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Animation Quarter 1, Week 1


Name: _____________________________________ Section: ____________________

I. Learning Competencies:
Recognize PEC’s needed in Animation (TLE_PECS9-12-Ia-1);
Recognize and understand the market in Animation (TLE_PECS9-12-
Ia-1); and
Recognize the potential customer/Market in Animation (TLE_PECS9-
Time Allotment: 16 hours (2 hours per day)
II. Key Concepts:
Knowing what qualities an entrepreneur should possess is a must in
business. Before the discussion, these terms are essential in your practice:

Definition of Terms
Entrepreneurship - the act of taking a risk in business in an organized
Market – a place for trading goods and services; a group of
people who buys products and services
Demand – a need or a want
Supply – the availability of material or service in the market
Consumer – a person who buys and uses goods and services

Personal Entrepreneurial Skills

According to the United Nations Conference on Trade and
Development or UNCTAD (June 2021), there are 10 personal entrepreneurial
1. Opportunity-seeking and initiative – Entrepreneurs view the world
that they see opportunities, grab them, and transform them into
business situations.
2. Persistence – Entrepreneurs tend to have patience in keeping their
business even if others abandon theirs.
3. Commitment – Entrepreneurs keep their words whatever sacrifices
they have to give.
4. Demand for efficiency and quality – Entrepreneurs always seek
improvement. They explore to perform better, faster or cheaper.
5. Taking a calculated risk – Entrepreneurs are intelligent risk-takers.
They plan carefully before engaging in something risky.
6. Goal setting – The goal of a business is its core and most important
competency. Without it, other competencies will not function
properly. An entrepreneur sets goals and objectives that will help
the business grow.
7. Information seeking – Entrepreneurs seek information about the
different aspects of their business such as the market, suppliers
and opportunities.
8. Systematic planning and monitoring – Entrepreneur plans and
monitors logically to become performance and cost-efficient.
9. Persuasion and networking – Entrepreneurs are leaders who make
people follow what they do.
10. Independence and self-confidence – Entrepreneurs are
confident in their skills and talent in sustaining and growing their

Animation in the Market

Animation is a big industry. In fact, according to Stoll (2021), the

global animation market amounted to 259 billion U.S. dollars (roughly
around 12.6 trillion Pesos). It was expected to grow to about 270 billion
dollars by 2020. Animated movies such as Finding Nemo, Shrek and Minions
performed well in box offices (Stoll, 2021). The animated movie The
Incredibles 2 grossed by more than 200 million U.S. dollars more than The
Lion King and Frozen (ibid.). This shows that animations were “hit” to
children and adults around the world.

Your Place in the Market

Nowadays, many people are highly engaged in digital media. They love
sharing their experiences and their feelings about issues that concern the
social world. Some seek information for knowledge, while others seek
entertainment. People make different video content such as vlogs, song
covers, game streaming, live selling and animations. This implies that for
the number of audiences, there are different forms of media.

As an Animation NCII student, you are to familiarize the equipment,

materials and skills in your chosen track. Having such a situation above,
you can put your skills into a place where you could benefit at the same
time while helping others. In business, goods that are sold such as pencils
are called products. Income-generating activities such as video content
creation in social media are called as services on the other hand. An
Animation entrepreneur may offer mostly but not limited to animation
services to his or her customers.
III. Guided Practice

Activity 1: Spell ANIMATION

Directions: Below is the word animation. In every letter, think of a word, a

phrase or a sentence that will describe an entrepreneur. Use the
letters as the beginning of your chosen word, phrase or
sentence. Be guided with the criteria given below.
A –
N –
I –
M –
A –
T –
I –
O –
N –

Guide Question

1. Based on your mnemonics, how do you describe an entrepreneur?


Table 1: Rubric for Graphic Organizers

Criteria Excellent Good Fair Poor
Direction (5) (4) (3) (2)
The graphic The graphic The graphic The graphic
organizer organizer organizer organizer
followed all the followed most of followed followed few of
instructions. the instructions. some of the the
instructions. instructions.
Creativity (10) (9) (8) (7)
There is evident Few ideas and Some ideas Most ideas
originality in designs are from and designs and designs
ideas and existing are from are from
designs in the characters. existing existing
sketch. characters. characters.
Organizatio (10) (9) (8) (7)
n All the details Most the details Some the Few the
and information and information details and details and
are organized. are organized. information information
No detail is out are are organized.
of place. organized.
Total (30)

Table 2: Rubric for Answering Guide Questions

Criteria Excellent (5) Good (4) Fair (3) Poor (2)
Overall Response Response Response Response
Content shows strong shows evidence shows little shows no
(5) of synthesis of evidence of
evidence of evidence of
synthesis of ideas synthesis of synthesis of
ideas presented and ideas ideas
presented and insights gained presented and presented
throughout the and insights
insights insights
entire activity. gained
gained gained
throughout throughout the entire
the entire the entire activity.
activity. activity.

Activity 2: Business Circles

Directions: Copy the graphic organizer in your activity notebook. Write who
are the possible market for animation. Then answer the guide
questions. Be guided with the rubrics on the previous activity.


Guide Question

1. How can animation generate income from the market you have
IV. Independent Practice

Activity 1: I am an Entrepreneur

Directions: Copy this diagram in your activity notebook. Draw yourself in

the center as an entrepreneur. On the left side of your image,
write all the PECs that you think you already possess. On the
right side, write all the PECs that you think you do not yet
possess. Then answer the questions. Be guided with the criteria
on Activity 1 of Guided Practice (Table 1 and 2) in answering this

Draw yourself here.

I still need to
possess these PECs.
I possess these PECs

Guide Questions

1. How are you going to acquire the PEC’s you still lack?
Activity 2: What’s in the market?

Directions: Copy this table in your activity notebook. On the right column,
write how animations can be used in the given media content.
See the example in the first number. Then answer the guide
questions below. Be guided with the rubric on Activity 1 of
Guided Practice (Table 1 and 2) in answering this activity.

Line of Business Use of animation in the specific

1. International movies Computer Generated Images (CGI’s)
and visual special effects (VSFX).

2. Social media
3. Education
4. Business
5. Philippine movies
6. TV Series
7. Business Promotion
8. News
9. Sports
10. Social Advocacies

Guide Questions:

1. If you are to work in the animation market, which one would it be?

Activity 3: Business Situation

Directions: Read the passage below and answer the guide questions in your
activity notebook. Be guided with the rubric on Table 2 of
Activity 1 of Guided Practice in answering this activity.

You are a content creator in social media. Your main

content is animation. Your videos are rated R-13, where
audiences are aged 13 and above. Also, other content creators
review your work on their videos.

In the comments section, your audiences interact with you

by giving off suggestions for your future content such as making
an animated series, an animated information video and
animation tutorials. Some give you compliments. Others point out
your weaknesses to improve as an animator.

Guide Questions:

1. Who are your audiences/customers?

2. What do they need from you as an animator?
3. How can you sustain or increase your potential audiences?

V. Application: My Comic Strip

Directions: Show your learnings and questions using a comic strip. You
may use more than, but not less than 3 panels. Be guided with
the criteria below.

Table 3: Rubric for Comic Strip (What I Have Learned: My Comic Strip)

Criteria Excellent Good Fair Poor

Creativity (10) (9) (8) (7)
The graphic The graphic The graphic The graphic
organizer organizer organizer organizer
followed all the followed most followed some followed few
instructions. of the of the of the
instructions. instructions. instructions.
Characters (10) (9) (8) (7)
and All characters Most Some Few
Dialogue are identified. characters characters characters
Their actions are are identified. are
and dialogues identified. Some of their identified.
match well. Most of their actions and Few of their
actions and dialogues actions and
dialogues match well. dialogues
match well. match well.
Spelling, (5) (4) (3) (2)
Punctuation There are no There are few There are There are
s and spelling, spelling, some many
Grammar punctuation punctuation spelling, spelling,
or grammar or grammar punctuation punctuation
error. error. or grammar or grammar
error. error.
Number of (5) (4) (3) (2)
Panels Used more Used 3 Used 3 Used 3
than 3 panels. panels. panels.
Total 30

“ANALYTICAL HIGHLIGHT - Skills Panorama.” Accessed June 19, 2021.

Burns, Stephanie. “10 Things to Consider When Starting a Business in a

Down Economy.” Forbes. Forbes Magazine, March 30, 2013.

“Market.” Merriam-Webster. Merriam-Webster. Accessed December 16,


Robinson, Joan Violet. “Market.” Encyclopædia Britannica. Encyclopædia

Britannica, inc., February 10, 2017.

Stoll, Julia. “Global Animation Market Value 2017-2020.” Statista, January

13, 2021.

“Supply and Demand, Markets and Prices.” Econlib. Accessed December 16,

Test Your Business Idea.” Business News Daily, February 3, 2016.

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