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Structura l Analysis
(Code 201011)
Semester IV • Civil Engineering
Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune (S PPU)

Strictly •• per the New Credit Syatem Sytlabua SE (Clvll) 2019 Cour •
(With Effect from Academic Yur 2020-21)

Sajjan V. Wagh
M E . Cl\·il (Strut.·turc ) ). AIE LMISTE
AHi~tan l Profrno r Ocpaumcnt of Civil Eng1nttnng .
Zeni College of Engu~cnng ~d Rt>~caH:h. Nwhe
Punc , Mahurn,htra. lndrn ·

Amar D. Shltole
M.E. Cival (S troc turc, ),
Aisi, tanl Professor. Dcpar1mcn1 of Civi l Enginc~nng .
PCCOER Ravel. PuM.


A $ a ch i n Sh.~ h Venture
20 l O11: Structur al Analysis
(Sem..-st,r IV - Civil .E ngineering)
Sa,·itribai Phulc Punt! Unil'crsity, PuM (SPPU)
Tn,clllq ScbNllt: Cttdlt: OJ tumbultlon S<-hrntf:
Theory 03hrs/ •«k lo-,rmc11ter · JO Mark..11
TUlorial : 0 I tv!I/• ttk U111J -~\.'ntt.•j lC1 70Marb
Terna Work 2.5 r.-forh

Fundan~ntnls of Physicll, M11hrn~llc.::il, Engineering McduuuC'.li 111kl~lc.•'I of S1nu:1urc~
Course Objective,
I. Tl11s subj«t ~ill build on the concepts from Engineering Mech1.u1jcs and Mecba111t:!. of Struc.1u1a..
2. This wiU a~ale a foundation foe nnalyzing life structures hy impru1ing knowledge ohout \'arious methods
in\l'Ol\-ed in the analysis of i~terrnin:lle structures.
Course Outcomes
On compldion of the coune, le.-ner will he 11hle IQ:
I. Understand the basic concept of , taaic ::md kinematic indeterminacy and anal) \ i~ of indete rminate beams.
2. A11.1lyze redundiml trusses and nblc to ptrform 11pprmi111,llc :u111lys1" of mulli-stor) ' mulh-bay C'ramc~.
l Implement appUcAlion of too slope dcHcct1on mcth<'ll lo t~o ms and poCL.ll l1:m1es.
4. A1uilyu heiuns nnd portal fr:unc.c wing momt'nt du1ribu1ion rntt hod.
S. Detennlnr rcsponst of bcums and ponul friune~ using structure approach of i.liffne\ ,; mit rh method.

6. A pply w co=p~ ~ pb.,ic • ~ ; : :: : : : , : : • ;•:::ent/

In Seme ster Exam 30 Marks (Un it I, II)

► Unit I : Fundamentalt of atructure •d a111fyal1 of redundlnl bu •· (07 Hout1)

a) Types and das.sificalioo of structures based on structural forms. conce~t of indetermin,lil')1• static and ki1)ema1ics
degree of inde1ermi11.1Cy.
h) A1,1ly,is of propped curuilever. fo;ed heam und ron1i11uom, hear1111 with i,Mctcrminacy up to .!ICCond dc11ee hy iur11in
energy me1hod.

_► .Unit ti : AnllY•• of redundant _,n folnted frl..... and IU.1totted 111uHley l•D rJQld Jointed
frlftlll, (07HoUf•)

u) Anilysil Qf redundanl 1russe1 by un it loud method for cxttrn louding, lock of fil. !linking of supp«t and
temperature ch~nge.s (indeterminacy up 10 second <ktereo). "

b) Approximate root.hod., of on.alysis of muJti. stori«I mu.Iii-bay r-Drigid jointed frames b 'i Canti~ver method
and Portal method.
-• - • • - - - - • -•• ...- -,............. ..........
••••••••••••..H••....• .. n•H••~•• .......... ►~- ..- -...
, ..~,...,.,._ _ _

Em t Som mit m Exi.m, 'J'O Ma rks (Un

it Ill. IV, V, VI)

► Unit m:. . . . . . ,,Qb llelh()d: (07 Ho w•)

n} Slo t~tl \}c tion e-quatiorl:\, equH'ilnium
t(\ll~\\t~)I~ ~~1 $ilp1~,~ t:l"c-,lltm &nc~h
mtthod 10 beam s with nod whhool j,,, od , application o,f Slope defl ecti
i"t lntl'\ \~.h,thm j\f~I i~\HQl-,•1)1~, ) 1l~\'Ltfo~M, (,if 11u11 on
j~iln tcd r« languliu•1,ortal frame.~. lll\e"r l~ 1 pu11 , ••f> plkaAion lo non-sway ri gid
or~e 111ri<Jhc~,~t.l~,o,0:'1',-~~,1·1,:1¢•\I dill~,1·~,H,.
h) Sw1)1 "''lil\~ ii o( rigid joipit 11t,·t1\l~'
Q Oll\11' l\l'S\i k llll\y ,~1
h~gt~~''~·l\"~1~ ~~Orl~I lrn1nt.~, tt11n t1 Slope- deflcl'tw 1

(hwnlv\ng no \ 11,o~ lb\:\O three t111\~mt),1,'11,~l n mc1hod .

) '

► \JnlUV ::llo ..-n t Ol1trlblltion Mlthod.

. . . , , I I
(07 Kouri)
n) St.ifti"CU fac-tor , i:-nrry over foch )t, dil\U
1hu1.itm t~~t,',r; ~,,1;J)l1it~••i~1'1l '~~t: ~fo.n~au
to bean'\S -.•,th and with out j oilll db tribmion method of anulysi1
1rimdallion ~r,d · y1l10idh1~ ,~d·, c11or1p ort',
rectar,gutar ponal frames. shear force and ben llPf,
> lk ation to ntm -S\% ny rigid join1ed 1

d,ay. m1o'mt!',ttt diI\~,ra'rn .

b} Sway analysis of rigid jointed t-«tw
,gular,g.le h11y ,s;ngle M,~tey ip,.)1·tal fr11
(Involving not more th.m three Ul\k110\\ M}. 1
mes ·using Moment distribution method

(07 Hou,a) \
al fu:ndament~J cot:.ceJ>ls of flie·,;ibility and, rc\::1tlm,, bet1111cee lh~m . s ,1,u·111e11s
approach nu\)1• ~ t>plicalioi, to ~n u method of analysis- S1ruc1u1-e
(ln•.rotvin~ oot. mm ,e thaii throe u11kt\(1\1.1
b} AppUeation of Stif ftlCi ~ structur 1:i.) ,
e npproac h to rigid J~) rc('. l
three unknowiu \. ,U\ij'l:lbn ,i1>ortAl1 ,frnmtt!I (11w 0Mn g
nol more 1h1u,

a~ Unll Vlt Pltatlo Aftatytl9 ot ltN ~ ~-.,. :",'''

,,', ,,I', ',
(07Houir1) ,
True and iden.liud Slllt!i 1Mt ra1 n curve
fol' mlk l l\le,c1 i.1' I\Cn.'iiiOll , i!\lres,11 st.age. coooe1,t of plastic hinge dhl ri'\1l~l\~\l1 in e,lastk . et~'ill">·r~tasli
a,~ eoll~1p1e .m~ ht~,l ~n, .~,Ultk nnJ l:fae c ar~
bound, lower bo11nd and uniq uen malk methodii c.~ ,lln~lyiis , wip1:,e~
ess theu!'em . Plas tk rnooulu.s oJ sect
Plastic analyslg o( dete.nninate and i~ i,)1~, Ptastic t,1mne,ntl. shape tat"l
term inat,e \>e~wm., ~,,,~le b'a~• s.i,111gh'.! -:c,101 o r.
:ieid pot1i1I fnune. 1

□ Ou


FundartlelAls,W Structure and 11

Analyslt ,Of 1letunc1ant Beams

Multiple Choice Q1u?stions

s~· ,,.. IMD 11N1 Fb-4 IMD

Sign con,·r1ik11l ➔ Clod:w,w ·+,r' , A11hc:loukwl11t ' ... vu '

Sr. No.lam l htid l.M.,D.

I. ft \cd hc.11U '-' Jlfl')1,n g cc11tl'al po:l nt, M,\11:= MllA

Pa\ed hc~m carr)tnl! UD L

::: - 12


Ft\1t.-d hum cIDrymi: CCC('Olri c lo.a<lina;


3. wab
M c:iT
- wall
G1. I

8 C b I,) ~ I -.:r-
- wb..1
M1v. :;.

l ~ A~B
1'"11, 6 /
.., ... 5

F1\ed l1e11 m ly UOI.

II I ~ I I

' II 1 '

, 1nt•I ' ,~f 11ruc. ,& analy . of redun . beama) .. .. Page no. (M1-6)
I • • ,, I . I I

Struct\Jral Ana1ys;s (SPPU•4 Sem-Ctvll) (Fiur,d

I tll I I

Sr. No. leam ,r.f.o. fbell l M.1>.

No. 111(: -

4. 111, I
• l
I I M JWJt(/-11.) di
I '

All ■ - I t1

• 2

_ ,_ ._ _,.. B W(/-X)l ch

I 11 I I Fi1( M l!A:i- J ?

11 'I' I' 0


M~~"f \!D)( b
Fi.1. 7

5. Fixed beam canying unifamly varying: Wt
load MAil =- 30
WkNlm 2
MoA =- 20

- - - L- --•I
Fis- t

6. Fixed end moments h 10 sinking of 6El6


---- D
-- - L •I
Fla- It


,7, 1,Pbied beam currying rnc:,men I al stel•un 2

MA11 mi: (2ab- b )

I I 1

rr• I I I

, : ,'11 1
,1 I
8· · M l I

I 1.
i 1 1 1, lj'
' ,o
8 MBA= -2 (-la + 2ab)

I , ,,..
I I I II ,, I

'11 I
Ii I

I 1 1 1 1 1

1 1

, , 1 1 I 1
11 I
Fl1- II
I \11 1

!, .. . .

~.....- - - - - - - - - - - - - .
I ·........,. , ...... I

I. For a t"'O span cmlinuou• beam hnins uniform moment of

ine11la. 11upportcd al A. B, 11nd C mbjccttd to any typt of
uternal laadinJ. thr support mornmt.1 arc rdutc:d by the
1clllion. (I),
t.1" (11)-+ l M, (11 ♦ 11 ) + Mc (11 ) • -
( M1•1 6A1"1)
I, + -;;-·
( II) nuntbtrof rtaelkffl cq•-' kt dcg,cc IO rcdul.lW/JIC)' 111

red . ut.
If M. I. oi the beam i1 not con,t.n.DI. &lien die Clapey1vn's
thoa1cm ia a, (oUgw.
(LIU Ptnd the bendln, mamrnt (M) at &n)'
••I.on 1 ~


im io.dli in arum d 1edund&nl und ~ .

(SPPU•Ntw Syllabus w.e f audtrnk ~ar 20•_2J)(P4•04) . 1,d,•Nfo PublkalJ(W. ..A SACHIN SHAH V11"1111
Structural Anatval1 (SPPU•4 S.m-C1vll) (Funda mtnlal a ol 11"'c. & analy. of redun . be1m1 ) .. . .Page
no. (M1-6)
(I,·) Find the unknown ruc:1ion1 lllina Llr lbcoccm of lens• work Rcuon (R } : In the principle of 5upcrposition the ,cwlt.wlt
dcOectiom due to c ■c:h load acting KJWIICly (IES ..21
Code., :
(1) Both A ■nd R arc true and R ii correct c1pl.anatioo of
(\') Draw final FOO. A
(bl Both A ■nd R arc lruc but R Is 001 the corr«t
Q. I.I A simply 1111ppo11cd bum ha,•in1 an inlcrnul hlnsc 11 ■
cxpl ■natlon o( A.
(ll) Stnictu ~ (b) M«han um (c) A 11 Irue hut R la folt.e
(c) Elutk body (di N<,nc ✓ Am.: Ch) (d) A ii f1tbc hut R i, true ✓ AaL: (cl)
Q. l.2 A Jlliunatic bC!am i1 shown in FiJ . Q .1.2 comidcr the Q. 1.7 A.~rtio n (Al : The: prlncip c of lilljXl'JX"ltion cannot be
foUowins lllllcrn cnu in plutk doisn and l l such all the IOIICk ,nust be
I) The 1truc1U ~ i.~ umtabl c in position 5imulwieoudy for the anwysi1..
2) The bending momen t is zero at 5Uppoit and internal Rcmoo (R) : The relationship hct""" loods and
hinsc dcfornw ions in the plaslic rm6-c is noe linc:ar.
J) h u a mcchm ism (a) Both A and R arc individually lnx
(b) Both A and R ■1c individuully lnac but R ,i not the
4) It is s11ticall7 lndctcn ninlllc.
Which of the ffllkmcnts sh-en above i5 /arc ronccl ·~
(c) A is true hut R Is folic
Hinge (d) A is falJc hut and ,s true
Q, I.II Mach the follo~-i n11

Stnclu n c....naa.n
Fla. Q. 1.1
A. L>ccp ~1111 I , Solid
Ca) 1,U and4 Ch) 2 ■ nd J II . ~hell root 2. Sk.cktoa
(c) I anJ 2 (d) ) IUld .. ✓ Am.: th)
C. Plane (!'lmc \ , Surl..-c
Q. 1.l The material thlll cr.hibit, the umc clutic propc11lc• In
Code, ·A II t:
■II Che dircctionli al ■ point i:1 uid to be _ _
. (ul
M 2 3 3
Homoscae<M1' (bJ Ordiotropic
(h) ( 3 .\
(c) ViK~- cl•tic Cd) IMJtropic ✓ Am. : Id)

I 3 2
Espllln aU.n : As.wmpli<lfl of !ltructur ■I ■n1lysi1 .
2 3
Q. U The 1Hinclplc of su~r1x nltion L' ap11hcd to I
I ✓ Aru. :Crl
(I) L111ca1 clMtlc hodlu. I
(II} Bcxli~ w~cnc d to 11n11l dcfonnatk>n Q,1.9
of ti.:- mtCfflC'nt . a • ..._
(u) I alooe Is conect (b) I 1!1)d 2 ■re correct
I . Soi.Id 01 .\-D
(c) 2 alooc is conect (d) Neither I nor 2 i, correct
2. Surf.ace CK 2-D
✓ Am.: (bl
Q. 1•.5 The 111inciplc of 1u1>erpmltton II not ■ppl lc~1blc when
3. Skeleton m 1-D
( 11 The rna1eri1ll doa not ohey, Hooke's law
CodcA A 8 C
The cffcicl ot lctllpCl'alUI~ chan,ci . lll'C taken In to I
(■) 2 .\ l
coujdu alkm I (bJ ) 2
('.') The stnlcturc i• bcillJ &Mlyied for the effect
•uppon .1Cttkmcne. (c) I 2
Wil~.h of the above su,tcm mt• i.s an: roncct (lfS - ll) (d) J 2
t■nUI. carry tbcir loads by dcwlopinJ
(u) I oniy (b) I ■ nd 2 ✓ AM.I Cd)
(c) 2 and J Q.1.11
(d} 1,2 and 3 ✓ Am.: Cd>
Q. U As!crtion (A) : 'The principle: of supcrpoaitioa fOI fa) Aual forces
deflection or bcAl1U sut+,~1ed lo a numbc-r of loads can be ~) Aual forca and lhcar foR:ca
applied in lhcCIUIC of IKJC ~(~ma bOII. (c) Shea forces and BC!ldi■1 morm:nts
(d) Aual forces. • • fon:a and bcodina momcoll
✓ Ana.:(«)

(SPPU•New Sy.labus w.~ f ac&dtm k year 20,21) (~·04)

li1 T~-Ne o PublicaOOll.1 ..A SACHIN SHAH v.,,~.
Strudural Anaiyaia (SP},>\J•4 Sem-Ovil) (Fundlmtnl all ol ltl\JC. & anay. of redun . buml)-... Pag• rtO. (111•7)
Q. 1.1 I Plane frames arry their k,ads by de\'dopini
Q. 1.1, When load IS appbed ID a muctwc: -.,di 1Dkrul lnn,c
(a) A1ial toccc1
(a) Tbcrc n no raurion
(b) Allial foccca and ahcar fotl.'C.S
(bl There n no cmpl~mr111
(c) Shrar forcca and bt-Ddia1 mo1ncnb (c) Then: n no rotaboo or dnplact'mnll
(d) Aaial fo,co. al,ur force, and bcnd1n1 momcnh (di ~ can be ml.Ilion hut analc bct•«a chem 11 . , ,
• ✓ Am. : Cdl HIDC ✓ A-. ,.1 1
Q. 1.ll Ardlo C.vr)' load by dc\-cloptna Q. I.JI 1bc llNCIUl'CI dou no1 ha~ .-.fficxnt of lllkraal OI
(a) ComprcD1on (b) bcndiDJ atcmal l'CIIJ'a!ntl 11c calkd u
(c) Comprcmon and bending Cd) None of thca.e (a) E.u crnall)' unstable (b) Internally ts1subk
✓ Aa.:Cc) (c) Umtablc Of dcfiC1Cnt (di <h-c, 11.11,lc
Q. I .ll A smpcnuoo ubk is cary the load by dc\-clcJpin1 ✓ Am.: tel
Es:plaati.n : Definition of uMtahlc or dcftcxnt
(a) Aual trwa CbJ A1ial lcmnon
fc) BC'lldl.oa le:tll)()D (d) Shea 1111d lcnuon
Q. I.JI For lhc hcam. ,r hindlunrntal ntUlllom of IIUIIO •c .,,
✓ Am.. : Cb) •ffICtnl IO de Int rm, l"lt al I tbc ft'Klh C ~ II die
Q. I.a.I Two W'a)' pkt ■lah c ■ny their load by dC"dopln1 •pp>1tA. lhc MNC1UJC I\ \Aid lo be
(11 Onnln1naw (bl Scat1Call)' dc!etnua..w
(a) lkadln1 (b) Twuuns rno111rnh
I< ) S1a11call) lnJctrrmlnatc: (di N<.tn< ol th~
(c) Buth Ca) md {b) (di Ncu1r al dici,c ✓ A-. 1 lc- I
Q. 1.15 Sea«1 the Jtr\ frnm the folloMn, 1n 1thkh JWlll\&I") f.qlaa..C• 1 llrfuutloo ,,t ,1.111ca.ll)' 1ndrlC't11UNle
acuon. an thN.,. and hr ncha1 munut llllllClllff
(a) Plane trUM«1rd tu in plul( load1n1 CJ. I.U A IIUI.IC■ll) Uldrwtatllllk ,11..-lltfC' " lhc oae ll'' hlch
th) Plane frame ~nc:d to 111 plane i.-ns (I~)
(c) Arch .ub~'tcd ID 111 plane lo1drn1 11) CAIMlll hc .-ialy,cd .. all
(di Bnda,t ped dcd. ,~ctod 10 normal loadmJ (l,) CMII hC' a1tair1eJ &a&l•I "j\Utluttt uC -a.10 Olli)
tc) Can hr anlill)uJ WilDI CqullWl• 1.14 ,Ull.lo and
✓ Aa.: Ccl
ro....-hthl)' .
Q. I .I 6 Whr n k.t " 1pphed lo a WUCllft Wllh nJld ,otnll ldl Can he •ruJ IMIDJ ~ 01 ,o,apa11btb•y
lllt8••1 only .,/ Ans. l lCI
(1) Tbrrc II no 1ota,,n11 or diipi.<Tniml of jo,nc M..plaMllen I lxltnllhlll ul IUillCMI) llldnt_11111oatr
(hi Tbrrc •• no dl-,,bttmc-at of jnml llllur1111C
le) There•• no ,auoon of jou,, CJ, l .lJ Which onr ,ut lhc lullm•IIIJ b U\IC lit .. •... ".a,
(di Tbctc ca he mution and dl,pl~,_.,. ~ Jo1m but dr1n11uJlltk llc•11' Cll!S_..I
lhc antic hctwcco the rwmhr1• cona«ied to 11.: .)OJIII l•) Onr C'ad, 'I• 11 Md and lhc u11ir, 1, WJllpf)' .-ppuncd
1cma111 umc cvc:n afic1 apphc:.atlon al load (bl Bolh at., rn1h an: illnl
✓ Aa. : Cdl t<l Tht ~ o~twa,, ow, 1,0 Maflfll-»1:I
Q. 1.17 Al mlernal 111"1(' ditplaccmrnl coad1tkl1u oJarr (d) The h.-m II wppo,wd on l.lnlr ..,._-u ✓ A-. 1 fc 1
Ca) Vrnlc:al da1pl«cmrnl I, fr« CJ. l .U A dctcmt,illllllk .IIIW1•c t W . .I
th) lbiNnlal dt,r,lactttlt'• I• f,oc
t•> CMll«Jt 1w •1aly1ed wutiour tlle cuue(I ~~ "'
(c) lltlllivc tfllllloa (01 - 011
niiJjllua.. uf rlUl.-11.)
(J) Dew 11D 1rl11h« rC11111011 adcl,amal •U!bt•n•
~I ..,.. ----")' ,..w rYJllrt ..,...,, .. - ... lb
C'flllllk-.! '-' (Uludrttd tl:M • 0) cllda.
t c) All are C'Clffl:'(1 .,/ A-. 11,1 (c) tlcqU11W• -1,- liUtlJIIKM r(fllilllln,-i <-'f'Mllloea fo, 11'
Q. i.JI Al mlemal roller, ,uppo,rt. duplaccmtlll condition lth,r ....ay..
(1) Vc:nical d l • ~ n l t1 free
fdt Will ba1fr «rv ddl«tKWI., it.a a-lJia ✓ A-. 1( I I

(bl Hoii -.lal d1q,Lacemc-• I, free: Q. US <;o•drr 1hr toll.-l.. lilalelllal•

tc) Ruuioon 11 &tt , All ~-•lllllc .,...C' u - «-llllc-., ,,_ -.r
l d I Adcl11.lonail atttl bbri11111 ~ --J1al ...,4poiat 1n , ......... tit I dttrJDUI*
1I.H • O .,,ct IM~ O) ~ con~ ...rwtwr
(c-) AIICll tM.- ✓ Aa.11,1

~ T«lt.,-, Pl,61,cado,nt...A SACHIN S>4AH V,ritt,,tf

S11\.fcwral Ant.I • •• SPP\J•-4 S.m•C1YII Fundam1n1111 of ltruc, & anal . of redu11 . bHmt) ... .P • no. M1-I
2. If ttdundAnl In a •lalk:ally l11delrt111l111q Mr lllpll•lilln 1
redJOwd, tlw 111\klurt -·m hrcmnc, lutfl"...1)'
ddcrtml\lle but un1tahlc .
o. • (r + Jm) - ( ll + h + r0 )

., . In 1hr ri1ld f,amr matyai• lbc ulal cffedl uc • (.5 + l x 2) - () >e 3 + I ♦ OJ

.iporcd 1111 their infl~ 11 11e1li1l1tjy 11111111 D. • 11- IO• I
<'ompared m htndin1 111d shear. Q. l.ll Determine the ...,ic lndcte:nnlnacy o( the following
Whkh nr thc (olknnt'I .!Uletl.C:Dl'J L, ••" '-'Offec,1 1 MIIIL!I.
1w ~1
(11) I nnl)• (hi I and l (c) ) only {dj l ant.I 3
./ A•.1(,) A~1-----------8
Q. Por a pin joinkd 11ablc frame lll'Udurc. 1M11be1 of
mcmbt-NC tcquirod. ii
(u) 1'hrce tlmcJ tbe number of joints: manu.~ three fl1-Q. 1.Jlfll
-~ fl

(6) Twi« the nwnbcr of joints minus three (a) I (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) .& ✓ Am.: Ca)
(c) Twk.-e the number of joints minuli 1,-.'0 f!.splumlilln :
(d) Twice the nllinber of joints rnnus one ✓ Am. : 0•) D, • (r + Jm) - (.Jj + h + ,.)

Q. 1.17 m -,d j me numbers of ~mbcrund jomts in a frame. h = (4-+ 3 >< I) - (3 x 2 + 0 ♦ 0) =7 - 6 =I

contai11.., redundant mcmbeu if (ii)

(ll) m • 2j- 3 (b) m• 3j- 2

(C) m < 2j- J (d) m> 2j- J ✓ Ant.: (d)

Q. I.JI M•h Lhit (IJ wnh llcl 01) Illa,. Q, 1..10(111

~ ..........

A • Plaoc: frame
I . (r + 3m) - (Ji + , + h)
(a) I
F.-plumlilln :
D. ■ (4
(cl ~

+ 3 >< I) - (J >e 2♦0

(d) .a

♦ 01 • 7 - 6 • I
B - Plane lkamL• 2. (r ♦ 3m)- (.3j ♦ h)
(iii) ( C B
C - Plane Tru1.11Cs 3. (r + m)- lj A
WIie~ rn . no. ol R1embcu
' • no. uf l'CXIIOO ('O~IIU
••· Q, l ..MOlil
j . oo. of Jomb CIES - 991
A B C l {cl ) td) 0

(a) I 2 3
(b) 2 3 (6-+ .\ >< I) - (J x 2 + I + 01 • 9 - 7 • 2
(c) J 2
(d) 3 2
✓ Am.: (bl A4 / B C 0

Q. l..zt The de11« of st•ic mdctennlnacy of the beam Ji,-cn ~ l ~ ~

(U) Ufll (b) One tc) T~·o (d) ·n.rcc
I flt. Q. 1.Jlll•J

·1 &8
/ Hinge



I D•
. ...
) I
, ,....
(h) 2

(c:) 3

(.5 -+ l >< 2) - (l x l + 0 + 0)
(di 0 ✓ A• I fltl

■ 11-9•2
Q, 1.19
I (\')
✓ A•.: (b) I

(S.PPU~NM Syllabus W.f. f acedt1ni<: year 20-it)(P-i•CM)

li1 :r ,cJ,.N«, Public.atimu...A SACHIIJ S#AH VtntJJte
Struc:.tll ral An&ysis (SPPU-4 Sem-Ci~ I) (FLW'ldamenlals of st rue. & anaiy . of redun. beams). ...Page no . (111-9)

• 1'•i - - ---A---,1 8

Fia. Q. l.lll\•)
(a) I (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 0 ✓ Am. : (d)
Fis- Q. 1.J.a(i>
Es,._...,: (a) I (b) 2 (c) 3 (di O ✓ Am. : t c)
o. • c.s + 3 x 3) - (l x 4 + 2 + 0) = 14 - 14 • 0 Esplamtian :
Q. I.JI What JS the number of independent dcgrrc or &ecdom ol D. • (4 + l x 4) - (3 >< ◄ +I )• 16- 13 • 3
the t\11,:a-span contimrom bcun or unifOfm ICC'tion &hcrwn (ii)

in the FiJ. Q. 31 1 (lf.S.ell)


C 8

Fis, Q, I..J-1
fla. Q. 1-"'(UI
(u) I (h> 2 (C) J (da " ✓ Am,: (b) (a) O (h) (c) 2 (di ) ✓ "·I (d,
(Nq:lecth'I uilll deformallon) F.splamlion:
D, • (6+Jx 3} -( J x,+0) • IS-1:? ■ J
Expt..atila: o, • ·2 ( i~. o. und 01 )
Q. l.Jl What is the ldal dqJru of i.nckternunacy
cofllinuous prismatic bum ,hown m Fig. Q . 32 ~
10 lhc

; .,.. Q, • -~"''
Fis, Q.1.Jl (a) I (b) /2 (c: ) J (d) .a ✓ A-.: tit)

(ll) 6 (b) 2 (cl 3 (d) 4 ✓ A-.: CII) P.spba•l6en/:

F.splaaalilla : O. •
,6 ♦ }XJ)-( .\x, ♦ l)
D. • (r+ l ml-Clj+h+r1 1 a i U-1.\•2
• (9 ♦ .he J) - (J >< 4 + 0 • 0> • 18 - 12 • 6

Q. t ..15 U the afa■J ddomwbon i.1 nqltttNI. •hat II die

CJ, I..\l Deacrmine ckftCC of t'reedom (doO or the bum kA' indcU'fnuNty ut • •l•1le hay purt&I fra1nc
(Neslcctln, ulal ddormatton). • ~'


F'a, Q, 1.l.l
(a} 0 (b) I (c) 2 (d) 3 ✓ A-.:(11)
(b) l fd) 6 ✓ A-. 1 flt )
0 1 • (6 + 3 x I) - (.\ x 2 + 0 + 0) • '., - 6 • l ~) 2
D, • 0 ,..,... . . . 1
Q, 1.)4 lhr dcJ~e of lll•llc lniklffl1uucy o.f '. D. • (6 .+ J x o) ~ (J • 6 ♦ 01 • 24 - Ill• f>
follow,11,1 plane

fi11,c;,.Nt,,o Publicark>nt.-A SACHIN SHAH Vlttturl

StruCll.lral Ana ysis (SPPU•4 S.m-C1Yil) (FundM!entala olatruc. & enaty of ••dun. beam•> .P • f\O, M1 .. 10
Q. 1-" Comlderi-, bum • uially •lJld. 1hr dc:srcc ol frudoen bplll•Uen IO.•" (8.,. 01, oi-., o._, u1 __. "eOJ'
of a plane fra!bt ahown In Ms, Q. I ..l6.
Q, •·• DrwrnuOC' lhc •••re of 1t1oc llldrwm11necy of dw
, I C folluwln1 pin )olrllCJ hame,

Fis, Q. I.J6
(a) 9 (b) I Cc) 7 (d) 6 ✓ Am.: (th
Kxplaaat•n : Negb:tin1 ulal deformlllon fl1, Q. l.llCh
l\, ■ (9". 0 11 , Oc, 01>. Uac 1lnd u"·, (a) 0 (bl I (Cl 2
Q. U7 Dc<arrmln<' the ktMmatic lndr4cmwnacy of 1hc r,~Jlc)wint K...... ••n:
frano. (Ne3Ja.-tin1 ulal defontllbun) v. • (3 ♦ )) - (2 ,c )J • 6 - 6 • 0
m 0)

Fi1, Q. Jl(II)
fi1. Q. I.J70, (a) 0 Cb) (C) 2 (dJ 3 ✓ An-.: CcJ
(a) I (b) 2 (cl 3 (dl 0 ✓ Am.: (c) E.xpliuwtion :
Esplaalilln : o. • (r + ml - 2 j • (4 ♦ 10) - (! >< f>) ■ •• - 12 ■ 2
0, • C6 + 3 >C 6)- (3 )( 6 ♦ 0) ■ 24 - UI ■ 6 (111)
s - - - - -.. c C 0

li'l1, Q, 1.ll(lUJ
(a) I (c) ·• (dJ (J ✓ .\M, l tll

o. (,4 ♦ •• ) - (2 >< 7 J ■ • , - I'• J

Q. Whll i1 de,m: ol 1l.ltic indnumimcy of the plane
u 11bcrMi ia the Fii, Q. 1.19'! (IE..~.t6J

A :Ill

,, I

Fla, Q,. l.l10U)

I 1\
(n)6 (b) 3 (CJ ,4 (d• ! ✓ 4• i , .. , f111. Q. l..l9

('SPPU•Ntw Syllabus w.e f academk year 20•2l)(P4•CM] T«lt•!#o Publitar'u,ns...A SACHIN SHAH V1ntut•
I', I I' I' I 11111111,11 1111 ''l'\i
I ' I I I
I ]

I '
' I I
Structural Anlll •• SPPU•-4 s.trtl.CM .

· ~ Iii c:,I itroo. &.an• . of ,,dun. b..m, ....Pa • no. 11111-11

tb) •

' I

. ' ' . - '

(S~P4•Hfw, S~lt'.bus W,t.,f . . .

' ,
,;n~ ,
I' I

. '
' I I ''I'
. I,, '1 ·; i I I ' ' • . I' I I IiiII
''' 11 jl' 1 · I
·1·1 '.: . I ,· 11 I
1 I I

I , . I I 1/-, 11
,, ' ·' I '' I 1 111 I 'I 1 1· '
1 11
. ' . i , ,' I, ', 1.:i/':1111 I "·,111dl,t!I ' I ' I,

i, 'I,,' i1l11,H,]i~~
11i11i lli1
11 ' , , · ,, .. I,, :
(SPPU•N,~ ,Sylt~b~Si.W
I '

' ;e;f .c.,'."° .•. ~;yea~20.fb~) I'

i i, 1,1 l r , , I! 111i1l'1l'll'11] I

,i'~ ·, I I ' I
I 111
'l,'I ;lrl
\~ T«li•N«l Publicalions. ..A 5ACHIN SHAH_V,ntufe
, . , • r , i I . . ---

,, r, r : , : I 'I 111 I I , ,I 'I .1 I, I r r

' " ; ' 1; 'I I ,' : I

:if 11•,., '
I' I ,11"1:
1'· I
·1•1111 I I :
I ' 11 11·1 :
1, : ',ii''I I I

I ' '•I . I r ' ', 1 ' I' ' I

' ,' ' I 11 ' I ' I 111l,J1 I 1' : 11 1 • ,,I

. : L I : . I •1:; 'I . ii. ·\I.'[ I' I .
' I ' 'I • 11111: :1 I

I ' 1
(SPPU•New SV1l~ahi 1~-~• ~d1,d-.,~1;I ~j,' 'll'!i. •u I 11 · 11
A CAl"'-JII\J (14
Structural Mir II (SPPU-4 S.m•Ctvll
, pihfdur'). b•ama .... Pa o no, M1•15
Q. 1. ttl Des~ of ~1•
le i ndt'tcrn1J1rncy at • rlald )al~ .i~1.._., , I, 113 "J ,~ dt.tctl or klncmitdc: indcteunlnac y c,f ti•« "'Pin
frame hla,1n, I~ ll'IC'lllbcr\\, 3 ~thlli ~t'tm~nt.11 arid,' I(I '\ I qc~tU.11Jou1, htum wllh cods If( wppork d try fi.mJ
14 joints h

____ ' 1i1i1pipar1 ~nd lnl~~•ICld'* ropporL, Is 11lmplc iuppm1 111

(11) ,.9 h • ..i) • ✓ ,. i; _., . I
( ) ., (C') 6 (u " ', J~•• I (Ill I \\\ (I) ) d1) ~• (c: I 2 ( d) 4 ✓ Am. I(<)
Q.>tlftt "' kl~~Wl k "indrk\~1r,lh~ ' ◄,,r ti 111,Jkl ~1lrt~d 'iQ• 1.114 •j~,c I 411•"'12 "' lil.tll~ i~termm lC)' of three \f)&ll
plane ~ - ha' '"I I. mem1~:fol. 1 ) rt,h~1~h~ tiu 111P~~nl.'i 1
t~NUh111om1 he•t n ,w1'rl1 end~ ••c MJf, hy h
and I ◄ J0i11b 1• -----
Wtii,sotl 1111
~~ biliW:11~1• ~upp1m11 Is 11lmpJc: i.appu11 r~
(bP (d) ,M ,✓ Aim, ; (d)
(it)~ 111
(cl fl , , 1
1 ,

Intern&! hirigo
11 f~ 1
, , .l (b) , 1 ,~ll~
(c >2 •( d) 4 ✓ Am.: ht)
/\,,_ ----7.-'-
---(o> ----/X --i.-
, - ...,- - .~. 11, 1 Q1'l,ll5' Tht de~r~ 'qt' s1-itic lhdc1crrnlnacy of continoous beun
~ ~
',, ,,
;mw; ~
l w1th. kll uuL\I
arc 1<1' 1
·" , ,. . ' , ' ," ~up-por1cd by fotcd support. 1wo
F'a,Q, UOl
inlc:rr1•,l/:dlati! (IU_Akltl 1uc ~impk ~upport md o,-crhans on
Q. 1.113 Dc,r« of stall ic indclerminacy of a ~ah1 ll!I 15f,1.1"1tl l.11 111
·· tigbr .i;icJc it,, - - - - - -
Pis. Q.10.2 ti _ _ _ __
('-) '':tI I ✓ An&. : (a)
' '

I ,t

(11) J (h) 2 (d) 4 I (hJ· i,i. ~C.' ) (,)

1,1 !........,o-- ,o...~ ,0...- -0--- -0-- -0
Q. I.IN Octrtt of klncmalt c tndrlcrttii.rwty ol a bc1tn u., 1'hti~in J'111
FiJ. Q.102 1.w__ ___ , I

(u) I (b) 2 (cl) (dl -4 ✓ J\1•.
'I 1
1,~.••~ ,

Q. l.185 '.fhc de1tte o( ~•ic inde1ernlln11ey o( 1wop.pcd ~1:11.\!~t~f I

-- ' I\,

I \ \
(11-) (h) 2
3 (d) ,e
✓ l\.flll. ,\ ,fQ) I I fl~, Q , 11.,'II!
Q. 1.116 The cki;,cc -0( kinctn.t1ic i.ndetc1min.:)' ctf propped , 1 , \
cuule~r iM 1 I ii ' 1\1
'Q, l. J l6 ·~il,1e t·~trc~

11t 1~tic i111Clctcr1111,1nac) of the pin. jci111kd 1

~a.) J (b) 2 (c}3 td)4 ✓ A•.: c:11> , , •'i"
, , 1
Q. 1.1'7 Tbe dcptt of ,static indclcrminacy of simply supp<111Cd pl1~ f•~~•c 1~i; s~1\l,'11 1l1~ ,~,,. Q. UlS L'\ _ _ _ __
I I I \ 1, •

beanl avem111r1 oo balh side _ _ _ __ (c), S (d) S , . (11) 6, t'1 ~b)

✓ Am.: l b } 1
(a) I (.b) 2 (c) 3 (d I Nol')C of the ,al,o,,c' \ ' l
Q. 'I :117 rrhr 1~rct ol ' incrnlllic of the pan

✓ A1111. 1 (d 1 , I
pl1111e 111,111k' 1111 l'lh11w11 In 'fllJ:, QJ" l8i _ _ _ __

Q. I.JOI The ck11cc cJf ldntm,at,lc 1i1;1detemdMC)' of 1J,11r,4) 1 1 ·I

i u ~ bia.111 ◄)\'Cr.Jhllll ,111 bctih 11lck _ _ _ _ , . ~•) )(~ th) _7 (~) 21 ldl 2,
(11) 3 (l,) 4 {c,) {1 (d) lC ✓ A·1~. : (<l) Q, 1~118 0cWN:ie' 111' loo 1J11d julnied
' 1tm11I inckt«m tnllf.:~ 1>#:
Q.1.109 The «tree of "'1lalic 1~cte,:mlaac-y of 1lwo span
contis~ 1 be1u11 '.'A'Jdl e~li1 ,arc l.111pporvd by hjngie pli~ name l~.\hav.•11 ju Pi1.' Q. I ,'118 IS _'1 _ _ __
5u_pport and i"acrmcdilllic:: !i~ppat is .s.lmplc support is I
(a) S (c)4 hi) Xonc of the abo\'c
✓ Am.: ,(bl

........-...............- j....,........_ ,
Struc1u1•I An&ya61 (Sf>PU,,. S.fl"•C,vtl) (rundanio"1oli oJ 1truo. • 1tnl , of 11durt 6Mma) ... Pa e no. M1-t6)
Q, 1.llO A r•11jl•ln~.1 plllM f'tsmw 1, ,.t,hlr 11 _ _ _ _ (J, t. tll f~.aect ~tn,i~ldi1c1rrt•t~ull, _ _ __ _
•"' (nu 1) < .tj (hi hll• ti• ~I f•) Dt~rrnH~ ' (tJi INk1tr1oir11te
ht J Boilh (Iii •etl (hi (.th N11nt of d>,e •l~tvt
Q. tall A 1IJhl j.ilt~I l~IIW' f)a111t 1, ,1.t,,I~ .ntl •lalll~A!l) 1 , / AM I (•J
d('4f'fmtfi* ,r ...- - ~· Q, I. u ., 'l'hc llt:m1efu,e lkl~• 11-,,, b'ile •ulfl4:icm lmcrn1J ..., e1te1bal
(a)Cin•t~• !J (h)Cm+r)• .\j ttHIUli,-. • ., Cita I~ P - - - - -·
td ( \m,. ri • lJ (di tm • .\r) • )j '✓ A.•. •=(<) Ca) ,l~~i~j~I Unilit,'k (b) lh1einalty im"~

(.\. I. Ill l 'hc dqr« 4.'IQ !1llll1c 1ndctcm1in« y of a 1il)id joentod /llpi&!C 77' dc~c;ie~
(c) OnH1~, 1ffll ,1 I
(d) Ov~, ✓ A.m.: (cJ
ltllfflt' IJJ _ _ _ _ .
Q, l.lJ4 Wh~1 ~f ~be ro~kl'MnJ ls, rruc tor II ~•aucally dderrninat<
·(a) ◄ m ♦ rt - lj (b) Cm •+ r)- -~J h!IRIIN........._
,1 II
. ,

{c) t-lm ♦ r) - '.\J (d) (tim ♦ r) - 6j ✓ Am. 1 Cld) (11) ~re ~.... 1

,lil l~ uU ~~,t,& 1i .,. ,~imply ,\>Upportcd

Q. 1.11., TI,t dq1tt oht•1t: or Ii rl.ld jklllfllcid pl1nc: (ti)IQI~ •hi! 1·.-1 • ,.ar~ f l!i,etl,~_,_................ (~) 11hcl ~~••• l~ .....,~okd ~"' dtr«- mppo,t~
't,lte ~~~i•• 1ti11Ct1h••1 _y,r 1w1Hupptn'fll ✓ Am. (di
<s> <m + o- lj
(") (.lm ,.. r) -
Q. 1.124 lkam II dlllllllt.C!d u
fib) on~.
'J (dt (lim + rl - if!J
r)- .\J
.,I J\11111~1 i~,1 ~. ~
I ,
f, I
,~·1;ij I ,~ i '* ripfllctl 11, lhe !ll1"UC1u1c: wHh riJlld jo,n111
1 . •

{11) s~~- -IJC'hl~ •..,, Cffl11nwm l&INCIUrr I ,.l' , I 111111


1I 1 ~~)1 ,.!~~ I~ lj~;14•1ipfacc111,e .. or joinl

(c) C:omblnecl mtlil!fllrc (d) Ncn:ie c,( 1hc:11e

✓ A
;ii 11
·1·1 1 -11
1 I •
1 ::flhe~p b •~ ,011111100 of joint
,1 l
1 1
~,, 1
I I'
1 :·if~) 11 ll'hcrc eilQ he ,otation and dliiplaccmcnt of jomt but -. 1CIJ~ · I,,

Q. l.115 1.nternal iu1cnnin.1C }' ot • beam whh ,o ne end li111c;tl -~~ 1: 11:ii' ,,il i:i! id.,~•llflle bel·~ m tlnci meml!ieu, connected 10 the: jomt
11 1

other Jamply supponcd ii · .

Ill I -;I
,1111111fo .sain< r,v~ 1tt1c:1 apnlica1ion of lo.t
1,1 1-:;r I ,.
i. 1

(a) 2 (b) I (c) 0 (d) None ot tJicsc ✓ A.I-..: (~.1 1 1 1 ~4).l~aile (Jf'thc a&&,~ ✓ A.nt-: Cc)


I .') 'I ' I

Q. l.l1' ln1cm1I indetcrmana:)' of• sioslc bay ~agk lilDfey 'rir,Jd Q.,ll.l~[Pi?.!mll11c:arr', t kr loads Ii)' devdop1ng _ _ _ __


I. I
rrame wilh boltl ,end f, ud 1J _ __
I , . ~,~ f~ '. 111 and lk:mdln1 llKlfncn~
lki·~ ~ •ncl • .., force"\
(a) 3 - (b) I Cc ) 2 (d• None of•~ ! 1
' 1 0,1~ A"'IIJ
✓ . A ...,: fd[l ' I I i' I If~,), ,f~, 1"'I"
1- 1 'fl.
Q, 1.1 %7 S1alic utde1c:rm1nacy caf JI bcMm wilh bc:llh ,JIIIII Jhlicdl I~ ,~~) ,~.~ I f(lr ·c,,, &he• h:m.-c1 md bcDdl,n , n10nlt:Db
✓ Ans.~ ◄ id
(n) 3

Q. I.Ill Ktm:Jhlll it iinde1aimioacy

its _ _
(b) J (c) 2 (d) NollCI at ,l '.tx*

ot ■ bitMn -.1th both cl!)cb ij11~d

✓ A..-.~1 ~-~I Ql 1.11)1' t . . .'O
cury 1hei, kiialt b)' ck\lclop,ng

(a) 8(1l(ji ~, mon11mt (b) Twisain1 rmmcnl1i

(b) I Ct:J O .,0 Nl•~M ,,t l~;iac 4c) Both a) and (bl (d) Narc er£ the: 11bm·c
.,/ A•~ I ~(, ./ Ant. I (c I
Q~ J.u, Sirnpl)' ~uppo,ted --IIIJl:1, ,., .11d~lllfy '"'..,,._..,.....,......... dl~JanJC111 eondJILom 1:11 / we
(a) lktc:rmi.,.e (lit lnd.11nl~11e ,
(c) Reduodanl td) Wo,im ~~fl•~~' ~~,c,~~ ~¢1Jtt~ 1t11atlon addiidonal «iulhbrium
' •••
, · ;"'/-,• ~ fl:~ JPtion i.s. ,r.on&idoml (M • 0)
Q• l .UO s • 0

ll 1

-....:1 L.... 1111
dl.,spl11tt~ot is free
'.•mp1)' -IUn--- UE;affl L:

, 1
Iii MMC:DWIC■ :f '
. . - -·
1 . c
. :i (.~ ·

I • '
, l'ndde' , , I • 1 1 I 1 ,(c, l!Jc,wioo&al duptaccment lS fr«

(a) OeaermiDlk! (h) . ni~•1:.w~ 1

11 I I 1, ' 1I 1 A.ti of 11\tc: above ✓ Am. 1(d)

fi1~~~J~['lti fJJ1 ,~,- 1

{c) Both(~) .ct (b) (di "'pne Q~ •~~,- ~~

1. ,1 11 11 .

11 •

., ~ a plane or curv~d
. •
_ • ,
ii . 1
~h'IIC!lurcs whkb can be tdcatl2JNI
Q. l.tll P'11edbcUl•••••••cal!v
"'" · :--
1 1

1·1· 1

I ii

1. 1
11 f11r.c........,kno"''" 1L1 _ _ _ _ •
-, . ·11 1 ·1 ,I,', I
. ' _,.,

(a) Dt1erm1r.aa1C . (~) lndaer•~h11~: .1. i 1

, i 11 1\1 1/ ~ ) Surface ~1nKhirc• (M stelcul 11ructull'li
Cc') Bolh (1) .ct tb) (d1• 'N~~!Wi ~ 1ill~i 1~~~~ 1· 1

i · ~~) Solkl .aruclUtl''l (d) All of the lllove
( 1,,1 '•·1
l1, ~'',, 1 ✓ A• 1 •• ,
• I I I ,11 I 1
• 1 I I 1
' - .i I 1'1 1 I 1( ;l~I' )111 1 1liill1 ,L
'111 I
' ' : ' ' ' • I 111 I '
I I I . . I ' I I, 1, I I II I 11

~L~- ~l~
i~ :lil r«fti.~ Mlit-a110n1.

(SPPU•N~.·su111~_'..,:4t;·f, •cM1t1
1,,,,, 1
,...,~1I~~ ~ ii I~
t :.~
- ,,1 11 1

r , , ":""1''' ,-, t • • ; I
,.. ,, ' · r '° 1'"'71' rm
I ,I ,,,,
' I
~ ;:
I 1

1 1
..A SACHfN SHAH v,ntur,
Sttuctu1a1 Anal ala Sf>PU•4 S.111 •C1vll)
(f midam•ntal1 of 11,~. & an• . of u1dun. beama) ... .Pa • no. M1•17
Q, U.fO Pin J,,,,,;"', ••~• ,1,•J jul11k-;I n,1.111c., 111u · ll1t1 c111mplt of (J, I.Ito The numhcr11 of kldMional cc,~ ion ,i n f comp1dh-lhty u l
dcfonnat,uri ncc«~'-UI)' for the w,luu,,n of pr1slhkm 111

(11 ) ,S utflk'C' i.h1kUJ1tt.1 (I, I Sk.cklnl &tr11ctur«rA known LI lhe 1kij1ce of _ _ _·- .- -·
(l' ) .Sctl l,I llt tunUA: ~ Cd) All o f the abm'e 4•) Slalte indctl!rm:Jn11oy (b.> Kmcmahc mdctu nu011q ·
✓ Am.: th ► (c) Both (a) nd (bl (d, None of lhc above
Q. ,1.1'41 In pin j,• nlt-tl plane fr1unc tht mcmbc,u ca11 y onl)' ✓ Am. : ( •)

--- -- ·
Sbr.1t fortt
(A ) (bl llcnd1n,11·11om~J1t
Q, 1.151 If , IM 1bo lndcprndcnl e-.lC' rcKllon compone nt. the
cka1ce of e11trrnll indc1mninac)' ll. for •pace structuru
(c.:) for t e: ·(I.I) None ••'the iibbvt,I ✓ ,\ ... 1 (c~ h Bk~II b)' _ _ _ .

(J. 1.1.U In pin j ,, 111NI pl11M frnme thr mco•.i,t, C'. lt•)• 01111)' Ca)4rr -6) CbJ (1- l )
Cc) ( r) (cJ) None of t.bc above ✓ Am.: (a )
t11 l Sht.11 for«.
Q, J:.!I H H m I, the number of mcmJxn and j is the: 111.u~r o t
IJl'l1nit, the dc,sn:e of i111crnal mdttrrmin11c) o. for pm
,I jol.r~~ 11:p,-;,c (111mc i, J1Yetl b)•

I 1(,-) 1h11 - (Jj - 6)J (h> Im - t2j - 3)1

✓ Am.: (al
1 1
(a) Shear ,f oru (b) BcndmJ moment Iii ! (er) Im- ()j- 3)) (d) None o(lhc above
✓ ,lm!I: {d~

(c) A.1m11.I r<lf« (d) Atl et lbc aha,~ I I j . I ' . I

.... . I .•

J 1 ~-I1~~f3 If e is the number.I or cuts required for obtainin.c an optn

Q. 1.1'4 In pio joinlcd .IJIKC frimnc the members corf)' ~mt1 '· 1

i , 1oon~tUJ111tion. 1ihc desr« of internal indekrminac)' O., for

maid jo1•rnla:I plane frame k,; f"ic:n by _ _ _ __
(n) Shear force (b) llcndms moment I C•~ le CbJ 6c
(c) A:d al f orc:C'
(d> None llf Ilk" above ✓ A:~. : (ct (c) 9c Cd} None or the aboYC

(J. I.US In ri.1 .t jointed 11p.1&,ic frwmc 1hc: n,c11Jhco tia.lJ )' ~•n~)'
,Q. I. J.54 ;h11c d~1,rc:e

cl( inc~frnnh11C)' D. of a pin joi111e1d *IMICO
~ --~ j~ - . , . , - - -·
(u) S11C!ar"fon::c (b) llcmdim,: mnr:tic:nt (11, (!Ill, + r J1
- •• (l>) ( m + r ) - l j
(c) AAiial force (d~ AU ohbtt lhovt
1(c ~ ~n · ' ' ' . . ✓ Am. : ••~ ,

«)~1, Iii! A fi:iicJ~ bcr11 , of: •111•• L I"' wi1h • it!e.n1r•l 1:ui.,:I W. 1

l'l'hm ,,q~r-ut HM1~111tnl will be·.

th) WV 16 4hogh~lt

(d) WUll C•hogg•n.c)

✓ Ans.: Cc)
.L Q,f 11dun. bHms) ....Pa o no. M1-18
Structural Ana ysl1 (SPPU•4 S.m•C1vll)
, I ~,i r 1,11~ .,
I vi 1(.1 •~ 1f ~1C: ' wM •n•N L hu I load w ... dl.eancc ·r,
Skp II 18 Ml) . 1,1
~ ♦ " •• + • ·~ ,-,1, . 1li · , 1~)t,~ 11 ','fl111~ '1'!I M11·1.1pqrl ••Ill h dl.aance form ,,,tit h•nJ
11 1

N M .t C • ,e ·T • K • T (Sniyln~,
I 1
.~,~!~rk fl~ ond
~ I
UlOffiClll 111
l .t
left .-upport w,l1 tic .
o (~) ,, 1"' iiJtJ 1,~h\ - W M h/r
1 1
1 , 1 , "·i.J',f , tci,. - w i11',r.
11 it i , ,. ✓,\ ... :(cl
~ r I , liTih
, 7' I, I I ,, I 'I I I I . ,
I / ~ ' :,. '·
i i

11 _ ! L , . _ _ ~ .
~tu.4 I 'I,
l?~p~ , l:litn, = Pl~• u1rcr ~«oon .t. I
Q,'m,1~1! Wted ~lam «f~~a ~ hllB, had ,iarying line•ly fr(Jfll O
1)/1•1' I I I I
A c 9 1

' 1 ' at l~fi~ ~upporl , to "°' " rl1Jn 11111pport. The fixed cod
fl1.Q, t.lSSCal ,I , ,11/ / 1 1,t14>1be~t l1&1 Aet lkuppiidrM1lll be 1 1

1,1111 t1~ :- w~1,,.,,,, 11tb1-~•f1JO

1 1

Q. l.156 A ti :\ed beam ol 'If'.. L i 11 lc.-.kd v.-hh a ccn1111l 1011,j:I W. ' ,J 1 1 ✓Am.: tb )
The B.M. al ccnk • ·ill hr. ,
111;1 (c)"' ~·r/Z(J (d) _:, wr'lw
(I&) Wl.lK (bl wu.. ' I
I ' I
J l:tplla•~". :,J
.11111 1 I
✓ t~ . .. I: llll

1.f L..11Jt!!+ ,
(c) WLM (di WUl.1 1 ,
1, 1I 1 · ~N 1,,
F.xpa..t6on 11• i 1 1 , ) ij,
1 ' , • ,

: I:.
S•p I: Louitlina dlatJam :
!:I.. -wl
N~ 8.M.•• hc:c B.M. • flKd B.M • ,, - •7t • !;b
i Ii

A,.,__ _ _..__ _ _"'1B

Eia.Q. 1.161

Q. l.1'2 A fix~ bc1m 'of !'ipan L has ~ lmd vary Ins I ineaiy from 0

al left support to W u riJht support. The fixed end

Fia,Q. 1.156
mt:llm;nl at riJhl t.11PJX1fl wlH be.
Q. l.JS7 A filled beJun af lflaD L Ii loaded with :a un lfounJ)•
(a) - "'ill,.!i (b) - ,..,,1,30
d.Ultributcd load W per unit length. ·~ s UrJ>Dfl 1001UC!n&
(c'~~. ""'fJW Cdl - ,,f/lfl ✓ A.n1.: l<I
wlllbc. I

(n)- w('J4 (bJ - v..111 ◄c) v.(/l l (d) wfn Q. 11,I~• A (11cd l,ci •) ( .~pan I L, lo1dtld w11h u momt'Dt -M
✓ A•• I ( C) (hoqlna) • 1id,pomt. The fiud end mcime'" 1t left
Q. l.158 A fbed ~ of .p• l I" loaded wllh a uniform!)'
wpp:111 ,,m
(it) <+ Ml4 (hi - M/4
dlailribuk!d load of W JICI unil lcnslh , The 8 .M. Ill the
(d) - Mt2 ✓ Ans.I ,.,
ccnlre will be.
(a) - ~bl (b>- w(f1A : M.,, =+ 'i'
( c) - v.-f/1:2 ,.v.
(d) - • •t.i~.. ✓ Allill, : (h)
11111 ot apan I ~mk, by lS •t 11¥ r1.1t11 l1and
~pl11118tioll, l rw, B.M. free 11.M.!D+ lh.etl li,M 1'
~rpo11 81 1.!i 1hc mo,h1ku, nf fte11hu,. the fh;.cd end
,vI,.~ ...·I.. _ !::I.
·1 1

• ·T ·
"il• .24 (S1111111r1 IIIOll'IC' Ill Mleft • UPfKWl v.ill be ,
(a) • 6 ~UJf thl - 61~16/f
Q. l.159 A filled hum o( . . . . L I.- l t ~ w•ilh a cenlral I~ W.
The poi1m of coulra nc,urc wi.U ~~...- 111 ~li~1:anec 11, fl.Wm
(c) • , EU/r td• - J Ill &r ✓ AM.: (b)

supports. The value or a will be; tion:

(a) L/4 (b) Ill (c) US (d') U6 ✓ Aal. : ~) - 6 ~~ (A , ,____
E:1plaaatiDn : Ntt B.M.O. wgl 6 El6
0 I . lo
·.:: B'
I bam of •J>an l. ro1ia1c1 by oe aatl<lockwi.K 111

jht ~lappt')ft 'fht nied ~nd ltlOIUC'l11 •• left 11upport . ,11

- • mo
(I 11---;-

(SPPU•New Syllabus w.~ f acadtrnk ~ar 2C·2~)1i'4•04) . .· ~ TedJ.•Neo P.Jbiicatio.ns...A SACHIN SHAH V•n ttXI
Stwciural Ana ysi1 (SPPU•4 Sem-C,vll) (Fundamen1als of struc. & analy. of ,edun. bums) .... Page no. (IU•19)
- 3 !:10 - El 0 80k:N
(c:)-r- (di 7"' ✓ A-.: 111 )

! t·
F..1plauUon 1

M, • -7:"""
·t r,e 6m -
f'a-Q, 1.169
Fia. Q. 1.165 ,I A.m. : (c l
Q. 1.166 A fixed beam o( lflaD / 1outcs by franti<lockwi.'iC 111
-..i. RO x.S ,
right 1uppor1. The fixed end momrnl al right !!upport will MA .. - T =- -.• - .SO kN -m (hogmfl
±1.fil!! + 4 El 0 Q. I. 170 The lc:fi t'nd li ud end roornr.nt for the folio-'lnl bu rn " .
(U) - , - .. blUI .. ) (bl --,-- (ugm1I ,l I I
...-.1, Wf Wah •ba"
+ .l EIO l~HI
(1 ) -T (bl - 11 (c1- 7 (J I -7
lc:J -;r- u111••J
(di --,- laugln1J w

Q. 1.167 Por the IIJWO hum lhe fiud end momcnl

kft Rippon

l b

fla. Q. 1.170

4m ./ Am. : le t
Q . 1.171 'lnr 11gbt end fixed mo rnenl 11:>t the loDm'1n& bum "
Fis- Q. 1.1'7 •-.ll w( wab
(1 ) -T (b l - 11 Ccl -7 Id) -7
(u) 2HN-m (hoaa1) (bl .so kN-m (houin, )
(c:) I B kN-m (boa,Jn1 I (di 12..S kN-m (Hlll"I ' w

t!xplanalion ; MA ■ =-f, ■ - 12.5 kN-111

✓ A•.1 1c1
l b I-.
Q. 1.168 The fru:d end momelll III nsl11 ll.111flOrl lor fo1Jm~m11 l
beam is,
fla. Q. 1.171
(u) 25 kN-m (bogi.. ) (bl .SO kN (
✓ A- : td J
(c) 12..S kN-m (hogin1) (d i IB kN-m (a;asg,ngl
50 kN Q. 1. 171 'n1c left encf fiud moment lor the fol low1•1 bum u
(1) ?(H N,;n (ho1111111 (bl 40 ~N•m l hogins l
Cc) 60 LNr1u Chog .i111l (di 1!111 LN-rn l hos,1111J

Fla, Q.1.1611
,i,J ,m
e 111
✓ A•. t ic:)
wL - .50>< 2 fla,Q. 1.171
F.xplualion : Ma • -T• H ■ - 12 ..S kN•m ✓ Aw. : ftlJ

Q. 1.16' 'ft!c left hand fbcd c nd ,nomr Ill fo, 111<' followms he am Ei,,11•1'-':
■ 90 kN. 1• 2, b•4 111
(n) kN,m thogintl (bl 25 kN-m (ua,m1I / MA • -
90 X 2.X :4
• - MO k.N,m
(c) SO kN-m (hoJiintl (di .SO kN•m (ugm1)
Q, l.17J 'f11r 1lp1 nd hud momrnl f1• lf1f Colicn~ini bc•n 1,
(al .?O LN•m fhoqln11 (bl 40 kN-111 fhoJ11111rt

(SPPU•Ntw Syilabus w.e f academic year 2~•2l)(P-4•04l ~ Ttdl•N«l Publications ..A SACHIN SW.H Vtrittlfe
.. rundll'fttnlftli of IIIUC. & 11\1 U Hm•
Of ll(!tJO _ ,P.a • no, ~1·20
t• I ~l ~ N 111 th1>1i,l1'l l 1111 ao ~N 111 H••ulnal Raplll,..tkit1 1 M,,. • M1 • - 'tfi- ctM,11)ulJ
llil Ill~
Q. 1.117 'lhc: flte1I rntl niot1te:rth for lhe folk,wmg,bc:•n ,,

(·1-----l---ti O) (a) 'I 6f, kN-m f~q1in11 Cb) ◄ 1 ,MikN , m (hosima1

Cc) 62 J lrN •m <••1•n11 ·(d) 62.S kN,m fhoff,1'111
..... Q. l.11.\ A
✓ An1. I th)

. .... Q.1 .117

\) I.I ?~ Tht ldi t'nd lhNI nontnt to, ~ lull()'l'1n1 bc.m a

l&l ,_H. N-m thog1n1l (Ii) ~(H.N-m (sapinJ) F.-.plu,.t•n:
{c) 44 ~ kN-m (lllllfiDJ) (d ) -t4,'4 lN-m (llll,tlln.fl 20x5
M"•M.•"'jf •----;z-- 941 .66kN-m

l !
Q. 1.178 The ftud end nklm~nlJI for the followm1 bean 1,.
0 (a) 66.Mi kN-m (P£11hf)
,m (b) 66.M llN •m {hclfJlnJ)
(c) .l~ ..B kN•m (UJIIIIJI
t1a,Q,U7.e ✓ Ana. 1 tc:I (di .B lJ kN •m <h<J1ain1)

E.,-..,.n :
MA •
- ~ ■-
U!P !51 xi •
61 -MM kN- m (hllfJIR,JI
A t----~:~==-ja
Q. l.175 Thr na;hc tnd bad mo11ac-nt1 for the tolknnlll beam iL.
11 ltc. Q. J. 178
tu) -M 4 l.."'4-m {hoJ;JlllC I (b) -t4 .4 kN-m (1.1111mt1l
(c) 88.88 l.N-m (huginJ) (d ) IR.SfC kN-m (uJliintl ✓Am.: (di
lOOkN 1
"{. 2.S X i
l2 • - ~ •-J.UkN-m
i Ja
M" •M,• {

Q. 1.17'9 l'iJicd hc1111 c: nrin, uot M .Nho\lf~ in Fis, Q. 1.179_. The

+ 2m
left hand ri1 end fJIOlllt ... ., ili,

(a) ~it
Cf> ~ Kto+ .\aJ) Choc,l~s)
••1-Q. l.115 ✓ AM. : (c)
w..14-.& .
(b) 12 L (
F..x~n :
J l
M • _ ~ • _ JOO X 2 x ,t
wLJ ,
• 8K.81C kN-m (houioJ) (c) 1f ( tQ•.nal
• L 62
(J. 1,1'76 The flacJ end momtnt for the folluwlnJ hewn I, Cd) ;:(tM1a,111,,

M -:· OKl"&nlJ (b) -~ (hoqin11)

wt.' v,•L
fcJ tf{boJJIOf) tdJ TOicttlnJ)

.~ t:--4:----1~~ F'r,.Q. 1.116

✓ Aa : (al

✓ A•• 1M

(SPPU•N~ Sy!labui w.t f ac&d11nl<: ytn, l0•2l)(P-4•0-4l

l'1 r«Ji-Nto PublicatiOlll ,-A SAOltN SHAH v,nturt
Struch.tral Anaysts (SPPU•4 Sem•C1vll) (Fundamen1als of llruc. & analy. of r1dun. beams) .-..Page no. (M 1-21)
Q. I.IIO FiJLCd beam carryins UDL u shown in Fis. Q. 26. The
(c) SO kN-m (ugging) (d) SO kN-m (bou-ingi

t 't"
right hand end moment is.

l2 f (6 f
....... (.Cl. - )fl)
ll Li
- 1111 + la1) (hopin1)
.. ~,m~ 11m •

1 2
wL , wl i,.,.. .
(c) tf (boQJn,sl (d) gC•ouaS lllll flg. Q. 1.18.\

.,- Am. : (bl

1 1
wa (4L - la) 75 x 3 t" x II - 3 x 3)
M 11 = 12L1 = 12xll'
• 411.81 kN-m thouin1 J
./Ana.: (b)
Q, 1.llW Thr lcfl hmd flACtl end momcnL~ for lhc folkJ•in1 bc1111
E•plauUon I M4 •
wa Ht-
12 (1) 48.81 kN•m (.r.agin111 (bl 4~ .HI l N-m (hogi1ns1
Q. I.Ill The left hand end moment lor 1he followin1 ~ , i,, (cl 227.32 lN,m 1hoa,in11
(11) 25 kN•m (b) SO kN -111 (d) 227J2 kN •m ('l,sins) ✓ .\n1. I ICJ
(c) 7S kN•m (dl 165 kN-m F..splllnaUon :

'·f =-~~?jo
76kmTI I
/ I

•m I
- - - - 11 m - - -~

Fis, Q. 1.181 FiJt. Q.

✓ Am . : (c) w; J • .l
(N - 8/1 + J1 J

F.•pl. .tJon t MA • 12 r
MA •
(4L- l a)
12L' •
45 x4\h K- ~x4J
12,cK2 •
15 ><l t6 x 11 1 - • x 11 x .:\ • h
12 >< I IJ
• 7~ kN•m (hoain& ) • 2?7.32 lN -m (ho111n11
, Q, l..fllJ The risht hand ti.I.Cd end momtnl for the: followm1 hc:A111 Q. 1.115 ·nu: ldl hapll and momcnl for 1hc: lollowm1 hum 1,
''I ,
i~ (1) 135 k~-m (sauiaa) (b) IJS l N-m 01ou1111 J
, ti,) 2S kN-m (b) SO kN-m
,r,. l ' I ; (c) '7S kN-m (c) ISO k~ -m (di 60 kN -m llwnm11
(d) 16S kN-m
"15k~ ✓ Am. I (lit)


4m t 4m /

a;•1a.Q. l.lll
✓Ans. : (d)
Fla,Q. 1.115
F.llplau ~n:
~•1i1 (6 f- IJa + Ja1 ) I L •
M, • 12L2 t•{L-l l) J _ ~ )(1(~ - l) '

. 4S x41 {6)( R1 - h Kx4 ♦ l x41 )

12 x 112
MA •
• I 15 kN•m 01ouJn1 l
.l d.1 •
1 -di

• U,S kN•m (hoQl"' l

Q. 1.116 Tilt risbt hand llicd end momrnt IOf lhc: folto-m11 b<•ll
Q. I.Ill The t lrht hand 11,cd end tnotncnl hit _lhc: follo"·•n1 bum
i, ,
(a) 1.l-.S.kN•m (l•tulna l (bl j j 5 k.N •m (MIUlnlJ
111\ -4K.KI kN•m ( In ) {b) 411 ,111 kN-m (ho n l
(SPPU•N tw Sy1l•bus w.1 f ac.adtmk year 20•2l)(P 4•~} ~ Tfd'l•Niio Publlcanon1 ..A SACHIN SHAk VMtut•
Structu~I Analyal1 (SPf>U•4 Sam•C1vll) (Fundnmonlala ol 11,uc. & analy. of ••dun. bHma) .. .. Pago no. (M1·23)
1-:.SplanaHon 1 Q, t.lWt '11,e riJht hand IIUJ)f'lor1 llN'IIJICIII for the followlns beam ic
~-nhJ 20 x I x i (a) :WAR kNm (lk1uin1.) (h) )i).,111 kNrn fUQIIIS)
MA ■ -2- · - J
(c) fl (d I None of lhc ,.t,cn-t
L 4
✓ " - , fhl
• - 11.25 kN-m cHo,sing)
E.xpluaCion :
Q. I.I'-' The Ne& B. M.. al the centre of lhc following bc:am i.~
(11) 60 kN-111 (HoginBl (bl 90 I.N-m (1111gging)
(cl 30 k.N-m (s111ln11) (di Nmic of the abo\'c:
✓ Am. t (cl
Nc,1 e. M ■ Frc:c e. M . - Jhed 8 . M . flia.Q, 1.196
2 l
K - l2 ■ :10 kN-m (...Jmg l (~l ,·t n : ti a I.:? cm• 12 mm
Net D. M . •

u Qlr~I Clll◄• 9R70 >< IO◄ llllll~

E = 2 x10' NIM1
"' 9lJ7'0 em
6EI6 fl x 1 x u/x 9K70 >< IO~ x 11
Fis- Q. 1.193 = 7• ct.em)
= 3'1 le.Nm ("1gging)
Q. 1.194 rig.hi hand. support momcnl Co, Ilic followins
is ,- Strain £atqy Medlod
(11) 8 kN--m (sagginJ) (bl 8 kN--m (Hogging)
(cl IO kN-m (sanln1) (di 2 kN--m (!iaul ng) Q, 1.197 The energy of a beam is.
10 Ii.If 10 ldi
(a) independent ol' ~hear force is the bt-11m
(b) 11MXpcnden1 of bcndm11 mnmc:nt in the heam
A;.+,,---1;~ 9
I,. , m ,, fc) .-amc 11, •~j llJ111I C'llC'"I)'
Im -j
(J I none of 'i abo\'t ✓ Aa~ 11 dl

Q, I. lttl C:41Aob¥1111110' s IC(Jrcm 111141pll<.'ahlc

F'ia. Q. 1.194 (a) When the y~lem bchavo cliL~hc::ally
fb) only whc pnnc::iplc of supcrpcnilion i_i , ·al id
✓ Am.: (b)
(c) when S)'. cm bcha,•es in non--lincur manner
(d) of he above ✓ Allll. : fa)
wJ hJ •1
Q. I.It'# The mcron of Cu.~tigll■no'.s ,tate that the v.-urk
ll1N■ c111
done hy ut:crnal lo~h l~ the mln11n11m. In ca~
IOX I xi
1 • - fl k.N-m (Ho.1111111
5 fa) l 'o4 ll'Oll l5 the •11-ain cncr11>· •tomJ in the ilruclurc.

Q. I.I" The rirht ha.od fi.u'(I end roomcnt for the followinJ bc~n (b) 'l'ot work h the .14rain cncrry .!Uorcd in the 111ruc1wc
i~. m· us 11·ork dont on suppon.~.
(u) 64 kN-m {Hoffingl (b) 96 k.N-m (Ho,iinJ) (c) l tal '!lurk is the .strain cncrgy slOl"ed in the stJUCture
lu1 W'Orlt dooc on Hppo11.s. ✓ : (c)
(c) 32 kN-111 (_ (dl Nooe of the .Ibo\'<
✓Ans, 1 l'hJ Q. I .2t0 A I oppcd un1lloc1 or ~1•n I. 111 1ubjc<.1cd lo a morncnt
Esplanalion : M 1111gln1) II the propped end. lhc reaction•• the filed
· wl 1 30 )( Ir e d will be.
M1 o;: 1cf •- --W- •- 96 kN-m (Hoglntl ) M/21. (hJ 3M/2L
3011™'1 c) Mil. (d) 2 M/)L ✓ AK l (t.l

· ~·
'lep I : Ccm.i~r fiJ. Q. 67

Fi&,Q. 1.195

(SPPU-N@w Syllabus w.d acad~rni<: y@ar 20-21)(P4•04) (i1 r:i..-~ Publicotiions...A SACHIN SHAH VentlM'e
(Fundamon1als ol struc. & analy. o f 1:e d1m . beama) ....
Structu ral Ana ysls (SPPU •4 S.m•C1vll) Page no. (M 1-24)
(d) Nooe o r abo,-c. ✓ An.'!.: (II )
(c) 320

A~,_ i t:.Wpliu11ti•n :

l r·__f =
: ~.:i O
l -- L A
l!O k'N

r,1.Q. ueo
1 4m · · em

, .A
, k.~\ f ) .c
SkpU :

i\lea : .!. , 80 , ,. = 100
Skp Ill : Using Casti,;liano' s ~• theorem.
L flJ&. Q. J.1O1
~ J(M + R1 x) x dx • 0 Are11 • ½,c 80 X4 • 160
0 Q. 1.Jtl A fl.wd 1\8 of 7111 loaded with BO kN 111 2m
frnm i\ aml M1 kN at 2 tu ft <llll H. the fi xed moment Ill A
tw _~Nm,
:. Ra • 2L 1
(a) ..8.9H (h) 1)7.91\ (c) 122.4 5 (di nooc u ( &M-\.c
✓ Aau. I tb l
Skp ,,, : le, • o F.spl111•tlon :
RA+ Ra ,. 0 80 kN 40 kN
RA-2 L = 0
A~, 2m
l 3m
1 ~B
RA = 2l(t1
FiJc. Q . 1.103
Q. l.lCII A propped cantUc,•cJ ol span L i• subjce1ed IO a 1oomcn
t J l ..l
+M (llqlin f) at the propped end the lbcd end mmn.cnl 111 ' W1nh W1 ah ll0><2 >o .W>< 5 X 2
M.. • J .. l • J ♦ J
rhe riled end wlll he. - L L 7 7
(II) - M (b) M/2 (cl - M/2 (di M ✓ A•. t (c) ■ 97 ,1>K
F.•plaudon r Q. 1.204 A conltnuom, beam ABC com,'il )l1llll AB of 4111 loaded

_ L- ~~M
with uniform! distributed load of 20 k:N/rn and llJWl BC
ol .tm loaded ilh uniforml y dHl11bukd IOld of 10 kN/m.
The end sup 1ls arc ~implc tmd V is the redundant, tlx
re u,clion al II, A IS,

2Q k.l{!\11 IO ..,..~,
R o • 2L
1•1 (<0-0. V,J A ~ . c . : =C
(bl 70 ~ --;;-;;,--t
•·11. Q. 1.201 (c) C10+0/5V )
11 IJ~ Vu Vo
3M (di None Jr11hm~
• 0 :. -M.+~-i[><l. ■ U l-'iJl. Q. 1.204
a l..SM -Ms0. 5M
✓ Am. I l dl
F.splu•, lion :
= -0.SM
LMc=,b :
11 v"' -~o >< 4 x 6 - 10 x 4 x 2 • 4 v1 • o
/ 480+1 00-4V1
Q. l.lt1 In coitinuous ABC. ~pan AB ot .am loaded wilh ren11al
! VA • K ■ II0-0.5 V,
point lood of 80 kN and ,pan BC o( 6 rn loaded with Q. 1.1115 If ~ lllram CIICIJ)' · ~ up,UK d 111 fun,clic.m of ICI of
uniformly dhuibuted load of 20 kN/111 on whole SJ•an. for! c•, the rlrat putial dcrlnth'C of Heh a funclloo 'A1th
Th~ .1111ppon.11 •c •irnplc. The lrCll or frfc 8.U due 80 kN
"/P'«' lo a moment is equ11I lo tht' c:onnp ondi n11

(11) IM (!,) 4fl0 /.) dcflec t~1 (bl ckformu11011

(SPPU•New Sy11abos w.e f 1c,,demk: yea, 2C,21)(P4•04)

li1 T«II- ~ Pubticatio.ra...A SACHlN SHAH v,mur ,
1 jll I


' ~• . of rtdun. bHm1) .. ., P1g1 no. M1--25
Struct~ral Anaiy1ta (SPPU•i4 S.m•C1vll)
fon.-o (dl Nontti ahoiicl I Ii' ~ ~I ~ 'I ~r,
1111~1! 1 ·J i1W~md d1C01cm
·1~1 •~i of C1L~j1llano'.11 •l* that lhc '4Ulk
,1~1 ~
~........n: Pk.uc ,~tcr S«d•111 •U
H~uuJ load.I iii the mirun•rn. In C.tie
1 1 1

I : 111/ 1 I'


11 I 1 1 1111/ ,1,r1111 )111 ~ 11 I

inay be a1alyted b)' I I I',:. 11111111 /ill' Ir 1: !1 ; 11 ,I •~rl~aeld _ .

I l1 ~l,1'1-~~I~~
I /)11111111
Q. l.lM R~nda ~ frattlel1

(a) C~L,Ua no's JCCVnd lhftlf('ffl I ' II 1 j Ir! I/' 11'1 1111J 111/ I 1'/j
1 ~toRd '"the WUC11JJC
)' 11 lhe 8IJ-ain cncray

(b) Ca.'411JI.-DD't tlnt thcMnn1 I I

J I II1 k r/ Ii I i l~/lt~Wi~j ~uJlii 1,. the 11t1.ain
1 I
cnn1y Atorcd In lhr ~ttuctarc
I li'11, lf:LJ:'1 I I I 1 11rr'I ,:I 1'I I1;f 111,'1 r/i' 'i I J11~r, ,r~1 ~·--~ ck1oc (JO M1flp0'1s
If(~~r~~~ ...,* !·11 the 8t11Jn CkfJ)' 11tored 111 lhc stPKtwc:
(\') f.\ulkuJ~..- potypn I 1

(~0 Atta moment lllfth<id

I , ~ " ~I
/1 11 li1 1111 I1i,i111 1~~r;i1 r;,u...•, -.iod , _ . , ..-~ ~ 11 1

~ ii ~,/1:1! ~11::/1:/,~lj/i :)/1/i/; ~~/ill~::;""'"'"' "AnL1 1,1

tNCtion i n . - - · I • II I
1II I J 1)
1l1;~J~,,. 1~1~1JJu...,
I) 1 ,l11J~ ~ ~-~ ADC con.11bit li)JaD ~
AB al m kJadcd

(ll) Propped (',IQllk\"Cf 1 1'I I , 11 ' ~~~ luriit~,·m1ly cli1Uibukd 'load of 'ro
(II~ CmMJ llUIO~ --~~ 11 I 1, I, 1, 1111
1 kN/m and span BC

(c-) Bdb ot tbc Dhow (ell NcliDC oftlwe ~.~ 11 I I 11 1,,1l 11 1' l:111, I I 1$ •u,l~d 'Mth cenu:aJ point lolld ol 30 kN. If end

thear~m may be
r~ 'A:nil~~ ~~I ~ I 11 1 1
.Lil f[ • 1
.. I II
1 1
·1 I I I , · ~ I
an: idmpk ud VI u 1hc lbc concct 8

. iuiilon for
11 11 1 t,i1 1c1:pR
' ' •
nt AS as a A 11 _ _ _ .


I ,.~mi
~ I

Q. l.lllCIIS ligliano 's lilCCoDd 11 ~.
• '
I i I I 1' I I ' I I 1 I (45
1 (a}
- Q.,S\1'1 )ll - lOx.•/2
a _.
readJCJD I.D . I I I , ' I

(a)Propped c4ntilc:,1er (b) Ccmttiiuou~ ~~•1111 I


1 1 1
! 1' (Ii J1~S _O.SV 1 ) 1
(c) Piatd beam (d) All of'lbc abu~- I ;

,c) (r,S - 0.5V1 J1 - JO(x - 2.5)

✓ A-
• (d t Norae ot the .axwc
0 1
i:•• !'II
-· ' ' ~ · ..
✓ Ans. l (at
Q. I.Jet A propped lam i i _.
ta) Anindewrmanatt beam Q. l.216 A C1>ntinum1i. lbe1t11 ABC consiJl &pan AB of~ m loaded
with :Unit'nonly dlM1ibu1cd klad of 10 kNlnt and 1pao BC
(bJ A • • -.••th depoe.of lndttGm l.u(y nne
c.t! 5 m k,aldtd •111, ccnt1al J)(li1111 load of .JO lN 11 pornt D.
(c.) Both A Md B
lf •I· t1l1 11,pc,,-11 llili 11 mple and V1 ,., ,tie rcdWldant, (be
(d) Nao of 'the ahDvc
c,,rNc:,, Q Ml · _1i111io.n fc;u .11camen1 CD u 11 0011n <.: i11
Q..1.21 ,tbe Culisli ato'a .a.econd 1hemct11 ca.n be:, ultd to 4:op1pi,tt
detm iorn_ .
- (Jl) in st.aacaUy detcimrllllk StluctllfC Ji OOl)l
{bl far-11)' •~ of i1111UC1Utt
(c) Ill lkpim t-1er the ldlid 1001~
fdJ Corhea1iu1a1•,{••1nn ~ty ✓ 4-, 1 (itt•
Mi;,,c IJ.

Q.1.Jt l A •ksnpt) 111-.pc,niad h1uut1 h•wln1

•it 1n1mu11
- I I

. a _,

- !- _·,,1,1 , J ·r II I !

<al:S,111¢•~~ I,, ,!b.Mdc ~~ I

(c) Mc-c:~~'1 1

W.~) I~ ~r1~ ~ivr ,✓ Ital. t (c)

Q.. 1.:Ul A ~lN:..tJJ'
. '. I,
I.' I 11 l'I
111•m~P•1i •i!!

,a.: ~ which (a) (4S- O.SV,)1 - 10. 12
(b, (l -0.5\i 1 )x
1 I ,

-· :_, . .
(a) Cinl;IPI •• .,..)' ,111 ail 1

(b) C111 br •1111,t r•~ ,~,,~, ~,11~t;- t~J~~••1~ly II ✓ Aru.: (<:I

Cao be l"11&l;rr,ccl'\lill ft!I cq~•~lqni ~., 1, ..~ ~
_ccmJNlljJtillry, 1 I

Q. 1.21.8 A . ntil&Klilll beam ABC <.'OnsiMl apu AB of 5 r,n laadlt'd

t.·11.-..~ unal,-.,d "*~Ill a,u•tkm ~,leo~paH"l'~1 lb u~t'ornd~ di1ufbl1ted of to kM/rn and •pan BC

. , . : : i,/ A•}~(~:) I [ 5 1n IOl!dcd '\11th central paint kaad of 30 kN. U end
Q. 1.JU1'h e bqtn ~ ~ c o d tl&ed llfld
1 hi known .,, • - •
(a) Pixed beam
, , , 11.1. /,,11.i ;r
Ch~,fai-qpped ~~i~i~ ' , , 1 111
q~rifJid l$·;•i•~•~
I '


, 1 sqppon A b . . .l~>
ilU!PP'-• • liq,le V • t11 dx redundant. tbc reaction
e Cb) (3S-
, . . · If Ir 1

(d) Nooe of the abcwc

· (c ) ContalJIIOUa beam. (d) Cti~po ~ ~~ri,i ,, . 11 1 1 1, 1 (~) (45 + 0.5Va)

✓ ,\JIL:tdl
' ~.l, I '
I II '

/1~IA1.ii1~~ ,...
. ' '

I I I 11 I'
'j ·1'
I 1! I 1'1

l'1 T«lt:Net,
l1 I "j ~- I I I I l


(SPPU•Ntw Syllabus w.e. f academk: year

2C· ~l)(P'
''•,Ill . '11


• ,
1 I,
., Pvt,lic'1li,01u...A SACHIN SHAH V•nt4Ke
)• i
rr-~· ,_
$lnr<:1w at AN l• ~S~ PU.-~ llen-•Civll) (Fundamen11111 of 1tnJC. & ena . of 1tdun. beams)....P• • no. M1·'rl
Q. l.J.U \ f'I'"''"''' cimlltt \'t'I "' ,,...., \
,lt"nt..,_.-,1 1,-.1 ,,. IO
111 ,th u11if1_NmJ)• '1hr ~Ullfll.ll'h :1~ •rmpk. 1ht morncm 111 .H 1ppor1 It
lNhn, 1hr 11t11mt'nl • 111~1 cl'kl I, _ _ _ kN111
_____ I.Nm
l•l fill th) 1H (CI Cl fd) None o( lhc ll~►W
IM U17'\
✓ An_1. 1 lb)
l• 1 ' 1' cch N1lt1c nt tJw above ✓ A ... 1 td)
Q . I. U-1 In conlinooui. AB<". •pan AH ut 4 m loaded with ccnual
Q. I .ill t\ IL\al hc•m All c1I •r- 1 m l11Adal with 80 kN at 2 rn
point loud nf 80 kN lllKI q,un B<.: of 6 m loedcd "'1th
h,,m A wlll -4(1 kN at 2 m fn11n lj lhc IIMd momt"nl • A
uniform!)• d1w1butC'd lomf of 20 kN/m on whole Jfllln.
" - - kNm .
The ~UpJlOrh 1.1c ..implc:. the momcnl at ~,ipl)O't A _ _
Ill' •UC 'IM (hi •n ~II
hJ) Nonr o l !he: abcwc ✓ ARI, : (cl)
(1) 6(1 (h) 7ll (cl •)O (di None of the- 11bovc
Q. 1.ll6 A h~<">I hcam 1\II ol 'I*' 7 m l11«kd l'o'lth 110 kN at 2 m ✓ AM l (dj
from A ...«J Ml I.N al l tn hom H. the- rr_..tton •I A. I•
CJ. 1.U.~ In c•inllnuou,. AH<". •JlAA AB of 4 m lo•dcd wuh cer1Ar11I
- - -- 1.N polm lolM.1 of 8U kN 1md ~pan 8C of (1 111 lo-«lcd with
(h)7207 tcl47 --,\ fdl ~7 4\ unllorml)' dl ..111t1111cd lo..J r~I 20 kN/m on whole ..,.,.. ,
✓ AM, : lhl H1r .!ill!'J'Cllh •c ~llll!'IIC. the ,n11111~1ll Ill l'UflPOJt
Q. l.lj'7 A lllt'd hcmn AR ol -r,• II m loaded ..,.,tJ1 u11lf1NmJ)' C _ _ _ kN,n
dl•tri'-1cd loed ol ICl lN/n1 <.SI •'hole q,an \\1th • JlOlnl (a) 60 (h) 71C Cc) 1JII {di None ol the 11t.wr
kNld of 2() kN al :! rn troru 8 . momcnl al A _ __ ✓ Am. l (d)
I.Nm. Q. l.2Mi In continuou"' AB<.:. ,pa.n AH of 4 m loaded wllh ccnuul
(Ii) Ql.7 (h) 4 7 ~2 Cc ) M .411 HI) None of the abo\'C poin., loud ol l!IU kN 1uul iplln BC of 6 m loaded ..,.,th
✓ Am.: (di uniforml)1 disuibulcd IOlld of 2{l k.N/m on whole Jflall .
Q. 1.l-11 A hllt'd hcmll AB ~ The uipport.~ arc simple. the aca of 8 M due 1<> 80 kN
tpm I/ m loaded "'-ith 1111ifounJ)'
loooi.s _ _ __
dlsarlbatcd load of JO kN/m on •-hole ~pan w1th • point
load oJ 20 1..N Ill 2 m from 8 . 111Dl1'1Cnt al B _ _ __
(a) 160 (b) 4!f0 (cl 320 (d) None al the IIOO\'C
✓ A-: fa)
Q. l.U7 lo 1.-unHnoou1o ABC, 1pM11 AH of 4 m load,rd with cen4t11l
(ll) 7,.41 (h i ~I 7 fc}47..S2 Cd} 64.411
point loud of kU kN 1utd spun BC ol (1 111 loaded wuh
✓ Am. : (b)
uniformly diMrihulcd load ot :?tJ kN/111 on whole !lflarl .
CJ. 1.lJt A l1ll.C'<I hrmn AH ol iipll' <I 111 lo11dcd l'tlh u111founl)• '11u: M.IJlJIUlifc,lrnplc, the 1&rcra of BM due to W kNhu
4f111ulhu1ed lcwi.l of IO tN/,o on •hok ~ "'1.lh • potnl
Jo11d i11__ .
load of :?O I.N 11A 1 m lrnrn B. 1c.-:lklf} Iii A _ _ __
la) 36(1 (h _.80 (c) 320 (d) None of the 11bo\'c
I..N. ✓ AM: (Ill
(Ii) 74.4 J (b I Iii I. 7 Cc l .t7...51 (d} 64 ..tll
Q. I.US ln contJnooi+ ABC, tpan AB of 4 m toadied wi1h central
✓ A•. :(cl
Q . I.Ult A fill.C'd htum AB o1 span 6 n1 lmidcd l'1Lh unifounJy
point loud f'
80 kN 1uKI sp11n BC of 6 m loadt-d with
uniformly p1urlhute,d hlild of 2ll kN/m on whole !IJlarl,
dl•-.lhllecd load af 1.5 lNlm oo • ·hole apui with «ntral Thr
JIC: Mntplr. the • 1:.. 1 lor ~p.1111 AM i.s
fK"n4 le~ of 30 kN. the n,oruml at A,,. ____ kNm
(u)60 (hll!KI (c)t:17.5 cd)Nunco llhc,bo\·c
✓ A•.c(tl
ta) lflO T
(h) .-MO (c) ,\2(1 (d) Sonc ul the: abo\'C
✓ Am. :tel
Q- LUI A f1ud bcwn AB of ~ 6 m loaded 1'11.h u11iforn1l)' Q. 1.2'9 ln colt'uousof ABC.
span AB of .4 m loaded W1lh n-nuul
dl. .ibalcd Load of IS tN/m oo whole span with ccnual SU kN UJKI ~n BC of 6 m loaded with
pc.MDI load of JO kN , the momrnt aa A 1s _ _ _ _ kN -m W1ifo1 )' di~tributcd lomf of 20 kN/m on ,.-hole spm.
Thr .mppor1.1 11n: !ii111plc:. the AJllJ for span DC is
(It) t,0 (b) I HO (cl 90 (d) NOfJC or lbc abo\'C
✓ A•.: Ill)
(a)/.OF,AJ ~~) "80 ('-'l )20 (di None of the allO\'<'
(J, J.l.f.t ., f1u:d ham of 6 ro apan carn<lli a point load ol 90 kN Ill ✓ An.'- I (Ill

ttn•1 lhc ~fkllna mmJIC'nt al ccl'Jk'r •~ _ _ __
Q. 1.lJO «:.:ont.inUIOIJII ABC. ,pan All of 5 m loaded wi1h ~n1111I
(111 19.5 kt-:111 (hi IO-' I.Nm inc II.Mid of JO kN "™' q,un BC of S m loMlc3 "',th
h.:) IM kN111 (tf) NlNIC or the above ✓ -'•· I (d) nm1l lo.:f of ~I kN . "J'he w111X11t, a,c 1i1m1II~. I.he
(J. 1.ltl Ill corlllilP111.1• AH< ·. .,p.-. AH of .f III lvadtd w,th n'OUIII 11101ne111111 8 ii _ _ _ _ kNm.
~.11111IUlld u{ HO I,. N ll-1 •Jllfl ff(• nf t. rn loarlcd wilh (\IA) 6? .!l (hl n,~ (cl 7.cro (d) None ur the alxwc
✓ A• I(~)
u111fo1111ly d11,uibulal luud of ~I kN/rn on ~hole •Jlllll

(SPPU•New Syl;abus w .e f acadernlc ytar 2C•n)(fl.1, 04l ' T«II-~ P'1Jblication1 ..A SACH!f'-i SHAH v~ntu:'!c'
s1,uctural Ana ysl1 (SPP'U•4 Som•C1vll) (Fundamental, 0111,uc. & analy. of ,,odun. beams) ....Paga no. (M 1-29)
Q. 1.278 ln 1,-•c, span continuous beam moment 111 suppom is
(dl Norn: or lhc llhc,,,•e ✓ Am. 1 (d)

Q. 1.270 lliud cnd nMJ111m1 al ,-up1'10t1 A fo, • fuml bcan1 AB ol (a) s,,, Chi Hc'llf'"I
,pan L luadrcl ,-•ith clod.wise nmmrn• M al • frnm (c) 80111(a) al!II {h) (d) Non<" of the above
,uppllt ,\ and h from 11ur11e11t B i, - - -
✓ AD-. : (bl
(11) C2h - . , ~ (h) (h - 2JI) ~!
Q, l.ffi ln 11na i)IMi, of t.~o .11pan continuou, bc•m b)' 1tr1rn ene15y
~bb ITM.,'1ho41, the 1cdurxl1m1 fflfcc •~ _ _ __
(c) Ch- hit: (di None t:ltbe ahove
(11) Fhcd (b) Choice 10 wlver
✓ Ans.: (h)
(c) B01h (al Wild (b) (d) None of the above
Q. 1.171 cnd moment al s■pport B for a fixed beam AB of
✓ Ans.: lb)
•pan L loaded ,.,th clack,.'1~ mc1nlC'nl M at a from
Q, 1.2'0 ln t1 contrnuous beam overhanging pGt act as a
~uppon A and b from 1111pJIOII B it. _ __
M• Mh
(11) 12h- al i7 (b) 01 - 211) i7 (a) Ylm1w part Chi Pmppc<I C11ntilt'\'e1
(c) lrn:if) iiiaty 'PIUI Nooe of the abo,vc ✓ Am. : 4dl
✓ A•. : fill
(c) lb - l a ) ~ (di Notlt ti the above

Q, 1.212 i\ ~imp)' !IUpportc:,d hum b lc.aJc:d ,-,1h ccn'lral 1m1111 Q, J.211 l.n u t onthll'.klUI hcJlm, if one of lhe .!.UJ!'l)Ort u s ink then II
kNld W.1hc hcndm1 moment• lllf center b _ _ _. _. ulla:1 on _ _ _ .
(11) ~
ll (h) ~
(cl !'.l,.
,a 4d) ~
,4 (uJ Encl momcnh (bl Support roomcnb
✓ A•. : fc) le) ·rw1~ti11a niomc:nb (d) 0endinJ momenu
Q. 1.173 ConllmK»111 hewn laadtd wilh central point load W on ✓ Am.: tb)
each .span. the free bending moment 11 _ _ __ Q, 1.212 Culi1li1tno' s first theorem ts iapplicahk
WL WL WL (a) for slatkally dctc,mi1111tc structure onl)'
MT (b)g (c) W (d, None o f the aho\-c
(b) when the s ysm:m bcbaves da.~tically
✓ A•.: 1111 (c ) only Yttic:11 p.1i ndplc of supcr()Oliihon i.s ,·alid
Q.. 1.274 Cm1ti111101u beam loaded With umfmn1ly d1!ll11butt'd load (di none or lhc ft\'e ✓ An'.I.: le)
w Qfl cach !lfWJ, the fr« hcndi111 moment i• _ _ __ F-'!plu .. Uo11 :
wL 1 ,.,t 2
MT (hlT Q, 1.2:13 Principle nht•lk•,ftlon I" applicable when
wLJ- (a) clcf'lec1mn ,.,.c llncai func:tMJru ot llflllhed fon:c.i.
M w (d) Ncne of the above ✓ Ans.: (h) (bl mlllCrial 1 ) ' I Hooke's la'I'•
(c) dlC actio of applied fmu.s wi:11 Ix afl'n:kd b)• muill
Q. 1.275 Co11tin110US beam loaded unifonnly disuibutcd l0&d
defcxma ions of the slJucture
w on cacb IIJWJ, the free bending 1oomen1 is _ _ __
,.,LJ wlJ abo\'e ✓ Am.: 4a l
(11) T (h)T Q, 1.2114 Stud)• the ollo111io11tatcmcnb
01 'l'hul lll;!CfflCDI nwthod Is morc u~dul • 'l1Cndc1rcc
(d) Nonie of che ahl1•c ✓ AM, I (d)
ol' l,;il nialc 1nJclC'rn1lnac:y 1- 1rcate1 1h111 the de1t«
Q. 1.276 Two .rp111 contiD11CJU.N beam lo1ded with cccenuic riomt of .a ic l~111unac )'.
load W act al • fru:m lcfl bendlnJ 11uppnn 11.nd h fmm (ii) The "p,lrcment method 1~ more u1eful when dc1rcc
interim !iuppa11, the free end moment is _ _ _ _. of incmatic indctermjnacy 1s lcs.s than the dc1n:c of
W.1b Wah 11 ·c indeterminacy
(a)-- (hl-
L L (iii)T fort.-c method ts man: meful when depee of
Wal} tatic indctc1minacy is gaeatrr than the deJJCC of
(c) -L- (d) None of the abiwc ✓ Am. : (h)
!nematic indctcnniDK)'
Q. 1.2?7 iw'1 lf)l'n continvou1 hcum loaded with cenlrlll couple M The force: method " more useful when depcc of
on each span, the free end lnl>IIICDl. is _ _ __ static indctermiRIIIC)' 15 leu than the dcgRe of
(11) M/2 (ht M (cl 2M (d) K,onc or the abO\!c kinematic indetamlna;y.

✓ A-. I (Ill

(SPPU•New Syllabus w.e f ac&demk y•~• 2C•21)(1>4•04) Ii) T«ll•Nfo PulJlkotu>nt ..A SACHIN SHAH V•ntur•
Struciural Ana,y111 (SPPU•4 S.m,C1vll) jfunl'J.l 'illlllAII o,,.,,~..,.4" ,nl . Of lldun. b11m1) ....Pl O
1 1
f10. M1·30
TI,c l"'fl\'CI an~w\'r I,
{11) {I) 10d (111\ (hi \hi 11114.I till)
h:) (i)and( h) (Jl(hluM ICM
✓ Allli. I fd)
Q- 1.115 ln the- dlsplac-cnM:nl method nf sl1uc:tural llllllly.li11. l:l1c
b."ic: unk.nown.~ uc
(ll) dh,pla«mcn1~ \b) 101cc
(l') dl~placcmcn1J and fuccc-~ (d) none ol lhc ubnvc
✓ AMI hi)
Q. l.lM Ac-lo~ cc11I helical ,prlna of nic1111 dhm1t1e1 0 Pl11,Q, 1.291
0011,, ii.b ot
n roih, of d11111ctc1 d, I( It ,·arrkc an ufol 1.--1 W. lhe
COCl'II)'i.loml In the ~pnnii, 111
(11) 4WD nJd 4 N (b) 4W1 D1id4N
(J., l,Jt:\ The llcsr«.
f~y.(J. l .29~ t. _ _ _________
, .
trcetlmn t'tf the 1ig1d lrame ,hoi,,11 111

(C) 49, l O,nld4N (di 4W J I) JnJ/cl~N ✓

AnL l (I?)

Q. 1.117 The ~nln e!X"rt;)' "°l'N tn • spcrns when subjected ,to

c1nt«1 load \\'lthout being pcnnuc ntl )' <llwuacd, is
(a) Stiffness (b) Proof rcsilic:ncc
( C) Proof SUC-5.\ (d) Proo( load ✓ AnL : (bl

Q. 1.281 The suain energy due to \'olumctnc strain

(11) b du«tly praport10n11I to the Yolumc FiJc. Q. t.293
(hi b dnec:11)' p1aportK1nul lo lbc "IUIIC or Clt011td
(1 ) lti (b) •18 (cl 72 (ell 96 ✓ Ant.: (cl
(cl h lnwt!iely prop,rtto naJ lo bulk modulm Q. J,2'4 )li'htk dm111'ir'J SMD after u~ing thck' c,1u111lofl~. 111
(di all the al>o\•c whkh dlr,cctlom l~ 111on1c11• 1,lcn n, Jllllilivc: ~
✓ .\n1. : 4d)
(a) clod,wi11e (hi Anl i<lock'llr l~r
Q. I.lit A bar L mcuc Ions and huving 1l\ a.1~11 of cro~•Jo«Ci<m A.
,(c ) DCJt<DII~ upon Cll$C' (dl Depend., upclfl loadins
11 1ari,jcclcd 10 • gudually applied acnulc loud W. lhc
!iliain cn<"IJY s&Olcd m lbc: b:u i.s ✓ Ant..: (c)
(a) Wl.JlAE lb) WL/AE
F..:xplunatiion : While drU\\'1111 BMD after using these
oc1ua11011.~ .,,,'t wic ,;m u.'IU&l ootalio,u for sign of moment.-..
(c) WUAE (d) \\~U2AE ✓ A.RL: (di
A a·nd If a1c liix cl support.<, .
Q, t.190 The ma:<1.imum bendm1 fot a ,Imply 11uppur1cd
be•m with a uniformly duilnhUlcd 1011d '11•/u111t lcnS'h, I,
<u) w112 tbl w,114 <c• w12lll ,al w11112 ✓ A1111. : 1r, A 8
Q. l.2'1 Dcsrcc ol kmcmalic i.ndck1mrn11cy uf the trut.t ,hoW'II L1
llla.Q, 1~4
F"i1. (J. 1.l<H i-11 _ __
Q, 1.195 lf 1.-upporl B .wnles by I mm downw111d, wb■ 11 dir«hon
ci rotltion t poi Ill A ~-
(a) + Ve (hl - Ve
(d) Dcpcnd11 upon loading 11 point A
✓ AM l (al
._n t In INJ' ONC. All nJIIIAc;~ , :1ockwi~c ahout
11<0111« A 110 rolalhm I, •-Ve.
Q. 1.296 Whllll d1rcc:1icnu1f 1otllion at pni111 A '.'
(a) ♦ c lh) - Ve
(11) lCIO (b) ) (c)6 (d) 9 ✓ AM.I (di
(J. ~ .292 The dcsrec o(
(c:) un'I ay (d) Ocpcnd, upon loadinv 11 point A
ficcdom of she hamc dlOWl'I in
H;. Q. 1.292 . ✓ An1.: Chi
' F. plu•tie n : In tbi:s CILSC. i\.13 mtalca: 1U1ti clockY,t'iC
(,u) I& (b) 24 (cl 28 (d) l6 ✓ A-.: (C)
ut point A. Ml 1ot1tlon is ♦ Ve.

(SPPU•New Syllabus w.e f acadtrn~c yea, 20·21)(P-4•04) T:«h•ltt o Publicotionj,,.A SACHIN SHAH Vttnture
(Fundamen1.a li of siruc. & anafy. of redun. beams ) .... Page no. (M1-31)
Sttuciu ral Aflaiysia (SPPU•4_Sem-Crvll)

Q. I .l97 If m:pJ>Of I A rtt~ by I mm do\,11ward. wbat i11 directi on

ur rot.rton ., po int e ·J Q. 1.2" How many unkoo wm air tJ,rrc in 1hc ■bo\'t' Fig.
Ch) - Ve (a) I Ch} 2 (c) .1 (dJ 4 -'Am.. : tdl
(n) + Ve
(c) Can't uy (d) Dcptncb LIIKm I01Mtm1 pciial A is,luM tion : 4 unknow n fo,«." a,c there, ] force~ Md
✓ AHLI, (bJ •m IIWlfflt'ftl.
~plaa ation : In tbi1 c,Ltr, AB r0111e1 anti cloi:k"'i.11t Q. I.JIO The •bovo llru'1U rt •• AtaicaJ ly iodncr m1nak . St.ale
ahnul poinl B. .110 rot•lio n is+ Ve. whet.ho Lbc abo,it JieDICbCC I.JI lluc or ...,~.
(I) T,rue (1) Fal1e ✓ Am.: ta)
Q. 1.1'81·1tc pr<' ~ of axial equation implies dul _ __
(a) swn ohemKJn for«.~ is ah•-a)'S zero Esplllmlion : 4 unknown forco and 3 reacuo ns uc
(bl sumo( c,ompr euion fo,ccs i,s always xcro lhac, arc there. so. it is .stati.c.iUy ioddcrm uUlfc .
(c) sum O lC'nmon and OOC11prcuioa fOl't"CS is not u:m Q. I.JII This itrvctu1 t' i:s nadc rl'dund ant b)· rcmpor anJy
(dl sum of t.r08"ion and comrpl'Q&ion forces is ~ n::mm•in1 bow 111111)' llUPJJOr1 reactio ns?
✓ ADI.: (t) {a) I (bl 2 (c) :l (d) 4 ✓ Am.: (■ 1

Expla ulian : 'rite pe.sen te of• ,val equatio n lmptics 1h11 •.:.apldmU.n : A• the dc1r« ol indc1ern11nuiey I.) one. OM
!!Um of tC'il.uM and cornptCD101'l foe,-cA i1 not t.eto and uf the A1f1por1 rc•tlon.§ i, chtuicn lo I~ redundant.

hcnc-e fo11ow,na eqUllo n i_~ med : ~ f>. dA - P • 0. Q. l ..ltl Whk:h of the follo..Jns force, c:~u·, fie '™""'" to he'
Rdund ant?
whtrc p l.1 dlll ,ui-al force . (b) p
(a) Vcnka l ~uppa,1 • pouu A
( (c) Vertka l .1.uppo,1 • H , d) Mome ni at .A
-' Aau. 1 fh)
Ae f!xplllnatJon : l.A>ad J> can't chrucn u rhh I~ the to ad
ca~ins ddkct ion. Rei1f 1111 sup-port fcxccs can be chmrn
Fia.Q .l.lta lo he scdund ant.

In ■hove FiJ. Q. I Joma a i~ fixed and B is. pinned . C Q. I.JU A ngid•jm nkd plane frame is .stabk and .alallcaU,>•
lies in bctil~n . A and B and u load o( p arc applied lhcrc. dc1ermi.na1r if
Abe O~p1Jaeement c-all!IEd when vertica l 11uppor1 al pomt
b is cho.sea to~ ae1Jcct ed.
(a) ,m + r) • 2J , (b) (m ♦ r) • 3j
(c) 43m+ r)• ~ (<.I) (m + Jr)• lJ
By• redund ,nt foll.'e
Wl,crc m 11' n lber of n.rmbc-,~. t *' ,~~tKl fl cuo,poncnh
and j hi nurnl r Df jolnb -' An1. ; (cf


Multii>le Choice Q1u~uiottu

2 kN -M-L..&..L.Z-1

4m 21

✓ Ans.: Cal


a_ _





I Ill'I,,
,. I . I!:

' 11,,1 '



j, :111 ,, ·: I I , I Ii
I', I 1::. !
1 1
' II 1
1, I
i ': j•!:' \ I I 1,I I I
~,t ruc1u ra l An& y111 (SPPU•4 ~ m•C•vllJ (Anal ,1, of H1du . P.J .F. , h.lu1t,. Mu1tl•b• HJ R.J .F.).... Pa;e no. M2-6

(tl Hoth ( 1) ~ • CM Q. J,ti 'l'ltti 1111roht 1 of lndc:pcnd, 111 C<fUi.. lr,m lo he ,11111fKd fo ,
<,I I N,Hlt' ,11 lbil· Jll>ll\"C'
✓ l\ n, . 1 Cl• 1 "••Ir ~ ,ull-1h11wu of• pl1111t ~•• uc h11e •~
!•) I th) 2 (v ) ,\ ldl '-• ✓ A.,_, : le)

QH \ tum1(' \RI •~ .,,,..k-(1 11ml '''l't1o,olr1I 1u l h111,, 11 111 (). J,10 II 1h-01r 111c f!I uokmn.- 11 111emhtr Inter,. t 1m loll'.JW11
1 ,,., '·-' : ,. t 11~1"11 \ \ '" • 1f\lu111l1UM '"'"'"011.
tht II M 1ci1111 thm , nmponwt~ .,ll(j J 1111111be 1 , ,, jt11tl4,, thtn the
jl\ flt "''''"' t,,. ,ratnrnt \I l ,, • ,\ 11111 111 I, _ __ __ 1lea1ee Ill _,,...... 1mlcltr111l1111A. y of • fl•ll• ►1U1ticd plant
,~1 ,,t, · 1.N<l • 4 V, l h une I• 111\cin h)'
tM \', , - l ~\ /l (•) m -t r • 2j Chim - r •• 2j
(t. l \U , ~)( , . t) ~ l~l . -4\\ , 1 (c) rn•r -1 1 (111111 ♦ 1 - ,\j ✓ An&.: (c:)
t,il ~,•l'ti' ,,1 1hr ...... ,... Q. 2.11 Nurnht'r of unkmwn Hllt'rnal fora~ rn uch mcnibt1 of Ii
25 kN/m ri111d lorncecl pfanr framt ui
(a) I (b) 2 (c) ~ (d) 6 ✓ Am. : fci

Q. l. ll l>c1rcc of .111uc in.detnminacy or u rigtd-Joi n&cd

2m frame ba\•ing IS mcrrf~u . 3 rcllclJon compont"nt~ and 14
joint~ i~
30 kN/'m (1) 2 (hJ .\
(c ) f\ Id) K ✓ Ans.: tel

~m Q. 1.1., r>tar« ol l.lt1cu111t1c: 1nd'clcm11n11ey of II INll•jni mcd plall<'

frau1JC he given b)'
(al 2j - r (hi j - 2r
(c) )j - r ( ◄ Ii 2J + r ✓ 41111. : la >
Q. l-..U lndcptDdc·nt l•,pllK'Cntc11t ,·0111pooaot, al ~h Jtlinl nf u
l<la, Q . l .6 ✓ Au. 1 (d i ni!lll•Jnente<l rtant f1amc al'l'
(a) llucc lincM UW►\'(RVOI.S
(). 1., .I\ lnunc: ABC.: ,~ toadrd uncl i.upponcd 1u shown 111
h11 Q.2.7 v,"
a rcdundWll n:IIICtHJo. the B M (bl lwo linc:u.r 10\ICmcnts and ooc rotalon
ClfllC!.JIOh tOJ St'JlDml CB as a C o.ririn L~ !OVCCDChl and tV.'O J'Olllbons
' J ----
{ n) Mb - IS1 12- fl~ - We l ns ✓ Am. : (b)
( h ) \\ ll Q. l.15 lf ln a pin-j;oi cd plaoc lramc Im-+ r) > 2j. then the fou:nc:
IC) v, ll • 40(• - I SI u
1<1 ) N\fnt" (l( thl- abmT
40 kN d lll•dnll)• 111dctc:n11ln111c

Whrrc mis number of 1nc111~. r n l't'ncttoncamponcnts

and j is mlxr nf joinu ✓ Am. : th )
15 kNfm Q. 2.16 A pml :lnlcd plane i'I urutuhlc if
(1) m.., r) < 2J (h) m + r • 2j
(c) (m -t, r) > 21 l<ll 1
rt<'llel ul the lbct\'e ✓ AM. : I a)
(J. U7
1) fr••-- 1-'1 -Kiah-le 111n,.t \lllllicill)'

lbl (m + r) = .lj
(J u A lrwnc . ABC 1.s loaded and lillJ>ported ;u shown in
(d) (Ill+ lt) a 3j
hr Q..1 7 Tabor \ c lU I 1cdllndan1 rcartion.. lbc \"Crtical here m is number of n-.embcn. r u ~.uc11on cwnppncnts
rc:-41Ctto.n • A u ____ _ ~d j is num~rnf joints ✓ Am.: {cl
Q. 2.11 ~'he, num~r ~f illdc:pcndcnt cquam111 kl be saai.~iicd for
le ) Ml - \'r tdJ Kooc 1) f 1hc aho\·c ~a11c ~utbbnum ma 5JlKC !lruc1urc is
(a) 2 (b) .1 (c) ◄ (d) ti ✓ Am. : (d)

li1 T~h~,o Pubtictui011l ..A SA CHIN SHAN VtnhJtt

Struch.Hol Anaysls (SPPU •4 Sem•C1vll) (Anal sis ot Aedu, P ,J ,F. & 'M ulkMulll-bay 2-0 R.J.F.)....
Page no. (M2-7)
Q. 2.19 Thr ,legs« of ,11lk 1ndclcnni11:1q 111 11 pln•Joinlcd ~rx-c Q,
l.27 l:nOJtidtr lhc following /ilalcmcnL, ·
lramr " t:t,·rn h)·
lll' I\) .. I - ~ (b) 'l '"+I - Slnkln1 of »1 1n1crmcdialc lillpp<111 ul a wn1111umn beam
,,• \ \m • I - ij (dl m ◄• r + .\1 I, rccl~ • 1hr nra,atlve 111◄ 111ic:111 111 , u11poil
whc.'.,c rn I~ umnllCf ,,I uoko11wn ttl<i.lml~• fo11:,._ 1 I~ ?. 1nc:1ca\C lhc IK'llidlvc J11()mcn1 .c ~uppou .
un'-nown ~.:1l11a C''1mj\dllrnt, anJ j 1, nu,nlicr oj j<1ln1~
l JCl(h,cci. 1hc: 11mili"c monxn t al ~uppon
✓A'"'· : (bl 4. 1ocrc.asc lhc po~il.ivc momen t 111 die'. centre al ~an .
(..\.. l.lG l'hc dq;1« ol , .111t1< tndctcm1lnacy of •ri,11id-}01n1c:d
1 0( ahc s1,11c:mc:ab
:qlKc hamc 1,
(a) i and 4 arc correct (b) I a.nd J arc correct
(U) Ill+ I - 1J (b) m + r - 3j
(c) 2 and.\ nn: ronc,ct (d) 2 and 4 uc cortcct
ld \m + r - '1 (d' (lm,. r - 6j
✓ Am.: la)
w~rt" m. r 1unl J han· lhdr u,,1111 ll)('Wllllg~ ✓ An1. : (d) Q, l.l.11 A C41lll,P<fiJOd lrtts\ 11111) he lo uncd h) conn« led ,..,o
Q. l.ll Thr dq;tN ol l.1~mllllc lndctcrn,in.,,q ol a 11 ln•joln
tcd iu,111plc: rllf,d f 1.1mc<1, h)'
,iucc ltamc •~
\1) 'l'wt• ~,~
(II) 2j•I (hi 'J·I (h) Thn:·cbnr~
(C) j-21 (d}j-\1
le) l'ht~ 1mrallel h111 \
wtw-rc 11~ n111t1hr1 01 ~mn1, iniJ 1 1, rc:~llun conlpmc:nu
(di 'J'tuce bim, 1111c1r.cc1i11g at I point ✓ An,.: Chi
✓ An1. 1 i'M Q. l.29 'fo dctcmunc lhc fo1cc 111 HI) nt the 1nm 1hmrn in L~
(J-. l.ll The numhcr c-. m<kpcndtnt dtipllC'cmc:nt compuocnh 11t
,,,,en 11,surc 11 .'iectlvn Ii!, JlllL~d en. cu md n ~.
each toml of I rlsl:d-)olntcd ~I\Kt tnunc •~
and the munic,nt ate: 1.akc:n ahou1
lll) l tb) 2 (cl '.\ (d) 5 ✓ Am.: td) (a) A joinl (hl 8 joint
Q. l.13 It' in II rigtd-jointc-d 'l'IX'C lrnmc, (flm • rl < 6J. then die (c) C jo1n1 (d'I O j,oint ✓ Ans..: (cl
I r.unc l'l
Q. l.JO ,\ simpty sup ~ unifom1 ~ctan ~IIU b.u b1cadt.h
(a) unstubk b.
<kplh d and~ c h L carric_.s an isolate d load W at its r:wd
(h\ !rtabk and staocally dclernunallc span. The . bar C:l(>C'fienc:cs al c:xlcns1on c under same:
(c) slllhk and st•icA lly indder m1iwe lcnsllc loa.d. · 1a1Jo of the rrua.,1mWT1 dctlcct ion ID I.he
\ch~ ot the aliovc
(J . l.l~ Thr pzule1p,c of ,·inual ,1,'0ll can he appl"'d 111 da,lk
✓An: (II)
donaa uon
!1) Ud
il /' (h) L/ld
')'i.tcm h)' comld crlna 1hci ,·111ual wmk of le) (IJ!il): (di \IJ~dJ1 ✓ Am.: !cl
(a) 11llcrnal lorca 01tly Q. l.ll '1'01al ho,w , WI)' a1u■ l{)fl,.~ .,.jll he gcncr111cd ~
(h) enema ! lcuccs onl)' (a) l (b) (c) 5 \di fl ✓ Ans. : ◄ di
(c) 1ntc-rnal as well as alerna l fOitt.S F~plllnaf n:
(d l nooc: of tbc abm~ ✓ADIi..: (c)
(J. 2.15 1'hr <kfl<'ctlan at any point or a pcr(ccl hamc can he
ohtalncd b)' applylo111 uml load Ill the joint rn
(11) ,·ettlcal duc<1lu11 I
th) ll()l'lt,anhll d11ec11011
(c) mchnc d dtrcc:tioo
(d) 1hc discco on in winch lhc <kflcc110n u ra:1uircd

Fii, Q. l.Jl
✓ .,\nL: (d)
= 12m. BC =8m
Q. 2.26 The Ca.~ta:t iaoo' .\ second theorem can be: u,ccl lo rompu . wme El kl be: constant lh1oughou1. All momen t
ddl«11 om tioo, arc rh-cn in N-m and all force oplKIIL~ ,11c.giv-tn
( ll) 111 Slalical ly dcln1n inalc .SUUCILll't5 Olli)•
· :J!M rcpr~ nl fbcd t"nd moment-'-
lh) fos nny type- of a.llocturc
Q, l.31 his frame b , a s;wa)' frame. Slate whelh( r thi~ .,1i1cmcn1
le) al the pumt under the lOoMi nnly
l. lnac of l'ah1c. (ha, Q . t~l)
(111 101 11<11111, and frames onl)' ✓ 1 (bl (a) ,lruc (hl fnl~ ✓Aiu.: lbl
p_.pb.l ..lJon 1'1111"' fr11mc 1~ • ...,..JiW•)' irllflie li..~•11
11Ql1P11· • nicrnber nnd 11!:..lm.11 i~ ,11ymmc11i"•,11l

(SPPU• New Sy labus w.t f academic year 20·21)(P4,0.,\

Ii) T«l'l•Nto PvbUcation1.A 5ACHIN SHAH Vtntvfo
{Anal It of H•dll . P.J .F. A Mulli,Mulll.O•y 2·0 H.J .f .).. .P3 e 110 •. M2•8
11 , ~ ..... ,,t t I ,., 11,;t.1 I 1tll1'f' mt n•"t'i i,1, h, IC~ 1h111 ol lht
f.,,lnMIMtn I On comftil,l11.11 wnh ntA~« e·uc:1
incltlctolln:alC' .111i11ly ,1", pm11I 11tef11(>(l h more llo\Jll ■fllc tor
k-1\ nl'(' t,•n 11\I , !lA.111('-. Ill h t• ~•U) UM'
lo'l\'Clt tlt1t·11lon,
, ...... •hrJf l ht\ -_111ttliN'fll h Ill.Ill' Ill 111111.! o ,,
() , ? \II
Ill} ITl'II" (M hlllll" ✓ " '"· I (II)
ij. l.-41 •\•11i1I 1t1ctlmd l, ,iuhah lc lor nc:m-umfo1ml7 t1iimtif
t-;~ltln, I n thl!I li'lt n'IC'nwu remain bullcli111•.

Wl'l\ll1""'1h fill) 11M:!l C IIIK1 ttnim, W tJI (k{l«I

• ·011 ' 1
Slale whtcbclr d~ aa,ovc: Nt4i4CHlll.'lfl ... Inti: or,.,._
\\ 'hat .. . u N-
(a) True . h) l~ab c ✓ Am.: 1b)
tht" ,·11h1t uf FbMM C: ',' Wtll Q 2.-' ll
Expbtmdon I It 1s "uilillhlc fo r umfo,ml y foamed
(I!.' ~l tM - HO
buildin1111 due to !ltroc1urt's 11 tllon under load
(di lfJO ✓ An1.: fh)
~ ~,.._.,.., : f"(_1flm1la tffl llhM ,n tbl\ 1)11C: of loadi ng 1~ ij. 1.•J Whtrc i.11 lnflcc1!011 p~int in ,:mlcr IL1!1lml~ In hwlc.hni;;
1 f.alllC''I • rhalc u,l.ia pdrtlll' rt11Ctbod '!
% 11n,i1 Jnc--:IMlJJ wlll llC' an!ldod,,. I'll' f•) 1-\ I OIIC' c:,f the tod p,cNnl~
Q L\.~ Wh.11 ~ ,11 he: the ,·nlut o( 11.iM< 'B 'l (llif (J 2.) 1) (h l A• both c1f the end pulnb
,,11 110 1h 1 - ill (c:) Al cencrc <,I cNh ;hdel'
'"' - l(i(I (,H lf,O ,/ A ■-. l (11) (,J) No 1,olnl I, 11..,,u,ned
f.:,p&.Malwn : t-.,nnuta foi l lhM m litm IJ llC' ol hu1dinJ I, •:..plitnallofl : It wurk.~ 1t1 ''"" l!JIO.:C: 'W~)1 1a11 anildy:1.I~ ot ll
portal r,ame .
' "' '~ 11.1111 dm:c tloo 1A1II he <k1"kYh\C'. .
(J, 1.4.J Cantilever mcthncl ,~ lwiMCd 1111nn 1111rnc act.ion » .a lm1J;
Q l -"' What will hot the ,·nl~ of ,oUIIU)n al ,,cunt H ,
c1ulf1locr ,beam Mlhj«I~ le, 11 :
(u l <t~ IWhl (bl - 1.H. .,.,:.I
(&) 11 ■1:11\'Cl'fiie lcuid jh) Allhtl lc:md
(c l O (d i 116.18'1:.I ✓ Am. : (111
(c) MoolC'llll (d ) No lt,_I ✓ ,\1111.: (11)
t!qa...tion : O n HOl\'1111 all thr u11u equattom tibtamcd
Eii:pbtn■lian : Cantilc,cr rnclhod is. b,a.-1cd upoa snmc
abo,·c 111noltancousl) , "'-c • 1 ll set 1hr am\lio'Cf. actitan as a lomg cantilever beam s uhjeclcd to 11 bUIS\'CIX
o. 2_n A buildins lxnl drtlcct.. lO the \\'a) same IL~ 11 : Jood.
(it) Cantilc\~ beam (b ) R rd bum Q.1..U A;t.laJ for<.-e in column is a.lways lcnllik.
te) T u,~ 11yli!ICm (d j Pnrul hamc ✓ A_ns. : (d) Stale 'i\nctbcr 1J1C above ~,aitcrncnl 1<i lrue or f:aJ.!IC.

t:S:plaaialion : Tlx1t too. •'< IUMllllC 111flcct1<1n pombi a (a) True (h) Yahc ✓ Am. : ◄ a.,
~cntu o l co lumn• ....-,111 ..1lon: ~iaJ column m colu1ru1 1,i lcnule on one
(J. l.ll Wl\•I lht relation lldMcn ,l'Ci. c1mod b) l*rior and lidc: of lhc nc nl uai11 and «>n1pre11~~ cm athei we o l
t" 1.1a1e-w "~lumn.i. u l • hcru '! Ott,ln&I Hii .

tu) hwc:i1t11 LI doubk of utcna Q.1."5 How doc-'i ui I sttcu \ 'a&)' trom nC'utl~ uis ~
tb l l:.uc:nru JS double of 111koar (a) Parabolic I)' (h) HypcJbol'ically
Boch Qtr) umc .dllMf
C<: J (d) Arbtt111ril~ ✓ Am. : (c)1

(ch l.)cprn1b upoo ow1nitudc ot load cauit-d,.( A-.. : (■) F..:xpbtmliio ; Jw.1 bk.c in a culilinc, beam. u.1aJ slre"f...'i
t!xpi....c- : We &!iHIM dull C'kh colamn 11 a ,nembc, flu a hncu ·a111Adon rw111 nellltntl Alll:4.-
u l po,W hAnw,. lhcA 1n1rnnr cob,mm •Ill be • Q.1.'6 1 ti l'l•rra,ri..11c: if frame b !1.hCJfl and thid. .
..upc,p.•111-00 u l 4~u pttr1Jil ll'AIIIC'-5 1lftd II lo\'111 t"# I')' hlll«
, the ahov~ 1i t"te c•r f,alx .
the 1lw•
(h) PIJ11e1 ✓ Ant. : ( It)
•~ nanr . -utJJPilooJ we made' 1n flOrtal method for
: uolllcva beam L1 •pproprla~ ii' tiamc is
arwyi.w1 fiM:d -MIJ>PQncd hu.iWmi '!
slender .
l» J I Cb) 2 k)) (d).C ✓Am.:(c)
Q. l.'7 y usum.pbons arc rm.<lc in c.uttikV<'r method
~ ,«mllttell I b n umt.l w to &m1lynnir a laud 1upponcd fur f(J ,·ins a buildan1 (ramc '!
f"IJJWI tr a!IM! (a) (b) 2 (c) .\ (d) 4 -' ,\M. : tel
t-ort.1I fl)orlhod J• n 1l'1Jr wrutdc fo, bu11<lr_o_1 h1wri1 : ltc1w-dlc..'h of nlC'thods, dl-_Jn:-c t1t
i .; • H•1hc-l.r\aiui, 41>1 u,w rk\'ahon i~ l So. l~t't' ~ill 1ll• .a )'1l be ~
h I Mo:!lwn rk,,,,.ouo 441 I le" •lort don' I m.1Ultr
,1 Ana. 1 1bt

Slope· •DeflJ.,
~ -,· D•·' Method

· •. ·.


Multiple Choice Questio ns

IDlll•&tl• .. l'la ,..... Tn111 I Q. .l.K ln tmss 1dl mcJ1 ilrr a,c
(a) Mulli•fo~C' ~ieml~er!l 1
0>~· Two-force mcmbCJl'o
(c) Combin•tipn of both (d) Nooe of the ~vc
Q. •u A tru._,,. contam1ng J jo101 and · m· members wi II he
pcrfc ct trus.s it ✓ Am.: (bl
Q. J.9 The imioflett as11un1.pdon ,in a,11ly&is ot 1:nis.<1 is
( a) m • 2j- 3 (b) ie :!m - 3
(a) .~qiad is ac-1i11g only al the joinl,.
(c) m .. 3j - 2 (d) 1 • .3m - 2 ✓ Ans. : la)
(~1, '1S,clt 1wdght of .mtmbcr i11 mcflccic:d
£spl....aion : By ckfm1tion for perircl trLL"- 111 = 2, - 3.
(t;) ~~ ~ ~· llll>'w-heo: (II) thc llll.llS
Q. 3.l l'hc force~ m tht- mcmtlcr t1. o f 1111nplc t,u,l may be (di All ,ioh\1111..-c pln•Joh11.1 ./ A-.:

anaJy 1JCd -by
1:1.,... "'.~'11' i 'nc C:<.lUCCI ll&'IUl'i1iJ1lion l,!I 1hn1 the
( 11) GraJ)h1cul n1irctmd (b) Mc'lbc,d of J(Jl nh tels tHII)' .. jdl~I,-.
(c) Method c,f ffl:'ttont.
I ,' • ,•

(d} All o( lhc1e


.,/ AM. : (dJ Q.J.IG ln • 1111~ Ir' 1 Ji~t11, ~·o••~•~III ool)• r~·o nic:mbc!ur 1111(11

CJ ••, •.1 C.:on,lder the tollowin5 IUilUmptlon.1; In the of a c:oc~md r:prtf 1~t~ •I JoJot. the: fore~,, nrc
plane irun. (a) ll~lt,&tt-a~kslvc, (hl lladl ticn,,ilc
( I ) The indt\lid1aal nxmbco. arc 1ara11J11 (ci) ,Bot~ l• rt rb i, ,
,1 .(J ,I

{2) ~ mdi\"wiuaJ members are oonocctcd by

(d) , One lcn ·' Cl and other ~orop1scs.11i~'e ✓ A-. : tc)
inctionlc.u hinge Q, J,l'I In a11~11s it , . jqi~I con.•dst:1 _l mc:mbCJ:s (fon.'CS), out of

(31 The loam And reactions act only al the joints of lhe whk~ a·~ ~ ll~ncar, thitd ifom: is1

ft\·eo usurnpbons W'hk:b of the following iH 1,uc (a) I 'fc~ill~ I 1(h) 1'.elo
(11) I and 2 11tt \·alld (b) I ,,id
3 a,~ ,•■ lid •Cc) ~1011·111 ssi\lc (d) (;1111!'\ Yf ✓ Am. t lhl
{c) 2 and 3 111c \·Alld
, . ,...., ... I t 1.CNI 11tucc p1i11a~~k.
{di I , :? and ) •c vahd
✓ An1.1 (d)
Q,J.12 l ~hc: 1~~~~ i~, c:<1lh:;;c_,,: n~mbt-r ;,l u Joi1u of11 JJl.anc 11·Ul'l.11

(J. 3.4 The nurnbcr of lodcpcndc:na etfl.Jlllom 10 be: 11a1i.dict.l for aro '-'l~t .
i t.alk cqui!Jbt1um of a planr struclt11C' js ~) the j ~ i.s QOC ~ 1

{a) I (b) 2 Cc) 3 •d) 6 ✓ A• : k)
(lt) · Ill loadeq l!Od ,~a...~ cm l,i ~ member.
(c .
Q , 3.5 A rcdund■nl trua;s i1 Ill~ calcd
(a) Jlerfcct tna!u ✓ AM. : (b)
lb) lmpofffl lruu
f c, Dtflctc nt tru_,, (d) N1rz1C or the iNIV('
✓ An,,: dtl
(J .•u 'll;:- loikbl apphcd on the 11l~••
(a) Joint" (b) Mcmbem
!cJ Both jc:111111, and mcmhcu, 11• ' J?jc. Q, 12

, ,~ ~ti,n ; ,Pr.1i:,cip'le uf zem force .

Cd) Centrnidal uo of ~•iow n1C111bc-n ✓ Ana. 1«.)
Q,3,'7 Membeu ol ,a tna.11joi ~ .d • dicircncb b>·
Q, _,,u 11 I', i-
CUIM! ~I' c:kwn:runal',c, truss the ml dcllcct.iun ii <'i\'t'll JO

(a) Pin jo11:11 (b/ Ri1id jpin1

(c) h1odjoln1 fd) N<inc of lhc..e (h)

✓ A•. : (11 ►

✓ Am.: t11l
S1ruc1u1a1Anaysia (SPPU •4 Setfl•Civll) (SI •Oefl9C'lion Method) .... Page no. (M3-2

Q• .,.,..
I I \\/11"1
"' I~ lll\.'lltl t,, ,. t1•·M _•, Ir, tht an1ly•I- ••r jlhl ~•httic!tl "'-p1.-..r1io11 1 IA!ru fouc p11nc1plc
h11\,c, 5 ~.t-1
111 ) f••"-t' i'\ 1tw 111C' 111hcn ,,1 • IIIJli• 1h•11 m nklrt'll)I
onl, h 'li',14 111• t i '•'l'I""'"'"
'"'"'<' ditt ht -,111hc ut lm1 ctl I kN hm:t' u 1
\di 1'1111t ,,1 lhe 1t10\'t" ✓ A•"•I I•) 4 rn
fl 1'1r«~ In I he 11r111.IJ~l!i 1nf lttlM wm he

Q . J . I~ lllt· 11.cuit- of

Ibl {'OlllfWC!o\l\'("
(d) Ncmc ot d,c aho"c ,~D
✓ AM. :(Cl
(J, J.t• T'hr 11 turtt~ 111 lht •n•ly~I, ,,f tlUI\JI c••l'C ulculutcd hy
tn) join, miethod n,1 11111r,ti~ul mcd,od
(d ~•-Hui nflftlKlll ·( di ~ll,1f 11h4.,w1 ✓ An11, i td) fl,1&:1Q ..•U3
(J. •\.1 7 Whal ,,~ 11~11n I') L torcc:i\ In the anal)·••~ (•f f'l.11 J,,l,ited Q••tN Mti1r.1kt IIC flM1t1Wr1 b rcdund1111t rncmbcr.
I! • ,~) ~~.,.. A • l'('IO en/ fot "" mc,nbcn, P tm.c,
lr\111., .

(11) l<JrN , 1:n ~ tntmhrr of • lna.111

~ dut '" ittller111d 1ocl1k1~r
(,), 0
•~c~N~ Cb1 S 1.N

(h ) o nl) rCJClmni. .al tht Ml4ll10fh (c ) tie) kN Cdl IS kN ✓ Am.: (a)

5 kN
{(·) fora-, due 10 llflphrnhnn ol I tN force
tdl Nan< ol thc ahcwc ✓ Aaa. I(!,')
Q. 3.18 Tht' n1tur< of L: forct"_'l m 1he analrim, nit pin joinl~ • ~
wUI he I


. . . . _~oI
(a) lcnsilc (b) comp1ci'iivc 1il

(c) lcn&lc or <'Omp~_1111 \"C {dJ None oi tk ahem.~

✓ AM. l(c:J
Q• .\.It Thr 'L ' force~ m Llir analpl" of pin jointed tnm •lll 1bc
calwlalied h)'
( 11) JU. Ill flldhc,d (bJ sraphiical 1nc1hod
(C) MrllOO OM:lbod (d) 1111 ol .abo'IC ✓ AQ. : l~)
Q. 3.20 The Cl1e1nal inck1rrmin11c)' or 11. truss ~ dctcrmiDN! b)" ~Pllll•tian:
i I

U.'illll: - '~ r P aul)':lli,s ember llC is,rcl'lKM:id. : . pK =0

(11) m - tlj - ]) (bJ m ♦ 2j ♦ 3 Q. J.M Memha ht~ 11 i.1 1cd1andant 1M11ibrr. E e 10 GPa
(c) N{) , c f rcartion compnnc,1 tuquillbnu111 condltlu11 A• HlOc:m: T al'I niembcni. I> rm«- rn ~mhc, e I) is. -
(•) Cl (b) SI.NCC•
(d) l:Mh A .Ind U. ✓ Am. 1 (t~
Cc) 10 kN (d) S kN CT)
Q. •1.l I The ca.lctf••· tndrltrmin11C)' 0~ 11 lfUll<I 1, dt4crntined tty
tuias S kN
(u) m - c lj - 31 (b J Ill+ l = 2j
(c) m= .?j- 3 {d) All of d1r11r ✓ Ana. : (d) Br
Q . 3.12 A rcdu:nd1111 lrtlli$ is alliO t-.1Hed I 4m

I -~J
( UJ Pt-rfcct hUle.\ (b) lmpcricct tun:s
(c) Defac1t r1t llll'.1..~ (d) Nont or the itto\-c
✓ Am, 1 (b ►
MC'mbcr It<; dmwn '" rcd•nd.111 nrernl,c,r, I:! • 10 0Pa.
A." tm cm lt1r '1l 111.cnntlC'rt1, P t'wcc 1n nktnbtr AB i•,

luJ ti lhJ ' kN ,fc) HI IIN Cd) U kN

-✓ A.... I·••~
(SPPU-New Sy ratiu1 w.e f ac.adet"•ic y•ar 2Cl-.1l )(P4•0..)
T«II-~ Publfcotions.. .. A SACHiN SHAH Vtntwe
(81u ••Oefloct1on Method) ... P1190 no. MJ-3)
St1uc1ural Aml )'SIi (SPPU •4 •C1vll)
Q, .tl6 l\lcn,ht-t AfJ 11~tt1wn 1~ ,...,tu111l1111 111" 111llC"1. t, • HI CUI"'. tlwp11.1•a._11 ,
, \ !'l IO~I <m i, 1t .t l 11t(' 111t l('~ ~ t' I "~ni lo 111C'tllh
1 t 1 lit I~.
t f, • 0
ml ti , t,1~LN h l Hik\l (◄ II UkN
,/ /\ ..., I (11. ... I .:1u ., t K,w ■ II
Klltl • U .1(tJ lr-4 (( ·;

Q, ,\,.29 MC1,-jt1« IMi ,twtwu l• 1cd11rid,t11 m<ml-icr, ~ • 10 Oh .

A • 100 ~m for aU 1oc111hcol. K f()fct" 1n mc:mbn A( 11.
(1111) 0 (.b) 0.1t kN
(c) l\ij f~) l .42kN ✓ A•.:(C: J
5 kN

' I' ·,·," , /I. B ·1
II, ,' I•

...... Q. l.1,

K\plN•l l•n I Zero lon:c 1,u n(1Jlli:

Q..\.11 ~lcn1he, A H ~t-.owo n, rC!dun&bn• 11,eniber. t! • tt)(J~, ,
lijjllloilli,iljjo,.......,,IMW,l,...U...... _ o
l •

,\ • 1Clkm ior 11U rntmllcr 11. P llncc in rn1miber IHh ,..,
tel IO k N Id) ~ LN (l.')

(11) 0 th\ :S lN (T)

✓ Ans. i t.U 1
1 1

5 ltN

th} - - -

----I (J) Nomc oftheJm ,~ ✓ AnL ; (a)

f.---, 4m

Fis,Q, ,l.27 ln 1 ,' ~'f1~n•~ ts ot' pi.11 joiml~d indctr,.minare 1run the
Expa...lion : By oh.uva1ia11. 1'110 : S kN (Cl
Q. 3.21 Mt"mhrr IC ii.110w11 is rcdu1kun1 n11eo1hcr. 13 • &fX!l,Pa,
A• 1Ukm &or all ocrnbcu . IC fo~.r In li!k"rllhr• tm

I 1

. ~
1 · .,. Kkdcd

1,~ h nd
will be,,

/1,h' b@i,d wpp1.,;i


(n) O (b) I kN (0 (~ ) ,r~ lie rA1r.uar1 1

(c:) 51:N (f'J .,J) -' ~N •Cl ✓ An., i ◄bt (~) I) . IWJlfWIU ,.,,~h,t. 1
y-lclded. .,/ A-.1 (dJ
4l kN
Q.3..U '•lor •~ · · )!~'91 • ,,us.._ ot
.d nite deg,c:c ol redundancy.
'4:ir«is n •~(!Crnbert1 •~ ,cq-,b(d IQ 1ho obtained · •· · · · · · · •-
,1 ii 0 ..1•·
·111 (•~ ~c {b) 'rwicc

(f:) ~l'lb1ia (d) N-0~ of lhesc ✓ Am.: fb)



, Q.J.~ A v.u.11 oHndc:tcn

nfolll: 1nwc:11 is on · · ·· ·· · ·· ·· ·

~ first dlcottm
-~-----1. .

I -~ O•~l1li• o·s tJ«Ond theorem
i'1 I I/ • lj

-~) ~'1f!Ulay'.,i method
4rn ~
I 1i I I
ch ~ll ofd1e.1r ✓ AM,: fb)
Ji 111
a,·••· Q, .UI I I '

{i;];1«.11•/>Ho Pvblicottor,s•...A SA CHtN SH.AH Vtntu1'1

S!rucil.Jral Ana ysis (SPPU•4 Serr•C1vll) (Slope•Donect,on Method) .. ..Pago no. (M3-4)

Lick of tic, slnldn1 of a1pporc and

an fllt'lfJbc',
(nl O 7CJ7 1.N
I, AU 1.N

tbl 0 .807 t.N

,_,encare c...._.
In TrulHI
<~·1 o_,n 1.N td) 0 ,fl77 kN ✓ An1. I la)
(J.•t.'6 ln the 1111nly~•• ol pln-~tinlcJ lndelctrninuc ttu,~~• having
lock of fit the rNkindml mcm~r s,rltttcd win he
30 kN 50 kN
(a) vatkal (b) hori1..0ntal
(c) inclined

(d) the member wluch L~ too short or loo loog

Q, ~tl? H •o' b the dnldng or

✓ Am.: ldl

support till- rt·tfon~,rt force i,1;

l 11lvc:n t,y,

AH {b)
- f.Ut 4'S
~ (d) ---::T.'"

Kxplanalian : ~:-Aif Ill

l: F, :0 ✓ Am.: (b)

- I sin 4.5 4 Ku = 0 Q. J.38 lf the member is fotmd lo he loo shon or too long b)' /&II

1mount of ·o• then-the rc:du.ndant force is gh·cn by.

Ku = 0.'107 kN (CJ
Q. 3 ..35 For the truss sho1n1. if BD a.<1 redundant mcmlxr. K force LPK
m member i5 AD 1s
(a) ~ .
(u) 0.707 kN (b> 0 .807 kN '- 4

(c) U_j77 kN (d) 0 .6771:.N ✓ AnL: la) AE I

6 I
30 kN 50 kN
(c)- ✓ An'- : (al
Jt------..,. c AE ,
Q. 3.39 ln ao n:duoda.nt 1nm. nicmber AB of lc:ngth 3
m is .sho~ by 3 mm uod lklUAE = 0 .11 mrnlkN. The
force in rhcmbcr AU 1s •··· · kN.
(a) 27 .'Ji7 Ch) 2~ (c I 24.2.\ ldl 12 ✓ Ant. ! Ia)
•:.pbe.,_ll,on :

_ Al! _ 3-0
R= fJAA = _t_(.,..K.~r-L~)- = tt.11 = 27 .27 L.N

Fi,. Q. J.J..5 Q.J.... ln,1an cstcnUllly ~dundant tnu.~. ~uppon A ~ink.\ b) 3

Explanat~n : Due to symmc1ry. ~m. IftLJAE • 6.:W mm ancJ Ik L/AE = 0 .104 mm/k:N .
'fhc ~ICIH>n at,\ is--··· kN. •
KAO = K._. = (1.707 kN (C)
~•) 13.5 (b) 12.7 (c) K1J.K (d) 60.%

I ✓ A&U. ! (d)

(SPPU-New Sy !abus w.f! f acadernlc yea, 20·21)(P4•0't,

~ T«li•~Publications. ..A SACHIN SHAH v~nture
Struc1u111I Anrt !ill (Sf-'l'·U • 4 s.,n, ,C,v-H) Olope,Uc;llocnon Met.hod) .,. P090 no. M3•5

Q . .t41 In 1u, t' \l('rnaH>• n., huhlu11 Jtui-, , ,mppm l ll "1i1t.~ h)' \ ,nm J~111hiv.i *'l<" lrkllCMII Mthe j11it11 ~ 11 •H)' (rort1 c:M: h other .

.nJ l l. 111,\ l as u I04 mml\ N. fhc t'C'•IC'lk.1u 111 It C.,, il!U hi the 11~ly1l.-i nr pin .)ulotccl 11uktr:m1ioa&c tnu.....cs
1, --- -· 1..N M•b>J«ktl •o tempc:r•me d1a1111c: lht rcdundar~ rncrnbc r
(JI :Ml 11C1ltt 1tid w·,11 be
✓ l\ftll,) 01)
4•) \!ftUrnl 4bl hotl,..ontal
l\,plaMf•li\Q I k - ' •
o.ioi .?ti ., kN1
(~ l h-.c~lue41
~d,) It~ ~mltwr whlth " •uhjecaect to 1cmptr"lt1.Wt:
Q. J .4! l'hr n"'111ht1" hi ..-.~1 IJ ot • 111tttl lriP• ,h(1wn 111 1

dtWl!hte ./ Aa t (d)
I •s () \.4l ~1~,~· •c "'-''IIJ«tcd w • te1n1111Cr1111a~e ,,IIC' ot
\(fl C 1lK' tur llkM!nl ol 1hirnnaJ t~pahi.lon ot' ,~ti Is
l111 .,. anlle-r;,u~I~ rtd11ndan1 tru.u, member A8 of kn11J1
0 .00000 1'rl ~J kn11h. lhc di,pl!M:cmcn1 (inm) o( Jciiol It () nl .· lf ~-e~t 1l1r~H.1Jh '.\(l"t.:. Coefficient ot
relati,..: tll JOUIC Halo n, the dhn:tion Hl: af trniu 1~ lticnn~I ~-',••l•llel
of m~•rrl,J ti 12 x 10· 're and
to) tLlS~ (bl 0.51t9 £.s?IJJ\,ld • 1(1.1 I mnll/k.N. The, force m mc:mhcr
te l d.7M (dl I .02f> ✓ Am.: It:) AB l,; •••·• ~~ -

f (a) 1i',l.7• •b) :i9i64 (c ► 2.54 (d) 5.78
✓ Am.: tbJ

fl.ixpla•tion :
, ~- PKL)
Un-l: AE
~-I:'"• - . KL,· .~

ii t AE
.' _ 12 .~ J(f • x g1 ~ ,m
.. - 3Qi:)0 l'lffl -- - ::iorio rtim - .,
0.11 . .. •
t".,6 ~ LN
• ,

.., .. "'
F's, Q. J...12
a::x,aauu.n : Q, J.,U ln au h1 1c:nmny r-cdundan• tru.u, member A.c8 car knsth

•I m h1 hleat(I lltrau,h 1(,.C. Coctfkient ul'

Strp I : L CGJ I • ✓(J(0.)) 2 + (){l(I0)1 • •kier,•··~
4242.6 mm c•IPlkllll'M); oi material L!i 12 x ur • /OC and
Step 2 : To fi nd tl1c rda,ivc dL~IICCmc:nl of jotnl E ind
H appl)• umt load at cas.11 jmnt as s.hown in
'\"" lt.:L
,w Af: = 0. mmlk.N. The force 10 1ncmbcr AB

fig . Q. S7(a). is -·-·· \.N.

E J (a) 9.11. ,01•, HHi4 (cl 2..54 (d} 29.4.5

✓ Am..: (dl
£-Jpl.Qatw. o

R • IJ"• •
,;l >!
~ j!1KIO x !l
- ~• 2•.UH:N
Q. J.* In ,an ittl rn1tll) redundant tr.m s, mc,nbcr AB of l!c:nsth

6 111 i!I, · ,ort b)' Smn• and .r ~iUAl! = 0 .19 mmJkN. Tbc
force in . 1rmhtr AB L1i •-·•• lN.
Ca) 26. 2 th) t:2.:\2 (cl, I J id) 14
Fl.I- Q, 3.◄l(111) ✓ Ans. :. {11 ►

Sl4•p I fl : Prepare u1blt

,....Jill.I ;
Mtmw 'ftqt
·•·· .JY..
, I

V ,, 11,/1
ll • ~- _
6 .
_ ·• o a,• 26.llkN
hJ' JO I.ON -6.761 .. (1.764 1
,1;,. K I.JA i! '
1-;(i 0 0 - Cl,707 (1
GH Q, i','1 llin jQlnl~ MjlW'C fran~ with two dlqunal l.s t,u,h up
0 (J - 0.101 u •oo••n
HJ 0 fo ,:.,. Q. 3.47.
0 0 en
HJ 0 0 0 I 1(1
.;I he blr A:O h, the lut to be ICtdcd and is short by 4mm. If
GJ 'I ]) is 1hc redundant member and FAD = 34.M kN (T J.
0 0 1.0 0

Sl 30 l.YJI () 10 ' , ~ her~ in tbc mc.mbcr DC is _ .

'i I
L U x3L - 07()4 (a) :W.R4 k.N (Tl (b) 34.84 k:N (C)
"" (c) 49.27 tN (C) (d) 49.:?7 kN fr, ✓ Am.: (a)

ti}~~II•~ Pi.lblications. ...A SACHfN SHAH -~,n~:,e


tSPPU•N.w SY,l abu, w.e f atadtrnl.c year 2<J.•21)(~4-04) '

S 1t11<1w 111 Amt Y"l~ ,r. f' l'U •4 ·<' "II) Ol 1,p1HJ~ UttCJ11f1ll MCJthtKJ ' ' '. fl OQ, 'M3--6)

CJ, \ ~, 111 e •te 11111II, 1r1'-1ndnnt 111,i ji1111ttt'd ,,..,, 1f

). l_,. I f/\fl • I lrf,4 );, tll 11,,,d ). ~

.1Ul:f 1 • 12 •r1 tn/kN , the
.' ,,, ,t ,luml,nt '"'* Uon 1- .. , lN
Cit ) 00 ChJ II \it
Ct: J 1'4,H1 hlJ r-to11e i,1 iht ,tkt~,i ✓ Am.: ,.,
a ~ ll (J, .\.SJ e,tc111'-'II> •<'dund11111 f1ir1 t,•lr~riJ 1,.,__.. 11
.• !' Ill •I
l., l'IIIJ.M I • ]'C)(IO m 11141 }. lt 11 /Al 1t 111 tah t( thr
......(), ·' . , 1cd111w.Ltn1 1trec llo,1 h •·· ... JIN
th) IOU
l• l IUIIO
.,_, ......"" ' I l • • ,, • R.. (c l Iii (ii) Nona nf' 1hc •l'Kt'l'e ✓ A,... : fhl
lh ... ""' lll llll\ o.. •
... I LN
Cl ,. \,4 IU )( I • \4 IU LN I l )
(J .. ln mJundanl pin loinecct tru._ic.~ tlK- f411ct', in 41:w rncmbtr
1\ 1 • AR I, hO kN (C) md 0.(l(l:') due lo e:.IC!m.tJ And unit fmcc
Q \-.41 ln thi' analy rw, ot r,n ,omtird 1t11u ~ ro ulc<rn•I fo1c-c . n:Hpuhvely. It the r~lu11d1n1 fn•c< I, 20 tN (C). the f1ool
r....-..~ , n, dM" mtmbcn <If the tJ•~'il" t arc force in the mcn._l' AU I~ •· · •·· ·•· kN
tal L.-~ntnc (I;) Conrcntnc Ca) bt1 (Cl (bl 20 tC)
(d Both A and 8 {d i Nuner cit thc'III: . ✓ An11..: fb) (c) 48(CI (d} l'fo1Jt of the 11.bovc ✓ AM. : (c)

Q. .\,,. In 1tn ot<!l1l11Uy redundant 1nus.. !lllf)f)On B ~tnL~ hy \ mm Q, J.!ofl ln redundant pin jointed 1111..0 the: fCN~C5 in the mcmbr,
a_o.,j ~,': . 0 . HM mmlkN 1 hr 1c11ctron Ill e 11 AIJ i, (~ kN (Ct and IJ,6fl' ) ~luc, aod unit f<»«
rup«hvcly . It the ml111,.cj11n1 fot cc IJ 2tJ 1:N (C ►. thr rl.0111

fofCc In 1hr 111eu•xr AH 1!1 ... ...... kN

(cl 21'l K~ (d I Noo4: o l thrM: ✓ Aiu. 1 IC') 4•) Ml (Cl (b) lO ~C: J
Ila• 4.
1: AT'
• O.I~ • l fl.Jt5 KN Cc) 72(C) (J} N<►-nt c,( lhc dCl\'C ✓ A• l le)

Q, J.57 ln rethlnd1p1 p•n J''"~c:ct U1;11Ji 1hc fo1cn In the oa,e~r

Alt l1i 6'I lN (T) and 0 .tic,C.) d1te lo c:itternal and unh force
(J. J.51 In c..- ol• tna~ " 1th 1t11npc111turc stre:ue,
rHpeolivcly. I the 1cdundllllt fm:cc. is 2n k.N (Cl. the finul
the redundant l<lll."C.' l\ wvcn h)''
fo1c~ in die n nttr AB i..s --··-··· ·· kN .
~PKL (a) 60 ('r, (b) 20 (C)
)PKL alt- AE
(u) (b) Cc) 7(1 ('I) Cd) Nooc of the allm·~ ✓ AM. : (c)
CJ, pl11 )OfotM tn1!ls the to,cu ia th~ 1nc·mbc1
lC:I tod 1~1,0 llue In c:.;1er;,.1 and unit for«
u 1L
, ~· ) t{ft (Jt NCJr:ie at the •we , ✓ An~: lb) n:spce1h·cl , U lhc: 1(lhu;cJar111 lcwcc t, '20 k!N (Cl. the fln11I

Q•.l.51 In .redundant pin joantcd 1ruu the fooccs i11 the member (a) ~b) 20 (C)
AB 1s 20 tN (Tl ADCf I ('f) dur to external and unit fwC'c ( d) None at thr libaYe
✓ Am.: (a)

reJ1pcct1vdy . The IOI« 10 n:cimd1nl mrml>cr AB is

Q.3.S, nl pin jomt.c:d ltuss the- (01cc1 i,ni the rncmbr:1
_ _ _ t.N .
600 kN: (Cl and C>.,,.C1 dia, 11g c:11e1011l 1111d untt
(ll) 200( I') (bl 20 (1' J
f.:nc:, 1upog1h-tl) . II' the rcduntbi.M fm~c l!i ·l_(IO k'N (Cl.
220 '"' ,dJ N<1fte ofl:bc:J.r -;' ;\1&11- l ~)
(<:) 1ttc: 1nal 1'01cc an tile, t11<1t0hcr Alt I" ...... no tN .
(J. 3••U In rc:dundan1 pin icm1tcd tru-11 tt~ 'arce~ rllC••• AB h
2~i l N {T; Ullll l.41 (T) dLtc lo tikrn.u •nd IUl!t (at«
~en (b) ]C:.){CI
~...C) Cd) Ntine ,1 the ltlor(I ✓ AM : trJ
rc•pc'1n1 d)' . The force in aw.1ube1 All •• _ _ _ kN. II
redundant R.,.. lO kN ff> Q. ;uo
. iDler~Ur rC!dU11dJfft
l'tUAB • 1000 Ql 1nd £
pin J(>inrcd rrue
k LJ Al: : 10 nv\N.. the

~;.,.. :
212 kN
14.1 k.N
t-'..splaulion :
fl• KR • 26-H AI x)O
0.2..\ tN (l'i


62.H.N ff)
✓ AnL : (d)
du:od.ffll is,-····-· kN.
, ) ·· 1~M)
(t,, 100
Cd) Nooe of the atio,~ ✓ Am. : (b)

(S PPU-Nrw Sy la.bus w.• f acitde,nk yta• 2C•.21~(P4•<Ml

(Slope•Oollectlon Mtthod) .. ..P~e no. M3-7
Structural Ana ysl1 (SPPU•4 S.1T •C 1vll)

In 1nrc11111lly 1Nh1111la111 pin Joinlcd lrUIL'I I(

(a) IJ,71 (bl 11) .M
,._. f'll J:\l~ • t(\)tl m a111I l, •hJ Ali • IOO 111111/N. d1r (c) ?IJ.U (d) None of thc.'lc: ✓ Ana. : tb)
1't'du111b1111, · ·· · ·•• '4N , Q. :t'M Jn ■n 1111arn1Lll)' ,cdund11111 1ru_,,, mcmtrier AH of lot11f1h
l ll l IOOil (hi ICIO (I Ill 1111 tie1Ut"(I tbro111h 7ffc. Cocfftdcn c of
11.: l IO hi) None ol the abm-c ✓ AM. I I\") 1hcn11,l&J upa.n1lon of n1111Cr1al a. 12 .1 ICl.. fl· ■nd
lk 1UAP. "' 0. lfi 1Ju11/\N. The foroc an member All
(J . .\.tl In mtrrn11Jly rcJu1Kt.11, pin tolnlCLI lruu if
•• ..•.. ~N.
~ PI.UAI~ • IO0O m and lhc rcdund11n1 is 100 t.N, die
(a) 31.S (b) 19.4
,uluc ot l k1 UAl: n · ···· ····••mllN .
(c) 27. 14 (d) None of these ✓ Am.: ( a)
(o l J(}()J (bl IOO
Q. 3.71 1n an mlcmtLII)' redundant truss, member AB of length
(c) 10 (d) Nooe of the above ✓ Am. : h·)
J m ir. hcalal tbrou1h ~C. Cocffk~n t ol
Q . 3,6.J In 1ntcmall)• redundant pin joinlcd 1nm if
1hcmual exp■nalon of nmcrial ls I hl0-6 fc and
L PI.UAI: • 100 m ant.I the rectundnnl ii, HXI kN. 1hc
Ut 2LIAE ■ 0. 14 mmJkN. ·ri,r force 111 memtrier AB 1.~
\'IIIUC of r
a/L/At! t, ·· ·· · ·· ··••mm/N.
I ···•· kN
{11) fb) ICKXI
Ca) I P9 (bJ I 9 .-1
h:) 10000 (d) Nooe of the ahcwc ✓ Au1. I (•)
Cc) 241. 14 (dJ Nunc of thc/'iC' ✓ An,. 1 fa)
Q, 3...,. In mtcm•H>· redundant phi Jctinlte'd lruo Ir l k1UAE 1~
IOO mm/N ml the redundant i.1 100 kN . 1hr value ol (J, .t7l ln •n rnlcrnnlly rcdunJanl 1ruo, member AH of lensth
L PklJI\I~.. .. ..... Ill, ti III h ~hon by .S 111111 ud 2.kJI./Al? • () 19 011nlkN' . Th<-
( a) I (h) IOCIO lurc·e in member AH u •· ••· .._N_
(c) IUOOO (d) Nooc of the above ✓ Au. l Cc) (a) 12.32 (b) 2td2
Q . 3.6.5 In redundant pin jomtcd truu the force'\ in Ille memhcr Cc) 23.32 (d) None ot these ✓ Ans.: tb)
AB IJ1 2cm and O.6CC) dac lo ntcrnal and uml (o,ce
Q. 3.7.J In an intcm4Llly redundant lru.u, member AB of knsth
respectively. Ir lhc redundant force ii 2O ltN (C). lhc final
t, m is shlll't by 8 sum aod l:k1t/AE = 0.11 mnll\:N. The
(Ofce m the member AB is -··-···- k.N.
(u) I~ {CJ fb) 20 (Cl
force in member AH is •···· L:N.
(c) 12 (TJ td) None or I.he abuv-e ✓ Am. : (c) <•> n .73 ( (lb) 2b.32
Q. .t .. In redundant P,tll jotnlcd lf\lH the fort:~ an lhC' me 111hc1
(c) S0.73 ,d} None of these ✓ An,.: (a)
AB I, 1.cro and /,,Cfo due m c.atc-rnul 11nd 111111 fllfcc Q, J.7.. In 111lcm1 I)• 1edur1tlan1 tru~,, member Alt ol lc1111h
rcspc('t1vd)•, If the ,cdundanl force bi 20 kN ({'), 1hc 1111111 Ml hi NIOII )' 7 m111 and Ut)lJAU • fl . 11 nmv\i:N. 'fb<-
fotce m the 1ncmbt-r AB iJI -· ··· ··· · kN
forc:-c: in me
(u) :l..cro (b) 20 (Ci
(1.) 12.32 (b) 63 .<H
tc) 11 (CJ fd) Nooe: of the abme ✓ AnL : (a)
(c) 23.3 ✓ Ans.: (b)
(d) Nooo of these
Q.3.67 In re<bmdao1 pin _jointed trun the forces io 1J1e member
Q.3.75 ln an m~nllll)· redundant lru.u, membe
A8 •~ 200 kN ('r, and I ('I') dut to cuerool and umc force . r AB .of kn11h
re.~pcC'tivcly. I( chi: ,edundln1 force l1> 20 kN (T ). the r,nal f1 m L~ I 111 by l• mm and U:2L/AE • 0.16 11111vl.N. ·a.c
fotcc 1n the member AD I~ .. . .. . ... kN lorcir l11 1C111bcr AU u .. •.• kN
(u) 2':?U (I') fbJ I kO (fl 4a) J .5 (bt lh. I.?
(c) 220 ((') ,c1, Nttne of lh1.,abnvc: ✓ A.IU. , •• , le) ' .:'2 (d) Norte ol the,!it' ✓ Ami. ; t •)
().:t.a In .in mtcrrwly red1mdan1 lnH.'I , member AB of lcm&1h Q. J.76 In • mte-rnall)' redundant lruu, member AB oi lcn1th
-' m 1s healed throu,t, 30°C. Codrt,: ic n1 o( tbcrmal 6 111 s Ions b y 6.6 mm and lk1U.AE = 0 .16S mm/kN . ·n,c
CllpallUOD of male rial is 12 .du' fc and uJL/AE = 0. 11
for in member AH u ..... lcN.
;;,m/lcN. 'fhe force in member AB l~ ...... kN .

40 (b) .32
(11) 'i.!12 (b) I0.82
(c) I 1.71 23 (d) None of these ✓ Ans. : fa)
(d) None of the.~ ✓ Am.:(•)
In an mtarutll)' rdundanl 1111'3, mr·rnbc:r AB o( lcnsth
Q. J.77 ■n internally redundant lnn.s, member AB o( i cn,th
ti m h buled L~rwah l(]°C. (.'°'fractcnl of ?m h, long b)· .l7 1nm and lk. UAE a0,145 mm/kN. The

1hcrnu1l Ujlln\kJtl of n~!cnal lll 12 ll IO.. ■nd re \ore~ in n1Cmbcr AIJ h ••••. lcN.
U ll IM~• IJ.I I mm/kN. Tl~ force 111 member Ah ts (a) 25.52 (b) UU2
· ··· • lN,
(c) 23.~2 (d) None of the.lit' ✓ A1a1.: I•)

('..IPPU,Ntw Sy.labus w.e.f academic year 2C· 21)0~·04J

Ii) T~t,w., Publications. ..A SACHtN SHAH V1ntur~

Struciural Anai fl (SPPU•-4 Slm•C1vll __ Ion Mtthod .. .. P • no. M3-9

A 0
✓ .u..: (c)
Fis, Q. l...
AB = 12m. BC = 8m
(a) 137.1/El (b) - 137.1/EI
(c) 0 (d) 100/EI ✓ Am.: (c)

F..sp.....lian : 'There won't he 111')' rotation at point A 1L1

it II affiffil support. fb) mBA + mCH • 0

Q.J,'1 Whal 111(111 be the value ot tdl mC[) • mCB • 0

u1t1111on !IC JKlllll D ,
(1111. (J. 3.96) ✓ A-.: Cd
(IL) 137.1/1!1. (b) - 137.t/E.I "'i''"'f•~~ ,I" J~~I l '" a 110,11 P•• nc111 J<,jnl Bind
(C) 0 (d) 100/f.l ✓Am. .: (<)
~~r,1e 1no:. ~,111 ~rc~1111d ~ jqlnt
Espbmatian : Thea: won'I Ix rotation 11t point D llS Q. UGS ~11•1wilf
I 1. I 1' 1
• 11
Ofl~ 1 oti~ 4tra c~itlo~. Whi.cb "',:: ,..;11
.,, •II . I

it ir. a fixed .!tuppcxt.

•• If~ (i ~·r"• 1111qmcnt IICIII joint C
? (fig. Q. 3.96)

Q. 3.91 How many dcOcctioo unkr.ioYtn.~ will be thrrc in 1tm~ c:1.~c

•nll + tl\C.:A • '0 1 ◄b) rnBA + 111CB • q,
fot whic-h we •~kt need cc,ua1km.1 ? (flla . Q. 3.96) (1:) mll + IILIK: • 0 (d) mCD + 11,CS III O
(U) 0 (h) I I ✓ A-.. 1 Id)

(e) 2 (d) 3 ✓ A.,-. I (I)

l'..1,Plu, km : IJ1t~1 c1~ • •m.ul f•J near J,?W n1 ,Q1 ~,icl
ron~~~' . lll<t11~11t ~r~mld t~:j11in1. ! I
Explanalion : 1nitialfy, thc1c will br ~ d~pl~mcrrt
unknowns. but all of them will '-'lllllLC ou1 to ht zero as it i, Q, ~- 1-,. W~•1 .J.,i1 I~ 11the ~al'ue ,uf ~Oladon al ,pc;,bit IH ' '!

I .J, ., I ~-) ['1 11' I

non-sway frumc. \t'1•~- " • -~ .
Q. 3.9' How many unknown:s will be left fiaally wb1eh •c (•)

117.WEI ~b) .:.. .U7.IIEJ

non-1,ero ? (Fig. Q. 3.96)
(11) 0 (b) I (c) 2 (d) 3
Ex,Lmab.,n : Roc11ion III point, B md C !Aill 'be: left
✓ Ans. l (c:)
Q. J. 117
··-••n : (:J )

h11 will be ~ Y'IJur oi ro111ion al point C ~

Ju.JI UIIC both ~lion., as sh•cn abo,·c.
✓ An.-.. : (a)

rlnall)' lo be c■k•latcd from c~101u. I , ~1,, Q, ).'t'11)

. ' I
CJ, 3,lM ~l<JW many lo~l llc~ deflc:ct kin equaltnM will be .,,H1e1t 1 I •~ tJ? .• /Ill th ► - H 7.1/EI
in lhl, Ctjuallon , (Pis, CJ. ) .9t,1 , . 1

I:) d (cl) IOOll!J

(11) 8 (h)(1 (C)-4 (d)) l ✓ Aa,;1 (11) 1\! I
·, I

(SPPU-New Syilabus w.e f aca.dernlc year 20·21}(~·04)

~ T«lz~N«> Publkottons. ..A SACHtN SHAH Vtn~e
,81 ~-OtfllClhlfl Mu,od .... P t no M3-10
s 1,uctut'lll Ana ·ell Sf' P1.J, .. s.n,•Cl\'11~
Q, J,U,A1l1lil• f11nN1 hi " tuk-♦-Wlli~ futrw. tit• whdhfJ dtlll
... Cllllffll h trnc, ••
r.,•.0 1,,. (J. lt ,,,
(~) lrUf II fb) f1b,t ✓ A•. : flt)
Kt•lanithn: Th~; ftarne fit a JW.t)' fmme mcmbeu and
klildlii1 ,l ilt (lr,w, ffitM.rlcid'.
A D !
Pla,Q,.U e?

AB • MC: •CO• l<l m

All moment optlom •~ 111,-cin 111 KNfn, .,,d 11U •1lllffll~ru1
1r,· I/ 1l, I i
1n rad Et •~ ''"11uta111 .
II , ,1 1
I, 1
Q. J. •• Tim htam ,~ a way hamt. Slalt •titer lilis MIiiie me pt
1i 'D
1• true or fahc 1
/ 1

(11) fN( fb) fJllac ✓ ~-• ~ (t,~ fHit, Q, J.~ 1$ ;ii I I 11(1I

Th' _
.,, ' . ~ ',,1, I '' I',, I I

L,_ •--•:...
.,..,--n : 11 u:amc u. 11 ,oon•ll•'•Y 1r,111QC u a ,
1/01 ~.,11 •1 ~1',·~m '-11 tbe UJ!Jl!11•1' ,f'EMx . (f11. Qi. .lJ 15)
I . J , • 1.. . . v . .., ~·

lllnnnl' _ _... _ --..l I-···•' . . . _, I/ !/ill ;;r


IU ' .
rr-- -,. I.I IQIH""' ,auu uaumg IS S)'llUllrlm :. . . 1

111 /~,•1,, ~ j,' ,•,b) ()

Q..:Uttlfv .aluc:ofEJ inrishtfram cn~n:merw 1l.\t"i«lh1 10f111r I ,;i,1//


left one t lien Ibis frame \\'111 be uway one . .Si.IC 11ottdter Ir ·JI:,... !/ .: 1,
I ' ' I "·
r"'_·r 1
'j'J'I ·1 ... I1H It . J ' I
. ' (d) 160 Am. : (It) t~ )-~
I. '' · ;, ,:. ·, ~ . W;MIIOn ~ ~ mo01mt or fot« i11 actins on beam BC.

ah~ st.111e1nen1 u true 01 f.alsr . (fis. Q. 3.107) jj b •

. 'II ..._ '-'---' ' ' J
(a) 1ruc (b) fallilt' ✓ A1111.:
I " • , // 11ii Th
' ' ' l•rJklNI 1 ii
•, / : •, 11 p;1o11,c'"l/' ,orcic "''' ~ 1 *•l
c on1h.w•~ IDJ01nl equ I num.

Espl■Mlan : In d111 c11.11c. rncrubtrs .-un't rc:n:uun ·• Q:< ).~1~!~~ ~1 11 bt"J~iv•I~, cJI at point A
roe■ ~
1ymmdnc a11y1narc • beam., will dcllcc:t. 1 ':i , (~I-~Q,, 3. IJS)
' 11 ' 1,j/1 1 ,·,1!1 l,.jii. ·
Q,J.JIIWh alwi11~1 hevalucof ,(Pi.s, Q.ll07> , '' f,t: ~~'1 ,M~I (b} -137.llet
. ,.:' ,.1
1,~h/' ,o, 1 . (d) t<Kvm
(a) fi6.7 flt) - (16 7 ·• .I , . • , .

(c:) - tfiO tct) 160 ✓ AM, 1 (b) · 1

• 9• J11i~l~,Wl~-;¥il/ ~~bifi,J 1
, ol r01i.cia1i at pou.i A '! .a: ·•-1110~11 for PEM l!) thu type o f laadtn, Ii , ,ii, P·,!ri
(Ii,~--1 1., .
I ·,

PL /12 u11d direction wt.II anticlod:\\·i11c" (a) '· fb) - 131.111:l

0 ✓
•:c') 1
'' ,11 1d)
1· '""-•E-l
11uu •-· .•· (c)
Q. 3.111 What will be the value of FEMc 1 (Fis. Q. l.J07) 1: 1 \

(a) fl6 .7 (b) - 6'1.7


! 'Ir , ,1oerc won't be any rotation at point A a.'i

◄d} ✓ AnL t 11) ' , iii ii fb~ l!UPfH.-1 .

i~,~ lifr"
(c) - l6C) l<,O t

E,.~lloa n = ffflmufo for PEM ln l:hu type of LcNldi1:1111 1Q:. n..:11 dt~«1:lun untnown11 • ·di bc 'tbcrc in 1)1b cue

Pl. /12 and dircc.1i<n! wi.11 he c:l<d,w*.liC ll1r 1"111<1 we wnuht oced e.c11:uihoo9 '! tFiJ. Q.•J. I 15)
(1,' (J

Q. J.IJl What wiJI be, the v,lluc (1!1 HUIHUI •• pau,i A ? <Vlr. lCJ) I Cb) !
~) 2 /' (d) J ✓ A•. : th)
(a) 07 .I/Bl (b) - I )7 .111:I 1
(c) 0 f,d) IC)ON;I ✓ Am. : fc:) F..11,.,_ ..q :', there will be 3 di5pl&(.'Cmcnt

E•plaaation : 'lbcr,c: wan·• b~ "D)' rolmlon at polnt A ,u unk. wru, bur at'l b1111o11bc-m • ·ill a1111e out lo be ~ro L~
J. .'I 11 ,:1 _.1 ' . 'd'-'-,1 , ...,
· , ,. _., 100 r!I u~ aiMf!I com:1 11.n;u lllGXlcn.111 ... C.
,t '' ll ll:l;V Huppcwt

Q. J.HJ Wha1 wiJI be t'hc v,11ue ct( 1.;llltirem Iii! IKNDI I) ' Q, ;~:I-•,™,,;,i'l1~h>: bliknowm1 w!II be left fio,U,· which is fl(m•
0~: . Q. 3.IO?) ii , . ,l tJ d~i~. 1 Q.\u •~>
✓ A•.: cd>

•Q) o1.11m th> - u,.tnd ' 'h," i ', 11 ( .) •• ! ~~> • <c, 2 td) .l

td) l00/1!1 JVi ~-·"' ~ ((1) 0~;11,~ 1

~'"'1i?'U, "',,1I1~•.nl, )W'l .M \\'ill he lcfl finall y which,: non•

he 1111 m«nti1Jn 1tl1~?i1►- 1 1f)Jii"''

t!splludiert i 'f'be,'1! , I{ j 1

it 1, ll fbc,4 WJ)f,O,f,
Wf1n' t
ii, il,1/ I ,• 111 I ' I /I 11
'. ,~,1· t.PI$)- Q, ,.,.11,)
! J 11 I 1•
I II I I I' ') 111 I I ,1 · - - ~

Q. 3.114 Whal will be thc, fEMA.11 '! ilfiJ. Q, ,. ,ch~

' )r' J I ,/ ' ✓ AM.: (d)
1 11I/J ,
1 1
1 ) ( ~ )
3 I~ ,! (~)
(11) kO (hJ , - 11() I1 1

£.•'"•lio n i R01atioo at points 8 and C and


' ' I i' I /

(c) O (d) l.60 1
I Jr,)(~ ,: I ,, 1
,I 'dl.s,p~ccrnelll of beam BC will be Id! finally iH-.hc
. EsfWliltia n: No loAdis aalDS -,11,ri~ 1m~,1r1~~1,,~!!ld ' 11
,c11,icul~ fromcquatiom:.
~ame ,OCli for member CD.' ,
, II
I Ii
. 1

J ' jl JJ I I' Ii . , 1 . ' ) '1 I

(SPPIJ•N h Syllabt,jS w.d:academic y,a, 2P•1' 2Vj1

I '
1, )
ti} T,c/1 •,.;.o'P~licotiom....A SA CHIN SHAH V1ntu,e
, ii 1/ I

11 I
Sit 9.,Oflflocli0t1
. Mflltlt:,d) ,
StTUduml AM ysls (SPPlJ •-- Sen" •C,vll) . .

Q• .UlJ 110 ,., ,n1t1~ t(~I "t•11W' d,t1$ntk1n f'(IH•l hlll,. • ·111 t,e •rlltl!II
in thl, 'flK,tl,on ? ( 1!\.J CJ \ 11 ~ I
lill R 4hlt1 ti:I ,t tJI' ./ A•. 1 th)

..:,,._.u." 1 \ 11 wmlw::," •'" thrr<- 11ml non Joh11 h•11 II

rem ,nonw nl. 111 thew ,., ii I ~ (')
(}. .u .2.H \'hat ,., Ill h<'- th<' M MAl ~ ·•· 'JI I.) -' II 5, Q. l. Ult Wldch df thr :t,a1Ml 11lu;;,,·,1i: In JJJs. Q '.\. 110 eapaicr,c,c
(a\ ill (hi - Ill &,_'I)' 1
(\'.) o tJl 100 ✓ AtK. 1 If)
V, w
~~•..n : N~ laad ,s .-11,a,s o n the mcmhc,· Mt •nd
.. · t t ....~ .. t.2'IJ;.-
~ ~ ' toe mro1hf.1 ('I)
(,.l. J .11' Wt11d1 ol lh< t11llo,-.n1 11Cl ol pnint, ,J10uld bo ( hn!itn IO G) (j)
i;t"ll'l#t' c1t1a <'\J'llltlOII' ~ (t;IJ. (), :\.I U .t
tul •\ nlltJ B thl ll and l' (•) I
t~l l" •nd l) tJ) l> ancl A ✓ AM, 1 ~b) w
Ks-,t.aden : All urtli.nti• I! • ·ti I C'tlnlt in «.coul'i4 II \\'C
conflrr,-c moment aholn R ,nd c·.
(J. Ul~ \Vhll will be the nlw ot ,liht;u In hum All !
tF11 (J .•U 1.51
(a) mHA + mAB/12 (b) mllA ♦ mCIJJl2
(C) mBA ♦ mBC/1! td) mAB • rnBCJll
✓ Am.: h1}
E.spl:matiDn : ~iw:••e 0111 the t,c.,am AB and conrn·e
moment about &Jl)' one ol lbc cock
Q. •tilt What ~111 hot- lhc va.hac of in beam Cl.l '?
(PiJ. Q. 3.1 IS J
(a) rallA • rnCA/11 {b) mBA + rnCB/U
(c) ,JA ◄ n_1BC/11' tdl nCO + mUC/UI
✓ Ana., (,d)
E.xplaaalion : Scp.vatc 0111 U.C ~,mri CD iind c--0n~o•c
moment about any ooc ol lhc cod 111 .
Q. 3.177 Whit will ~ tlx- value of ruWton Iii point li 1
(PiJ. Q. .l.1 ISJ
fa) 438.tU/EI (b) - 131.IIEI
(,) 0 Cd) 116.111/EJ ✓ A-. I ••> I

Expluall.n I On iOIVinJ all die thJ~c:, cquaoon... •aincid

abo~ .imuJ~cwuly, WI! 'Mil.I ,er d>l' 1&11~""~-
Q. J.UI For lbc uaJy.11.s m,continuow; ~•m ~l:!Qwo by 1lbc: sta,e
deOcction mrlhod. dlC condition.$ ta be urd •e 11

(Rd. fig. Q. 3.129)
fa) q,, eO, Mu =MllC• 'le a O
(•) ! i ! (b) .!. J... .:!..
i! 11 ,,. ~., ~.· .3. )j, 13 , u
{bJ q_. • 0, M.,. +Moc• (J. 'le-• Q I ~ : l.!.1.
iO ' Hi ' IO
d .!...1...l. ✓ A.I. •'
C. ) 11 · 11 · 11
1 " fd )
I • I ii I •
(c) q4 • O. Mu+ Mltf: • O. Mc:a • O

fth 'h a-0. Mu ■ M~., ~- • o ✓ ;,\i.,.' I



IQtlt. ~llf
II, I,,
f~fi~~•~Q ;.r ~'.Ml.~ ~Qd 1muncnt~ ,k"elopcd
Ir ~d 1,,d:fn111J,:lr~me 1t1hc~·11111,. Q, .5 due to "WI)' is
. in coJu111n"11 AH

I ,
'1 I

I I .
- -- - - --
A.."bUcalion1 ..A SACHIN SHAH Vtnture


Struc1u ral AM ell (SPPU•-4 S.m,C,vU) SI O•Otfltclloo Moltiod). P • no. M3'-12
0 I
11111cc mctho1I
Cti111p1111~1lhy 111tll1ocl
o , ,r•l-.:cmcnl n,c,lbml
tqulllbtl11111 11xtl111d
l 1
A Sclrcl rou1 ianswrr c-odc fmm the h~t 1h•cn bclu"' :
411.) A .u1d li arc ,, u,e ( h) ll anc.l t: • c true
le) C and O im! !rue:
(di A and r> •c: ltur
r, I ✓ Am.: (Ill
Q, .M.11 Und ;\ or bti.111 /\ft III hinl&td lll'J.I.I end H 1, on 1\1llcr. ·rhc:
t'la. Q. .u.u do11~c of klncn1111w l1Kklcrminae)· u
{a) 4. I tbl !:I
(a) 3 (h ) 2

(<.') I 2 (dl I:4

(r) ✓ Am.: (a)

Q. J.112 'If m mtcrn.lll silos component like 1.hcv lorc-c. bending p·,,
(), .tllll 11oown In Pig. Q. 3,139 l~ a conlinoou, brnm w, 1h
moment 01 rcaclmn COfllf)lllK'nt 1S .1llo\lr~d to act lbrough 'uniform Oc::twlll riJtdity. Op4lori1 (.a) to (d) represent
11 small dL-.l.lncc thereby crausi111 ddonnaticn M lthe tdliape5 of bcbdint mqmcm di1gul.flu_ Sclccl the corra:t

struclwc. the cur,-c of lhc deformed shape fqlrt!Cnts 10\-

some: scale. 1hc tnflucocc bnc dt.1gram for t'h■I strcM m
the rcaclmn component. The abo,"r st.ucmcnt is lnowti tl; \ ~

(a) M«.aulay·, 1hco1cm
(b) Mullcr-BrtMau pnnc1pk
(c-) Ca~uslaano', ll1«11cm ~ k=+ . ~ -
(d) M11,u~-cll', theorem ✓ Am.: lb)
Q. J,UJ Whkh o~ ot the loUo•n nJ! rroethod, ,~ 1M1t occ u,atc fo 1
the 1ma.ty.i11 ot ri;id fumo 1
(a) SulKlltutc frame method
(bI Portal mdtbocl
(c) Factor method
( cl) Slope dcO«lion method ✓ Am.: Id)
Q.•tl).I IAI The numhc, ol equilibrium cquat1on1 nC'CJcd 10 tind (d)
tl1r d"l~illl~mcnl compclf!Clll.X of 1111 Joint~ ol 1:hc
•llllCllll'C' '" known a, the dc.ircc C1i kinematic
mdck'm11n11C)' ,
(Bl lbc kincnualc i:ndcternunlC)' •• 11lw ln(]Wn IL~ :fla. Q ..U39
degree <1f rcduodUIC')'.
Sdecl yow 111.1s Wcr codie from the list below :
(u) Both A .and B arc tme
Q. J.IJ9 Odlci ~'"'l'•lon<n""'°" wndevd"l"d ~Am. ' tbl
(;a) ohr (b) fkrnoulh
(11) A Is true hut H i, lal.!ie
(c) uv.'CII (d) l\fohr und t1\/lndc1l1
(c) A Is rlllMC but B I,~ true
hi) Buth A and U arc htlSt ✓ Allli.: lbl I ✓ "''-'· : (di
~1pla1uilh1t1 t l'hi, method w1,,~ cle,<elo1,cd by ntClht
Q. J.ll! The l)'JIC:11)4,t4c ,cl11wclopmcnt of 001,c dcllrcliC1n method 111<1 maodcila. •
in the m.1111ix from.\s known 1,, 1u I\ A Jtimpl)' Wfll>ortttl beam wilh II uniform load of W
(n) ~iftne11~ mllf{il 1~~hlld 1u1d a poinl load I' iH thcrc. Lcn11th of beam a.s l..EI is

(h) dis placement mM.rix li~lhnd 81':CR. Ltt'l point i, A A:Dd ris,hl paint ls e.
le) equilibrium method Q. J....O \~hile usini slope: ,dcflcclkm mc1hod. in which d irection
{d) all the: alxwc ✓ Am.: (d) I L• moment taken~ posi1i,·c '!
Q. 3.13' Fkxjbility mmix ;ncthod is known as (a) Clockwise (b) Ai1ri-d1.ickwisc

(SPPU-Ntw Sy11abus w.e f acadetnic yHr 2C·21)(P4•~l ~ T~l'i-~ Publications.., _A SACHIN SH.AH V1nture
I I,

'r /

' ',,, (Slopo-Ottlecllon Mtlt1od) .... Pag1 no. M3-13

S1rudtiral Ana y&II (SPPU•4 Stm ,C1vll)
', f,1 1, J:IMt Wb■ I* PHMo(polnt C III beam BC , (HJ,
(J. 3.1441
I"~~~,~ ',i'}

(c} lltcpcntb upu•• Cll\lC (ii) llt11rn.ih "'"' " ','

✓'1,11_1R , 1, ,,, Ii' ' )' 7 ,, I (c) l(J.8 td)- 10.K

'l "'TT," ~ 1,1,~,t 1, 'lqr d/ !, Cit I ·• ( >)- 7. 2

i1Hi,f11 1 r/11 ii1 1 1 11 J ~1 1 1r 11
Am. : (CJ

,,w, .11 .....

1_ •

Exp&amd• 1 Clockw·lae rnon rnli ,ut alw11 ~• Ui~~ '.IIJ, ,, , ,,, , 11 ,,,,,1,, F., i.. 1 . "
,, ,, 1 11,1111 1, , ,n , 1 , , ..
1, 1l1,1,1 ,1ra1,111 , 111)1" ~.lffi, ,~ I
1 •• W1 '• ~ ha; al pomt A ID beam AB !
pl\\itiw: while lhC'.'<'.'~ (tjUlllom .
1 Ir
11 1
I lill 11l1i1 1ll irl•1l'rl lr,J
1 ,(f/11. Q, 3.144)
:howi "1~Qrlt11N ~,~ ' '· 1, ,
Q. •t141 Ha beam ha~ 4 nlcrnal _wpporl,. then
,1, 1
(b) J{) (c) 20 (d) JO ~AM.: (a)
would It be dM,lt'd 111 UU' of *kipb dat1e!
t!IN'Jl t 1 1 1
' Ir "
' ,~ ),
I/ J J I 1q
1,.,.,.••,... : Since.
I , r1rl I
· J

rl ,,
eatrm .i lu1d «bnjl t11C'l'C '"' 0(1 00
NJU&llort~ !
j j I

bum AB, 'therr won't be lfl)' flj M ut pntnt A,


.I-' •· I '(.rJ,,
1 1

0 (h) (() 2 (d) 3 , , ,, ,,

9, 3,141 W,hlt wW be lf1ie J'f!M II roinl e in beam AB ~


•:xpl•111t6011 : We dlvidt ~arh 11•n 'hell\lffn

•~~~ , ,

(J~lf. '(J,. ) .'l.f4J


,~ uppo tb, Ml lbrrc " ' 11 he ., ra11'1 lH

4 111.lppt,trl!I #C , , ., , ,

C1 (b) IO (cJ 20 (d} JO ✓ Am. : ta)

!here .
(FtJ. (J. .11441
tion11 , ' if Q. l.J~ WI•• will he the clcO«tion of hcam AB J
Q. 3.U l Ho• ·' §(k, (llopc dr0«1l011 C\1u1

(a)() (h-) I/El (c) 2/EI (d) c111 '1 Jill)'

4 , upporti urc there 1 ✓ Am. : (11)
(b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 6 ✓ Am. : td)
(u) 0
it " ·oo·t
•an..1t. Explaution : IU.. poin1 A is a filled supporL
RxplamlHlll : Each pan '111.111 c•vc 2 unique cqwat
allow &n)' dellcctioo to take place .
so there will be: a total o( 6 equa tions .
he the drOa-ti~n of btam BC'! W•s-Q. 3.144
step "! Q. 3•.150 Wh11 ',\111
Q. 3.143 Afkr •'lili n1 sdc. what is the 5CCOOd
(a) fJ (b) I/El (c J :Z/EI (d) can't ay
( a) U!ic strcs.,;-strain rclabOmhi p
✓ Am. : fal
(b) llic cq111llbnum equa iom
it woo·,
(C') U11c ~ompat1bihl)' cqllalions ExpluNUori : A,, point C 1~ • fi.xcd support.
✓ AnJ. : fc) allow any dcll« lklt) t<1 talc( place .
(d) Can' t .•uay
,-\8 at poln1 A '!
ibf,um Q. 3. UI Wbll wlll be lbc mflltron ul bc.1111
P.te plaN ll• : After w1itln1 .!IICk, we u11e equil
cqu1HOM m a.- to lcwn d>c no of unln own,
(Jll,1. Q. l 1441
(b) - 0.1 (Cl (J
(a) CU
FEM i; Fixed Eod Moments ✓ Am.: f<J (

point A 11s
F..xplllmliion :/ 'fbcr( \\'l:m' t he any rotuh on al
ii is a fixed su art.
lJC al poi nt" C ·.1
Q. J.151 What will I the mlalKm o f beam
C (PIJ. Q. 3. 14 )
MO (ti) c11n'1 uy
✓ AM.I (Cl
. A cli>1bihutcd point C u
Q. J,'44 .,.\ and C •~ (b;cd Mrpporl!I. 8 ii a rolk1 he any rnu,1,011 ••
•~pl ll,wl ~fl : 'll1tn: won' t

looid i.:i ~nJ f)JI l>cam 0C witlJ, -~ lllf C: being 6 NJm , ii ii ll th,1 5Uf11POl'1 .

AB 11. I m., While JIC l, 6 ,m. Talc El a.'I ronr.tant. Q. J.ISJ Arter uupg all the joint rnndi1to11\. how
many uok.oow11s~
All. lllOB NIIU <Jttliom are in N.ft. arc slW ~fl 1
o/ ✓ A•. ifh) ,
,l ,

w, II be required fa.r th is (cJ 2 1d1 J '

How nw,y· K'pt 'lk pu.rh (a) (hl
hcum IM
(fUution ? 1

F.•plu Oon : MotlfJoo 11.t pmnl U in cit.her of

(n) (I , (d) J ✓ Am. 1 er) nol k n (they ,re., hulll cCfUMII .
• ·ill he lhc (':,.tna c-ondition. • ·hkh 11--c • 11l Jct H
F.icplillMIMII , ,:, Since . :\ .-11ppo1u. MC dtcr't' •
..: • ·HI
n-c nt111ncml near ,~>int 8 ~ (1·11. Q . .
l 14')
divide It ink! Z11tp. a,• ,partJ tu MJlvc. mHA + mCB • CJ
Q. l 14-t)
Q. .:U4S Wh~! l,i f F.M ,af ,poinl R in ~ ltC 1 (11"11. (d) ml\B + mBC • <J
(d) - ,10,H
mHA + mltC • 0
In) 7.1 {bl - 7.2 (c) l<UI ✓ A,.;._ : It I
✓ A.nL ; (b )
I .. -.. rut
t "'
~planat6on : J~1 ,·111 a s mall pan nca1 Jmn

P.xp la•li on : fof~nul• for momcn1 lor

k•t of
FfCr \'<' momenl lll'OUnd lhal joinL
A,'2/JIJ and di~c tioo • i ll be
t1ianiutar kuldm,a is WJ_
anti-clod, 11'1..'I(',

(SPPU-kew Syitabus w.e f aciderntc year 20·2

1}(P4~04) li1 T~fl- N«J Pubticati.ons. ,_4 ~Ci1 tN SHAH v~nt
S1n1C1\Jt AI At\ay111 tSf"'f\J,'4 S.m•C1vll) (Slop••Defltcllon MelhOd), P,, no (M3-14)
Q ., .,~, l\1ul ~ '" 11\all)' "11111IH1n, "'Ill hr 1ucr11Cd 1 All monac:ne opliun, arci ifl kNM
\l'\J O \ liM\ Take HI 11.S conM1111t.
1~\ tM 2 (cl \ (di 4 ✓ AM.: Id)
Q . .\,159 'f'hr number o:f slmuhiuxou-.1 e<1uaaaon~ 10 be \<1l ved m the
K,.planat•n : Two ~cr,uak ftlrd he-ams uc conildrrcd. Alopc deflection mclhod ts cc1ual lo
~,1 ihnc ,1II he I loQl ol 4 (a) Jlalac ini:lc1Crm1nac)'
Q. .\.I~ Whal • Ill ht' tll<' Ylhll' o4 wtabull 11 point II 1lllcr ,,oh·ln11 (b I ldnematk mckk.rmrnac)
lht'"'t Ct\Ullltlfl·, ~ I hf. (J . \ I +I l h:) numhcr of jmnt d1,pl11Ccmcnt.~ m the \.lruclw~
lltl \ 17/U (hl 4 17/HI IJ) nunc or the above ✓ A•: (t)
(c) ~ I '7 /l:.I (di ti 17/UI ✓ """· I Id) (), .U60 U ·yy· Is the ccntrmdal ae-au of III T-bc~m ~lion.
•:1,lanat•n : kilil uw ,he ll1ovc n11rn1loncd cqu1t1on tuh<jeckd 10 phutic: moment. M,. lhc ocuual .ui.c lie1.
1c ml\A • mlK • u
Q.•u~ Whal WIii be \'llluc ol mAB alter . S()l\·in, lhcsc
cquallOl\li '! (hg . Q . 1144)
(11) HW (bJ l..S4 y y
(c) 12.86 tdl - 3.09 ✓ Am.: (b)
l<:xplanalion : Just svt»11tutc the uluc of rotation at X X
JlOtnt B m I cquatton.
f'ia. Q . .1.1,1
Q . J.ISK What will he tk value of mBC. after ioh•mg these
cc:iua110ns '! (a) abavc ·zz· (bl between YY 1nd'Zl
ln) HW th) I ~ (cl 12 K6 (dl - 3.09 (c) bc1wem XX and YY (dl between low XX
✓ An.: Ill) ✓ tbl
~-splanalion : Julil NUhstllutc the value ol 101atio11 ial Q. J.161 Numbt'r .,r 1ndcpe111.lcnt d•~r111ccment lnCldU ( 'iWI)'
l~Hlll 8 in .\ C~Ulll(lll n1«h11nl111m) t'or d1t' 5ivcn frunt' with the lo•d "10•11
1.5 kNlm PkN the-re I~ &re

\ \ \1 B

A 0
FiJ. Q . 3.159
A and 8 arc fh.cxl wpporl.J IJ and C 11rc rolkt r.uppon1.
lfolk1 !iuppoic •I posn1 l' ,. pud'C'd dn1A•11ward hy ti.I m . JI lll. Q . 3.1112
,\ B • 2-' m, IIC • 2(J m a.rid CU • I~ m. (a) I (CJ 3 (cl ) 2 ✓ Au. : tb)

MCQ Eru.l.f...

/I □□□

t f I I I I
j,1 111 I

CHAPTER 4 ,1b1t1on Method

I 11111 1


Multiple Choice Questions

11 Il l 11 1 I 1111 II II ii
' '. I I II. I.' IIl I I I I I' I I I I
Q.4.1 In moment dt"Stnbuboo mrlhod, the 1mm l1of dl.l!ml/ut~rl j, 1 Q, 41 11 iWhi,f1I.• bUC!klt ns 7
lacenrs or all the mcmhcrs mtttl'I II any jc~ibt1'~1•~"11~}, ,
. ' 11 I i 1fl l 11 11
(.I) i'sf. ,,' 11Htu~al'
. I hchurlour
In whidi a ckformatton
(a) Jc:1'0 (b) lms lh1m I I I I i11 .. I 1/ I I I ae'(~l~ 1,l1n d11ec!1lm1 o( plane perpcndkulallo th11t of
(c) I (d> 1fClllt1: 1han I l~~hl\. 1 ~H1 111 J 1I 1
1 Jm1d 1Whkh JWtHluccd It
• • 111 I I I 11 I1 ' I 11 . '
Q.4.l fhc atr)•o,•c:r t11Ctu1 in :a prino!J'lk Ole111~· w~c 1t~rl1c11d
IIII 1 1 1 !b) IHtrU<.llU1al bd11w1«1u1 In which a defo,mllion dot~ not
1i filed a\ · , dic~cl~ lni~llr~don of pl~ine fllClflCOchcuhu kl lhut of

1 11 1 , I
(n) 0 (h) VJ (c) J.14 (d) I , .f~t\J. 1 ~:~ )" 11 11 !oJ~I ,-f1k1J 1•(1duc:rd ii .
Q. 4 ..l Which ol' the followins method.~ of .!itmciur'II jU1al>1.1h IH • 1
~~ I) s,,·,uc:1'1r11I bc.ha\llour in wluch .a dcfomuihon dc,1el0f1

dl,iplkemenl method '! i,, '' 1 I

" lrl 1cl'l r~1h,n o( ·pl11PC paallcl 10 th•• of load whkh

{u) mcnncol di"'1bution mdhod I 1,/ I
~di Stn1Clw,i bcl1a\'iour in which a ddonnuuon de,,clop.~
(b) column anukisy mcthud
in dlrccl.._,11 of alon1 lhal of load wh1d1
(c) th1cc moment c:qUJ111011
pmduoed it. • ✓ Am. : Cal
(d) nooe of the abow:
P.xplunat:ion ,~ Sud:Jing may be defined a.~ itruclural
Q.4.4 Where docs neutral nii. of c,o lamn lie ? hch■\'!o•u ~,n ich a deformation dc\·dop.s in direction of
(u) Vcrttal pLaoc (h) Horizonta'l plane pl,IJIC perpc uJ111 to that of load "itteh product'd i1.
(c) B~ of them (di ~nhc-r of them This ,dcfmma ton changes raptdly wilh ,·arialiocu m'
.f An1. 1 I l,J ■pplkd k,11d, ·
kpl111•don : As nc11tr11I 01• pu.urej IJ)1ot11h \'frlic.-1 Q., 4.8 Winch of th (c,llowini; relall(lfl 11hlm1 pl11111ic 1oornen1 111
culumoN "'hkh lie In hc11iwnt1I alb Cub wikl). cm1ccl '!
Q.4.S Slflltltmer. dt:•itJ~f u.11ina cla.-ic annlys,as may ""' _ _ (a)M 1,•Zt,, (hlM,=Z,+r,
1MB d:mc dcdgnr:d llllinlJ plil8lic IU'l1Uf.$1S. (c) M,, =., f, (d) M,= z,- f, ✓ Au.: (ct
•(a) llgh~ ,(b) hca".icr F.xplum n : When every tihrt' of lhc section ha5 a
(c) af,q1~ weiJJh•

(d) alnlMJ •h alf u111e-11 lhc
✓ .Ana. : •1b)
suain eq I 10 or grealcr than f)' = fy / Es. n,ominul
moment ,1,trcnglh as rderred L'I la.~1c mo~nt and 111 f
J;xphlft•~~ : ln t J,a,aic dcii1:n 1Jhl.Kture1 arc d~:ti'l ,i~d
tot 111(.w•k ~t,.:Jll .l «cl well bclaw dk: clu1jc: Hm,1.
11iwn I M, • 7-, where r,. z, • yd,\ 11 pliL~tic ~1,on

""""· * ta f,-,irli.l .,_i,n yaclll

Lil1lffllki ~~ r~•·
,11,,uc1u1e,- ,a,c dr.t1lp,wd. udna
lb..Hen«!, ,1mo111re..
moctul . 1.nd r, • y.lC'lrl "trt',t,;
Wb I" pl11tic 11101l1tnl cf rul.\lancc '!
de.t.iJ~d ~li;~ I\C'~i'f -.iialy~l.i , ..y he hcm1Kr than lhosc
(a)rnaximum moment In 111,cu 11111.m cunc. 1be point
dC$i:JIIC'd 1111J-,tJ pl~1~ •~lytii.s. whert' lht' curvu11uc inacue indcftn:itely.
Q.4.6 muimum moment in lltrcu: strain curve. 1he point
Bo~h. d ,wilicand pli~c1~ ' i /nc:glc,c1 .- _ __

wbcrc lhc curvulUre can decrease indcfini1ely.

(u) live loc.d _aetini QO .$UIU!CIUC ii
(b) ,d,cad load- lk.'t/ng o~ :,,true._,~
minimum moment in at~iu ltrain curve, lhc• pomt
where lhc curvuaure can increase inddin:iicly.
(c) ddormatmm d~ •~ load !I
ii minimum nnrncnl an streu strain cur~. the pomt
(d ) inOue~e of ~JLb!H1y < ~ A.nL t (d)
where lhc curvnture can decrc.a....:c inddlnilcly.
Ex,lan•Uon t lk>th cla.~it ~I 1phl.1a:ic ~~ . ,ne,1eci1
✓ A•: (a)
,tit inl1urnce of ullhilhy, whlC1ti1 ~Y :,i"f~_, affect kJad C ••r•nt tapacil)' of ~uctu~ cJ~••·'K•IKih or 11..splllmlii,m : In 11olrc:u strain curve. the tn.UJ1thlm
mo11)t11t la rt'achcd 11 1 point. whe~ ::.c ciir\·■furt·-c.:,
iarc 1le11tlc1 111.d subjcc led ta 4:011'1i•c~vv~ ~••ci11e'1.
' ' ln<.-ren,c, ltklcfinlecly, 11C1l«tin1 the: 11C1&in luanJcnin1
hcndit1.1'hj, malimum momcnl b called pl.utlc moment
S1tuctu1al Anaysl1 (SPPU•4 S.m•C1vll) (Mom1n1 Dlatnbuto n Method) .... Page no. (M4-6)
111 rc~lltanrc arid the po,tl,on v.hc,c thi.11 morncnl ciccun l,11 (C) wJdc 0.1nse l-i c:ction (lhout major ni~)
ulkil a._~ pla,hc t1111~. (U)CtunnclJ (about minor :uii)
CJ. 4.10 In c:lwlc: ,1a,e. et111lllttflum COfldttlon I• achlcvc:tl when (a) A-1. U-11 , C-111 , IJ..iv
n~11ru.l a11• _ _ _ and In lully pla1tlc: llt1Jt, It l.11 (bl A-iv, It-iii. C-li, V ••
iachawcd when neu1r•I nl• - - - ~ (C) A,W. lt•IY. <.:-11, U-1
(11) ii 1hovc ,utmkl of the litt'hun, cl1vldrN the t«tlon (di A-Ill, ff,li, C•tv, IJ -1 ✓ A111..: te l
ulkl two pan_, ut one-thud arc.a IUkl t111,·o-1hl1d • u.
(h) i1 hdov. cen1101d ul the
l!xpllu•t'8 n : Sh.ape factor. v • Zi, I z. a .Mr I M 1 . The
KCtk111. dlvldCJt the t«lton dlapc factor for v11ious crou &eett0n ae
mto two pa1u of one-thud arc.a 1111d two-1hi1d •ca.
(a) forcircul• = 1.7.
(b) for rccu.nsula = 1.5.
(c) •• .at,ovc ccotrmd of the 10C1Km. divide!! the ta:lion
(c) wide flanre l-1echon (about rmjor u.~) = 1.09 - 1.1M.
mto ta-c1 equal arc.u
.average: i, I 14.
(d) pa_uc_, thmu1h ccnuoad ,,r the llCclion. divide_, the (d) widt flan,c I-section (about nunor u u)
l'ICClion Into two equal arcm. ✓ AnL : (d)
Q, 4.15 Winch of the follo-.-dng auumptioo s u corKc1 fo r plinlic
Expa...Uo n : In eluttc 11ta,c . .,-hen bcndm111trcs, vane,
dts.i1n '!
from rcro 111 neutral n,m 10 11111.Jmum II utremc fibre,.
(a) 11111kual ob<y, Hook.e"s. 111~· hc(o,c the .11rccu ruchu
cqulllbr1u111 condJlion I~ aduc\'nl when neutral ub1
pu,1e1 tltroup centroid ol the ~c:tion . In foll)' plutlc
11a,c, hccauc the ,1rc.." •• umformly equal lo yield !1110• Cb) ylckl ,1re.i.~ lfkl rnoduh;n of el.utrcity dor11 noc hive
CtfUilibr1um ,..,nc value In compro.111<Hl and tnu,on
(c) rruuerial rJ hon10Jeno u, and .,,01,u,uc in both cla,tic
CJ. 4.11 Which of the followin1 rclauon u, c,w,ecl tor plll1tic
11Ccti,ot1 modululi , "'l~ ~ llnd plut,c mtcJ.
(d) nuite111l LI noC .11urnc~ntly duc:ttlc to pcrnul lllJJC
(11) 7-,, • 2A (y 1 + )'J) (bl Z,•A(y 1 +)' 2 )/l
rotalion.11. ✓ AM. : fc)
(c) Z, • A ()' 1 ♦ Yl) /4 (d) Z, • 4A () 1 ♦
y2 J
F.xplllmUon : The ma1en1l obeys Hooke' , law nil the
✓ AnL: Chi
st1cL, ,each~ f, . The yield sueu and modulu.'i of
Explaaalien : z, = A (y, ♦ Yi ) n . whcK A = area of
cl1Utic11y ha,·c the S&mC ,•alur in comprc.uJoo and
crou 51CClion. >', and y1 arc cc,.mwb o( por1wn above and
teruion. Tlic mutcrial is homogeneo us and isotropic m
below ncutrll ui1 re.,pcctivcl y. P1ua1c modulu1 is
hoth cwli.c and plastic stnlic-1. The ts 11.u1.11nrd lo
defined a.s combined llalKai moment of crou li«llonal
he AJff•clcntly ductile to permit l•rc ro1a1ions af ICCLKJn
aru above 11ntl bcJow the cquaJ-wca ui,
to take plllCC.
Q. 4. U Whk:b or lhC" followinr 1da1ton " correct 11hou1 llhlfJC
CJ ...... Wht(h o( thiollfJwi1111 a_,1umpt1.on, •~ not ,orr't"cl for
fat10r, V °?
fll lL\lk de.litIn
(II) \I• 1.., + z. (b) , • z, z. (1) phualc h F" rotallon\ an: una-'I cmupared ~•th
'"') v a z.rL. (d) v = z. I Zp ✓ An&. : (c)
clutic t'fcxm.11tion., so all the roUUM>m •c
Explanation : Shape factOf . v = I z, z.
= M, I MY" conccntr d al plastic hinics
where 2 1, and z.
arc pl.utK md clutic «x:tJon modulus
lb) between pla.suc hinges •e nsid
re~pcclivdy. M, and M ac plashc: and ela_,tk moments
1 (c) d normAl and .shc,u forct'i oo plrulic
Q. 4.IJ The Hlupe f11e11or dclC.8 not dep,crid on _ __ (d) plane accti.011 mnuru1 plane aftt, bending and the
(11) mat.erial pruper1~li (b) rnu,, 1«11onal ahape cffec ohhc• I• ne,~kd. ✓ AM.: fa)
(c) moment of r~'-'tance (d) JC<lloo rnodalu~ t:.xplll n : The plM'UC ban,c ro4auoas arc 1111<'
✓ Aa. : (l.1) compa, with clasuc dcformatio m Ml 111 the roa.tlon.s
Expluurlion : Shape faclm. v = z, I z. = M, I A-\•. arc c.o cntrllt:d II plutic htnp. The &ecmcnt.s between
where 2 1, and Z.. ure plasbc and elastic section modulus pla.sti hio,cs ar risid.. The Influence or normal and
rcspc-ctivcly, M, and M, •c pl.ulic and clutic moments shear fore~ on plMlic moments 15 not c:omtdcrcd . The
rcspcc1ivcl y. Thu rMion is lhc property af croD--ll«lional pl 1CCtian rermins plane even af1er bending and the
i ct of shear is ncsJccled.

shape and i:. ,ndcpcndcot of mak:rial popetbcs .
Q. 4.14 Matci; the pairs ,...ilh coucct shape fuctor Q.4.17 1 of the (ollowlns
•c the condJ(JOll'I that IIIC':1S
('r QUI K!ct)t; !I ctwactcrubc.1 or lltttl should obey to t'faW"C pla,~IIC
(A) C1n:uhir Ill ~dJ!llrtbllli on ?
(H, 1«<,.,,.,,.., (1) yield pllllellU ~huuld be le111 than (1 tirnu the y1tld
\ Ullin .

CSPPU•Ntw Sy1lab\Js w.t t ac..a,m.-c Y~'" 2<l· 21)(P4 •04J

~ Tldt-~ Publicotions. ..A SACHIN SHAH Vtntwt
111;1 I j
j 11 11/f ,jl, '
St,uctural Ana vai■ (SPPU,•4'•Civll) ' 1
l!ii, j , , 1q . (Moment Olelnbut on Mo1hod .. ..Pa~ r.o. M4•7
(hl moo of uhunlll( l<'tmh:i·,-. h~ )·iclc:t 11\~ ~ ,t ~ ll c , ,,
, 1·1;) !~krliil loile:1111 r«luirc:mcnt11 .ve le"• 111rlnpnt ttan
t,c It,, than 1.2 ~j,,
l I 11 I 'I I /j 1 I/.'/// cil~Mtkdt'a11(11 . , .
1\' l ,trtl ,hould not r:d,lhlt \t1-.lo,h1tilic~h•• ~~ jj1)•
1 I , .111
1 1

IJ / 1 , ~I fhollttJl!J pwc.ll.1ted hy d1ffctcnl loadana c-ondl1lon1


i(ll <"l~,i\Jillhm 1,., .~1.-.,d.a,J ••~•

a-: I
,1..,, t,\l
thin I
Tbe \i,nd,tl(ltlk
II "
:~~•l)'lcl I~

I ~·.
1 1
1 'ciian t1e: '41dcd tti,ethc,
lJ,n s (11, •rbcre l.11 littk -.vlnJ m coturnn dc.."Jl'I ·
1~,,~- 'l!t, ~~~Iii 1 1 j. j :,,llf/f· I ttl~t
1, j
r~ul,e111tnt• trc trlCJfC l!Hinrcnt
~~J· t~nJ ✓ A-. i tit

1/~'• L, 1~. ~~~c ~u~~

1 1 •

c1:!=.1,tk-, ol sk'el 111,pu,d 1,,tltc~ ~11 '.Ii~~ ' 1 irl~

I j I /jil j, .. ..(cJ dlr.Rcu.h ,_. duip Car f11lpe . 1

(•> )lcld rl•,.!1o,•~ . ~

t JJ,
111 omCflt 1tdi1111butlan arc ! '.lltal /I I \d\ ~ · "'. dl.ffel'ent lo.tins condition.,i
porhon ,lf •~•Jslrain c,ur~~~ 1d1o~ld lki 11,. ·~• ~ I/ ~ tH= r'p,11l1&ed ( c ~ he added ~f.~
umo, lh< Y"'ld s,n,ln, (bi,,.;"
of alli"'i'~ I,, , i,i/~~I)~, II , .j
.tic ,.~la1~11t plaslte momc01 ,, sdcGlcd. 1 •~~~~~«:f~f
y!dd JI:~ dloakl he mou: thun 1.2. lfift,fltlrn ~j~~ lp!i , iQ. ~.,1 /j ijh~ li:Pi,..,itt, ~n~ ~'

1 1

11tand•d gauge lrnith shoul,cl be mo~ It ~ l:S'~i , 11, I I I j ]1/ •(~) ; ~ i>i' ~n&in,tc due lo flexure: in a 111ructwal member
Q.4.lil \Vhicb of tht followin, cc:,ndition~ ,II( ,, . tb/' oswr, : 1I :- (1,) ,.~ qt , 1.e~iliJ due: to fkxwc ID ~ ltrucluml
pla1tic method of uud)'M5 e pc-dS ~} ~
I 1r¥n~~
I 1 1 I I /I '· 1
1, i/ ,
~)11 '1~1
(ll) membcu S~ltll oot be hot-rolled OI l·~~ict~I~ J-1~~ I l1 ', <tr ~y;.cklln~ due lo nuurt in a :tlructurnl
hot•t>11tk:i I J' , I~ · I, I ! , 111<'.mfier .l
~ 1I·' 11 j l· 1
j ,. •
(h) yltld tettt'I, nf satel ~1ld 11C>I be 1 n 1 · (JI, ~t111t: of yit.klrns ,luc: tw,~ ing i11 u structw-111
J 'IC / 1 kl
4$0 MPa . 'I 11 i I ,· J '/i [ ' n1einbrr , ✓ Am. t (b>
(c) c-,ro,,s KCdoll 11hould br Ullil)' 1t11~1 lill;.. ~~.i,~1 j, I !/•{ ],11 ,: ,~plla,ftlt.._,. ;'. t>if ut ic hin_,eh: a NJnc ut Y1ield1n, due 10.
-. I t' ' 1 ' ' " I 'j

iOe 11:i.i,~ io 11 ..amc:tutal member. k '" Wit<I 10 dc~,11,ie a


J1Cfl'>Cfld1C'\llar 101011!11 at plut1e hln~ n11u.1lc11i" · . : . • i · 1

Cd) crt1-u section ol rncrnhm mot contJaini,_. ,r!~tit dc;fdr~lion ci4 ,ucchcm when plMtk bcndlna occm,,
hinaei !IJM.1ukl he 'pla1aic: · and IM!lc rncmbol]¥ . Q. ,4;12 lP1u1ic ~h~F hchaV"o., llkc u _ _ __,1 (llutic hmcu i.hc:iul<I he ·campi11C1' · , '. <-) .· (ric•i-rn .mecb11nical binsc u«pt th• the~ is alwa)'s
✓ 4:n-.: t'h:i ;1 , a fbcd lllJIIITI(OI 0011'lramt
Explmation : The Collo-.inj!, 1uc coodations for using • I

tli) f'rictinnk!fiS ,11~haniclll hinge cx.ccpt that there is no

plMtic method of aualysi.s ,._._ per IS 800 : (al yield stfcs!i flied mt1mcnt ,ooostnin1
of sicet shouHi not be !Pealer lhan 450 MPu. (b) members
bi.niul hinge Clccpt that lhcic is no fiu:d
sh.J] be hot.rolled Of 11-QIIJ hol•pl11es.
(c) cro~ .IC(1jcm 11bould be symmetrical abwt lu uls
mcdwmklll l1,1ngc c1«pl tbi.a there hi
p,crpr1ldu:uJ11r t<l the a:m u( pla~t lc tiing 1ot11lo11.
11h.-'a)':;, • 1ud moment "1111traa1n. ./ A,11.1 • .1 (di

{ll) det.iBn. necd1 to s,;ati~y ,d :uuc
s111i111 comp•dbiJ•I>'
111ctihlu1ijal I l~,
F~1ll1riaU..1 1 P1~slic tiin,c bclm'C'• Ii~ .t r1ktionlc~1

C:Uic:,r1 l!b1111 th(rc: t!i alWIA)'4 ll, t'1acid

1nQment c< litOur:11 wt11ch is Cl(tt11t,I 10. pl!litk mo1nent

Cllp.lC'il)I of he .lilt\Ction.
•(lb.I di:ffc-.teDt {lldor o( Yic:t)' for all parts of lbc structwic
Q • .&.23 Which of follo'!lliing i" true 1b1>ut hi ngat knB,lh ?
(0) 11avi11Ji m lf'81eraal O\ICr' cl~>C anethod.111 rC:.!.Ullin,g in
(~) v~d,-e cu ~rnent 11.djlll()Cnl 10 y'i dd ~oc 1ri .~111(lfc: tl~an
, li,WStl ~11Ul11ll"CI
ylt1 mon1011t up to hh1ged lcnJth of J1ra-."11tm1l

~d) I dclip iJ1 dfcc,t,t\d, by 1cm1>e1ru1urc chansc:11. 8Cllltnxn1

lllel htr,
of 1~ n. cti: , ✓ AM- : M
th) Vilt , •1i mcunc11, ~~_,cnt 10 yickl 11>r11C .ta le., , tbillt
~~,,.,..,.._,. ~ The folt~i••i 1re the ~v.,.,1,c.-i or
yl Id momcnl Ujl lo hln,cd kngt:h oJ 4trucluml 1

Sllwk de~,,., 1mc1hod.l : (,• i• rieiali11u111lun ot unlfcwrtt

n ember
and 1nfo,1ic: fi!Clor o:f •fCJr 1for all pa,tl of the structwc
1Llue of l™mtnt lktjllttnt 1:0 ykld zoll!C is tulr the
(b) slmplifiC!d :anaiytk11I l'fBCCldttrr and ta:ptdity of
yield mQrrtMt up to hingtd lcn£1h of ,truclun1I
obtaining momcllt.'i si.ncc oo ,n c~ to s11tisfy elastk .1.11&in
oomj_'mibUity conditiom, (Cl) lill1 dJbct ~ lo kmpc,atu,c
value of moment adjacc:nl to yktd zone: is equal IO
changc:s. $elllc1ncnt ctf SUpPilrl. etc. (d) savin.g oi ma1criial
yidd moment up to hinged , kngth of Jtructurnl
0\-cr da..'itic ID('!hods resultbtJ in Ughtc:r 1111Kt1.1•~1l.
1 mcmbrr. ✓ Am.: (11}
Q. 4.18 Whkh of thr follo~'ins Ls uue 1,gardi11g phutk design
t.:.Kplatlllltian I 'the YlllUC of moment adjattnl lo yield
n1ethod'I ' .
~ •~ more lh•• y~ld n10n1Ctlt up to ylcld zone 1& mmc:
(a) difficult to -dc11l1n far fad~
thun yi eld moment up to • certain knJlh or ,1ruc1un1I
(hJ more q"mr tn a ,lumn 1tle!'mher. ThJ.11 len11h L, cialktl hinJ~J len1th.

('SPPU•New Syllabus w.e f acadtmic yea, 2C•2l}~•04) ~ r~-~ Publica!i-o;u...A SACHIN SHAH v,n;~,e
St,uch.1111 Ana:y1i1 (SPPU•• S.m.C1vll) (Momen1 Di~l'lbuto n Method) .. .. Page no. (MW)
(J. .a.1.e Hinted lt'nJth depend, upon pl~ in indclcrmma: .lilruc1llrc 1flcr firsa htnrc form~ at
(a) 'Mllht of member the point of muimum bending moment.
(b) type of cooncction Q. 4.29 Which of the follo•'ing ls lluc m a fiud beam ba,·ms
(c) type or loadini; concentrak d IOllld al one-third poiDl ~
(d) number ol bolts used in coMcclion ✓ Am. : (c I (a) rim hmgc ,~ fotmcd ll ccntrt' of bram
1-:splaution : the tnnp:d lcnJth drpcndJ upon the IY1,c o{ (b) after fir~ hinse. momt"nl • that pornt lntTC'~s
loadina IUld the ,comctry of c10" 111rc11011 of ,tructural (c) aria 11," hlnse. momcnl at that pornt dccrca.r,
(d) after fir,, hinse . n,omc111 •• 1h11 h111i.'< 1crn111M
(J. 4.25 Wh1.1t 11, tunicd kn,1;th to, 1nmpty ~upponed
lhc con1tan1 ✓ Am. : 1d1
rcctanrul• hcarn o( 'f'll" L wilh central conccntrlk d F.xplllmUon : In I H~cd llcam lu1,•ms co~n11.acd lo.ti.I
load 'f at one-third 1,oint. firsa hinsc forms II one or lbr end
(a) LN2 (hi IL (c) U2 (d) LJ3 r.upport1. As load u incrcucd (urtbrr, morutnl II 11\i~
✓ Am.: idl tunse remains constant at Mr. • 'h1lc the moments 11 the
Ell:plaaation : for simply supported rcclana;ulu beam ocher support and load pomt incrcL~ unlll SttOnd hiniC 1s
with ccntJ.aJ conccnuak d ~ - the lunged lcna;th is equal formed. Wbrn load is further maeascd the 1no11Ynl at
to one-third of the SfWl· these ,,,.-o
hinges rem&in coruaant at M,.. urail third and
Q. 4.26 What 1s tht tunrcd length tor s1mpty supponcd final hinge L~ formed to make the beam a mcctw11.~m- The

rc:ctangul• beam of spa.rt L w11b urufounly distr11Mcd final uhirtWc load will be .\.\% highc.r the moment al
th~ twm hinics remain comtant at M,.. until 1h1.rd anJ
final hini;r l'I formed to mule the hrlllll ii m«hamicm . The
(a) LN3 (h11.1-1/2 4<1 1/2 (d) US
final ulumate load will he \J% b11ihc• thm hnl h1ncc
✓ A.._: (II)
F.•pl111atlan : nll 1.1mply •vpportcd rectangular hcam
Q . .&.JO In a l11rd h11vl n8 c on«nl1.a1cd al oti<-t}m<l
with umformJy du1111bulcd k111d. the l•nscd lenrth 1, equal 1101nt. hnlll ulttnllile load "111 he _ _ _ dw1 tu ,1 htn.rc
to ,pan/~
(J,4.17 Whit b pluuc-collap!lit load , (1) .\;\'l lm11·rr
(bl \.\'l, htahc-r
(ll) lClld al 'i'-hi<:h sulf1dcn1 nwn bc1 ot cliwtC alt (C) 5(1'\ h11h? (dl 50'.4, IO'A'C'r ✓ Ar'-1. : (b)
,, l'.spwnaUen :, In a hud hum hi\ ms CUDC'C:ntrMed loMJ
(b) load- a1 w'hich sumcicnl m:unbcr of plastic hmp:s arc
at ooc-thini ~int. final ultlmaec kud li\lll he 33~ lu~bc:r
not formed 1h1m fint hm,c load.
(c) load al wblC'h 111.ffic1cnt n•mbcr o( pluoc hmic~ aic
Q. .&.JI Which o( cbc} fo l I""' Ins 111C'dk"ld, 01 ,tructw Al 1ul.ll) ~, " .a
<U.~placc111enl method~
(ti) h,-d II which lltn-.1we fulh ✓ Ana. 1 ll')
(a) Mon~ do;tnbutlon mC'thoJ
t:spluallen I The load 11 lllt'hld1 •ufllcirnt numllc, ol
Cb I C'olunr analo1y nlCiholl
plu.~lc hinJcs 110 fotmrd rn a 11111.c-iwc ,ucl1 I.Nil a
(C) Tlucc; ,,ionle'lll CCfUIIIOn
c-C1llapw, mecbanum II •~ ca.llcd pl&..~t11C<0ll11p,1e
(d) Nooetof the lho,-c ✓ A-. : t•l
load ot plutic-limi l load.
Q.4.111 Whllt ill difference hctwcxn plas11c de.."fD and elastic
fM.10r!I ,r
Q.,&.ll In mori:nt d11tribuuon nlcihod. the sum of duu1buhon
all the mcmbc.11 IUCdJnS ill Ill) joint u lllWU)'1'
(1) 1cJo lb) Len than I (< ) I (di Grcllcr than I
In) In rl&.-lc dcJlgn. 1ed1m1hutmn of hcndmlJ momcm l.11
ron.'I kier cid ✓ Am.1fcl
(hl In pl&'.lllc dc.,1,n. rt"di~11hu11on of ~hnj moJACnt u. Q, 4.l.l ·n1r ¢111r)'O\-Cr (1cwr III a pmm.atlc mcmhc1 ,.ho.1e f1u end
not ~'on,1Jc1ed "f~d u,
(~) In elutit duian. redi~tributklfl (J( hendina; mumcnt h Ca~ 0 Cb) 112 (c) .V~ (d) I ✓ AM. I ftlt)
co...~ldiercd ~rite the rcla1n-e ,uffncu ,-hoc far t'fl.d •• it"cd
(ti\ Buth ii-. ~lutk 11nd dut,c dc.i1n, rcdulnbuti on ol 'f') 1/L (h) L/1
bcndina mot~ .. Ii. rons1dcrcd ✓ A-. : 111) (c) ¾(IIC-1 <d) -1/}(I/C) ✓ A-.:C•)
F.xplauUa n : The cilffclt'ncc between plulr,c dcs11n and
Q. 4.lS )\'ha L, stiff~
1:lutic de.sign is thll plascc ~isn takes into accouni the
(a) momcnl " 'hic.h u apphcd lo a i;tnx.-tu1al jm nl to
fo\'ourahk rcdL..iributioo of tk."'Oding moment whicb uk:cs
prodocc rotlll-On.
(b) the momcot required to produce uait &lope

(SPPU•N•w Sy labus w.e f academic year 2C-21)(~· 04) ~ Tfd'.•N«> Publicatwns._A SACHIN SHAH v~nrure
'1''11'/l!IJll'/il I 'IJ/11 ,lj I

·la1nbut10n Methoo) .... Pagt no. (M4-9

Structural Aha· 11t1 (SPlt->u•• ll•'"~ C,vll)
· f ' dh,hlbutlc,n method, rhe wm o1 d111t1ihu11o n
h.•) llllllll<til ;.,hi( h f'ltt1tlurc11 nu t~tl•1•MU\
{,I) ,di I'll .tMw<- I •I' .l 1~1-n ~-- ,..,,..,,.. meetin1 ., any joint 1, 11hr11y~
~I I, ( b) UIII than l
Q. .u, ~ 1,lttlt l'I c1i J!t'\'f-,.:d ('anlllC\!CI hum I 1r1 11
./ An1. 1 f<I
(l' ) •ts~} 1 ~
~d,l 01ta1e, tbunl

{u) ~blll. llil 4UI/L ,

11 .ll 11

~,iO~"._ whn1e fo1 ei,f ~s l~/r111',
Q. 4..,1 Wnk' ~11111 \"C'
lll) ~ (lfL) Cb) 415(1,\.) 1/1 / I I

111 .
lC) ~l \(lll. ) (d)4/5(Ulj 1

1 aoo
i 1l11 I 11
i1 'l//11 1l1/,
1/,J /111
1111 I
I 11 ,





'I w
111 ,I

1 l•1
1!•1'/l1l11J1l1' .
11111 1' 11 1 1 I'


ljl11lf/i<1 j1 I

/ 11'l Jil,111
J/IJ/li , '.
I I I I I JI j

11 /

'I !/1 1

j I
. :\J' I I

'j/1 I

I l

rl I ifi I
'tf '
,,I j1/i•· ii
CHAPTERi Stiffness Method
Multiple Choice Questions

~ 5.1 Sekel~ enntti :o.tlkllltlll (d) th<- force at coordinate I due to a unit d1spl.accmcn1 al
\a) Ptu.ihtlily matrl• ,, a square ~)'mlDt'triul m.anx coonhmaac: ul j ✓ Ans.: 4bl

(M St,ffncSl!. malJIA i5 • square 5)TIUDCl11cal mmix Q. S.7 Auibillty coefficients dcpcod.c; upon load.ins a( ux
\cl both (al and (t,) prima.ty sbuchJrc . .11Uc whetJ1er the abm>c slalcmcnt. is
(dl oonr a hbc nnc ✓ An.'-: (c) tnac Of f alsc
Q. ~l To ~nc11tt I~ j th column o l thic llcuhihty nllltrj11. (a) true (bl fubc ✓ Am. : Cbl

(a) a mut fo"" i, 1f1pl1cd at coordanutc J m~I 1hc:

ExplunaUon h dcx.11 not dcpcnd upoo l011dmg of the
dt-"1'l111temc.-,, uc ukulalcd al all l-•ocmhnlks prlnW&J)' 11tn1<.-turc.
lhl a oak d1.\1«mcn11:0. appt~d aa co•ortllaatc j and the Q, !1.8 How m:1n)· con1:1atlb1llty cqualon• ~huuld be ~,i ttcn it
ttm:ci. uc cakulatc:d al iall ~oontln"tc,
we: hnvc n no. ol' rcdundanl rc.ac11clfl'il '!
(a) n ~ I (h) n
(C) • unit h1f« '" &JIPhCd Ill ~IMIC j ,md lhc i'on:c--~
IV( calculaltd aa -11 coorc.hnatc._'I (c) n ♦ l ¾ll n + 2 ✓ Ans. l 1b,
(d l a umt d1sp\l«rncn1 ,~ .pphcd a& C.'<>-<Wdll!llltc j md tbc f.:•plunation No of rcdunda,:it rcactmn& and
di1')1JIIC'CmclU arc c-alcola~l at all (.'0-ordin.aacr. cmnpaaibiltt)' ~w.tions arc equal.
✓ Aas.: (a'I Q.S.9 1-luibilil)' mt· x is aJway-s :
(al Symmc:tJi (b) non-~mmc:ttic
Q. 5~ For stabk stnaca.rcs., ooe of the imponan1 ptopcrtic:s of
t1uibil1ty and stiffocu INllnn-s ~ that t~ cltcn~.n ts on
(c) an4i-.sym Irie (di depends upon loads applic-d
✓ An.": (a)

the man daqo.nal
la) of a stiffn.css. nutri• nlWII be po.,qllvc Expl. un11tio : l~:\1hiht)· •.nutn:10 arc a.lwap symmt'4rk
a,c • con..~, ncc of Bc-11:i' • Ila••.
(h\ of ll 1tifrnc,-, 11111rl• must be ne11a1i,ic
Q.!.10 Nu:1ncriuJ cur.lie)' of M1'1Ullan Hlet<"L'IC..\ ,f ile~1bi hty
(c ) ot a tleululi1y mauu l"IJU't be po.-dtn-c
(d 1 of II tlcx.ibih1y mattu: musa,bc oc:iatH< rocffid;tn \lri d1 '.••-re•
,•alucs arc local.c d.
(al nc.u iain diascnal (b) near cdrcs
The concct ansv."CT L'I
(c) in ,~c:n (d) near side middles
(a) (i } ald {iril {b) (u) and { m)
✓ Am.:(a)

(c) (I} and (i v) (d) (11) and (1v) ✓ A-.: Ca)
Expl lion : numc:rk&I accurK>' incrc:L1es if luger
Q . !IA ·n1c dcfonna1100 ut a ~pnn.1 produ~ t,y • uml load ts cclC' nb uc ltx-nlled new lhc dia,ollill of m11tri1 .
Q . 5.11 Wh ,r lhc: faUu•dna' ll'tllk'tUrc: I, hc,t fo l
( II) 1ot1ffnc.u (bl flul!hilil)'
pui..tlom~I pwpcHo "!
(c l mflucncc c~lltCl<Dl hll Wltl litr1in ✓ An1. : 1b1
C• .!i)'mmttric
Q. 5.! 'lbc i ~ oo a ipnna per unit dct1«cjoo , u c.allcd
(a) Suffnc .::-. (b) Proo( r~.ihcncc
( ) non-.1) n111111:lric

C) lllltl·!l)'MfflClnc ~

Q . 5.6
(c) P10of suc-ss (d) Proof load

'n\c ckmcnt d, tf ia flic:1:..tbili1y tnJJtmt

( a) the duplx.uncm • COU!.drnalc: j di.It to
u __

Cbl 'the dupla:t:ll'IC'nl at coordlna&c : ~ to .a urul

✓ Am. : (11)

ll uml fDIC< at

{Ole< at
r depends upon loads appli<"d comprcuiY<"

. xpht. .tion : h is easier to compute solutiom for

flc:iubilil)• codlkienl malrill in ah.a case.
✓ Ans.: t•l

com-drnalc M j
tel 11,c fo1« 111 coc.W'dinalc l dllC kl u unit <lopl1r.cmcn1 iat
coorduatc 111 ,
I '
' _I,

Structu t-al Ana )'Sil (SPPU•4 &i1T' •C,vll) (St1ffnoS1 MoChod) .. .. Page oo. Ms-6
11 11 1 1
, 11 , .1'1 ,·,1 ,,,i,' 1 ',, 11 ',,i i"111,' /~,,1 <
,,, ' 11i(~
~. r~
1, ,. ,11w11.c:hctl 10 ,llcn1 muJc . Rin"'
. one~ for calb
1 1 1
11 1/ /' ",, '/ 1 i'./, '.' 11 1111d r1dif1uclon_1 a,o ~ilc:JK:cd now.)
','/,",/ i,11, Ii' 1\1 ,.I,',, 'i, i,, '/0'')
,,1 411) -,)(I (I\'' ✓ Am.I Cal

,1/ ;1 W1 ~~ ~ q~ ~)

'ijJ,~lh1!-f ,mci ,~11owln1 nl.4."lhoch nt 1trac1uul uri.alyAts a, i

' I ,I, 1, I '/I' 1
~~,-~ie P~f-,oci,
I~ [., .'

I I "1 I ' ~1.11,~ .·~~~~r ,_.,:Jt,~11011
,, I •• , , , ,b),c~lMI~.,,ana~' meahod
v1111 Jl tQ ,
,, i " ,//. " , i'i~~~ 'ffi~~~t
dl.~dbutloo method
, , 4; .~
°V' . , "" I''t\ f "-"<'11111U ,.1,u....•-l r·
ddlcctcd ,nrlmlll)'
, ,... ,
. • HIIUChtre
· , I ,11 11
111 ,N~ . ~

11,1, :,,-rfhe •hmic

,, 1~
✓ Am.: cb)
an, ac1U&I !tltll('lutc ,ihr,uld he _ _ It I ,1 I I f I

(a) a\ dilfcrcnl a._~ Jl'mihk th) u ~,m~l11r 1

u po~~lhlt ' ().:s.dl" ~~ 1hl~l;'ltlt t,bd
'f••llaw,n3 t, no1 the d1'lplaccn1c:n1 method?
4~II Hl hc:t "''CC D ,, ', , ~•L•,ui~~llr! ~t•1,tf,fbod 1

1O•j ✓ ,A M, (h'► c:U'Junin 11ulc~8Y 11,1cdw,d

..:.,~1lon : Thi" lrlkl, to i,ii.'11&11 t<111e<.·1l,o.111 l~t~ct"
,1 r, 11
' ,•,
' 't' mdii1,mt
. f~> 'K ~t,~n1etbod
di.lllriti.Hic:lft ,t1""1lhod .
✓ Am. l 4bJ
h) rcduncbm.
1,,1 I , 1I. 11 1-1 ! 1_.{ ,1,1 I, ,J

Q. ~.ll lnde,cm1lnak' U1aJ)-.'" nt 1 ")•mmctrknl MntC'ILI~ lni ,, Q.j.,1 , -r,1,c~••hd} 1e,tihc•,hin ,nofd,ctlt,uh ilit)'millli"
, , , tr, , ,
lllfficlilll from of • OOD lt.)'fflflll:llK Olle, Stac Yl11ct'hcr ' . ..r ,;\. "'•'i1l Jorce i• •r,1h0d lit coordm..c j lllld 1hc
the abo,·c 1l•mcn11, true {I( talsc. , ·' i,, ~l.s,pbiccn'"-'nli aK ukb1aAe 1111U coo1din.11c,
(1) true: (b) false: ✓ Am. : (b, (b) A uni1 displacement is 11Jpbcd 111 coarditllltc j and lhc
Expl.aaatio■ : Symmc·trKlly makes , 1.hc 1ndr1ermj nate fm~cs are c11foul.11ed al all roordinates,

analysts t"¥icr. · (c) A un.11 force i.~ applied :11 coordil'llltc j aod the fo,ces
Q. S.U ln general. any structluc can be classified as a 5Ymmcttic 11rc l.,ak ulalcd at :aH eootdimk.11
one : (d) A unit displ accmcnt i.s applied at C'OOfchna1t "j' and
(a) when us structwc is symmetric the displaccmco~ are cakulatcd at all COOfdinatc.s
(h) ~ttcn its loadm1 i11 symmetric ✓ Am.: (11t
(c) when i&J mpporu aic Ay mmdnc Q. 5.20 In a·hc dl~laiccncnt ra~1hod of .\IJUClmal 11nalys1it. the
(d) \\o'bc.n ii dnekip.1 11ym1oc111c u11emat loahn1 •nd ba.~k ,lflknirtW1111 •e
dcfl«tioM "' A-.. : ldJ (,,1 Ol~pliw:,c••icm; (b) fu1cc
ExplaaatiDn i lt u deemed llli "}'mmttrk •i>efl it (c) Di.;.plli!'.c:nintfi aad fo,«s (,I) Nooe o! the llbo\<c
dnclops; l}'mtnCtric iotcmal loodittg and ddlcclioM
✓ AnJL: t■ l
about crntral uk
Q,. S.ll Sckct &he ~P ' t l!i1Jtlcmc11t
Q. S.lS Nornwl)1 • wJ:ncb o( dx follov.,ng things may/may not be
11)'.mmtUic to de,'C!lop sym111ietnci1y1 ••I flc~ibtli )' m11Ji1 iu SCfUUC &}' rnn1.C11ical matri:i
' ('b) ,St1ffocJ1. 111111,Lx i!i ,a ,-c.1u1rc !l)'Uuttetrknl n111trh
{a) mlllcrial (bl ,cornel ry
(cl Scuh f• 100 ~.b)
{<) loadla1 (dJ dfd ./ Am. : (d) I I

1-:aplaQIJoa : t·o•npmi tion. ~mccry and IOActi~a 11,c ✓ "1111. 1,t,.:)

acnrrally rCC1Qj~ tohc .a~mmcrdc:. Q. '!.12 fiflr ,'ft.hit ilrnclurc,'1. ot)C ,a f the irrlJ)(llflant pro:pcJ11e11 ,o f
Q. 5.16 Pm structure:1o, one of lbe rmpo1111nA pr•rtici of flcuhllit)' 111\d stiffncit.'I m11l!rill i1 th.II ·die elrmc,111.,. on the
t'1elib1HI)' and !>1iHocr.s mllrioes u that the clements on rn111n dia ooal
the mam d~pnal (at or
sdtfnc.!m matri.: he posiliv~
(a) of a stiffncu matrix mrn1 be pcwith-c (b) Of .stiffncM malri~ nlU!II be MJ.llth't
<h"I of a M,jffous nlltli.1t ma~ be ncptiv'C (c) 0 a flcl.lbili'ly malri.• m~1 be p<uilivc
(c) of a Oc:xibltlty rnuri1' mu» be po11i1h-c (d) fa RcidblUty rnatr1i mu.It be ncptivc 'n1e correct
(d) of u 0ciubtlity rn.111,," n11i111 be ncg.athic the cicm«l M'W'Cf' 111
anw..-cr lJ (A, (i) and (lit I (I)) (1111111d (Iii>
,Al fh md ,11.:1 (C) C•IIDJ(lv) (f.))(11J and (l\' J ✓ ,\,._: (1.11)
rn, Ol'J lnd (hi)
Q, 5..2) ' 1r 111ifino.11 roeffk't&:!11 k, indtC'trtn
~•l toccc al i J11e Do • unit ddornMlitlon al j
t11) dcfl11~ion at Jdttc: 101 unH lore< at,

(SPPU-New Syllabus w.e. f aca~tmk ,~~,·20· 21)(P4•04}

~ Tedi•N.o Publicott0n1. ..A SACHIN SHAH V~ntute
(Sl,lfn•11 Mettlod) .. .. Py oo. (M5•7)
t• , ,)tf.-.-.1.,n • , .t11r 10 • mul foto: at j
c.H h"" <" _. I ,l..- In a unit dC'hlf n11• Ion •• 1
,., 61:I
.t Am,: l h l 12fl
\) < U •••• llw ~"Nm \.h1...,n hl-lo• 111(' , 11fln~c corfflC'tt'nl Ku L'
l #IN' ""1 tlle"fl ll-\
(c I
') No4• :,.a end l
are the d.o.t

Id) J:L ✓ A-. 1 111 )

A( l '\

...... Q . SJA



CHAPTER Iii .. . $IS of

Multiple Choic•e Queuio ns

Q. 6. 1 bffo:I.\ i.hc-ar l\_1Jtt and uial force- oo pla'\~ic

ol 1ni1!lll(~lt
1(lJ )u I\ and ('~~ 1tn11e bu1 A ls wm~s
Clf'¥'11)' al a ~ructun: an: ff'lptth,'l:ly to
(~) Ai s 1md C -~ lr:ue ✓ Ans.: (di
(a ) lllC~A.'lc and docrc~ 11
11 11
l h I 1ncrc asc and Increuc
Qi ~fii 1
rhc "hape f1inor Gf • rcclan,:ulu SCCIJon U
I , •

I .1
lC l deer«..~ and 1ncrCMC I Ii I ~-•1\1119 ~b) LS
(d) decrease and dccrcnc ✓ A.ns.: (di 1tQ)l 2.ll (d) 3.6 1 ✓ Am.: (b)
Q.6.2 Pid: up thc rorrcc1 st.allt'mcnt l,om the foUmrn ng : Q'.
• I '\
'-? I ,
'fhc lo!~~ flK10r ot' a dtcul• sec lion with rad1w R is
(a) In a laadtd beam. the lfKln11e.111111. • ·hteb dlr fit!it yitld 11 1,: il!j :, , 4~l 1i1, ◄11 . 10 ff
occur1 111, calkd >·icld Uk'lfhl'rt ; •(a)\'tt; (b) ft (c) jn (dl '" ✓ Am. : (c.:)
1\·.1 i'l;'r •
(h \ lo • loaded beam. the mon1en1 11• ""h1ch the cntnc. I . I t I I

Q, '-II 'thr: ·.,hllpt fJliC'tot' ot I I !iel(.tion n

~«1100 or the bcum btcc:mc:s tully .p lutk. 1J c1lllcd ·1

pl.aitlc 1namrnt Ia'1 ~ .'!1


.. (h)1 I.~
le l In a full) pluhc \lllllC ut ttl<' llc-.a.rn, the ncu1ul ul• ii ,(~~ 2.c, · ;,
llll111C ut' I).: aabmc ✓ Aiat.: Cdl
di\ I(~ the JCC.'1KJn Ill ,..,,1, -~ " loo~ iM ,,. (l !i<CILUJI or Q, '-' li«•r •I~ *«doo "hnwn in ii,,. Q . 6,9. the pla.~4: ncucral
oqwLI aica

-~,, ls 11! (
(d ) AU th: abo\'c ✓ Ans.: (d,)
If Q is Imel f.caor. S 1s s:b.lpc la::tor and F is factor of
- 100mm - 1
Yicl)' rn clWlhc de.s1pi. the follo"'i nf :
(11 ) (.) • S + I· (b) Q • S - F
I<' ) Q • l· - S (d) Q • ~. xf ✓ Aiu.: td >
Q. 6.4 The 111ttn1C'11I winch r111Jllcii. 1111 1hr 11hrc~ .at 1hr liectlon 1,>
yield h known 1u ~ - -·
(a) tkawal ngicbt.)
!bl rnomcn1 al R:!itstancc
(c) pl.astic moment c.apacil) 1·0 rnm
(d i )'icld momcn1 ✓ An..,.: (c)

Q . 6.5 Iii plu!.tk analys l~ of ~nK1urel tlic foll-owu'S Ml!umpt!Klru
llf<' nudr: (.II h lhc flall,JtC'
A, Mane ,'j(:(don hch,re hc11idlJ15 1em1im pl.anr fvc: 1, (b) ' II M JlHMllfon of flange ,md "'Cb
lllkr bcndin,1t. M I\ lhc •"r:b
.~ fhc rel•u~h,p t.wt""O('" c-omrr('UH'C ltr0\11 and (i.1 a1 the: top o~ n1m,c: ✓ Am.: (1,1)

Cti>"!lp,cn,vc ~,n,ln 1, 1f1e s,mc ,~~ bclY.'C!Cll 1cuu10ci Q, '- 18 •le: oc~1,.al uiN ol the M:C:tioo ~hown in t.hc
rlM tcn•ilr: .11t1,dn
i lf"CJI ) ·ti· Q. 6, HI Imm topnu,;I fibre Ui al ll dli.t1l1lre
C. The dt'fcclfo,~<i are
Sdct.1 •h~ corroc, rAMWa rode l'tonl below ; \
(11 )A and B ire: true hut C n wrmg
(h i A and <.: arc: true but If h ,;..•,oni \
Struc1U1al An11 al1 (SPPU,4 Sltf'•C1vll) _(Ptn1011 An111 • nl UhuohHo) , t.J • no Me ...
- . -. ( (I I I)N:-1 Ulif' ..., ,I IHII C' 11."'1
hO l)tu,ta-c *Iii lk'\Wll\•• ✓ Ao- 1 t dl
Q, I , a, Wh,k.!h u( 1"'1 tull11wj1111 ,11tte1111111 ,~ , ,,on I 7
(a) ~•IJ11llt llmll t.1111J I• 1,l,1-.!111◄ 1 hy 111uh111l)h11 "'"'"'"ii
k~1d ~!11 1111.t I• lo•
.. ~
•h• 1111-lllh! llmil lo•I I, uttl1i:l1w,t ht 1Uvld111~ v,rn k1111t1
I hN1Jl1WUII k1111I Ill(IOJ
ttl Wmkit-11,1 k.•tMI 111 oht11l11c,1 h) 11111111,,1>, pl11~•h h111II
l1~J w-Oh l,u11I •• 1111
I I (l4t \\'(tdli ttf lo•• l l, 11hc11l11c•1I I,) 111.11hlJ1lyh1-, ~o, .. 111i
r 111.lkl ""-'h 1,ollJ l111Jh11
lbpljt•lklll I t'l1~•Hc llmH lo•i it u41l•l11r•I
✓ AM , ,111
1•11, Q. 6,.IO
111uhlpll~,I 111 ~-.,,Uojt ti~••
1i1o 111, l111d 1-. 1n, f 14'flf'•Mlh1i, 011

(a) 210mm (h) U ~ nun ,◄ 1mh10•411•11 ,,! '•~•- 111111 11.,h pmhithlh1y ,,, • 1t11i 111

(c) 2H.5 mru (Jl M2 .'I 111111 .t AH,a. 1 tM 1

t ':r,dtlf., 1ru• lrnwl f• hlf• WI! u,4l1 I

Q. &.11 'l(i" 11 s1,t'n ~11\l<'lrn~ 1ulll lo111h11ic II thr,.c, 011,lhil •h>• l'111t1il1~·11tt~ 111111! o"'tl h;eu;th11 IN'11111,, 1 ►1111••' •~ ·-
,11,, trihuunn of lll'llllinJ m•1111<nl 1hwuJ'ht1\il lhe H'\' 1~111 ~•) ~l111l••l1i11lhk'i,11'-'1l•111 1111 1lo,0'1111 ti.11 11wd1•nl,111
whK"h "hoth u/ci 11,ul •l1N1t· nll) .-:lmh~lhlC' ¥t.hh • w1 ol hll 1l1ie111M1I l ,,11.-,~w
lo11d~ W, lhe \·•I• ut W mu~ be- lc,o th1,11 <• rqu11I ht the ✓ t\1111 I t•l
,. .,u.,.I(' ltl!MI W(: . 1 ht' lhoH~ lh«-o,cm I, Imo\\ o .., I
M111pt1u11•rhm I • '1m1llnr1 ' ._,.,, 11\'f l h1rn1l11a ""'''"'
(•I ~IAC1rn.altC' lhc-o.1t111 Chi ,1J11J-c 1hco1cm flCoOtllill l)' 1 ♦ tll•l•11C1 II• ,111111• h,u 111r,. h•1rl•111 • wlllt • ,,11.ll"
(c I UllklUCllc,~ lh~orcm ( JJ lkllK uf IIK abf1vr
,I " " '· I (bl S111,h:i, ,11.111 hu11, ,, , ull1111• .,., ...
Q. 6. U The: collup..,c loal lor a propped unnloc ,·r, ~ 111 'l'"n I (Ill •l11,11lr, i11u J1lt'th•11l•11t 41•1 '"'" t,,., 111n h 11ul•111
~ubjeC'lnl 10 a ctlDCt'nill'll~ ~oad W •• ruiJ -1111.111 ,, (cl 11t1e·•••h1u 1,•oC."I h1111l.u1 ldl 1l11C1111M1t 11,U1t1nc1
2 M, l M, ✓ An, I 011
(ll) T (h1 - , -
K11pl11n•1'4m I ... ,n.lcs .,,,111 l1t•m• 11r 11r 111II) toll11r••' ,..-
4 M, t, M, 1w11,h111 11wst1,ml,111~ ,.,,,,h • l11,111l" •• •·• I, •lll"t11t1I •rnl
I<' ) !ch - - ✓ Ant. 1 td)
I. 1 pla'9k 111111" wltlun 1lw ~11•11
Q, 6.U 11«11 1hc.- lraunc- or un1fo1111 -.(ol.llJrn dw" o m 1hr () , fdll M11lll ••111111 I ralll\ 1,1IIJ1pt.<1 to rn !<fl "Cl"" 111
1'1p. 0 fl , ... . , (.'itt1ibl11cd t11Cd1Jt1-.~lfl "('\1111.tlkrcd ,,,Hnl l•I do<• 11</I, 11ll11••r ll•I i11tn11if h•• 111nha1111111
rnllntC'TII l, frl ,~ " t./, 11~ • l1.a11i•111 hit thi,,r ht11 11v1 lt1111hm
I ;' Ata- I Ir)

lr. wpl11n•J'-111 1 Moh, ~,,., .. 11('11111 • 11r11n11II ) • ollilf•~• 111

tlflC •1••r ••• 14 ,111 IWII hi., " "'' l11u1h111 w,,1,111 tl!t' • t1t1 11
111111 • 1yi1iJI! ILi ... 1, u1p1•111 h •• ,.,,,.,, hlr !1111111 11 u 1l11 t!I'

hiu 111f..l11111l1111, whe,r ' "o 11o1IJ111 1'11• ,p,.," u1111h111t 111
f1 •1t11 111,c.:- h•11h111

A111o1 •II whit. It ol 1lir 1,,lluw.l "I I ~ tlir h .. •llt111 ,11 11111 "11,
f ►III I

l•f 111 '111'11'11 I•

,y, 1111 rotr r 111 l t('.i111

(a) 17$1,~ -,11 th) '12' lN-111

f 1 111 polnh •WIiy 11,r111, ,11.,r,itu1k◄ l l1111cl
1(11) 111 t t' ltlf r for 111111,ttml)' 111~hil,u1r1I Lo"'I
(,•) I l(t.f111'-N-m ◄ di •n ,,1 ILN-111 .1 Am. 1 ,,. ,
✓ A• .f 1•1
(). fl.I~ Efib:h of "hil"ar hn'<'c .:.,Ml 1ulal foJ('C or, pl.-.t liC t0flJ11'1 111 I
tt,,i111•llo11 1 S,a,1il It,.-.,..... _ 110,1111,lly 111 ◄ 111 i,t ~•11•rnh ,
l·i,p.11(.'U)' of 11 ,tmclun: •~ r(~(-=11\'dy 111
''"'"'' , .. u•111lf'nl111ircl 1
~ •• 111111 111,l r,11 •h~,, •11~•
(a) lnc1c-11,c o111d 1.k,,('aM" W'\. IJ1111 1 ltllll jNf . OM' lou 1k•t1 ol r•••Ut hlt1jfll HI f · ~jlfll
1h1 lrx1caw and mtru" 1111111 l1t1llo1111ly il1~1, ,hutrtl lt,,-t I, n11t •(ll t~U,,,.,I

(S Pf'lU•f>:ew Sy lnbui w.e f audomlc ytiar l<l-2l)(fl'1,1.Ml ~ T~11 •Nto P11b l1ra1/on, A V,( IIIN ~I M/1 V•ntu,_
Structural Ana 11 (SPPU•4 &Hl'•Civll) Plasflc Af11l ail or Struc1ure.) .... P~• no. M8-7
Q. 6.10 What" the ro111ll1lon h-. Nfulht111u111 m an11tr-.1~ 1 Q.6.M Whkh l«Nkl b ohlaha:d -.·hen Cllft1lltbrium and 111cchaniu11
l• l hC'nihllJI momtll db,tuhu1l11n deOncJ h)• a_i11u1necl cond11le1n• of plo1fo 1r111lyMi1 we .utl1f1ed?
pl•,t~ 11111.,tt, 11uu1 ""' he In 11111k c,1ulllhrlu111 with Cal plJtitlc llmil lolld
artiltrJ l,ia<h and rt•llon1 th) 111~• bound $t1luti<N1 ur true ulllmatc loal
1hl Shur h,m- Jlt.tuhutlon dell~I hy auumcd (c I lower oouncl ,01111100 of uue ullimatc: lo.t
tun11c~ mu,t be In 11l1l1e equilibrium with applied (d) no r.ol111ion. ✓ Am.: lbl
load, and rt"aclioni. Explaa■llon : When NfUilibrium Ind mcclanurn
(.:) 8rn<lin11 moment ,Ustuhuclon dcfinN by a.umncd condlli.-.111, of Jllutk 111al)·si.1 i11c uti_ificd, 11n uppc,
pla_,1.c hinl"', mu,t bic: in stalt.c Ntuilihrlum \\'tlh
bound MJlullon of uuc ultimalr load,., ob111incd.
-,,plint lo.a<h and rtaclton•
Q, 6•.U Which load Is«l when c,1u1llhrlum and pJa.1tk1t)'
ldl ,hur tom: dl"rlhuclnn dttll~ b)' auu11'1C'<I plastic
hln11r, mu.~,
no4 he 1n ,rnuc equllihuum w11h lf'Jllrcd
rood11lnn1 of plu•k 11111~y.m are 11ali~t1ed '!
(a) plint lc 1111~1 k,114.l
h\lJ, and r~actlM,. ✓ AnA. 1 (c:)
(b) Ullf'CI bound 1olutl<N1 u( IIIX ull hna1c k,aJ
1-:~planalion: The b<'nd1n,c nt1Nnc111 Ji.trlbutlon dcl"lncd
(c) lnwc1 bound i\Ohatlun or true ull ima'lc luad
h)" 11\.\UIIIN.I r[a.,IK" hrnl", mu~, nol bt In ~••tk
applt«l load) and ructl()n). (d) no 1ol11tkin ./ Ana. : reI
('tJWUbrlum \\11)1
Expl11nation I Wlw:n c,1uillbrlum and pl11.1tk11y
Q, 6.11 Wh"·h ol the lollO\nng I\ buc '
,condilirm~ of plastic ia:nal)'i\l.1o i11e sati,ticd, an lo\\·c r
(al ulumatc load ii. reached when• mcctwmrn ,s touncd
bounc.l s.oluuon ,oJ true ultimate load ii obl11it1Cd.

{hl ultunllc: load is noc rcacbc:d ~1~n :& is Q. 6.16 Whll ls principle of ,·irtt11JI woik '!
tanned (1) wm l: doM by atc:mw forces is greater than wOfk
done by inac:mal force.,
(c) plastic hinges •c not mpmcd for bcmt IO lorm ia
,( b) work. done: hy c.ucmul fotccs 1.s ,~,s than work done
by inlcrn;al forces
{d) fnctlonlesJ hmFCs MC oat required for bellffi to form
ll IJK'Chanism_ ✓ Aas. : t 11) (c) work donr hy c.11tcmu'I fo r("<'~ i, cc:1m1i to woit. doac
hy inlcrnal hxcc~
Explanation: Tbctc must hr tufhc,cnt nurnhc1 of pla1tic
(d) wcul done tty lntcrnul f(lrcc• I, g1t"11tr1 lhun work
and fnchoolci, hinae\ fo, thr hc1rnl(tl'Ul"lur<.' to 101111 • ./ Ans. 1 Ir I
1lon.: hy c{tcrnnl fo1C1!,
,ucch.anl,m . TI,c ultilllllk lr-.d " ruchcd v.hen •
1-'.xpliinallon / : ·rhc- pnndplc ol ,•111ual \\orL. m1y be
mcchHi!t,lll •• taml.0Cl . \lilied 1., 1f 11/i.yskm of ror«~ in cqmhtmum 11, \llh!«1.Cd
Q. 6.ll Which of the follo,uo11 rcl111on h correct '! to vir1ual di4p111Cenrcnt. 1hr work done by c11croal lorccs
(a) - M, ~ M (b l M > M, 1s cquaJ to ~ml.: done by mirrru.l lor<.-c:, .

(c) M ~ M, (di M ~ ~.. ✓ AnL : (d) Q. 6.27 Principle or; ,•irlual \\Olk" wro lo Slltl~I~ ----

111 m«hlfl l,111 concb1i<in

Esplaoalion : 1 ht' bc:ndmJ momcn1 rn an) <i«llon ol 1
(h) c,(1ulll~riur11 condition
,1,uctutc n~u,1 be I~-' the: plinuc moment of the
(c l pl11,tlt1t)' conditmn
'ill."ctkt41 • M, S M' S M,
(d) no cc'lnditum " ., llfht,cd ✓ AII\.I lbl
(J. 6.lJ l..civ.-c.11 pl~,tlc limit k11d h obta.rncd "'hen _ _ _
f.xpl111¥9llo11 : The principle ol ,,1r11a11I "'·orl i~ uw:d 10
(a) Onl)' e<JuiUbrlum conJiuon ol plll\lK /Ullllpl~ i,
,atnf)•1 equ1hhr1um condition ot plut1c .maJys". If I.he
~111,.. fied
wort condition 1s formullllcd t.·oncctly the equilibrium
(bl only c:qullibnum and mechanmn cond1uon of pla.suc
an,1lpi,; arc satuficd conditmn I\ automalicull)' \athficd.
(d only moch.nnL\m cond11mn ol pla<1t1C anal) .m i, (J. (i.221 Virtual ,..1,rl u w,cd lo dctcmll(k'. _ _ _
11111,t'ic-d (a) yldd load (hi cl:L,tic- lo-.1
fdl ~()uihhfium. 111n:ltanlmi miJ pl.st1< tt)' corxliMn nl ((l pl11'-llc lolld (di collnp'IC' load ✓ A"'. : (di
pl&.'ll k anatr1I~ arc 11at1itm.t ✓ A1lL t Id)
,F. •plu■■tion : Vl.rtuaJ wmrL. Jlf lncl plc I, u111:tl 10
1-:,pla1U11ion : ·rhc IO'A'('~ v•~~llc- hmlt h"'1 ll obo1.i11ccl i.lc1cr11ur1e t.·0ll111i"" load II •• the" appllc.:111ion ui plinc.:lplc

when 1111 th~ c<11Mii!1on, ol c,,uihhrnun 111tchani,m rancl f'f lu,111Cllo11 t•• ,1udy fora~ Mel mmcmrnt ut a ~)·,km.
pln\tlruy of pli1,1k Jnlit ,i~ .,c: u 111~hcd Q . 6.2' What t, -'lllk thcort"m '!
(ttJ loud mu."1 be src&ler than coll11(1,'iC lo.J
(b) loud mu,o;t be lc:u than roll•p.~c I<~

'~ T~h•Neo Pub!icaiiims. ..A SACHIN SHAH v,nture

(SPPU•N~ Sy labus w.e f acadeini.c yea, 20•21)(~4•04)
Ptllttlo Afitj als of Structure.) .... P . no. Me-8
Strudural Ana ysi1 (SPPU•4 811t1•C1vll)
fllfth1111l.t1m due tu ro11Utio of flh•~Uc bin,e", thtfl
ll;· J l<uJ mud ht '1\111 tqw1I hi rnll11,._ ln11I
, t1t1e-s•it1di111 load will he ttfUal tn c•IH~ k>tld
tdl h»d c•nnt•I t~ n· ll!Hd 111 , ◄ 1 H11i..- 1,,r,J
.,, An,. 1 thl (J. 6•.W l..o"I '-• ntl~d ..- w rrc.ct collapw mad wlwn

•rul l1i«ll111 If
(aJ .11tldki 1heo,.,111 l• ,u,.
t-:'.,1-t iiitn t h,, • Jl\'t'll fl1ilne 11111«'
(ht klne11111k thoKttn •~ not uO-ifr«I
<"""'' All~ dnll~u( 1on ol hl-!llllnt liilMncn l~ thHtuJhrMtl
Cc) only ~•k thcnrcrm Ii t.Midacd
the hauK "l\tch I, bo•h ut, and \lah( ulty lid111lu1blc IUQtncct
(d) t,oth 8-1atk ,Ind kmernahc lheurcrn a,c
,,., fl ...r1 ,.,.. h'Ad r. thrn nhK" tlt lo.J P mu11 be le"
✓ A-. : td )
·• eq-.1 ., ~tlllp-'l r lo.t
f • .. 1tatlen I Load thaa .a1ldled both tCatic 111d
\). -....• \\ )i,,h (){ ~ " 'lkl•tl\j l •~ lrU< .tn11 ,uti<' theorem 1 klnrmatk theorem 11 the urnc 1lrnc ,, ul1ed corrtct
(al H tt'f\t('(' li(, llrJ'Ci lmu1 to li~IC uhhiUlk lo•J cullap,c lcJMI
(h\ 11 tCl\l('~ U pl•""· ln1tJ (J, 6.l5 Wloch of the, foHawin1 is true 1buut k1 t1C'mahc .,.Jyu i ?
h ) 11 bl, mlttinwm I K'Or ,,t ~1'1)
(a) vhtu11I work cc..-11K10, 11e Ml ined kl dctcuoU)t
t-t l 11 '-itMIC'd c,quibb11¥tt1 uld )1tkl co11d1 1lun, colltp-.c loud
.t Am. 1 (d! tt1u ■ lom1 •c u~ 10 dt~rrnl nc col l&fl"e
(h) virtual wori:
K•,._ .• : The ,t11te mctlnJ rtpcocn l~ thc k>-.c, load
ho:ut to ttw- lfllt altitnllk load md h.ti rnu1mum factOf ot (c) cqulHhr,um «1nd1tK>n ,, 1&,umcd
._.ltty 1 he thcoran 1&h1ficd ~11ibr1 um .-Id )' teld (d) p!..~lcll)' conditions L11 auumcd Am. : (•) ✓
rond 1tJO.ns
Ex,.aaation : In kinematic method. 1 mccban11m jjj
Q. i.Jt Which ol the toUmn nt conditio n ts true tor kirx:11u11c a.uumc d :and virtual work ettution~ ate used to
lht-ioron ? dclcrnune the colJapse load
(• ) load must be grater col b-ps( load Q. 6..36 11,c number of mdepen<knt mcchll'lism i-. rdad 10
(b l load ~ be ICj.1 tlwl rollapJc load numbc:r of pru..,iblc pwtic hinge locations by _ _
le ) load must be ooc equal to co llapK load (a) n = h • r (b) n = hh
(d t load carmot be rr 1.-cd to cull aps< load ✓ A-. : c11) (c) n • h + r {cl) n • h - r ✓ Am. : (d)
tspla aa•• ; Fu 1 1n-c.n rranx !IUbJCCtcd 10 11 ct of £1:ph1uUon : rtie numbc1 of indepcnden1 mcchamun
load~ P. the \aJuc ol P "ftK'h ,, t.ound IO conopo nd to (n) Is r'fLilci 10 numba ol po.nablc pltUrtk hioic
llll) "'u•d tnC'ch&ru ~m.. mu• he iµu 1e1 cw equal to location._, (h) nd nwnbet of dc11cc d ratundUJC)" (r) t,J
lhr collap,c load Pu the (umc h}' 1111ion n • h - 1 .
Q- •.ll Wtuch ol d,c tolla" lOG b m,c about 1..mcmauc lhc(,'ltcm '! Q. 6..J7 d o.s auly.1111 . momen t at UT)' 5«1.ioo is
{a l 11 rcptt_scms lo"~r lmut to ITU( ulumalc load momcn l capacit y_
(b J II load
I C:j:WC'5Cflts (bl t\l·o timc..s
IC ) 1t bit.s small lii11C10r or safct) (cl kn I (d) three time-' ✓ Am.: (c)
(d i II w n:hcd t"qUl lJbrnam Mld )1l'kl condJ t,o m Expla ul n ln s.talc 1nethod o1 anuy,i.i. an
Allli. : IC) ✓
c11utllbri n rno111Cnt d••¥J•n ,, obtained u:b t.h&l the
t:apliinaC.n : l.oid c'-11upt1 kd on ham Cl( thl, 1t'IOmcn1 I any ~tmn 11 leu than oc «tual IO the pla,t1c
m«t\111iw v.111 ahuy, he IMn ur M \u_.a equal momcn capll(il )'-
to true ultmlllll( ·~ 1-knc:c, ksnelnlllte rnc1bod ICplCliC Ob
;m o.ppcr hmn 10Ilk true u.ltJIJla ( load md ti.ti a unalkr Q.~.ll Whtc h /of the: f ollowin t relation hc'tv.un lu~d bc lot .
o t safety . Tl:u lheon:m sand\ed oqw libTium and coll~f load ( w.) IIDd ,nn:kiq lo:ad (W I
COlllt OOJ I ) cond,no m (a) F/ = W /'A' (b) F = WIW.

Q. 6.U Whi-ch ol uv: ro11o..,, n, condit1m ti uoc to, umqucncn (c) f' •We W (d) F • W< + W ✓ AM. : 4a1I
lhcor-em ,, 11Ml6on : Load facklr •~ raho ot' ro1i..,c kl;ad w
ln1 lmd. It c, 1epce1e nkd by . P • W, / w.
I• l LUM! l'llU~ he 1rc:~c:r 11w, col lap.« lo.w.1
lh I lo.Jo! tnusl he It',, th,,n co l!.tp,rc load tJ lhc ..,.iluc a l load fllldar t'"r 1-\Ct"tKJn "hi:11
Ii I load 1nm : hf r <4llal to u1 ll'4) C' loMI O.MI r, and lll('IUJ \ 'AJ\11(' ot v b 0 ,'" "
ldl , ~ u1trw11 t-., tc1acd to c.0 lt1fl"< load ~ AIM. 1 (c) f•I l .7Zl (hi 2.7
I- lllba . ✓ Am. I llll
·•• Uub h u ,,, c11 Il 11tHI l,,aJ111i , ,t •• lo.!11 i<) l .~ (ti) .\ ,iJK

Off( "".h: un.! "'-'< • ll y .kluw~., ,bk hcndm1

1ll01rwm h,i ...., ..... I
tl i\1J ibv11on U tl he fou nd : od 11 111 t.h u d1~ohu1
L,lilll factor . I· • 11 , / I._ I v.
hc™:1roa lll(.imtm II cqu•I I ll I J II ) plut1(' IUlllllCff l 1111
I'• (IAIM) ><U. 14 • t 27.
,u1h c:Knt ci nu .c:c twm 10 (. 4thf i .1l u 1, o l f,iimc a.. 1

{SPPU• N~1 Sy tabu s. w.t f <l t ildt rrnc ~ar 2C,21 )l i>4• 04J [i;] Tt<'IJ•N#O Publicodons. ..A SACHIN SHAH VtntlJfe
Structural Ana ysis (SPPU-4 Serr•Crvll ) (P,asUc Anal ysis of Structure.) .... Page r.o. (M6·9)
·Q. 6.40 s insk iltl)' port Ill franx,: "ilh fru~d b MCl!i h11~1e . _ ............. J 1(b) M,= "1' 1_ (wL /R ) I 1 - k + (I - k)o..s I
I l . . IU
{a) '"'l"> r«lunda.0-1:ic.1 {bl •hrcc rtdu11d111pci1e~ 1
(cJi M, ta \'1,fwL /R JI 1 -k-O+k) I
(d) M, ■, ¥ 1, Cwl} /K) I I - k + ( I ,. k{° I
(c) tom ,~du'l'klandC''I (dl 1c:riu rt~t111
1.d11nd~, ✓ A nt.: (di

,✓ AOf· ,1 ~ h ~

lb :planatliCln : WhcJt guvny load go,·cm, the dc-'lgn. ll

I .
1-:"pl•talion 1 S11,gk h1'y pmtal 1rno1u Wil01 11:t:c:d h,11~~ a;o1)d, u tlrn&te of requlr~d 11.C<IIOO ,nay he obuincd h)·
have th1~e rcduml.anc1e~ 1uid 1«4uucd t'ouJ hinge~ 11~~ ius,los follo,.-lng forrnul.- :
ptoducc a,m. 1
Jl(~p•nbased fnmc1 :
Q. 6.41 If orde1 oi incktcrm1nac)' i, r. tllcn mioim11m munbcr of M, ::. YL ( wt·' 18 t I I - k: -+ (] -+ k)<U ]
pla~ic hinges require-cl fot total coUa.~ i~ _ __ Por fi1;cd = - frmic :

M,, -
(a) r - I (h ) r l . ( Q _ lU
Y '- ( wl 18 I 1 1 11 + 5 k + ( l + 1..:)
(c ) r 4 I (d l r + ~ ✓ An.,_: (c)
where Yt. =- I. 7 gt obal load r f ac1ot . k = h/h 1.
F.xpt•nalion II o rder or 1h:k1ctm1 n1LC}' &'i r, th.en
Q, 6-.44 Whkh of the following sliitrnu:nt 1\ tnic '!
mu,i mum 1rum~r o l plmllc hi o~c-, m.1u1~d for 101.111 C<~tnbin(;"d ,1rch.anl~m ,.. co mbi~1io11 o-t clcn~ ntat}'
roU1111SC' i, , ,. J
Q. 6,42 Wluc'h me:thod u, u~J when nn:l1w mm '" applied ~c, (h) clk:M'1iCn1J1ty jiiccham~ut ,, crnnhhrnntJn of wmM1"1Cd
illUX"tUJ<~ w 11h ~lop1ni; rnc ruhc:N 1
~ii.I mcthnJ o l tlU,l!lfll~CIU, ~•c f11H' ~c:) <1."l().1nh:ined / nlCX'~mi.m 1, nut c-0mb11U11on o l
(h J n,ctlhO&.& ol &.C 11Ut cik-11uc:01.1u! mcc;h111•~•n
tc j 111CUm1,J ol lloC'l\llltc centre Ht) dCP8Cl Hl11) r:Jl('Ct\am1m1 ~11 ccuntnn, tlon of clcn11Cht111y
{d) nwthud cd 1ncM«nuc ✓ An~ l CII ) 1-111~1 emu ~11cd n1iechMimn ✓ An.1. i 'UH
E~pt11otion : When rnechinuun L'i ,app11c:d to , tntc-ture.1. ltxpl11:n11I._ : The po1:.,j blo m~hooi.-.m:s tall be
with " loping membC'J"ll 1hc ddcrmin111tion ot d1Ui1tif1cd i lto two, 1y:pc~ : dc.,111:,cnt.u): ,uxl co1nbif't!d
dlsplacement s m thr diroctJan ot appbc:d IOfC:cs Is mc:~hianL'< o . ~ tem1~11A:tl}I 111C.-ch::mism 1.s tndrpcodrn1 ot
~(fl1i1tcL h n. dome n,<irng mdhod o l u1saan1.anWW1 ccnlrc ,c:1wh orh • c(lml,lncd m«ta.arusm is linciu contbinatmn
arr u ntre o:t rotation ~cchnuflK' of clcmc1 tl.lJi}' nxdwmism.\.
(J , 6.43 Whk·h or til,r hi Uo~mr, rd11tm11 •~ amKt for pm bMcd I

lr1.1,1t.•r.s :
M, • \\ •~ L /.lh [ I - l -t
U + I..~ I

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