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Chapter 3

Presentation and analysis of data

The purpose of this study was to explore the teaching strategies and learner’s experiences regarding the
integration of digital storytelling as an approach towards teaching the English language at Guinzadan
National High School in today’s modular distance learning. Thus, to obtain and resolve the research
problem, the researchers collected data from the respondents through an interview guide question.
Likewise, the collected modules/ lesson plans and a sample of digital storytelling made by the students
proved the validity of the study.
The respondents were grade 9 language teachers followed by grade 11 language teachers. All the
italicized sentences or phrases below were the responses/statements of the respondents. 3.1 presented the
type of digital storytelling and its purpose in incorporating DST in teaching the English language; 3.2
shown how DST was conducted by the respondents in Teaching the English Language; and, 3.3 presented
the students’ experiences on using digital storytelling as an approach towards teaching the English

A. Types of Digital Storytelling used in Teaching English language

Verbatim Quotation:
I used contextualized video clips, power point presentations, web stories and visual stories
downloaded from the internet and sent it to my grade 9 students online and offline. It is to catch their
attention, motivates them to perform well… and proudly say that almost all of the class can answer their
modules since they were visual learners.
I used contextualized video clips from my 21st Century Literature (The Necklace and Bauko
stories). It was very effective because they were more knowledgeable when it came to
technology/multimedia. Almost of the class are visual-auditory. They also made localized video clips
based on our lesson. It is used as a supplementary tool, especially for long stories.
I used contextualized video clips on my oral communication skills to engage and show them the
effective way of communication.
I integrate contextualized video clips, slide shows, and mpg4 on my 21st Century Literature
subject, depending on the learning competencies presented in the K-12 Curriculum Guide. This is to cope
up with virtual education and to catch the attention of the learners to learn English since there is no face-
to-face instruction. It is to minimize the economic burden on both students and parents. It is to maximize
resources (gadgets, internet). And lastly, learners are visual.
I incorporate contextualized video clips on my 21st Century Literature subject to catch the
attention of the learners to learn the lesson. For them to understand the lesson, I let them choose their
favorite videos and posted the link on their modules regarding the lesson/poem. It was very effective since
they made a video adaptation of the poem “The Martyr” by Nick Joaquin.
Explanation by the Researcher:
Therefore, the respondents used contextualized and localized video clips, PowerPoint presentations, web
stories, and visual stories to cope up in today’s modular distance learning, to catch the learners’ attention
to learn English language depending on the learning competencies presented on the k-12 curriculum
guide, helps the learners understand more the story and performs well, help the learners learn the effective
way of communication, it is a supplementary tool especially for long stories, it is to minimize the
economic burden of both learners and parents, to maximize resources (gadgets, internet) and most of all it
is an effective tool in motivating the learners because most of them are audio-visual learners.

B. Strategies in Conducting Digital Storytelling Teaching English language

Verbatim Quotation:

In today’s pandemic, instructions were disseminated through group chat. I let my students
chose their favorite movies, videos, dramas, and songs either localized or contextualized. It is to
make them gave connections of themselves and to the world. Additionally, it is a need to let them
take down notes on unfamiliar words for unlocking difficulties, note important details, retell the
story to improve their speaking skills, and asked the students to write a reflection paper about
the story they’ve watched.

I downloaded video clips and let the students take down notes the unfamiliar words and
important detail based on the localized DST; retell the stories or summarize the story and wrote
a reflection about the story; encouraged them to make a draft or script about the digital stories;
and, giving them a project, making digital stories based on Bauko local stories.

I send the sample of DST to the students through sharing it and some students copied it to
their flash drives. I let the students take down notes on the unfamiliar words and important
detail based on the localized DST; write a reflection about the story; and, asked them to
organize their thoughts and opinions based on the material viewed.

 I let my students chose their favorite videos and let them post the link on their modules
regarding the lesson presented for them to give the connection of the world and understand the
lesson. And, for those who do not have cellphones, I produced printed digital stories or the
content of the poem and send it to their parent’s cellphone. Based on the poem they’ve read and
heard; they were tasked to create an adaptation of the poem (The Martyr) or the story through
video clips. To assess their work, I gave them a copy of the rubric…. students were task to post it
online (group chat} and let their classmates assess their work. 

Explanation by the Researcher:

Thus, instructions and samples of the digital storytelling were posted to the student’s FB account
or class group chat. Moreover, for the students who do not have cell phones, instructions and
materials were printed on their modules, shared on their parent’s cellphones, and saved on the
student’s flash drives. To add more, one of the respondents let the students chose their favorite
movies, drama, and videos either localized or contextualized in making connections to
themselves and the world.

The respondents let their students take down notes the unfamiliar words they have read and
heard, the important details that gave them the idea of what the lesson or the digital story is all
about and helps them organized the story from the beginning until the end of the story, asked the
students to retell, spell and pronounce the word/phrases/sentences correctly and instructed them
to write a reflection paper about the story. Likewise, some of the respondents asked their
students to make a draft, script, download videos and pictures and adapted the story or the poem
through video clips. Also, one of the respondents tasked the students with his students to post
their output in their group chat and let their classmates assess their work, and gave a rubric on
how to assess the student's work and creativity. 

           Therefore, students were allowed to improve their vocabulary and their macro skills.

C.   Learners’ experiences on the use of DST in Teaching English Language

   Verbatim Quotation

It catches my attention to learn the English language. It motivates me to acquire and improves
my vocabulary, pronunciation and helped me in identifying the main idea. Also improves my
writing skill since our teacher lets us write a script and a reflection paper regarding the story we
read and heard. (S1 and S2, grade 9 students)

It caught my attention to learn English for the reason that as I read the subtitle of the story, I
encounter new words and deep English words as well.

In this way, I tend to search or find the meanings of unfamiliar words for good comprehension
and gave me new knowledge. Acquiring or learning new words enabled me to speak English for
it helped me relay my message briefly. Through the voice-over narration, subtitles, and images
or videos motivated know what that movie or video is referring to. Pronunciations and
enunciations of words entertain me to repeat and mimic the voice narrations and encourage me
to enhance my skills regarding this. Watching videos, definitely helped me to organize my
thoughts and opinions because every video or story imparts new knowledge and skill, (Students
1, grade 11 students). 

           It helps me to understand more the story. I am attracted to the way the words being
pronounced. It motivated me to understand the situation clearly. Learning new words gives new
knowledge. It helped me improve my grammar and gave me an idea in writing script especially
in organizing the sequence of events on the video presented. It helped me improve my speaking
ability for I am amazed at how they pronounce the words and I wanted to try it, (Students 2 and
3, Grade 11).

As I watched videos, it amazes me the way they speak and I want to try it badly. It motivated me
actually to improve more my reading and speaking abilities. Also, encouraged me to enhance my
listening and writing skills. Reading its subtitles helped me to understand more about our topic
and it also helped my reading ability a lot. Listening to its narration assisted me to speak
fluently. In reading its subtitles,

I’ve been able to gain new knowledge like gaining new vocabulary. I encouraged myself to spell
words correctly and pronounce words properly since having correct grammar helps me a lot
especially in my studies. It helped me to improve and pronounced the words properly and it also
helped me improve my writing skills. It assisted me in pronouncing English words properly.
After watching the videos, it gives me an idea for creating the project and my adaptation of the
poem “The Martyr” by Nick Joaquin.

Explanation by Researcher
Therefore, Digital Storytelling Teaching improved the student’s vocabulary and macro skills namely,
listening, reading, writing, and speaking. Students acquire new vocabulary and knowledge. It enhances
their pronunciation and enunciation in speaking English through repeating, mimicking, and retelling the
correct pronunciation of words they’ve watched, read, and heard. Additionally, it enriches their
pronunciation by inculcating their voice narration into their output. Furthermore, it gave them an idea in
organizing their thoughts when it comes to writing a script

D. Document analysis on the lesson plan/ modules and sample of Digital


Based on the Modules of Grade 11 on their 21st Century Literature subject, it is shown that
Digital storytelling is incorporated into their lesson and also presented on how the language
teachers gave instructions to the learners. These are the following instructions/direction presented
on each learning activity:

Verbatim Quotation

Do you love watching music videos? What are your favorite videos? Choose your favorite music
videos which show issues and struggles concerning youth people like you. Watch the video and
analyzed it, and then answer the following questions; 1) what is the title of the song? ; 2) What
is the theme of the music video? 3) Can you relate to the video or do you know someone who can
relate to it? 4) What can you say about the effects used in the video? And, 5) what do you like
best about the video? Why? 

How can you help your barrio, city, or country during this pandemic season in your little way
through poem or music video?   

Adapt a poem using multi-media and ICT skills. Assess your work using the given criteria below.
After the self-assessment, you will also ask a classmate to assess the same videos using the same
criteria. Follow the following guidelines: 1) Produce a 3-minutes or 180 seconds music video by
interpreting the poem, The Martyr by Nick Joaqui; 2) Upload your videos in our Fb group or on
youtube and share the link to our class FB group (ask your teacher for further instructions); 3)
assess your work using the given rubric below, and 4) Let classmates assess your work using the
same rubric.     

Using the given criteria below in assessing an adaptation of a poem, analyze and rate the
Filipino Contemporary poem “ Beyond Forgetting” written by Rolando Carbonnel, adapted by
Romy Macalintal in 2014. Search for the video online and see how it was adapted. Write the link
you watched here.   

Explanation by Researcher

The results of the study confirmed that digital storytelling as an approach towards the English
language is effective in today’s modular distance learning. Language teachers of grades 9 and 11
observe that students passed their module unanswered so they were encouraged and use
digital storytelling as a medium of instruction in teaching the English language. They used
contextualized video clips   

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