Module 6 Assignment 1: Professor Fred Rose

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Module 6 Assignment 1

Rajashekar Neelarapu (556762)

Disaster Recovery Plan

Professor Fred Rose

Module 6 Assignment 2

 There are different cyber threats like malware, ransomware, DDoS attacks, Data breaches

and etc.

 We need to keep the internet safe and secure when reliable things happen.

 Where incidence response plan is one of the methodologies to address and manage the

security breach and cyber-attack.

 It is mainly used to limit the damage, Recover (Fix/patch), Prevent recurrence, Prevent

further abuse and to provide unbiased investigation to all the incidents.

 CSIRT (Computer Security Incidence Response Team) is a body which receives and analyses

the security breaches and responds to the senders.

 There are different types of CSIRTs are available it mainly depends on their activities, focus,

capabilities Ex: National CSIRT, Vendor CSIRT.

 The main parts of the incidence response plan are

1. CSIRT- depend on the type of organization and the required level of support.

2. Security policy

3. Incident response policy.

4. Incident response plan.

 From the above discussions incident response plan useful to create the CSIRT.

 Most of the functions performed by the CSIRT are the same as the incident response plan.

 Also, the incidence response plan is a high-level tool that a firm can use to effectively deal

with the It security incidents. This Incidence Response plans also help to discover the correct

members for your CSIRT, where it delivers a strong reserve for IT safety teams to

accomplish and avoid future issues.

 By using these two we might ensure the 24/7 availability to the incident.
Module 6 Assignment 3


Wells, A., Walker, C., Walker, T., & Abarca, D. (2007). Disaster recovery. Upper Saddle

River, N.J.: Pearson Prentice Hall.

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