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Course name: Graduate Seminar II

Course code:
Cr Hrs: 2
Instructor: Dawit Amogne
Course Description
Since students were exposed to the fundamental concepts of research in Research
Methods in ELT, they are now expected to put this theoretical knowledge into practices
ranging from initiating researchable issues in the field of EFL to writing reports using
appropriate formats. Hence, in this course, Graduate Seminar II, students are required
to get involved in an in-depth exploration of innovative approaches to topics of interest
in the field of TEFL, advanced skills in library research, key issues in conducting
scientific research in EFL contexts and etc. Students are also expected to present
seminars on such issues as what makes an effective research report, identification of
researchable issues of EFL, formats of report writing, acknowledging different sources
in writing reports etc. Hence, students are required to critique various published
research works and present their findings in seminars. They are also expected to
produce a research proposal which will preferably lead them to the final MA thesis.
Objectives of the Course
By the end of this course, students will be able to:
 Identify researchable and relevant research issues related to EFL and assess
what has been done in the area and defend the worth of the issue;
 Identify what should come into the different parts of a research report
(Background, statement of the Problem etc.);
 Identify the issues that should be considered in doing ethical research;
 Acknowledge different sources appropriately in writing (including right citation
and referencing styles);
 Write reports in right formats;
 Analyze and evaluate different published articles related to ELT
 Conduct research works on ELT and others related
 Write well developed research proposals

Chapter one: Critiquing journal articles

1.1 The purpose of critique

1.2 How to critique
Chapter two: Writing a research proposal of appropriate standard
2.1 Choosing a topic/research title
2.2 Reading and documenting research
2.3 Modals and hedging
2.4 Basic components of a research proposal
2.5 The language of a research paper
3.5.1 The language of the ‘Introduction’
3.5.2 The language of the ‘Methods’
3.5.3 The language of the ‘Results and discussion’
Chapter three: Doing a public defense of the proposal
Teaching methods
The course will largely allow the student to work independently towards developing their
research proposals.
Active lectures, discussions, seminars, and presentations will be the dominant teaching
methods to be used.
Mode of Assessment
1. Presentation on selected topics and issues:
- Written report= 10%
- Oral presentation= 10%

2. Critiquing an article:
- Written report= 20 %
- Oral presentation= 10%

3. Producing a research proposal on an EFL issue that will have particular relevance
to the Ethiopian English language education.
Written report= 30%

- Oral presentation=20%

American Psychological Association (2019). Publication Manual of APA.
Feak, C. B. and Swales, J. M. (2009) Telling a Research Story: Writing a Literature
Review. Michigan University Press.
Hyland, K. (2008). English for Academic Purposes: An advanced resource book.
London: Routledge.
Swales, J. and Feak, C. (2012). Academic Writing for Graduate Students: Essential
Tasks  and Skills. Michigan: The University of Michigan Press.

Article Critique

Read a published article on topics pertaining to English language teaching from one of
the following journals. If you have a trouble downloading the article you want, do not
hesitate to call me.
o Language Teaching Research
o Studies in Second Language Acquisition
o System
o TESOL Quarterly
o ELT Journal
Then make a review report of the article ready. Your report may address the following
- A conceptual contention
- The purpose of the study
- Methods and procedures
- Results
- Conclusion
- Evaluation (Commentary) where you include your overall evaluation of the study
- A research idea you have got from reading the article

 My evaluation will be based on your: (1) writing of the critique, (2) knowledge of
the article’s content, (3) explanation of any technical terms needed to understand
the purpose and results of the research, and (4) evaluation of the research in
light of language teaching, including your own perspective as an English
language teacher and researcher

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