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ih International House

Teacher Appraisal

Name: ……………………………………………………

Section 1 - Background Information

1. How long have you worked for…? ……………………………………

2. What teaching qualiffications do you have?

Please x

CELTA (or equivalent) CELTYL (or ih YL Certificate)

PGCE (or equivalent) BET
Post CELTA (or equivalent) IH CAM

3. What higher education qualifications do you have?


Section 2 - Teaching Experience

1. Which of the following have you taught in the last 5 years?
Rank your enjoyment of each group on a scale of 1-5 (5 = most enjoyable)

Pre-primary children (2-5 years) 1 2 3 4 5

Primary children (6-10 years) 1 2 3 4 5
Very large groups (20+ students) 1 2 3 4 5
Adolescents (11-16 years) 1 2 3 4 5
General English to Adults 1 2 3 4 5
FCE classes 1 2 3 4 5
CAE classes 1 2 3 4 5
CPE classes 1 2 3 4 5
121 classes 1 2 3 4 5
English for Specific Purposes 1 2 3 4 5

2. Which of these groups would you not like to teach in the future? (Choose 1 only)


3. Which levels did you teach this year? Please indicate exact level e.g. Teens 4. If the class was a com

4. Which class was your least favourite? Why?


Section 3 - Your Performance and Professional Learning in the last year

Please complete the right-hand column only.

What have been your noteworthy achievements during the year? What aspects of your work are going

What aspects of your work are going less well? Is there a part of your job you are not fulfilling or would
like to develop?

What are your strengths and weaknesses administratively?

(Consider keeping registers/summaries, reports, punctuality and absenteeism, organisational skills and
tidiness etc)

What have you been learning over the past year e.g. through ‘just doing your work’, lesson
observations, staff seminars and courses, conferences, professional literature?

Section 4 - Your well-being within the school

Please put a tick at the appropriate point along each Yes/No line

a) I enjoy my work x……………………………………………….x

b) I feel valued x……………………………………………….x

c) I have a good relationship with a) peers x……………………………………………….x

b) supervisors x……………………………………………..x

c) my students x……………………………………………..x

d) I am given the resources to do the job. x……………………………………………..x

e) I am given appropriate administrative/educational x……………………………………………..x


f) I make a positive contribution. x……………………………………………..x

g) Communication within the school is good. x……………………………………………..x

h) I am consulted on matters that affect me. x……………………………………………..x

i) I can talk about work difficulties with the DOS or x……………………………………………….x


j) I get constructive feedback (from peers and x……………………………………………….x


k) I give constructive feedback (to peers and x……………………………………………..x


Is there anything you would like the DOSes to do differently?

How could this school be a more satisfying place to work?

Section 5 - The Coming Year

a) What timetable and classes would you ideally like in the coming year?
(Please note that all contract teachers may have to teach 3-5 hours on Saturdays. All teachers
can also expect some classes off-site, and a timetable that includes 2 parts of the day e.g.
lunch and evenings)

b) What specific learning objectives would you like for next year? e.g. teaching new levels/groups,
developing specific materials, doing post CELTA, IH CAM, Delta, Younger Learners’ Course,
BET, giving seminars in school or at out of school conferences, contributing to magasines,
Contributing to on-line projects such as Key Pals.
There will be a follow up meeting in Term 1 of 2009/10

Signed Staff member Reviewer Date:

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