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Mathematics helps predict the behavior and nature of phenomena in

the world.
For the past few days I realized mathematics is more than just the formula
and problems found in academic books, it goes beyond that. It’s both method to
analyze abstract phenomena and nature through detected patterns and
regularities. Predicting the size, location and timing of natural hazards is virtually
impossible, but because of the help of Mathematics we are able to forecast
calamities such as hurricanes, floods, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, wildfires,
and landslides.
Using mathematical tools we create models which correspond to what we
can measure and observe in the world of reality. Such as calamities, volcanic
eruption, hurricane, earthquake, flood, landslide. Based on my researched this is
the field called Mathematical Modelling. An example would be the whole field of
physics from, Newton’s Law of Motion, to Electromagnetic Equations, these are all
mathematical in nature. What happens is, researchers observe nature and
phenomena and try to make a mathematical models that works for their
observation, and makes sense. Basically, they try to generalize, or find a rule for
what they observe. After that these models can be used for simulations which help
predict what will happen. As stated, models can be probabilistic, so math cannot
always actually determine phenomena. But it can give probabilities, or
benchmarks. Like one researcher said that they could not predict when
earthquakes would happen, but that they could give probabilities.
It gives us a way to understand patterns to quantity relationships, and to
predict the future. Math helps us understand the wolrd and we use the world to
understand math. The world is interconnected. Everyday math shows these
connections and possibilities. The earlier young learners can put these skills to
practice, the more likely we will remain an innovation society and economy.

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