this question, we will be performing descriptive statistics > Frequency table.
By analyzing the number of hours of mobile users per day, we can decide how to market and position
Samsung smartphones for different Target segments.
For E.g.
For more than 6 hours of usage category, a smartphone with a big battery and power-efficient SOC
smartphone can be marketed.
For less than 2 hours of mobile usage, a Value for money model with the modest specification is enough.
4. Which feature do you prefer the most?

Certain features play a very important role while purchasing a mobile phone. Those features can
vary from person to person affecting the buying behaviour.
For evaluating the features accordingly to the importance affecting consumer purchase decision
we will use interval (ratio).
For analyses on statistical tools like SPSS, we will use interval (ratio) measure. We will use
Histogram and descriptive statics for analyses.
During the analysis we will use the following convention: 1 – Absolutely not important, 2 –
Important, 3 – neutral, 4 – important, 5 – absolutely important
Statistical test: Anova T-test

 Levene Test
Null Hypothesis, H0: Var1=Var2=Var3=Var4=Var5
Alternate Hypothesis, H1: Not all var1, var2, var3, var4, var5 are equal

 Main hypothesis
Null Hypothesis, H0: µ1= µ2 = µ3 = µ4 = µ5
Alternate Hypothesis, H1: Not all µ1= µ2 = µ3 = µ4 = µ5 are equal

During Levene's test if sig. > 0.05 then we go for the parametric test like Anova test. If sig. < 0.05
then go for non-parametric test.
Then during Anova if p > 0.05 then the null hypothesis (μ > 4) is correct.
μ > 4. The average customer preference is greater than 4.
μ < 4. The average customer preference is less than 4.
5. Which media of advertisement influences your purchase?

It is crucial to understand the factors that motivate consumers to interact with smartphone
advertisements and therefore identify what stimulates their decision to purchase. Siphoning the
user’s response to this question would allow marketers and advertisers to understand how
smartphone advertisements contribute to consumer purchase intention, locate potential issues
and make improvements based on the insights provided.

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