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artes, 222 Pa 1751-11 Bearings -Engineeting_Policy_Guide 751.11 Bearings Contents 751.11.4.1 Bearing Types 71.11.42 List States and Load Factors 751.11.2 Design 751.11.2.1 Elastomeric Bearings 751.11.2.2 Standard Pad Tables for PIS LGiders 751.11.2.3 Standard Pad Tables for Steel Girders 7151.11.24 PTFE (Polytetraflouroothylene) Bearings 751.11.25 Mul-Rotatonal High Load Bearings 751.113 Details 751.11.3.1 Elastomeric Bearings for PIS |-Girders 751.11.3.2 Elastomerle Bearings for Steel Giders 751.113. PTFE Bearings 751.11.3.4 Bearing Edge Distance 751.11.35 Anchor Botts 751.11.3.8 GideriSeam Chairs 751.11.1 General 1751.11.44 Bearing Types Elastomeric Rearings “lastomerie bearings are economical bearings. Typically the footprint of elastomeric bearings is rectangular or square; however, eirular elastomeric ‘bearings may be considered for skewed bridges or short span curved stel bridges with lower vertical loading, translational and rotational demands ‘where multi-rtational (pot) bearings eould be unnecessary overdesign. See Structural Project Manager or Structural Liaison Engineer before using circular elastomeric bearings. Hlastomeric bearings may be either plain or laminated (stel reinforced) pads. There are thre types of elastomeric ‘earings utilized by MoDOT based on pad type and function: 1. Plain fixed — intgral bents only (Use laminated fixed if slope or grade dictates.) 2, Laminated fxed (Use gitder chairs if minimum dead load, slope or grade dieates.) 3. Laminated expansion PTFE Bearings PTFE type bearings shall be used when laminated elastomeric expansion bearings are not ca ‘required total thickness of elastomer exceeds 5° ble of handling the required expansion length or the ‘Multi-Rotational High Load Bearings Pot bearings can be considered for use an bridges when bearing design service reaction exceeds goo kips or bearing area exceeds 15” x2 ‘of curvature are considered, Due to high cost, limited use of these types of bearings are recommended, Consult Structural Project Manager before using Pot Bearings. Girder/Beam Chairs be used at integral bents for prestressed and steel girders and beams i slope requirements cannot be met by elast hitpsepg modal ogindex.php/751.11_Bearings#7S1.1.2.1_Elastomeric_ Bearings wer artes, 222 Pa 1751-11 Bearings -Engineeting_Policy_Guide irs shall also be used for prestressed girders and beams at fixed intermediate bents where minim by elastomeric laminated fixed bearings and under the smaller girder where gider sizes change. Bearing Type Location ‘The following figure shows an example of what type of beatings should be used a the given locations ®@ © ® © © wart—fl pF 7 eI | terior ince Saws liner 4. legral construction (end bent yp.) ~ Use pain fixed elastomeric bearing or laminate fxed if necessary. 2, Fleibe intermediate bent (pile cap) - Use laminated fixed bearings for Nexble intermediate bents. 3. Rigi intermediate bent wut thermal expansion — Use laminated ixed bearings at bois with no temperature movement 4. Rigid intormeciate bent w thermal expansion — Use laminated expansion bearings or PTFE/Pot bearings if necessary. 5. Rigid end bent wi thermal expansion - Use laminaled expansion bearings or PTFE/Pot bearings ifnecessary, 1751.11.42 Limit States and Load Factors Limit States and Load Factors In general, each component shall satisfy the following equation: Q= 1A SdRn = Re Where Q = Total factored force effect Qi = Force effect nj = Load modifier ‘m4 = Load factor @ = Resistance factor Raq = Nominal resistance R, = Factored resistance Limit States The following limit states shall be considered for bearing design STRENGTH —1 SERVICE — 1 ‘See LRFD Table 3.4.1-1 and LRFD 3.42 for Loads and Load Factors applied to each given limit state. Service loads without including dynamic load allowances shall be used for bearing design Resistance Factors STRENGTH limit states, soo LRFD Article and For all other limit states, $= 1.00 Load Modifiers 751.11.2 Design hitpsepg madot ogindex.php/751.11_Bearings#7S1.1.2.1_Elastomeric_ Bearings sn dead load or slope requirements cannot be met 2er 9421, 222 PM 781.11 Bearings - Engineering Policy_Guide 1781.11.21 Elastomeric Bearings General ‘Hastomerie Bearing design shall follow AASHTO LRED “Method A”, ‘The elastomeric expansion bearings and fixed bearings fr steel girders consist of a sole plate and elastomeric bearing pad. Blastomerie bearings at {integral end bents and fixed bearings for prestressed girders at intermediate bents consist of elastomer bearing pad without a sole plat, ‘The sole plates are fat or beveled to match the profile grade ofthe roadway surface along the centerine of the girder. I the profile grade i equal to or less than 0,01 or the total drop aeross the bearing is equal to or less than 1/8 inch, then a fat sole plate may be used and if necessary, elastomer thickness increased to address the bearing rotation due tothe profile grade, Sole plates are used to anchor girders, ensure uniform distsbution of the compressive stress and strain over bearing area and reduce dead load bearing rotations ‘At fixed bearings, girder chairs x be considered as an alternate if roadway slope, rotation or beating pressure is requiring tal or large bearing pads ‘The elastomer bearing pad shall be 60 durometer hardness and reinforced with 1/8 inch steel shim plates when laminated pads are required by design. ‘When rectangular bearings are use, inereased rotation bearing capacity can be achieved by orientating the pad with the shorter dimension ofthe pad parallel with the span of he girder. Plain elastomeric besring pads should be utilized where vertical loads, translations and rotations are relatively small. For integral end bents, use ¥" fixed plain pads when taper due to girder slope or grade is less than 1/8", or use a laminated bearing pad when taper equals or exceeds 2/8” due to sirder slope or grado. In the rere circumstance when intermediate bents are made integral by extending the beam cap stirrups into the diaphragm, consideration can be given to utilizing 42" plain pads under similar conditions of slope. [Laminated elastomeric bearing pads should be utilized where there is greater noed for vertical loading, translational and rotational eapacity. For non- {integral end bents, non-intgral intermediate bents and for integral end bents when taper exceods 1/8" due to girder slope or grade use laminated clastomeric bearing pads where the pad thickness and number of laminates is based on design that should account for larger vertical loads, translation, rotation and meet slope of girder and grade requirements Size Limitations UUse the values in the standard bearing pad tables if posible. ‘Bearing pad length shall be 8” minimum for MoDOT Standard Prestressed (P/S)I-Girders, Adjacent P/S Box Beams and Steel I-Girders. ‘Bearing pad length shall be 5° minimum for P/S NU Girders and P/S Spread Box Beams. Not preferred but for consideration of some lower bound limits as used by the Nebraska Department of Roads (NDOR) that developed the NU IGirder, for P/S NU Girders only, and based on NDOR guidelines, a 4” minimum bearing pad length and/or 2 f. minimum bearing pad width can be used with Structural Project Manager or Structural Liaison Engineer approval Plain Fixed for P/S 1-Girder: W, width of bearing < Bottom fange width ~ 1.5" Plain Fixed fr steel girders: ‘Bottom flange width ~ 2” < W « Bottom flange width Laminated Fixed for P/S I-Gieder: W = Bottom Flange width ~ 1.5” “Larninated Expansion Bearing Pads for PS I-Girders and Laminated Fixed and Expansion Pads for Steel Gieders 97 sW-s Bottom Mange width +7" Stability ‘The following requirement shall be met for ensuring stability ofthe bearing pad: ‘Rectangular Pads hitpsepg madot ogindex.php/751.11_Bearings#7S1.1.2.1_Elastomeric_ Bearings aar ras, 222 PM 751.11 Bearings - Engineering Poley_ Guide Ihe S MIN{L/3,W/3} iceular Pads ha SDA ‘Temperature Movement Determining temperature movements for bearings requires the calculation of the thermal origin ofthe bridge. To accomplish this, the stiffness of each bent must be ealeulated. Once the thermal origin is established, the total temperature mavement for each bearing location ean be found by the following equations: Ag = ya (temperature range)x(distance from thermal origin)(0.65) Where A 7 1aximum shear deformation of the pad .2 for laminated pads 0 for PTFE bearings @ = coefficient of thermal expansion 0000065 IN/INF (steel superstructure) = 0,000006 IN/INF (concrete superstructure) 35% reduction due to forgiving nature of elastomer (LRFD |50°F (steel superstructure) 20°F (concrete superstructure) (0.65) temperature range Shear Deformation Both plain elastomeric and laminated elastomeric shall mect the following criteria for shear deformation had 2D, Where Jie = total elastomer thickness, in The following table represents the available heights of Dearing shall be used if A, > 2.5 in. ted expansion pads that are required due to the shear deformation criteria, PIFE type Laminated Expansion Bearing Pad Heights Laminated Expansion Pads ‘vn, | Interior layer thickness, in. | Exterior layer thickness, in. | yg, in. [mG in 12/12 14 1 [2114 34/12 114 112 [3 [178 1 112 114 2 [4 [awe 114/12 14 212 [5 [318 112 [12 114 3 [6/334 1314/12 114 312 [7 43% 2 12 14 4_[s [5 214 | 12 114 412 |e [558 212 [12 118 5 [10/614 Where C= total thickness of bearing including stee! shims, in. hitpssepg madot orgindex.php/751.11_Bearings#7S1.1.2.1_Elastomeric_ Bearings aor artes, 222 Pa 1751-11 Bearings -Engineeting_Policy_Guide 1 = total number of interior layers of elastomer + 1* ve additional “sis accounting for the two exterior layers as per LRED, Compressive Stress Service loads without including dynamic load allowance shall be used fr design checks ‘At intermediate hents with 2 bearing pads per gieder line (i.e. PS T-geders), use 4s ofthe live load reaction for exch pad, Total Load Plain Hlastomerie Pad ory < 0.800ksi Laminated Elastomerie Pad on, < 1.0068 and ony < 10ksi Minimum Dead Load Dimin 2 0.20084 “The 200 psi minimum requirement is intended for preventing the horizontal crawling of the bearing when itis not atached to the top surface, This requirement has ben applied to the bearing designs detailed in EPG 75: even though these bearings are detailed with positive attachment tothe lange: able but is not mandatory if it results in a special besring design or special superstructure of the girder. Compliance with the requirement is des Where: ori tress due to total load = PO + DW + bh 1. = compressive stress due to total load = 7>* ON EE ° LxW DO+DW imax =compressive stress due to maximum dead load = + LxW oDimin stress due t dead load = PC Dimin =compressive stress due to minimum dead load = 5 6 hear modulus = 0.130 ksi for compressive stress calculations Lw s hape factor for thickest layer of elastomer = ——*_ Bia(L+W) s ape factor for circular pads = — The hei = thickness of the i elastomer layer, in. Rotation Rotations shall be taken as the maximum possible change in slope between the top and bottom surfaces ofthe bearing caused by the intial lack of sn the bottom of girder lange and top of bearing and the girder end rotation due to imposed loads and movements. Rotations may be parallelism betwe ine approximation of dead and live load deflections taken at 1/10 oF 1/4 points, The following equation must be satisfied to calculated by astral censure that uplift does not occur under any combination of loads and corresponding rotation: Reetangular Laminated Blastomerie Pad hitpsepg madot ogindex.php/751.11_Bearings#7S1.1.2.1_Elastomeric_ Bearings sar artes, 222 Pa 1751-11 Bearings -Engineeting_Policy_Guide LY? «> oses(~) & 9) = Where: L_ = length of bearing pad in the direction of traffic W = width of bearing pad in the direction perpendicular to traffic G = shear modulus = 0.200 ksi for rotation calculations 6, = maximum rotation about the transverse axis due to intial lack of parallelism and total service load, rad n= total number of interior layers of elastomer + 1" * The additional "is accounting forthe two exterior layers as per LRFD 14.75.35 Plain elastomeric pads contained within integral concrete diaphragms are not subject to this rotation requirement, ‘Tis criteria is intended as an uplift check. IF uplift isnot possible a the bearing due to an integral diaphragm/beam at the abutment ofan integral iaphragen/beam at an intermediate bent, then this erteria would not be applicable, CCireular Laminated Blastomerie Ped ez ames(2)'% ‘Compressive Deflection Defletions of elastomeric bearings should be limited to ensure that deck joints and seals are not damaged. Also, bearings that are too Mlexble can produce a small step across a deck joint giving rise to a high impact loading when traffic passes from one girder to the other. The maximum relative deflection across a joints suggested tobe less than 1/8". Initial compressive deflection of plain cast: rot excoed O.07A,i ric or in any layer of steel reinforced elastomer bearing atthe service limit state without impact shall Values for compressive strain can be calculated by using LRED Figure C:47.6.3.-1 for 60 durometer reinforced bearings. ‘There sa code check for compressive deflection ofa single layer but no code check for total compressive deletion ‘Taper ‘When the difference between the slope ofthe girder and the slope of «bearing pad exceeds 1/8" taper shall be considered. For laminated expansion pads for both PS I-Giners and steel girders and for laminated fixed pads for stel girders where sole plates are required, sole plates shall be tapered to account for the girder slope, Sole plates shall have & minimum thickness of 11/2" atthe centerline of bearing, and minimum thickness of 1" atthe ‘edge. Plain fixed pads shall not be tapered. AL integral end bents where girder slope is greater than 1/8”, use laminated fixed pads, Laminated bearing taper is provided by tapering the top shim to match the slope of the geder tothe nearest 1/8” total diferencein thickness, Thickness of shims shall bea ‘minimum of 1/8” and a maximum of 1/2". For excessive girder slopes it may be necessary to taper the top two shims with a maximum combined taper ‘of the Dearing of3/4 inch. Tapered layers of elastomer are not permitted. hitpsepg madot ogindex.php/751.11_Bearings#7S1.1.2.1_Elastomeric_ Bearings ear 9421, 222 PM One Tapered Shim Anchor Bolts 781.11 Bearings “Engineering Policy Guide Two Tapered Shims (Check with Structural Project Manager or Liaison before using anchor bolts other than ASTM Figs Grade 55. When anchor bolts are used for laminated fixed for steel girders or laminated expansion for steel and P/S I-girders, they should be designed for a minimum horizontal foree equal to 20% ofthe maximum dead load applied tothe bearing ASTM Figs4 Grade 105 anchor bolts may be used when Grade 55 is not adequate, (Revise anchor bolt notes in EPG 751.50 Standard Detailing Notes for plans with diferent grade and nuts, eg. “ASTM Figs Grade 55” to “ASTM Figgq Grade 105” and "ASTM A563 Grade A Heavy Hex nuts” to “ASTM. ‘A563 Grade DH Heavy Hex nuts") Maximum Dead Load Reactions for given Anchor Bolts and Height of Pad ‘Maximum Dead Load Reaction, kips (Non-Seismic) a 4 [2 | 34] 1 [tsa[si2|tai] 2 [2a fre a2) 1 jit) 2 jase) 3 jae) 4 jae 1 | 78 | 63 | 41 | 33 | 27 | 23 | 21 | 18 | 16 1414 | 153 | 105 | 80 | 64 | 54 | 46 | 41 | 36 | 33 14/2 | 265 | 192 | 138 | 112 | 94 | 80 | 71 | 63 | 57 2 | 628 | 431 | 329 | 265 | 222 | 191 | 168 | 150| 135 2412 | 1227) 843 | 642 | 519 | 435 | 374 | 329 | 293 | 264 3+ |2120 [1487 | 1110 | 897 | 752 | 647 | 568 | 507 | 457 3 114" | 2696 | 1853 | 1412 [1140 | 956 | 823 | 723 [644 | 581 ‘Note: Calelations were based on 1-1/2" thick sole plate at centerline of bearing and a 2 anchor bolt (ASTM Figs Grade $3) pattern. * Consult Structural Project Manager before using bolt diameters larger than 22/2" ‘Use shear blocks if necessary to limit to two anchor bolts 1751.11.2.2 Standard Pad Tables for P/S |-Girders Standard Laminated Expansion Bearing Pads for Prestress I-Girders Bottom Flange Width in. [L in. | Win. S int. Layer 'S ExtLayer DL min kips Dimax + UL kips | orn < kei htpssepg madot orgindex php/751.11_B ringsH751.11.2.1 Elastomer, Bearings rer 9421, 222 PM 781.11 Bearings “Engineering Policy_Guide 7 ej [514 1029 |216 22 0.869 17 10 [4 [503 1167 [280 1062 0.758 7 11 [155 [64s v2ar___[ 34a 142.6 0.836 7 12 [185 [676 1353 (372 1635 0.879 17 13 [155 [707 1414 [403 1852 0.919 7 14 [155 [736 vam [434 2075 0.956 18 @ [2 [514 to29 (216 722 0.669 18 10 [14 [503 1167 (280 106.2 0.758 18 1 [1 [es2 1304 ‘(352 1484 0.847 18 12 [165 [695 1389 (396 1788 0.903 18 13 [165 [727 1454 «(429 202.8 0.945 18 14 [165 [757 1515 ‘(462 2274 0.985 19 @ [3s (532 toes (23.4 80.9 0.691 19 10 [14 [503 1187 (280 1062 0.758 19 1 [i [652 1304 ‘(352 140.4 0.847 19 12 [175 [7.412 1424 (42.0 194.3 0.925 19 13_[175 [746 1492 _*([ 455 2208 0.970 18 14 [175 [778 1556 [490 245.0 1.000 24 12 [18 [7.20 1440 [432 202.2 0.936 24 13 [20 [7.08 15:76 (520 260.0 1,000 24 14 [22 [856 a7 __‘([ets 308.0 1000 24 15 [225 [2.00 1a00 ‘(67s 397.5 1,000 24 16 [225 [935 1870 | 720 360.0 1,000 24 17 [225 [968 1937 ‘(765 3825 1000 24 ta [225 | 1000 [2000 [810 405.0 1,000 Note: Pads shown in table must be checked for: ‘Shear deformation, Stability, Rotation, and Compressive deflestion, Standard Laminated Fixed Bearing Pads for Prestress I-Girders Bottom Flange Width in. | Lin. [Win. |S Ext.Layer | DL min kips | DLmax + LL kips | ory < ksi 17 2 [155 |1055 24.8 124.0 1.000 7 9 [155 [11.39 27.9 139.5 1.000 7 10 [155 [12.16 31.0 155.0 1.000 17 11 [155 [12.87 341 1705 1.000 7 12 [155 [19.53 37.2 186.0 1.000) 7 13 [155 [14.14 403 201.5 1.000 17 14 [185 [1471 43.4 217.0 1.000 htpssepg madot orgindexphp/751.11_B ringsH751.11.2.1_Elastomeric_ Bearings 9421, 222 PM 781.11 Bearings - Engineering Polcy_Guide 18 8 [165 |10.78 26.4 132.0 1.000 18 9 [165 [11.65 29.7 148.5 1.000) 18 10 [165 [1245 33.0 165.0 1.000) 18 11 [165 [13.20 36.3 1815 1.000 18 12 [165 [13.89 39.6 198.0 1.000 18 13 [165 [14.54 429 2145 1.000 18 14 [165 [15.15 46.2 231.0 1.000 19 @ [175 [10.98 28.0 140.0 1.000 19 9 [17s [11.89 315 1575 1.000 19 10 [175 [12.73 35.0 175.0 1.000 19 11 [176 [13.51 38.5 1925 1.000) 19 12 [175 [14.24 42.0 240.0 1.000) 19 13 [17.5 [14.92 45.5 2275 1.000 19 14 [17.5 [15.56 49.0 245.0 1.000 24 @ [225 [11.80 36.0 180.0 1.000 24 9 [225 [1286 405 202.5 1.000 24 10 [225 [13.85 45.0 225.0 1.000 24 11 [225 [14.78 49.5 2475 1.000 24 12 [225 [15.65 54.0 270.0 1.000 24 13 [225 [16.48 58.5 292.5 1.000 24 14 [225 [17.26 63.0 315.0 1.000 24 15 [225 [18.00 675 3375 1.000 Note: Pads sizes in above tables (nota integral bents) must be checked fr: ‘Shear deformation, Stability, Rotation, and Compressive deflection, For pads at integral bents ‘Shear deformation and Rotation need not be checked. For fixed bearings requiring more than two layers of 1/4" elastomer sepzrated by 1/8" shim, use shape factor caleated for the interior layer of EMine SECTION AA SIDE View hitpssepg madot orgindex.php/751.11_Bearings#7S1.1.2.1_Elastomerie_ Bearings 1607 9421, 222 PM 781.11 Bearings “Engineering Policy_Guide ;—Ene of presiress 3 girder ANCHOR BOLT DIAWETER 1 2 aye aD | 2a" ay" 3" > @ [avin] soning [seine ® 2° (Mine) |2$"(Min.d [2$i Min.) ©] 1* 24" 2 Shgrt besed on level bearing pad ond slotted Hale LD TP" sole plate ot € bearing Le Pad Long+h (Min 1 Notes: For use of smaller or larger diameter anchor bots than shown in the table “Anchor Holt Diameter” and with approval of SPM or SLE, see Fabrication Operations Engineer. Bevel sole plate to match the slope of girder to the nearest 1/8" total difference in thickness across the plate, Mis centerline bearing and 1” atthe edge of bearing, (By design) n thickness shall be 11/2" at For A> 21/2, se PIPE bearings. + Slot width may be increased on wide roadways to accommodate lateral expansion, See Structural Project Manager. ** Designer should verify that minimum dimensions are met or neoprene will melt and flow into hole during manufacturing of bearings. 1751.11.3.2 Elastomeric Bearings for Steel Girders, Laminated Expansion Bearings ‘Note: The location of anchor bolts in relation to the slotted holes inthe sole plate shall correspon with the temperature atthe time of erestion. At 60°F ‘the slotted holes should center on the anchor bots. be —€ Slotted Hote so10 preveuwre ae ee ‘ erg. 08r4 ra, Ht svecoe anchor [Tr Aauer Bots oras,* 4 | Pee ete i. purr tirwias ; i i.) ee Hi ‘+ c j ols i ex nur 38 ined Be SE. 1 t800" Ste. °°° Bro. pec ebm cop Seg | | Lrtat srrose | | fase Sie ae 2 | | Een i tag 13 Searing pod 14 ity igh tia SECTION AA ibe View hitpssepg madot ogindex.php/751.11_Bearings#7S1.1.2.1_Elastomerc_ Bearings wer 9421, 222 PM 1751-11 Bearings -Engineering_Poliey_Guide Ceara 9 ae 7 Anchor Bolt Diameter r - ae |e ar A | Ag [Ole oF ae L | i { 2 [@® [ePuina| soins [sPavin OTT E r a @® [Bain [evans [aging ' 2 [@[ iF ay ay L 2 Chor t,based on leva) Beoring pad ond 1 172" sole plate at € Bear'ng € Slotted hole: Typ.) PARTPLAN Notes: For use of smaller or lager diameter anchor bolts than shown in the table “Anchor Bolt Diameter” and with approval of SPM or SLE, see Fabrieation ‘Operations Engineer. ‘Bevel sole plate to match the slope of gir to the nearest 1/8" total difference in thickness across the plate. Minimum thickness shall be 11/2" at centerline beating and 1” atthe edge of bearing, (by design) For A> 21/2", use PTFE bearings. + Slot width may be increased on wide roadways to accommodate lateral expansion, See Structural Project Manager. + Designer should verify that minimum dimensions are met or neoprene will melt and low into hole during manufacturing of bearings. Laminated Fixed Bearing Sole plote width Bottom £ lange fepie below) ‘Sweege onener be ¢ Hole Ol iste | if 139.) 5 e a 4 als Hex nut yon Q| 2 fa ) 8 Bonded ol Sle. Neoprene ped ye “Top of Slee i | Logit surtoce | i (see Sta, £ beam cap S158 | | 1888 SSET8Bo] | Bass: inis | i Becr ing pee wath SECTION A-A. ‘SIDE VIEW hitpssepg madot ogindex.php/751.11_Bearings#7S1.1.2.1_Elastomerc_ Bearings se07 9421, 222 PM 1751.11 Bearings -Engineeting_Policy_Guide & Hole: PARTPLAN Notes: MONT ne) ul A A. Anehor Bolt Diameter ti ' | #5 | 2 Q SF [@ | ee oe 3 i Hi g @® |2vin)| sin) [Shine 1 it os i y i @ [2'Mina [eeovings [2ecmine i @l ow Te 2a fi Ghar} Bgsec on level begring pac one Gl ec 4 /2%°s618 pave at © Beer ing For use of smaller or larger diameter anchor bolts than shown inthe table “Anchor Bolt Diameter” and with approval of SPM or SLE, see Fabrication Operations Engineer. ‘evel sole plate to match the slope of girder to the nearest 1/8" total difference in thickness across the plate. Minimum thickness shall be 11/2" at centerline bearing and 1" atthe edge of bearing. (by desiga) + Slot width may be increased on wide roadways to accommodate lateral expansion. See Structural Projet Manager. ** Design should verify that minimum dimensions are met or neoprene will melt and flow into hole during manufacturing of bearings. Sole Plate Clipping Details (for Stel Structures) htpssepg madot orgindex php/751.11_B ringsH751.11.2.1_Elastomeric_ Bearings s907 9421, 222 PM 781.11 Bearings - Engineering Policy_Guide a (bettom Flange) ee 1/2" (Win. 16 neoprene “ eepleags a & ge {se@ring 4 € slotted noles “ Elantomerie pearine baa éf —— fs ' ! SECTION “Mine { Slotted holes chop THRU BEARING ‘Minimum edge distance shall be maintained on all hots in sole plate, Slotted holes show are for expansion bearings. 1751.11.33 PTFE Bearings ‘Note: The location of anchor bolts in relation to the slotted holes inthe sole plate shall correspond with the temperature atthe time of erection. At 60°F ‘the slotted holes should center on the anchor bots. sole plore with Eh totes tote sett OL osname (murs te - coral 3 i | Zhe Ql i le +h 5 4 al i ] | ae | tt T—Hitt 7 \—Prre 1/16 i Te fee a8 tl Ysa stointess 4st esl |] ys 28 Seer a “2 1S toninoted wa’ Ba Bee Ni tereo® ra. 00 2158 1/8" stoiniess Sto0i Pato Sole Plate Beoring pod. 5 Gath wots SECTION AA SIDE VIEW htpssepg madot orgindexphp/751.11_B ringsH751.11.2.1_Elastomeric_ Bearings 20227 9421, 222 PM 781.11 Bearings “Engineering Policy_Guide y sae - anenor Bolt Dioverer A i Ag iP $ FP t Lad fe @ ae o> g O[2Fiin i : fle (see) e"(vinet it a [© r t Chor bgsed on level bearing pad ane 11/2" sole plate oF © Bearing € Slotted not PART PLAN VIEW 20nd FIFE 40 the 1/2” steinlass sre! Brave then’ pond 70 the neoprene BOS @ord ts the bra. seat with qopreved epoxy’ schostves Qstaintess Stee! Plate lensih Notes: For use of smaller or larger diameter anchor bolts than shawn in the table “Anchor Bolt Diameter” and with approval of SPM or SLE, see Pabrieation ‘Operations Engineer. + Slot width may be increased on wide roadways to accommodate lateral expansion, See Structural Project Manager. "#9" Designer should verify that minimum dimensions are met or neoprene will melt and flow into the hole during manufacturing of bearing. Details ofthe sole plate connection tothe prestess girder. © 2 nodes Studs a) for,2 1 1/2"@ ongner bolt. 460 8°28 enchar bolt T22"0 archer Bolt. Mint 3 3/8" Ser 2 2°472"@ enchor bolt. : were Win: 2 378% for 0°88 erehor Belt: Win: 2 578" For @ 3 472% SECTION THRU GIRDER hitpsepg madot ogindex.php/751.11_Bearings#7S1.1.2.1_Elastomeric_ Bearings er artes, 222 Pa 1751.11 Bearings -Engineeting_Policy_Guide pe gt orestress otto — 1/2" Bearing Plate PSSSOPESOSOSOSSOSOSOH —_— enmensis.&, SECTION ATEND OF GIRDER 1 See EPG 751.22. Girder Reinforcement 1751.11.34 Bearing Edge Distance Steel or Prestress Girders ‘Beam Ledges Heavy loads placed near the edge of a conerete surface can produce spalling. Two precautions should be taken to avoid the problem. Additional ‘reinforcement should be placed under the load and around the comer. The bearing area ofthe load should not project beyond the straight portion of, the stirrups, nor beyond the interior face of a transverse anchor ber (fone is provided). The recommenced distance toa step, or the end ofthe bent cap ‘in the transverse direction is 9 inches. Bearing Clearance When beams are placed to end at vertical or horizontal eurvature in n intermediate ben, the clearance is governed by the bent up strands, diaphragm reinforcement, skew, and any 1¢ profile grad, 9 inch minimum between bearing pads for prestress isa general rule. For simply supported steel ‘or constant depth girders the recommended minimum clearance i 2 inches between bearing pads. See Dimensio offsets when using prestress girders on horizontally curved alignments, Also consider transverse girder © @ 7 TLwaT g ° ae —— a | ee ‘ae \ OF Mg, for et gitmps, = provide adequate clearence 1° min. for sev > 15 dt Sine Sor akcen (15 done M = 95 Mirw for oromiregs when boom i= not_eicpoed 2° WIR. #3r Sinp if supported sveol Ge cenetant aaprn girders (Check that ll anchor bolts are located inside stirrup reinforcement Beam Steps hitpssepg madot ogindex.php/751.11_Beerings¥7S1.1.2.1_Elastomerie_ Bearings er 9421, 222 PM 781.11 Bearings - Engineering Policy Guide DIFFERENCE IN BEARING ELEV. [METHOD OF OBTAINING ELEVATION Retain in vertical dimension but use no fil plates 118" or less Use the lower 1/8" for bent height 114" thru 172" Increase thickness of top plate of bearing or haunch 5/8" thru 1" and up" ‘Monolithic bearing pad or step beam. * Use same n ‘hod of obtaining elevaton throughout a structure where practical, Do not mix monolithic bearing pads and steps. STEP BEAM Lseep rep. ew echt wr. een MONOLITHIC BEARING PADS. 1751.11.35 Anchor Bolts ‘Show anchor bolt well locations and details onthe plans. Only removable forming material is required for forming anchor bolt wells in accordance with See 712 (htp://www.madot org/business/standards_an 4_specs/SpechookEPG.pafupage=i1) and as determined by the contractor which could include PVC, styrofoam, carboard, ete In lieu of anchor bolts ‘wells, anchor bolts holes may be drilled when permitted in the field as a contractor option, oF where required which shall e noted on the plans. Drilling anchor bolt holes should not be permitted inthe field or made required on the plans unless reinforcement is detailed on plans to clear anchor bolt wells. An example of drilling needing tobe requ sd on the plans would be rehabilitation involving existing bent caps. ‘upliftis «concer, determine capacity of anchorage based upon strength developed ut determi zing either well or drilled hole. Use engineering judgment in ing capacity of ether system, ie. ition capacity, grout eapacity, anchor capacity. Identity specific method of anchoring required if there isa concern about differences in resistance capacity. hitpssepg madot ogindex.php/751.11_Bearings#7S1.1.2.1_Elastomerc_ Bearings 2aa7 9421, 222 PM 1751-11 Bearings -Engineeting_Policy_Guide Clearance for reinforcement: p—Stirrups as rea’a.— or golt cl. twins © anchor Bolts Well (Typ. r Le stringe Forcoment By designe SQUARE SKEWED PART PLAN OF BEAM TOPS (INT. BENTS SHOWN) * Use even number of bars in beam tops for square bridges when possible. ‘Note: Details shown above are for information only. Place the flowing aote on the plans, preferably with "General Notes." “All reinforcing bars inthe tops of substructure beams or caps shall be spaced to clear anchor bolt wells for bearings by at least 1/2 hntpssepg madot orgindex.php/751.11_Bearings#7S1.1.2.1_Elastomerc_ Bearings 227 9421, 222 PM 1751.11 Bearings -Engineering_Policy_Guide " \ (Eg eS RES ‘to \ ve EE | a eS TERE es ' 12 burns Kasia use DETAIL OF DETAIL OF ANCHOR BOLT WELLS SPIRAL REINFORCEMENT TABLE OF ANCHOR BOLT WELLS Tachor Bot PATWell PS Wel °C" Sora ['O"Sprat | SpralBar [Bot Exension into Diameter” [ovameter__Joopth [Deptt _|ovameter__—_ [Length _|Concreta 7 + nes ee" er a € a a O18" a Te = i = oe" a F = Pr re oe 2 re 2112" a 28" 25" 9 1/8" EE 25" Onitopaton a? WFifandar bo pedag loa an TABLE OF BOLT WEIGHTS Bescrbtion puma Unthreaded in) [= os oa |i38 [Threaded (#/in.) —- |-- — |0.425 |0.755) 1.20 Nut (Ibs.) ja j- | 1.31 12.99 | 5.64 Weight used for entre Bearing (Wh) [2673] 4.175 [— Anchor bot sizes were based on 10% dead load reactions. Check the anchor bolts for any centrifugal frees Epoxy coat anchor bol wells at bents with expansion devices, hitpssepg madot orgindex.php/751.11_Bearings#7S1.1.2.1_Elastomerie_ Bearings 2827 arta, 222 Pa 1751.11 Bearings -Engineering_Poliey_Guide surface DETAIL ‘SWEDGE ANCHOR BOLT DETAILS 1751.11.36 Girderifleam Chairs (Chairs shall be used at integral bents for prestressed and stel girders and beams if slope requirements cannot be met by elas Decrings DETAIL "B" (Optional detail for 1 3/8" @ thru 2 1/2" @ Anchor Bolts) (Chairs shall also be used for prestressed girders und ears at fixed intermediate bents where minimum dead load o slope requirements cannot be met by clastomeric laminated fixed bearings and under the smaller girder where girder sizes change. /S -gider shown, steel structures are sia. | —Plote 1 x # [7 =}—censt. Jot BETH Aye Varies (7 inorenente) “4 17162 holes in angie (Field drilied) and bor for 1" @H.S. bolts (Hex head & nut) with @ washer Under the nut. (Typ. 1 Front Elevation hntpssepg madot orgindex.php/751.11_Bearings#751.1.2.1_Elastomerie_ Bearings (a) 3 in. minimum when using beam step. (6) 1 in. minimum and 5 in, maximum. Use beam step if necessary. Maximum Service Limit State Load Reaction 90 Kips Based on details shown, ASTM A709 Grade 36 steel and bolt threads in the shear plane. Larger service load reactions will require modified details by design, 20027 artes, 222 Pa 1751-11 Bearings -Engineeting_Policy_Guide . Girder/Bean Bearing 28x 6 xd (Typ) Plan of Skewed Girder/Beam Chair baer 37 Min. for st Win By" ui Giedae/Beem ane webDI stoncerd P/s G6 rder and Wd Stondord P/S. Gir for Side Elevation Instructions: When determining service limit state load reaction use DC Loading (excluding barrier or railing) and an additional 50 Ib/sf construction load, See EPG 751.50 (Notes A4a3.1 (http// Not es##A4a3,_ Miscellaneous) and G1. 16 thru G1.19) for appropriate notes to be placed with details. 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