Conditional Exercises

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Unit 6: Conditionals

A: Conditional 1 Put the verbs in brackets into the / a correct form.

1. If you ______________ (visit), we ______________ (go) to the theatre.
2. If it ______________ (rain), we ______________ (eat) inside.
3. If you ______________ (not / pass) the exam, ______________ (you / take) it again?
4. We ______________ (lose) our way if we ______________ (not / stay) on the main road.
5. He ______________ (not / catch) the plane if he ______________ (not / hurry)!
6. I ______________ (telephone) if I ______________ (need) any help.

B: Conditional 2 Put the verbs in brackets into the / a correct form.

1. If you ______________ (do) more exercise, you ______________ (feel) better.
2. What ______________ (you / do) if you ______________ (win) a million pounds?
3. If someone ______________ (come) in here with a gun, I______________ (be) very
4. If I ______________ (be) you, I ______________ (learn) French before travelling to
5. I m sure Fred ______________ (understand) if you ______________ (explain) the
situation to him.
6. My husband ______________ (be) very upset if I ______________ (lose) my wedding

C: Conditional 3 Put the verbs in brackets into the / a correct form.

1. If Kim ______________ (not / miss) her flight, she ______________ (not / met) her
future husband Tom!
2. I ______________ (not / fail) the exam if I ______________ (work) harder.
3. If he ______________ (drive) more carefully, he ______________ (not / have) an
4. They ______________ (win) the race if the weather conditions ______________ (be)
5. What ______________ (you / do) if you ______________ (see) the thief steal the jewels?
6. If we ______________ (buy) a lottery ticket, we ______________ (win) a fortune!

D: Match the two halves of the sentences.

1. If I were rich a) I'll drink a glass of white wine with it.
2. If I hadn't eaten so much b) I may arrive on time.
3. If I had won the competition c) I wouldn't smoke so much!
4. If I don't miss the train d) I d invest in property.
5. If I could swim e) I can have a shower before the meeting.
6. If I move house f) I wouldn't feel so sick now!
7. If I hadn't lost the keys g) I would have got a new sports car!
8. If I arrive on time h) I would be watching TV by now!
9. If I eat fish for dinner tonight i) I'll buy an old cottage in the countryside.
10. If I were you j) I would go to a Greek island.

E: Write sentences beginning I wish...

1. It's raining, and you hate the rain. I wish it wasn't raining.
2. You live in a big city and you don't like it. I wish I lived in a village.

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