Tu Vung Va Lam Bai Tap Tieng Anh 6

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Biên soạn và tổng hợp bởi Lê Công Đức YOUTUBE Subcribe to learn online! Learning hard, living happily! |1


Rach Gia City, Province of Kien Giang
Starting date: 14.11.2017


2| Learning hard, living happily! YOUTUBE Subcribe to learn online! Biên soạn và tổng hợp bởi Lê Công Đức

Từ vựng luôn là một trở ngại của các học viên Tiếng Anh bởi sự phong phú và
đa dạng về mặt ngữ nghĩa và các hình thức biến thể của từ. Một số học viên gặp khó
khăn trong việc tìm kiếm ngữ nghĩa thích hợp cho một từ mới, hoặc từ phát sinh của từ
trong nhiều hoàn cảnh khác nhau. Một số sau khi đã tìm được ngữ nghĩa và các dạng
thức của từ, nhưng sau đó lại gặp một khó khăn tiếp theo là không biết làm thế nào để
đọc cho đúng từ đó. Xuất phát từ những khó khăn và những trở ngại đó, tác giả đã cố
gắng biên soạn cuốn từ vựng này để phục vụ các bạn để giúp các bạn thuận lợi hơn
trong việc học từ vựng.

Từ vựng được tập hợp từ mỗi đơn vị bài trong sách giáo khoa để các bạn dễ tra
cứu. Mỗi từ nếu có các dạng phát sinh khác cũng đã được trình bày đầy đủ nhằm giúp
học viên mở rộng vốn từ hơn. Nhằm giúp các bạn ghi nhớ và ôn luyện tốt hơn, tác giả
cũng đã thu âm cách đọc của từng từ một để các bạn tiện nghe và thực hành từ vựng để
dễ ghi nhớ hơn và làm quen với cách phát âm của các từ một cách thực tiễn hơn. Bên
cạnh đó, tác giả cũng đã cố gắng hết sức để soạn ra các câu ngắn để các bạn dùng những
từ đã học vào ngữ cảnh thích hợp nhằm giúp các bạn học vui hơn và nhớ sâu hơn.

Trong quá trình thực hiện, với kiến thức còn hạn hẹp khó lòng tránh khỏi các sai
sót, câu cú còn chưa mượt mà, mong các bạn và các bậc đi trước, anh chị đồng nghiệp,
các bạn đọc học thức uyên bác bỏ qua và đóng góp cho những sai sót đó nhằm giúp
quyển sách từ vựng nhỏ này ngày càng hoàn thiện hơn.

Xin trân trọng cám ơn các bạn đã quan tâm!

Mọi thư từ đóng góp và liên hệ, xin gửi về địa chỉ email: duc.congle.89@gmail.com
Facebook: Anh Ngữ Lê Đức - Điện thoại: 0947959619

Tác giả
Lê Công Đức

Tác giả là ai? Mình là một

giáo viên Tiếng Anh đang làm
việc và sinh sống ở Rạch Giá,
Kiên Giang và yêu thích viết sách
để đóng góp sức lực nhỏ bé của
mình cho việc học Tiếng Anh của
mọi người trở nên tiện lợi và hiệu
quả hơn!
Mong chút kiến thức này giúp được các bạn đạt
được nhiều kết quả trong học tập! Các bạn có thể tin cậy
quyển sách này và mình tin rằng các bạn sẽ ngày càng
tiến bộ và có nhiều thành công hơn!

Biên soạn và tổng hợp bởi Lê Công Đức YOUTUBE Subcribe to learn online! Learning hard, living happily! |3
UNIT 1 MY NEW SCHOOL English 06 Pearson

TỪ VỰNG 1Unit 1  My New School

1. knock (at the door) v gõ (cửa)
2. early # late adj sớm # muộn (trễ)
3. have (breakfast/ lunch) v ăn (sáng/ ăn trưa)
= eat (breakfast/ lunch)
4. excited (about sth) adj (cảm thấy)náo nức, nôn
nao (về cgđ)
5. I see. sen Mình hiểu rồi.
6. Just a minute. phr. Tí nữa thôi.
7. look + adjective v trông + tính từ
- look heavy - trông nặng thế
- look smart - trông đỉnh đạc
8. a calculator n máy tính
calculation n sự tính toán
9. (wear) a new uniform n (bận) đồng phục mới
10. put on (a shirt) v bận (cái áo sơ mi) vô
11. my calculator = mine pro (máy tính) của mình
Điền vào chỗ trống với từ thích hợp để hoàn thành câu
1. After brushing my teeth and having a shower, I ___________ my uniform and look
at myself in the mirror. I really love this uniform.
2. There must be a lot of books and notebooks in your school bag. It looks
3. Duy: Are you ready to go to school, Phong?
Phong: Yes, _______________. Please, wait.
4. I ______________ with rice, omelette, and drink orange juice every morning.
5. It’s seven o’clock already. You’re ___________ for school.
6. When you wear this new uniform, you look very ___________. I’m really proud of
7. A: I couldn’t sleep well last night. I’m really excited about going to school today.
B: ______________. Now, let’s go.
8. Truc: I left my calculator at home. Can you lend me your calculator?
Tuan: Yes, of course. You can borrow ___________.
9. Today is my son’s first day at school. He looks very ___________ about this.
10. Someone is ___________ at the door. Open it, Trung.
Điền vào chỗ trống với dạng đúng của từ
Today is my son’s first day at school. I am preparing
breakfast for Đăng, my son, I hear that someone
___________(11) at the door. I open it. Trung and Hoa, my
son’s friends, also go to school today. They look very
___________(12) in their new uniforms. Đăng is also
___________ (13) his new uniform. After that, they leave home for school. But Đăng
left his ___________(14) at home. I have to call them back and give it to Đăng. I am
really happy when watching them going to school very happily together.
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TỪ VỰNG 2Unit 1  My New School
1. forget – forgot – forgot v quên cái gì đó (cgđ)
2. start # finish v bắt đầu # kết thúc
3. on their way (to school) pre đang trên đường (tới trường)
4. (write) a poem n (viết) một bài thơ
5. compass n cây com pa
6. a textbook n sách giáo khoa
7. a rubber = an eraser n cục tẩy
8. (do) judo n (tập) võ judo
9. (have) lessons n (có) các tiết học
10. vocabulary n từ vựng
Điền vào chỗ trống với từ thích hợp để hoàn thành câu
1. Today is Tuesday and we have five ___________: math, literature, science, music
and art.
2. I usually get up quite early every morning to check if I bring enough ___________
for my lessons at school and finish all of my homework before school.
3. Some of my friends usually ___________ to do their homework before school. I
think this is a bad habit; they need to change for the better.
4. After school, my friends – Trung, Tony, and I like going to martial art classes to
5. This is my favorite ___________ because it is very lovely and moreover, it helps
me to clean any mistakes easily.
6. There is a lot of new ___________ in our English lesson today.
7. ___________ is used to draw a circle. Do you know which word to complete in this
gap? It’s easy, right?
8. Hi everyone! This is my first day at school and I am _____________ to my school. I
am really excited about meeting new teachers and friends!
9. In Vietnam, classes usually ___________ at 7 a.m. and ___________ at 11:15 a.m.
10. I can’t believe that my teacher asked me to write ___________ on my first lesson in
English? How can I do that?
Điền vào chỗ trống với từ thịch hợp
This morning is my second day at school. I am also very
excited about going to school with my friends. I get up very
early to take all __________(11) for today’s lessons. I take
my __________ (12) to use in math as well as
__________(13) to remove any pencil mistakes from my notebooks. I quite like
English, but we have to learn lots of new __________(14) in this subject. Today, we
__________(15) our lessons with literature by learning a __________(16) of Trần Đăng
Khoa. It’s so interesting. We __________(17) school at 11:15. I usually do
__________(18) with my friends in Lạc Hồng Park. I really enjoy my daily activities.
What about you?

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TỪ VỰNG 3Unit 1  My New School
1. (open) a library n (mở) thư viện
2. a school team n đội tuyển trường
3. the school canteen n căn tin trường
4. a month n một tháng
monthly adj hàng tháng
5. a (large) playground n sân chơi (rất lớn)
6. teach somebody v dạy ai đó học
teaching n việc dạy học
a teacher n giáo viên
7. at break time pre vào giờ giải lao
8. walk to school v đi bộ tới trường
9. ride (my) bicycle v chạy xe đạp (của
10. tired adj mệt
Điền vào chỗ trống với từ thích hợp để hoàn thành câu
1. My house is next to my school, so I ___________ to it. My friends living far away
from school have to ride their bicycles to school.
2. My English teacher gives us tests ___________ to help us revise our English better.
3. Who ___________ you English, Tina? Mr. Trung is my ___________.
4. My friends say that they don’t like ___________ because they think that this is a
hard and difficult work. To me, working as a teacher is great job.
5. My school___________ offers a lot of good foods and drinks. My favorite drink is
sugar cane juice.
6. Phúc is very tall. He plays volleyball and basketball in our ___________.
7. I have just spent three hours learning English, now I am a little ___________. I
want to listen to some music and do something to relax.
8. The thing I like best about my school is that it has a ________________ for us to
play at break time. We can play soccer, volleyball, and basketball too.
9. Kiên Giang ___________ is going to be open next month. I really like reading
books in the library. I think it will be my favorite place.
10. There are twelve (12) ___________ in a year.
11. Students usually go to their school canteen to buy foods and drink ___________.
12. Trung, my best friend, doesn’t want his parents to take him to school. He likes
riding his ___________ to school himself.

Điền vào chỗ trống với từ thích hợp

Let me introduce something about my school. My school is in
Rạch Giá City. I don’t live far from the school, so I usually ride
my __________(13) or sometimes __________(14) to school. It
is a big school with more than 2,000 students. There is a
__________(15) for all of students to enjoy outdoor activities.
My friends and I usually play soccer, basketball, or badminton
__________(16) . We like going to school and enjoy learning
with our great __________(17). They really love us and
__________(18) us good things every day. I really love my school and teachers!

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TỪ VỰNG 4Unit 1  My New School
1. skip (rope) v nhảy (dây)
2. a lot of = lots of sth/sb det nhiều (cgđ/ ai đó)
3. subjects n môn học
4. only (on Mondays) adv chỉ (vào thứ hai thôi)
5. read (books) v đọc (sách)
6. do sports v chơi thể thao
7. the same (subjects) adj (môn học) giống hệt
8. pocket money n tiền xài vặt
9. hungry # full adj đói # no
10. go shopping v đi mua sắm

Điền vào chỗ trống với từ thích hợp để hoàn thành câu
1. Thanh: How much ___________ does your mother give you every week, Tuấn?
Tuấn: Not much. Just 70,000 dong. What about you?
2. Students in Vietnam have to wear their uniforms from Monday to Saturday.
However, high-school students wear uniforms ___________ on Mondays in some
3. I am interested in ___________ books, newspapers, and magazines a lot. I think
it’s a good habit for us.
4. Although we study in two different schools, we have ___________ subjects at
school. Moreover, we have the same hobby, playing badminton, too.
5. He hasn’t eaten anything yet. He must be very ___________. I’ll take something
for him to eat.
6. I want to ____________ on the weekend in the supermarket to buy vegetables,
food, and other necessary things.
7. A: What ___________ do you have today, Tân?
B: I have math, English, and physical education.
8. Boys usually like doing ___________ such as badminton, basketball, or soccer.
9. Girl students usually ___________ ropes at break time.
10. I have ___________ new friends this year and they study very hard and well.
Điền vào chỗ trống với một từ thích hợp để hoàn thành đoạn văn

Good morning, guys! I am Tony. My mother is Vietnamese and my

father is American. I’m a student in class 6A1 in Nguyễn Du School in
Rạch Giá City. Here, we don’t wear uniform _________ (11) on
Mondays, but we wear it all weekdays. I really love my uniform because
it makes me look smarter. I am always _________(12) with the breakfast
made by my beloved mother every morning. Our lessons start at 7 and at 8:30 we have a
break. At that time, some girls like _________(13) ropes, some boys go to the school
canteen to buy food and drink. I don’t usually go to the canteen because I want to save
my _________(14) to buy some more books. My hobby is _________ (15)books. We
have 12 subjects in grade 6. What about you? Do you have _________ (16)subjects as
me? Please share your days at school.

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TỪ VỰNG 5Unit 1  My New School
1. remember sth v nhớ cái gì đó
2. share (sth with sb) v chia sẻ cgđ với ai đó
your shares n những sự chia sẻ của bạn
3. help sb do sth v giúp ai đó làm cgđ
help sb to do sth v
your helps n sự giúp đỡ của bạn
4. a piece of (paper) n một miếng (giấy)
5. classmates n các bạn cùng lớp
6. keep quiet/ silent v giữ yên lặng/ trật tự
7. take turn to do sth v thay phiên nhau làm cgđ
8. interview (others) v phỏng vấn (người khác)
an interview n buổi phỏng vấn
an interviewer n người phỏng vấn
9. present sth v trình bày cgđ
a presentation n bài thuyết trình
10. tell sb sth v nói cho ai nghe cgđ
Điền vào chỗ trống với từ thích hợp để hoàn thành câu
1. My teacher always says: “Students, ___________ to do your homework and learn
all of the new words by heart, please.”
2. Work in your group of four and practice the ___________ by asking and
answering the questionnaire at page 11 in the book.
3. Now, I would like you to ___________ your feelings of studying English with the
other classmates. Be confident to talk about it. Don’t be shy.
4. My mother is always happy with my ___________ when she is busy.
5. There are several ___________ paper on the table. Help me to put them away,
Tony. Thank you, my dear.
6. Please keep silent. Your friend, Nam, is ___________ and sharing his ideas of
studying English well.
7. My students usually ___________ me to keep quiet when I teach them new
lessons. Thanks a lot for your help, students.
8. Please ___________ to interview the others in your groups with the provided
questionnaire. Now, you have 5 minutes to practice.
9. My ___________ are very good and they study very hard. They also help me a lot
with the things I don’t understand very well.
10. Your ___________ of your new days at school is very good and interesting. Well
done! Thank you very much, Trinh.
Điền vào chỗ trống với dạng đúng của từ cho sẵn ở mỗi câu
11. OK, now you are the __________________ (interview), and I will answer your
questions. Are you ready to begin?
12. Smith always ________ (help) me with English homework. He’s very good at it.
13. Susan is ________________ (present) how much she loves her class.
14. My English teacher is _____________ (interview) some students about their class.
15. The ___________ (present) is very great and attractive. Thank you!

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TỪ VỰNG 6Unit 1  My New School
1. a boarding school n trường nội trú
2. kindergarten n lớp mẫu giáo
3. from all over Vietnam pre từ khắp nước Việt Nam
4. overseas adj nước ngoài
= foreign (countries)
5. physics n môn Vật lý
6. Kiên Giang Province n Tỉnh Kiên Giang
7. (be) surrounded v được bao quanh (bởi cgđ)
8. green fields n cánh đồng lúa xanh ngát
= green paddy fields
9. international (school) adj (trường) quốc tế
10. (modern) equipment n thiết bị (hiện đại)
Điền vào chỗ trống với từ thích hợp để hoàn thành câu
1. My school has new, big facilities and modern ___________ for us to study like:
computer rooms, laboratories, and language lab, too.
2. My school is one of the most popular schools in Rạch Giá City, in Kiên Giang
3. PLC Sydney school, a boarding school, in Australia has students _____________
Australia and overseas. It is a good school for international students to attend.
4. Although my school is located in a big city, it is ____________ by lots of green
trees and flower gardens in front of and behind the school. I really love it.
5. English is my favorite subject. However, ___________, math, and music are also
subjects I am really interested in.
6. I teach in a remote school in the suburb. The school is surrounded by
______________ with a very beautiful view.
7. I study in Võ Văn Kiệt School. It’s a _____________ where I study and live there
until the weekend.
8. VinaBrita School is an ___________ school for students from year 1 to year 12.
9. ___________ is a class or school to prepare children aged five for school.
10. I have some Vietnamese friends ___________. They live in Australia, America, or
France. They help me with my English a lot.
Điền vào chỗ trống với một từ thích hợp để hoàn thành đoạn văn

Võ Văn Kiệt School is ________________(11) for students

from year 6 to year 12. Students can register to be a day-
boarding or boarding student. It is located in Phú Cường Zone
and it isn’t _____________(12) by a green paddy field, but it
has a fantastic view of the sea in front of it. It has a big playground and a spacious
multipurpose building for students to do sports and play at the break time. The school
has modern facilities and _____________(13) like laboratory to conduct experiments,
language lab for students to study English, interactive TVs to have interesting lessons,
etc. They often organize sports and creative activities to develop students’ physical
health and potentials. It will be a great school for local students!

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TỪ VỰNG 7Unit 1  My New School
1. do drawings v vẽ tranh (bằng chì)
do paintings v vẽ tranh (bằng cọ)
2. creative (students) adj (học sinh) sáng tạo
3. an art club n câu lạc bộ mỹ thuậthọa sỹ
an artist n họa sỹ
4. reasons n lý do
5. an hour (=60’) n một tiếng đồng hồ
6. capital letters n chữ cái viết hoa
7. sentences n câu
8. comma n dấu phẩy
9. separate (long sentences) v tách (câu dài ra)
10. (write) an introduction n (viết) phần giới thiệu
Điền vào chỗ trống với từ thích hợp để hoàn thành câu
1. You need to use ___________ when starting a sentence, a proper name, a city, a
country, days, and months.
2. I usually spend three ___________ learning and practicing English every day.
3. We use a comma when we want to ___________ long sentences and lists of
4. Some students who love art join the school art club to do ___________ and
___________. This helps them to be more creative and develop their artistic
5. My English teacher asks us to write a short ___________about our class and
school. It’s quite difficult for me, but I always try my best to finish the task.
6. “Love drawing” is an _____________ for those who love art and creative
activities in Rạch Giá City. Do you want to join the club? Register today!
7. Do you like learning English? If yes, please tell me the ___________ why you
love learning this language.
8. Minh, my best friend, wants to become a(n) ___________ in the future.
9. I can’t read this text because it has a lot of long _____________ and new words
to understand. Could you please help me, teacher?
10. A full stop is used to finish a sentence, and a comma is used to ___________
long sentences in a passage.
Điền vào chỗ trống với một từ thích hợp để hoàn thành đoạn văn

1I love _____________ (11) and that is the _____________(12) why I join this
art club to practice my drawing and painting. After art lessons at school and time of
practice in the club, I also spend two _____________(13) drawing and painting at
home. I think art helps us to relax and make this life more beautiful.
2Now write a(n) _____________(14) about your class and school. There must
be at least five _____________ (15). You should use _____________(16) to separate
long sentences and lists of things. And remember this, always use _____________ (17)
when writing a proper name, city, day and month. Please hand in on next Monday.
Please on time!

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TỪ VỰNG 8Unit 1  My New School
1. full stop (.) n dấu chấm câu
2. question mark (?) n dấu hỏi
3. exclamation mark (!) n dấu chấm than
4. the centre (of the village) n trung tâm (của làng)
5. (work on) a project n (thực hiện) một dự án
6. fixed (things) adj (những thứ) cố định
7. happen v xảy ra
8. imagine sth v tưởng tượng cái gì đó
imagination n sự tưởng tượng
9. a dream school n ngôi trường mơ ước
10. a green house n nhà kính
Điền vào chỗ trống với từ thích hợp để hoàn thành câu
1. My ___________ school is that it has international students and has all of the latest
facilities and equipment from all over the world. Our teachers are friendly and love
us like their own children.
2. We are working very hard on a ___________ of helping other students how to
study English well and better in the future.
3. Doing drawing and painting needs a lot of ___________. This really improves our
imaginative skills. That’s the reason why I love arts.
4. When finishing a sentence, you must use a(n) ___________ at the end.
5. We use the present continuous tense to talk about actions that are ___________
now. And the present simple is used to talk about fixed actions.
6. A(n) ________________ is put at the end of a sentence when expressing you are
surprised and have strong feelings.
7. In the school yard, there is a(n) ___________ for us to grow plants in.
8. Tuấn lives in a house in the ___________ of the city. He travels to school by bus
with his friends every day.
9. ___________ things are those that rarely change over the time.
10. The ___________ is used at the end of a sentence when you want to ask somebody
for some information.

Điền vào chỗ trống với một từ thích hợp để hoàn thành đoạn văn

1I live in the _____________(11) of Rạch Giá City. I am a secondary student in

Lê Quý Đôn School. I have English three times a week on Modays, Wednesdays, and
Fridays. You know, I really love this language. I am learning how to use sentence
marks like _________(12) (,),____________ (.) (13) , and _______________ (!) (14).
2 My group is working on an exercise to talk about two tenses – the present
continuous and the present simple. As we know, the present continuous is used to talk
about what is _____________(15) now, but the present simple is used to describe
_____________ (16) things, which means those things don’t change over the time.

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TỪ VỰNG 1Unit 2  My Home

1. in a city pre ở thành phố
2. on the table pre ở trên bàn
# under the table # dưới bàn
3. in front of the house pre ở đằng trước nhà
# behind the house # ở sau nhà
4. next to my school pre sát bên trường tôi
near the city gần thành phố
5. a pillow n cái gối
6. (on) the wall n (trên) tường
7. a mouse n con chuột / chuột máy tính
8. attic n gác
9. guess something v đoán cái gì đó
10. (work) in pairs n (làm việc) theo cặp
(work) in a group of 4 n (làm việc) theo nhóm 4

Điền vào chỗ trống với từ thích hợp để hoàn thành câu
1. There are five ___________ in my house. They are two living rooms, a living
room, a kitchen, and a toilet.
2. My parents hang a lot of beautiful pictures and paintings on ___________ of the
living room for decoration. It looks very nice and comfortable.
3. I like sitting on the sofa, hugging the ___________, drinking a little coffee and
watching TV.
4. I mean the ___________ of the computer, not the one that a cat likes eating.
5. We use our ___________ as a warehouse to store everything in the house in it.
6. Now, students, work in ___________ and practice the conversation of the two
friends – Trung and Hoa, then take turn to role play the speakers in it.
7. There is a colorful flower garden ___________ of my house. And there are a
lot of tall trees behind my house.
8. If you don’t know the meanings of a word, you can ___________ its meaning in
the text. If not, you can look it up in a dictionary.
9. To practice this conversation, we need four members, so work _____________ of
four right now. You’ll have five minutes to do it.
10. My house is ___________ my school, so I always walk to school every day.
11. My cat and my dog are fighting against each other. The cat is on the table, and
the dog is ___________ the table barking.
12. I love living ___________ the city because it has a lot of interesting things to do
like going shopping in the shopping malls, going to the movies on the weekend,
and playing outdoor sports with my friends in the park.
13. ___________ my house, there is a vegetable garden. We have fresh vegetables to
eat every day. In front of my house, we plant beautiful flowers.
14. There is a supermarket ___________ my house, but it’s not next to my house.

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TỪ VỰNG 2Unit 2  My Home
1. a living room n phòng khách
2. (sit) on the sofa n (ngồi trên) ghế sofa
3. look + adjective v trông + như thế nào
- look nice - trông đẹp quá
- look happy - trông hạnh phúc ghê
- look so big - trông lớn thiệt đó
4. a town house n nhà ở thị trấn
a country house n nhà ở quê
5. near (the city center) pre gần (trung tâm thành phố)
6. move (to an apartment) v di chuyển (tới căn hộ)
7. cousin n anh, chị, em họ
8. rooms n phòng
9. next to sth pre sát bên cái gì đó
10. I’d better go v Tôi phải đi đây.
(‘d better = had better) (phải, nên)
11. See you soon. sen Gặp lại bạn sớm thôi.

Điền vào chỗ trống với từ thích hợp để hoàn thành câu
1. There are five ___________ in my house. They are two living rooms, a
bedroom, a kitchen, and a bathroom.
2. Wow! Your house looks very ___________ with those pictures on the walls.
3. My aunt lives next to my house, so I usually go to her house and play games with
my ___________, Tony and Katy.
4. Nam lives in a ___________ house in Hồ Chí Minh City. It looks so big with big
front and back yards. There is a big playground, too.
5. I _______________ go right now. See you later.
6. There is a big TV, three armchairs, a nice sofa, and a bookcase in my
_________________. I like watching TV with my parents here.
7. Next week, we are ___________ to a new apartment. That apartment is next to
my school, so I will walk to school every day.
8. My friend, Bích, lives in a town house. It’s ___________ the city center and it’s
very noisy. She travels to school by bus every day.
9. My house is ___________ to Nam’s house. I usually go to his house to do
homework and play sports with him in weekdays and on the weekend.
10. A: I’d better go now. Bye, _______________. ---B: See you!

Điền vào chỗ trống với một từ thích hợp để hoàn thành đoạn văn
Hi, today I am going to tell you something about my house. I live in a
____________(11) in the city center. It is quite ____________(12) my school, so I
always ride my bicycle to school every day. In my house, I like spending most of my
time in the ____________ (13) with my young brother playing with his toys, and my
parents watching TV every evening. Trung’s house is ______________(14) my house.
It takes several steps to reach his house. We usually help each other to do homework.
Do you wanna tell me about your house? Please write soon! Now, bye,

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TỪ VỰNG 3Unit 2  My Home
1. buy – bought – bought v mua (cái gì đó)
2. (use) chopsticks n (dùng) đũa
3. a department store n tiệm tạp hóa
4. ceiling lights n đèn trần
ceiling fans n quạt trần
5. (flower) vases n bình (hoa)
6. a dish (of food) n món ăn
7. (electric rice) cooker n nồi cơm (điện)
8. stilt house n nhà sàn
9. town (house) n (nhà) ở phố
city (house) n (nhà) ở thành phố
10. apartment n căn hộ (chung cư)

Điền vào chỗ trống với từ thích hợp để hoàn thành câu
1. I went to Central Highland in Vietnam last year. I had a chance to stay in a
___________. It is a house built to help people avoid wild animals like tigers.
2. My mother is extremely interested in collecting flower_________. She has a
great collection from different countries such as China, Korea, Vietnam, etc.
3. My father has just ___________ a flat LG TV to watch international soccer
matches and his favorite news programs.
4. My cousin, Tony, cannot use ___________ to get food because he never uses
them in the USA.
5. I don’t like to use _________________ because they look quite dangerous.
6. In the past people cooked rice by using woods, but now modern people cook
their rice by __________________. It saves a lot of time.
7. I can get everything from a __________________ next to my house. It is like
a mini supermarket.
8. There are a lot of ___________ on the table at dinner, but the one I like best is
Vietnamese sour soup with fish. It’s so delicious.
9. Wow, your house is really big and nice. We don’t live in a house, but live in
___________ in the city. It’s not as large as your house is here.
10. My best classmate, Minh, lives in ___________ in Rạch Giá City.

Điền vào chỗ trống với một từ thích hợp để hoàn thành đoạn văn

I am Tony. I am visiting a country in Asia, Vietnam, and

right now I am the Central Highland to experience the local
people’s everyday life here. I am sitting in a __________(11) .
There are not many rooms in this kind of house. On the ceiling,
there are no __________ (12) or __________ (13) lights because
it’s not very hot in the house. In Vietnam, people don’t use forks or knives to eat like
us, but they use __________ (14) to get the food they eat. It’s very difficult for us to
use them, but I really like the _____________ (15) of this area. We are enjoying a
food called ‘rice’. They do not cook it with a(n) _____________________ (16).
They cook it in open fire with woods collected in the forest. The taste is very great!
Vietnam is a fantastic country to visit.
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TỪ VỰNG 4Unit 2  My Home
1. sink n bồn rửa chén
2. predict something v đoán cái gì đó
a prediction n sự tuyên đoán
3. design something v thiết kế cái gì đó
a designer n nhà thiết kế
a design n bảng thiết kế
4. a topic= subject = theme n chủ đề
5. create (a new room) v tạo ra (một phòng mới)
6. all year round n suốt cả năm, quanh năm
7. (lots of) tourists n khách du lịch
tourism n ngành du lịch
8. (a strange) shape n hình dạng (lạ lẫm)
9. describe (describing) sth v miêu tả cái gì đó
a description n sự miêu tả
10. fireplace n lò sưởi

Điền vào chỗ trống với từ thích hợp để hoàn thành câu

1. My teacher asked us to ___________ our house and the room we like best in the
house. It’s really interesting.
2. ___________ what happens in the passage will help you make reading easy.
3. The ___________ of this unit is ‘my home’, so there are a lot of new words
describing things in our house such as chest of drawers, wardrobes, etc.
4. Look at the ___________ of the house. It’s really nice, right?
5. The friend sitting next to me wants to become a ___________ in the future. She
hopes to design many beautiful houses for all of people in the world.
6. You look very cold. Come here and sit next to the ___________ to get warmer.
7. My English teacher asked all groups in our class to _________ a new room with
our own designs.
8. There are a lot of ___________ coming to Đà Lạt in summer time.
9. The weather in this place is fantastic and wonderful. It’s cool ___________.
10. Can you see the ___________ next to the dish rack? Please put all dirty dishes
there. Thanks a lot for your help, John.
11. Read the __________ of Trung’s living room and answer the questions below.
12. The ___________ in Kiên Giang Province is developing very well and fast.
13. Tell me your ___________ when looking at the pictures in the book.
Điền vào chỗ trống với một từ thích hợp để hoàn thành đoạn văn

When I look at the pictures in the book page 22,

I__________(14) that the __________ (15) of this part is “talking
about our homes” because there are a lot of photos of houses.
There are some houses with very strange __________ (16) which
are very different from our normal houses. I think the weather here
is really fine and it will be very cool _____________ (17). Then, I read the short
__________ (18) of the house. It tells that there are a lot of __________ (19) coming
here every year. After that, we answer all of the questions. Finally, the teacher asks us to
__________ (20) a new design of a house and __________ (21) it to the other groups in
the class. It’s quite hard, however, it’s very interesting!

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TỪ VỰNG 5Unit 2  My Home
1. begin – began – begun v bắt đầu cái gì đó
2. write – wrote – written v viết cái gì đó
3. (write) briefly adv viết ngắn gọn
4. paragraph n đoạn văn
5. the subject (of an email) n tiêu đề (của thư email)
6. conclude sth v kết luận cgđ
conclusion of sth n sự kết luận
7. identify (the subject) v xác định chủ đề
8. prepositions n giới từ (on, at, with, …)
9. greet (your teacher) v chào (thầy, cô của bạn)
greetings n sự chào hỏi
10. brainstorm (your ideas) v viết nhanh (các ý tưởng)
Điền vào chỗ trống với từ thích hợp để hoàn thành câu
1. Students, write ___________ about yourself like your name, nationality, age and
your hobbies. You’ll have five minutes to do this.
2. Look at the model email and ___________ the sections: the subject, greeting,
introduction, body and conclusion of the email.
3. Look at the reading in page 22 in the student book, there are three main
___________ - the introduction, the body and the conclusion.
4. A sentence always ___________ with a capital letter and ends with a full stop.
5. In the ___________ of an email, write briefly the main content of the email or
things you think are important.
6. After this lesson, I would like all of you to ___________ an email to your friend to
describe things in your bedroom.
7. When you see any teachers in this school, you should ___________ them politely.
8. The words like in, on, at, under … are called ___________.
9. We usually use the closing remarks such as saying goodbye, asking your friend to
write back, sending your regards to his (her) family, etc. to ___________ a letter.
10. There are some useful words and phrases of ___________ for you to begin your
email like Dear Phương, Hi, Hello, etc.
11. The last paragraph is the ___________ of an email. The two previous ones are the
introduction and the body.

Điền vào chỗ trống với một từ thích hợp để hoàn thành đoạn văn
In Unit 2 of this English textbook, we learn how to use
___________(12) like at, under, between, … to describe the
positions of things in our house. We can name types of rooms in
the house such as the living room, bedroom, and others. After
that, we will read a model email and learn how to
___________(13) it. First, the teacher introduces the email form. Usually, there are
three parts – the introduction, the body, and the ___________(14). In this
___________(15), we conclude the closing remarks like See you soon, best wishes, or
hope to hear from you soon. Then, the teacher asks us to ___________(16) our ideas in
a draft paper. After that, we will write an email to Nick to tell him our favorite room in
the house. It’s rather difficult, but interesting!

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TỪ VỰNG 6Unit 2  My Home
1. fridge n tủ lạnh
= refrigerator
2. bedroom n phòng ngủ
3. bathroom n phòng tắm
bathtub n bồn tắm
4. toilet n bồn cầu
5. cupboard n tủ chén
6. chest of drawers n tủ đứng có hộc tủ
7. microwave n lò vi sóng
8. wardrobe n tủ quần ào
9. attic n gác
10. dishwasher n máy rửa chén

Điền vào chỗ trống với chữ thích hợp

1 2 3 4

_______________ __________________ ______________

5 6


___________________________________ 11

__________________ ___________________________________ ____________________

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TỪ VỰNG 1Unit 3  My Friends

1. (go on) a picnic n đi dã ngoại
2. a friend n một người bạn
friendly (people) adj (những người) thân thiện
friendliness n sự thân thiện
friendship n tình bạn
3. pass (me) the biscuits v chuyền (đưa) giùm (mình)
mấy cái bánh quy
4. (have) long black hair n (có) mái tóc đen dài
5. come over v ghé qua chơi
6. It’s time to (go home). sen Đến lúc về nhà rồi.
7. grandmother=grandma n bà nội (ngoại)
grandfather=grandpa n ông nội (ngoại)
8. play outside/ outdoors v chơi ngoài trời
9. turn on (the lights) v mở, bật (đèn) lên
turn off (the lights) v tắt (đèn) đi
10. (adjectives of) personality n (các tính từ) tính cách
Điền vào chỗ trống với từ thích hợp để hoàn thành câu
1. Teacher: Can you tell me some adjectives of ___________, please? OK,
Xuyên, please?
Xuyên: Yes, teacher. They are kind, clever, intelligent, …
2. I don’t like palying computer games in my room all the time. I want to play
___________ with my friends like playing soccer, badminton or swimming.
3. I have just made friend with two students next door. This morning, I invited
them to my house, and they are ______________.
4. Please ___________ the lights when you don’t use them. Thank you very much!
5. Phú: Can you ___________ me the bottle of orange juice, please?
Quốc: Yes, sure. Here you are.
6. Thái is really ___________, so he has a lot of ___________ at school.
7. It’s very dark in this room. Please ___________ the lights!
8. This weekend, we are going to _____________ in Bãi Dương Park? Would you
like to join us, Mary?
9. It’s 5:00 p.m. ____________ to go home now! Let’s go!
10. Look at this picture. The woman on the left is my ___________ and next to her
is my ___________. I love them very much.
Điền vào chỗ trống với một từ thích hợp để hoàn thành đoạn văn
This is my cousin, Thúy. She is in class 6/1 in Phan Huy Chú
School. She’s good looking and has ___________(11) hair. It looks
so beautiful. At school, she has many good ___________(12)
because she always helps her friends when they need her. Her best friends are Nhi and
Khanh. And this afternoon, they are ___________(13) to do an English-speaking
project for their group. They like playing ___________(14), so on the weekend they
usually go on ___________(15) in Phú Cường Park to relax. Tell me about your
cousin or best friend. Please write to share our great friends!
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TỪ VỰNG 2Unit 3  My Friends
1. talkative (friend) adj (người bạn) nói nhiều
2. chat (to a friend) v trò chuyện (phiếm) với bạn
3. create something v tạo ra cái gì đó (cgđ)
creative (student) adj (học sinh) sáng tạo
creativity n sự sáng tạo
4. look for (clues) v tìm kiếm (dữ kiện)
5. confident (person) adj (người) tự tin
confidently adv một cách tự tin
confidence n sự tự tin
6. compare something v so sánh cgđ
7. invite somebody v mời ai đó
invitation n sự mời mọc
8. hard-working=diligent adj siêng năng, chăm chỉ
9. funny adj hài hước
10. clever = smart adj thông minh, khéo léo

Điền vào chỗ trống với từ thích hợp để hoàn thành câu
1. Tony, Tuấn, and Tring are ___________students. They always get good grades
at all subjects at school.
2. After learning English for three years, Thịnh can speak English very
_________. He practices it with his friends after school every day.
3. He’s really ___________. He always makes us laugh a lot.
4. I am going to ___________ all of my classmates to my birthday party next week.
5. Students who love art are usually very ___________. They can create lots of
unique things from their creativity.
6. Nhi usually spends thirty (30) minutes ___________ to foreign friends online to
improve her English.
7. __________ clues provided to fill in the blanks with the right words from the box.
8. I don’t like to share anything important with her because she’s very ___________.
9. You can record your voice and then ___________ it with the native speaker’s.
10. He can answer any questions from our teachers. He’s extremely ___________.
Điền vào chỗ trống với một từ thích hợp để hoàn thành đoạn văn
My class has thirty-six students. Some of them are very
___________ (11). They draw very well and have very
great ideas for class activities. Among the good students,
Hoa, Tú, and Minh are the most ___________ (12) ones.
They always get highest grades in the class. Others are
quite ___________ (13). If you share some bad things with them today, tomorrow
everyone in the class will know these things. I don’t usually ___________ (14) these
friends. Thoa, Trung, and Phát are very good at English. They speak English
___________ (15) as they speak Vietnamese. There are also some students who are
very___________ (16). You may laugh a lot when they tell jokes. This weekend, I will
___________ (17) all of them to have a picnic in my house’s back garden. I can’t wait
for it! It will be fantastic I guess.

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TỪ VỰNG 3Unit 3  My Friends Tên bộ phận cơ thể người
head eyes hair ears nose nostrils
face cheeks mouth lips tooth  teeth neck
tongue hands arms fingers toes chest
stomach legs knees fur tail elbow

Hãy điền tên bộ phận vào bên dưới hình

1 2 3 4

_____________ _____________

5 _________________

_______________ _______________________________

6 7 8

_______________ _______________ _______________

10 11 12 _________________



_______________ _______________ _______________ 14



18 17
_______________ ___________ _________________

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TỪ VỰNG 4Unit 3  My Friends
1. kind (woman) adj (người phụ nữ) tốt bụng
2. discuss (a problem) v thảo luận (một vấn đề)
a discussion n sự thảo luận
3. appearance n ngoại hình
4. hair n tóc
5. patient adj nhẫn nại; kiên nhẫn
patience n sự nhẫn nại; sự kiên nhẫn
6. make sb laugh v làm ai đó cười
laughter n tiếng cười
7. straight # curly (hair) adj (tóc) thẳng # xoăn
8. present continuous n thì hiện tại tiếp diễn
9. refer to (future plans) v đề cập đến (kế hoạch trong
tương lai)
10. take a test v làm kiểm tra

Điền vào chỗ trống với từ thích hợp để hoàn thành câu
1. The present continuous tense is used to ___________ the actions happening now.
Do you understand it?
2. My mother is very ___________. She never gets angry easily with my mistakes.
3. She is a ___________ woman; she always helps other poor people in the
neighborhood. She often gives them food, money and clothing.
4. A happy house is a house with lots of ___________ of every member in it.
5. Lan’s hair is very ___________, but her younger brother’s hair is very
___________. He looks like a foreign kid.
6. Tomorrow, I will ___________ an English test. I am a little worried about it.
7. We are ___________ how to make a new design for our living room.
8. Describe your friend’s ___________ and personality. Then, go to the board to tell
your classmates about this person.
9. On your head, there is a lot of ___________.
10. Tom is really funny. He always makes us ___________ a lot with his jokes.
11. Teaching kids needs a lot of ___________. That means we must know how to
control our emotions when working with young children.
12. The ___________ lasts seven minutes. After that, you’ll tell us about your project.

Điền vào chỗ trống với một từ thích hợp để hoàn thành đoạn văn
I have a best friend. His name is Hoàng. I usually come over his
house to study and play games with him. His mother is a
___________(13) woman, she often cooks us very delicious meals and
great food. Hoàng’s ___________(14) is good looking and he’s very
intelligent, too. Especially, he’s very good at English. He has short
___________(15) hair, not straight like me. Now, he is helping me
with the _________________(16) tense because we will have a 45-minute
___________ (17) tomorrow. He says that this tense refers to the actions happening at
the moment and future ___________ (18). Thanks to him, I’ve understood this tense
already. Write and tell me your best friend, please! Goodbye!

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TỪ VỰNG 5Unit 3  My Friends
1. a cooking class n lớp học nấu ăn
2. (have) a barbecue n (có) tiệc thịt nướng
3. plan to do something v lên kế hoạch làm cgđ
a plan (of doing sth) n một kế hoạch (làm cgđ)
4. prepare for (a project) v chuẩn bị (một dự án)
make a preparation for n chuẩn bị cho cgđ
5. choir /ˈkwaɪə(r)/ n dàn đồng ca
6. compete against sb v thi đấu với ai đó
competition n cuộc thi
competitor n người dự thi
7. firework (competition) n cuộc thi (pháo hoa)
8. free (time) adj (thời gian) rảnh
free (person) adj (người) tự do
freedom n sự tự do
9. responsible (person) adj (người) có trách nhiệm
responsibility n trách nhiệm
10. volunteer (to do sth) v tình nguyện làm cgđ
a volunteer n tình nguyện viên
Điền vào chỗ trống với từ thích hợp để hoàn thành câu
1. He always tries to finish all of his homework before school. He’s a ___________
student in my class. Every teacher likes him a lot.
2. Tom likes singing, so he joins the ___________ club in the local music band.
3. Nam often helps his teachers by ___________ to answer their questions.
4. Ngọc always gets up early every morning to ___________ her new lessons,do
personal hygines and have breakfast before school.
5. What do you usually do in your ___________ time, Tina?
6. We have a ___________ of going on a picnic in An Hòa Park this weekend.
Would you, guys, like to join it?
7. Last summer, he worked as a ___________ in a poor village in the countryside.
8. Lan wants to help her mother in the kitchen, so she registers to go to a
___________ in the evening.
9. My sister has just got 10 marks in her test, so my parents will have ___________
for all family members in the garden this Sunday.
10. I am watching a ________________________ on TV now. The firework is so
beautiful in the sky. Are you watching it, Bob?

Điền vào chỗ trống với dạng đúng của từ (danh từ, tính từ, động từ, …)
11. We are ___________ (compete) against other competitors in a running race.
12. She is ___________ (plan) the objects like TV, sofas, chairs, tables, pictures … to
design the living room.
13. I like playing outsides to enjoy the ___________ (free) of the outdoors.
14. We are making a ___________ (prepare) for our group’s project.
15. Our school is organizing an English-speaking ___________ (compete) for
students in grade 6.
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TỪ VỰNG 6Unit 3  My Friends
1. independent (country) adj (quốc gia) độc lập
independence n sự độc lập
2. reliable (friend) adj (người bạn) uy tín
reliability n sự uy tín
3. curious (baby) adj (em bé) tò mò
curiosity n sự tò mò
4. greyhound racing n đua chó săn (thỏ)
5. (watch the concert) live adj (xem đại nhạc hội) trực tiếp
6. a fire station n trạm cứu hỏa
fire (trucks) n (xe tải) cứu hỏa
firefighters n lính cứu hỏa
7. intelligent (rabbit) adj (chú thỏ) thông minh
intelligence n trí thông minh
8. sensitive (girl) adj (cô bé) nhạy cảm
9. last (for ten days) v kéo dài (mười ngày)
10. attach (a pho in the mail) v đính kèm (tấm hình trong thư)
Điền vào chỗ trống với từ thích hợp để hoàn thành câu
1. Tomorrow, my class has two tests. Each test ___________ forty-five (45) minutes.
2. He never tells us lies and always keeps promises. He is a truly __________ friend.
3. Vietnam declared its ___________ in 1945.
4. Mai doesn’t talk much, but she’s very ___________ to other classmates’ feelings.
5. Nam is a ___________ student.
6. My friends and I are visiting the ___________ in our neighborhood. The
firefighters are talking with us and introducing us different fire trucks.
7. They boy is ___________ to know what it is in the wrapped present.
8. Mai doesn’t like watching concerts on TV, but she wants to go to the concert
and watch it ___________.
9. Although Tom is quite young, eight years old. However, he’s very
___________. He arranges his own time to study and prepare for everything.
10. Please ___________ your group’s photo in the mail and send to my address this
Friday. Don’t be late, students!
11. Everybody in my class admires Phat’s ___________. He can learn and remember
things very quickly.
12. This Sunday, my parents are taking me to London to see the ______________.
You know this? It is a race for greyhound dogs.
Điền vào chỗ trống với dạng đúng của từ (danh từ, tính từ, động từ, …)
13. In Tom and Jerry, Jerry is an ___________ (intelligence) mouse.
14. My son opened his birthday presents with great ___________ (curiously).
15. Vietnam became an ___________ (independence) country in 1975.
16. Everyone in my class believes in Minh because of his ___________ (reliable).
17. Cuba gained ___________ (independently) from Spain in 1898.
18. Tom is very ___________ (curiously) boy and always asks questions about things
around him.
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TỪ VỰNG 7Unit 3  My Friends
1. chubby (cheeks) n (đôi má) mũm mĩm
2. (have) a campfire v đốt lửa trại
3. tell – told – told v kể, nói, bảo ai đó cgđ
tell (a ghost story) kể (câu chuyện ma)
4. (fill in) the schedule n (điền vào) lịch làm việc
5. take part in (a workshop) v tham gia (buổi tập huấn)
=participate in ~
6. (take – took - taken) n (tham gia) lớp nói chuyện
a public speaking class trước công chúng
7. traditions n truyền thống
traditional (games) adj (trò chơi) truyền thống
8. go hiking v đi bộ
go skiing v đi trượt tuyết
9. do a treasure hunt v chơi trò tìm kho báu
10. improve (your skills) v cải thiện (kỹ năng của bạn)
improvement n sự cải thiện
Điền vào chỗ trống với từ thích hợp để hoàn thành câu
1. In the winter, I love going ___________ in the mountains to enjoy the outdoors.
2. Last night my father told me ___________. It was really scary. I couldn’t sleep at all.
3. Look at the baby! He has ___________ and I just want to kiss on them!
4. My English teacher suggests that we should listen to more English conversations
on Youtube to ___________ our English speaking and listening skills.
5. There are lots of ___________ games for Vietnamese kids to enjoy like Bắt Kim
Thang, Ô ăn Quan, Bịt mắt bắt dê, etc.
6. Bình really likes English, so he _____________ the school English-speaking club
to practice the language and improve his skills as well as meet more new friends.
7. Last year, I participated in a game called ‘_______________’. In this game, you
had to work hard with your group members to find out the treasure.
8. We usually sing songs together around the ___________ at night. We always
have a lot of fun with other campers.
9. I am taking ________________ to improve my skills of speaking in front of lots
of people. This usually makes me very nervous.
10. By ___________, children play tricks on 1st April.
11. Please fill in the _____________ of what you have to do every day.
Điền vào chỗ trống với một từ thích hợp để hoàn thành đoạn văn
Next week, my friends and I are going camping in An Hòa
Park. Here is the___________(12) of what we plan to do. In the
first day, we play some ___________(13) like playing marbles,
war of tug, and doing ___________(14) to find out the treasure in the forest. The second
day, we ___________(15) in an art workshop where you can share your interest with
other students having the same hobby. On the third day, we take ___________(16) to
improve our English speaking skills in public in the morning, and in the afternoon, we
enjoy ___________(17) around the park. Finally, on that night, we have
___________(18) and sing together around the warm fire. I can’t wait for it!

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TỪ VỰNG 8Unit 3  My Friends
1. suggest (ways to do sth) v đề ra (cách để làm cgđ)
suggestions n sự đề nghị
2. write sth out v viết cái gì đó ra
3. lines (of poetry) n dòng (thơ)
4. rhyme /raɪm/ n sự gieo vần
5. syllables n âm tiết
6. a sheet (of paper) n một tờ (giấy)
7. special (personality) n (tính cách) đặc biệt
8. (interesting) facts n những thông tin (thú vị)
9. decorate (the page) v trang trí (trang đó)
decoration n sự trang trí
10. would like to do sth v muốn làm cgđ
=want to do sth
Điền vào chỗ trống với từ thích hợp để hoàn thành câu
1. Please ___________ your personal information ___________ in the form.
2. There are two ___________ in the word ‘summer’. You say ‘sum-mer’.
3. Haiku coming from Japan is a poem with three ___________ to describe
yourself. Open your book at page 34 to read about it.
4. There aren’t any _____________ left on the table. Can you fill the tray with some
more? Thank you in advance!
5. Write a short description of the person you like best, stick his (her) photo on a
large sheet of paper, ___________ it and bring it to class to make our class
6. I ___________ to buy some English vocabulary books to improve my vocabulary.
7. Do you have any ___________ for my study of English?
8. In the three-line Haiku poem, the middle line has seven (7) syllables and the
lines don’t need ___________.
9. The ___________ in your page is really attractive!
10. My best friend has a very _______________. She never gossips and always helps
anyone that needs her help.
11. In your paragraph, you should include your friend’s most ______________,
hobbies, favorite teachers, appearance and personality.
Điền vào chỗ trống với một từ thích hợp để hoàn thành đoạn văn
English is a very interesting subject at school. Every day, I
learn new things and interesting ___________(12) around the
world. Now, I am learning Haiku, a Japanese type of poetry with
three ___________(13). However, the lines don’t need
___________(14). My English teacher always ___________(15)
us with good ways to ___________(16) our language skills. Here are some of her
___________(17) – (1) doing as much homework as we can, (2) listening to videos in
English, (3) practice speaking it with friends after school. In this lesson, she asks us to
make a class yearbook. We need to write about our favorite friend, stick his (her) photos
on a ___________(18) of paper, decorate and bring it to class in the next lesson!

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TỪ VỰNG 1Unit 4  My Neighborhood

1. go first v Đi trước (tiên)
2. cross the road v Băng qua đường, đi qua đường
3. turn left # turn right v Quẹo trái # Quẹo phải
4. go straight (ahead) v Đi thẳng về phía trước
5. lost = get lost adj Lạc (đường)
6. Keep straight v Tiếp tục đi thẳng
7. give directions v Chỉ đường (hướng đi)
8. decide v Quyết định
decision n Sự quyết định
decisive adj Mang tính quyết định
9. a statue of A n Một bức tượng của A
10. Ba Dinh Square n Quãng trường Ba Đình
11. an art gallery n Triển lãm nghệ thuật
Hoàn thành những chỗ trống với những từ thích hợp để hoàn thành câu
1. If you don’t have the city map, you may ______________ in this big city.
2. A: Go straight ahead, don’t turn left, but _____________ at the first street. You
will see the hospital on your right. – B: Thanks for your help.
3. There is _____________ displaying a lot of famous paintings of local artists in
Phú Cường Walking Street. Would you like to come along with me to enjoy it
4. This morning, a foreign visitor asked me for a favor. He asked me to
_____________ to the nearest museum.
5. Trần Quang Khải _____________ is a good place for local people in Rạch Giá
City to go for a walk and go roller-skating on the weekend.
6. When you go to Nguyễn Trung Trực Park, you will see the _____________ of
this hero located in the center of the square.
7. My sister is really kind. She usually helps elderly people __________________
because she thinks that they need her help.
8. It’s very difficult to make a _____________ of choosing a tour to Kien Giang
Province. It has many fantastic places of interest to visit.
9. Don’t turn right or left at the intersection. Just _____________ and you will see
the supermarket at the end of the street. Hope you enjoy your visit to our city!
10. _____________? No, turn left at the corner. Then, go straight ahead until you
see the temple at the end of the street.
11. We can’t _____________ which one among these four tea pots to buy because
all of them are very beautiful.

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TỪ VỰNG 2Unit 4  My Neighborhood
1. Unification Palace n Dinh Thống Nhất
2. Cathedral n Nhà Thờ
3. railway station n trạm xe lửa
4. temple n đền, miếu
5. the traffic lights n đèn giao thông
6. go along the street v đi dọc theo con đường
7. go past the bus stop v đi qua trạm dừng xe buýt
8. on the left # on the right adv bên trái # bên phải
9. take the first turning v quẹo cua đầu tiên
10. go to the end of the road v đi tới cuối đường
11. take the second street v đi con đường thứ hai
Hoàn thành những chỗ trống với những từ thích hợp để hoàn thành câu

1. If you come to Rạch Giá City, never miss visiting Nguyễn Trung Trực
______________ located on charming Kiên River bank.
2. Don’t take the first street, but ______________ the second on on the right.
3. In my opinion, ____________________ and Đức Bà _________________ are
the two most beautiful and impressive buildings of Hồ Chí Minh City.
4. From Tam Quan Gate (Three-entrance Gate) go along Nguyễn Trung Trực
Street, keep straight ahead. Don’t turn left or right. Then you’ll see the bus
stop, ______________it and you will see my house on the left.
5. There is no ______________ in Rạch Giá City, but it has an aiport.
6. From the map, you can see that there are three turnings, but ______________
the third turning on the right. The supermarket is on your right.
7. Can you tell me where your house is -
on ______________ or on
8. There are quite a lot of
______________ on Nguyễn Trung
Trực Street, so I usually go to work on
3/2 Street to avoid stopping at red
9. Go straight ahead. You’ll see an
intersection. Then, turn right at this
intersection on Lâm Quang Ky Street. And go to _____________ of the street,
you’ll find the police station in fron of you.
10. A: Excuse me! Turn left at the first street, right?
B: No, don’t _____________ the first one, but the second one on the left.
A: Ah … I got it. Thank you very much!
B: You’re welcome, sir.

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TỪ VỰNG 3Unit 4  My Neighborhood
1. café v quán cà phê
=(coffee house/ shop)
2. exam results n kết quả thi
3. sit – sat – sat v ngồi
a seat n chỗ ngồi
4. traffic n giao thông
5. during (dinner) adv trong suốt (thời gian nào đó)
6. slow # fast adj chậm # nhanh
slowly # fast adv một cách chậm chạp # nhanh
7. safe # dangerous adj an toàn # nguy hiểm
8. convenient # inconvenient adj thuận tiện # bất tiện
convenience #inconvenience n sự thuận tiện # bất tiện
9. noisy # quiet = peaceful adj ồn ào # yên tĩnh
10. narrow # wide adj hẹp # rộng
11. polluted adj ô nhiễm
pollute (the environment) v làm ô nghiễm (môi trường)
(air) pollution n sự ô nhiễm (không khí)
Hoàn thành những chỗ trống với những từ thích hợp để hoàn thành câu

1. My house is next to Vincom supermarket, so it’s very ______________ for me

to go shopping. It takes two minutes to get there.
2. My laptop is old and ______________. I have to wait three or five minutes to
open a word file.
3. We don’t watch TV ______________ our meals. We usually talk to others
about our day at school and work.
4. ______________ in big cities are very crowded and noisy, but that in the
countryside is not much.
5. This ______________ has good design and decoration. I feel as if I am sitting
in my living room with my family members.
6. In my class, I ______________ next to a very good student.
7. Air ______________ can badly affect our health.
8. It is very ______________ in the countryside. It not noisy at all.
9. The air in my neighborhood is ______________ because of heavy traffic,
smoke from factories, and smell from garbage dump nearby.
10. When you see a yellow traffic light, please run ______________; don’t run
11. When you filter garbage, cut down trees, or release too much carbon dioxide,
that means you are ______________ our environment.
12. This is your ______________. Come here and sit here with me.
13. This road is five meters ______________ and ten kilometers long.
14. We are looking forwards to the exam ______________. We’re quite nervous.
15. We can enjoy the ______________ and comfort that modern inventions bring
to us.

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TỪ VỰNG 4Unit 4  My Neighborhood
1. chip n (1) con chip điện tử
(2) khoai tây chiên
(3) mảnh vỡ (của cgđ)
2. repeat something v lặp lại cái gì đó
repetition n sự lặp lại
3. grow v mọc lên, phát triển
growth n sự tăng trưởng, phát triển
4. heat (the pan) v làm nóng (cái chảo) lên
a medium heat n nhiệt vừa phải
5. syllable n âm tiết
6. clap (your hands) v vỗ (tay)
7. crowded adj đông đúc
crowds n đám đông
8. less traffic ít giao thông hơn
# heavy traffic # giao thông đông đúc
9. seafood n hải sản
10. delicious adj ngon
11. inside # outside adj bên trong # bên ngoài
Hoàn thành những chỗ trống với những từ thích hợp để hoàn thành câu

1. The word ‘hello’ has two ______________. This is its phonetic discription
/həˈləʊ/. Now repeat the word, please!
2. She can’t eat ______________ because she is always allergic to this kind of
food. She usually feels sick when accidentally eating it.
3. I avoid going out on special holidays because it is always ______________
with lots of people and vehicles.
4. Before pouring the mixture of egg, flour, and pepper, ______________the pan
until it’s hot enough to boil the cooking oil.
5. I would like to read some ______________ pages of the newspaper. Can you
pass it to me, John?
6. Wow! He sang very beautifully! Please,
______________ your hands for his great performance.
7. The present simple is used to the ______________ of
our routine activities.
8. My mother usually cooks ______________ dishes for us
every day. She is the best cook in the world.
9. He really likes fast food. He always eats potato
______________ and fried chicken every time he goes to the supermarket.
10. Lack of water will stunt the plant’s ______________.
11. Students are ______________ new words after their teacher.
12. The trees we planted yesterday are ______________ very well.
13. Heat the pan over a ______________, and then add some cooking oil.
14. This morning, the traffic was very ______________. It was terrible!

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TỪ VỰNG 5Unit 4  My Neighborhood
1. comfortable adj thoải mái
comfort n sự thoải mái
2. historic adj lâu đời
3. Welcome to RG v Chào mừng đến với RG
4. pagoda n chùa
5. culture n văn hóa
6. compare v so sánh
comparison n sự so sánh hơn
7. capital city n thành phố thủ đô
8. suburbs n ngoại ô
9. frontyard n sân trước
# backyard # sân sau
10. incredibly (beautiful) adv rất là
11. outdoor # indoor adj ngoài trời # trong nhà
outdoors # indoors adv ngoài trời # trong nhà
Hoàn thành những chỗ trống với những từ thích hợp để hoàn thành câu

1. Come here, Tony! We are planting trees and flowers in the ______________ of
the school.
2. When visiting Rạch Giá City, don’t forget to visit Tam Bảo ______________.
It is a famous historic place out province.
3. Unlike other children, Khoa likes playing ______________. He doesn’t like
playing computer or indoor games.
4. Have you ever experienced Vietnamese ______________? Book a tour here to
explore this beautiful country.
5. Hanoi is ______________ of Vietnam.
6. People living ______________ say that they really like the peaceful
atmosphere and the fresh environment there.
7. She doesn’t want to ______________ herself with others. She always tries her
best to study and make herself better and better.
8. When the tour guide met us at the airport, he said: “______________ Rạch Giá
City!” and then took us to great places in this wonderful city.
9. In this unit, we learn how to use the ______________ of adjectives like better,
more beautiful, faster…
10. I have visited Phú Quốc Island several times. Its natural beauty is
______________ terrific and attractive.
Điền vào khoảng trống với những từ thích hợp
Hello everybody! I am Nam and I live in the ___________ (11) of Rạch Giá
City. Life here is rather quiet because of not having too much traffic. Therefore, we
can play games ___________ (12) like flying kites, going camping… On Sundays,
my friends and I like going to Ngọc Sơn ___________ (13) to attend free English
classes. Right now, we are planting some flowers and plants in the __________
(14) of our school. I really like going to school and studying with my teachers.
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TỪ VỰNG 6Unit 4  My Neighborhood
1. important adj quan trọng
importance n tầm quan trọng
2. as a model theo mẫu
3. large (picture) adj (bức tranh) lớn
4. secondary school n trường THCS
5. light # heavy adj nhẹ # nặng
6. dangerouse # safe adj nguy hiểm # an toàn
7. difficult # easy adj khó # dễ dàng
difficulty n sự khó khăn
8. cheap # expensive adj rẻ # đắt
9. ideal (friend) adj lý tưởng
10. place – places n địa điểm, nơi
11. perfect (moments) adj (khoảnh khắc) hoàn hảo
Hoàn thành những chỗ trống với những từ thích hợp
để hoàn thành câu
1. This math problem is very ______________ to solve. Could you please help
me, teacher?
2. A: Let me help you with those ______________ bags, m’am.
B: Thank you. It’s very kind of you, young man.
3. Tom is my ______________ friend. He always helps me to do my homework
and I can share everything with him.
4. This shirt is 150,000 dong. It’s quite ______________, right?
5. It’s very ______________ to go swimming alone in a river or a lake in the
countryside. When an accident happens, nobody will help you.
6. My parents say that learning English is ______________, and I am interested in
this language, too.
7. I am Tuấn, and I am a student in Phan Huy Chú ______________. This year, I
am in grade 9. I’m in class 9/6.
8. An Hòa Park is an ideal ______________ for us to relax at the weekend.
9. This picture is very small. Can you look for other ______________ ones.
10. Some students have ______________ in speaking English because they don’t
have enough time to practice it at home.
Điền vào khoảng trống với từ thích hợp để hoàn thành đoạn văn
Good evening! Today, I’m going toshare with you about the topic of unit four
‘our neighborhood’. I don’t live in a big city, but I live in a small __________ (11).
However, I really enjoy the life in this place. It’s not very noisy, but quiet. This is an
______________ (12) place for my friends to go camping, playing outdoor games,
and flying kites together. It’s very ______________ (13) here because there are no
traffic accidents or something like that. Everything sold here is quite
______________ (14), not expensive like that in big cities. Do you like living in a
place like this. Please write to share your ideas here!

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TỪ VỰNG 1Unit 5  Natural Wonders of the World

1. natural adj thuộc về thiên nhiên
nature n thiên nhiên
2. wonders n kỳ quan
3. no problem không có chi
4. incredible adj tuyệt vời
= wonderful = terrific
5. lead (a group) v lãnh đạo (một nhóm)
a leader n người chỉ huy; trưởng nhóm
6. situation n tình huống
7. role-play v đóng vai
8. order something v đặt hàng, gọi món
an order n đơn đặt hàng
9. take-away adj mang đi; đem về nhà
10. desert n sa mạc
11. waterfall n thác (nước)
Hoàn thành những chỗ trống với những từ thích hợp
để hoàn thành câu
1. A: Thank you very much for your help!
B: ______________.
2. Waiter: Are you ready to ______________, sir?
Guest: Yes. I will have coffee and a sandwich, please.
3. The Sahara is the third largest hot ______________ in the world. Its area is
9,200,000 square kilometers (3,600,000 miles).
4. There are a lot of ______________ coffee houses in Rạch Giá City such as Hy
café, 68 Alitier, Book Coffee, etc.
5. My English teacher usually has us ______________ people in conversations to
practice English with our classmates. This helps us to improve English
speaking skills a lot.
6. Tom, Long, Hoa, and Tina are members in my group. Tom is our group
______________. He is good at leading the members in thr group.
7. Bản Giốc ______________ in Cao Bằng Province is one of the four most
fantastic natural places in Vietnam.
8. We usually think of imaginative ______________ to practice speaking English
because most of people in myn eighborhood can’t speak this language.
9. Tourist: Are there any natural ______________ of the world in Vietnam?
Tour guide: Yes, there are many wonders like Hạ Long Bay, Ancient Towns in
Hội An, Mỹ Sơn Sanctuary, etc.
10. We received a lot of online ______________ this morning. We’ll deliver your
goods to you as soon as possible. Thanks for trusting us.
11. He has just shared us his ______________ life story. It’s so moving.
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TỪ VỰNG 2Unit 5  Natural Wonders of the World
1. island n đảo
2. valley n thung lũng
3. cave n hang động
4. forest n khu rừng
5. plaster n băng gạc
6. compass n la bàn
7. backpack n ba lô
8. walking boots n giầy đi bộ
9. painkillers n thuốc giảm đau
10. scenery n quang cảnh
11. explore v khám phá, thám hiểm
explorer n nhà thám hiểm
exploration n Sự khám phá, thám hiểm

Hoàn thành những chỗ trống với những từ thích

hợp để hoàn thành câu
1. A: Have you ever been to Phú Quốc ____________
in Kiên Giang Province?
B: Yes, I’ve been there twice already. It’s OK.
2. We are going to go hiking in the local mountains, so I would like to buy a new
pair of ______________. Which shop will you recommend, John?
3. Sơn Đoòng Caves was determined to be the largest natural cave in the world.
4. I would like to book a tour to Sa Pa in the north of Vietnam. There are a lot of
fantastic natural ______________ to enjoy. Look at these pictures taken in Sa
Pa on the Internet. It’s an ideal place to visit, right?
5. Students nowadays have to study so many subjects. Don’t you see their heavy
______________ on their backs?
6. A: What is a _____________ used for?
B: It’s used to find directions.
7. A ____________ is used to stick on your skin to protect a small wound or cut.
8. A: Do you know Silicon _____________?
B: Yes, of course. It’s the home to many of the world’s largest high-tech
9. A: I have a headache. It makes me so dizzy.
B: I’ll take some _____________ for you. Wait a minute.
10. Vietnam is a tropical country. It has a lot of _____________.
11. Travelling to Sơn Đoòng Caves is a real _____________ that I have ever made.
Its beauty made me breathtaking.
12. Christopher Colombus was an Italian _____________.

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TỪ VỰNG 3Unit 5  Natural Wonders of the World
1. superlative adj so sánh nhất
2. notice v chú ý
a notice n thông báo
3. double v gấp đôi
4. vowel sounds n âm nguyên âm
5. regular # irregular adj có quy tắc # không có quy tắc
6. Russia n nước Nga
Russian adj người Nga, tiếng Nga
7. a piece (of cake) n một mẫu (miếng bánh)
8. a tent n cái lều
9. a torch n đèn pin
10. waterproof coat n áo khoác chống thấm
11. a mountain range n dãy núi, rặng núi

Hoàn thành những chỗ trống với những từ thích hợp để hoàn thành câu
1. Teacher: Can you give me some ___________ adjectives?
Student: Yes, teacher. They are the best, the most expensive, the cheapest.
2. There are about eighteen ____________ in English sound system such as /ɑː/,
/ə/, /uː/, /ʊ/, /eɪ/, etc.
3. Good morning, everyone. Let me introduce myself. I am Tuấn. It’s T-U-A-N.
And this is my friend. He comes from ____________. His name is Ivan. It’s I-
V-A-N. Nice to meet you all.
4. When adding ‘est’ after an adjective ending with a vowel and a consonant like
‘hot’, we must ____________ the consonant like this ‘hottest’.
5. We got lost in the forest and there were no houses in that area. Fortunately, we
had ____________ with us that night.
6. Look at the ____________. It says that this elevator is out of order.
7. This morning, a foreign visitor asked me something that I couldn’t understand.
He didn’t speak English or French; I think he spoke ____________ then.
8. The birthday was cut into small ____________ for everyone in the party. I felt
very happy when all of my friends came to the party with me that night.
9. I always bring a(n) ____________ in my bag because the way to my house is
very dark at night.
10. If a verb is ____________, we only add ‘ed’ after it. However, if it is
____________ we must use the second verb in this table in the simple past
tense. Got it, students?
11. We should buy this ____________ because it helps us to avoid getting wet
when it rains.
12. The first thing I ____________ about the room was its decoration. It was
decorated with lots of expensive and famous paintings.
13. The Himalayas is a(n) ________________ which contains the world’s highest
mountain – Mount Everest.

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TỪ VỰNG 4Unit 5  Natural Wonders of the World
1. special (gifts) adj (quà) đặc biệt
2. contain (a litter of water) v chứa đựng (một lít nước)
3. diverse (cultures) adj (văn hóa) đa dạng
diversity (of cultures) n sự đa dạng (của văn hóa)
4. plants n thực vật, cây cối
plant (trees) v trồng (cây)
5. unforgettable (memory) adj (kỷ niệm) không thể quên được
6. experience U kinh nghiệm
experiences C trải nghiệm
experience something v thể nghiệm; trải nghiệm cgđ
7. follow (somebody/ v (1) tuân theo; làm theo ai đó/ cgđ
something) (2) theo dõi (ai đó/ cgđ)
8. advise sb to do sth v khuyên ai đó làm cgđ
(a piece of) advice n (một mẫu) lời khuyên
9. an area n (1) khu vực; (2) diện tích
10. alone adj một mình
11. carry something v mang theo mình
bring – brought - brought
Hoàn thành những chỗ trống với những từ thích hợp để hoàn thành câu

1. I don’t like going out or eating out ____________ at night.

2. Foreign tourists come to Vietnam because this country has a rich ____________ of
3. Vietnam has fifty-four (54) enthnic peoples, so it has ____________ and interesting
cultures to explore.
4. I want to make a ____________ for my mother on her birthday to make her
surprised and happy.
5. When travelling, don’t forget to ____________ a camera with you. It helps you to
capture great pictures during your trip.
6. The time I said goodbye to my friends in grade 5 last year was the most
_____________________ in my student life.
7. My English teacher ____________ us to read books, listen to songs and news,
practice speaking and writing in English as much as we can.
8. There are more than 2,000 people ____________ me on Facebook. Is it good or not
good, father?
9. I never ____________ the feeling of living at home alone. I think it’s very scary.
10. I like ____________ trees and flowers with my grandparents on the weekend.
11. This bottle can ____________ up to three litters of water. It’s so big.
12. I think I should follow your ____________. It’s useful I think.
13. My literature teacher has taught in this school for over twenty years, so I think she
has a lot of ____________ in teaching this subject.
14. The ____________ of Kiên Giang Province is 6,299 square kilometers (km2).

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TỪ VỰNG 5Unit 5  Natural Wonders of the World
1. bring = carry v mang theo
2. necessary adj cần thiết
necessarily adv nhất thiết; khó tránh
necessity n sự cần thiết
3. make a list (of shopping) v lập danh sách (mua sắm)
4. must (do something) v buộc phải (làm cgđ)
must not = mustn’t không bắt buộc phải (làm gì đó)
5. a trip n một chuyến đi (đã về rồi)
6. a journey n hành trình (đang đi)
7. Anything else? Còn gì nữa không?
8. predict (something) v đoán, dự đoán (cái gì đó)
make prediction v đưa ra sự tuyên đoán
9. in context n trong ngữ cảnh
10. the whole sentence phr cả câu
11. make notes v ghi chú
Hoàn thành những chỗ trống với những từ thích hợp để hoàn thành câu
1. When reading your answers, please read the ____________. Don’t just read your
choices A, B, C, or D.
2. If you don’t know some new words in a passage, don’t look it up in a dictionary
immediately. Try your best to guess their meanings _________________.
3. Salesperson: You order is rice with soup, spaghetti, and meat. ____________, sir?
Customer: No, thanks. That’s enough.
4. Before reading a text, try to ____________ what is going to happen in it by looking
at the pictures and discussing the ideas with your friends.
5. We usually make a list of necessary things for each of our ____________.
6. When your teachers are teaching, please pay attention and ____________ of
important things that they focus on.
7. I’m on my ____________ to India. This country is a fantastic country to explore.
8. When the traffic light turns red, you ____________ stop. Don’t continue driving,
you may cause an accident.
9. Mr. Lee, my private English teacher, advises me to make ____________ about the
text I am going to read.
10. She usually ____________ lots of things with her when going on a picnic.
11. When going shopping, I always _______________ things I need to buy at home
first to save time and avoid buying unnecessary things.

Điền vào chỗ trống với từ loại đúng của từ cho sẵn
12. People recognized the ____________ (necessary) of learning
English in this modern world, so more and more people start
learning this language.
13. Biggest doesn’t ____________ (necessary) mean best.
14. If you want to be fluent and good at speaking English, it’s __________ (necessary)
for you to practice it every day.

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TỪ VỰNG 6Unit 5  Natural Wonders of the World
1. a brochure n tờ rơi (quảng cáo)
2. a travel agent’s n đại lý du lịch
3. fill (in a form) v điền vào
4. a network n mạng lưới
5. improve something v cải thiện cái gì đó
improvement n sự cải thiện
6. a boat trip n chuyến đi bằng thuyền
7. a column n cột
8. example n ví dụ
9. related information n thông tin liên quan
10. phrase n cụm từ
11. essential = necessary adj thật sự cần thiết

Hoàn thành những chỗ trống với những từ thích hợp để hoàn thành câu
1. Hạ Long Bay in Vietnam is a wonderful natural wonder of the world. My family
and I have just taken a(n) ____________around the islands. It’s terrific!
2. Vietnam is famous for its breathtaking places of interest, for ____________, Hạ
Long Bay, Mỹ Sơn Sanctuary, Sơn Đoòng Caves, Phong Nha – Kẻ Bàng, etc.
3. It’s ____________ for us to take a boat if we want to seesight the whole area of Hạ
Long Bay.
4. Here is the registration form. Please ____________ the space with your personal
information for us to contact you in need. Thanks in advance, sir.
5. In computer science class, we have just learnt how to divide a text into
____________; we can devide into two, three, or even four.
6. Look at this ____________ of Saigon Tourist Company. It offers a wide selection
of tours this Tết holiday with very reasonable prices.
7. Last year, I studied English quite badly. However, I have ____________ my
English a lot recently thanks to watching English movies and news more often.
8. Look at the word ‘man’. When it stands alone like this, it is a single word. And
when it stands with other words like ‘an old man’, it is a(n) ____________.
9. Now, work in groups of three and think of a famous place in your neighbourhood or
in Vietnam. Then, exchange with others any ______________ you know. After ten
minutes, one of you will come here and tell your class about that place. Got it?
10. Nick’s family are talking to a clerk in a ________________. Listen to their
conversation and tick the place they choose from the above brochure.
11. After three months of trying hard, you have made great ____________ in your
work. We really appreciate your effort.

Điền vào chỗ trống với từ loại đúng của từ cho sẵn
12. Your English is ____________ (improve) a lot, Tony. Try more!
13. I’ll give you a topic. Then, you have to think of any ____________ (relate) words
without repeating your friends’ words. Now, you have three minutes to do it.
14. This is a great ____________ (improve) in your work.

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TỪ VỰNG 1 Unit 6  Our Tet Holiday

1. celebrate (a holiday) v chào đón
celebration n sự chào đón
2. decorate (your house) v trang hoàng, trang trí
decoration n sự trang trí
3. fireworks n pháo hoa
4. family gatherings n đoàn tụ gia đình
5. (get) lucky money v (nhận) tiền lì xì
6. come up v tiếp theo, kế đến
7. apricot blossoms n hoa mai
peach blossoms n hoa đào
8. special (foods) adj (thức ăn) đặc biệt
9. relate to (sth/ sb) v liên quan đến (cgđ/ ai đó)
relatives n bà con; dòng họ
10. make a wish v chúc (tết)

Hoàn thành những chỗ trống với những từ thích hợp để hoàn thành câu
1. In the southern parts of Vietnam, people ____________ their
with apricot blossoms, yellow daisy, roses, and marigold.
2. Children will get ____________ form their relatives like grandparents, parents,
unlces, aunts, brothers and sisters when they make wishes for them.
3. Children don’t go to bed early on the last day of the old year. They stay up late until
midnight to watch ____________ with their family members.
4. Traditionally, on the first day of Lunar New Year, family members make a visit to
their ____________ and have happy conversations about their good things of the
old years and new plans for the New Year.
5. Vietnamese people ____________ their Tết holiday on the first day of the Lunar
New Year. This is the most important holiday of the year.
6. On Tết holiday, you will have a good chance to taste ______________ which are
only cooked in this occasion.
7. We have just interviewed Phong about Tết holiday in Vietnam. ______________,
we will discover new things from Japan withYumiko.
8. The ____________ for Tết holiday usually takes place a month or so before the real
one actually happens.
9. While Apricot blossoms are the symbolic flower of the south, ____________ are
the symbol of Tết for people in the north of Vietnam.
10. Tết is the special time for ________________. People living or working away from
their parents’ home come back home at this important occasion.
11. Any bad words that ____________ to unluckiness must be avoided on the first three
days of the Luna New Year.
12. People usually use bright colors like red and yellow for their ____________ in
houses because these colors are belived to bring about good luck and prosperity.

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TỪ VỰNG 2 Unit 6  Our Tet Holiday
1. give a present n tặng món quà
2. rubbish = garbage n rác
3. cheat (at exams) v gian lận (trong thi cử)
4. knock (the door) v gõ (cửa)
5. behave well v cư xử lễ độ
behavior n cách cư xử, hành vi
6. play cards v chơi đánh bài
7. fight v đánh nhau
8. break – broke - broken v làm bể (đồ đạc)
9. (lots of) sweets n (nhiều) bánh kẹo
10. paint v sơn (tường)
repaint sơn lại
Hoàn thành những chỗ trống với những từ thích hợp để hoàn thành câu
1. People usually ____________ their houses with bright colors, decorate their living
rooms with flowers and plants to prepare for Tết holiday.
2. On the first days of the Lunar New Year, people in Vietnam avoid ____________
things because thi symbolizez unluckiness.
3. Young children are carefully taught to ____________ politely and well toward their
grandparents, parents, and any other elder people.
4. On my last birthday party, my parents gave me a very special ____________. Do
you know what it was? It was a new bike.
5. Trung, somebody is ____________ at the door. Help mom to open it.
6. Tony always helps his parents empty ____________ in the house every day
although he is only seven years old.
7. Don’t eat a lot of ____________ because this bad habit will harm and decay1 your
teeth. Avoid it and brush your teeth regularly.
8. We shouldn’t ____________ because we are friends. My mother says that it’s not
good for friends to do so.
9. My father teaches me not to ____________in exams because it’s a bad behavior
that we should avoid. Instead, we should try more in next upcoming tests.
Điền vào chỗ trống với từ đúng, không quá ba từ để hòn thành đoạn văn.
Today’s weather is quite cold because it is going to be Tết holiday in Vietnam. On
this special day, grandparents, parents and others relatives usually _____________
_________ (10) or lucky money put in red envelopes for us. To celebrate this
occasion, my father is _____________ (11) the house because it looks quite ole. My
mother usually cooks some special foods for Tết. But now she is cooking spaghetti for
me as a ____________ (12) for my good ____________ (13) although I had a low mark
in the last history test. In this test, I forgot some important events and I really wanted to
open my notebook to see what they were, but I decided not to do that because my
parents usually teach me not to ____________ (14) in any tests and exams. When my
parents are busy with their work, my friends and I are playing ____________ (15)
together because today is Sunday.

decay your teeth (v) – làm sâu răng của bạn

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TỪ VỰNG 3 Unit 6  Our Tet Holiday
1. (red) envelopes n phong bì (đỏ)
2. a big pot n một cái nồi to
3. tell (me more) v kể (cho mình nhiều hơn)
4. flags n lá cờ
5. nationality n quốc tịch
6. Holland n Hà Lan
Dutch adj người Hà Lan
7. Korea n Hàn Quốc
Korean adj người Hàn Quốc
8. a rooster n con gà trống
9. feather n (chất liệu) da (bò…)
10. stick (A to B) v dán (vật A vào vật B)
Hoàn thành những chỗ trống với những từ thích hợp để hoàn thành câu
1. When you refer this country in Asia, you use the word ‘____________’, but when
refer to its people and language; you use this word ‘____________’.
2. I am really interested in Korean culture. Could you ___________________ about your
county and people.
3. In Vietnam and some other countries like China, Korea, Japan, children are gien lucky
money put in red____________ on the first dayof the Lunar New Year.
4. I’m from Vietnam, and my ____________ is Vietnamese. I really love my country, so
I want to become an excellent person to make my country proud of me.
5. My relatives living in ____________ will come back to Vietnam this New Year. They
live in Amsterdam – the capital of this country.
6. Look at picture two above, point at the ____________ of Vietnam and Korea, please.
Can you name all of those countries in the picture?
7. I usually write important things to do on a small piece of paper, and then
____________ it on my laptop screen. It helps me not to forget what to do next.
8. On New Year’s Eve, each family in Scotland kills a ____________. They take some of
its red feather and stick them to the drawings of the Sun in their houses.
9. My brother gave me a ____________ wallet on my last birthday. I use it to put my
pocket money in. It’s nice and convenient.
10. In the southern parts of Vietnam, bánh tét is cooked in a _______________ for about
twenty-four hours to celebrate Tết holiday. This is the most special food eaten in this
Điền vào chỗ trống với từ đúng, không quá ba từ để hòn thành đoạn văn.
Hello everyone! I’m Phát and I come from Vietnam and this is my national
____________ . Today, I’m going to share with you some typical
activities happening before and during Tết holiday in my country. Before tết,
people usually repaint their houses and decorate them with beautiful flowers like apricot
blossoms, marigold, and others. We also ____________ 12 ‘câu đối liễng’ (parallel
sentences) on the main door for decoration. About traditional clothes , ____________ 13
people wear Hanbok, Japanese wear Kimono, and Vietnamese wear ‘áo dài’ in this
occasion. On the first day of the year, we usually receive lucky money put in
_________________ 14 from our grandparents, parents and other relatives. We cook bánh
tét (a special cake eaten in Tết) in a big ____________ 15 for about 24hours or more …
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TỪ VỰNG 4 Unit 6  Our Tet Holiday
1. tradition n truyền thống
traditional (music) adj (âm nhạc) truyền thống
2. throw water over A v tạt nước vào A
(threw – thrown)
3. bring – brought - brought v mang đến cgđ
4. ring a bell (108times) v rung chuông (108 lần)
5. remove something v loại bỏ; làm tan biến cgđ
removal (of something) n sự loại bỏ cgđ
6. bad actions n những điều xui xẻo
7. previous (years) adj (những năm) trước
8. footer n người xông nhà (là người đầu
tiên đến nhà ngày đầu tiên của năm)
9. for the rest (of the year) pre cho hết năm
10. (Times) Square n Quảng trường Thời đại
Hoàn thành những chỗ trống với những từ thích hợp để hoàn thành câu

1. American people usually gather at the _________________

to celebrate the New Year’s Eve with their relatives and friends.
2. The first ____________ coming to your house on the first day of the Lunar New
Year is really important because he (or she) decides the family’s luck for the rest of
the year.
3. At midnight on December 31st in Japan, temples all over the country
______ 108 times.
4. A: Why do Japanese temples have to ring the bells 108times? What does it mean?
B: Japanese people believe that the sound from the bells can ____________ all of the
unluck actions of the old year away.
5. Vietnamese people believe that what happens in the fiesr three days of the New Year
will bring bad or fortune things to come for the ___________________.
6. Cải lương is a type of __________________ performed in the southern parts of
Vietnam. It was very popular in 1960s.
7. When having conversations on Tết holiday, people usually avoid talking about bad
actions in ___________________; instead, they talk about lucky things and new
plans for the upcoming year.
8. Thailand’s New Year is held in April. Traditionally, Thai people try to
__________________ over other ones in the hope of bringing a lot of rain in the
New Year.
9. Vietnamese people had a __________________ of worshipping their ancestors for a
long time ago.
10. A: Do you know the simple past of this word ‘bring’, Trung? Please help me.
B: Of course. ‘__________________’ is its simple past form.
11. The __________________ of rubbish on the first three days of Tết holiday is
forbidden because they believe that this action will remove all of lucky and wealthy
things out of the house.

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TỪ VỰNG 5 Unit 6  Our Tet Holiday
1. strike (midnight) v điểm (12 giờ)
2. light up (the sky) v thắp sáng (cả bầu trời)
3. dress (beautifully) v ăn bận (một cách đẹp đẽ)
a dress n cái váy; đầm dài
4. full of fun adj tràn đầy niềm vui
5. laugh (loudly) v cười (thật to)
laughter n tiếng cười
6. believe in (sth/sb) v tin tưởng vào (cgđ/ ai đó)
beliefs n niềm tin; tín ngưỡng
7. present something v thể hiện; tượng trưng cho;
tặng quà; trình bày
8. barking sounds n tiếng sủa
bark sth/ sb v sủa cgđ/ ai đó
9. gold n vàng
golden (rings) adj (nhẫn) vàng
10. poverty n sự nghèo khó
Hoàn thành những chỗ trống với những từ thích hợp để hoàn thành câu

1. My younger brother is watching Tom and Jerry. He is ___________________ very

happily with his friends.
2. When the clock strike midnight, people around Trần Quang Khải Square can enjoy
fireworks that ___________________ the sky colorfully and beautifully. I really love
that moment.
3. In Vietnamese culture, dogs ___________________ luckiness, but cats are
considered as poverty.
4. A: Do you ___________________ in ghosts? – B: I’m not so sure about this.
5. On the first day of Tết, after getting up, all of family members________ new clothes
beautifully and gather in the main room to welcome relatives and guests coming.
6. Mom! I have just found a _______________ on the street. What should I do with it?
7. When the clock ______________ 12 p.m., you will hear the ringing bells from
everywhere in Japan to celebrate the coming New Year.
8. Don’t present a cat in Vietnam at Tết because its cry sounds ‘ngheo…’ like the
Vietnamese word for ___________________. It symbolizes unluckiness.
9. I think there is somebody in front of our house. Our dog is ___________________.

Điền vào chỗ trống với từ đúng, không quá ba từ để hòn thành đoạn văn.
On the last day of the old year, I don’t go to sleep early, but I try to stay up
late to watch the fireworks with my family. When the clock ______________ 10
midnight, the fireworks ____________ 11 with wonderful colors. On the first
day of the New Year, I always ____________ 12 beautifully and gather with the other
memebers in the living room to make wishes to our grandparents and parents. Usually, the
room is full of ____________ 13 with happy ____________ 14. Be careful when presenting
animals on this occasion. Don’t give a cat to your friends because its cry sounds like a
Vietnamese word for ____________ 15. But instead, you can present a dog to us because
dogs are lucky animals.

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TỪ VỰNG 6 Unit 6  Our Tet Holiday
1. shrimps n tôm
2. move backwards v di chuyển ngược
3. succeed in (doing sth) v thành công trong (làm cgđ)
success n sự thành công
successful (man) adj (anh chàng) thành công
4. a tie n cái cà vạt
tie – tied – tied (tying) sth v buột cái gì đó
5. hang – hung – hung sth v treo cái gì đó
hang the calendar treo lịch lên
6. clean (furniture) v quét dọn (đồ nội thất)
7. grow – grew – grown sth v trồng; phát triển cgđ
= plant flowers = trồng hoa
8. intend to do sth v có ý định làm cgđ
intention n ý định
9. career n sự nghiệp
Hoàn thành những chỗ trống với những từ thích hợp để hoàn thành câu
1. I wish you have great success in your ______ _____________ and get more and
more money in your business.
2. He is wearing a new suit with a nice __________. He looks like a successful businessman.
3. My grandmother spends most of her free time ________________ in the garden.
4. I’m helping my mother to ___________________some paintings on the walls to
decorate the house for the coming Tết holiday.
5. I have a lot of ___________________ for this Tết holiday this year.
6. I cannot eat seafood like ___________________ because I always have an allergy
when eating seafood.
7. I _____________ to go shopping this weekend. Would you like to go with me, Tony?
8. He ________________ selling house in Phú Cường Zone. He got a lot of money
from this success.
9. A: In Vietnamese beliefs, eating ______________ is not good for your career in the
New Year because you will not succeed in your career.
10. B: Oh. Why so?
A: Because this animal moves_______________, so your business and career will
not be successful like its movement.
B: Wow! This belief is so surprising.
11. A: Can you help me _____________ the newspapers in a bundle?
B: Sure!
12. Dad! I wish you a _________________ new year and everything good will come to
you. I love you, daddy!

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1. favorite programmes n chương trình yêu thích
2. a show of funny clips n phần chiếu những clip vui nhộn
3. channel n kênh (truyền hình)
4. awful adj dở tệ
5. intelligent adj thông minhs
intelligence n sự thông tminh
6. stupid adj ngờ nghệch, ngốc nghếch
7. TV schedule n lịch phát song (truyền hình)
8. from a distance prep từ khoảng cách xa
9. announce sth on TV v dẫn chương trình; thông báo cgđ
announcement n sự thông báo; công bố
(radio) announcer n (phát thanh viên) radio
10. characters n 1. tính cách; 2. nhân vật
Hoàn thành những chỗ trống với những từ thích hợp để hoàn thành câu
1. A: Do you know what time ‘the voice kids’ is?
B: I don’t know. Here is the _________________. Look at this and find your
program. I don’t really like this show, so I don’t care about it.
2. With a cable TV, you can enjoy a variety of __________________ both in
Vietnam and other countries in the world.
3. With the Internet connection, people can have a meeting __________________.
4. I don’t eat dog meat because they are my friends and they are _______________
and loyal animals. Please don’t kill and eat them.
5. Among _______________ in Kiên Giang’s radio station, Diệu Hằng and Hải
Phương are my favorite ones. They have emotional and warm voices.
6. When your kids ask you their questions, don’t say ‘Don’t ask me such
___________ questions because this will kill their imagination”.
7. Tâm: What’s your __________________ on TV, Nga?
Nga: It’s ‘Giọng ải giọng ai? (Whose voice is it?). It’s so funny and interesting.
8. In the story of Tấm Cám, my favorite _______________ is Tấm because she is
very kind and beautiful.
9. Attention! The TV reporter is __________________ the election results.
10. I laugh a lot when watching the show of __________________.
11. I really admire his ________________. He remembers everything very quickly.
12. This food is __________________. I can’t eat it.
Điền vào chỗ trống với dạngđúng của từ trong ngoặc để hoàn thành câu
13. The mouse called ‘Jerry’ in this cartoon is really ______________ (intelligence).
14. He is my favorite radio __________________ (announce).
15. She is a student of high __________________ (intelligently).
16. The MC of the show is making a(n) __________________ (announce) of the
first winner of Miss Universe now.

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TỪ VỰNG 2 Unit 7  Television
1. local television n truyền hình địa phương
national television n truyền hình quốc gia
2. comedy n hài kịch
comedian n diễn viên hài
3. educational (activities) adj (các hoạt động) giáo dục
education n sự giáo dục, nền giáo dục
educate (students) v giáo dục (ai đó)
4. entertain somebody v làm ai đó giải trí
entertainment n sự giải trí
entertaining adj có tính giải trí
5. live (shows) adj (chương trình) trực tiếp
6. compete with A v thi đấu, cạnh tranh với A
competition n cuộc thi, sự cạnh tranh
competitive (activities) adj (các hoạt động) có tính cạnh tranh
7. thief  thieves n tên trộm
8. repeat (a word) v lặp lại (một từ)
repetition n sự lặp lại
9. MC = Master of Ceremony n người dẫn chương trình
10. viewer = audience n khán giả
Hoàn thành những chỗ trống với những từ thích hợp để hoàn thành câu
1. A: What does the word ‘__________________’ stand for?
B: It stands for Master of Ceremony.
2. We usually __________________ new English words when learning them by heart.
After that, we read them back in the text several times to remember them.
3. Hoài Linh, Chí Tài, Việt Hương, Trấn Thành, and Trường Giang are famous
__________________ in Vietnam. They appear in a lot of game shoes on television.
4. There is a __________________ show of Mỹ Tâm in Hanoi next week.
5. In this part of the game, you have to __________________ with other competitors to
win the first prize of $1,000 for an English-course trip to Canada.
6. Teachers should create more interesting __________________ activities to help
students feel happy and comfortable to learn.
7. The present simple is used to talk about the ______________ of your daily activities
or describe your habits.
8. “Who is billionaire?” is a gameshow that attracts a lot of _______________ to watch
every week. It tests participants’ knowledge in all fields of life.
9. There are a lot of different types of __________________ in big cities such as movie
theaters, amusement parks, and clubs for teenagers to enjoy.
10. My younger brother likes taking part in ________________ because he thinks that it
helps him to be more confident, independent, and better.
11. My friend, Henry, likes watching Tom and Jerry because it’s very _____________.
We have a lot of fun when watching these two cartoon characters.
12. This video clip _______________ people how to behave well and equally toward
anyone although they are rich or poor.
13. _____________ plays a very important role in a person’s life, so try your best to
study at anytime and anywhere.
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TỪ VỰNG 3 Unit 7  Television
1. weatherman n biên tập viên dự báo thời tiết
2. newsreader n người đọc bản tin
3. volume button n nút chỉnh âm lượng
4. weatherforcast n bản tin dự báo thời tiết
5. exhibit (drawings) v triễn lãm (tranh)
exhibition n buổi triễn lãm
6. It depends. sen Nó còn tùy nữa.
7. wingless (penguin) adj (chim cánh cụt) không cánh
8. adventure n sự phiêu lưu
adventurer n nhà phiêu lưu
adventurous (trip) adj (chuyến đi) phiêu lưu
9. It sounds interesting. sen Nó nghe có vẻ hay nhỉ.
10. cute adj dễ thương; đáng yêu
(smile) cutely adv (cười) một cách đáng yêu

Hoàn thành những chỗ trống với những từ thích hợp để hoàn thành câu
1. Antoniolike a lot of animals, but my favorite one is _____________ I think.
2. Wow! Look at the baby. It has very chubby cheeks and a ______________ smile.
Can I take a piture with her, sir?
3. Daughter: When does the __________________ take place, mom?
Mom: It takes place next week in Rạch Giá Museum, honey.
4. A: Would you like to watch ‘Cô Ba Sài Gòn’ with me tonight?
B: It ______________ interesting. What time does it start?
5. Turn the _______________ down, Tony. I’m talking on the phonw with your father.
6. Wow! Your paintings are fantastic. Why don’t you ______________ them in the art
gallery in our loca museum?
7. According to the __________________, it is going to rain a lot this after noon. Bring
a raincoat with you, Phong.
8. I think Trung is a real _______________ because he usually likes discovering new
thinhs, enjoying adventures, and dislikes doing easy things.
9. She smiles _______________ when greeting her teahers and friends.
10. A: Will you join us tonight, Parker?
B: It _______________. I’m not sure if my mother allows or not.
11. Phương: This is a cartoon series about the adventurers of a child penguin. He has no
wings, but very clever, cute, and funny. Do you know the movie I am describing, Ngọc?
Ngọc: Penguin? No wings? Ah…The ________________ penguin, right?
12. The _______________ of Cricket is a very famous literature work in Vietnam. Most
children love the series because it’s adventurous, emotional and educational, too.
13. Diệu Hằng has just been chosen to be the ________________ in the weatherforecast
of Kiên Giang Station.
14. If you are an _______________ tourist, there are trips into mountains with a local
tour guide. Book here, please.

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TỪ VỰNG 4 Unit 7  Television
1. hurt – hurt – hurt v làm tổn thương
2. although adv mặc dù
= though = even though
3. in time pre kịp lúc
4. clumsy (duck) adj (con vịt) vụng về
5. appear = come up v xuất hiện
6. documents n tài liệu (báo cáo, …)
documentation U giấy tờ (đất đai …)
documentary n phim tài liệu
7. the Pacific n Thái Bình Dương
8. skating rink n sân trượt pa-tin
9. races n những cuộc đua
10. know – knew – known v biết
knowledge n kiến thức; sự hiểu biết
knowledgable (teachers) adj có nhiều kiến thức; uyên bác

Hoàn thành những chỗ trống với những từ thích hợp để hoàn thành câu
1. _____________ she really likes that cartoon, she doesn’t watch it because she is
preparing for her exams next week.
2. You couldn’t enter a country if you don’t have enough necessary ______________.
3. He always offers to do the washing-up for his mother, but he’s very _____________,
so he often breaks dishes when washing them. However, his mother’s never annoyed
with this.She often smiles and comes to wash with him.
4. Reading books, magazines, and newspapers is a good way to widen our
_____________, so read as much as you can.
5. Don’t laught at your friends’ weak or bad points because this may _____________
them a lot; instead, try to help and encourage them more.
6. This morning, the traffic was terrible, so I couldn’t be at school _____________ ans I
was late for school.
7. Tony, please put away your _____________when you finish your studying. Look at
your table. What a mess!
8. I have _____________ this movie star before, and his acting is so incredible.
9. The sport center has just opened a _______________. Would you like to go skating
with us tonight, Marry? We would have a lot of fun I guess.
10. People usually organize different _____________ for animals like elephants,
greyhounds, pigs, and even turtles.
11. ______________ is the largest of the world’s oceans, lying between America to the
east and Asia and Australia to the west.
12. I like watching _______________ about the life of political figures on some special
days like the Independence Day, 30th Aprile, etc.
13. The program invites different famous and successful people to _____________ in
order to attract more audiences.

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TỪ VỰNG 5 Unit 7  Television
1. journey n hành trình
2. discover (a planet) v khám phá (một hành tinh)
discovery n sự khám phá
3. a planet n hành tinh
4. a system n hệ thống
5. the Amazon jungle n rừng Amazon
6. content n nội dung
7. the universe n vũ trụ
8. the same time (as sth/sb) n cùng lúc (với cgđ/ ai đó)
9. habits n thói quen
10. compare (with/ to sb (sth)) v so sánh (với ai đó (cái gì đó))
comparison n sự so sánh

Hoàn thành những chỗ trống với những từ thích hợp để hoàn thành câu
1. There are nine _____________ in the Solar System such as Mercury, Venus, Earth,
Mars, etc. Can you name the others?
2. The science program called ‘Journey to Jupiter’ will make you interested when
_____________ strange facts about this planet in our Solar System.
3. We should have a good _____________ in learning because it will help us to study
better, do things more quickly, and easily gain success in the future.
4. My father takes me to school every day because he doesn’t go to work at
_________________ as me.
5. When buying a grammar book, I usually look at the table of _____________ in the
last pages to know what there are in it.
6. A: Have you ever been to _____________________? – B: Not yet. What about you?
7. Be confident and be yourselves. Don’t try to _____________ what you have with
what others have, but try harder. I believe you’ll get success someday.
8. The _____________ of Sơn Đòong Caves, the world’s largest caves in Vietnam, has
brought about more chances for Vietnam’s tourism.
9. The _____________ to Phú Quốc Island took us about four hours, but in contrast
everything was fantastic and comfortable.
10. Tony, do you know when and how the _____________ began?
11. My brother is very curious. He always wants to ___________ everything around him.
He likes to spend his free time reading about famous discoveries around the world.
Điền vào chỗ trống với từ đúng, không quá ba từ để hòn thành đoạn văn.
My friends and I are really interested in sciences. All of us like _____________12
new things around us, so we extremely enjoy learning biography, geography, and
sciences. Right now, we are working on a school project introducing interesting facts of
the Solar _____________13. When working on this topic, we know that ther are nine
_____________14 in the system. Some scientists say that there are a lot of other similar
systems like this in the _____________15. The planet that is near the earth is Mars. The
total _____________16 from our planet – the Earth – to it takes between 150 to 300 days
depending on the speed of the launch. __________________17, Henry’s group is finding
facts and information about the ____________________18. Let’s see what they will
introduce to us next week. See you then.

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TỪ VỰNG 6 Unit 7  Television
1. What kind of …? wh- loại … gì?
2. leave (the TV) on v để (cho TV) mở (suốt)
3. attract (sth/ sb) v thu hút (cgđ/ ai đó)
attraction n sự thu hút; dự hấp dẫn
attractive (voice) adj (giọng nói) thu hút
4. produce sth v sản xuất cgđ
products n sản phẩm
production n sự sản xuất
5. quality programs n chương trình chất lượng
6. ocean life n sự sống dưới đại dương
7. many times n nhiều lần
8. a small track n đường (đua) nhỏ
9. relax v thư giãn
relaxation n sự thư giãn

Hoàn thành những chỗ trống với những từ thích hợp để hoàn thành câu
1. A: What do you usually do to _____________ in your free time, Tony?
B: I usually lie on the sofa and listen to music. It’s so comfortable! What about you?
2. Don’t _____________ your TV on all the time when not watching it. Turn it off to
save more electricity.
3. I usually listen to English songs and go for a walk for _____________.
4. A: Have you ever visited Rạch Giá City in Kiên Giang Province yet?
B: Yes, I’ve visited it _____________ because there are many spectacular places in
this province. You should visit it some time.
5. We should _____________ more television programs for kids to learn good things
and improve their knowledge. There are not many suitable programs for kids today.
6. My sister is really interested in _____________; she likes studying about life of fish,
turtles, dolphins, and other aquatic animals and plants.
7. Nga: _____________ music do you like most, An?
An: Hmm… music I like most? I think classical music and opera.
8. The _____________ of a television program takes a lot of time although it just lasts
several minutes. I think it’s a hard job.
9. Have you ever heard about a pig racing? The pigs have to run in a _____________
and which pig coming to the fisnishing line first is the winner.
10. All of the staff have to worl hard to produce many _____________ to attract more
viewers for their _____________ to attract more viewers for their channel and boost
their rating.
11. I like shopping in the supermarkets because they offer more products such as organic
vegetables, shampoo, clothes, etc.
12. The _____________ of a product is based on its good package designs. People
usually use red and bright colors to attract customers’ attention.

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TỪ VỰNG 1 Unit 8  Sports and Games

1. (go to) the gym n (đi) phòng tập; phòng đa năng
2. do karate v tập võ karate
do judo v tập võ judo
3. win – won – won v chiến thắng
winners n người chiến thắng
4. get on # get off (a bus) v lên # xuống (xe buýt)
5. fit (body) adj (thân hình) chuẩn; vừa vặn
6. Congratulations! n Chúc mừng!
7. cycle (to work) v đạp xe (đi làm)
cycling n môn đạp xe
cyclists n vận động viên xe đạp
8. aerobics n thể dục nịp điệu
9. (play) outdoors # indoors adv (chơi) ngoài trời/ trong nhà
outdoor/indoor (activities) adj (các hoạt động) ngoài trời/ trong nhà
10. sports n thể thao
sporty (boy) adj (anh chàng) thích thể thao

Hoàn thành những chỗ trống với những từ thích hợp để hoàn thành câu
1. Luân is very ______________. He likes all sports from soccer to badminton. His
favorite sport is badminton and he’s the best player in his team.
2. Julia does ______________ every day, so she has a very fit body. She looks like an
attractive model.
3. Although he has a car, he likes ______________ to work because his company is
quite near his house. He only drives his car when travelling far distance.
4. ‘Win’ is a verb and if you refer to the person who wins a competition, we use this
word ‘______________’.
5. Last week, I took part in an English-speakign contest in my school, but I didn’t
______________. I think I should practice it more.
6. Both Trung and Phát like martial arts. Trung likes doing ______________, but Phát
likes ______________.
7. My best friend, Trinh, doesn’t have the same hobby as me. She likes
______________ activities, but I like playing ______________ such as playing
soccer, volleyball, baseball, or cycling.
8. At 6:25 a.m., I __________ the bus and then __________ in front of the school gate
at 6:40 a.m. It usualy takes me about 15 minutes to travel to my school by bus.
9. I don’t like doing exercise in the ______________; instead, I like jogging and
walking in the park or along the beach because I love nature.
10. Our friend has just won the first prize in a competition. We usually say
“_________________” to share the joy with him/ her.
11. Come here, Daniel! The ______________ are riding very fast towards the finishing
line. It’s very exciting.

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Điền vào chỗ trống với KHÔNG QUÁ BA TỪ để hoàn thành đoạn văn sau
My friends – Tony, Nhân, Paul – and I are close friends and we have different
hobbies in our free time. Tony and Nhân are very ______________12, so they usually
take part in playing soccer, baseball, volleyball, and other ______________13 like that.
Paul and I are interested in martial arts – Judo and Karate. Paul doesn’t like doing
karate, so he joins judo class with Mr. Hồng Anh. In contrast, I love doing
______________14. We go to these classes twice a week. Another one in my group is
Mary, who doesn’t like playing outdoor very much. Her favorite sport is
______________15. Therefore, she goes to the gym every day to improve her skills. She
hopes to ______________16 the 1st (first) prize in the national aerobics competition.
Since we usually play sports, all of us have _________________17 and good health. We
often travel to the sports city center by bus, except Tony as he lives near it, so he
______________18. We usually ______________19 a bus at about 4:50 p.m. and
______________20 the bus in front of the theater at about 5:10 p.m. Do you understand
what I am writing? If you understand, ______________21! Your English is improving a
lot and you have also learnt all of the new words above by heart already.

Điền vào chỗ trống với từ loại đúng của từ động từ (verb), tính từ (adjective), trạng
từ (adverb) hoặc danh từ (noun).

22. My favorite sport is ______________ (cycle). It’s a healthy hobby I think.

23. The team that gets the highest scores in the overall parts will be the
______________ (win) of this competition.
24. Nam doesn’t like playing indoors. He likes participating in ______________
(outdoors) activities, so he usually plays soccer with his friends at the weekend.
25. Lan is not very ______________ (sports). She just like sitting on the sofa
watching TV and doing her homework after school. She never finds it boring.
26. Lê Văn Duẩn is an excellent _____________(cycle) of Vietnam.
27. Yesterday, I ______________ (win) a lottery with the prize of 100,000 dong.
28. __________________ (congratulate)! You played very excellently!

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TỪ VỰNG 2 Unit 8  Sports and Games
1. active (boys) adj năng động; tích cực
activity  activities n hoạt động
2. (a pair) of goggles n kính bơi
3. a (tennis) racket n vợt (tennis)
4. set (a record) v lập (kỷ lục)
5. lively (colours) adj (màu sắc) sống động
6. skateboarding n trượt ván
7. (go) skiing n (đi) trượt tuyết
skis n ván trượt (tuyết)
8. miss (the ball); miss sb v duột (bóng); nhớ ai đó
9. chew (the gum) v nhai (kẹo si-gum)
10. swallow (food) v nuốt (thức ăn)

Hoàn thành những chỗ trống với những từ thích hợp để hoàn thành câu
1. If he didn’t ______________ the ball, he could score a goal for his team. What’s a pity!
2. The author of the book used a lot of ______________ to make the book more
attractive and professional.
3. My friend, Vĩ, doesn’t like playing indoor games. He enjoys taking part in outdoor
______________ such as planting trees, cycling, or playing tennis.
4. My father is extremely interested in tennis. He usually spends lots of money buying
expensive _________________ from famous brandnames like Babolat, Prince, and
5. In Vietnam, studentsare not allowed to ______________ gum in their class because it
is considered disrespectful toward their teachers.
6. Tiluck Keisam, a nine-year-old Idian boy, ________________ by limbo skating
under 146 bars for record of 145 meters just a run within 56 seconds on May 10th,
7. This weekend, Tony, Shopia and I are going to go ______________ in Flattach, so
we want to buy some new ______________. Would you like to join us, Henry?
8. Always chew the food well before ______________ it.
9. You should bring a pair of ______________ with you when going swimming. They
will help protect your eyes in the water.
10. In the afternoon, there are some young boys practice ________________ in Trần
Quang Khải Square. This is not a popular game in Rạch Giá City.
11. Trung is an ______________ student. He not only studies well but also plays sports
very well. He is a member of our school baseball team.
12. Tú, a student in class 6/2 ______________ her parents a lot because this is the first
time she’s lived far away from her parents. His parents are working in a factory in
Bình Dương Province.

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TỪ VỰNG 3 Unit 8  Sports and Games
1. I’m exhausted. adj Tôi đuối rồi [rất mệt].
an exhausting day adj một ngày mệt lã
2. the rain n cơn mưa
It’s raining. v Trời đang mưa.
a rainy day adj một ngày mưa
3. litter v,n (1) xả rác .v; (2) rác .n
4. wake sb up v đánh thức ai đó dậy
woke up – waken up
5. a football match1 n một trận bóng đá
2 n que diêm
a match
6. hold – held –held =organize v tổ chức; nắm giữ cgđ
7. fit – fitter – the fittest adj vừa vặn – hơn – nhất
8. (famous) sportspersons n vđv thể thao nổi tiếng
9. achieve something v đạt được cgđ
achievements n tành tựu
10. wide (roads) adj (con đường) rộng rãi
widely (accepted) adv (được chấp nhận) rộng rãi
widen something v mở rộng cgđ
width n chiều rộng
Hoàn thành những chỗ trống với những từ thích hợp để hoàn thành câu
1. I teach English in a suburd school which is about 15 kilometers away from the city
center, so I have to ______________ quite early in the morning.
2. Reading books, magazines, and newspapers is a good way to ______________ our
knowledge. Do you like reading?
3. Please don’t ______________ rubbish, but put it in dustbins to protect our
environment and make our city more beautiful and civilized.
4. Tom is getting ______________ after two months of working out at the gym.
5. Today’s weather is not good at all. Look! It’s ______________ outside now.
6. Tom’s parents wanted to ______________ his birthday party in a restaurant, but Tom
refused because he wanted to use that money to do charity. What a kind boy!
7. His ideas were ______________ accepted by every member of the class.
8. Yesterday was a(n) ______________ day. We had to revise hundreds of new words
and exercises of tenses, wordforms, and reading texts in English.
9. Thu and Nam study very well, so their parents are very proud of them and their
10. Because of not bringing a raincoat with me yesterday, I had to ride home under the
______________. Today, I’m feeling quite sick.
11. Nguyễn Tiến Minh, Ánh Viên, Xuân Vinh, and Văn Mách are famous ___________ in
Vietnam. They’ve achieved lots of medals for our country.
12. Roads in Phú Cường Zone are very ______________.
13. There’s a soccer _____________ between Vietam and Thailand on VTV3. Come to
my house and watch it together. What do you think about this suggestion?
14. Tuan had five classes in the morning and four classes in the afternoon, so he was
______________ and just wanted to lie on the sofa when coming home.

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TỪ VỰNG 4 Unit 8  Sports and Games
1. (was/were) born v được sinh ra
2. professional (football player) adj (cầu thủ bóng đá) chuyên nghiệp
profession = job n nghề nghiệp
3. teach – taught – taugh v dạy cgđ; dạy (ai đó) học
teacher n giáo viên
teaching (career) n (sự nghiệp) dạy học
4. begin – began – begun v bắt đầu cgđ
5. career n sự nghiệp
6. show – showed – shown v chiếu; cho xem
7. score (3 goals) v ghi (3 bàn thắng)
8. vote (for somebody) v bỏ phiếu (cho ai đó)
9. a national hero n anh hung dân tộc
10. become – became – become v trở thành; trở nên ntn đó

Hoàn thành những chỗ trống với những từ thích hợp để hoàn thành câu
1. Teacher: Do you know another word having similar meaning to the word ‘job’?
Student: Yes, teacher. It’s ‘______________’.
2. Ánh Viên was ______________ on 9th November, 1996 in Cần Thơ Province,
Vietnam. She is a national-record holding swimmer from Vietnam.
3. Pelé is regarded as a ________________ of his country, Brazil because of his great
achievements in his career of a professional footballer.
4. My teacher started his teaching ______________ when he was twenty-two years old,
but he still loves his choice although he’s seventy years old now.
5. Miss Hòa ______________ us literature last year. Who is your literature teacher this
year? How does she teach you?
6. This morning, my class ______________ for Phát to become our monitor.
7. Mr. Long Phạm is my favorite English ______________. He teaches English very well
and has taught this subject for more than twenty (20) years.
8. Christino Ronaldo is a Portugese ______________ footballer and is considered the
best player in the world.
9. When firstly studying English, he didn’t like it very much. However, he ___________
really interested in this language thanks to his great teacher in grade 12.
10. In his career, Pelé won three World Cups and ____________ 1,282 (one thounsand
two hundred and eighty-two) goals. Wow! Unbelievable!
11. I like watching sports news ____________ on VTV1 every evening.

Viết dạng đúng của từ vào chỗ trống để hoàn thành câu
12. Mr. Thanh ______________ (teach) in this school twenty-one years ago.
13. Thái says he wants to become a _____________ (profession) footballer in the future.
14. ______________ (teach) children is not an easy job. It’s very difficult I think.
15. Doctors and teachers are the two _____________(professional) I like most.
16. Among ______________ (teach) in my school, I like studying with Mr. Hiếu most.

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TỪ VỰNG 5 Unit 8  Sports and Games
1. Brazil n nước Brazil
Brazillian adj người Brazil
2. regard (as something) v xem như (là cgđ)
=consider (as something)
3. (in your) free time n (trong) thời gian rảnh rỗi
= spare time (của bạn)
4. results n kết quả
result in sth v dẫn đến cái gì đó
5. equipment n dụng cụ
6. individual (sports) adj (thể thao) cá nhân
7. referee n trọng tài
8. take place = occur = happen v xảy ra
9. (play) tug of war n (chơi) kéo co
10. (make a lot of) noise n (tạo ra nhiều) sự ồn ào
noisy (city) adj (thành phố) ồn ào
Hoàn thành những chỗ trống với những từ thích hợp để hoàn thành câu
1. My friends and I usually spend our ______________ playing badminton together at
the weekend.
2. I’m looking forward to the ______________ of my forty-five minute test.
3. Life in the city is very ______________ because there are a lot of cars, factories,
shops, and stores. These things make a lot of ______________ every day.
4. In the countryside, children usually play ______________ in their spare time. It’s not
an individual game, but it’s a team game.
5. In Vietnam, Tết holiday ________________ on the first day of the Lunar New Year.
6. ______________ is a country in South America. It is the home to many famous
footballers like Pelé, Ronaldo, Roberto Carlos, and so on.
7. Without him, a soccer match cannot start. Do you know that man? Write here if you
know: ‘______________’.
8. Pelé is ______________ the best football player of all time thanks to his incredible
achievements – three times of winning the World Cups and 1,281 goals in his 22-year
9. Teacher: Can you tell me some ______________ sports, please?
Student: I think …cycling, badminton, skiing, and golf.
10. Firstly, I think Cristiano Ronaldo is a ______________ footballer, but actually he’s
11. There is a lot of new ______________ in the city center and it has a large swimming
pool as well. Why don’t we visit it this weekend, Danny?
12. Laziness can ______________ unlucky and bad future, so don’t be lazy. Instad, we
should create diligent and hard-working habits right now.
13. Which word below has the closest meaning to the bold word in this sentence?
I like playing badminton in my free time.
A. large B. noisy C. spare D. individual

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TỪ VỰNG 6 Unit 8  Sports and Games
1. Greece n Hy Lạp
Greek adj người Hy Lạp
2. BC =Before Christ abb trước Công nguyên
AD =Amo Domini abb sau Công nguyên
3. feed – fed –fed v cho ăn
4. tennis court n sân tennis
badminton court n sân cầu long
soccer field n sân bóng đá
5. stand – stood - stood v đứng
stand in line đứng vào hàng
6. events n sự kiện
7. (table tennis) contest n cuộc thi (bóng bàn)
8. find – found – found v tìm kiếm; tìm thấy
findings n các phát hiện
9. seek – sought – sought v đi tìm cái gì đó
seekers # hiders n người đi tìm # người trốn
10. blindfold (eyes) v bịt kín (mắt) lại
Hoàn thành những chỗ trống với những từ thích hợp để hoàn thành câu
1. I usually use the Internet to ______________information for my assignments. It’s very
2. Do you know ‘Blindman’s bluff’? It’s a traditional game. One player will become a
______________ who will be eyeblinded and the others in the game will become
__________________. If you are caugt by the seeker, you’ll become a seeker.
3. Son: What do the two words ‘BC and AD’ stand for, daddy?
Father: Uhm … ______________ is a Latin wordfor Anno Domini and __________
stands for Before Christ. Do you have any more questions?
4. Olympic Games is one of the biggest sports ______________ in the world.
5. There are different words for place to play tennis, badminton, and soccer. Players play
tennis in a ______________, play badminton in a ______________, and play soccer in
a ______________.
6. The first Olympic Game took place in ______________ in 776 BC.
7. To play tugof war, players have to ______________ in two opposite lines and there are
at least two people in each side.
8. My father usually ______________ the fish before travelling to work every morning.
9. My mother asked me to ______________ my eyes before she brought out her presents
to me. I felt very excited then.
10. My school is going to organize an English-speaking ______________ next month. I
think I should register this time.
11. Yesteraday, I ______________ Tim in the wardrobe in the living room when playing
‘Blindman’s bluff’. He lloked very nervous the, haha…
12. ______________ is the language of modern and ancient Greece.

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TỪ VỰNG 1 Unit 9  Cities of the world

1. ancient # modern adj cổ xưa # hiện đại
2. build - built - built v xạy dựng cái gì đó
buildings n công trình; các toàn nhà
3. egg-shaped (building) adj (tòa nhà) hình quả trứng
4. take - took - taken v chụp; lấy, mua cgđ
take (many photos) chụp (nhiều hình)
5. continent n châu lục
continental (summit) adj (hội nghị thượng đỉnh) tầm châu lục
6. capitals n các thủ đô
7. places of interest n những danh làm thắng cảnh
8. (be) famous for sth adj nổi tiếng (về cgđ)
fame n danh tiếng
9. skycrapers n các tòa nhà chọc trời
10. Sweden n Thụy Điển
Swidish (watch) adj (đồng hồ) Thụy Điển

Hoàn thành những chỗ trống với những từ thích hợp để hoàn thành câu
1. Next year, I will visit Kiên Giang Province because there are a lot of
______________ to discover like U Minh Thượng National Garden, Phú Quốc
Island, Hà Tiên Town, etc.
2. My brother always brings a camera with him when traveling. He likes
______________ of nature. He has a very beautiful collection of natural pictures.
3. Hà Nội (written Hanoi in English) is the ______________ of Vietnam.
4. That ______________ buiding is very special and unique. From far distance, it
looks like a huge egg lying on the beach.
5. In the ______________ time, people don’t use pocket watches anymore. They like
wearing wrist watches or using smart watches.
6. When travelling to Vietnam, don’t forget to visit Hội An ______________ Town. It
possesses very charming beauty and the views are just fantastic.
7. There are six ______________ in the world, namely, America, Europe, Asia,
Africa, Australia, and Antartica.
8. Dubai is ______________ its sevev-start luxurious hotels and other unique
buildings like Burj Al Arab, Dynamic Tower Hotel, and the Prism.
9. The typical feature that people usually think about when talking about Dubai is its
______________ such as Buri Khalifa, Marina 101, and so on.
10. In ______________, a country in northern Europe, it’s very cold in the winter with
lots of snow.
11. Bern is the capital of ________________.
12. They are ______________ a new hospital in my area.

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TỪ VỰNG 2 Unit 9  Cities of the world
1. superlatives n so sánh nhất
2. write - wrote - written v viết cái gì đó
writer n nhà văn; tác giả
3. agree with sb # disagree v đồng ý # không đồng ý
agreement # disagreement n sự đồng ý # sự không đồng ý
4. spaghetti n món mì Ý
5. common - more common adj chung chung; thông thường
- the most common (=popular: phổ biến)
6. (write) a play v (viết) kịch
a playwright n nhà soạn kịch
7. leisure activities n các hoạt động giải trí
8. experience something v trải nghiệm cái gì đó
experiences n sự trải nghiệm
9. survey something v khảo sát cái gì đó (cgđ)
a survey n cuộc khảo sát
10. speak - spoke - spoken v nói (tiếng Anh)
(native) speakers n người bản ngữ
Hoàn thành những chỗ trống với những từ thích hợp để hoàn thành câu
1. Kathy: Can you tell me some __________________ that Vietnamese teenagers
usually do in their free time, please?
Phương: We like doing different activities such as playing badminton, listening to
music, acting dramas, and lots of others.
2. In order to ______________ English well, learners must try their best to practice as
much as possible with their friends and/ or ______________.
3. According to a recent ______________, nearly 90% of students in my school have
smart phonesand social accounts on Facebook, Zalo, Minds, and/or Twitter.
4. In this unit, we learn how to use __________________ of adjectives like the best,
the most beautiful, the tallest, etc. It’s quite easy.
5. Thùy: Do you know any famous ______________ in the world?
Khoa: I only know J.K. Rowling - the author of the Harry Porter series. She is one
of the richest women in Europe.
6. My sister, Thảo Phương, usually cooks delicious dishes for my family and me every
day, but the dish I like most is ______________.
7. Our English teacher has us tick the option that’s true to us in the given handouts;
she wants to ______________ how much time we spend learning English daily.
8. Last month, I ______________ three letters for my sister living in the USA. I miss
her a lot.
9. I have never ______________ such a terrible situation before. It’s so scary.
10. Diệu Hằng: What did you do last week, Hải Phương?
Hải Phương: I watched a ______________ called ‘Tấm and Cám’. Have you
watched it yet? It’s fantastic and educational.

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11. John and I are close friends of each other because we have a lot of things in
______________ like having the same hobbies - learning English and playing
tennis in free time.
12. Romeo and Juliet is the most popular ______________ of Shakespear. It tells a very
romantic and educational love story between two young people.
13. ‘Common’ is a long adjective since it has two syllables. Its comparative form is
‘more common’ and its superlative form is ‘________________’.
14. My mother didn’t ______________ to let me go out this weekend because she
wanted me to focus on my coming first-term exams.
15. Create a questionnaire about your friends’s likes and dislikes of living in the city or
the countryside. Make a ______________ and then tell me your group’s results.
16. Mr. Trần has a four-year ______________ of teaching English for kids, so most of
the kids he teachers like studying with him a lot.
17. A: We’re going to play badminton this weekend. Can you come along with us?
B: I’m not sure. I’m waiting for my mother’s ______________.

Viết dạng đúng của từ vào chỗ trống để hoàn thành câu

18. Hamlet Trương is one of the most popular ______________ (write) in Vietnam.
You can buy his works on Tiki.vn.
19. Tom usually ______________ (agree) with me about lots of things; however, we
are still close friends of each other.
20. Speaking English with native ______________ (speak) can help improve your
speaking skills quite fast and effectively.
21. Among online-shopping websites, I think Tiki.vn is _________________
(common) website in Vietnam. It offers diverse services with reasonable prices.
22. Have you ever ______________ (speak) English with a foreigner yet?
23. Trung’s ______________ (disagree) on working with Nhi in a school project made
her very sad and upset.
24. The ______________ (experience) we had in the trip to U Minh Thượng National
Garden are unforgettable and terrific.
25. We are doing a school project, so we have to ______________ (survey) how often
people play sports per week.

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TỪ VỰNG 3 Unit 9  Cities of the world
1. eat - ate - eaten v ăn cgđ
2. (have) a pet n (có) thú cưng
3. design (a building) v thiết kế (công trình; tòa nhà)
a design n một bản thiết kế
a designer n một nhà thiết kế
4. symbol (of Vietnam) n biểu tượng (của Việt Nam)
symbolize something v tượng trưng cho cgđ
5. creature n sinh vật
6. landmark n cảnh đẹp; thắng cảnh
7. tower n tháp
8. architecture n kiến trúc
architect n kiến trúc sư
9. a World Heritage n Di sản Thế giới
10. a university n trường đại học
Hoàn thành những chỗ trống với những từ thích hợp để hoàn thành câu
1. My sister, who is in grade 6 this year, wants to become a(n) ______________ in the
future. She wants to design lots of beautiful buildings for every one.
2. There is a(n) ______________ coffee shop in Trần Quang Khải Street. There are a
lot of different animals to play with when you drink coffee there.
3. This morning, I got up late and was nearly late for school, so I ______________
anything. Now I’m very hungry.
4. Tina: Can you name some famous ______________ in Vietnam and in the world?
Khoa: Bến Thành Market in Saigon, Big Ben in London, Merlion in Singapore, and
Effiel Tower in Paris.
5. My borther is an architect. Right now, he’s ______________ a new house for his
customer, so he’s very busy.
6. Sydney Opera House is a UNESCO _____________________ building. It’s in
7. I visited France last year. There are a lot of beautiful buildings with very attractive
8. Quốc Tử Giám (The Temple of Literature) is the first ______________ in Vietnam.
9. Dubai has a lot of tallest ______________ in the world such as the Burj Khalifa (828
meters high).
10. Minh: Can you tell me about Merlion in Singapore?
Đô: Of course. It’s the creature with the head of a lion and the body of a fish.
11. Traditionally, red color ______________ luckiness and wealth in Vietnamese beliefs,
so people usually decorate their house with this color in Tết holiday or weddings.
12. When we ask children about their favorite ______________, they usually say that
they like dogs most because they are cute and friendly.
13. Among the most popular monuments and buildings, I think the Three-Entrance Gate
(Cổng Tam Quan) is the ______________ of Rạch Giá City.
14. The ______________ for our new sports center is excellent and wonderful. The
architect must be very talented I think.

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TỪ VỰNG 4 Unit 9  Cities of the world
1. a million n một triệu
2. perfect adj hoàn hảo
perfectly adv một cách hoàn hảo
3. rent = hire (a car) v thuê; mướn (xe hơi)
4. discover something v khám phá; phát hiện cgđ
discovery n sự khám phá; phát hiện
5. mean - meant - meant v có ý gì đó; có ý nghĩa…
meaning n ý nghĩa
meaningful (story) adj (câu chuyện) ý nghĩa
6. feel -felt -felt v cảm thấy (mệt, buồn…)
feelings n cảm giác; cảm xúc
7. arrive (at/ in a place) v đến (một nơi nào đó)
arrival n sự đến
8. imagine something v tưởng tượng cgđ
imagination n sự tưởng tượng
imaginary (situations) adj (tình huống) tưởng tượng
9. the Royal Palace n Cung điện Hoàng gia
10. the Nobel Peace Prize n giải Nobel Hòa bình
Hoàn thành những chỗ trống với những từ thích hợp để hoàn thành câu
1. Mom: How do you say this number ‘1,000,000’, Anthony?
Anthony: It’s ______________. Is that right, mom?
2. Tuấn is an active boy. He likes playing outdoor activities and ______________ new
things around him. He usually asks his teachers interesting questions.
3. I think working as an architect needs a lot of ______________ if he/ she wants to
design beautiful and unique buildings for their customers.
4. Father: Daniel. What time is your flight ______________?
Daniel: It arrives at 2:30 p.m., dad.
5. When visiting Saigon, we ______________ a motorbike riding around the city to
discover its interesting life and places.
6. We started our trip at 5:00 a.m., but we didn’t ______________ at our destination
until midnight. It was a terrible trip.
7. Huyền went to Britain last summer vacation. She visited lots of famous places of
interest, including Buckingham ______________ in London.
8. The ______________________ is awarded in Oslo, Norway.
9. Tú Minh: Where can we have a barbecue this weekend?
Huỳnh Khang: My back garden is a ______________ place for it. Let’s come to my
house. We’ll have a lot of fun I guess.
10. ______________ that you are participating in the adventure with Dế Mèn and write
what will happen in this journey.
11. This is a ______________ video clip. I’ve watched it so many times, but I’m not
bored at all. I just want to watch it again and again.
12. Ngọc usually thinks of ______________situations to practice her speaking skills
because she doesn’t have any partners to practice Enlgish with every day.
13. The ______________ of Sơn Đòong caves in Vietnam was a big surprise for the
whole world.

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TỪ VỰNG 1 Unit 10  Our houses in the future

1. draw - drew - drawn v vẽ (tranh)
drawings n tranh vẽ (chì, viết bi)
2. UFO =Unidentified Flying Objects abb vật thể bay không xác định; đĩa bay
3. mountains n những ngọn núi
mountainous (areas) adj (vùng) núi
4. surround something v bao quanh cái gì đó
surrounding n vùng lân cận; thứ xung quanh
5. solar energy n năng lượng mặt trời
6. (household) appliances n thiết bị (dùng trong nhà)
7. wireless (TV) adj ti-vi không dây
8. (from) space n (từ) không gian; vũ trụ
9. a friend n người bạn
friendly (woman) adj (người phụ nữ) thân thiện
friendliness n sự thân thiện
friendship n tình bạn
10. may -might v có lẽ; có thể là
Hoàn thành những chỗ trống với những từ thích hợp để hoàn thành câu
1. Student: Teacher, what does the word ‘______________’ stand for?
Teacher: It stands for Unidentified Flying Objects. You can search for more
information about this topic on the Internet.
2. Behind my house, there are some trees. Behind the trees, there are some
______________. I usually go hiking there at the weekend.
3. In the future, people won’t use cable TVs anymore; instead, they’ll use
______________ to watch programs from Mars and other planets in the universe.
4. My dream house is a small cottage ______________ by lots of trees and flowers in
the countryside. I’ll do gardening every day with my children.
5. I think the next fifty years, all houses in Vietnam will use ______________ instead
of electricity. It’s safer and cleaner.
6. Thu is very ______________. She can make friend with everyone in our class.
7. People can save a lot of time thanks to the help of household ______________ such
as refrigerators, microwaves, washing machines, dishwashers, etc.
8. Trường: Hello, aunt Chi. Is Toàn at home?
Aunt Chi: Yes, he is. He’s ______________ pictures in his room. He’s waiting for
you upstairs.
9. Huỳnh Anh: Do you have many ______________ at school?
Tina: Yes, I have many at school, but Tú, Trinh, and Toàn Em are my best friends.
10. I might buy a wireless TV so I can watch TV programs from ______________.
11. Children in Sapa, a ______________ area in Vietnam, can speak English very well.
12. Tony is interested in arts and he usually draws a lot of pictures. His mother sticks his
______________ everywhere in the house. He’s very happy about this.
13. The ______________ of my dream house must have a lot of trees and flowers.

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TỪ VỰNG 2 Unit 10  Our houses in the future
1. a robot n rô-bốt
(a) robotic (arm) adj (cánh tay) rô-bốt
2. locate (in a big city) v tọa lạc; đặt (ở thành phố lớn)
location n địa điểm
3. houseboat n nhà thuyền
4. motorhome n nhà ở (bằng xe di động được)
5. under the ground pre dưới (lòng) đất
on the ocean trên đại dương
6. describe (a house) v mô tả (ngôi nhà)
(a house) description n bảng mô tả (nhà)
7. hi-tech (robots) n (rô-bốt) công nghệ cao
=high technology
8. (cook) meals n (nấu) các bữa ăn hằng ngày
9. drops (of water) drip sen những giọt (nước) nhỏ xuống
10. (cottage) roof n mái (nhà)

Hoàn thành những chỗ trống với những từ thích hợp để hoàn thành câu
1. This morning, my English teacher had a task for us. We had to ______________ our
dream ouse in the future and draw its design, too.
2. My elder sister sometimes helps my mom ______________ when she has free time.
She can cook quite well, but not as well as my mom.
3. I think that every house will have ______________ robots to do everything from
cleaning the floors to teaching children in the next thirty years. Do you think this may
4. 68 Altilier coffee house is ______________ on Phạm Hùng Street near Huỳnh Mẫn
Đạt School. It’s a good place for the weekend.
5. Tuấn’s dream house is a ______________ because he wants to travel all over the
world with his van. He can stop and start wherever he wants.
6. In some factories, ______________ arms are used to work instead of humn beings.
7. When I was sleeping in my bedroom, I could hear the ______________ of water
drpping on my ______________ roof.
8. This afternoon, our classmate will have to take turn presenting our dream house
______________ in front of the class. I think that it’ll be very interesting.
9. In the future, people may use ______________ to do their housework such as
cleaning the floors, cooking meals with robotic kitchen-arms, and so on.
10. There are more and more people in the world, so I think that people may live
___________________ or in space because the earth is too crowded.
11. I like watching drops of water ______________ on the water surface. It’s so
interesting and peaceful.
12. When travelling to Hạ Long Bay in Vietnam, tourists will have a chance to
experience life on a ______________ and explore this fantastic place.
13. Huệ: Can you tell me the ______________ of your dream house, Khang?
Khang: Ah…Let me see. I think it will be located on the ocean because I love ocean
life a lot.

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TỪ VỰNG 3 Unit 10  Our houses in the future
1. comfortable (apartment) adj (căn hộ) thoải mái
comfort # discomfort n sự thoải mái # không thoải mái
2. professional (player) adj (cầu thủ) chuyên nghiệp
(play) professionally adv (chơi) một cách chuyên nghiệp
profession n nghề nghiệp
professor n giáo sư
3. run on (electricity) v chạy bằng (điện)
4. instead of sth pre thay vì (cgđ)
5. engine n động cơ
6. control (the temperature) v kiểm soát (nhiệt độ)
(temperature) control n sự kiểm soát (nhiệt độ)
7. cost - cost - cost ($3) v có giá (3 đô la)
(high/ low) cost n giá (cao/ thấp)
8. surf (the internet) v lướt (mạng internet)
9. take care of (children) v chăm sóc (trẻ)
= look after children
10. possible (actions) adj (những hành động) có thể xảy ra; khả thi
possibility n sự khả thi; khả năng có thể xảy ra
Hoàn thành những chỗ trống với những từ thích hợp để hoàn thành câu
1. Customer: Can you tell me hosw much the shirt is?
Salesperson: It ______________ $20, but I just pay $16 because it was on sale.
2. Sơn says he wants to live in a ______________ house with full of modern household
appliances and have robots do all the household chores for him.
3. Although my father is very busy with his work, he always spends time
______________ of us. I love my dad very much.
4. This morning, I came to my work late because the car ______________ didn’t start
and I had to take a taxi instead. Unluckily, there was a terrible traffic jam, too.
5. Bằng: How much time do you usually spend ______________ the Internet, Hương?
Hương: I usually spend only two hours a day. How about you?
6. An air-conditioner can ______________ the temperature in your house, for example,
when it’s hot, you can use it to make your room cooler.
7. This morning, we asked ______________ Ngô Bảo Châu a lot of questions about
maths and we found it interesting to learn this subject.
8. ______________ taking a taxi to work, my father usually rides his own motorbike to
save money.
9. I like sitting on this sofa because it gives me a lot of ______________. I usually sit
here to relax when I’m tired or stressed.
10. Some scientists say that cars will probably ______________ water, not electricity
any longer. This helps to protect our environment better.
11. When I was a young child, I dreamed of being a ______________ teacher when I
grew up, and now I have made my dream come true.
12. We use ‘might’ to talk about ____________________ in the future when we are not
sure if they will happen or not.

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TỪ VỰNG 4 Unit 10  Our houses in the future
1. place sth face down v đặt cgđ mặt úp xuống
2. take turns (doing sth) v thay phiên nhau (làm cgđ)
3. appropriate (phrase) adj (cụm từ) thích hợp
4. instruct something v hướng dẫn; dạy dỗ cgđ
(follow) instruction n (làm theo) hướng dẫn
5. correct # incorrect adj đúng # sai (không đúng)
6. interview (your friend) v phỏng vấn (bạn của bạn)
an interview n cuộc phỏng vấn
interviewer n người phỏng vấn
7. (fly) a helicopter n (lái) trực thăng
8. such as = for example = like idi ví dụ như là …
9. contact (friends) v liện hệ; liên lạc (bạn bè)
a contact n liên hệ (trong danh bạ)
10. wind (energy) n (năng lượng) gió
windy (day) adj (ngày) nhiều gió

Hoàn thành những chỗ trống với những từ thích hợp để hoàn thành câu
1. Apart from using solar energy, people are now able to use ______________. The
energy is created from the power of wind in nature.
2. I think we should ______________ friends more often if we want ti have a good
friendship with them.
3. I have deleted some _____________ that I nevercommunicate with in my friend list.
4. Tony and I are practicing a conversation in English. Tony is a(n) ______________
and I answer his questions.
5. Modern people are using different types of energy for their daily activities
______________ electricity, solar energy, and wind energy.
6. My six-year-old brother wants to be a pilot to _____________ a helicopter in the sky.
7. Our English teacher usually asks us to ______________ speaking English by
roleplaying conversations in our textbooks.
8. In this exercise, you need to use ______________ words or phrases to fill in the
blanks to complete the sentences below. Got it, students?
9. If the statement is ______________, put a tick () in this box. If it’s ____________
put a cross () in the box. Now, are you ready to listen?
10. We must follow the ______________ carefully to perform this machine.
11. In the first-term exam, we have to take part in a(n) ______________ with our
English teacher. If you do well, you will get 2 marks in this section.
12. Now, ______________ your friends about their dream house. Thenm it’s your
friend’s turn to ask you his (her) questions.
13. Keep silent, Trung. Our teacher is ______________ us how to use the future simple.

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TỪ VỰNG 5 Unit 10  Our houses in the future
1. would prefer (to do sth) v muốn (làm cgđ)
=would like/ would love to do sth
2. (is) important to sb/ sth adj quan trọng với ai đó
importance n tầm quan trọng
importantly adv một cách quan trọng
3. (park/ city/ sea) view n toàn cảnh (công viên/ thành phố/ biển)
4. smart (phone/ clock) adj (điện thoại/ đồng hồ) thông minh
5. (pass/ fail) examinations n (đậu/ rớt) kỳ thi
6. invite somebody v mời ai đó
invitation n sự mời; lời mời
7. meet - met - met sb v gặp gỡ ai đó
(have) a meeting n (có) cuộc họp
8. (write) details (about sth) n (viết) chi tiết (về cgđ)
detailed (information) adj (thông tin) chi tiết
Hoàn thành những chỗ trống với những từ thích hợp để hoàn thành câu
1. Please call again later. I’m having ______________ with my son’s teacher.
2. I have ______________ all of my classmates to my birthday party next week.
3. If you study hard every day, I’m sure that you’ll ______________ the exams easily.
4. I think English is _________________ me because it helps me to have more friends
in the world.
5. He was very sad because he ______________ his math examination.
6. This ___________ clock can run away while ringing if you don’t get up immediately.
7. In this writing project, you must write a ______________ essay describing your
dream house and the things you want to have in it.
8. My house has two floors. I like living on the second floor because I can enjoy the
______________ at night. It’s colorful and fantastic in the evening.
9. Last week, I ______________ our teacher in Citimart supermarket.
10. Some students don’t really like studying English because they don’t know the
______________ of this subject in their future career.
11. The ______________ of your writing are not clear. Try to include more information
in your essays next times.
12. Customer: I ________________ to buy this pair of Nike shoes, please.
Salesperson: Of course, sir. Anything else, sir?
13. I have just received a(n) ______________ from Tony to his birthday party this
weekend. What should I buy for him, Ngân?
14. I’d prefer to have a house on the ocean with surrounding trees and flowers.
What does the word in bold have the closest meaning to?
A. would like B. had prefer C. would rather D. A and C are correct

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TỪ VỰNG 1 Unit 11  Our greener world

1. buy - bought - bought sth v mua cái gì đó
= purchase sth v,n
2. (go on) a picnic n (đi) dã ngoại
3. a loaf of (bread) n một ổ (bánh mì)
(plural: loaves) nhiều ổ
4. reuse something v tái sử dụng cgđ
Something is reusable. adj Cái gì đó dùng lại được.
5. (natural) materials n chất liệu (thiên nhiên)
6. make - made - made v làm ra cái gì đó
made of (natural materials) làm từ chất liệu thiên nhiên
7. environment n môi trường
environmental (issues) adj các vấn đề môi trường
8. sell - sold - sold sth v bán cgđ
9. the check-out n quầy tính tiền; quầy thanh toán
10. (air) pollution n ô nhiễm (không khí)

Hoàn thành những chỗ trống với những từ thích hợp để hoàn thành câu
1. This morning, I got up late, so I bought a ______________ bread to eat hurriedly.
I’m very hungry now.
2. People in big cities usually suffer from more ______________ than people in the
countryside because there are a lot of factories and means of transportation.
3. We should put our rubbish in the right places, plant more trees, and cycle to work
more often to protect our ______________.
4. My mother doesn’t usually throw plastic bags away, she usually cleans and
______________ them for her next shopping.
5. Attention, class! Today we’re going to discuss some ______________ issues such as
air pollution, water pollution, soil pollution, and noise pollution.
6. My father has just ______________ a new scooter for my sister to ride to her
university every day.
7. My family usually goes on ______________ in Bãi Dương Park on the weekend.
8. We collect used paper, empty cans of coke, and plastic bottles, and then
______________ them to get money. This money will be used for poorer students.
9. Mother: What does this sign say, darling?
Daughter: It means ‘Please buy biodegradable bags at the ______________’, mom.
10. Mother: What are biodegradable bags?
Daughter: They are bags made of ______________ and can be reused for many
times, mom. This helps reduce air and soil pollution.
11. Mother: Oh. These bags are ______________, right? Each costs 30,000 dong (about
$1.5). It’s quite cheap. I’ll purchase some of them for my shopping.
12. What is the synonym of the word ‘buy’?
A. purchase B. sell C. recycle D. reuse

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TỪ VỰNG 2 Unit 11  Our greener world
1. prepare (for the picnic) v chuẩn bị (cho buổi dã ngoại)
(make) a preparation for… n (thực hiện) sự chuẩn bị cho …
2. deforest v phá rừng
deforestation n sự phá rừng
3. soil (pollution) n sự ô nhiễm (đất)
pollute (soil) v làm ô nhiễm (đất)
4. effects n hậu quả
5. cause (flood, drought) v gây ra (lũ lụt, hạn hán)
6. plants # animals n thực vật # động vật
plant (trees) v trồng (cây)
7. reduce something v giảm cgđ lại
reduction (of sth) n sự giảm sút của cgđ
8. recycle (used paper) v tái chế (giấy đã qua sử dụng)
9. rubbish =garbage = litter n rác rưởi
10. bulbs n bóng đèn
Hoàn thành những chỗ trống với những từ thích hợp để hoàn thành câu
1. An: Do you know why there is more and more flood happening very often like this, Minh?
Minh: I think one of the most popular reasons is the activity of __________________,
which destroyed a lot of trees preventing the speed of rain.
2. If you use these energy-saving light ______________, you will save more money for
your family because they consume less energy than the normal ones.
3. My sister likes collecting glass bottles. She ______________ them by using them for
home decoration. These bottle lights are beautiful and fantastic.
4. It takes from ten to twenty years for plastic bags to dissolve completely, so using
plastic bags can cause ______________.
5. Hải Phương: What are you doing, Diệu Hằng?
Diệu Hằng: I’m ______________ for my picnic next weekend.
6. We use these phrases ‘make somebody (sb)/ something (sth) to do something or to
cause sth’ to express ______________ of some previous actions.
7. Please don’t throw ______________ everywhere in the park. Please help us by
putting it in the right places. Thank you very much!
8. Soil pollution can cause the death of ______________ and animals in the
neighborhood, so we work together to solve this issue.
9. The ______________ of air pollution levels in our community depends on each
person’s awareness. I think we must pay more attention to this issue.
10. I’m searching for some photos to make ________________ for my presentation of
types of polution. Do you know which websites to visit?
Điền vào chỗ trống một từ thích hợp với gợi ý bằng một chữ cái
This morning, I read some English texts talking about some e ______________11
problems we are suffering from such as air pollution, s______________12 , and even
noise pollution. Our teacher asked us to think of ways to r______________13 the bad
e______________14 of these issues and present our ideas in the next lesson. My group
chose to talk about air pollution. I think we should p______________15 more trees,
collect r______________16 on the streets, beaches, and parks, and r______________17
things more instead of throwing them away. In addition, each person in our community
should be aware of this problem and share the duty together. Now, we are
p______________18 for our presentation. Talk to you later.

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TỪ VỰNG 3 Unit 11  Our greener world
1. watch out v coi chừng; cẩn thận; chú ý
2. different (ideas) adj (ý tưởng) khác biệt
difference n sự khác biệt
3. stand for something v viết tắt cho cgđ
4. pay attention to sth v chú ý đến cgđ
5. conditional sentences n câu điều kiện
6. be likely to happen adj có khả năng xảy ra
7. save (the environment) v bảo vệ (môi trường)
8. waste (natural materials) v lãng phí (vật liệu tự nhiên)
9. pollute something v làm ô nhiễm cgđ
polluted (air) adj (không khí) bị ô nhiễm
10. dirty # clean adj dơ bẩn # sạch sẽ
Hoàn thành những chỗ trống với những từ thích hợp để hoàn thành câu
1. In this unit, we learn how to use _________________ to describe things that are possible
and likely to happen in the present and future.
2. I think we should plant more trees, release more animals, and recycle things more
instead of wasting them. We can ______________ our environment by doing this.
3. Answer the phone for me, Daniel. I’m planting some flowers now, so my hands are
______________ and I can’t answer it.
4. Please turn off all of household appliances when not using them. You are
______________ the eneegy if you don’t do so.
5. I like working in a team because we have a lot of ______________ ideas for a topic.
The only difficult thing is to choose the best one.
6. The air is more and more ______________ due to plenty of vehicles, factories,
garbage, and deforestation.
7. UFO ______________ Unidentified Flying Objects. It is a very interesting topic. Do
you believe in the existence of UFOs from space, Nam?
8. Please _________________ saving our environment right now. It’s more and more
polluted. We should do something to save the earth immediately.
9. There are four ______________ between the two pictures. Find and tick them.
10. This movie is so hot. I think it’s ______________ to be very expensive for us to buy
tickets at this time.
11. Eat all the food in your bowl, don’t ______________ it. It’s a way for us to show our
respects towards farmers and save the world.
12. Someone must have cleaned the room. It’s very ______________.
Viết dạng đúng của từ vào chỗ trống để hoàn thành câu
13. Although we have ______________ (difference) hobbies and don’t share many
things in common, we’re still friends of each other.
14. When we burn plastic bags and kinds of garbage, we are ______________ (pollute)
our air by releasing a lot of carbon dioxide (CO2) into the atmosphere.
15. Boys and girls may behave ______________ (difference).
16. They’re twinks. I can’t recognize the ______________ (different) between them.
17. Smoke from factories and means of transportation makes the air more and more
______________ (pollute).

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TỪ VỰNG 4 Unit 11  Our greener world
1. breathe (fresh air) v hít thở (không khí trong lành)
breathing (problems) adj (vấn đề) hô hấp
2. cut down (trees) v chặt; đốn (cây cối)
3. throw - threw - thrown v vứt đi
4. die v chết
dead (fish) adj (cá) chết [trạng thái]
death of (fish) n sự chết của (cá)
5. wrap something v gói cgđ lại
6. (follow) the tips n (làm theo) các mẹo này
7. refill (a marker) v bơm mực (vào viết lông)
refillable (markers) adj (viết lông) có thể bơm mực lại
8. (do) charity n (làm) từ thiện
charitable (organization) adj (tổ chức) từ thiện
9. swap = exchange sth v trao đổi cgđ
10. discuss (an issue) v thảo luận (một vấn đề)
discussion n sự thảo luận
Hoàn thành những chỗ trống với những từ thích hợp để hoàn thành câu
1. A lot of fish in the neighborhood ___________ because of the serious water pollution.
Please do something to save them.
2. Air pollution is the key factor that cause our _________________ problems.
3. To save money, we usually ___________________ books together. If I’ve finished a
book, I’ll exchange it with my friends. By doing this, we can read a lot of books
without spending too much money. We can use that money to help poor students.
4. Henry Marr, a seven-year-old, wishes that people didn’t _________________ trees
because this will destroy the environment we are living in.
5. What will happen to our health if we _________________ polluted air every day?
6. We usually collect old clothes, school things, books, and money to do
______________. We feel so happy when giving things to others in need.
7. Our _________________ topic today is ‘What should we do to protect the environment?’
8. If you want to help save the environment and become greener, follow the
_________________ below.
9. The _________________ of his dog made him very sad. He misses him a lot.
10. Please _________________ the markers. They’re all out of ink.
11. We can’t refill these pens when they’re out of ink, right? We’d like to buy
_________________ ones. Are they available?
12. I’d like to help by giving us more ideas for saving the environment because we’re
_________________ how to be greener and reduce pollutions’ bad effects.
13. Tony likes doing charity, so he’d like to be a member of a ____________ organization
in his neighborhood to help more people.
14. I’m _________________ a present for my sister’s birthday tonight. I think she’ll be
very happy and surprised with this gift.
15. ‘_________________’ is the simple past form of the verb ‘throw’, and
‘_________________’ is the past participle form.

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TỪ VỰNG 5 Unit 11  Our greener world
1. (put) in order v sắp xếp theo thứ tự
2. create something v tạo nên cgđ
creative (ideas)= imaginative adj (ý tưởng) sáng tạo
creativity n sự sáng tạo; sự tạo ra
3. (book) fair n hội chợ (sách)
4. connect something v kết nối cgđ
connector n liên kết từ; vật kết nối
5. appear # disappear v xuất hiện # biến mất
appearance # disappearance n sự xuất hiện # sự biến mất
6. sea level n mực nước biển
7. rise - rose - risen v tăng lên; mọc lên
8. enough (food) adj đủ (thức ăn)
9. electricity n điện
10. turn on # turn off sth v mở # tắt cgđ
Hoàn thành những chỗ trống với những từ thích hợp để hoàn thành câu
1. My school is going to organize a(n) _________________ for all students to exchange
their old books. All of the money from selling books will be used for charity.
2. When the Earth is getting warmer and warmer, the _________________ will rise
higher and higher. It means some countries will disappear forever.
3. Turn off all of the household appliances you’re not using to save _________________.
4. In this exercise, the sentences are mixed up, you have to put them
_________________. After that, practice reading aloud with your partner.
5. I’ve just _________________ a new dish. Wanna try it?
6. We use words such as ‘firstly, secondly, next, then, and finally’ to ______________
one idea to another. These words are called _________________.
7. You can save a lot of _________________ if you turn off appliances like TVs,
computers, and lights when you don’t use them.
8. The rise in sea level causes the _________________ of some countries in the world.
9. The room is very dark. _________________ the lights, Tony.
10. Hùng usually has ____________________ for our group’s project. His thinkings are
always different and unique.
11. Do you have __________________ to eat, Sơn? I think you need some more. Don’t be
shy. Make yourself at home, please.
12. Can you write the simple past form and the past participle form of the verb ‘rise/? If
yes, write here: _________________, _________________.
13. I think working as an architect or artist requires a lot of _________________ because
we have to make unique and different products all the time.
Viết dạng đúng của từ vào chỗ trống để hoàn thành câu
14. His _________________ (appear) made all of people at the party surprised.
15. We need your _________________ (create) to make this project more successful.
16. The stars in the sky _________________ (appear) when the sun rises.
17. Your ideas are very good and _ ________________ (create).
18. The _________________ (disappear) of Kiki, my dog, makes me very worried.
19. The Internet helps to _________________ (connector) people toghether.
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TỪ VỰNG 1 Unit 12  Robots

1. (play an important) role n (đóng một) vai trò (quan trọng)
2. in the past # at the present pre hồi xưa # bây giờ
3. sick/ ill (people) adj (người) bệnh
sickness = illness n căn bệnh; sự bị bệnh
4. (be) able to do sth v có thể làm cgđ
# unable to do sth v # không thể làm cgđ
5. do the dishes v rửa chén
= do the washing-up
6. do the laundry v giặt đồ
7. make the bed v dọn dẹp giường ngủ
8. (cut) the hedge n (cắt; tỉa) hàng rào
9. mime something v diễn tả cgđ bằng hành động
10. guess sth v đoán cgđ (khi mình chưa biết)
= make a guess
Hoàn thành những chỗ trống với những từ thích hợp để hoàn thành câu
1. In the past, people washed their clothes by hands. However, people can do
________________ with washing machines in the present time.
2. Thúy and I learn new words by writing them out, learning by heart or
______________ the words for other friends to guess the meanings.
3. My sister usually helps my mother ______________ after each meal. She sometimes
cooks dinner when my mom comes home late too.
4. When you don’t know new words in a reading passage, try to ______________ their
meanings by reading the passage again several times. After that, find them in a dictionary.
5. Nhật Đăng was ______________ to speak English when he was five years old.
6. There are some robots that are able to take care of ______________ in hospitals.
7. In my opinion, education plays an important ______________ in one person’s life.
8. My father usually asks me to _________________ with him on the weekend. The
trees are growing very well and fast.
9. Tony! Look at your room! Please _______________ after you get up next time.

Điền vào chỗ trống với không quá ba chữ để hoàn thanh câu
In the past, robots had minor roles in our life. However, scientists are inventing
newer and more modern robots that can do a lot of different things, so they
______________10 more important ___________11 nowadays. Some robots can take
care of ______________12 people in hospitals. Some robotic arms can cook meals
and ________________13 when you get up. Don’t worry about doing
______________14, cutting ______________15, or ______________16 the washing-
up because robots can do all of the tasks for you. They are even ______________17
talk with you when you are sad. However, I really worry about robots since they
make us lazier and more dependent. What do you think about this?

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TỪ VỰNG 2 Unit 12  Robots
1. ability n khả năng
2. climb (a mountain) v leo (núi)
mountain climbing n môn leo núi
3. (play) chess n (chơi) cờ vua
4. recognize (your face/ voice) v nhận dạng (gương mặt/ giọng nói)
(face) recognition n sự nhận dạng (khuôn mặt)
5. guard (your house) v canh gác (nhà bạn)
(a security) guard n nhân viên canh gác (an ninh)
6. lift (heavy things) v nhấc (vật nặng) lên
7. understand-understood - understood v hiểu cái gì đó
understanding n sự thông hiểu
8. emotional (story) adj (câu chuyện) xúc động
people’s emotions n cảm xúc (của con người)
9. do sums vph làm toán cộng
10. recent (years) adj (những năm) gần đây
recently adv dạo gần đây
Hoàn thành những chỗ trống với những từ thích hợp để hoàn thành câu
1. My father is very strong, so he always helps to ________________ for us.
2. I don’t ________________ this word, sir. Could you please explain it?
3. My literature teacher usually tells us ________________ stories. These stories help
us to understand how hard people are trying and how difficult their life is.
4. My favorite hobby is ___________________ because it’s difficult and challenging.
5. Ongaku, a very famous robot from Japan, can ________________ the house and
send signals when there are some security problems with our house.
6. Would you like to play ________________ with us tonight?
7. Robots nowadays are very intelligent and are able to ________________ your face
when you’re talking with him/ her.
8. In __________ years, scientists and engineers have invented a lot of smart, intelligent
robots. For example, some robots can cut the hedge and some can teach children, too.
9. My mother said that I could do ________________ when I was three years old.
10. Recently, we can use robots as security ________________ because they are able to
send videos and what’s happening to our houses immediately.
11. Phone users can open their phones by using their function called ‘voice
12. Modern robots have ________________ to do more different tasks than those in
________________. They can teach children, do the washing up, and so on.
13. Robots can recognize people’s ________________ through their cameras.

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TỪ VỰNG 3 Unit 12  Robots
1. vowel sounds n âm nguyên âm
consonant sounds n âm phụ âm
2. step (on my toes) v đạp (lên ngón chân tôi)
3. jump up/ down v nhảy lên/ xuống
4. speech synthesis n sự tổng hợp; đồng bộ giọng nói
5. complicated (things) adj (những thứ) phức tạp
# simple (things) # (những thứ) đơn giản
6. send - sent - sent something v gửi cgđ đi
7. science n khoa học
scientist n nhà khoa học
scientific (study) adj (nghiên cứu) khoa học
8. comb (your hair) v chải (tóc của bạn)
9. bend - bent - bent over v gập người; bẻ cong
10. push # pull something v đẩy # kéo cgđ
Hoàn thành những chỗ trống với những từ thích hợp để hoàn thành câu
1. Please ____________ to open and _____________ to close the door.
2. Look at these symbols ‘/e/, /u:/, /æ/, they are called ‘_____________’, and these ‘/n/,
/m/,/r/… are called _____________ sounds.
3. This morning, I typed a message and forget to _____________ it to my mother. She
was worried because I didn’t reply her message.
4. Some of my students want to become _______________ in the future.
5. My younger sister was ________________ and _______________ when she saw my
mother coming home from work.
6. In the past, robots played minor roles in our life because they could do some
_____________ things. However, they become more important nowadays because
they can do more and more _____________ tasks.
7. Nga: Ouch! You’re _____________ on my toes.
Tiền: Oh … I’m really … sorry. Are you alright?
8. This part of a robot is called ‘___________________’. It helps receive signals of
people’s speech and then respond to it, so robots can interact with people easily.
9. Can you use your hands to touch your toes without _______________?
10. When I become a scientist, I think I will create useful _____________ studies for
humans and for the world.
11. Look at your hair. You need to _____________ it again.
12. I like literature and languages, but I don’t like _______________ such as math,
biology, or chemistry.
Viết dạng đúng của từ vào chỗ trống để hoàn thành câu
13. They’ve just published a lot of useful _______________ (science) studies.
14. Do you know the _______________ (science) who invented the telephone?
15. What is the acronym of the word ‘pull’? Write here: _______________.
16. This word describes the action of moving your body down to do something:
_______________. Its simple past form is _______________ and past participle is
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TỪ VỰNG 4 Unit 12  Robots
1. wake - wole - waken up v đánh thức ai đó dậy
2. get to school on time pre đến trường đúng giờ
get to school in time pre đến trường kịp lúc
3. skills n kỹ năng
skillful (players) adj (cầu thủ) kỹ thuật nhuần nhuyễn
4. space (station) n (trạm) không gian
5. apart from = besides pre bên cạnh; ngoài cgđ ra
6. pronounce (a word) v phát âm (một chữ)
pronunciation n sự phát âm
7. improve (your English skills) v cải thiện (kỹ năng tiếng Anh của bạn)
improvement n sự cải thiện
8. comfortable (house) adj (căn nhà) tiện nghi; thoải mái
(live) comfortably adv (sống) một cách thoải mái
9. dangerous (work) adj (công việc) nguy hiểm
danger n sự nguy hiểm
10. careful (preparation) adj (sự chuẩn bị) cẩn thận
(prepare) carefully adv (chuẩn bị) một cách cẩn thận
Hoàn thành những chỗ trống với những từ thích hợp để hoàn thành câu
1. ____________ helping people with simple things, robots now are able to do a lot of
other complicated tasks like building houses, working in space, or working as a
2. If you start your work ____________ at the beginning, you won’t spend lots of time
correcting mistakes after you finish it.
3. I got up late this morning, but I could get to work ____________.
4. He wants to be rich in the future to have a ____________ house in a big city.
5. Listening to English music, speaking English with your friends every day, and
writing in English as much as possible will ____________ your language skills.
6. Although he earns a lot of money, he doesn’t choose to live ____________. Instead,
he spends most of his spare time doing charity to help the poor.
7. Nhi usually gets up early in the morning to go to school ____________. She’s never
late for school.
8. I think we must be good at four _______________ such as listening, speaking,
writing and reading if we want to use it to communicate professionally.
9. Student: I don’t know how to ____________ this word ‘dangerous’. Can you show
me its ________________.
Teacher: OK. Look at this ‘/ˈdeɪndʒərəs/’. Repeat after me, please.
10. Some robots are sent to and work in space _______________.
11. After studying English with Mr. Trần, I can improve my English __________ very
clearly. Now I’m more confident to speak English with my friends and foreigners.
12. Tony usually prepares his presentations _______________ before showing them to
his teachers.
13. Children’s lives are in _______________ every timethey across this road.

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TỪ VỰNG 5 Unit 12  Robots
1. reason n lý do
reasonable (price) adj (giá cả) hợp lý
2. (lift) weights n (nâng) tạ
your weight n cân nặng của bạn
weigh you v cân bạn (coi nhiêu ký)
3. replace something v thay thế cgđ
replacement of sth n sự thay thế của cgđ
4. express something v thể hiện cgđ
(emotional) expression n sự thể hiện (cảm xúc)
5. increase # decrease sth v tăng # giảm cgđ
6. a century = 100 years n một thế kỷ
7. minerals n khoáng chất
8. continue something v tiếp tục cgđ
continuation n sự tiếp tục
9. individual (prize) adj (giải thưởng) cá nhân
10. depend on sth v phụ thuộc vào cgđ
dependent # independent adj phụ thuộc # độc lập
dependence # independence n sự phụ thuộc # sự độc lập
Hoàn thành những chỗ trống với những từ thích hợp để hoàn thành câu
1. Last year, I won an ____________ prize in an English-speaking contest held by the
local English club in Rạch Giá City.
2. Can you tell me the ____________ why scientists should stop developing robots?
3. If you refer to ten years, you can use this word ‘a decade’, and if you mean a hundred
years, you use this word ‘____________’.
4. Vietnam gained its ______________ on September 2nd, 1945.
5. I decided not to ____________ the job because it’s so boring. I have to do the same
things every day.
6. The shirt’s price is very ______________. It costs only more than 100,000 dong
(almost $5). It’s cheap, isn’t it?
7. In the future, people will use robots to ____________ human workforce in some
factories and jobs. I quite worry about this. What do you think, Peter?
8. The continuation of this project ____________ the money we get from the
government and local organizations.
9. Robots using only solar energy will work in space stations in the universe, get
____________ like gold, aluminum, iron… and then send them back to earth.
10. Modern robots are able to ____________ some basic emotions like happiness,
sadnessm sympathy, or disappointment.
11. Na:How much is your ____________? -- Xuân: I weight only 50 kilos.
12. The ____________ od energy-saving light bulbs helps reduce a lot of money for
households because they use less power than normal ones.
13. In the past, farmers are ____________ upon nature to get enough water for their
crops. But now, things are different, they use levee system to control the water.
14. The man in the picture is _______________.
He must be very strong, right?
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Hoàn thành những chỗ trống với những từ thích hợp để hoàn thành câu
In this unit, its topic is ‘robots’. In the
past, these machines played m___________15
r___________16 in people’s daily life because
they could do very simple things. However,
robots, nowadays, are able to do a lot of
c___________17 tasks which are more
dangerous like cleaning glass in skyscrapers,
working in s___________18 s___________19,
and building houses for humans. Becaue they are more and more modern, so some
people worry that robots can r___________20 human beings some day in the future.
R___________21, a human-like robot called ‘Sophia’ r___________22 as a citizen in
Arab Saudi. She looks like areal woman. Especially, she is able to answer questions
intelligently and e___________23 emotions very well like sad, happy, pleasant, or
angry. Some robots are designed to l___________24 heavy things, teach subjects in
school, or work as a doctor in hospital. People are more and more i___________25 on
robots to live. Therefore, they are becoming lazier because they have robots do
everything for them. If this situation c___________26 to happen, the r___________27
of robots for human workers can come true. What do you think about this? I really
want to know your ideas about this topic.
by Đức Lê

Điền vào chỗ trống với động từ, danht từ, tính từ hoặc trạng từ cho thích hợp
28. I can’t accept your invitation right now because it _______________ (depend)
on my morther’s permission.
29. If the _______________ (continue) of developing robots happens so fast like
this, the replacement of robots for human workers is not avoidable.
30. Robots now can recognize your _______________ (emotion) expressions easily
thanks to face-recognition technology.
31. Laziness is one of the main _______________ (reason) that leads to the
development of inventing robots. It’s just my opinion.
32. Although it is a famous fashion shop in Rạch Giá City, clothes are sold with
_______________ (reason) prices.
33. A: Do you think that robots will _______________ (replace) humans some day
in the future? -- B: I definitely agree with you.
34. Look at the TV, Sophia is _______________ (express) her emotion of anger.
Wow! She’s a very intelligent robot I’ve ever seen.
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TỪ VỰNG 6 Unit 12  Robots
1. environmentalist n nhà môi trường học
2. lazy (students) adj (học sinh) lười biếng
laziness n sự lười biếng
3. interact with sb/sth v tương tác với ai đó/ cgđ
interactive (program) adj (chương trình) tương tác
interaction n sự tương tác
4. signals n tín hiệu
5. react (to sth/ sb) v phản ứng lại (cgđ/ ai đó)
reaction n sự phản ứng
6. predict sth v dự đoán cgđ
prediction n sự dự đoán
7. eco-friendly adj thân thiện với sinh thái
8. clap (your hands) v vỗ (tay của bạn)
9. a boring film adj bộ phim chán phèo
I’m bored with it. adj Tôi chán với nó.
10. park (on the street) v đậu (đỗ) xe (trên đường)
Hoàn thành những chỗ trống với những từ thích hợp để hoàn thành câu
1. ____________ loudly for his great performance! Thank you very much, ladies and
2. ______________ is a person who is concerned about natural environments and wants
to improve and protect it with high responsibilities.
3. To protect our environment, concumers should use more ______________ products
like organic vegetables, degradable bags, and so on.
4. Security-guard robots will send alarming ____________ to you through Wi-fi
connection when there are some dangerous problems with your house.
5. There are plentyof ____________ English-teaching videos on YouTube for language
learners all over the world.
6. Tom never does his homework before school because of his ____________.
7. Excuse-me, sir. You can’t ____________ here. The parking lot is over there.
8. Last week, I watched a movie with my friend in CVG. There was nothing interesting
happening in it. It was quite ____________.
9. When robots recognize your emotional expressions, they will ____________quickly
and exactly like a real person.
10. Nowadays, robots can ____________with people like a real man. For instance, they
can speak, expression emotions, and respond to your questions intelligently.
11. Modern people are very busy with their homework, so they usually feel
____________ to do household chores like washing clothes, cooking meals, and
cleaning the floors. Therefore, robots are invented to help them.
12. Nobody could ____________ the result of this soccer match.
13. The ____________ between humans and robots takes place very easily thanks to
digital cameras, speech recognition, speech synthesis and Wi-fi connection.
14. Robots’ ____________ towards humans’ emotional expression are very quick and
accurate. We can’t believe it.
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Kính thưa các quý thầy cô, tác giả không giữ bản quyền những quyển sách này với hy
vọng với kiến thức ít ỏi này có thể đóng góp cho sự phát triển Anh ngữ nước nhà. Nhìn
quan một vòng, chúng ta thấy thế hệ trẻ đang rất cần những người thầy, người cô như quý
vị đây dìu dắt và giảng dạy bằng cái tâm thương yêu bình đẳng, với hy vọng làm sao để
các em ấy thành người có đức có tài, biết hiếu dưỡng cha mẹ, biết ân tổ quốc, và kính
trọng tôn sư, hơn thế nữa là yêu thương người và vạn loài như chính bản thân các em.
Chứ không phải như hiện nay, người ta cứ tranh giành nhau dạnh lợi để gây ra biết bao
điều khổ ải cho bản thân và nhiều người khác. Cho nên, đắn đo rất nhiều, tôi đã quyết
định tặng quý thầy cô chuỗi sách này mà ban đầu tôi có ý định viết để kinh doanh. Tôi hy
vọng quý thầy cô không chê kiến thức còn hạn hẹp và non kém này mà dùng sách như
một tâm huyết của một người trẻ tuổi để đồng hành với thầy cô trên con đường giảng
dạy, trên một con đường vĩ đại nhất của đời người – đó là nhà giáo dục.
Để giáo dục được học trò mình, trước hết người làm thầy phải là gương mẫu, phải là
một bậc có đạo đức, chứ không phải là một người thầy chỉ vì danh vì lợi mà hy sinh lợi
ích của người học để chỉ đem đến lợi ích cho mình. Hy vọng nước Việt sẽ sản sinh ra vô
số những bậc thầy vĩ đại, để tiếng thơm của thầy cô cứ mãi mãi lưu truyền cho đời đời
lớp lớp học sinh kế cận.
Có thể có người sẽ đổi tên, sẽ dùng để xuất bản, tác giả cũng không phiền hà gì khi các
vị không ngại làm những điều như thế. Tác giả chỉ hy vọng, hết thảy quý thầy cô sẽ dùng
nó để đào tạo ra những con người học vấn chân chính. Nhưng để có những học trò chân
chính, quý thầy cô trước hết phải chân chính. Làm được điều ấy, cái đức ấy mới cảm
được học trò nghe theo chúng ta. Từ đó, hiền tài có đạo đức mới xuất hiện để phục vụ
chúng ta sau này.
Tác giả không tặng quý vị đáp án với dụng ý mong quý vị cũng bỏ chút thời gian
nghiên cứu thật kỹ trước khi đem đi dạy học trò mình. Có chút bất tiện, nhưng mong thầy
cô hiểu ý này mà bỏ chút tâm lực.
Trong quá trình biên soạn, không khỏi những sơ sót về lỗi chính tả hoặc ngữ pháp,
cũng mong quý thầy cô bỏ qua và xin nhận những lời đóng góp của quý thầy cô để những
quyển sách này hoàn chỉnh hơn.

Rạch Giá, 21.04.2019

Tác giả biên soạn
Lê Công Đức
Kính tặng

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