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Green Building-Elective

 Lecture Presentation for date :01 July 2020

 Sources: from various source on internet

 For Private use of students of B.Tech. Final Year, GHRCEM
students for Elective II

Green Building - 01 July 2020 N C DUBEY ELECTIVE II 1

Pleasemute micro phone
On entry

Green Building - 01 July 2020 N C DUBEY ELECTIVE II 2

Green Building –Unit 2

 Phases of sustainable development:

 site planning and evaluation, construction, commissioning, and
occupancy phases;
 site selection and location of building on a site;
 building design: orientation, components, systems, integrated
design, scale;
 material selection, historic, present, properties, how they work,
 construction: phasing, sequencing, minimization of erosion;
 occupancy – proper use;
 reuse;
 building lifecycle
 Ecological design.

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 Three main categories of factors provide influence to the
site selection and layout process.
 Natural Factors
 Man-made Factors or Cultural Factors
 Aesthetic Factors

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 Purpose of Building
 Government Laws
 Shape & Size
 Terrain Condition
 Type of Ground Soil
 Natural Light & Air
 Environmental Condition
 Legal & Financial Aspects

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site selection and location of
building on a site;

Depending on the purpose the site selection will defer:
 Residential Building: educational place, market,
transportation facilities etc.
 Public Building Post office, Banks, Offices - near the
public place
 School Building: Privacy, Noise environmental Ease in
transportation, availability
 College Building
 Industrial Building : suppliers , market ,storages,
transportation etc.

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site selection and location of
building on a site
 The site should be situated in locality
which is already fully developed or which
is fast developing. To secure happy living
conditions, generally such neighborhood is
preferred where the neighbors belong to
an equal status in society and who should
be social and friendly. Similar thinking
holds good for industrial, public buildings
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site selection and location of
building on a site
The plot should be in a locality where the various facilities as
mentioned below are available.
 Community services such as police and fire protection,
clearing of waste and street cleaning
 Utility services such as water supply, gas, electricity, and
 Amenities such as schools, hospitals, libraries, recreation,
telephone, etc
 Shopping facilities
 Means of transportation

 Connection with the Community

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site selection and location of
building on a site

A site which comes within the limits

of an area where the by-laws of the
local authority enforce restrictions
regarding proportions of plots to be
built up, vacant spaces to be left in
front and sides, heights of buildings,
etc., should be preferred.

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Area of the plot of land should be

such that the house constructed,
keeping in view the restrictions of
the local authority, would meet
the requirements of the owner,
preferably with possibilities of
future extensions. The site should
not be irregular in shape or having
any sharp corners.
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Unit 2

 The site should be situated on an elevated place and also
leveled with uniform slopes from one end to the other so
as to provide good and quick drainage of rain water.
 so as to have better rain water collection system for
conversation of rainwater. For sustainable building i.e.
Rainwater Harvesting
 In other words for site selection - topographic,
geological, hydrogeologic, and atmospheric factors and
conditions must be considered
 .

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 The ground soil of the site should be good enough to
provide economical foundations for the intended building
without causing and problems. Generally, for most
satisfactory constructions, the site should have rock,
sand or dense soil below 60 to 120 cm layer of light soil
or even black cotton soil.

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 The location of the site should be such as to ensure
unobstructed natural light and air.

 In other words for site selection - topographic,

geological, hydrogeologic, and atmospheric factors and
conditions must be considered

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 The site should be available in a locality where natural
beauty and man-made environment create healthy living
and working conditions. Environment also affected by
nearest factories, kiln etc: so these thing also need to be

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 The legal and financial aspects, which dictate upon
ownership rights and the costs, should be given due
consideration before the purchase of a plot.

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 The site selection for residential buildings or housing
 These are the key factors should be taken into account
selecting a site for residential building construction.
 Shape of the Plot
 Location of the plot
 Availability of amenities
 Water Table
 Sewerage system

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 What are factors affecting site selection for
commercial buildings
 When selecting a site for the commercial building,
following factors should be considered.
 Location
 Climate of region
 Availability of raw materials for
 Cost and timeframe
 Drainage facilities on the site
 Population of the region

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 Criteria and factors affect site selection for industrial
 Environmental consideration is playing the significant
role in industrial building construction. The behaviour of
the existing buildings or structures neighbourhood may
guide in deciding the type and the depth of the
foundation of the building to be constructed.

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 Surveys to do for site selection
 The following surveys should be done for site selection of
a building or structure:
 Preliminary survey
 Contour survey
 Plane table survey
 Road survey

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 Site Selection Should Be Focused Sustainability
 The sustainability component of the site selection and
development process should focus on the selection of
sites that will:
 Have the least negative impact on the environment
 Have the fewest possible threats from the environment
 Require the least extraction of natural resources for site
preparation, construction, and operation
 Incorporate infrastructure and community-managed
systems for minimising and managing solid and liquid
 Offer the best quality of life for residents
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 here are many areas to consider when selecting a site
and design for construction projects from the cost,
location, condition and shape of a property to the layout
of individual units and the selection of building
materials/systems used in construction.
 The aim of the site selection and design processes is to
achieve a unique harmony between the building
site, building design, people who will live in the building
and the surrounding neighbourhood character and

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 For site selection - topographic, geological, hydrogeologic,
and atmospheric factors and conditions must be considered
 The planning design engineer, when selecting sites for
recreational treatment facilities, must ensure that the
planned facility will not cause interference or detractions
from the natural, scenic, aesthetic, scientific, or historical
value of the area.

 There are many factors which must be taken in to account
while selecting a site for a commercial and residential
buildings. Some of these factors are given below. Shape of
the Plot Location of the plot Availability of amenities Water
Table Sewerage system Geometry of the plot for any kind of
construction is very important which can largely effect the
appearance of your structure.

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 The following are the few factors which
must be taken into account while selecting a
site for commercial building.
 Location.
 Climate of region.
 Availability of raw materials for .
 Cost and time frame.
 Population of the region.

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 1. Location:
 The value of a commercial building depends upon its location,
whether it is located in the center of the region or at the borders or
on the main road or away from the main road. For a good
commercial building it should be on the main road and in the center
of the region.
 2. Climate of Region:
 The strength and stability of building mainly depends upon the
climate of the region in which it is going to be constructed. As
commercial buildings are very important and expensive form
economic points of so it must be constructed according to the terms
and conditions of region. So that it can be remain safe form floods,
rains, snowfalls etc.

 Let us know in the comments what you think about the concepts

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 3. Availability of Raw materials:
 Usually commercial buildings require more construction materials as
compared to a normal residential house. So before the construction
of the commercial building it must be sure that raw materials are
available near by. Other wise it will become uneconomical.
 4. Cost and time frame:
 Before the construction of commercial a through investigation
should made for the cost and time frame for the commercial
building. Cost and time frame mainly depends upon the location and
the availability of Raw materials.
 5. Populations of the region:
 Commercials building are constructed to meet the need of the local
population. So for this purpose it must be constructed in the region
having sufficient population in which the commercial building can
restore its cost.

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Factors Affecting the Site
Selection for Green Building
 Most of the project constructed do not completely follow the
guidelines that are specified by the LEED system, especially for the
site selection. They just consider only the goals that are important
for the project and the objectives of the organization.
 Below are certain essential parameters that must to be taken into
consideration while selecting the site:
 Impact on the Environment
 Connection with the Community
 New Development is Limited
 Transportation
 Public Amenities and Availability
 Utilizing Open spaces
 Heat Land Reduction
 Storm Water Control

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Site Selection for Green
 Below are certain essential parameters that must to be
taken into consideration while selecting the site: fro the
point of view of sustainability / Green Building
 Impact on the Environment
 Connection with the Community
 New Development is Limited
 Transportation
 Public Amenities and Availability
 Utilizing Open spaces
 Heat Land Reduction
 Storm Water Control

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Site Selection for Green
 Impact on the Environment
 The environmental impact from the project is how the
construction of buildings, roadways, parking structures affect
the soil, land, the waterways and the whole ecosystem. LEED
rating system points out certain policies, which include:
 Not to undergo construction of structures on land that is purely
marked as the farmland by the government authorities as per
the Department of agriculture. This is specifically marked in
 No construction on land that serves as natural habitats for the
endangered species
 Avoid construction on land that was previously marked as public
 Avoid constructing on land less than 50 cents that have small
waterways which are the habitat for aquatic lives. This are land
that serve recreation purpose.

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Site Selection for Green
 Connection with the Community
This idea is based On LEED system which specifies that the construction of a particular project must contribute
some positive development for the surrounding community under consideration.

 This means to protect the green fields that are the important trademark for the community and convert
any grayfield or brownfield for the construction purpose.

 LEED specifies certain specifications and concerns related to the same:

 Having project development that is half a mile away from the populated or residential area.

 A site that was previously occupied and form an urban neighborhood is good for development.

 Having renovations to the existing buildings

 Having the project within half mile of amenities. The access to these amenities must also be provided by
means of sidewalks, roadways so that pedestrians can reach easily. The amenities include places of
worship, hospitals and medical centres, post offices, restaurant, stores, libraries and parks.

 LEED system application in green building construction not just let the construction happen in a
sustainable manner, but also help develop the community surrounding the construction site

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Site Selection for Green
New Development is Limited

 This policy of LEED system is to make it clear to avoid the

construction of a new project on a new land and utilize the
land that are already abandoned. This involves the construction
on brownfield sites, run – down land.
 The sites that are already contaminates, landfills, and those
lands that are classified as brownfields sites officially by
government can also be utilized for the same.
 There are certain policies that are put forward by LEED system
in order to save the green field land, by restricting the
perimeter of the building:
 1. The construction of a parking garage can be carried out under the
building (underground parking) instead on outside land.
 2. To have reduction of water usage, bad impacts on soil and spreading of
invasive plants; low maintenance plants and shrubs that are very much
native and local to the area are incorporated as a part of building
aesthetics and landscaping feature.
 3. The construction or the demolition activities carried out are kept
within a limited boundary, so that the surrounding environment does not
Green Building - 01 July 2020 Nface undesirable
C DUBEY ELECTIVE IIdisturbances. 30
Site Selection for Green

LEED system provides a great concern for proximity of
transportation. When analyzing a building that is seeking LEED
certification, a maximum of 6 credits are given for those
construction sites that are near to public transportation
facilities like subway station, train station and bus station.
The LEED specifies the site to be within a quarter of a mile
walking distance for a minimum of 1 or 2 stops for
transportation. This promotes the use of public transportation
by the future occupants instead of having their own cars. This
reduces traffic, carbon emission and hence the negative
impacts on the environment.

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Site Selection for Green

Public Amenities and

Those project that grants room for storage and bicycle racks are credited with 1 point by
the LEED system under LEED certification credits. If the commercial green building also
provide space for workers for changing rooms, storage lockers, showers and other essential
utilities this credit is added.
The racks that are provided must be within 200 yards of the building. These racks must
occupy 5% of the building occupants. The changing areas and the showers must be sufficient
so that it occupies 0.5% of the occupants.
If the facility provide space for parking low emission vehicles and electric cars the LEED
system credit with 3 points. If there is parking charge, it must be discounted for 20%.
This point can increase, if there is provision for alternative fuel stations. This helps the
employees to carpool or ride – share in a low emitting vehicles. This commitment must be
for at least 2 years.
If the facility grants primary packages for the carpools and shuttle service during mass
transportation, the LEED system credits 2 points.

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Utilization of Open Space
The provision of open space in an office environment help to
preserve the natural environment and the improvement of overall
working atmosphere. This makes LEED system to grant 1 point.
This can be achieved by different methods, which includes:
Having open space greater than local zoning requirements by an
amount of 25%.
Having open space that is 20 % of the building footprint. These are
for areas with no open space environment available.
Having underground parking or sharing the parking with the
neighboring buildings or the facilities helps to achieve the above
mention goal for open space.

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Control of Storm water
For those projects that reduces the pollution caused by storm water by an amount of
25% makes the LEED system to grant 1 point. This includes the incorporation of
irrigation techniques so that the storm water and the runoff is controlled and
prevented adequately.
The use of permeable pavements helps in the reduction of storm water and runoff
issues. The use of such special pavement helps in water absorption that help in
ground water recharging.
The storm water can be collected and used for landscape irrigation and for toilet
flushing. Extra points are also for those facilities that collects and treat 90 % of the
storm water runoff.
Reduction of Heat Islands: Many methods can be followed so that heat absorbing
structures can be reduced. This means the formation of heat islands is reduced. The
use of black roof can be avoided as a measure against heat island.
The use of shading through trees or through sun blockers artificially made or
minimize the using open parking lots are some of the good measures.
The use of vegetated roofs or a roof that is painted in light color help a lot in
avoiding heat absorption. Having vegetation on the exterior landscape of the building
is also a good solution against heat islands. The LEED system grants 1 point for these

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Carefully designed and executed work by architects,
landscape architects, civil engineers, and construction
managers is required to produce a building that:
■■ Optimizes the use of the site
■■ Is highly integrated with the local ecosystem
■■ Carefully considers the site’s geology, topography, solar
insolation, hydrology,and wind patterns
■■ Minimizes impacts during construction and operation
■■ Employs landscaping as a powerful adjunct to its technical

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Land and Landscape Approaches for Green Buildings
Buildings require several categories of resources for their
creation and operation:
materials, energy, water, and land. Land, obviously, is an
essential and valuable
resource, so its appropriate use is a prime consideration in the
development of a high performance building. Several general
approaches to land use fit in with the concept
of high-performance green buildings:
■■ Building on land that has been previously utilized
instead of on land that is valuable from an ecological point
of view
■■ Protecting and preserving wetlands and other features
that are key elements of existing ecosystems
■■ Using native and adapted, drought-tolerant plants,
trees, and turf for landscaping
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■■ Using brownfields, properties that are contaminated or

perceived to be ontaminated
Site Selection for Green
 ■■ Minimizing earth moving and compaction of soil during construction
 ■■ Fully using the sun, prevailing winds, and foliage on the site in the passive solar design
 ■■ Maintaining as much as possible the natural hydroperiod of the site
 ■■ Minimizing the impervious areas on the site through appropriate location of the building,
parking, and other paving
 ■■ Using alternative stormwater management technologies, such as green roofs, pervious
pavement, bioretention, rainwater gardens, and others, which assist on-site or regional
groundwater and aquifer recharge
 ■■ Minimizing heat island effects on the site by using light-colored paving and roofing,
shading, and green roofs
 ■■ Eliminating light pollution through careful design of exterior lighting systems
 ■■ Using natural wetlands to the maximum extent possible in the storm water management
scheme and minimizing the use of dry-type retention ponds
 ■■ Using alternative stormwater management technologies, such as pervious
 concrete and asphalt for paved surfaces.

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Site Selection for Green
 In Gray World, Green Heart, Thayer (1994) noted that
landscape is the place where “the conflict between
technology and nature is most easily sensed.” A
sustainable landscape, according to Thayer, would have
these properties:
■■ An alternative landscape where natural systems are dominant
■■ A landscape where resources are regenerated and energy is
■■ A landscape that allows us to see, understand, and resolve the
battle between the forces of technology and nature
■■ A landscape where essential life functions are undertaken,
revealed, and celebrated

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Site Selection for Green
 In Gray World, Green Heart, Thayer (1994) noted that landscape is the place where “the conflict
between technology and nature is most easily sensed.” A sustainable landscape, according to Thayer,
would have these properties:

■■ A landscape where the incorporated technology is

sustainable, the best of all possible choices, and can be
considered part of nature
■■ A landscape that counters the frontier ethic of
discovery, exploitation,
exhaustion, and abandonment with one where we plant
ourselves firmly, nurture the land, and prevent ecological
■■ A landscape that responds to the loss of place with
reliance on local resources, celebration of local cultures,
and preservation of local ecosystems
■■ A landscape that responds to the view that landscape is
irrelevant by making the physical landscape pivotal to our
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Site Selection for Green
In Regenerative Design for Sustainable Development, Lyle
(1994) introduced
designers of the built environment to the concept of
regenerative landscape, reminding them, as John Dewey did in
1916, that “the most notable distinction between living and
inanimate things is that the former maintain themselves by
(Dewey, [1916] 1944, p. 1) Lyle maintained that the developed
landscape—the one

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Site Selection for Green
created and built by humans—should be able to survive within the bounds of local

energy and materials flows and that, in order to be sustainable, it must be regenerative,

which, in the case of landscape, means being capable of organic self-renewal.

Landscapes must be created using regenerative design (i.e., design that creates cyclical

flows of matter and energy within the landscape). According to Lyle, a regenerative

system is one that provides for continuous replacement, through its own functional

processes, of the energy and materials used in its operation. A regenerative

system has these characteristics:

■■ Operational integration with natural processes and, by extension, with social


■■ Minimum use of fossil fuels and man-made chemicals, except for backup


■■ Minimum use of nonrenewable resources, except where future reuse or recycling

is possible and likely

■■ Use of renewable resources within their capacities for renewal

■■ Composition and volume of wastes within the capacity of the environment to

reassimilate them without damage

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Principles of Sustainable
Landscape Construction
Principle 1: Keep sites healthy. Ensure that biologically productive
sites with healthy
ecosystems are not harmed by the building project. Special
attention must be paid to utility installation and road
construction, which can be especially destructive to natural
Principle 2: Heal injured sites. Using grayfields, brownfields, or
blackfields reduces
pressures on biologically productive sites and can result in
restoration of blighted properties to productive ecosystems.
Principle 3: Favor living, flexible materials. Slope erosion can be
controlled with living
structures rather than artificial physical structures. Greenwalls,
Green Building structures
- 01 July 2020 N C DUBEY that provide
ELECTIVE II a support system for living 42
matter, may be needed in especially steep terrain. Living
materials on roofs create eco-roofs that provide additional green
Principles of Sustainable
Landscape Construction
Principle 5: Pave less. Paving destroys natural systems and
should be minimized.
Stormwater should be quickly infiltrated through the use of
porous concrete and asphalt paving and through the use of
pavers. Heat islands should be minimized by appropriate
Principle 6: Consider the origin and fate of materials. Minimize
the impact of landscape materials by carefully analyzing their
embodied energy and other effects. Emphasize reused and
recycled materials and avoid toxic materials.
Principle 7: Know the costs of energy over time. Landscape
construction requires
considerable energy in the form of work by machinery, the
embodied energy of materials. The total energy consumption for
all purposes, including maintenance, should be minimized.
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Principle 8: Celebrate light, respect darkness. Landscape lighting

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