Er Diagram: Data Base Design

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Database design is used to manage large bodies of information. The
management of data involves both the definition of structure of storage and
provision for the manipulation of information. In addition, the database system
must provide the safety of the information solved despite system crashes or due
to the attempts at unauthorized access. We have to fulfil certain conditions such
• Control Redundancy.

• Easy to use.

• Data Independence.

• Accuracy and Integrity.

• Recovery and Security.

• Performance.


Table Name: student

Description: This table is used to store the student registration information.

Field Name Data Type Constraint Description

s_id int(11) Primarykey Student id
s_regno int(6) NOTNULL Student register number
s_name varchar(50) NOTNULL Student name
s_password varchar(50) NOTNULL Student password
Class varchar(10) NOTNULL Class of the student
Section varchar(5) NOTNULL Section of the student
Gender varchar(7) NOTNULL Gender of the student
s_dob Date NOTNULL Student date of birth
s_phno bigint(12) NOTNULL Student phone number
s_email varchar(50) NOTNULL Student email address
s_addr varchar(70) NOTNULL Student address
s_father varchar(50) NOTNULL Student father name

s_mother varchar(50) NOTNULL Student mother name
Apti varchar(20) NOTNULL Aptitude
communication varchar(20) NOTNULL Communication

sqsn int(11) NOTNULL Security Question

sans varchar(500) NOTNULL Security Answer
profilepic Varchar(250) NOTNULL Profile picture
Status varchar(10) NOTNULL Status of the student

Table name: company

Description: This table is used to store the company details.

Field Name Data Type Constraint Description

c_id int(11) Primarykey Company id
c_name varchar(50) NOTNULL Company name
c_type varchar(50) NOTNULL Company type
c_addr varchar(50) NOTNULL Company address
c_user varchar(50) NOTNULL Company user name
c_password varchar(50) NOTNULL Company password
c_ph bigint(20) NOTNULL Company phone number
Wrkph bigint(20) NOTNULL Company workphone number
c_email varchar(50) NOTNULL Company email address
Md varchar(50) NOTNULL Company MD
drive Date NOTNULL Drive date of company
status varchar(10) NOTNULL Status of the company

Table name: college

Description: This table is used to store the college details.

Field Name Data Type Constraint Description

cl_id Int(11) Primarykey College id
cl_name Varchar(70) NOTNULL College name
cl_addr Varchar(50) NOTNULL College address
cl_cont Bigint(20) NOTNULL College contact number
cl_email Varchar(40) NOTNULL College email address

Pincode Int(11) NOTNULL Pincode

Table name: admin

Description: This table is used to store the admin login information.

Field Name Data Type Constraint Description

a_id int(11) Primarykey Admin id
a_name varchar(20) NOTNULL Admin name
a_password varchar(20) NOTNULL Admin Password
sqsn int(11) NOTNULL Security Question
sans varchar(500) NOTNULL Security Answer

Table name: faq

Description: This table is used to store the FAQs.

Field Name Data Type Constraint Description

f_id int(11) Primarykey FAQ id
question varchar(50) NOTNULL Question
answer varchar(50) NOTNULL Answer
f_time timestamp NOTNULL FAQ time
s_id int(11) Foreignkey Student id
status varchar(20) NOTNULL Status of faq

Table name: notification

Description: This table is used to store the notifications sent by admin and
company to the students.
Field name Data Type Constraint Description
n_id Int(11) Primarykey Notification id
n_date Date NOTNULL Notification date
n_details varchar(300) NOTNULL Notification details
a_id Int(11) Foreignkey Admin id
c_id Int(11) Foreignkey Company id
s_id Int(11) Foreignkey Student id
status Varchar(20) NOTNULL Status of notification

Table name: resume

Description: This table is used to store the resumes and documents of

Field Name Data Type Constraint Description

r_id int(11) Primarykey Resume id
s_id int(11) Foreign key Student id
file varchar(250) NOTNULL Resume Files
Date Date NOTNULL Date of the resume uploaded
Status varchar(11) NOTNULL Status of the notification
Doc varchar(250) NOTNULL Documents(Marks card)

Table name: selected

Description: This table is used to store the selected students lists for a
particular company

Field Name Data Type Constraint Description

sl_id int(11) Primary key Selected id
s_id int(11) Foreign key Student id
Status varchar(20) NOTNULL Status of the selected students
Date Date NOTNULL Date of the students selected
c_id int(11) Foreign key Company id

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