Wennstrom J, Lindhe J, Nyman S. The Role of Keratinized Gingiva in Plaque-Associated

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Journal of Clinica!

Periodontoiogy 1982; 9: 75-85

Key words: keratinized giiK'^a - gingivitis - denial plaque.
Accepted for publication Januarj' 2S, 1981

The role of keratinized gingiva in

plaque-associated gingivitis in dogs

Department of Periodontoiogy, School of Dentistry, University of Goteborg, Goteborg, Sweden

Abstract. The present experiment was designed to examine if a dento-gingival unit with a wide zone of
keratinized gingiva (ICG) provides a more efficient sea! against plaque infection than a unit with a
narrow zone of KG or lack of such gingiva. Five beagle dogs were used. In a preparatory experiment
three categories of gingival units were established in each dog, namely (I) regenerated gingiva with a
wide zone of KG (healed following a "flap" procedure), (2) regenerated gingiva with an "insufficiently"
wide zone of KG (healed following a "gingivectomy" procedure), and (3) non-operated control gingiva
with a normal zone of KG. Clinical and histological examinations carried out at the end of the
preparatory period revealed that all gingival units, non-operated as well as regenerated units, met the
criteria of health. All tooth-cleaning meastires were abolished. After 40 days ofplaque accumulation the
clinical examination (Plaque Index, Gingival Index and Gingival Exudate) was repeated and biopsies
were sampled. Following preparation the biopsy material was subjected to histometric and mor-
phometric analysis, r h e results showed that the free gingiva of units with wide and narrow zones of KG
responded to microbial colonization by an inflammatory reaction, the location and extension of which
did not vary with the width of the keratinized gingiva. It wasconcluded that, in the presence of plaque, a
dento-gingival unit with a narrow zone of, or with lack of, gingiva has an equal capacity for
inflammatory response against plaque infection as a unit with a wide zone of KG.

It has been assutned that the absence of a periodontal health" could not be ascertained
"sufficietitly" wide zone of keratinized gingiva is (Hangorsky & Bissada 1980). In another trial,
incompatible with gingival health and main- Dorfman et ai. (1980) studied the effectiveness
tained attachment level. This assumption is of gingivai grafts for the maintenance of the
derived from clinical observations iti individual attachment apparatus. Grafts were placed on
cases of aggravated signs of gingival inflam- one of the bilateral areas with inadequate
mation and/or recession in localized areas attached gingiva while the contralateral area
devoid of keratinized gingiva (for review see served as control. The patients were enrolled in
Wennstrom et al. 1981). Elaborate surgical a supervised maintenance program and the
methods have been introduced to transplant results were evaluated after 2 years. "Both ex-
gingiva to sites deprived of such tissue. perimental (grafted) and control (unoperated)
Recently Hangorsky & Bissada (1980) re- sides showed marked reduction in the Gingival
ported frotn clinical trials that grafted sites in Index and Plaque Index. Neither side demon-
patients with proper oral hygiene did not ex- strated further attachment loss. It would appear
hibit lower gingivitis scores than non-grafted that minimizing inflamtnation is sufficient to
control sites with "insufficient" width of ging- maintain attachment levels despite the width of
iva. Furthermore, a relationship between "the keratinized, attached gingiva" (Dorfman et al.
width of attached gingiva and the state of 1980).

0303-6979/82/010075-11 S02.50/0 © 1982 Munksgaard, Copenhagen


In most respects, these findings are eompat- position around the maxillary and mandibular
ible with results from experiments recently second, third and fourth premolars and the
reported from our laboratory (Wennstrom et al. mandibutar first molar (1i;'3;'2P,iM), and by allow-
1981).Hence, a study in the dog was undertaken ing plaque to accumulate. After 150 days of
to determine whether subsequent to surgical progressive periodontal tissue breakdown,
exeision of an advanced periodontal lesion, the when approximately 40% of the supporting
regenerated gingiva differed from that of a apparatus had been lost, the inflamed perio-
normal, non-inflamed gingiva. Two different dontal tissues were removed, employing a
modes of surgical exeision were used - a "flap" "gingivectomy" procedure in one of the experi-
procedure, in which the main part of the mental jaw quadrants and a "flap" procedure in
keratinized tissue was preserved, and a "ging- the other. In the "gjngiveetomy" procedure all
ivectomy" procedure in whieh the entire zone of keratinized gingiva was removed, while with the
keratinized gingiva was removed. Healing was "flap" procedure the main part of this tissue was
evaluated after 120 days of meticulous plaque preserved. Following surgery, the mechanical
control. The results showed that subsequent to tooth-cleaning program was reinstituted and
exeision of the periodontal lesion, a new free continued for a period of 120 days. On the left
gingiva developed, the structural composition side of the jaws (non-operated control), the
of which was, in most respects, similarto that of plaque control program was maintained during
a normal, non-inflamed gingiva. In addition, the entire 270-day period.
the regenerated gingiva was free from clinical At the end of this period (in the present study
and histologieal signs of inflammation inde- denoted Day 0), the following clinical para-
pendent of absence or presence or width of the meters were recorded at the buecal surface of all
keratinized zone. experimental (operated) teeth and contralateral
The trials and experiment reported above (non-operated) control teeth:
demonstrate that, provided plaque infection is
1) Plaque Index (Pil) - according to Silness &
prevented, there seems to be no requirement for
Loe (1964)
presence of a zone of keratinized gingiva for the
2) Gingival Index (GI) - according to Loe &
maintenance of periodontal health. It remains
Silness (1963)
to be determined, however, if a dento-gingival
3) Gingival exudate (GE) - the orifice tech-
unit with a wide zone of keratinized gingiva
nique (Loe & Holm-Pedersen 1965)
provides a better seal against plaque infection
4) Width of the keratinized gingiva (WKG) -
than a unit with a narrow zone of keratinized
the distance from the gingival margin to the
gingiva or lack of such gingiva. The present
muco-gingival junction was measured with a
experiment was designed to study this problem.
standardized periodontal probe to the near-
est 1 mm.
Material and Methods Al! assessments were confined to the mid-
The experimental procedure preceding the start buccal part of both roots of all test and control
of the present study was described in detail by teeth. Immediately after the clinical assessments,
Wennstrom et al. (J981). Five beagle dogs were biopsies were obtained from the following teeth
used. The teeth of the dogs were cleaned once on experimental and control sites: "P'', ' P ' , 3P3.
daily with toothbrtish and dentifrice in order to 2P2 in dogs 1,3 and 5; ' P ' , ^P^ sM,, 4P* in dogs 2
establish healthy gingivae. Periodontal tissue atid 4.
breakdown was subsequently induced on the Following biopsy on Day 0 all tooth-cleaning
right side of the jaws {experimental side) by measures were abolished on both sides of the
placing cotton floss ligatures in a subgingival jaws. After 40 days of plaque accumulation the

scope. A total of 160 experimental and 160

control sections from Day 0, and 120 experi-
mental and 120 control sections from Day 40
were examined. In each section the following
distances (Fig. 1) were measured (obj. X 20) and
expressed in microns (f<m):
1. The height of the free gingiva (HFG); i.e. the
gingivai margin (Tgm) - the apical border of
the junctional epithelium (JE)
CTA 2. The sulcus depth (SD); i.e. T,™ - the most
coronally located cells of the junctional
3. The width of the free gingiva at its base
(WFG); i.e. JE - the surface of the oral
Fig. I. Schematic drawing illustrating the various epithelium (Tb)
linear distances which were measured in the hisEo- 4. The length of the supracrestal connective
logical sections. SD = sulcus depth, aICT = apical tissue attachment (CTA); i.e. JE - the crest
extension of the infiltrated connective tissue, HFG =
height of the free gingiva, WFG = width of the free
of the alveolar bone.
gingiva, CTA = length of the supracrestal connective 5. The apical extension of the infiltrated con-
tissue attachment, Jgm and Ti. are location points, nective tissue (alCT); i.e. Tgm - the apical
JE = the apical border of the junctional epithelium. border of the infiltrated connective tissue.
Schematische Skizze zur Darstellung verschiedener
linearer Absidnde, die in den histologischen Schnitten In each section representing the free gingiva, a
vermessen wurden. SD — Tiefe des Sulkus. alCT—
morphometric point-counting procedure
apikale Ausdehnung infiltrierten Bindegewehes.
HFG = Hohe der freien Gingiva. W-'f 6'= Breite der (Weibel 1969, Schroeder & Munzel-Pedrazzoli
freien Gingiva, CTA =Lange des supraalveolaren. 1973) was used (Level I; obj. X 20, Grid P42) to
bindegeweblichen Attachments. T^ undTt, sind Orien- determine the percentage volume of oral epi-
tierungspunkte, JE~die apikale Grenze des Epithel-
thelium (OE), junctional epithelium (JE), non-
infiltrated connective tissue (NCT)andconnect-
Representation schematique des differentes distances
ive tissue infiltrated with inflammatory cells
Hneaires mesurees sur les coupes hi.stotogiques. SB ~
profondeur du sillon gingival, alCT= etendue du tissu (ICT).
conjonctif infihre en direction apicaie. HFG=hauteur The histologicai sections were also analyzed
de la gencive libre, WFG^largeur de ia gencive libre. for the presence of leucocytes within the junct-
CTA = longueur de I'attachement de tissu conjonctif au
dessus de la crete osseuse. Tg^ et Tb sont des points de ional epithelium. With the use of a microgrid
repere. JE=limite apicale de I'epithelium de jonction. the junctional epithelium was divided into three
portions of equal length: a marginal (MA), a
middle (MI) and an apical (AP) portion and the
clinical examination was repeated and biopsies number of leucocytes within each of the three
were harvested from all remaining test and portions was determined (OIDJ.XIOO, ocularX
control teeth. 10).
The biopsy procedures were carried out ac- The histological assessments were carried out
cording to the technique described by Schroeder by a person, unaware of the design of the
°t al. (1973) and the excised specimens were experiment. In each dog, the percentage dis-
processed in the manner previously described tribution of Plaque and Gingival Index scores 0,
t>y Wennstrom et al. (1981). The histologica! 1, 2 and 3 and the mean value for all other
examination was carried out in the light micro- parameters were calculated for control, "flap".


•I F 0 M s H F G



F '. -FLAP"

Fig. 2. Mean percentage number of tooth surfaces with Plaque Index scores 0,1, 2 and 3 and gingival units with
Gingival Index scores 0, 1, 2 and 3 on Days 0 and 40 for the three categories of units,
Mittlere Anzaht Zahnoberflachen inProzent mit den Beurteiltmgseinheiten (scores) 0. 1. 2 und3 desPlatjueind
sowie Gingivaleinheiten mit den scores 0. 1. 2 und 3 des Gingivalindexes. an den Tagen 0 und 40 bei den
Kategorien dieser Einheiten.
Pourcentage moyen du nombre defaces dentaires ayant les scores 0.1, 2 et 3 pour I'indice de Plaque etdu nombr
localisations gingivaies ayant les scores 0. I. 2 et 3pour I'indice Gingival atix Jours Oet 40. pour chaeune d
categories de localisations.

and "gingiveetomy" utiits, respectively, and

tjsed in the statistical analysis. Differences Results
between the three groups of units were analyzed Clinicat assessments
using Student's t-test. The results of the clinical assessments are
presented in Table 1 and Fig. 2. At the start of
the present observation period (Day 0) there
Table I. Amount of Gingival Exudate on Days 0 and were no marked differences regarding the
40. Mean value and standard error amount of plaque and the condition of the
Menge des gingivalen Exsudates an den Tagen 0 und 40.gingivae between the non-operated controls
Mittelwert und Stattdardirrtum and the units which had been surgically treated
Quantites dExsudat Gingival aux Jours 0 et 40. Valeur with "flap" or "gingivectotny" procedures. As a
moyenne et erreur-type result of the careful plaque control program all
DayO Day 40 buccal tooth surfaces studied were free from
Units (mm) (mm) clinically detectable plaque and 93-96% of the
Non-operated Traces L8±0.8 adjacent gingival units were classified as clinic-
Regenerated ally healthy (GI=O; Fig. 2). The remaining 4-
a) "Flap" 0.1±0,l 2.8±I.O
0.2±0.2 3.1 ±0,9* 1% ot the gingival units showed only minute
b) "Gingiveetomy"
signs inflammation (GI= 1). For all groups of
• "Gingiveetomy" vs non-operated /'<0.01 units, the Gingival Exudate values were close to
Units {Einheiten. localisations), non-operated (nicht-
operiert, non-opirees), regenerated (regeneriert. re-zero (Tabie 1). There were no significant dif-
generies). ferences between the three categories of units

regarding the i'rcquency of GI score 0 and the amount of Ginigval Exudate sampled on Day
amount of Gingival Exudate. 40 was slightly larger in the two regenerated
Table 2 gives the results from the ciinical ("flap" and "gingivectomy") groups than in the
measurements of the width of the keratinized non-operated controls (2.8 and 3.1 vs 1.8; Table
gingiva (WKG) from the teeth which remained 1). The difference regarding atnount of Gingival
after biopsy on Day 0. The mean WKG was 4.2 Exudate on Day 40 between the "gingivectomy"
mm for non-operated units, 3.7 mm for "flap" and the non-operated units was statistically
units and 1.6 mm for "gingivectomy" units. All significant {P<0.0\).
non-operated and all "flap"-treated units had a The clinical data describing the condition of
keratinized zone of gingiva of 3 mm or more the gingivae (Gingival Index scores and Ging-
whereas the WKG of all "gingivectomy" units ival Exudate values) on Day 40 are ptesented in
was 2 mm or less. Fig. 3 in relation to varying WKG values. For
The reexamination, perfortned at the end of the regenerated units (Reg; Fig. 3), there was a
the 40-day period of no tooth-eleaning, showed tendency towards more pronounced clinical
that the dogs had accumulated plaque and signs of gingivitis with decreasing WKG.
developed clinical signs of gingival inflam- Furthermore, regenerated units with a zone of
mation (Fig. 2). The amount of plaque fortned gingiva of 3 mtn or more ( = "nap" units) tended
was similar lor non-operated and regenerated to receive higher GI scores and larger Exudate
units. Thus, 64-69% ofthe buccal tooth sur- values than corresponding non-operated con-
faces in each of the three categories of units troi units.
examined harboured visible amounts of dental
deposits (Pll =2). The clinical signs of gingivi- Ilislologicat as.sessments
tis, however, showed marked differences be- The data obtained from the histometric assess-
tween the various gingival units. Thus, 70% of ments are presented in Table 3. Forty days of
the "gingivectomy" units teceived a Gingival plaque accumulation resulted in an increase of
Index score of 2. The corresponding figures for the height of the free gingiva (HFG) of around
the non-operated and "nap"-operated units 300//tn (312/nn in non-operated units, 324/nn
were 20 and 33%, respectively. The mean in "llap" units, 260/;m in "gingivectomy" units).

Table 2. Width of gingiva (WKG) and percentage distribution of gingival units with 0-6 mm of keratinized
gingiva in non-operated and regenerated sites (" llap" and "gingivectomy") on Day 0. Only those units have been
included which between Days 0 and 40 were subjected to plaque accumulation
Breile der Gingiva (WKG) und ptozenluale Verteilung gittgivaler Einheiten tnit 0-6 tntn keratini.sierter Gingiva in
nieht-operierteti und regenerierten Regionen (happen- und Gingivektomieoperatiott) atn Tage ft E.s werden nur
solehe Einheiten hier attfgefiihrt, die zwi.sehen detn Tage 0 und 40 der Plaqueansanutihtng ausgesetit wtirden.
Largeur de la geneive keratinisee (WKG) et di.stribution de.s loealLsations gittgivale.s avant 0-6 tntn de gencive
keratinisee dan.s le.s localisations noti-operces ou regenerces ("llap" = Uttnheau et "gingiveetotnie") au Jour ft Seules
onl cle considerees les localisations sur lesquelles la plaqtte s'etait aeeutttulee entre le Jour 0 et le Jour 40.
Percentage distribution
Units WKG(X±S.E.) 0 3 6 (mm)
Non-operated 4.2 ±0.2 - 20 43 30
a) "Flap" 3.7±0.1 - 31 69
b) "Gingivectomy" 1.6±0.2 29 64
X=mean value, S.E. =standard error {X = Millel\verl, S.E.=Standardirrliitn, X=valeur ttioyenne, S.E.=
erreut-type). Percentage distribution (j>rozentuale Verteilung. distribution (%)).


Fig, 3. Percentage number of gingival units with different Gingival Index scores (left diagram) and different
amounts of Gingival Exudate (right diagram) in reiation to the width of the keratinized gingiva on Day 40.
REG = regenerated units, N = non-operated units. The vertical lines indicate the number of gingival units with
<2, 2, 3 and > 3 mm of keratinized gingiva.
Anzahi gingiva/er Einheiien in Prozent mi! verschiedefien Gin^ivalindexscores (linkes Diagramm) und vcrsckied-
ener Menge gingivalen Exsudates frechrcs Diagramm) in Bezug auf die Brciie der keraiinisicnen Gingiva am
Versuckstage 40. REG=^ regenerierie Einheiien, N~nichl-opericrse Einheiien. Die venikalen Linien zeigen die
Anzahl gingivaler Einheiien mil < 2 . 2. 3 und >.? mm keraiinisierier Gingiva an.
Pourcentage moyen du nomhre de localisations gingivaies ayani differents seores pour i' Indice G ingival (diagramme
de gauche) et differentes quanlites d'Ex.sudai Gingivai (diagramme dc droite). par rapport a la largeur de la gencive
keratinisee au Jour 40. REG = localisations regenerees, A'= localisations non-operees. Les lignes venicales
indiquent le nombre de localisations gingivaies ayant < 2 , 2, 3 et > J mrt^ de gencive keratinisee.

Table 3. Results (in //m) from the histometric assessments of the gingival tissue on Days 0 and 40. Mean value
and standard error HFG ~ height of the free gingiva; SD = sulcus depth; WFG — width of the free gingivaat its
base; CTA = !ength of the supracrestal connective tissue attachment; alCT = apical extension of the infiltrated
connective tissue
Resuhate (in fim) hisiometrischer Beurteilung des gingivalen Gewehes an den Tagen 0 und 40. Miuehsert und
Standardirrtum. HFG—Hohe der freien Gingiva; SD = Sulkusiiefe; WFG~Breiie der freien Gingiva an ihrer
Basis; CTA—Ldnge des supraalveolaren bindegeweblichen Atiaehments; alCT—apikale Ausdeknunginfiltrierien
Resultats (en^m) des mesures histometriques des tissus gingivaux aux Jours 0 el 40. Valeur moyenne et erreur-type.
HFG~ hauteur de la geneive librc; SD=profondeur du siUon gingival: WFG ~ largeur de la gencive lihre a sabasc:
CTA~ longueur de Caltachement de tissu conjonctif au dessus de la crete osseuse: alCT~ etendue du tissu
conjonctif infiltre en direction apieale
Change Change alCI
Units HFG Days 0-40 SD Days 0-40 WFG CTA alCT HFO
DayO 1316± 42 264± 76 , ^,, 1106±36 720 ± 78 ND* 0,66
+ 312t
Day 40 1628± 96 480 ± 82 ^'^'^ 1132±54 740 ± 78 1068 ±72
a) "Flap"
Day 0 1622± 58 82 ± l!90±54 794±114 ND
Day 40 1946±148 388 ±120 '•'""' I28O±96 724±48 1278±140 0,6f
b) "Gingivectoray"
DayO 1380±I28 232 ± 26 ^ 718±64 814±i00 ND
Day 40 1640± 50 -rZW 640± 62 * 732±52 762 ±126 1232±108 0,7:
• ND = Not done
t PO.05
{ /•<0.001
Change {Verdnderung. changement).

Table 4. Percentage volume of oral epithelium (OE), junctional epithelium (JE), non-infiltrated connective
tissue (NCT) and connective tissue infiltrated with inflammatory cells (ICT) calculated from morphometric
analysis of non-operated and regenerated gingiva ("flap*" atid "gingivectomy") on Days 0 and 40. Mean value
and standard error
Prozentuales Votumen des oralen Epithets (OE), des Epithelansatzes (JE), nicht inftltrierten Bindegewebes (NCT)
und des mit Entziindungszetlen infiltrierten Bindegewebes (ICT), durch morphometrische Analyse far nicht-
operierte und regenerierte Gingiva CLappen" und "Gingivektomie') am Tage 0 und 40 errechnet. Mittelwert und
Volume (%) de I'epithelium buccal (OE), de I'epithelium de)onction (JE), du tissu conjonctifnon-inftltre (NCT) etdu
tissu conjonctif infihre de cellules inflammatoires (ICT), calcule d'apres 1'analyse morphometrique de la gencive
non-operee et de la gencive regeneree Cflap^ — lambeau et"gingivectomie'') auJour 0 et auJour 40. Valeur moyenne
et erreur-type
No. of points
Units OE JE NCT ICT counted
Day 0 32.2±0.9 7.9 + 0.6 59.4±0.6 0.5±0.3 251 ±10
Day 40 31.0±0.7 7.4±0.2 48.7±1.2 12.9+1.6 368 ± 4 3
a) "Flap"
Day 0 26.9±1.0 9.2±0.6 62.9±1.5 1.0+0.3 357 ±16
Day 40 25.5±1.2 8.7±0.2 48.0±I.5 17.8+2.4 540 ±80
b) "Gingivectomy"
Day 0 30.4±2.7 12.1±1.6 57.2±2.4 0.3±0.3 181±2!
Day 40 28.9±1.7 9.3±1.9 39.5±4.2 22.3 ±4.3 262 ±26
No. ol points counted (Anzahl gezdhlter Punkte. nombre de points comptes).

This increase was statistically significant for the height of the free gingiva. This difference in
non-operated units (/'<0.05) but not for the spread of the infiltrate between the three cate-
regenerated units. The sulcus depth (SD) in- gories of units was not statistically significant.
creased with 216 fim in non-operated units and The composition of the free gingiva, i.e the
with 306 /im and 408 /jm in "flap" and in percentage volume distribution of various tis-
"gingivectomy" units, respectively. This in- sue structures, is presented in Table 4and Fig. 4.
crease was statistically significant for the re- At the start of the study (Day 0), the overall
generated units ("flap": P<0.05, "gingivect- composition of the regenerated gingival units
omy": P<0.0Ol). Only minute and statistically was almost identical to that of the non-operated
insignificant alterations were observed between gingiva. However, the size (number of points
Days 0 and 40 regarding the width of the free counted) of the regenerated free gingiva was
gingiva (WFG) and the length of the sup- significantly smaller following "gingivectomy"
racrestal connective tissue attachment (CTA) in (_P<0.05) and significantly larger following
the three categories of gingivai units. The "flap" surgery (P<0.05) than that of the non-
•issessments of the extension of the infiltrated operated control gingiva (Table 4). The in-
connective tissue in apical direction (alCT) filtrated portion of the connective tissue (ICT)
revealed that the apical border of the ICT was occupied only around 0.5% (0.3-1.0%) of the
located at a distance from the gingival margin various gingival units. On Day 40, the size of the
of, on the average, 1068/im, 1278/im and 1232 ICT, in comparison to the Day 0 value, was
'm in the non-operated, "flap" and "gingivect- increased in all three categories of units studied.
imy" units, respectively. Thus, the ICT in- Furthermore, the size of the ICT in the re-
volved around two-thirds to three-fourths of generated units ("Flap" - 17.8%; "Gingivect-


length of junctional epithelium. All sections
representing Day 40 of the experiment con-
tained, in comparison to Day 0 sections, a larger
number of junctional leucocytes (5.6 vs 3.6,10.5
vs 4.9, 10.5 vs 4.2). This increase was mainly the
result of an increased density of inflammatory
cells in the marginal (MA) portion of the
junctional epithehum. The number of leuco-
cytes in this particular portion of the junctional
Fig. 4. Histogram illustrating the mean percentage
volume of the various gingival tissue components of epithelium was significantly larger in regene-
non-operated gingiva and regenerated gingiva follow- rated units than in the non-operated controls
ing "gingivectomy" and "flap" procedures on Days 0 (P<0.01). Also the total number of leucocytes
and 40. ICT =^ connective tissue infiltrated with in-
residing within the junctiona! epithelium was
flammator>' cells, NCT = non-infiltrated connective
tissue, JE=junctional epithelium and OE = oral epi- significantly larger in regenerated than in non-
thelium. operated units (P< 0.001).
Histogramm das das mittlere Volumen (in Prozent) der
verschiedenen Komponenten nicht-operierter und re-
generierter Gingiva nach "Gingivektomie-" und"Lap- Discussion
penoperation". an den Versuchstagen 0 und 40 ver-
anschaulicht. lCT=mit Entzundungszellen infittriertes The present experiment was designed to exam-
Bindegewebe. NCT=nicht-infiltriertes Bindegewebe, ine whether a dento-gingival unit with a wide
JE=Epithelansatz und OE=orales Epithet. zone of keratinized gingiva (KG) provides a
Histogramme illustrant le volume moyen (%} des
differents elements du tissu gingival de la gencive non- more efficient seal against plaque infection than
operee et de la gencive regeneree apres "girtgivectomie" a unit with a narrow zone of KG or lack of such
et apres operation a lambeau ("flap^) aux Jours 0 et 40. gingiva. Hence, in a preparatory experiment
ICT— tissu conjonctif infiltre de cellules inflammat-
three categories of gingival units were establish-
oires. NCT~ tissu conjonctif non-infiltre. JE~epithe-
lium de Jonction et OE=epithelium buccal. ed, namely (1) regenerated gingiva with a wide
zone of KG (healed following a "flap" proce-
dure), (2) regenerated gingiva with an "in-
omy" - 22.3%) tended to be larger than that of sufficiently" wide zone of KG (healed following
the non-operated control units (12.9%). The a "gingivectomy" procedure), and (3) non-
difference was, however, not statistically signif- operated control gingiva with a normal zone of
icant. There were no marked changes regarding KG. Examinations carried out at the end ofthe
the percentage distribution of oral epithelium preparatory period revealed that all gingival
and junctional epithelium between Day 0 and units, non-operated as well as regenerated units,
Day 40 in the specimens examined. met the criteria of health. Thus, most units
The number of neutrophilic and mononu- received a GI seore of 0 (Fig. 2) and the exudate
clear leucocytes present within the junctional samples consistently showed only traces or
epithelium on Days 0 and 40 are presented in absence of gingival fluid flow (Table 1), The
Table 5. As a rule, the marginal (MA) and histological analysis of the biopsy material
middle (MI) portion of the junctional epi- furthermore revealed that the noti-operated as
thelium harboured a larger number of leuco- well as the regenerated gingival units were fret
cytes than the apical (AP) portion. Assessments from or contained only mitiute areas of inflam
made in the biopsy materiai from Day 0 matory cell infiltration (Table 4) and harbourec
revealed that there were no significant dif- few leucocytes in a junctional epithelium whict
ferences between the three categories of units was getierally devoid of rete peg formations
regarding number of leucocytes per 100 /Am The three categories of healthy gingival units

Tabte 5. Number of leucocytes present within the junctional epithelium (Total) and within each of its three
subportions (MA = marginal, MI = middle, AP = apical) on Days 0 and 40, Mean number of leucocytes/100
IJtm of junctional epithelium and standard error
Leut<ozytenanzaht im Epithetansatz (Total) und innerhatb eines jeden seiner drei Unterabteilungen (MA = marginal,
MI=mtttlerer Abschnitt. AP=apikat) an den Tagen 0 und 40. Mittlere Leukozytenanzaht/IOO fim des
Epithelansatzes und Standardirrtum
Nombre de leucocytes presents dans I'epithetium de jonction (Total) et dans chaeune des trois portions de cet
epithetium (MA =marginatc. MI=moyenne. AP=apicale) aux .lours 0 et 40. Nombre moyen de leucocytes/100
fim d'epithelium de jonction et erreur-type
Units Total MA MI AP
DayO 3,6+0.9 4.3 + 0.6 4.6+0,2 2.2±0.3
Day 40 5.6 + 0.8 9.2+1.8 4,6+0,9 3,l±0.2
a) "Flap"
Day 0 4.9 + 0.7 8,2+1,9 4.4±0.8 2.0±0.7
Day 40 10.5 + 1.2' 22,1 ±2.8" 6.7 ±0.5 2.7±0,4
b) "Gingiveetomy"
Day 0 4.2±0.9 4.8 + 0.9 5.3±1,1 2.4±0.8
Day 40 10.5+0.6" 18.7+1.3'' 7.9 ±1,4 4,8±0.8
Regenerated vs non-operated (P<0,001)
Regenerated vs non-operated (/'<0,01)

however, differed markedly not only with re- in biopsies representing Day 40 of experiment-
spect to the height and the width (Table 3) of the ation yielded similar values for the two groups
free gingiva but also with regard to the thickness of regenerated units. The finding that clinical
of the keratin layer of the marginal oral epi- and histological parameters describing degree
thelium (Wennstrom et al. 1981). of gingivitis do not always agree is in ac-
After 40 days of plaque accumulation all cordance with e.g. Zachrisson (1968), List-
gingival units examined showed a varying de- garten & Fllegaard (1973), Schroeder et al.
gree of clinical signs of inflammation. Fre- (1973), Lindhe et al. (1978), and illustrates the
quently the free gingiva of non-operated units difficulties inherent in the interpretation of data
and/or regenerated units with a wide zone of from clinical scorings. In the present com-
KG showed only slight changes in colour and parison between clinical and histological
texture (GI score 1; Fig. 2) while the free gingiva measurements regarding the inflammatory
of regenerated units with a narrow ("insuf- response of the two categories of regenerated
ficient") KG in three cases out of four were red, gingival units certain differences concerning the
oedematous and bleeding on gentle probing (GI size and the structural composition of the free
score 2), i.e. showed more pronounced clinical gingiva of these units must be considered. Thus,
signs of gingivitis. This observation may be the free gingiva of units with a wide zone of KG
interpreted to indicate that a gingiva with a was almost twice as wide - in bucco-lingual
narrow KG responds to plaque accumulation direction - as the free gingiva of units with a
with a more intense inflammatory reaction than narrow zone of KG (Table 3; 1280 fim vs 732
a unit with a wide KG. However, gingival jim; /'<0.001). Furthermore, since the relative
exudate measurements as well as morphomet- size and the apical extension of the ICT of the
rical and histometrical measurements of the two types of free gingiva were similar, the
relative size and the apical extension of the buccal border of the infiltrate must have been
inflammatory cell infiltrate (Tables 1, 3 and 4) located closer to the oral epithelium in the free

gingiva of narrow KG units than in that of wide of the keratinized gingiva. Previous studies
KG units. Furthermore, the thickness of the (Dorfman et al. 1980, Hangorsky & Bissada
keratin layer of the marginal oral epithelium of 1980, Lindhe & Nyman 1980, Wennstrom et al.
wide KG units was twice as wide as that of 1981) have shown that in the absence of plaque
narrow KG units (Wennstrom et al. 1981). there seem to be no requirements for presence
Taken together, i.e. variations regarding the or minimal width of keratinized gingiva for the
location of the inflammatory cell infiltrate in maintenance of periodontal health. The present
relation to the oral epithelium and the thickness data indicate that, in the presence of plaque, a
of the keratin layer of this epithelium, these dento-gingival unit with a narrow zone of
discrepancies between the free gingiva of wide keratinized gingiva or with lack of such gingiva
and narrow KG units may explain the varia- has an equal capacity for inflammatory res-
tions noted regarding clinical symptoms of ponse against plaque infection as a unit with a
gingivitis in the two experimental units. wide zone of keratinized gingiva.
Biopsy material sampled at the end of the
preparatory period (Day 0) contained a junct-
ional epithelium with comparatively few poly- Acknowledgement
morphonuclear and mononuclear leucocytes. This investigation was supported by the Swed-
There was no difference between the three ish Medical Research Council, grant No.B 80-
categories of gingival units regarding the num- 24X-05247-03A.
ber of leucocytes per 100 fim length of junct-
ional epithelium. Biopsies obtained after 40 Zusammenfassung
days of plaque accumulation contained in com-
Die Rollc kcvaiiiti.sicrtcr Gini^iva bei voii I'laquc be-
parison to Day 0 biopsies a larger number of gkitctcr (Utigiviti.s des Ilunde.s
junctional leucocytes. This increase, which was Der vorliegende Vcrstich wurde konzipicrl tun / u
mainly the result of a larger number of leuco- unlcrsuchen, ob cine dcnto-gingivale liiiilieit mit
einer breiten Zone keratinisierter Gingiva (KG) sich
cytes in the marginal portion of the juctional
als wirktmgsvollerc B;irricrc gcgcniibcr der Plaqiie-
epithelium, was more pronounced in regener- inlektion crwcist als eine solclie Einheit mil cngiirer
ated than in non-operated control units. The KG-Zoni; odcr beim volligcii Fchlcn solcher Gingiva.
reason for this difference in reactivity between Funf Beagles Hundc wurdcii ITir dicscn Versuch
angewendet. In einctn Vorvcisuch wtitdcn bci jcdcm
regenerated and non-operated units - also
Hunde drci Katcgorien gingivalcr Einhcilcn gcschal-
validated by the gingival exudate data (Table 1) fcn, namlich (1) rcgenerierte Gitigiva tnit ciiic-r breiten
- is presently not understood but may be related KG-Zone (Heiluiigsbild nach ciner "Lappcnopeta-
to variations in vascularity within the dento- tion"), (2) rcgenerierte Gingiva mit "nicht ausrcichcn-
der" Zonciibrcitc der KG (Heilungsbild nach cinor
gingival connective tissue as suggested by "Gingivcktomicoperalion") und (3) nlcht opcriertc
Lindhe et al. (1978). It should be observed, Kontrollgitigiva mil normalcr KG-Zotie. Klinische
however, that the variation in number of leuco- und histologischc Untersuchungen am Ende der
cytes in the junctional epithelium of regenerated Vorversuchszcit zcigten, dass alle gingivalcn Eiti-
heitcn, die nichtopcricrten wie auch die rcgcncriertoti
units was unrelated to the width of the keratin- Einheiten, die Kritcricn gingivaler Gcstiiidlioit cr-
ized gingiva. liilllcn. Alle der Zahnrciniguiig dienendcii Ma.s.snah-
mcn wurden dann eiiigeslclll. Nach 40 Tagcn un-
The results of the present investigation de- gchindcrter Plaqtieansammlung wutdc die klinische
scribing the effect on the gingiva of 40 days of Untersuchung (Plaqticindex, Giiigivalindcx tind ging-
plaque accumulation demonstrated that the vale Exsudatc) wiederholt. Ausscrdem wurden
free gingiva of units with wide and narrow zones Biopsien entnommcn. Nach ihrer Priipaiation
wtirden sie histometrisch und morpliomclrisch
of KG responded to microbial colonization by aiialysieit. Die Resultate zciglen, dass die freie
an inflammatory reaction, the location and Gingiva der Einheiten, die wcitc tiiid enge KG-Zonen
extension of which did not vary with the width hatten, auf die mikrobiologischc Kolonisalion mit

entzundlicher Reaktion antworteten, deren Lokali- ival grafts. Journal of Clinical Periodontoiogy 7,
sation und Ausdehnung keine. der Zonenbreite 316-324.
keratinisierier Gingiva entsprechenden, Variationen Hangorsky, LI. & Bissada. N. (1980) Clinical assess-
aufwies. Es wurde gefoigert, dass bei Gegenwart von ment of free gingival graft effectiveness on the
Plaque, dento-gingivaie Einheiten mit einer engen maintenance of periodontat health. Journal of
Zone Oder ohne keratinisierte Gingiva uber die Periodonlology 51, 274-278.
gleiche Kapazitat zu entzundlicher Antwort auf Lindbe, J. & Nyman, S. (1980) Alterations of tbe
Plaqueinfektion verfiigen, wie Einheiten mit breiter position of tbe marginal soft tissue following
KG-Zone. periodontal surgery. Journal of Clinical Periodont-
ology 7, 525-530.
Resume Lindhe. J., Parodi, R., Liijenberg, B. & Fornell, J.
(1978) Ciinical and structural alterations charac-
Role de la gemivc keratinisee dans les gingivitcs dues terizing beaiing gingiva. Journal of Periodontal
a la presence de plaque chez le chien Research 13, 410-424.
La presente etude a ete confue dans le but de constater Listgarten, M. & Eilegaard, R. (1973) Experimental
si les localisations gingivales presentant une large gingivitis in tbe monkey. Journat of Periodontal
zone de gencive keratmisee (KG) constituent une Research %. 199-2! 4.
protection plus efficace centre l'infection due a la Loe, H. & Holm-Pedersen, P. (1965) Absence and
plaque baeterienne que lorsque ia zone de KG est presence of fluid from normal and inflamed ging-
etroite ou en I'absenee de KG, Les experiences ont ete iva. Periodontics 3, 171-177.
pratiquees sur cinq chiens briquets. Dans une ex- Loe. H. & Silness, J. (1963) Periodontal disease in
perience preparatoire, on etablissait d'abord chez pregnancy. I. Prevalence and severity. Acta Odont-
chacun des chiens trois categories de localisations ologica Scandinavica 21, 533-55 L
gingivales: (I) gencive regeneree avec large zone de Sehroeder. H.E.. Lindbe, J.,Hugosson, A.&Munzel-
gencive keratinisee (cicatrisation apres une operation Pedrazzoli, S. (!973) Structural constituents of
a lambeau = "nap'"), (2) gencive regeneree avec zone clinically normai and slightly inflamed dog gingiva.
de gencive keratinisee de largeur "insuffisante" (ci- A morphometric study. Helvetica Odontologica
catrisation apres 'gingiveetomie") et (.''I gencive te- Acta 7, 70-83.
moin sans intervention chirurgicale, avec une zone Schroeder, H. E. & Munzel-Pedrazzoli, S. (1973)
normale de gencive keratinisee. Les examens ciiniques Correlated morpbometric and biochemical anal-
et hislologiques effectues a la fm de la periode ysis of gingival tissue. Journai of Microscopy 99,
preparatoire montraient que toutes les localisations, 301-329.
qu'il s'agisse des locaiisations non operees ou de eelles Silness, J. & Loe, H. (1964) Periodontal disease in
avee gencive regeneree, presentaient les caracteres pregnancy. II. Correlation between oral hygiene
d'une gencive saine. Tous les soins de nettoyage des and periodontal condition. Acta Odontotogica
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pratique un examen clinique (Indice de Plaque, Indice pbometry in electron microscopic cytology. Inter-
Gingival et Exsudat Gingival) et des biopsies ont ete national Revue of Cytology 26, 235-302.
prelevees. Apres preparation des tissus preleves, on Wennslrom, J., Lindhe, J. &. Nyman, S. (1981) Role
Ies a soumis a une analyse histometrique et morpho- of keratinized gingiva for gingival health. A ciinical
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On pouvait conciure que, en presence de plaque, les Universitetsforlaget.
localisations dento-gingivales presentant une zone de
tiencive keratinisee etroite, ou meme absente, avaient
Line aptitude equivaiente a celle des localisations dont Address:
ia zone de KG etait large a donner une reaction Jan Wennslrom
inflammatoire envers l'infection par la plaque. Department of Periodontotogy
Schoot of Dentistry
References University of Goteborg
Box 33070
n, H. S., Kennedy, J. E. & Bird, W. C. (1980) S-400 33 Goteborg
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