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Area: Humanities Subject: Human

Teacher: Monica Alexandra Paredes Obando Grade:
Student: ______________________________________________________
Date: ______________________________________________________


TOPIC: The failure of the conceited neo-Nazi / The heartwarming story of

Christian the lion.


-Analyze the process of society for young people.

-Identify different facts of the societies.
-Explain the discrimination of race, gender or religion.



-Identifies the meaning, characteristics and way to behave according to the


-Identifies the problems, solutions, and relevant facts of the different societies.

-Understands the religion, race and gender as a factor of daily routines.

WORK TIME: Two hours. All the activities will be developed during the class.



Racist agitator Richard Spencer is silenced in Gainesville by students.

Nothing likes racist agitator Richard Spencer more than a stage. This boy put on his best smug
speaker clothes - gray pants and waistcoat, white shirt; a dapper far right as a Charleston dancer -
and he took the stage eager to show off his easy verb and his recycling for the 21st century of
doctrines that sustained racism and ethnic cleansing in the 20th century.

But it failed. Anti-racist college students who

filled the seats of the University of Florida's
Gainesville auditorium would not let him
speak. To each series of phrases that he tried
to spin, he was answered by a barrage of
boos that cut him off. He was persistent for
two hours, at times showing a pretended tone
of ironic superiority and at other times getting
irritated and shrill, and he was incessantly
hitting the wall of rejection of the young

"You are preventing the freedom of expression of an intellectual dissident," went on to argue
Spencer, an apologist for white supremacism.
Gainesville police reported the arrest of three alleged Spencer supporters for firing a shot from a car
after the event ended. There were no injuries.

His followers were far fewer than expected. Just dozens. In the front line, in a space limited for them
by the police, there were a few young Spencer fans in uniform with white shirts and hairstyles
similar to that of the agitator. Sometimes they got up from their seats to cheer him on, but
immediately the voices of the opposing public were superimposed on them. "Go home Spencer!" it
was the softest thing that was heard. During question time, the hubbub continued. Sometimes you
could hear phrases from the far-right such as "We whites create America" or "White people are my
people and I think they are beautiful." An aide told him: "Your ideas are like Hitler's."

Spencer has spent years cultivating his profile as a far-right media figure. He rose to prominence
after Donald Trump's 2016 presidential victory by shouting in an assembly hall at the end of a "Hail
Trump!" and see arms raised in the audience Nazi style. 39 years old with a degree in English
literature and music, he is a skilled rhetorician and denies being a neo-Nazi or a white supremacist,
while flirting with the memory of the Hitler uprising and defending the need in America for an "ethno-
state in the United States. that our people and our families can live safely again. "

He defines himself as a "white identitarian": a vindicator of the Anglo-Saxon roots of his country,
threatened by emerging identities such as black, Latino, feminist or gay.

He coined the concept alt-right (alternative right) that groups the new reactionary extremisms that
have been energized by the arrival to the presidency of Trump with his xenophobic speeches and
his clear preference for white America. The president had as main strategist until August Stephen
Bannon, another of the most notorious propagandists linked to the alt-right movement. The critical
point of this phenomenon occurred in August with the violent incidents in Charlottesville (Virginia) in
which a counter-protester was killed by a far-rightist.

On that occasion the racists wanted to demonstrate against the removal of a statue of the
Confederate General Robert E. Lee and one of the promoters of the extremist horde - which carried
Nazi and Ku Klux Klan symbols - was Spencer, who was arrested, jumping to the means his image
seized by screaming indignant policemen with a look identical to that of his admired singer
Morrissey: hairstyle with a calculated toupee and elegant black sunglasses. Richard Spencer, the
well-off son of an ophthalmologist and an heiress of a cotton plantation in the southern United
States - now owned by his son and valued at millions of dollars - has been defined by the Southern
Poverty Law Center, a reference group observing hate speech, such as "the suit and tie version of
the old white supremacism, a kind of professional racist in tweezers."


The story of Christian, the lion, is one of the most surprising about the deep love that can arise
between man and other animals. It is a true story, which is documented through various means and
which raises some questions that have not yet been resolved.

It all started in London in 1969. A couple of young Australians named John Rendall and Anthony
“Ace” Bourke went shopping at Harrods department store. To their surprise, they found that a lion
cub was for sale. He was just a baby and the owner wanted to get rid of him because he had
spoiled his merchandise the night before.

"A country, a civilization can be judged by the way it treats its animals."
-Mahatma Gandhi-

The boys bought the lion and brought it to their own home. Together with a couple of friends, they
began to raise him and noticed that he was very sociable and friendly. When the little cub was one
year old, it was no longer possible to have him in the house. They then decided to take him to a
furniture store that they themselves managed and which was curiously called "Sophistocat"
(something like "meeting the cat").

The sad goodbye of Christian, the lion.

Neither Rendall nor Bourke ever imagined that his little friend would grow up at such a rapid rate. In
a short time it was impossible to keep it in the furniture store. He no longer fit anywhere and
unintentionally caused a lot of damage everywhere. So they went to a friend priest and asked him to
let him stay in the parish cemetery. The priest agreed.
Christian the lion continued to grow. He was
already an adult and he ate in an outrageous
way. Maintaining his diet cost his human
friends a fortune. They began to understand
that it would soon be impossible for him to
live in London. After all, he was a beast. What
if he became dangerous? He was always
very friendly, but he never knew ...

Two movie stars visited Christian and suggested to the owners that they put him in the hands of
George Adamson, a famous Kenyan conservationist. He would take care of taking it into his natural
habitat and allowing him to live like a real lion. The boys agreed, not without feeling great sadness.
It was the best for everyone.

Christian returns to the jungle

The young men agreed to take Christian to the Kora National Park in Kenya. It was the ideal place
for a new life to begin. His conservationist friend of his reunited him with another older male lion,
whom everyone called "Boy." He also united them with a female, to form a new herd. Little by little
the animals were moving away from the humans, until one day they did not return anymore.

A year after this, Rendall and Bourke took the initiative to go visit their friend Christian. He was a bit
loopy. He had already returned to his habitat and now acted like an ordinary lion. Anyway, the boys
wanted to see him at least, to know that he was okay. The conservationist alerted them. They had
to be very careful. Christian could attack them.

The young men went to the surroundings of

Kora and waited a while. They then started
calling Christian, but he didn't show up soon.
At last a lion was seen peering out cautiously
from the rocks. The boys kept calling him.
Quickly, the lion reacted and went out to meet
his old friends. Against all odds, he
remembered them perfectly. He lunged at
them, hugged them, and licked their faces. All
this was recorded on video.

A story without answers

A year later something even more extraordinary happened. After the last meeting, Christian went
back into the jungle. They were able to verify that he had become king of a pride of lions. From one
moment to the next, he disappeared. Nothing was heard from him again in more than nine months.
His human friends wanted to visit him again, if anything.

Without knowing how or why, one day before the boys arrived, Christian returned to haunt the
places around Kora. The next day the same scene from the first meeting was repeated. The lion
looked at them warily at first and then pounced on them, as if it were the same cub they had raised.
The only difference is that it had already doubled in size, after the last time they had seen it.

The story of Christian and his human friends was made into a documentary containing real
footage. A novel was also written based on his story and countless articles in various newspapers
and magazines around the world. There are still no definitive explanations for this endearing and
wonderful relationship between a "beast" and a couple of boys who decided to offer her their
affection and, more importantly, a future understanding her needs.


1. What do you find interesting from the reading? Explain your answer.

I find interesting to read that the people fight for their rights and to be free and treated equal not
matter who, which or what, are against them.

2. At what point did Spencer rise to prominence?

He rose to prominence after Donald Trump's presidential victory by shouting in an assembly hall at
the end of a "Hail Trump!" and see arms raised in the audience in Nazi style.


1. What do you find interesting from the reading? Explain your answer.

That are people in the world that have that tipe of animals and love them .

2. Why did Christian the lion have to be taken to the Kora National Park in Kenya?

Because he was growing a lot and his keeper don't have much food to feed him and have Christian
in captivity is not natural and good for the animal.

-Google Meet
-Google Classroom.

ASSESSMENT: To know more about Richard Spencer, the white supremacist, and
the history of Christian the lion.

Taken from
Curriculum Liners of Human Values. Colombia Ministry of Education (MEN).
Colombia, 1998.

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