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Name four Humours(Liquid) in human Body?

These are;Phlegm, ,Blood,yellow bile and Black Bile.

Illustrate the role of Shakespeare in Every man in his humour?

Critics emphasize on the fact that Shakespeare would have played the role of old knowell.

Define the meaning of Humour?

It means something awkward in Man's disposition ,it can be a specific habit.

Name characters who try to copy Bobadill's Oaths?

Stephen and cob.

How many stories are described in this Drama ?

It has 5 stories ,2 major and three minor.

Who is Country Gull?

Stephen is being called country Gul.We came to know that he is Edward's cousin.

What are the reasons Old Knowell followed his son?

He wanted to see his son's actions and doings and wanted to investigate the whole situation for
the betterment of his son.

Who Disguises himself as an Ex-soldier?

Brainworm, he did so,so that he would be able to convey a message to Edward that his father is
going to watch actions.

Who is the wellbred Brother ?


Why does kitley Complain to Downright ?

She Complains to Downright that the wellbred is breaking the peace of his home by bringing
many friends.

What is wellbred allegation about kitley's husband?

He says that kitty's husband is paying attention to Cob's wife Tib.

Who is called Braggart?

This name is given to Captain Bobadil.who shows Swordsmanship but he doesn't know
anything about this .

Who has the clothes of Downright?

Stephen ,the cousin of Edward Stephen, picks up the Cloak .
Justice Clement becomes angry at Cobb. Why?
When Cob openly criticizes and Condemns tobacco-smoking at justice clement also becomes
angry and rebukes to cob, because justice clement himself is a great champion of

Describe Fight between Cob and Tib?

There is conflict between Cob and Tib. Kitely says to Cob that his house is being used by his
wife as a brothel.Without any thinking,he beats her wife,and says that he would take her to
Justice Clements’s house.

Who was the clerk of justice Clement ?

Formal is justice Clement’s clerk .He somehow gets interested in Brainworm.

Why is Clements's clerk Formal interested in Brainworm?

Formal is very interested in Brainworm .Formal says to him that he would like to hear about his
bravery stories.Formal likes when Brainworm is disguised as an ex soldier.

Describe the Role of Justice Clement in resolving the Complains ?

He played an important role in solving the problems . Almost every character problems he
solved by his wit and Experience he had.

What are the old knowell's views about poetry?

According to Old knowell poetry is the hobby of idols.

What kind of suggestions old Knowell offers to his brother's Son?

Oldknwell says that his nephew Stephen Should learn wisdom and should practice the art of
attaining prosperity .He also says not to spend too much money on the unnecessary things. Old
Knowell Christian name is Edward.

Old Knowell was shocked when he read the letter why?

When old knowell opens the letter and goes through it. He was shocked by the contents of the
letter. Because the letter is written in a frivolous manner.

What does the letter refer to old knowell?

The Letter says that old Knowell spent much of his time counting the Green apricots growing on
his trees.

What is the opinion of the letter writer, about apricots?

The writer of the letter says that if he had been Old Knowell’s son, he would have collected all
the apricots and given them to the young girls passing his house.
What kind of Book Matthew is holding in his hand?
Thomas Kyd's book “the Spanish tragedy “He says that this book contains a number of five

Who is Knowell?
He is a rich old man , his son's name is Edward. He is against the poetry and the habit of
hawking and hunting.

Who Burnt Stephen verses?

Stephen’s verses are burnt under Clement’s orders.

Who wrote a letter to Edward?

Wellbred wrote a letter to Edward.

Who buys the sword in the play?

Stephen buys the sword.

Who is Edward Knowell?

He is Old Knowell's son.He likes poetry and his father thinks that his son is wasting his time.
He likes the company of his Friend, Wellbred. He was the cousin of Stephen.

To whom Edward married?


Name the poem which Matthew has stolen ?

It is called 'Hero and Leander'.

Describe the character Sketch of Wellbred?

He is the friend of Edward, he enjoys being with friends but his father's old knowell didn’t like
being with friends.

What kind of kitley’s humour?

Her Humour is jealousy.

Write a few words about Dame Kitley?

She is the wife of Mr. Kitly.She likes her husband .She mistakenly doubt her husband because
of the wellbred falsely information

Who was Country Gull? Few lines about Stephen.

Stephen ,he likes Hawking and Hunting. According to him,sports are studied better than Greek
or Latin. He was the Cousin of Edward and Nephew of Old knowell.
Few lines about Oliver Cob?
He is a water-carrier and has great humour.He is being called cuckold by his wife many times in
the play.

Who was Tib?

She is the wife of Cob.she is an interesting character and makes few humorous situations .As
she says to her husband cuckold,it also creates funny situations.
Character sketch of Justice Clement?
He is a city magistrate .He is an excellent lawyer .He often likes tobacco. Clement hears the
complaints of society and then decides and gives his judgment.

What is a "viaticum’’?
Some of the characters in the play are concerned with the right of a person to be allowed their
viaticum. The term is generally used by the Catholic Church and is also referred to as the Holy
Communion a person receives just before they die. The practice was so important for the family
of the dying person and for the priest that in some cases, when the dying person expired before
a priest could arrive, food was put into the dead person’s mouth. The reason why this was so
important for many people is because they linked their salvation to the act of receiving the last
rites. This gave them the assurance their soul will be accepted in heaven and thus not forced to
suffer for eternity. The state of a person’s soul is one of the major themes in the play and thus it
is no surprise that the characters express an interest in the fate of their soul after death as well.

What are the "humors’’ mentioned in the play and why are they significant?
The humors are a theory from medieval and Renaissance thought. According to the humors
theory, in every human body can be found four liquid elements which have to be in perfect
balance with one another for a person to be healthy. Illnesses were considered as being the
result of an excess or lack of humors and the doctors of the day tried to bring back the balance
by using different methods such as blood-letting or excessive sweating. The four humors were
blood, yellow bile, black bile and phlegm, and they was also linked with the personality traits a
person had. Certain afflictions were linked with the excess of humors and it was believed that for
example, someone who had an excess of black bile was depressed while someone who had an
excess of yellow bile was extremely aggressive. This theory is also mentioned by many
characters in the play as being the reason why many characters behave in one way or another.

How do Edward and Wellbred perceive Brainworm and his disguises?

Brainworms many disguises are not annoying or cumbersome to Edward and Wellbred; rather,
they are impressed with him. They see why he's doing what he's doing, that it works in their
self-interest, and that it indicates a wit and adaptability that they also value. Matthew Kendrick
suggests that Brainworm's behavior is "increasingly depicted as a form of skilled labor rather
than as idleness or unwillingness to labor. In marked contrast to Knowell's moralistic
condemnation, Edward and Wellbred express genuine respect for Brainworm's protean
What are the various follies of Jonson lampoons?
Jonson presents characters who embody the traits of hotheadedness, braggadocio, jealousy,
and irrationality. Bobadil and Stephen and Matthew are quick to take offense even when there is
none, and are desirous of fighting. Bobadil boasts of his prowess as a soldier but clearly has no
skills. Matthew boasts of his skills as a poet but is proven a plagiarizer. Stephen is immature
and volatile, and shows that he does not at all deserve to be Knowell's heir. Kitely's misplaced
jealousy nearly destroys his relationship with his wife and leads him to doubt his trusted servant.
Knowell's assumptions about his son are groundless and lead to fissures, albeit minor, in their

Why is Knowell so concerned for his son?

Knowell is not too different from many parents who assume that their child is associating with
the wrong people, or behaving in deleterious ways. He thinks Wellbred and his associates are
louche gallants, that they are not serious, that they are too given to games and smoking and
carousing. He wants Edward to be a moral, upstanding young man. The issue is, of course, that
Knowell is old-fashioned and his advanced years preclude him from desiring to understand his
son. He doesn't distinguish between youthful fun and legitimately bad behavior, and as Clement
tells him blatantly, there's no real issue with Edward. By the end of the play it seems like
Knowell has come to at least somewhat of an acceptance of this fact.

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