Cylinder Deactivation: Manufacturer Type of Engine Valve Concept Status

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Cylinder Deactivation

Introduction driving pleasure and comfort with regard to

acoustics and vibration characteristics.
An additional key success factor that
can help this technology to be deployed in a
One of the ways manufacturers can mini- more mainstream fashion is that it can be
mize fuel consumption is to downsize the integrated into existing engine concepts at
engines they offer. A cylinder’s volume can acceptable costs.
only be restricted to a certain extent, how-
ever, if the thermodynamically ideal volu-
metric capacity of 400 to 500 cm3 per cylin-
der is to be retained. In practice, downsizing Designs
therefore frequently leads to a reduction in
the number of cylinders.
“Temporary downsizing” in the form of
cylinder deactivation offers an attractive The most consistent form of cylinder deac-
compromise, since this allows an engine to tivation is to not only to cut injection and ig-
shift its operating mode to achieve the spe- nition for the respective cylinders, but also
cific consumption figures it is rated for, espe- to stop all moving parts (including the pis-
cially when low loads and operating speeds tons). This, in turn, utilizes the entire thermo-
are encountered. At the same time, the driver dynamic potential available and consider-
still has a sufficiently powerful engine at his or ably reduces the friction that occurs inside
her disposal that ensures the same level of the engine. It goes without saying that com-

Manufacturer Type of engine Valve concept Status

GM 6.0-liter V8-6-4 engine Pushrod actuation, SOP/EOP 1980
switchable rocker arm pivot point
3.9-liter V6 engine Switchable roller tappet EOP 2008
5.3-liter V8 engine Switchable roller tappet Volume production
4.3-liter V6 engine Switchable roller tappet Volume production
6.0-liter V8 engine Switchable roller tappet Volume production
Daimler 5.0-liter V8 engine Switchable rocker arm; MB EOP 2005
5.8-liter V12 engine Switchable rocker arm; MB EOP 2002
Chrysler 5.7-liter V8 engine Switchable roller tappet Volume production
6.4-liter V8 engine Switchable roller tappet Volume production
Honda 3.5-liter V6 engine Switchable rocker arm Volume production

AMG 5.5-liter V8 engine Switchable pivot element Volume production

VW 1.4-liter inline Cam shifting system, VW/Audi Volume production

Group 4-cylinder engine
4.0-liter V8 engine Cam shifting system, Audi Volume production
6 3/4-liter V8 engine Switchable roller tappet Volume production
6 3/4-liter V8 engine Switchable roller tappet Volume production
6.5-liter V12 engine Only the fuel injection supply is cut Volume production

Figure 1 Examples of engine concepts featuring cylinder deactivation

Valvetrain Systems 11 175

Complete engine operation Cylinder deactivation mode



Engine speed Engine speed

Figure 2 Operating data map and driving resistance curve: The operating ranges associated with the
lowest specific fuel consumption are approached in cylinder deactivation mode (graphic on
the right) and not when all cylinders are operating

promises must be made when it comes to Effect and potential

the ignition sequence and dynamic balanc-
ing. What is much more significant, howev-
er, is the outlay required to separate the en-
gine into an area that continues to run while When there is a specific performance re-
the other area is activated and deactivated quirement, the cylinders that are still being
as required. Even the coupling mechanisms operated following cylinder deactivation
on the crankshaft and camshaft cannot be must generate a higher mean pressure. This
justified by a cost-benefit analysis, which is load-point shifting leads to a reduction in
why implementation of the system looks the throttle losses of the engine and ulti-
somewhat bleak at present. mately helps to conserve fuel (Figure 2). De-
Almost all cylinder deactivation systems activating the valves also reduces friction
currently used interrupt the injection and ig- loss in the cylinder head, which further min-
nition as well as valve actuation sequences imizes consumption.
for the cylinders to be deactivated (Figure 1). The potential for reducing consumption
Today’s applications range from engines when an engine is operated on two as op-
with 4 to 12 cylinders. Analyses conducted posed to four cylinders can be illustrated in
by Schaeffler, however, reveal that tempo- a simulation exercise carried out on a 1.4-li-
rarily deactivating one of the cylinders in a ter four-cylinder engine. Line “a” plots the
three-cylinder engine can also further re- mean pressures at which the engine oper-
duce consumption. ating in two-cylinder mode can achieve its
To ensure that the engine continues to optimum combustion point (8 crankshaft
run smoothly enough, only certain cylinders degrees after TDC) (Figure 3).
are deactivated in accordance with the igni- When higher mean pressures are intro-
tion sequence. duced in two-cylinder mode, the ignition se-

operating the engine above these plotted

Break mean effective pressure in bar

Difference map 1,4 l 4 cyl

versus 1,4 l 4 cyl with 2 cylinder operation
points in two-cylinder mode leads to addition-
al fuel consumption. This line can also drop
considerably below line “b”, depending on the
b application and customer requirements.
Theoretical switching
load line
a Optimum

Technical implementation

Engine speed in rpm

Figure 3 Reduction in fuel consumption as a Deactivation mode

result of cylinder deactivation
(simulation result) When an engine switches to cylinder deacti-
vation mode, there are two basic strategies
quence must be retarded to avoid knocking. that can be implemented for introducing a
The resulting effect is that combustion no lon- charge in the cylinders (refer to Figure 4):
ger achieves its peak efficiency, and addition- –– Confine the exhaust gas in the com-
al fuel is consumed. Opening the throttle valve bustion chamber after the combustion
further counteracts this and has a positive process has been completed
impact on consumption in cylinders running –– Introduce fresh air
higher mean pressures. Line “b” represents Both variants allow the gas confined to act
the theoretical switchover or transition line, as as a pressure or thrust spring.

Exhaust gas is trapped Fresh air is trapped

Cylinder pressure

+ Gas spring + Gas spring

+ Slow cool down + Normal compression ->
- Increased compression -> Smooth engine running
Highly irregular engine running + High torque neutrality
- No torque neutrality

Source: MTZ "The New AMG 5.5-liter V8 Naturally Aspirated Engine with Cylinder Shut off“

Direct injection allows the realization „Fresh air trapped“

Figure 4 Possible options for introducing a cylinder charge and their effects in cylinder deactivation mode
Valvetrain Systems 11 177

The heat generated by the confined ex- Alternating cylinder deactivation

haust gas not only makes the cylinder cool
down more slowly; the larger quantity of Current technology dictates that specific
gas also produces very different pressures cylinders in an engine be targeted for deac-
inside the cylinder and thus to greater ir- tivation. Schaeffler is currently researching a
regularities on the crankshaft. The gas concept for four-cycle engines that will al-
pressures that form during initial compres- low all cylinders to be deactivated after ev-
sion when the exhaust valves are closed ery ignition cycle and reactivated during the
can even be higher than those experienced next. Cylinder deactivation thus alternates
during combustion. The support forces not within a single deactivation phase and not
only place substantial loads on the piston each time a new deactivation mode is intro-
and cylinder, but also lead to considerable duced (Figure 5). The benefit is a more well-
frictional losses. The deactivation phase balanced temperature level inside the com-
must then be maintained for a longer peri- bustion chambers and consistent firing
od of time to ensure that a positive overall intervals for three-cylinder engines operat-
effect is achieved. ing in deactivation mode.
As Figure 4 shows, peak pressures drop Especially when such a design setup is
when the residual gas cools down as well used, the losses encountered when transi-
as when gas diffuses from the combustion tioning from operating mode to deactivation
chamber into the crank assembly (blow by). mode must be kept as low as possible. This
Simulation calculations reveal that after an is why residual gas is not confined, as the
engine has gone through approximately ten above illustration depicts. Filling the cylin-
revolutions, the pressure in the cylinder ders with fresh air also brings with it draw-
reaches the level that was present when backs due to the lower level of charge
fresh air was confined. movement.
The latter is only possible with a direct- One variant appears to be particularly fa-
injection engine. The differences in com- vorable in this context because it allows a
pression between the cylinders are less small, precisely measured quantity of residu-
pronounced in this application, and the al gas to be confined in the combustion
switchover phase can be better coordinat- chamber. The suction or induction effect that
ed as a result. This variant also requires results from the expansion does not last long
compromises to be made, however, since enough to lead to a noticeable loss in engine
the air in the combustion chamber loses all oil. The inherent benefit is that when the
tumble or swirling motion produced at the working cycle starts again, the required
intake point after just a few cycles. De- quantity of fresh air can be introduced with-
pending on the geometry of the combus- out any restrictions in flow. The first and fol-
tion chamber, it may still be possible to re- lowing combustion strokes then take place
fire the engine in this operating state. The
ignition timing will have to be adjusted,
“Rolling” Cylinder deactivation 3-cylinders
though, whereby the efficiency of the com-
Cylinder number
bustion process suffers by a correspond- 1 3 2 1 3 2
ing amount. Care must also be taken to
ensure that no suction or vacuum effect is 0 240 480 720 960 1,200 1,400
produced in the combustion chamber,
since this would lead to engine oil being Figure 5 Pattern of alternating cylinder
drawn in. deactivation (the red phase designates
the active operating mode)

without a decrease in efficiency. To ensure Switchover mode

that the quantity of residual gas and the vac-
uum pressure assume optimum levels, the One of the logical requirements of this mode is
exhaust valves must be controlled very pre- that the driver should not be made aware of it
cisely as is the case with the fully variable when the switch is made. In other words, the
UniAir system developed by Schaeffler. This switchover must take place in a torque-bal-
system realizes any required stroke in the anced manner. The transition between both
cycle and can completely close the valves modes must also occur very quickly so that the
when needed. At least one two-stage switch engine can provide good response at all times.
must be fitted to deactivate the valves on the When the switch is made from operation
intake side. Simulations carried out on a on all cylinders to operation on half of the
three-cylinder engine point to lower overall cylinders, the position of the throttle valve
fuel consumption figures being achieved (cylinder charge), ignition timing, and fuel
when such a refined alternating cylinder de- supply are adapted accordingly to prevent a
activation concept is used in place of a con- drop in torque (refer to Figure 7). To this end,
ventional setup (Figure 6). the charge is first increased and the ignition
Alternating cylinder deactivation could timing is delayed. When the target charge is
also prove interesting when it comes to reached, the valve train is switched over and
counteracting engine-induced vibration, es- the ignition timing for the cylinders activated
pecially in the case of three-cylinder engines. is realigned with the optimum performance
All deactivation systems introduced in setting. As soon as the injection and timing
the section following the next are considered sequence for the cylinders to be shut down
for a basic cylinder deactivation concept. is deactivated, the switchover is complete.

12 n = 2,000 min-1, pme = 2 bar 11.66

Consumption benefit in %


-4 -3.35



Base Cylinder Cylinder Cylinder Cylinder

complete deactivation deactivation deactivation deactivation
engine operation Cylinder 2 rolling rolling rolling
deactivated Vacuum Fresh air Exhaust
Camshaft is trapped is trapped is trapped

Figure 6 Different configurations for alternating cylinder deactivation in a fuel consumption comparison
Valvetrain Systems 11 179

Control of
AVS Actuators

Engine torque
Filling-target Cylinder filling

Actual filling

100 % 100 %
Ignition angle-

50 %


8 Cyl. mode Switch-over phase 4 Cyl. mode

Source: MTZ - The new AUDI V8 TFSI Engine Part 2

Figure 7 Active regulation at the switchover point

Since retarding the ignition timing momen- Requirements in a system

tarily consumes more fuel, the deactivation
mode must remain engaged long enough environment context
for an overall fuel economy benefit to be
achieved. It goes without saying that the
longer the engine stays in this mode, the
more fuel is saved. Such is the case when Even if the switch from one operating state
traveling at constant speeds on the high- to another is made successfully, in a torque-
way. balanced fashion, the vibration characteris-
The following requirements are placed tics of the engine and acoustic output still
on the switchover mechanisms: change. This may, in turn, necessitate mod-
–– The switchover process for all cylinders ifications to the following components (refer
must take place in exactly the cycle to Figure 8):
that the control unit stipulates. –– Phasing unit
–– The aforementioned design measures –– Timing drive
for compensating torque must be opti- –– Auxiliary drive assembly
mally coordinated and harmonized. –– Clutch and dual-mass flywheel
–– The switchover point must occur dur- –– Exhaust system (sound engineering)
ing the ignition sequence. –– Engine mounts
–– Both operating states must be stable Depending on the application scenario
and reliable so that no inadvertent swi- and the requirements it entails, it is typi-
tchovers are made. cally a good idea to integrate an active
–– Since faulty switchovers and missed noise compensation facility for the pas-
switchovers are relevant from an ex- senger compartment. Nonetheless, it is
haust-gas perspective, a monitoring generally necessary to operate the engine
function must be implemented. on all cylinders until the engine speed

Must be
– Active requirements may be required
– Cycle control
– undetectable switching
– OBD-Function NVH measures
– Driver command prediction

Exhaust system
Valve train
Accessory drive Torque-
lockup clutch
Cam phaser /
Timing drive

Dual mass

Engine mounts

Figure 8 Overview of the measures accompanying cylinder deactivation

reaches approximately 1,500  rpm, de- bly moderate outlay. The following options
pending on the engine concept, as this are available for this purpose:
will ensure the desired level of comfort for –– Switchable bucket tappets
passengers. In addition, cylinder deacti- –– Switchable finger followers
vation cannot be engaged if the engine oil –– Switchable pivot elements
has not reached operating temperature, –– Cam shifting systems
or engaging the mode would cause the –– Fully variable mechanical valve train
catalytic converter to drop below its light- systems based on detent cam gears
off temperature. –– Fully variable electrohydraulic valve
train systems such as the UniAir sys-
tem from Schaeffler

Valve stroke deactivation Most of the switchable elements are actu-

ated using oil pressure, which is con-
trolled and regulated by an upstream
switching valve. The concept requires an
As already mentioned, it is not practical to additional switching or shifting oil circuit
also disengage the moving parts of the to be implemented, whereby special at-
crank drive during cylinder deactivation. De- tention must be paid to ensuring the cor-
activating the valve stroke sequence, on the rect positional arrangement and geometry
other hand, can be realized with compara- of the oil channels in order to create a
Valvetrain Systems 11 181

hydraulically robust Intake

system and avoid
air pockets as well Cyl 1 Cyl 2 Cyl 3 Cyl 4
as throttling or
restriction points.
Figure 9 shows a Exhaust A A A A
basic sketch of a
system that has
one switching valve
per cylinder.
Figure 9 Basic illustration of a valve stroke deactivation system featuring
one switching valve per cylinder

Design configuration of the shifting The benefit of this design lies in the short oil
oil circuit channels and small oil volume. Any oil foam-
ing that could occur would therefore be min-
Several solutions are conceivable for con- imal, which is why the system is highly insus-
trolling hydraulically actuated, two-stage ceptible to fluctuations in the shifting or
valve train components and arranging the switching times. This concept enables a
switching valves in the cylinder head. The switching time interval of approximately
positional arrangement of the switching 250 camshaft degrees, which equates to
valves and the design configuration of the a theoretical switching time of 28 ms at
oil channels produce different switch time 3,000 rpm. On engines with camshaft phas-
intervals and system-related constraints. ing units, the influence of the adjustment
The following depicts two different options range must also be factored into determining
for deactivating cylinders 2 and 3 in a four- the interval. By design, this variant can be
cylinder engine with an ignition timing se- enhanced or extended in such a way that all
quence of 1-3-4-2 and describes the inher- cylinders can be actively switch-controlled,
ent benefits and drawbacks in detail. which in turn means that in a four-cylinder
Figure 10 shows the variant with one engine application, the engine management
switching valve per cylinder, which means system can deactivate one, two, or three of
that one switching valve at each cylinder the four cylinders. One drawback, however,
controls the respective intake and exhaust is the comparably expensive design configu-
valves. ration associated with the oil channel be-
tween the intake
Intake and exhaust sides.
An alternative ar-
Cyl 1 Cyl 2 Cyl 3 Cyl 4 rangement is also
possible by control-
ling the oil circuit
Exhaust A A using one switching
valve on the intake
P T P T and exhaust sides
(Figure 11). The in-
take and exhaust
Figure 10 Oil circuit with one switching valve per cylinder valves are then ac-
tuated by two sep-

arate switching A
valves. The benefit of
this arrangement is P T
that the switching
time interval can be
governed indepen- Cyl 1 Cyl 2 Cyl 3 Cyl 4
dently of the adjust-
ment range of the
camshaft phasing
unit. In addition, the A
oil channels can be
designed in a more P T
simplistic manner,
and the switching Figure 11 Oil circuit with one switching valve per side
valves can be inte-
grated more easily. This design facilitates tion of the cylinder head and oil channels of
a switching time interval of approximately the target engine, whereby the main focus of
180 camshaft degrees, which corresponds the design work should be on maximizing
to a theoretical switching time of 20 ms at the switching time interval as far as possible
3,000 rpm. The longer oil channels do pose using justifiable levels of outlay.
a limitation, however, as they require a higher
oil volume, which in turn makes the system
more susceptible to fluctuations in the shift- Deactivation via switchable elements
ing or switching times as a result of the great-
er potential for oil foaming to occur. Finger followers
The shifting oil circuit and switching valve Since the design configurations for the
linkage can also be implemented in ways switchable finger follower can also be ap-
other than the ones described here. Critical plied to the switchable bucket tappet, we
design aspects that apply in this context are will not explore this topic any further.
the ignition timing sequence and configura- The solutions that are based on finger
followers or hinged-lever designs that can
be coupled with one another and have a
locking mechanism at the pivot point are
numerous. All systems that rely on oil pres-
sure require spring-actuated elements to
return the deactivated components to their
starting position after cam elevation (Figure 12).
The shift mechanism must be designed in
such a way that the entire valve stroke is
traveled when no oil pressure is present
(zero-pressure lock), since this safeguards
operation in limp-home mode and is re-
quired for cold-starting the engine.
Although cylinder deactivation brings
with it many benefits, the concept also has
several drawbacks. The additional contact
Figure 12 Switchable finger follower points and increased number of compo-
Valvetrain Systems 11 183

nents, for example, reduce rigidity as com- valve inadvertently opens in the direction
pared to a standard finger follower and opposing the valve spring pressure.
negatively affect the vibration of the valve
train. The added components also increase Support element
the mass moment of inertia of the follower, The switchable pivot element also lends it-
which in turn means that stronger valve self to being deactivated. Similar to the
springs need to be fitted, and the valve train switchable roller tappet, the inner part of the
assembly encounters higher levels of fric- element can be telescopically extended into
tion as a result. Potential space restrictions the outer part (Figure 13). Here too, a spring
necessitate narrower rollers, a design that or spring assembly is required to return the
inherently increases the surface contact moving part to its starting position. The oil
pressures between the roller and camshaft. pressure, which is controlled by an up-
Switchable finger followers that brace stream switching valve, is also used to actu-
themselves against a zero-stroke cam in ate the coupling mechanism. The distance
deactivation mode create a more stable traveled by the oil to this mechanism is
system than the variant that does not pro- shorter, however. The same restrictions that
vide for this effect. The only drawback is apply to the switchable finger follower with
that the camshaft then requires two differ- regard to the oil pressure also hold true for
ent profiles per valve. If a zero-stroke cam is this application.
not provided, the acting forces must be pre- The rigidity of the valve train is only re-
cisely coordinated with each other; in the duced by the structural integrity of the cou-
decoupled state, the lost-motion spring pling point in the switchable pivot element.
needs to be strong enough to prevent “infla- The geometry (with the exception of the
tion” or “pump-up” (undesired elongation) of valve contact surface) and mass moment of
the support element. On the other hand, the inertia of the finger follower are unaffected.
spring must not be so rigid that the motor As a result, the valve spring pretension force


Figure 13 Switchable pivot element


does not have to be changed in comparison

to that of the conventional valve train as-
sembly, which means that the surface con-
tact pressures between the roller and cam-
shaft remain at low levels.

Deactivation via a cam sliding system

The cam shifting system allows the valve

stroke to be switched in up to three stages.
The switchover process occurs when a
cam piece positioned in an axially movable
arrangement on a splined shaft is displaced.
This sliding cam piece comprises several Figure 15 Three-stage cam shifting system
cams sectioned into two groups, which are
arranged in relation to the two valves on contour position. A second cam profile (or a
each side of a cylinder (Figure 14). third one in the case of three-stage sys-
A control groove is integrated into the tems) thus acts on the finger follower to
sliding cam piece. When the cam lift is to be transfer the new cam lift (which can also be
adjusted, an electromagnetically actuated a zero-stroke) to the valve so that each valve
pin extends into this groove to force the en- pair can be actuated individually. The inher-
tire unit to change its respective groove ent benefits of this system are that the cylin-
ders and camshaft can be switched selec-
tively and the sequence of the elements to
be switched is variable.
After the actuation sequence has taken
place, a relay signal generated by the actua-
tor pin as a result of a voltage shift in the
electric coil is sent to the actuator. Although
this signal provides clear indication of a shift
occurring and the direction that was taken,
it is not sufficient for determining positional
arrangements as operation continues (OBD
requirement). The cam shifting system of-
fers a benefit here that initially appears to be
the exact opposite: Both valves are forced
to switch at the same time. This, in turn,
makes it considerably easier to detect cor-
rect position during active operation by way
of sensors (pressure or oxygen sensors) on
the intake and exhaust side or by evaluating
torque imbalance than when systems with
individual switch logic are used.
When viewed from the perspective of a
cost-benefit analysis, it is important to note
Figure 14 Two-stage cam shifting system that the cam shifting system requires more
Valvetrain Systems 11 185

outlay than switchable elements, since in cylinders. This setup also facilitates the inte-
four-cylinder engine applications, both gration of an alternating cylinder deactiva-
camshafts must be equipped with a deacti- tion pattern [3].
vation function – a design aspect that also
affects positional elements that are not Cylinder deactivation via UniAir
switchable. Consequently, the cam shifting
system is a commercially viable option for UniAir not only controls and regulates
cylinder deactivation if an existing two- valve stroke travel in a fully variable fashion,
stage system for varying the valve stroke is but can also completely deactivate any
enhanced to include a third stage dedicated cylinder (Figure 16). This deactivation is
to the cylinder deactivation process (refer to achieved by actuating the system‘s integrat-
Figure 15). ed switching valves as required. In its cur-
Theory-based investigations conducted rent version, UniAir actuates both valves in a
by Schaeffler indicate that a three-stage uniform manner. As a result, both intake
system can offer further significant potential valves are always closed in deactivation
compared to a two-stage solution in con- mode. The operating state of the valve train
sumption testing cycles carried out under can thus be easily determined with the Uni-
higher load conditions. When the cam shift- Air system as well. When UniAir is only used
ing system is designed so that all intake and on the intake side, switchable support ele-
exhaust valves can be deactivated, it is pos- ments can be fitted in the relevant positions
sible to deactivate any desired number of on the exhaust side (as is the case with the
fully-variable me-
chanical system).
Schaeffler is cur-
rently working on ad-
ditional valve stroke
configurations that
approach the poten-
tial afforded by cyl-
inder deactivation
while making it pos-
sible to forego valve
deactivation on the
exhaust side. The
genuine appeal of
this type of configu-
ration is that it allows
any number of cylin-
ders to be deacti-
vated without having
to implement further
design measures.
Detailed informa-
tion is provided in
an additional article
[4] in this book.
Figure 16 Electrohydraulic, fully-variable UniAir valve train system

Summary and outlook expectations customers have regarding

comfort levels, additional design measures
may be required for the engine and overall
vehicle that conflict with the potential for re-
Temporarily deactivating cylinders offers an ducing fuel consumption, which can be es-
attractive compromise between downsizing pecially prominent in lightweight vehicles
an engine to reduce fuel consumption and equipped with powerful engines.
retaining high levels of comfort and driving In the future, it is highly probable that
pleasure. Even three-cylinder engines can cylinder deactivation will play an ever in-
profit from the economical benefits of cylin- creasing role in optimizing powertrains that
der deactivation. Simulations point to the use engines with three or more cylinders.
potential that an alternating cylinder deacti-
vation system has for maintaining a bal-
anced temperature level in the engine and
reducing vibrations, particularly in three- Literature
cylinder engine applications.
Several options are available for tempo-
rarily deactivating valves, especially in the
context of finger follower regulation sys- [1] Middendorf, H.; Theobald, J.; Lang, L.; Hartel, K.:
tems. When cylinder deactivation is the only Der 1,4-l-TSI-Ottomotor mit Zylinderabschal-
variable aspect required, switchable pivot tung. MTZ, 3/2012, pp. 186-193
elements offer a very cost-effective solution [2] Kirsten, K.; Brands, C.; Kratzsch, M.; Günther, M.:
without noticeably compromising the basic Selektive Umschaltung des Ventilhubs beim
functions of the valve train assembly. In the Ottomotor. MTZ, 11/2012, pp. 834-839
case of multi-stage systems or entire engine [3] Faust, H.: Powertrain Systems of the Future:
families, cam shifting systems are more fa- Engine, transmission and damper systems for
vorable because they can be easily adapt- downspeeding, downsizing, and cylinder deac-
ed. Fully-variable valve train systems go tivation. 10th Schaeffler Symposium, 2014
hand in hand with cylinder deactivation in [4] Haas, M.; Piecyk, T.: Get ready for the combustion
the presence of discretely switchable ele- Strategies of tomorrow. 10th Schaeffler Sympo-
ments as a minimum expenditure item. sium, 2014
Depending on the size of the engine and the

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