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NH Angga (26): Hi friends, I have news that the covid vaccine contains chips from famous people in the

M Razaan (21): huh? you're right

NH Angga (26): yes it's true i got the news from the family whatsapp group, what do you think

Fitzgerald H (17): lol it's just a useless issue to spread and listen to

Rizki L (34): yes, the vaccine prevents our body from being easily exposed to the corona virus

M Razaan (21): As far as I know, vaccines are one of the ways to prevent the spread of the corona virus

NH Angga(26): does that mean it's all fake news?

Fitzgerald H (17) : obviously it's fake news

NH Angga (26): is vaccine really important for us millennials?

Rizki L (34): very important, because we are the nation's successors

M Razaan (21): Yes, I have a question. Are the people who are required to be vaccinated only young

Fitzgerald H (17): As far as I know, the person who is required to be vaccinated is aged 12-55

M Razaan (21): how about 55 and over?

NH Angga (26): As far as I know, if they don't have any other disease complaints, it seems like it's okay

Rizki L (34):So, that's why we as young people have a stronger immune system, we have to take care of
our health and vaccines, so we don't transmit the virus to other people.

M Razaan (21): So, don't think weird, that the covid 19 vaccine is for our health together

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