Training and Deelopment - 5

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Unit 5

HR training and Development

Compiled by
Vimal Gurung
Learning topics
Concept and needs of HR training and development. Training needs assessment. HR training:
objectives and methods (on- the– job and off- the–job). Evaluation of training program, management
development. Concept, objectives and methods (on-the job and off the job). Career planning and

Training of employees takes place after orientation takes place. Training is the process of enhancing
the skills, capabilities and knowledge of employees for doing a particular job. Training process moulds
the thinking of employees and leads to quality performance of employees. It is continuous and never
ending in nature. Training is normally viewed as a short process. It is applied to technical staff, lower,
middle, senior level management. When applied to lower and middle management staff it is called as
training and for senior level it is called managerial development program/executive development
program/development program.
“Training is the act of increasing the knowledge and skills in an employee for doing a particular
job” Edwin B. Flippo
“Training refers to the methods used to give new or present employee the skills they need to perform
their jobs” Gary Dessler
“Training is a learning experience in that it seeks a relatively permanent change in an individual
that will improve the ability to perform on the job” DeCenzo and Robbins

Therefore training is
 It is short term skill development campaign
 It is intend t to impart the basic skill of work to middle and lower level employee
 It is a systematic procedure
 It increases the employee operating skill and performance

Objectives/Purpose/Goals of Training and Development

After identification of training needs the next step is to set training objective in concrete terms and to
decide the strategies to be adopted to achieve these objectives. Overall objective of training program is
to fill gap between existing and desired pool of knowledge, skills and aptitude.
Defining training objectives in both qualitative and quantitative terms helps in evaluating and
monitoring the effectiveness of training. Involvement of top management is necessary in order to
integrate training objective with organizational objectives. Employees will definitely learn best when
objectives of the training program were clearly stated to them, objective means the purpose and

Mr.Vimal Gurung HR Training and Development

expected outcome of training activities. The purpose of training and development can be explained as
1. Improving quality of workforce
Training and development programs can help in improving the quality of work produced by the
workforce of organization. Mostly, training is given in a specific area like finance, marketing or HR,
which helps in improving the quality of work in that particular area.
2. Enhance employee growth
By attending these training and development programs, employees are able master the work of their
jobs and that's how they develop and grow themselves in a professional way. It also helps to build
second line of competent employees and enable them to occupy more responsible positions as situation
3. Prevents obsolescence (oldness)
These programs help employees to keep themselves up to date with the new trends in latest technology,
which reduces the chances of termination of the job. It assist employees to function more effectively
by exposure of latest concepts information and techniques and development of skills required in
specific fields including production, purchase, marketing, logistics, information technology etc.
4. Assisting new comer
To impart basic knowledge and skill to new entrants required for intelligent performance of definite
task in order to induct them without much loss of time. These programs help new employees to adjust
themselves in a new working environment, culture and technology. They feel themselves as regular
employees of that organization.
5. Bridging the gap between planning and implementation
It helps organizations to easily achieve their targets and goals what they actually planned for.
Employees know their job better and they deliver the quality performance according to needs of top
management. That's why organizations can easily implement their plans.
6. Health and safety measures
Training and development program clearly identifies and teaches employees about the different risk
involved in their job, the different problems that can arise and how to prevent such problems. This helps
to improve the health and safety measures in the company.
7. Provides job satisfaction
To provide employees job satisfaction, training enables an employee to use their skill, knowledge and
ability to fullest extent and thus experience job satisfaction and gain monetary benefits from enhanced


Mr.Vimal Gurung HR Training and Development

8. Maintains flexibility in workforce
To prepare employees to undertake different jobs in order to enable redeployment and maintain
flexibility in workforce so that ever changing environment of market can be met and downturns can be
managed without losing experienced employees.

Need/importance of HR training
Training is crucial for organizational development and success. It is fruitful to both employers and
employees of an organization. An employee will become more efficient and productive if he is trained
well. Training is given on four basic grounds.
 To increase skills and knowledge:
Training helps to provide the required skills and ability to perform the assigned task successfully. Thus
training provides the opportunities for the growth and advancement. New candidates who join an
organization are given training. This training familiarize them with the organizational mission, vision,
rules and regulations and the working conditions. The existing employees are trained to refresh and
enhance their knowledge.
 Increase productivity:
Training improves efficiency and productivity of employees. Well trained employees show both
quantity and quality performance. There is less wastage of time, money and resources if employees are
properly trained. The employees are trained about use of new equipments and work methods. This
result in the higher performance and productivity in the organization.
 Improves morale of employees-
Training helps the employee to get job security and job satisfaction. The more satisfied the employee
is and the greater is his morale, the more he will contribute to organizational success and the lesser will
be employee absenteeism and turnover.
 Reduces the supervision cost:
A well trained employee will be well acquainted with the job and will need less of supervision. Thus,
there will be less wastage of time and efforts.
 Minimize the accident
Errors are likely to occur if the employees lack knowledge and skills required for doing a particular
job. The more trained an employee is, the less are the chances of committing accidents in job and the
more proficient the employee becomes.
 Helps to improve the quality
Due to the appropriate training the employee at the work place commits very lees mistakes and also
they can perform the work more accurately. This helps to bring the uniformity and qualities oriented
 Career development or Chances of promotion
Employees acquire skills and efficiency during training. They become more eligible for promotion.
They become an asset for the organization. When promotion and career growth becomes important.

Training is given so that employees are prepared to share the responsibilities of the higher level job.
Mr.Vimal Gurung HR Training and Development
 Maintain the organizational stability
The training ensure the proper and sufficient inventory of efficient manpower. In some condition when
there is lack of skilled human resource they are immediately fulfilled due to the training which is given
to the existing employee. Thus, the efficiency of the organization remains stable.
 Managing change
If any updating and amendments take place in technology, training is given to cope up with those
changes. For instance, purchasing new equipment, changes in technique of production, computer
 Better labor relation
Due to training the mutual cooperation and support amongst the employees develops. It helps to
develop the close relation between the management and workers. Such activities will reduce the
chances of protest, strikes or conflict in an organization. Thus it creates a better environment of labor
 Effective communication
Due to training there is continuous interaction between the employees, managers, workers and
administrator. From the two way communication they can exchange and share their thought, ideas,
knowledge, and views. This will help to reduce the communication gap.

Ways/Methods of Training
Methods of Managerial Development/Executive Development
Training is generally imparted in two ways:

A. On the job training

In this method workers who have to be trained are taken to the factory, divided into groups and one
superior is allotted to every group. This superior or supervisor first demonstrates how the equipment
must be handled, and then the worker is asked to repeat whatever he has observed in the presence of
the supervisor. This method makes it easy for the employee to learn the details about specific
equipment. Once the worker studies the first equipment thoroughly the supervisor moves on to the next
equipment and so on.

On the job training methods are those which are given to the employees within the everyday working
of a concern. It is a simple and cost-effective training method. The inproficient as well as semi-
proficient employees can be well trained by using such training method. The employees are trained in
actual working scenario. The motto of such training is “learning by doing.” Instances of such on-job
training methods are apprenticeship training, job instruction training, job-rotation, coaching, temporary
promotions, etc.

1) Apprenticeship training:
In this method both theory and practical session are conducted. The employee is paid a stipend until
he completes training. The theory sessions give theoretical information about the plant layout, the
different machines, their parts and safety measures etc. The practical sessions give practical training in

handling the equipment. The apprentice may or may not be continued on the job after training.

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Such types of training are provided to those who are already skilled in their job. It is the combination
of classroom instruction and on the training. It focuses on providing education than merely on the
vocational trainings. Under these methods trainees are under the guidance and supervision of
supervisor. Such training is suitable for plumbers, electrician, and accountant. Such training require
generally two to five year of duration.

2) Job instruction training (JIT):

This is a structured and systematic process which lists the job basic task to provide effective training
for employee. It is designed to provide on the job skill to blue collar employees and shop floor
technician. In this method the trainer or supervisor give instruction to the employee about how to do
the task successfully. The step in JIT are as follows
 Preparation: In this step the trainee are prepared on the basis of their working skills, experience
and knowledge.
 Presentation: in this stage the trainee are given the instruction, information and other essential
information about the job. The trainees are presented the job operation model.
 Performance: In this step the trainee are asked to perform the job in order to check their
understanding and effectiveness of the demonstration during the training.
 Follow up: It is the last step of JIT where the trainees are placed in the job that can now perform
the job independently without supervision from their supervisor.
3) Programmed instruction:
This method of job training was developed by B.F Skinner. It is the recent method of training. In this
technique the employees are taught the non-technical skills. This can be in the form of programmed
texts or manuals. The instruction are provided through various hands out and text manuals. The trainee
is allowed to respond and an immediate feedback to be given to the trainees of the accuracy of their
4) Job rotation:
In this method the person is transferred from one equipment to the other for a fixed amount of time
until he is comfortable with all the equipment. At the end of the training the employee becomes
comfortable with all the equipment. He is then assigned a specific task. Job rotation means the
exchanging or interchanging the job from one work with to another. The trainee is transferred from one
job to another so that they can get general background of different job. This helps to develop all round
work in the organization which results into a perfect mobility of manpower inside the company.

5) Coaching and counseling:

In this methods the experienced and skills supervision or master will teach the unskilled or newly
appointed worker about the skills and technique of work performance. The trainer or supervisor can
point about the error or mistakes during the working and also provided the suggestion for the solution.
6) Others
 Internship
 Special assignment training

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Advantage of on the job training
 Trainee can learn with real equipment that they are using
 No additional trainer or equipment are required therefore are economical
 Trainee can learn rules, regulation and procedure by observing day to day operation
 The employee can learn quickly since they are handling and dealing with real equipment.
 More motivation since the trainee learn by doing
 Clear and easy understanding

Disadvantage of on the job training

 May not supervised by expert supervisor
 There is possibly of doing the error during the learning process
 It may result in accidents
 It minimize the productivity until the employee do not becomes perfect
 Quality of the service or product would be difficult to maintain

B. Off the Job Training

Off the job training methods are those in which training is provided away from the actual working
condition. It is generally used in case of new employees. Instances of off the job training methods are
workshops, seminars, conferences, etc. Such method is costly and is effective if and only if large
number of employees have to be trained within a short time period. Off the job training is also called
as vestibule training i.e. the employees are trained in a separate area (may be a hall, entrance, reception
area etc. known as a vestibule) where the actual working conditions are duplicated.
1. Class room lectures/Conferences/Education:
In this method all the trainees are gathered in the large class room and are taught by presenting the
material and topics. Such types of methods of training are more focused to the theoretical rather than
the practical or technical skills. The lecturer is provided from the prepared notes. This method will be
appropriate in a situation when the information is required to be spread among a large number of
trainees at a time.

2. Simulation Method:
Simulations abstraction of real world situation in the laboratory or classroom. The participants are
placed in the artificial environment that closely resembles actual work environment. They practice
decision making, they received the feedback about their decision. Thus it duplicated the actual work
situation as nearly as possible, thereby creating an artificial work situation. The wildly used simulation
methods are computer modeling, role playing, case study and vestibule trainings.
a) Computer modeling: In this method the work situation or place is created with the help of computer.
The situation presented by the computer resembles some of the realities of the job. Most often it is
used by airline in the training of pilots. It simulates a number of critical job dimensions and allows
training to takes place without the risk and high cost associated with if mistakes occur in actual
flying situation.
b) Role playing: In this method trainee is given to perform some role to play like in the real working

place or situation. Such methods are normally used to develop interpersonal skills, working

Mr.Vimal Gurung HR Training and Development

experiences and relationship among the employees.
c) Vestibule (entrance) training: in this methods the artificial working environment is created to
provide the training of the employee with actual machined and equipment that are used in the actual
working place. Such training duration normally last from the ranges of a few days to a few weeks.
In this method of training an atmosphere which is very similar to the real job atmosphere is created.
The surroundings, equipment, noise level will be similar to the real situation. When an employee is
trained under such conditions he gets an idea about what the real job situation will be like. Similarly
when he actually starts doing the job he will not feel out of place. This method is used to train pilots
and astronauts. In some places graphics are also used to create the artificial surroundings. This
method involves heavy investment.

d) Case study: in this method the trainees are asked to study the actual situation and problems of the
business. Later on they study and analyses the problems and finding about such cases. This focuses
on describing the situation, identifying problems and presenting appropriate solutions.
3. Programmed Instruction: In this method the trainees are provided with the theoretical knowledge
rather than the skills, through the programmed text or manuals. In this method the trainer control
the trainee individual performance through a systematic evaluation. It is governed by the principle
of positive enforcement and that provide the knowledge through a step by step process.
4. Transactional Analysis (TA) Method
This method views interaction between individuals and between groups as transaction. It hold
that an individual personality consist of three ego state which are as follows

i. The parent ego

ii. The adult ego
iii. The child ego
The parent and child ego state feel and react directly. The adult state thinks before acting. The ideal
interaction is of adult ego state. Thus this method encourages the manger to engage in adult ego state
behavior. Manger becomes sensitive to their interaction with other. It provides better understanding of
how people relate to one another. It improves the communication and develops healthy human relations.

5. Others
 Laboratory training etc.

Advantage of off the job training

 It the planned and organized form of training
 It is a short term training
 It covers a large numbers of trainee at a time
 Although it is a short term training. It give sufficient and enough time for preparation
 It is cheap since the cost per trainee is low.
 It provides technical, conceptual and analytical knowledge of subject matter

Mr.Vimal Gurung HR Training and Development

Disadvantage of off the job training
 It lack the active learning and participation of the trainee
 It provides only the conceptual skills and knowledge which becomes difficult to implement in
real life.
 It is suitable for managerial level not for low skilled labor
 There is lack of close interaction between the trainer and trainee.

Concept of Human Resource (HR) development

Human resource development is concerned with the increasing the competencies through knowledge,
skills, attitudes and experience of the employees in the organization. The human resource development
is done by two process
1. Giving the training
2. Management development
“Human resource development is concerned with preparing employees to work effectively and
efficiently in the organization”. DeCenzo and Robbins
“Human resource development aims at developing a variety of competencies of employees and
developing a culture in the organization to utilize these competencies and contribute to organizational
growth”. T.V Rao

Features of human resource development

 It focuses on human resource
 It emphasize to develop the competencies among the employee
 Experience is gained by learning, education and training
 It has time bound for leaning which may last from a week to six months.
 It aims to improve the job performance
 It contains various types of mechanism like training, management development, career
development, performance appraisal, employee welfare.
 It helps to develop the competencies culture

Need of HR development
1. Helps to enhance the competencies of employee
2. Foster the team spirit and team work
3. It helps to minimize the cost, improve the productivity, reduce the wastage, and improve the
employee safety and quality of work life.
4. Helps in the career development of employees by providing the opportunities
5. Increase the job satisfaction through high employee morale absenteeism reduction, labor
turnover, and employee retention and commitment
6. Help to take the appropriate decision through creative thinning and capabilities.
7. It manage and tackles the changes and conflict inside and outside organization

8. Helps in the environment adaptation

Mr.Vimal Gurung HR Training and Development

Importance HRD Mechanism



Reward Career
managment development


Training Needs Assessment

How much the training or which types of training the employee need is determined by the gap analysis
created by the actual performance and expected performance. Beside this other means by which the
training needs are determined are
 Observation of activities
 Review of performance
 Progress report study
 Discussion with employee

First of all, it is important to recognize the capabilities of the current workforce in order to identify the
areas which might need changes. It is nearly impossible to make any changes or to measure training
success if the organization does not know whether their workforce can support the changes, or whether
they even need further training. To gain this information, one should start with analyzing training needs.
Training needs assessment helps organizations find out what the gaps are in their employees' skills and
abilities, what kinds of trainings are needed and which employees should attend those trainings.

According to Goldstein and Ford (2002), training needs assessment should focus on three levels: the
organization, the job, and the person. These three levels in turn consist of five components:
organizational support, organizational analysis, job requirement analysis, task and KSAO analysis, and
person analysis. Each will be considered below.

Steps of assessment training needs

 Determines training objectives
 Select and design training programs (should focus to the problems of an individual)
 Implement training programs
 Evaluation of feedback

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Methods of determining training needs
 Employee survey/questionnaires
May be in the form of surveys or polls of a random or stratified sample or an entire population. Can
use a variety of question formats: Open ended, projective, forced-choice, priority ranking.
Can reach a large number of people in a short time. Are inexpensive. Give opportunity of response
without fear of embarrassment. Yield data easily summarized and reported
Make little provision for free response. Require substantial time for development of effective survey or
questionnaire. Do not effectively get at causes of problems or possible solutions
 Performance analysis
May be conducted informally or systematically. Conducted by manager; appraisal developed by HR.
Should be conducted on a regular basis and separately from merit discussions.
Indicate strengths and weakness in skills and identify training and development needs. Can also point
out candidates for merit raises or promotions
Can be costly to develop the system, implement the appraisals, and process the results. May enable
managers to manipulate ratings to justify a pay raise. May invalidate the appraisal because of supervisor
bias. May be prohibited for union employees.
 Interview
Can be formal or casual, structured or unstructured. May be used with a representative sample or whole
group. Can be done in person, by phone, at the work site, or away from it
Uncover attitudes, causes of problems, and possible solutions. Gather feedback; yield of data is
dp[;rich. Allow for spontaneous feedback.
Are usually time consuming. Can be difficult to analyze and quantify results. Need a skillful interviewer
who can generate data without making interviewee self-conscious or suspicious.
 Direct observation
Can be technical, functional, or behavioral. Can yield qualitative or quantitative feedback. May be
Minimize interruption of routine work flow or group activity. Generate real-life data.
Requires a highly skilled observer with process and content knowledge. Allow data collection only in
the work setting. May cause “spied on” feelings.
 Organizational policy
Organizational charts, planning documents, policy manuals, audits, and budget reports. Include

employee records (accidents, grievances, attendance, etc.). Also include meeting minutes, program
reports, and memos.

Mr.Vimal Gurung HR Training and Development

Provide clues to trouble spots. Provide objective evidence or results. Can easily be collected and
Often do not indicate causes of problems or solutions. Reflect the past rather than the current situation.
Must be interpreted by skilled data analysts.
 Others
 Recommendation of supervisor
 Job or task analysis
 Assessment of management

Evaluation of Training Program

Effectiveness of training programs are constantly evaluated by the company to find if the money, they
have invested has been spend properly or not. Training programs can be evaluated by asking
following questions.
i. Has change occurred after training?
ii. Is the change due to training?
iii. Is the change positive or negative?
iv. Will the change continue with every training program?

The training is evaluated for the following reasons

 To identify the program’s strengths and weaknesses.
 To assess whether content, organization, and administration of the program contribute to
learning and the use of training content on the job.
 To identify which trainees benefited most or least from the program.
 To gather data to assist in marketing training programs.
 To determine the financial benefits and costs of the programs.
 To compare the costs and benefits of training versus non-training investments.
 To compare the costs and benefits of different training programs to choose the best program.

Methods of evaluating training effectiveness

 Observation
 Test-Retest
 Pre post performance
 Training survey
 Experimental control
 Cost benefits analysis

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Process of evaluating training programs

1. Development of evaluation criteria: (they may be in term of learning, reaction, behavior, and
2. Pretest trainees: ( to find out the level of knowledge, interpersonal skill and abilities)
3. Monitor training: (to check whether the training programs has been implemented properly or
4. Evaluation: (final assessment of result obtained from the implementation of training progress
5. Feedback : Mechanism which provides the overall information about the training programs

Levels/Criteria of Evaluating training effectiveness/ Training Outcomes: Kirkpatrick’s Four-

Level Framework of Evaluation Criteria

A training program should give following resulting changes:

1. Reaction
Reaction refers to attitude of employee about the training, whether the employee considers training to
be positive or negative one. If reaction is positive then people have accepted the program and changes
will be possible.
2. Learning
Another method of judging effectiveness is to identify levels of learning i.e. how much the people have
learnt during the training. This can be found out by trainers mark sheet, the report submitted by the
employee, and actual performance.
3. Behavior
The HR department needs to understand behavior of the employees, to understand the effectiveness of
training. The behavioral change can be seen in how the person interacts with juniors, peer groups and
seniors. They mark change in behavior and inform the HR department of the success of training
4. Result
Results provided by employee in monetary terms also determines effectiveness of training program
i.e. employee success in handling the project, the group performance before and after training etc.

Mr.Vimal Gurung HR Training and Development

Management Development
Concept of management development
“Management development is future oriented gaining focusing on personal growth of the employee”
Deccenzo and Robbins
“Management development is any attempt to improve current or future management performance by
imparting knowledge, changing attitudes or increasing skills” Gary Dessler
“Management development is concerned with developing the experience, attitude and skills necessary
to becomes or remain an effective manager” Byars and Rue

Objectives of management development

 Develop managerial skills
 Environmental adaptation
 Improve decision making ability
 Improve potentiality
 Job satisfaction
 Promote team work
 Generate new manager
 Facilitate business growth

Techniques or methods of the management development

Techniques or methods of
management Development

1. On the job methods 2. Off the job methods

 Job rotation  Seminar and conference
 Coaching  Simulation exercise
 Planned work assignment  Sensitivity training
 Understanding assignment  Behavior modeling
 Internship  Transactional analysis


Career planning is a process of systemically matching career goals and individual capabilities with
opportunities go for their fulfillment.-Schermerhorn
Career planning is a deliberate process of becoming aware of self-opportunities, constraints, choices
and consequences -McMahon and Merman
 Individuals sets career goals and identifies the means to achieve them
 It never ending process
 It keeps on focusing on the development of the human resource.

Mr.Vimal Gurung HR Training and Development

Objectives of career planning
 To provide and maintain the manpower resource by providing the career not the jobs.
 To provide environment for the effectiveness, efficiency and growth of its employees and
motivating them
 To plan careers of various employee according to their ability, willingness and capacity.
 To reduce the employee absenteeism and turnover
 To cater the future human power for their timely need

Steps in career planning

 Self-assessment (to know and self-access. i.e. he has to analyze his interest, abilities, aptitudes,
desired lifestyle and personal traits and then match to his career.
 Goal setting (the goal has to set according to his academic qualification, work experience,
priorities and preferences.
 Career option ( the selection of the career has to be selected keeping in mind his overall
 Plan of action (after identifying the career option an individual need to recognize those
industries and particular companies where he want to join. He or she should analyze what will
be his position after five years in the stated company.
 Catch hold of opportunities (grad the opportunities whenever he/she sees the chance)

Career development (Concept)

 It the series of ongoing process of development of one’s career. It is to manage one’s career in
an intra-organizational or inter organizational scenario.
 It involves training on new skills, moving to higher job responsibilities, making a career change
within the same organizational , moving to a different organizational or starting one’s own
 It is an approach which ensure that people with proper qualification and experiences are
available when needed.
 It includes learning new skills, and making improvement to help individuals, to learn and
achieve more in his carrier.
 It is also related with whole life of the person.
Carrere development process
1. Self-assessment
2. Career awareness
3. Goal setting
4. Skills training
5. Performing
Factors affecting career development
1. Personality of employee
2. Evaluation and training
3. Behavior and self-presentation
4. Job performance and job evaluation of superior
5. Preferred job position

6. Company situation
7. Willingness to change

The End
Mr.Vimal Gurung HR Training and Development

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