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Universidad de Ingeniería y Tecnología

Course Syllabus – Period 2019-I

1. Course number and name: EL6004 – Introduction to Embedded Systems.

2. Credits: 04 credits.

3. Hours per session: 3 hours of weekly theory - 4 hours of biweekly laboratory.

4. Instructor’s or course coordinator’s name, e-mail and attention hours:

Course Coordinator and Instructor:

Jimmy Tarrillo jtarrillo@utec.edu.pe
Attention: appointment by email
Office P516

Teaching Asistant:

Eysenck Mateo eyesenck.mateo@utec.edu.pe

Attention: appointment by email

5. Bibliography:

a) Basic

 Peter Marwedel. Embedded System Design, 2da edición. USA. 2011.

 Hamacher, Vranesic, Zaky, Manjikian. Computer Organization and Embedded Systems. 6ta
edición. USA.
 Edward H. Currie and David Van Ess. PSoC3/5 Reference Book. USA. 2010

6. Course information:

a) Brief description of the content of the course:

Embedded Systems are electronic systems in which both, the computation device (i.e. microcontroller
or microprocessor) and the elements around it, are selected and operated in optimized and reliable
way, according to a specific application. In this introductory course, students must understand the
architecture and the efficient operation of a microcontroller/microprocessor. In this way, the students
interpret a problem, and then design, implement and validate their solution using the Assembler and C
language. Additionally, they must understand and use peripherals that allow the microcontroller or
microprocessor to interact with the physical world efficiently and reliably. It is recommended that
students have solid knowledge of basic electronic circuits

b) Prerequisites: Digital Circuits (EL4003).

c) Required or Elective: Required for Electrical Engineering and Mechatronic Engineering.

d) Modality: Face-to-face.
7. Specific goals of the course:

a) Competences

At the end of the course the student will be able to:

● b1: Ability to designing and conduct experiments (level 2)
● b2: Ability to analyze information (level 2)
● b3: Ability to interpret information (level 2)
● c1: Ability to design a system, a component or a process to meet the desired needs within
realistic constraints (level 2)
● e3: Ability to solve engineering problems (level 2)
The course addresses the following results of students of ICACIT/ABET: b, c and e.

b) Learning outcomes

Specific outcomes:
● Understands and analyses the basic features of microcontrollers and microprocessors
● Propose flow diagrams aiming the resolution of embedded systems problems
● Implement, simulate and debug programs coded in assembler and C for microcontroller and
SoCs using digital and analog peripheries
● Analyze the power consumption, executing time and resources used by the microcontroller or
● Develop embedded system projects based on a microcontroller or microprocessor a

Transversal outcomes:
● Learn the use of electronic devices by means of their data sheets and other manufacture
● Communicates orally and writing effectively using a specific technical vocabulary.
● Work effectively with other people to achieve a common goal.

8. Brief list of topics to be covered:

a) Introduction to embedded systems.

b) Basic programming in assembler and C for microcontrollers and microprocessors.
c) Internal peripherals of microcontrollers and microcprocessors
d) Introduction to Sensors and actuators
e) Topics in embedded systems.

9. Methodology and evaluation system:

a) Concept sessions:
Concept sessions will prioritize the use of problem-based learning methodology. Digital presentations,
whiteboard, and exercises developed by student groups will be used as learning tools. Students must
study the preparatory materials for each session.

b) Practice sessions:
Instructors conduct classroom practice classes, having as a priority the safety of people, with small
groups of students, which design, implement, verify and analyze small projects related to the topics
presented in the concept sessions. The submission of written reports for each session will be

c) Project:
Students will meet in defined groups with the teacher, to solve a problem of embedded systems. The
solution must consist of analysis, design, implementation, validation and parameterization according to
the requirements of the problem. The results should be shown through a written report, an oral
presentation and a practical demonstration.

d) Assessment guidelines:
The final grade will be obtained as:
 01 final Project that originates the “P” grade.
 04 quizzes: The minor grade will be canceled.
 07 laboratory sessions: The minor grade will be canceled.
 05 Online controls: 05 points each one where the minor grade will be canceled.
 1 Final exam.

Final Grade = 0.3PT + 0.25L + 0.05C + 0.2 P + 0.2 E

PT = Average of three highest scores
L = Average of six highest scores
C = Online control grade
P = Final Project
E = Final Exam

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