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Chapter 1: Further Theory of Modules

In this Chapter, we assume that R is a ring with identity 1 6= 0 and M

is a unita right R-module.

1.1. (*) For every homomorphism ψ : Ai −→ M, prove that

Im(ψ) = Im(ψηi ).

1.2. (*) For every homomorphism β : M −→ Ai , prove that

Ker(β) = Ker(πi β).

1.3. (**) True of false? Let V = W ⊕ X and V = W ⊕ Y be decompositions of

a right R-module V as direct sums of modules. Then X = Y .
1.4. (**) Let k be a field and V be a vector space over k with an infinite
basis {e0 , e1 , ...}, and R = Endk (V ). Let r, s ∈ R be the elements defined by
r(e2n ) = en , r(e2n+1 ) = 0 and s(e2n ) = 0, s(e2n+1 ) = en . Prove {r, s} is a basis
of R.
1.5. (***)
Q Give an example for a family
Q (Ai |i ∈ I) and a module M such that
HomR ( Ai , M) isn’t isomorphic to HomR (Ai , M) as ZZ-modules.
i∈I i∈I

1.6. (***) Give an example for a family (Ai |i ∈ I) and a module M such that
HomR (M, ⊕ Ai ) isn’t isomorphic to ⊕ HomR (M, Ai ) as ZZ-modules.
i∈I i∈I

1.7. (**) Let K be a finitely generated right R-module and {Uλ }Λ is a family
of right R-modules. Then:
(a) for every homomorphism f : K −→ ⊕Λ Uλ , there exists a finite subset
E ⊆ Λ in which f (K) ⊆ ⊕E Uλ .
(b) HomR (K, ⊕Λ Uλ ) ' ⊕Λ HomR (K, Uλ ).
1.8. (**) Let A = A1 × ... × At be a direct product of a finite number of rings.
Then any right A-module can be decomposed into a direct sum of A-modules
such that each of them is a right Ai -module for some i = 1, .., t.

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1.9. (*) (a) Is ZZ, or ZZn equal to a direct sum of simple ZZ-modules?
(b) Is ZZ40 , ZZ15 equal to a direct sum of simple ZZ-modules?
1.10. (**) Let R be a ring, and let M be a right R-module that has a minimal
submodule S such that M/S ' S. Prove that either S is a direct summand of
M, in which case M ' S ⊕ S, or else S is the only proper nontrivial submodule
of M.
1.11. (*) Let ϕ : AR −→ BR is an epimorphism from a right R-module A
to a direct summand B of a free right R-module F . Prove that there exists a
homomorphism ϕ0 : BR −→ AR such that ϕϕ0 = 1F .
1.12. (***) True or False? If R is a commutative ring then any submodule of
a free module is free.
1.13. (***) True or False? If R is a domain then any submodule of a free
module is free.
1.14. (***) True or False? If R is a PID then any submodule of a finitely
generated free R-module is free.

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