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Zeinolla Ernar Kaiyrgeldiuly

Zh.Mussin Kokshetau Higher Kazakh Pedagogical College
the 3rd year student of English department
Scientific adviser: Tashenova Aizhan Kadyrbayevna
Zh.Mussin Kokshetau Higher Kazakh Pedagogical College
English teacher, master of juridical sciences
Akmola region, Kokshetau

Берілген мақалада педагогикада оқытудың мақсаттары мен
міндеттері талданады.
В данной статье анализируются цели и задачи преподавания в
This article analyzes the goals and objectives of teaching in pedagogy.

Pedagogy is considered the science of education, the principles of which are

based on the transfer of experience and its assimilation by the younger generations.
The formation of science began a long time ago. The emergence of pedagogy was
significantly influenced by the development of humanity, which took place in stages.
Modern pedagogical literature answers the question of what is pedagogical
activity as a special type of socially useful activity of people, which consists in the
conscious preparation of the younger generation for life, realizing economic,
political, moral, aesthetic goals. Pedagogical activity has ancient historical roots,
accumulates centuries-old experience of generations. The teacher is a link between
generations, a carrier of human, social, historical experience, largely determines the
socio-cultural integrity of the people, civilization and, in general, the continuity of
generations. [1;4]

Scheme 1. History of Pedagogy.

Pedagogy in the Ancient World

Adults taught their children to work from childhood, and told them about the
traditions and rituals that existed in a particular tribe, told them how to behave
correctly, instilled faith. At the same time, the emergence and development of the
role of a teacher takes place. In other words, such a person was then called a mentor.
The Middle Ages and Modern Pedagogy
In the Middle Ages, the church and its ministers played an important role.
There were letters stored there, which were in Latin. Schools existed at temples and
cathedrals, so they talked a lot about religion and worldview. In Western Europe,
there was a special knightly education system for secular feudal lords. It is based on 7
knightly virtues. [4]

Scheme 2. Description of virtues.

Pedagogy in the XX century

The great changes in the education system were made by the First World War,
which lasted from 1914 to 1918. After the end of the war, the centralization of the
management of educational institutions increased and training lasted for a certain
time in many countries. This concerned the primary school. The main task of
pedagogy was to create a new ideal image of a person and methods of its formation.
The Second World War was the impetus for the emergence of a unified
education system and increased training at the intellectual level. During upbringing
and education, they began to take into account the needs and capabilities of each
child, his spiritual and physical development. Human and child rights are recognized
by international conventions
Modern Pedagogy
Modern pedagogical literature answers the question of what is pedagogical
activity as a special type of socially useful activity of people, which consists in the
conscious preparation of the younger generation for life, realizing economic,
political, moral, aesthetic goals. Pedagogical activity has ancient historical roots,
accumulates centuries-old experience of generations. The teacher is a link between
generations, a carrier of human, social, historical experience, largely determines the
socio-cultural integrity of the people, civilization and, in general, the continuity of
generations. [1;3;4]
Tasks of pedagogical activity
The tasks of pedagogical activity, undergoing changes, covered the sphere of
education, upbringing, training. The pedagogical activity itself has always had a high
social significance, according to advanced thinkers. It was characterized by an
important feature: the use of methods was allowed by all people as the fulfillment of
various roles (parents, relatives, managers). In this case, it meant unprofessional
pedagogical activity. Professional training is carried out by teachers who have a
special professional-pedagogical education. Such activities can be implemented in
special pedagogical systems and be the main source of existence for which wages are
The main components and content of pedagogical activity
Pedagogical activity includes fundamental components that are important and
represent dynamic relationships:
obtaining knowledge (conducting research, examinations, etc.);
transfer of existing knowledge during the educational process;
dissemination of knowledge (publishing textbooks, writing scientific articles);
education of students;
formation and development of children's personality.
The presence of three characters of pedagogical activity is due to its specificity.
1.The humanistic character is focused on the education of a person who is
forming and developing as a person, there is a mastering of the achievements of
humanity, which contributes to the continuation of the human race, there is a
continuous succession of generations.
2. Collective character implies the influence on the student not only by the
teacher, but also by the entire teaching staff, with the help of other sources, including
the provision of group, collective influence.
3. The creative nature is an important feature, which is reflected in the degree to
which the teacher uses his abilities to achieve his goals. [1;2]
Goals of pedagogical activity
The goals of pedagogical activity are based on the ideological and value
attitudes of society, which can give rise to traditional approaches to education and
upbringing, focused on the effectiveness of training, the maximum use of new
generations in the interests of the state. [2] Modern society is constantly improving
production, increasing the technical level, which further affects the presentation of
high requirements for the level of preparedness of the younger generation. The
informatization of society, the introduction of information technologies, the presence
of dynamic processes in the social sphere of life leads society to formulate the goal of
activity, the main aspect of which is a versatile and harmoniously developed
personality. [4]
Means of pedagogical activity
The main means of pedagogical activity are:
scientific knowledge that contributes to the formation of the terminological
apparatus of students;
information carriers – educational literature or reproducible knowledge;
auxiliary – technical computer and others.
The transfer of experience is carried out through explanations, demonstrations,
practical activities of students, and so on.
The specifics of pedagogical activity were considered. It is based on the
availability of special professional knowledge, humanism, teamwork, and a creative
approach. The main goal is the formation of a personality that is developed in a
versatile and harmonious way. During his activity, the teacher applies teaching,
education, related to each other. Scientific knowledge, information carriers, auxiliary
means are considered as means of pedagogical activity. [3;4]


1. Babansky Yu. K. Teaching methods in a modern comprehensive school. — M.:

Education, 1985.
2. Galskova N. D. Modern methods of teaching foreign languages: M.: Glossa,
Moscow, 2000.
4. Подласый И. П. Педагогика: учебник – М.: Юрайт – Издат, 2009. - 540 с.

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