Catalina Foothills Unified School District

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Catalina Foothills Unified School District serves the Catalina Foothills neighborhood in

Tucson, Arizona. It was founded in 1931 and now operates eight schools: one high school,

two middle schools, four elementary schools, and one early childhood education center.

Catalina Foothills Unified School District will have eight public schools serving 5,292

students in the 2021 school year. This district's average test score is 9/10, placing it in the top

20% of Arizona's state education.


As a collaborative learning community dedicated to excellence, CFHS' mission is to ensure

that each student achieves exceptional academic and personal achievement, graduates, and

contributes to the global community by engaging students in meaningful and challenging

experiences in an environment that fosters a passion for learning and positive personal



Learning transfers to life beyond the Catalina Foothills School District experience, enabling

each student to flourish as a responsible citizen in the global community.


 Reduce the academic performance gap between present and desired student


 Improve students' reading and numeracy performance across all academic subject

areas by addressing their varied needs and skills.

 Develop transferable knowledge and skills for college, professions, and civic life.
 Increase student involvement to the point that they are strongly driven to create and

accomplish progressively difficult objectives for deep learning.


The Board acknowledges that each student's manner of dressing and grooming is an

expression of his or her own style and choice. The manner in which a student dresses and

appears must not pose a threat to his or her health or safety or interrupt instructional

activities. It is prohibited to wear or exhibit clothing that contains vulgar phrases, slogans, or

graphics, or that has slogans or visuals connected to drugs or alcohol. It is not appropriate to

dress immodestly or indecently.

Students are liable for their actions and comments on social media and will be held

accountable for their statements and posts. For social media platforms associated with

schools: A student's social media communication about school may be deemed improper if it

violates the District's Student Handbook's current conduct rules, regardless of whether the

communication happens on or off school grounds.

To promote greater learning, an institution must have rules in place that define the school

board's objectives. These rules set norms and aid in the public accountability of schools and



If an employee is unable to contact their manager directly, another person may do so on their

behalf; nevertheless, the final duty for contacting their manager rests with the employee, and

if no communication is made, the absence will be considered unauthorised.

Teachers, and staff members all need to feel safe in their surroundings, both physically and

mentally. To create this atmosphere, rules that set safety requirements for the physical
environment and mental health of students and employees are developed and implemented.

This is accomplished via the establishment of rules such as fire drills, anti-bullying measures,

and mental health standards.

In 2012-2013, 114 districts reached contractual agreements and adopted board rules

addressing employee attendance and other measures. Administrators believe that they need

wide power to control attire that damages or offends others in the learning environment.


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