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Republic of the Philippines


Date Effective:


1st Semester
A.Y 2018 - 2019


SDSSU believes that higher education is an instrument for the improvement of life through democratized access to quality education in
the development of a well-rounded person.


A leading “Glocal” University with widened academic perspectives that focus on attaining food security, supporting poverty alleviation,
developing renewable energy, and conserving natural environment.


SDSSU shall provide competency-based higher education training driven by relevant and responsive instruction, research, extension and
sustainable resource management.

Particularly, SDSSU is committed to:

1. Produce competent and skilled graduates prepared for gainful employment;
2. Develop graduates who shall not only foster economic progress but also care for the environment, adhere to positive value system, and preserve
cultural heritage;
3. Engage in high-impact research for instruction and develop technology for food security and renewable energy;
4. Collaborate with government and non-government agencies to help improve the lives of the marginalized groups; and
5. Promote cooperation/partnership among regional, national, and ASEAN institutions in Higher Education.


A combination of observable and measurable knowledge, skills, abilities, and personal attributes that contribute to enhance SDSSU employee
and student performance and ultimately result in organizational success.
Responsibility for own actions, decisions and commitment to accomplish work in an ethical, efficient, cost-effective and transparent manner
manifesting the value of sound stewardship in the wise use of resources for common good.
A prompt action, consistent communication, quality information, and a focus on providing a superior experience to stakeholders.
The quality spectrum at exceptional levels demonstrated by learning outcomes and the development of shared culture of quality consistent with
the vision, mission and goals of University.
Dedication for a continuous improvement of services, stakeholder’s relationships and partnership which stresses interdependence and
collaboration for a sustainable success of clients and their communities in helping build a just, peaceful, stable and progressive Filipino nation.

These core values are not descriptions of the work we do, nor the strategies we employ to accomplish our University vision. They are the
core values that underlie our works and interactions as we internalize responsibilities to fulfil our mission. They are the basic elements of how we
go about our work and how we deal with stakeholders, molds students to become competent, innovative, globally competitive and service-

These are the specific goals in the four (4)-fold functions of the University:

KRA 1. Instruction
Develop highly competent, globally-competitive and morally upright graduates.

1. Provide highly competitive instruction in Electronics, Foods, Electrical, Garment, Computer, Hotel and Restaurant Services, Civil, Mechanical,
Architectural, Automotive, Welding and Fabrication;
2. Inculcate desirable values Work ethics.
3. Develop globally competitive technologist and;
4. Establish local, National and International linkage in order to promote the On the Job training that will cater to the economic upliftment of the region in
particular and the Filipinos in general.

1. Introduce new ideas related to renewable energy which will lead to conservation of natural resources.
2. Develop a training plan that would serve as a guide to sustain food security and for poverty alleviation.
3. Exhibit entrepreneurial skills in various field of endeavor.
4. Demonstrate clear understanding of the perspective of research processes.
5. Analyze problems concerning environmental degradation.
6. Produce creative outputs for possible patentable research subjects.
7. Widen the positive reception of the role that research plays in education and industries.
8. Craft environment-friendly energy sources by utilizing indigenous and local materials as research outputs.
9. Write research proposals and present the outputs in different forum/for a.
10. Innovate current research tools for more accurate gathered data.
11. Published researches to accredited refereed journals and engage in international consortia.


1. Articulate the relationship of education to larger historical, social, cultural and political processes.
2. Facilitate learning using a wide range of teaching methodologies in various types of environment.
3. Develop alternative teaching approaches for diverse learners.
4. Apply skills in curriculum development, lesson planning ,materials development, instructional delivery and educational assessment
5. Demonstrate basic and higher levels of thinking skills in planning, assessing the reporting.
6. Practice professional and ethical teaching standards to respond to the demands of the community.
7. Pursue lifelong learning for personal and professional growth.

Course Name : Understanding the Self

Course Unit : 3 units
Contact Hours 54 hours (for a 3 –unit lecture classes)

Course Description:

The course deals with the new nature of identity, as well as the factors and forces that affect the development and maintenance of personal identity.

The directive to Know Oneself has inspired countless and varied ways to comply. Among the questions that everyone has had to grapple with at one
time or other “Who am I?” At no other period is this question asked more urgently than in adolescence – traditionally believed to be a time of vulnerability and
great possibilities. Issues of self and identity are among the most critical for the young.

This course is intended to facilitate the exploration of the issues and concerns regarding self and identity to arrive at a b etter understanding of one’s
self. It strives to meet this goal by stressing the integration of the personal with the academic – contextualizing matters discussed in the classroom and in the
everyday experiences of students – making for better learning, generating a new appreciation for the learning process, and developing a more critical and
reflective attitude while enabling them to manage and improve their selves to attain a better quality of life.
The course is divided into three major parts: The first part seeks to understand the construct of the self from various disciplinal perspectives:
philosophy, sociology, anthropology and psychology – as well as the more traditional division between the East and West – each seeking to provide answers
to the difficult but essential question of “What is the self?” And raising, among others, the question: “Is there even such a construct as the self?”

The second part explores some of the various aspects that make up the self, such as the biological and material up to and including the more recent
Digital Self. The third and final part identifies three areas of concern for young students: learning, goal setting, and managing stress. It al so provides for the
more practical application of the concepts discussed in this course and enables them the hands-on experience of developing self-help plans for self-regulated
learning, goal setting and self care.

This course includes the mandatory topics on Family Planning and Population Education.

Course Intended Learning Outcomes:

At the end of this course, the student should be able to:

The Self from Various Perspectives

1. Discuss the different representations and conceptualizations of the self from various disciplinal perspectives.
2. Compare and contrast how the self has been represented across different disciplines and perspectives.
3. Examine the different influences, factors, and forces that shape the self
4. Demonstrate critical and reflective thought in analysing the development of one’s self and identity by developing a theory of the self

Unpacking the Self

5. Explore the different aspects of self and identity.

6. Demonstrate critical, reflective thought in integrating the various aspects of self and identity.
7. Identity the different forces and institutions that impact the development of various aspects of self and identity
8. Examine one’s self against the different aspects of self discussed in class.

Managing and Caring For the Self

9. Understand the theoretical underpinnings for how to manage and care for different aspects of the self
10. Acquire and hone new skills and learnings for better managing of one’s self and behaviors
11. Apply these new skills to one’s self and functioning for a better quality of life.

Week Topics Intended Learning Teaching and Values Resources References Assessm Allocati
No. Outcomes Learning Integration ent on Time
(ILO) Activities Tasks
(TLA) (AT)
1 Philosophy, Discuss the Vision - Personal - Appreciation - Handouts -SDSSU Student -Graded 1 hour
Vision, Mission, and Mission of interaction - Awareness - Handbook Handbook oral
Goals and SDSSU - Group Sharing recitation
1-2 I – THE SELF - Discuss the - Class discussion - Appreciation - Reading - Mitchell, H. B. - Short 3 hours
FROM Different - Dyadic - Applicability Material (2011). Roots of Quiz
VARIOUS representations and discussion - Enlightenment - Powerpoint Wisdom: A Tapestry - Prose
PERSPECTIVE conceptualization of Presentation of Philosophical -
S the self from various - Laptop Traditions. 6th ed. Assignme
A. Philosophy Philosophers - LCD Projector Wadsworth, nt
- Socrates, - Compare and Cengage Learning.
Plato and contrast how the 116 – 148.
Augustine to self has been - Gaarder, Jostein,
Descartes, represented across and Paulette Møller.
Locke, Hume, the different (2007) Sophie's
Kant, Freud, thoughts and World: A Novel
Ryle, Philosophies About the History of
Churchland and Philosophy. New
Merleau – York: Farrar, Straus,
Ponty - all try to Giroux.
answer the
question Who
are you?
2 B. Sociology - Examine the - Role Play - teamwork - Reading - Mead, GH (1972) - Graded 2 hours
- The self as a different influences - Experiential - discovery Materials Mind, Self and interaction
product of of the agents of learning by - socialization - laptop Society from the -
modern society Socialization conducting an - social - LCD Projector standpoint of a presentati
among other - Compare and observation of the awareness Social Behaviorist. on of
constructions Contrast the Self in primary agents of The University of output
- Mead and the the Modern World socialization of Chicago Press
social self and in the traditional the Generation Z - Sociology by
Setting Hughes and
- Share insights Kroehler, pages 68 -
regarding different 94
concepts of social
3 C. Anthropology - Assess the cultural - Group - ethnicity - reading Geertz, C (1973). - Group 2 hours
- The Self and forces that shape Discussion: How - exploration materials The Impact of the Output
person in the personality and is my self shaped - conscious - fact sheets Concept of Culture (using
contemporary identity. and influenced by awareness - laptop and the Concept of Rubrics)
anthropology - Express pre- culture? (May be - appreciation of - LCD Projector Man. 33 – 54 and - Collage
- The self conceived cultural discussed at the diversity of - Art materials Person, Time and making on
embedded in biases and either or both the our culture Conduct in Bali. 360 relation of
culture Prejudices ethnicity/ locality - Nationalism – 411. In The self and
- Determine both levels) Interpretation of Culture
the positive and - Cooperative Culture. Basic
negative effects of learning Books.
cultural biases to - Skowron, E. &
one’s identity Friedlander, M.
- Demonstrate (1998) The
knowledge and Differentiation of
understanding of Self-Inventory:
self and Development and
contemporary Initial Validation.
culture, among local American
and global contexts. Psychological
3–4 D. Psychology - Compare - group report - appreciation - powerpoint - Ismail, N.A. & - Group 3 hours
- The Self as a psychological - group sharing of - cooperation presentation Tekke, M. (2015). output
Cognitive theories of self their concept of - morality - Readings Rediscovering - group
Construction: - Analyze aspects of self in relation - self- realization Rogers’ Self Theory write-up
 William Self with the theories and Personality. of quickie
James and - Demonstrate presented Journal of survey
the Me – critical and reflective - interactive Educational, Health results
Self, I – Self thought in analysing learning and Community - Short
 Global vs the development of - Quickie survey: Psychology, 4(3), 28 paper on
differentiate one’s self and How is self – 36. Real/
d models identity by understood? - Leary, David E. Ideal Self
 Real and developing a theory "William James on and a
Ideal self of self the Self and discussio
Concepts Personality: Clearing n/
 Multiple vs. the Ground for assessme
Unified Subsequent nt of any
Selves Theorists, difference
 True vs Researchers, and S
False selves Practitioners."Reflec
- The Self as tions on The
Proactive and Principles of
Agentic Psychology: William
James after a
Century. Ed. William
James, Michael G.
Johnson, and Tracy
B. Henley. Hillsdale,
NJ: L. Erlbaum
Associates, 1990.
101-37. Print.
- Skowron, E. &
Friedlander, M.
(1998). The
differentiation of self
Development and
initial validation.
Journal of
Psychology, 45(3),
235 – 246.
- Zhao, S. (2014).
Self as an emic
object: A re-reading
of William James on
self. Theory and
Psychology, 24(2),
199 – 216.
4–5 E. The Self in - Understand the - Group report -Show oneness -Reading - Ho, David (1995). - Short 2 hours
Western and discourse behind - Discovery on on group materials Selfhood and Quiz
Oriental/ the distinction Western Self and activity/sharing -LCD identity in - Group
Eastern between the Eastern Self of ideas - powerpoint Confucianism, output
Thought Eastern and the - show presentation Taoism, Buddhism, - Oral
- Individualistic Western thoughts comparison of - Laptop and Hinduism: Recitation
vs Collective - Create ways on individualistic and - Handout Contrasts with the
Self how we deal with collective self in a West. Journal for the
- The Social life that can lead to form of illustration Theory of Social
Construction of a more just and - Totoo ba? A Behaviour 25
the Self in humane society Discussion: Is the (2):115–
Western through Confucian Philippines really Wolter, Derek C.
Thought thought. a collectivist (2012) "In Search of
society? Give the Self: Eastern
- The Self as examples and if versus Western
embedded in true, how does Perspectives,"Oglet
relationships this shape/impact horpe Journal of
and through our idea of Self? Undergraduate
spiritual Research: Vol. 1 :
development in Iss. 1 , Article 1
5 PRELIM EXAM - Demonstrate Ballpen, Test Written 1 hour
understanding on booklet, test Examinati
the topics being paper, on
discussed. Honesty and computer,
- Answer questions Cooperation yellow paper
- Be able to share
their insights and
learnings on some
5-6 II. UNPACKING - LCD projector - Belk 2013, - Graded
THE SELF - Discuss the impact - Group - Appreciation - Laptop Extended Self in Oral
of culture on body Discussion and - Creativity - Pictures Digital World. Recitation
A. Physical image and self- presentation: Who Journal of -
Self: The self as esteem: The is beautiful? Consumer Research Reflection 3 hrs.
impacted by the importance of Cultural Paper
body Beauty conceptions and - Demello, M. 2014, - Group
- The impact of standards of Beautiful Bodies. Output
culture on body beauty of face And Fat and Thin
image and self and body Bodies. In Body
Esteem: The - Lecture/short Studies: An
importance of discussion Introduction.
beauty - Interactive Routledge
- Self – esteem
- What do men
and women find
attractive: A class
6-8 - Introduce the - Group - Understanding Feldman, R. 2008 -
B. Sexual Self development of Discussion Hygiene - LCD projector Understanding Reflection
- Development secondary sex - Lecture/short - Awareness - Laptop Psychology 8 ed. Paper 5 hrs
of Secondary characteristics and discussion - Patience McGraw Hill Module - Oral
sex the human - Interactive 34: Understanding Recitation
characteristics reproductive Learning Human Sexual - Quiz
and human system. - Team teaching/ Responses; Module
reproductive - Discuss the invite a resource 35: Diversity of
system erogenous zones speaker from Sexual Behavior;
- Discussing the and human sexual local health unit Module 36: Sexual
Erogenous responses (Tanungin c Dra: Difficulties
Zones - Determine the Totoo ba?
- Understanding basic biology and Surfacing Fisher, H 2004. Why
the Human diversity of sexual common beliefs We Love: The
sexual behavior and Nature and
response - Explain the misconceptions Chemistry of
- The basic chemistry of lust, regarding the Romantic Love.
biology of love and body, sex and Chapter 3:
sexual attachment. sexuality) Chemistry of Love.
behaviour - Define STD and - Usap tayo: A Chapter 4: Web of
- Understanding methods of discussion on Love: Lust, Love
the chemistry of contraception Love, Sex, and Attachment
lust, love and Relationships and
attachment Family
- The
- What turns
people on : the
phases of
- The diversity
of sexual
and bisexual,
- Sexually
- Methods of
(natural and
8-9 Dittmer, H. 1992.
C. The Material - Discuss the role of - Group - Self-discipline - LCD projector The Individual - Graded
Self consumer culture on Discussion - Responsibility - Laptop Centered Approach: Oral
- I shop, our sense of self - Lecture/short - Hard work - pictures Material Recitation
therefore I am: I and identity discussion Possessions as - 3 hrs.
have therefore I - Examines one’s - Interactive Parts of the Reflection
am? spending behaviour Learning Extended Self, - Paper
- Shaping the and come up with a - Film Possession as Quiz
way we see budget plan Showing/video Symbolic
ourselves: The clips Expressions of
role of Identity, The Social
consumer Psychology of
culture on our Material Possession:
sense of self To Have is to Be?
and identity St. Martin’s Press
9 MIDTERM -Demonstrate Ballpen, Test Written 1 hour
EXAM understanding on booklet, test Examinati
the topics being paper, on
discussed. Honesty and computer,
- Answer questions Cooperation yellow paper
- Be able to share
their insights and
learnings on some
9 - 11
D. The Spiritual - Discuss the LCD projector Frankl, V. (1959) - Graded
Self: The concept of Religion, - Interactive - Sagacious Man’s Search for Oral
practice of beliefs and Learning - Ingenuity Laptop Meaning: An Recitation 5 hrs.
religion: belief introduction to
in supernatural supernatural - Group Logotheraphy. -
being and powers. Discussion Especially Part 2: Reflection
Power - Differentiate - Conduct an Basic Concepts of Paper
- The concept Rituals and interview of Logotheraphy. 149- - group
of “dungan” – Ceremonies as well people who have 210 output/
spirit or soul as witchcraft. experienced Society and Culture presentati
- Rituals and - Identify the supernatural by Panopio and on (with
ceremonies: meaning of life. powers Rolda, pages 268 – rubrics)
- The function - Reflect on life’s - Make a eulogy 299
of rituals experiences and of one’s self
- Rituals and able to come up - debate on the
ceremonies with plan of making use of cyber-
- Religion, one’s life church
Magic and meaningful
- Finding and
- Three ways of
meaning in life
11 - 12
E. The Political - Identify the - Interactive - - LCD projector Haviland, -
Self Filipino Identity: Learning Expressiveness (2007) Spirituality, Synthesis 4 hrs.
- Developing a Values, Traits, - Reporting - Laptop Religion and and Case
Filipino Identity: Community and - Group - Fluency Supernatural. In the Analysis
Values, Traits, Institutional factors Discussion: Who Essence of
Community and - Establish a is the Filipino? Anthropology. - Moving
institutional democratic culture What makes a Thomson Exams
factors Filipino? Wadsworth.289-306 - Group
- Establishing a - Group Presentati
democratic Dynamics: You on/
culture know you’re Output
Filipino if/when (with
12 - 14 Gibbs et al. (2006).
- Explain Self and - Lecture Self Presentation - Case
F. The Digital other in cyberspace - Reporting - Prudence LCD projector online personal. The Analysis 4 hrs
Self: Self and - Determine the - Brainstorming role of anticipated
other in impact of online - Buzz sessions - Sagacious Laptop future interactions,
cyberspace interactions on the - Interactive selfdisclosures and - Moving
- I, me, myself Self learning - Eagerness perceived success Exams
and my user ID - Group in internet dating. -
online identity discussion/ Communications Presentati
- Selective self sharing: My FB Research.33.2 152- on of
presentation experiences 172. group
and impression Quickie Survey: output
management Who goes online from the
- Impact of and why? survey
interactions on
the self
- Boundaries of
the self online:
private vs
individual vs
social identity
online; gender
and sexuality
14 PREFINAL -Demonstrate Ballpen, Test Written 1 hour
EXAM understanding on booklet, test Examinati
the topics being paper, on
discussed. Honesty and computer,
- Answer questions Cooperation yellow paper
- Be able to share
their insights and
learnings on some
14 III – - Lecture/ - integrity - Computer J. Dunlosky, K.A. - Quiz 2 hours
MANAGING - Understand the Discussion - critical thinking units, - Rawson, E.J. Marsh, - Output
AND CARING theoretical -Assignment - Self – MultimediaProje M.J. Nathan, & D.T. Presentati
FOR THE SELF underpinnings for -Multimedia regulated ctor, Laptop Willingham. (2013). on (with
how to manage and Presentation - perceptive - Online Improving Students rubric)
- Learning to be care for different - Reflection of sources/Website Learning with
a better student aspects of the self one’s study habits S Effective Learning
o What - make their own Techniques:
happens module for Promising Directions
During shaping a from Cognitive and
learning? behaviour Educational
Brain and towards a self – Psychology.
behaviour regulated student Psychological
changes Science in the
o Metacogniti Public Interest,
on and 14(1), 4-58. Dol:
Study 10.1177/152910061
strategies 2453266
o Managing
your own Zimmerman, B.
learning: (2002). Becoming
Self- Learner: Self-
regulated Regulated
Learning Overview. Theory
into Practice, 41(2),
64 – 70.

15 - Setting goals a. Acquire and hone Lecture/Discussio - perseverance - Computer Urdan (1991) - 2 h
for Success new skills and n - efficacious units, - Achievement Goal reflection o
o The learning for better -Interactive MultimediaProje theory: Past Results, paper on u
importance managing of one’s Activity ctor, Laptop Future Directions. their self – r
of goals self and behaviors - Self – Efficacy - Online Advances in efficacy s
o Bandura’s Scale sources/Website Motivation and scores
Self S Achievement: Vol.
efficacy, 10. 99 – 141.
Locke, E. (2002).
Setting Goals for
Life and Happiness.
In Snyder & Lopez
(eds.) Handbook of
Positive Psychology
Oxford University
Press. 299 – 312

15 - 16 - Taking charge - Apply these new -Hands-on Activity - Self-discipline Computer units, Neff, K. (2012). The - group 2 hours
of one’s health skills to one’s self -Multimedia and hard work Multimedia Science of Self output
o Stressors and functioning for a Discussion - understanding Projector, Compassion, in -
And better quality of life - group/ individual - Stress Laptop, Online Germer & Siegel individual
responses - Be able to come sharing of actual management sources/Website (eds). Compassion reflection
o Sources of up with the list of experiences that - expertise s and Wellness in on the
coping and student’s stressors lead to stress - compassionate - Stress scale Psychotherapy. NY. stress
strength and make up with - Stress scale – - mindful Guiford Press. 79- scale
o Stress and an individual stress assessment and 92. Or http://self-
Filipinos: management reflection compassion,org/ther
The social program. - Stress and eseach
and cultural Coping Journal
dimensions - quickie survey on Article of Michael
of stress eustress and Tan at
o Taking care distress of
of the self: generation z stress-and-the-
The need for filipino/
self care and
16 - 18 FINAL EXAM -Demonstrate - Design, - perceptive - Computer - group 7 hours
understanding on Prepare and - critical thinking units, output
the topics being Conduct a - efficacious Multimedia (with
discussed. training based - goal oriented Projector, rubrics)
- Answer questions on the topics - stress Laptop -
correctly. discussed in management - conference hall individual
- Be able to share this course - audience performan
their insights and ce as a
Learnings trainer

Class Standing - 40%

Exam - 40%
Class Standing - 20%

Breakdown for Class Standing

Quizzes - 20%
Oral recitation - 10%
Assignment - 5%
Attendance - 5%


Article of Michael Tan at

Belk 2013, Extended Self in Digital World. Journal of Consumer Research

Demello, M. 2014, Beautiful Bodies. And Fat and Thin Bodies. In Body Studies: An Introduction. Routledge

Dittmer, H. 1992. The Individual Centered Approach: Material Possessions as Parts of the Extended Self, Possession as Symbolic Expressions of Identity,
The Social Psychology of Material Possession: To Have is to Be? St. Martin’s Press
Feldman, R. 2008 Understanding Psychology 8 ed. McGraw Hill Module 34: Understanding Human Sexual Responses; Module 35: Diversity of Sexual
Behavior; Module 36: Sexual Difficulties

Fisher, H 2004. Why We Love: The Nature and Chemistry of Romantic Love. Chapter 3: Chemistry of Love. Chapter 4: Web of Love: Lust, Love and

Frankl, V. (1959) Man’s Search for Meaning: An introduction to Logotheraphy. Especially Part 2: Basic Concepts of Logotheraphy. 149-210
Gaarder, Jostein, and Paulette Møller. (2007) Sophie's World: A Novel About the History of Philosophy. New York: Farrar, Straus, Giroux.

Geertz, C (1973). The Impact of the Concept of Culture and the Concept of Man. 33 – 54 and Person, Time and Conduct in Bali. 360 – 411. In The
Interpretation of Culture. Basic Books.

Gibbs et al. (2006). Self Presentation online personal. The role of anticipated future interactions, selfdisclosures and perceived success in internet dating.
Communications Research.33.2 152-172.

Haviland, (2007) Spirituality, Religion and Supernatural. In the Essence of Anthropology. Thomson Wadsworth.289-306

Ho, David (1995). Selfhood and identity in Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism, and Hinduism: Contrasts with the West. Journal for the Theory of Social
Behaviour 25 (2):115–139

Ismail, N.A. & Tekke, M. (2015). Rediscovering Rogers’ Self Theory and Personality. Journal of Educational, Health and Community Psychology, 4(3), 28 –

J. Dunlosky, K.A. Rawson, E.J. Marsh, M.J. Nathan, & D.T. Willingham. (2013). Improving Students Learning with Effective Learning Techniques: Promising
Directions from Cognitive and Educational Psychology. Psychological Science in the Public Interest, 14(1), 4-58. Dol: 10.1177/1529100612453266

Leary, David E. "William James on the Self and Personality: Clearing the Ground for Subsequent Theorists, Researchers, and Practitioners."Reflections on
The Principles of Psychology: William James after a Century. Ed. William James, Michael G. Johnson, and Tracy B. Henley. Hillsdale, NJ: L. Erlbaum
Associates, 1990. 101-37. Print.

Locke, E. (2002). Setting Goals for Life and Happiness. In Snyder & Lopez (eds.) Handbook of Positive Psychology Oxford University Press. 299 – 312

Mead, GH (1972) Mind, Self and Society from the standpoint of a Social Behaviorist. The University of Chicago Press

Mitchell, H. B. (2011). Roots of Wisdom: A Tapestry of Philosophical Traditions. 6th ed. Wadsworth, Cengage Learning. 116 – 148.

Neff, K. (2012). The Science of Self Compassion, in Germer & Siegel (eds). Compassion and Wellness in Psychotherapy. NY. Guiford Press. 79-92. Or

SDSSU Student Handbook

Skowron, E. & Friedlander, M. (1998) The Differentiation of Self-Inventory: Development and Initial Validation. American Psychological Associatio
Skowron, E. & Friedlander, M. (1998). The differentiation of self inventory: Development and initial validation. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 45(3), 235 –

Society and Culture by Panopio and Rolda, pages 268 – 299

Sociology by Hughes and Kroehler, pages 68 – 94

Urdan (1991) Achievement Goal theory: Past Results, Future Directions. Advances in Motivation and Achievement: Vol. 10. 99 – 141.

Wolter, Derek C. (2012) "In Search of the Self: Eastern versus Western Perspectives,"Oglethorpe Journal of Undergraduate Research: Vol. 1 : Iss. 1 , Article

Zhao, S. (2014). Self as an emic object: A re-reading of William James on self. Theory and Psychology, 24(2), 199 – 216.

Zimmerman, B. (2002). Becoming Learner: Self-Regulated Overview. Theory into Practice, 41(2), 64 – 70. Doi:10.1207/s15430421tip4102_2

Date Revised : May 25, 2017

Effectivity : June 01, 2018 , First Semester, Academic Year 2018-2019
Prepared by: Reviewed by:


Assistant Professor 11 BSIT, Program Chair

Date:__________________ Date:____________________

Recommending Approval:


CECST, Assistant Dean CECST, Dean

Date:_____________________ Date:___________________

Checked by:


Director, Curriculum Development




Vice President for Academic Affairs

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