VE021 Personal Goal Setting - Template

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At the end of the activity, the students should be able to:

(a) identify their personal strengths, skills and interests (SSIs)
(b) plot their annual target goals until the prescribed period of program completion; and
(c) reflect on how their strengths, skills and interests could help reach their personal goals

Expected Output:
Accomplished personal goal setting worksheet


Part I. Student Information

Name: Richard Carl Amboy Student No.: 2021160709

Program: ________________________ Course/Section:
Prescribed Period of Program Completion: ___________________ School Year/Term: 2021-2022

Part I. SSI Inventory

S-trengths : What do you consider as your signature strengths?


S-kills : What unique attributes and abilities do you have?


I-nterests : What do you enjoy doing?

Part II. Goal Setting

Complete the table below by writing your annual target goals for each category until the prescribed period of completion of your program (e.g.
BMMA – 3 years and 1 term).

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4





(if any)

* Extra-curricular activities, community engagement, organizational membership, and other interests

Part III. Reflection

1. Are your knowledge, strengths, skills and interests aligned with the program you are currently taking? If YES, explain how. If NO, write
what you are planning to do about it?

2. What are the possible barriers in achieving your personal goals?


3. How do you think will you be able to overcome these barriers?


4. How will you know when you have achieved your goals?

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