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Levels of Samadhi

From The Center of the Cyclone (1972) by Dr. John Lilly, M.D. Gurdjieff Vibraion

States of
Level Samadhi Description
Dharma# Ma&in$ he Ma'hdi. lai*al %aori. Fuion +ih
unieral mind, union +ih God- bein$ one +ih he
! "! Me$ha
*reaor of ener$y from he oid, in he Ma'h
iriual *ener aboe he head.
Ma&in$ he 0uddha.  oin our*e of
*on*ioune, ener$y, li$h, and loe. oin of
%amia #
/ "/ *on*ioune, aral rael, raelin$ *lairoyan*e,
nir bija
raelin$ *lairaudien*e, fuion +ih oher eniie in
ime. 3n he menal *ener in he head.
0liful ae, ma&in$ he hri, he $reen 4uub,
reali5aion of bara&a, he re*eion of diine $ra*e,
*omi* loe, *omi* ener$y, hei$hened bodily
12 "12 %ananda a+arene, hi$he fun*ion of bodily and
laneide *on*ioune, bein$ in loe, bein$ in a
oiie L%D ener$y ae. 3n he 6h emoional
*ener in he *he.
8he leel of rofeional %aori or of bai* %aori.
ll he needed ro$ram are in he un*on*iou of
he bio*omuer, oerain$ moohly, he elf i lo
2 "2 Vi*ara
in leaurable a*iiie ha one &no+ be and
li&e o do. 3n he ah moin$ *ener in he lo+er
8he neural bio*omuer ae, he ae for he
aborbion and he ranmiion of ne+ idea- for
he re*eion and ranmiion of ne+ daa and ne+
: ";#: Viar&a
ro$ram- doin$ ea*hin$ and learnin$ +ih
ma<imum fa*iliaion, neiher in a oiie of a
ne$aie ae, neural. =n he earh.
9/ #2>> ?; ?e$aie ae- ain, $uil fear, doin$ +ha one ha
o do bu in a ae of ain, $uil, fear- he ae of
li$hly oo mu*h al*ohol- of a mall amoun of
oium, of he fir a$e of la*& of lee.
@<remely ne$aie body ae +here one i ill in
he body, a in an inene mi$raine aa*&, in +hi*h
one' o+n *on*ioune i hrun& do+n and
192 #12 ?; inhibied and he a+arene i only in he reen in
one' ain. 8he ain i u*h ha one *anno +or& or
do one' uual duie.  limiaion i la*ed uon
one' elf, one i iolaed, a bad inner ae.
%imilar o "/ e<*e ha i i e<remely ne$aie. 
ur$aory#li&e iuaion in +hi*h one i only a oin
!: /# ?;
our*e of *on*ioune and ener$y- fear, ain,
$uil in he e<reme- meanin$lene rominen.
Li&e "! in ha one i fued +ih oher eniie
hrou$hou he uniere bu hee are all bad and
one' elf i bad and meanin$le. 8hi i he
4uineen*e of eil, he deee hell of +hi*h one
*an *on*eie. 8hi *an be an e<remely hi$h ener$y
7/: !# ?; ae lain$ eernally, hou$h by laneide *lo*&
one i here only for a fe+ minue. ?o hoe in hi
ae. ?o hoe of e*ae from i. =ne i here
foreer. (%ee he omi* omuer +rie#u in he
*haer 8he Guided 8our of Aell in ener of he
y*lone, 1972)

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