Aurora Pioneers Memorial College: Offline Learning Module 1 GE 107 Rizal's Life and Works

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Department of Education

Region IX
Zamboanga Peninsula
Aurora Pioneers Memorial College
(formerly: Cebuano Barracks Institute)
Bonifacio Street, Poblacion, Aurora, Zamboanga del Sur


GE 107 Rizal’s Life and Works
Mark Rey C. Menchavez
Subject Teacher

Rizal in the eyes of the Filipinos

Who was Jose Rizal and why was he well-known among Filipinos? Why are there so many monuments
in his honor and why were many streets named after him? To many Filipino, their answer might be varied.
He was a martyr who died for the Filipinos. Some sectors call him “Tagalog Christ” or “Kristong Tagalog”.
Many Filipinos admire Him as a man of Many Talent- a poet, doctor, anthropologist, sculptor, surveyor,
farmer, novelist, essayist, historian, teacher, and a polyglot with a knowledge of, some authors say, 22
languages. Historians consider him as a man who inspired a nation. To some sectors, he was revered a s a
saint or messiah who would one day free the Philippines from oppression.

The Humanity of Heroes

In the study of the life of heroes, it is important to put in mind that the hero is a human being. Heroes are
made. Heroes, like ordinary human beings, are product of their time. Heroes are the product of their
evironmen, which includes their society, surroundings, and conditions prevalent at that time. Heroes are
made because they responded to the call of the times and their response to this call had a decisive effect ion
the lives of the countrymen.

The Criteria of Heroes

1.) Motives and methods employed in the attainment of the ideal.
2.) The Moral character of the person.
3.) The influence of the person to his age of epoch and the succeeding eras.
The Rizal Law

At the end of this module, the students should be able to:
1.) Identify the opposing groups on the issue of the Rizal Law;

2.) State the opposing group’s points of contention and determine the interests of the contending groups; and

3.)Draw parallels to the present time.

The Story of Rizal Law

In 1956, Senator Claro M. Recto filed a measure, which became the original Rizal Bill, recognizing the
need to instill heroism among the youth at the time when the country was experiencing social turmoil. It was
the time when the country was being ravaged by the HUKBALAHAP insurgency. The imperialist presence
in the form of American influence was strong in the country’s economy and political policies. The
communist insurgency was fought through American guidance and material aid. The Philippines became
part of the global network to contain the spread of Communismwith the conclusion of mutual
defenseagreement with the United States in 1951 and its joining the South East Asia Treaty Organization
(SEATO).On the Eeconomic fron, the United parity rights granted in the Philippine Constitution which
allowed the Americans to exploits the country’s natural resources. In 1956, the Laurel- Langley agreement
ensured the free entry of American products, thus ensuring the preference of Filipinos for American goods.
Internall, the country was buffered by corrupt party politics and news political corruption was rampant. The
1950’s was indeed confusing times.

This was the period when Recto submitted his bill, calling for the return to patriotic values enunciated
by Filipino heroes like Jose Rizal. Under the bill, it shall be obligatory for college and the university
students to study the Life and Works of Jose Rizal. The Issuance of the bill was not welcomed by various
quarter. The Catholic Church assailed thr Rizal Bill as anti- Church because it forces the students to read
Rizal’s works like the Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo which contains passages that were ant-
Church. They presented fears that the religious beliefs of young students would be harmed by reading
Rizal’s works while they were at their formative years. Forcing the students to read Rizal’s works which
have religious overtones would be a violation of the constitutional freedom of religion and conscience. The
Church made use of lobbyists as well as priests in opposing the Rizal Bill. Among them were Catholic
organizations such as the Accion Catolico which was formerly headed by Senator “Soc” Rodrigo. Priests
attended and actively participated in the hearings of the Senate.
May of the Priests were foreigners who sought audience with senators to convince them to oppose the
bill. This was clear interference of the Church on the making of the policies by the State.
Seminars were held across the countryside to oppose the bill. In one seminar, one of the oppositor, Fr.
Jesus Cavanna, commented that Rizal’s novels belonged to the past it would be harmful to read them
because they presented a false picture of the conditions of the country at that time. He also said that out of
the 333 pages of the Noli Me Tangere, there were only 25 patriotic statements compared to 120 anti-
Catholic statements. One of the commentator, Jesus Parede, said that the novels contain
objectionablematters and Catholics had the right to refuse to read them, so as not to endanger their faith.
Another commentator, Narciso Pimenti, offered the speculation that Rectointroduced his Rizal bill to get
back at the Catholic voter, who, together with President Magsaysa, were responsible for his poor showing in
the 1955 elections. Lawmakers such Representative Miguel Cuenco and Senator Francisco “So” Rodrigo
voiced opposition of the church in Congress. Senator Rodrigo commented that he would not let his teenage
son read the Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo lest he endangers his Catholic faith. He proposed that
the footnoted or annotated versions of the novels be used instead of the unexpurgated versions required in
the Recto Bill.
The Church continued its opposition of the bill by calling all Catholic voters to reject lawmakers who
supported Recto’s Rizal Bill. Pastoral letters were read in masses voicing opposition. Bishops threatened to
close down Catholic Scholls if the bill was Approve. Recto, however, stood his ground and dared the
Catholic to Church to shut down their schools, knowing that this was only an idle threat since the Catholic
learning institutions were its major source of income. He also rejected Senator Rodrigo’s suggestion that the
annotated or edited versions of the Noli and El Fili should be used.
After a month –long satnd off, a compromise bill was filed. It was authored by Jose Laurel and it was
based on the proposals of Senator Roseller Lim and Emmanuel Pelaez. On June 12, 1956, Republic Act
No.1425, better known as the Rizal Law, came into effect. The Law accommodated the objections of the
Catholic Church. This coul be seen in the second paragraph of Section 1, allowing students to seek
exemption from reading Rizal’s works for religious reason. To the authors of the original bill, it was a
complete victory but its oppositors felt satisfied that at least the achieved something. The law, however, still
requires the reading of the unexpurgated versions of Rizal’s novels. It also provided the funding of the
publication of Rizal’s works and their distribution to the countryside. It was, however, a one- time
appropriation and provision, for future publication was not given. The Rizal Law is more than 50 years old
now, and it may need revisions to make it more relevant.

Republic Act No.1425

House Bill No. 5561
Senate Bill No. 438

An act to include in the curricula of all public and private schools, colleges, and universities
courses on the life, works, and writings of Jose Rizal, particularly his novels Noli Me Tangere and El
Filibusterismo, authorizing the printing and distribution thereof, and for other purposes.

Activity 1

Essay. Write your answer in a separate sheet of paper. Make sure not to forget to write your name and
10 points. (5 points argument, 3 coherence, 2 points

Choose one of the following questions;

1. What were the grounds that has been represented by the opposition of the Rizal Law? Discuss.

2. 2. Should the Rizal Law be approved? Why? Why not?

Name: Jelord T. Turco Course: Computer Science

GE 107 Rizal’s Life and Works

Activity 1

Essay. Write your answer in a separate sheet of paper. Make sure not to forget to write your name and
10 points. (5 points argument, 3 coherence, 2 points

Choose one of the following questions;

1. What were the grounds that has been represented by the opposition of the Rizal Law? Discuss.

The measured was strongly opposed by the Roman catholic in the Philippines due to the anti-
clerical themes in Noli Me Tangere and El-Filibusterismo. During the 1955 senate election, The
church charged recto with being a communist and an anti-Catholic. After Recto’s election the
church continued to opposed the bill mandating the reading of Rizal’s novel Noli Me conscience
and religion.

2. Should the Rizal Law be approved? Why? Why not?


The Rizal Law should be approved because The Rizal Law, enacted in 1956, seeks to accomplish
the following goals, to rededicate the lives of youth to the ideals of freedom and nationalism, for
which our heroes lived and died. To pay tribute to our national hero for devoting his life and works
in shaping the Filipino character and it can also encourage and influences us to be a law-abiding
person, selfless and socially responsible, all for the sake of the nation.
Lesson The Difference Between
1.1 Holistic Perspective from
a Partial Point of View
We have already discussed the meaning of Philosophy from our previous lesson.
Now, let us proceed to another topic.

 Holistic thinking refers to a perspective that considers large-scale patterns in

systems. A holistic perspective requires an individual to have an open mindset
and ability to get the general sense or impression regarding a situation.

 Partial thinking focuses on specific aspects of a situation. The partial view is an

important component of analytical thinking, as an individual focuses on certain
areas or aspects of a problem in order to understand it.


Direction: Give a brief answer to the following question. Write your answer on
the space provided below.

1. Give a situation where you are adopted a holistic view in looking at a problem or

Adopting a holistic view helped me make sense of the situation sample scenario I can
understood the different arguments of each side and other and other factors that were
outside of my control. It gave me more patience to change what was in my hands, and
tolerate and respect what was out of my reach.

2. How can having a holistic view help us become better individuals.

Having a holistic view of a particular thing helps us become better individuals since
having a holistic view or just being holistic means that you do not jump into conclusions
of particular situations. This is important because when you understand each of the parts
truly understand them you begin to expand your knowledge and understanding.

The term "holistic thinking" refers to a big picture mentality in which a person
recognizes the interconnectedness of various elements that form larger systems, patterns
and objects. Thinking holistically is the opposite of analyzing something, which involves
breaking down a larger system into its details.

Holistic medicine is a prominent example of holistic thinking. A medical professional

who believes in holistic care considers the relationship between the mind, body and spirit.
For example, holistic doctors don't just provide patients with medications. Instead, they look
at ways to improve life balance and eradicate health problems from their root source, such
as high stress or bad nutrition.

In philosophy, point of view describes the perception of an event or phenomenon and

how exactly it is viewed. Point of view often is shaped by an individual's beliefs or
experiences. Though partial thinking is useful, philosophy utilizes holistic thinking in making
sense of problems and issues related to the human experience.

People tend to apply an analytical perspective when looking at problems or

situations. A holistic view gives rise to a more appreciative perspective about life, as we are
able to look at life in its totality.


Lesson The Value of Doing
Philosophy in Obtaining a
1.2 Broad Perspective on Life
Why do we philosophize? We all have the potential to philosophize since we have
the tendency to wonder and doubt.

A philosopher is a good communicator who can clearly and adequately present his or
her ideas.

Doing philosophy can be applied in day-to-day activities and life perspectives.

Because it involves an evaluative process, doing philosophy allows a person to make better
decisions and act accordingly to situations with the help of various philosophical skills. On
life perspectives, philosophy enables reflective thinking which greatly influences a person’s
view of life, challenges, and relationships

In doing philosophy, a holistic perspective on the subject is always required. Failure to

do so or only using a partial point of view may lead to illogical or incorrect conclusions.


Direction: Give a brief answer to the following question. Write your answer in space provided

1. How can a person benefit from philosophizing?

Answer: Philosophizing benefits are person, through philosophy, a person Lear how to ask
question, distinguish between good questions and worthless ones and how to divide and give
priority to those questions because it makes someone to study questions, think independently
and broadens the person's perspective.

2. What are the reasons that compel a person to engage in philosophical thinking?

The reason that compels a person to engage in philosophical thinking because he gained curiosity
and his constant debates with many of the intellectual elite. It's expanded our knowledge
through philosophy to realize that learning is unceasing. To answer their question in their life.

Plato traced man’s need to philosophize to his sense of

wonder. Whenever we are confronted with an experience, we
always wonder how it came about.

French philosopher Rene Descartes traced the need to philosophize to doubt. In life,
we will be faced with several ideas and arguments which present themselves as “truths”. A
critical and questioning perspective is necessary to determine if indeed these ideas or views
are correct or true.

Swiss-German philosopher Karl Jaspers saw the need to philosophize because of

experience. These experiences limit situation, philosophy provides us a means to
understand adverse or challenging conditions, and to rise above them and gain new
knowledge and perspective.

The need to philosophize is

driven by the love for wisdom. To love
wisdom is to have an insatiable
desire for truth.

Philosophy itself is a distinct

area of knowledge with its own goals,
concerns, and ways of doing things.


Direction: Based on the picture below. Identify the branches of Philosophy. Write your
answer on the space provided.


Metaphysics- the branch of philosophy that deals with the first principles of things, including abstract
concepts such as being, knowing, substance, cause, identity, time, and space.

Epistemology - the theory of knowledge, especially with regard to its methods, validity, and
scope. Epistemology is the investigation of what distinguishes justified belief from opinion.

Axiology- the study of the nature of value and valuation, and of the kinds of things that are valuable.

Logic- the branch of study that concerns questions about reference, predication, identity, truth,
quantification, existence, entailment, modality, and necessity

The following are the branches of philosophy that deals

with a particular aspect of life or phenomena.

Aesthetics is the branch of Philosophy which deals with beauty and what makes things

Logic is branch of philosophy which deals with correct reasoning.

Epistemology discusses the nature of knowledge and knowing.

Ethics is the branch which deals with moral questions and dilemmas.

Political Philosophy studies governments and deals with questions of justice, power and the
rights and obligations of citizens.

Metaphysics is a branch of philosophy which deals with questions regarding reality and

Philosophy of the Human Person-is an area in philosophy that understand the human person
from a philosophical perspective.

Lesson Doing a Philosophical

1.3 Reflection on a Situation
from Holistic Perspective
 Reflection requires a person to be willing to examine one’s thoughts, feelings,
and action and to learn more about one’s life and experiences.
 Human self-reflection is the capacity of humans to exercise introspection and to
attempt to learn more about their fundamental nature and essence.
 Philosophy has an important place in our daily lives. Engaging in philosophical
reflection leads to the development of beneficial skills that individuals can apply
in everyday situations.


Direction: Give a brief answer to the following question.

Write your answer on the space provided below.

1. Have you ever had an experience where reflecting on your actions benefitted you?

I’m not sure I’ve ever had an experience where reflecting on my actions hasn’t benefited me.
Reflection is a useful tool to me, and I use it constantly, to determine if I made the best choice or
if I spoke appropriately or represented myself well. I challenge myself constantly to do the best I
can, and better next time, because I am constantly learning and gaining more information. That
all makes it possible for me to do and be a better me every day. I demand that of myself.

2. Has reflection ever helped you avoid making a bad decision?

Yes, reflection is very important because it helps you collect all your thoughts and carefully
analyze them while thinking about your next step.
You'll come to understand the flow of a decision and see how easily decisions change. Reflection will
give you the awareness to see this and much more. It will mean stepping outside of your
decision and analyzing why you made the choice you made, and that's good


Reflection is vital in ensuring that our actions and decisions are well thought out and
are done with due regard for their implications and consequences on ourselves, others, and
our surroundings.

When we reflect, we can judge whether our actions or decisions are reasonable or not.
Doing Philosophy enables a person to engage in critical analysis and interpretation of
concepts, definitions, arguments, and problems.

Doing Philosophy also improves problem-solving and decision making. The ability to
analyze a problem or dilemma, identify the significant aspects, and come up with alternative
solutions is an important skill learned through philosophy.

In the process of doing philosophy, it is critical to have a holistic point of view-the

perception of looking at all aspects of a situation first before making a conclusion.

Wisdom as it refers to a person’s ability to apply knowledge to daily life particularly in

making sound choices and judgment is the intended product of philosophizing.

Finally, knowledge of Philosophy can contribute to self-development.

Examples of activities that emanated

from a deliberate reflection
 Learning from your previous mistakes and not repeating them
 Evaluating and knowing the best choice from a set of options
 Gaining a holistic point of view first before making any conclusion


Direction: Complete the table below. Write your answer on the space provided.


1. Buying a new gadget Test the gadget
2. Choosing friends Who give wise counsel
3. Eating food Make sure it’s healthy
4. Deciding where to study in college Check academic majors if available.
5. Joining an organization in school Should be a responsible person
6. Helping a stranger Let his/her introduced their name first.
7. Going out with friends Ask permission from parents.
8. Posting your opinion or feelings in the We must think before we click.
social media
9. Going out with the opposite sex Should also have friendly terms with them so
that they may have things in common to talk
10. Confronting a person who verbally Choose your words carefully.
hurt you


Based on your answers in Table 1, what must before making

actions? Do you consider it helpful if you do this before making actions? Why or why not?

Simple action seems to take a whole new meaning when one engages in reflection.
Like buying a new gadget, think of the questions you asked yourself as you consider buying
the said item.

You may start with simple questions, but since we are in reflective and
philosophizing mood, we try and think of deeper questions and reflect on the situation


Direction: TRUE OR FALSE. Write TRUE if the statement is correct otherwise

choose FALSE. Write your answer on the space provided.

TRUE 1. Plato traced man’s need to philosophize to his sense of wonder.

TRUE 2. The need to philosophize is driven by the love for wisdom.
FALSE 3. This is an area in philosophy that understand the human person from a
philosophical perspective is holistic thinking.
FALSE 4. Swiss-German philosopher Karl Jaspers saw the need to philosophize because
of doubt.
TRUE 5. Aesthetics is branch of philosophy which deals with beauty.
FALSE 6. Ethics is a branch of philosophy which deals with correct reasoning.
FALSE 7. Logic is a branch of philosophy which discusses the nature of knowledge and
FALSE 8. Philosophy of the Human Person is a branch of philosophy which deals with
moral questions and dilemmas.
TRUE 9. Metaphysics is branch of philosophy which deals with questions regarding
reality and existence.
TRUE 10.Political Philosophy is branch of philosophy which studies governments and
deals with questions of justice, power and the rights and obligations of citizens.


Direction: Fill in the blanks. Write your answer on the space provided.

Experience Knowledge Greek

Holistic Thinking Partial Thinking Lover of Wisdom

 Philosophy – comes from two Greek word philos (love) and sophias
(wisdom) is the study of general and fundamental questions
about existence, knowledge, values, reason, mind, and language.
 Philosophers – or lover of wisdom people who are engage in philosophy.
 A man needs to philosophize because of his sense of wonder, doubt and
knowledge _.
 Philosophy does not limit itself to its own field as it makes sense of information
gathered from various fields of partial thinking (e.g., science, psychology,
economics, politics, etc.,)
 Philosophy of the Human Person is an area in philosophy that understand the human person
from a philosophical perspective which involves holistic thinking and
Holistic thinking .
 Philosophical reflection is important in our daily lives as it ensures that our actions
and decisions are well thought by using a deeper, holistic perspective.
 In doing philosophy, critical, logical, and analytical thinking, observation, and
communicative skills were involved.


Direction: Write your answer on the space provided below.

1. List down instances in your life that you were able to engage in philosophy.

I engage in philosophy as it is the way we reflect. I think of my status in life. For example, waking
up, I started reflecting and thanking God for another life given to us. That's philosophy.

2. How did philosophy help you address your situation?

It basically helps me to see different perspective of addressing a problem. I can overlook the situation
without being biased.


After our lesson, let us now check what you have


Direction: encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. The word Philos is a Greek word means .

a. Love b. Wisdom c. Philosopher d. Philosophy

2. Sophia is a Greek word for .

a. Love b. Wisdom c. Philosopher d. Philosophy

3. The people who engages in philosophy are called .

a. Love b. wisdom c. Philosophy d. Philosopher

4. He was considered the foremost philosophers of ancient times. He was credited with
formulating the Socratic method .
a. Plato b. Aristotle c. Socrates d. Democritus

5. A student of Socrates, he wrote down his mentor’s teaching and incorporated some of his
own ideas into them included his Theory of Forms .
a. Plato b. Aristotle c. Socrates d. Democritus

6. It refers to a perspective that considers large-scale patterns in systems .

a. Doubt b. Academy c. Holistic Thinking d. Partial Thinking

7. It focuses on specific aspects of a situation, as an individual focuses on certain areas or

aspects of a problem in order to understand it.
a. Doubt b. Academy c. Holistic Thinking d. Partial Thinking

8. It is the process by which specific statements are analysed to reach a conclusion or

a. Academy b. Deductive reasoning c. Holistic d. Partial

9. It requires a person to be willing to examine one’s thoughts, feelings, and action and to learn
more about one’s life and experiences.
a. Reflection b. Observation c. Knowledge d. Doubts

10. The Greek term for philosophy, philosophia, means .

a. Holistic Thinking d. Partial Thinking c. Love of wisdom d. Knowledge


You have completed your journey in this module. You did a great job!

It’s now time to go on to the next adventure…Good luck!

Rubrics for Short Answer
Correct answer Correct answer Correct answer Correct answer
but not in a written in a written in a written in a
sentence sentence but no sentence with 1 sentence with 2
supporting detail supporting detail supporting details
from the text from the text
1 2 3 4

Roberto D. Abella, M.Div., D.Min. (2016). Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person.
Philosophy meaning. (
Holistic thinking.
Partial point of view.
The difference between holistic and partial thinking.
the-human-person- chapter-1-the-process-of-doing-philosophy

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