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Memo is used primarily as a formal, physical means of efficient communication from a

department to staff members -- it is always for internal communication and only rarely sent to
clients or the public.

Letter are used both for internal and external communication It has also large usage beyond the
scope of an organization. Also, letters on the other hand are more detailed and often elaborate
more on the important issues to be done.

Purpose of Memo

Memos are used to keep employees informed on the latest happenings, either company-wide or
in a specific department. For example, when management issues a change in corporate policy,
a memo is used to explain the change. Memos can be used to inform staff with updates on how
project schedules are coming along, or about new products or services the company. Memos
might include an announcement to be posted in common areas of an office.

Format of Memo

The format of a memo is important for the document to achieve its purpose. A memo is one of
the simplest forms of disseminating information within an organization. It is short and to the
point, often includes elements of persuasion and a call-to-action. If you use the wrong format, the
memo may not deliver your message correctly or distract and confuse the reader. For these
reasons, it is vital to use the correct format when you are writing a memo to ensure efficient


To: [Include recipients' name]

From: [Include your name and title]

Date: [Month Day, Year]

Subject: [Subject of the memo]

[A memo requires no salutation]

Body of the memo

[Start with a direct and brief introduction that states the reason for writing the memo.]

[Provide concise but detailed information to the reader.]

[End with a clear closing and a call-to-action.]

Tips for effective business memo

Audience Orientation

Always consider the audience and their needs when preparing a memo. An acronym or
abbreviation that is known to management may not be known by all the employees of the
organization, and if the memo is to be posted and distributed within the organization, the goal is
clear and concise communication at all levels with no ambiguity.

Professional, Formal Tone

Memos are often announcements, and the person sending the memo speaks for a part or all of the
organization. While it may contain a request for feedback, the announcement itself is linear.

Subject Emphasis

The subject is normally declared in the subject line and should be clear and concise. If the memo
is announcing the observance of a holiday, for example, the specific holiday should be named in
the subject line—for example, use “Thanksgiving weekend schedule” rather than “holiday

Direct Format

Some written business communication allows for a choice between direct and indirect formats,
but memorandums are always direct. The purpose is clearly announced.


Memos are a place for just the facts, and should have an objective tone without personal bias,
preference, or interest on display. Avoid subjectivity.

The Heading. This contains the return address (usually two or three lines) with the date on the
last line.

Introduction refers to a beginning — maybe presenting someone new to a group, or inserting a

new idea into a project. The introduction makes clear to the reader the text's purpose.

The body of the letter is the main and largest part of a letter. The body is made up of one or
more paragraphs in which the main idea of the letter is relayed.

Conclusion you have the chance to restate the major themes of the message and leave your
recipient with just the right feeling.

Signature line for examples is Sincerely, Warmest Regards, Respectfully Yours, and Very Truly

A memo is an essential tool for business communication, which is used to transmit particular
information to many individuals working in the same organization. It has a great role to play in
recording the day to day business activities and can be used for future reference.

In contrast, letters are considered as the best mode of written communication, which can be used
for giving or seeking information to/from an external party.

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