Part III Nurture Their Nature - Helping Those With A Neurodifference Enjoy Learning Again

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Part III Nurture Their Nature: Helping

Those with a Neurodifference Enjoy

Learning Again
“ELBERT develops connection, trust, and love by instilling curiosity, autonomy, and attunement in our
students.” by Tricia Cook

After over twenty years of being in education, I provide tutoring, consulting, and coaching on dyslexia
and other neurodevelopmental differences. Over the last 15 years, I’ve observed an increasing amount
of behavioral, sensorial, cognitive, physical, mental, and spiritual difficulties and differences along with
an increased number of children being medicated and misdiagnosed; Therefore, I developed a
revolutionary program that includes an evaluation that “looks at the whole child.” I work with all
stakeholders on constructive engagement when learning based on my student “whole child”
observation(s) inspired by Maria Montessori, Neville Lancelot Goddard, Benjamin Bloom, Peter Levine,
Conrad E. and Cohen B., Dr. J. Puleo & Dr. L. Horowitz, Howard Garner, Dr. Bradley Nelsen, Hans Berger,
Jean Piaget, Grolnick, W. & Kurowski, C. and Erik Erickson. I have also developed a revolutionary
training/intervention program for people with unique learning and neurodifferences. This program is
based on my own inductive reasoning and a detective sense contributed to my own gift of dyslexia,
countless hours of student observations, neruopedagogy, holism, neuroscientific, educational research
and studies along with my perpetual care for children.

The book Nurture Their Nature looks at the “whole child” and complete learning differences including
the nature and nurture of the neurodifference. For learning apathy to be successful, we need to look at
the “whole child” and their neuro-symatic learning functions. For learning apathy which includes
motivation and resilience (meaning) to be successful, you need to have a strong cognitive, behavioral,
and affective-spiritual components which include the following: a healthy and functional physiological,
sensory-motor systems meaning our exteroception and Interoception (“our senses'') including our
sensory system (especially visual and auditory) along with central and peripheral nervous systems -
which is regulated by RAS & ACC/HPA, Pons (parts of the brain), thymus and biofield (including
electromagnetic field, internal chakras); neuroplasticity and IQ; positive perceptions specifically strength
and empathy (along with reduced perceptions of anger and shame); hormones released such as
serotonin, dopamine, cortisol along with autonomy (for meaning, speed processing, and long-term
memory) and attunement (for meaning & motivation, speed processing, and short-term memory).
Therefore, when learning difficulties occur, our neurobiology (neurosystems), central and peripheral
nervous system, complete chakra, and electromagnetic systems are all dysfunctioning or dysregulating
simultaneously and individually at different degrees and causing abnormal neuroplasticity. Our goal is
for ALL our systems and senses to function equalized, activated, and balanced. With a functional system,
the child can trust themselves through spiritual mindset with self-directed neuroplasticity through ABC’s
and gain God awareness (eventually unity) through PYAM.
Did You Read Part II Nurture Their Nature: By Looking To Heal Our Very
Own [Learning] Difference?

Ways to look at neurodifferences holistically: observe and take observational notes on the child…50%
Nature- 50% Nurture (focus on epigenetics and spiritual mindset along with self-directed
neuroplasticity):What Is Epigenetics? [Retrieved from The Answer to the Nature vs. Nurture Debate. ”
Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University, 30 Oct. 2020,

Relative to epigenetics, nature and nurturing, the child with neurodifference, it’s the brain nature and
nurture to integrate particular observations (patterns first) into a body to form coherent knowledge
also the organization; primarily, It’s the basis on the child’s need for meaning and motivation (ask me
about autism, Sensory Integration and Executive Functioning issues and/or disability). Therefore, the
adult should make observational records including an anger and shame checklist of children’s inductive
reasoning and matters of the mind (discussed more below) on all children before intervention!! The
mind for instance: anger being replaced with strength, shame being replaced with empathy and both
with love and removal of fear: therefore, they will increase their connection, trust, and love for
themselves and others. I also touch on the safe, positive learning environments, toxicity and other
environmental factors for instance you can view some of the activities and exercises: HERE

Along with What you Will read Below

Nurture The Spirit

What happens generationally when our shame and anger cup(s) fill up (see image below)? Generati onal
anger leads us to Sympathetic Functional System Dominance and generational shame leads us to
Parasympathetic Functional System Dominance for both even Total Functional System Dominance
(TFSD). You think I’m talking about only the child’s energy of shame/anger? No…it’s their cups and those
generational before them through the child’s DNA. Anger/shame energies can be passed through the
soul (the mind on a cellular level) and are represented in our DNA to the student (epigenetics) which is
stemming from past familial trauma (generational maternal/paternal anger, shame, hatred, grief,
prenatal emotions, developmental or shock trauma of having exposure to negatively perceived
experiences, and learning difficulties- actually any of the factors that I mentioned in the first paragraph).
As a child, unreleased anger and shame needs to be replaced with empathy and strength (atonement)
and, as an adult, the anger can be transmuted to hatred that needs to be replaced with courage and the
shame to grief that needs to be released with compassion. This lack of atonement and not releasing and
replacing has led our humanity to so many learning differences, illnesses, weakness, and possibly even
the soul’s death. If we learn to release fear and replace it with love, God, through our (RAS) Rectangular
Activation System, Pons & Thymus along asking for forgiveness of our trespasses (not always showing
grace and mercy). He will help us realize and we could only learn how to become closer to Him by asking
Him into our soul. God-Authentic Soul just as we originally had come into this world which was pure -
child-like and blameless. No worries…You will be given an awakening where His Divine Powers and
righteousness become whole- pure and blameless, if you ask Him. Finally, for salvation, our spirit can
live an eternity with Him.

Help Young Children Switch OFF Negative Markers Through Their Very Own DNA: Will Allow Future
Generations To Heal & Not Experience The Same Suffering Of Their Past Ancestors. - Tricia Cook
Anger= Sympathetic Functional System Dominance
Anger= Sympathetic Functional System Dominance– Student has overstimulated, hyperspinning of the
chakras and thymus: including Soma and RAS (chakras 6–8th) being hyperactivated, or stopped
altogether (deactivated) causing abnormal neuroplasticity via the vagus nerve. Plus, pathogens from the
intestinal tract cause harm from problems with the thymus. Note: also varied from trying to regulate,
align, equalize by moving from accelerated-slow so one and so forth. Goal is to regulate the deactivated
or hyperactive chakras by slowing down the needed chakras (see below).

Do number #3 for anger/strength, and # 5 for hatred/courage, #2 for peace/bliss then do #7 (visual -I
see): lastly, end in RAS do #8 do 6–8th and soma together for the unity of abundance, unconditional love
& I’m worthy! Note: #8 is also (visual- I see) and the Higher Heart Chakra with pink quartz or pink
tourmaline (thymus chakra) for I see God. I am worthy. Others can now see me too!

Students with Anger Sympathetic System Function Dominance…Therefore, hyper-sensory processing,

accelerated and varied speed processing will be regulated!!! Students will no longer have — Known as
being analytical-literal, verbal linguistic, strong auditory processing, logical-mathematical, 2-D learner
and constantly breaking down information and the small details (good in maths, especially computations
and written comprehension as well). Needing Autonomy- ex. I can do it! I am Worthy! Under stress, is
known for fight-or-flight, flee response which is a physiological reactive response. They can be ultra-
religious or non-religious. Their “love language” is action based! They consider what they do (actions)
for God and vice versa along with being instant on answered prayers.

Note: Students with Sympathetic System Function Dominance have a serotonin deficit; therefore, have
lessened pleasure, relaxation, contentment and sensitivity (meaning).

Speaking of the heart and not feeling “worthy”- They may have problems with receiving strength,
knowledge, faith, reverence, obedience (lust, hatred, jealousy, envy), perception (gives resistance,
judgment based off logic (outward appearances, not seeing the heart of someone), patience, courage,
abundance, empowerment, attachment and autonomy, entrapment (desire, lust, fear), release (courage,
trust), transformation (acceptance, harmony), revelation (unconditional love) or transfiguration (joy).
Again, they need the soma and RAS #8 chakra (chakras 6th-8th).

Response: Better with short-term memory using habits and addictions based on facts, forms/functions.
They tend to focus again on the present and immediate situation. Which dysfunction of the Vagus Nerve
and RAS and the soma chakra leads to negative perceptions and meaning of being angry– dominance,
fight/flight (flee) and accelerated speed and varied processing.

Hyper-proprioceptive, somatic and vestibular (hyper-gross motor ability dysgraphia, cerebral palsy).
They are active and about doing things.

Hyer-norepinephrine (diligence- fight, flight, flee & hyperarousal). Reactive with anger and have hyper-
speed (accelerated) processing and long-term memory issues. If they have autism, they are known as
`runners”. They think of the present and reacting instantly gets them to the “What?” much faster. The
“what” is the most important factor for gaining meaning. Therefore, for them the “why” is not as
important to answer for they use the scientific method of deductive reasoning. They learn best from
movement and “doing” including auditory experiences and lectures, as well from reading and listening
to others knowledge and information, analyzing “facts” and circumstantial evidence, and then
formulating their theory and hypothesis.

Hyper-visual processing leading to convergence and other visual processing issues (Third-eye chakra #6,
Pons area of the brain-Soma chakra, #8 for RAS). Both: Left-Lateral Dominance= Autism can have Irlen
Syndrome which is a problem processing light (more common).

See graph below- If your body is toxic, it cannot maintain health such as Autoimmune diseases.
Stimulating your liver with the detoxification layout releases toxins and encourages your lymphatic
system to remove them, bringing about a physical cleansing. A Yellow Jasper or Obsidian at your solar
plexus stimulates an emotional detox as well. This with Smoky Quartz, Drusy Chrysocolla energetically
stimulates liver function and moves heavy metals out of the body.

Also, it leads to abnormal neuroplasticity. They need the ABC’s of Self-Directed Neuroplasticity (See

NOTE: (Hyperarousal- mainly prefrontal lobe functioning): Possibly Dsyeidetic (visual) Dyslexia including
WORRY OF THE PRESENT. Tend to be the abuser (dominant others) as have been abused
(developmental trauma) need to believe they are “worthy” nurture(spirituality=God-soul consciousness
and connection). RAS chakra 6th-8th (7th specifically)= Pons & Soma Chakra Issues (more common)
(High Functioning Autism-below).

Shame= Parasympathetic Functional System Dominance

Shame= Parasympathetic Functional System Dominance– Student has understimulated, hypospinning
of the chakras and thymus: including Alta Major and RAS (chakras 6–8) being hypoactive, or inactive,
stopped altogether (deactivated) causing abnormal neuroplasticity via the vagus nerve. Plus, pathogens
from the intestinal tract cause harm from problems with the thymus. Note: also varied from trying to
regulate, align, equalize by moving from slow-accelerated so one and so forth. Goal is to stimulate the
deactivated or hypoactive chakras by speeding up the needed chakras (see below).

Do number #1 for shame/empathy, and #4 for grief/compassion, and #2 for peace/bliss, & then do #6
(auditory- speaking, hear & listen); lastly, for RAS do #8 do 6–8th and alta major together for the unity of
abundance, unconditional love & I’m enough! Note: #8 is also (auditory- speaking, hear & listen) and the
Higher Heart Chakra (thymus chakra) with moonstone for I hear and speak of God. I am enough. O thers
now listen, hear/speak to me too!

Students with Shame a Parasympathetic System Function Dominance …Therefore, hypo-sensory

processing, slow and varied speed processing will be regulated!!! Students will no longer have — Known
as being evaluative- visual spatial reasoning (good with geometry and maps and geography, computer
graphics) learns best by “doing”, “whole-picture”, “out-side of the box” thinkers, 3-D learner and
constantly getting “the big picture”.

Needing Attunement- ex. I am Enough. Under stress, is known to freeze and “rest and digest” response
which is related to the autonomic nervous system. They can be ultra-spiritual. They consider how they
feel for God. Their “love language” are words of affirmation based! They have a strong faith in God but
feel not enough.
Note: Students with Parasympathetic System Function Dominance have a dopamine deficit; therefore,
have lessened pleasure, reward, motivation, and euphoria (meaning and motivation).

Speaking of the heart and not feeling “enough”- They may have problems with receiving empathy,
wisdom, hope, power, willingness, intuition, destruction (death, guilt, shame), entrapment (desire, lust,
fear), release (courage, trust), transformation (acceptance, harmony), revelation (unconditional love) or
transfiguration (joy), surrendering (due to pride), acceptance (gives resistance, judgment based off
evaluation (outward appearances, not listening/hearing/speaking to the heart of someone), compassion,
beauty, joy, mercy, attachment and attunement. Again, they need the alta major and RAS #8 chakra
chakras 6th-8th).

Response: Better with long term memory based off of perceptions and choices for meaning (past and
future) and motivation (autonomy and attunement), based on past experience and need for future
reference. Therefore, they tend to focus and filter based on the past/future. With dysfunction of the
Vagus Nerve and RAS and the alta major chakra, this leads to filters of shame, subordinance, freeze, and
slow speed and varied processing.

Hypo-proprioceptive, somatic and vestibular (hypo fine-motor ability dysgraphia). They can be
considered less active and have poor handwriting.

Hypo-norepinephrine (diligence-freeze, hypoarousal, mainly; poor short-term memory retrieval). Filters

with shame and have slow speed processing (the controversial low cognitive speed) and short-term
memory issues. Remember, they are thinking of the past/future not so much the present. Their meaning
is not present related as much as the need for the future and past. The “Why?” is the most important
factor for gaining meaning. Therefore, for them the “why” is important to answer. Therefore, for them
the “what” is not as important to answer for they use the scientific method of inductive reasoning from
specific observations and intuitions to make broad generalizations. They learn best from movement with
gross motor and tactile experience, as well from “doing” by experiencing visual observations,
formulating their own theory and hypothesis, and verbalized conclusions and confirmations.

Right-lateral dominance: Dyslexia, aspergers, can have specific language deficits including dysnomia,
apraxia (speech) and even dysphasia with both possibly having dyscalculia. Right-Lateral Dominance=
Autism can have language deficits including dyspraxia (speech disability) and even dysphasia with both
possibly having dyscalculia (less common).

Hypo-auditory processing leading to dyslexia and other central auditory processing issues and
sometimes a dyspraxia (speech disability) (Throat #5, Pons area of the brain-Alta major chakra #8 RAS
(chakras 6th-8th).

Also, it leads to abnormal neuroplasticity. They need the ABC’s of Self-Directed Neuroplasticity (See

NOTE: Dysregulated and Dysfunctional System Responsive System Dysfunction (RSD) and Total
Learning System Dysfunction (TLSD) works in a downward effect from RAS-PONS-THYMUS which can
have all dysregulation diagnosis. They need Daily Functional System Regulation (DFSR) Thymus-Pons-
RAS with doing Exercises & Activities for Lateral (Para/Sym-above) & Total Functioning System
Dominance). It is for the mind, senses, body and spirit: On a physical and mental level, the goal is the
vagus nerve and RAS & ACC/HPA to be functioning in alignment in the chakra system and balance of
electromagnetism with mainly complementary to medicine such as: On a physical, mind and sensorial
level, color/sound therapy, hands on healing, yoga, meditation, prayer/praise & worship, affirmations
and breathing techniques.

Nurture Their Nature: Can we heal our DNA for future generations or
empty the cups of anger and shame?
Yes...Work Primarily PYAM Daily: Pray, Yoga, Affirmations and Meditation

You think I’m talking about only the person’s energy of shame/anger?’s their cups and those
generationally before them; anger/shame energies can be passed through the DNA (epigenetics),
stemming from developmental or shock trauma of having exposure to negatively perceived
experiences. Anger leads us to Sympathetic Functional System Dominance and Shame leads us to
Parasympathetic Functional System Dominance. Again, generationally with our ancestors, unre leased
anger and shame being replaced with empathy and strength has led our humanity to so many learning
differences, illnesses, and even spirits death (condemnation). If we learn to release and become
connected to our God and others, He will help us realize and release our sin, learn how to become
closer to Him and be given His Divine Powers. On a metaphysical and spiritual level, they can gain
autonomy and attunement, release anger and/or shame and replace with strength and empathy to
have bliss/peace, harmony, gratitude, comfort and unconditional love along with removing all fear and
ask me about autism (See Section 6-Note: CAN is ACC/HPA and both controlled by RAS).

Nurture Their Nature: Can we heal and empty the cups of anger and
Yes...for autonomy you need attunement; for attunement you need atonement!! This is receiving the
gifts, wishes, blessings and miracles for which He has in store for you.

Remember RAS & HPA and hypothalamus/thalamus- sensory processing and the speed processing of
information (includes also the hippocampus- which is in the limbic system and regulates perceptions of
anger/shame, long-term memory). Therefore, our neurobiology (neurosystems), central and peripheral
nervous system, complete chakra and electromagnetic (biofield) systems are all dysfunctioning
simultaneously and individually at different degrees and causing epigenetic attacks- leading to abnormal
neuroplasticity. Goal is for ALL our systems to function equalized, activited, and balanced with a
dysfunctioning system. Don’t worry our Glass is HALF-Full and we can still make a change!!! SEE parent
and caregiver checklist and questionnaire before the appendix and holistic-alternative suggestions
Again Nurture Their Nature
Nature- is the maturation of the brain and body; for the purpose of survival, it’s the ability to perceive,
give meaning, learn, and act including motivation and resilience of our very own environments (patterns
first). Speaking of the “whole child”- the vagus nerve connects the brainstem to the body. It also
connects and aligns the chakras, Pons, RAS & ACC/HPA and thymus including their own biofield
(including electromagnetic field). This vagal balance allows the brain stem to receive the information
(formulating patterned neural connections) from the environment, the midbrain to monitor and receive
information (firing pattern of brain nerve cells in a network), and the frontal lobe to perceive the
universal emotions which are the following: anger, strength, joy, bliss, shame, courage, compassion, and
harmony. Executive functioning involves logic through analysis or evaluation; initially, the thymus is
where the mind deems how important based on cellular memory (what or why). Then onto the frontal
lobe where the “why” is based on context cues (evaluation) and the “what” is based on recursive
aspects (analysis). The vagus nerve controls vagal balance and the executive functioning system (via the
thymus- vagus nerve chakra). The thymus including the vagus nerve can be deactivated, hyperactivated,
hypoactive, underdeveloped, or variably then going inactive in children (adults-too); therefore, releasing
specific inflammatory proteins at the gut-brain axis which can be toxic to the triune brain [Retrieved
from Sunny Sea Gold Updated January 27, 2021. “Here’s How the Brain Makes Memories-and What You
Can Do to Keep Your Mind Sharp.”, www-health-].

Nurture- is the adaptation of children responding to the demands of the environment in ways that meet
their own goals and function in a safe and secure way. Children with learning differences have deficits in
brain plasticity- The brain’s remarkable ability to rewire itself throughout a person’s life is known as
plasticity. The goal is spiritual mindsight and self-directed neuroplasticity- a child who has healthy
neuroplasticity can heal their DNA via the thymus- vagus nerve chakra, and RAS & ACC/HPA including
the connection to the consciousness (God awareness) and consistently being provided a safe, supportive,
healthy, and loving environment that facilitates their natural inquiry of learning (see chapter 10). The
main objective is to prevent kids from learning primarily from learning with either their mental,
emotional and etheric bodies (anger/shame). Along with rewiring their perceptions and filters of the
parasympathetic (shame) and sympathetic (anger) response system during stress such as reading, their
perceptions of anger and shame are their lens to how they view and listen to their very own existence in
this universe. For anger, they need autonomy (I am Worthy) and attunement for shame (I am Enough) -
both need the two Bs: body and breath (see below for more about the ABC’s of Self-directed

Questionnaire: Further Focus

Before we move onto the next section on how to help yourself and your child. Please

ask yourself this question not from your brain, heart but from your mind these


Is s/he frequently irritable?

Does s/he overreact to small problems?

Does s/he have intense, angry outbursts?

Does s/he have outbursts for little or no apparent reason? (specify situations in which

outbursts occur)?

Mental Body– Anger Sympathetic Functional System Dominance- (SFD) needs body/soul consciousness,
connection, and autonomy for help along with the following:

HPA- Part of the Hypothalamic–Pituitary–Adrenal axis which is part of RAS (6-8th chakra) along with the
4th chakra especially the 7th chakra and 8th which is the Crown, Pituitary and Soma Chakra (right
behind 3rd eye) which is known for decreasing energy (hypoarousal) and increasing consciousness.

Note: The HPA axis is responsible for the neuroendocrine adaptation component of the stress response.

A. Affirmations of Authority

b. I am Worthy

c. Mercy= forgiveness, justice, knowledge, unconditional Love (releases anger/strength)

b. I am Enough

Grace= freedom, abundance, and devotion (releases shame/empathy)

— — — — — — — — — — Physical Ruled by 2nd chakra — — — — — — — — — —

(suggestion: consciousness begins around age 2 years)

-1st chakra (base) Shame/Empathy

-2nd chakra (sacral) Peace, Bliss and Joy (happiness)- motivation

-3rd chakra (solar plexus) Anger/Strength (can do 1 & 3 together- gaia gate)

Attention and Executive Function:

Is s/he easily distractible; does he act without thinking?

Is s/he restless, not able to sit still; is he overly active?

Does s/he have difficulty initiating or finishing tasks such as homework?

Does s/he have difficulty finding things in his/her room or desk?

Is his/her written work poorly organized, does s/he have difficulty planning ahead?

Does s/he forget to hand in homework?

Also Mental Body– Anger Sympathetic Functional System Dominance- (SFD) needs body/soul
consciousness, connection, and autonomy for help along with the following:

HPA- Part of the Hypothalamic–Pituitary–Adrenal axis which is part of RAS (6-8th chakra) along with the
4th chakra especially the 7th chakra and 8th which is the Crown, Pituitary and Soma Chakra (right
behind 3rd eye) which is known for decreasing energy (hypoarousal) and increasing consciousness.

Note: The HPA axis is responsible for the neuroendocrine adaptation component of the stress response.

The proprioceptive system is located in our muscles and joints. It provides us with a

sense of body awareness and detects/controls force and pressure. The proprioceptive

system also has an important regulatory role in sensory processing as proprioceptive

input can assist in controlling responses to sensory stimuli. By learning, it’s a

developmental OT/PT for dysgraphia.

Lower Personal Self: The Gifts

Concrete Thought (conscious develops around age 2)

• Physical Self (chakras 1–3)

• Vestibular & Somatosensory Senses & Proprioception, Tactile Senses= RAS (body and brain)

• dysgraphia, dysaphsia, cp

God, what’s my (Your) reality? What are my gifts? (physical, emotional rational mind,

personal power and will- Ego Center)

Note: “The proprioceptive system is located in our muscles and joints. It provides us
with a sense of body awareness and detects/controls force and pressure. The

proprioceptive system also has an important regulatory role in sensory processing…”

Oppositional and Aggressive Behavior:

Is your child destructive to toys or other objects?

Does s/he say “no” or refuse to comply when asked to do something?

Does your child regularly argue with you (parents), teachers?

Does s/he tease or bully another child? Has s/he been teased or bullied?

Is s/he aggressive with siblings, peers or adults, e.g., hits or pushes?

Does s/he swear, call names or make threats?

Also Mental Body– Anger Sympathetic Functional System Dominance- (SFD) needs body/soul
consciousness, connection, and autonomy for help along with the following:

HPA- Part of the Hypothalamic–Pituitary–Adrenal axis which is part of RAS (6-8th chakra) along with the
4th chakra especially the 7th chakra and 8th which is the Crown, Pituitary and Soma Chakra (right
behind 3rd eye) which is known for decreasing energy (hypoarousal) and increasing consciousness.

Note: The HPA axis is responsible for the neuroendocrine adaptation component of the stress response.


Emotional Body–Shame Parasympathetic Functional System Dominance (PFD)- needs body/soul

connection and attunement for help along with the following:

ACC- which is part of RAS (6-8th chakra) with the Pineal, Pituitary, Carotid Glands, and PONS area of the
brain especially the 8th chakra which is the Crown, 5th & 6th chakra, and Alta Major Chakra which is
known for increasing energy (hyperarousal), also includes VACC involved in emotional appraisals,
cognitive control, and error T. Also, work on the thymus with the thymus chakra also known as the seat
of the soul, vagus nerve chakra, or aka etheric chakra.

— — — — — — — — — Mental Ruled by 8th chakra (RAS) — — —  — — — — — — —

(suggestion: starts to develop around age 7, big jump age 12+)

-4th chakra (heart) Hatred/Courage

-5th chakra (throat) Grief/Compassion (can do 4 & 5 together-earth star)


Do you think your child worries more than other children?

What does s/he worry about?

Does s/he ever have problems falling asleep because she is worrying about something,

can’t turn his/her mind off?

Does your child have many fears?

Is s/he easily scared?

Can s/he be easily comforted by reassurance?

Emotional Body–Shame Parasympathetic Functional System Dominance (PFD)- needs body/soul

connection and attunement for help along with the following:

ACC- which is part of RAS (6-8th chakra) with the Pineal, Pituitary, Carotid Glands, and PONS area of the
brain especially the 8th chakra which is the Crown, 5th & 6th chakra, and Alta Major Chakra which is
known for increasing energy (hyperarousal), also includes VACC involved in emotional appraisals,
cognitive control, and error T. Also, work on the thymus with the thymus chakra also known as the seat
of the soul, vagus nerve chakra, or aka etheric chakra.

A. Affirmation Of Power

b. I am Worthy

c. Glory= I have Purity.

(releases hatred/courage)

b. I am Enough

c. Victory= I have Blamelessness.

(releases grief/compassion)

— — — — — — — — — Emotional (mind and cellular level) Ruled by 8th chakra (RAS)

-6th chakra (third eye) Grace (freedoms-abundance, devotion)

-7th chakra (cosmic) Mercy (forgiveness-release fear/unconditional love)

-8th chakra (crown) “high heart-mind=soul chakra”- Glory-gratitude/Victory-harmony

(Includes the vagus nerve (thymus), in turn includes alta major and soma chakras


What is your child’s mood like most of the time?

Is s/he often unhappy, sad or tearful?

Does your child’s mood change abruptly for no apparent reason?

Have you noticed a change in his/her interest in things s/he used to enjoy?

Have you noticed a change in his/her energy or activity level?

Is s/he more quiet than usual?

Have you noticed a change in his/her sleep patterns or appetite?

Etheric Body– Anger/Shame has problems with both the emotional and mental body (mind)

RAS including ACC/HPA along with chakras 6–8th includes the Pineal & Pituitary Gland, PONS part of the
brain, Crown, Pituitary and Alta Major/Soma Chakra (Cingulate Gyrus- the cingulate gyrus is a large arch-
like lobe in the center of the inner brain that is a part of the limbic system. This area of the brain
functions to process conscious emotional experience).

Also RAS (6-8th chakra) especially the 8th chakra which mainly is part of the brainstem via the vagus
nerve (thymus- vagus nerve chakra) involved in arousal (hyper-hypo) which helps to learn such as
focus/attention, sensory integration, hormones released, speed processing, LT/ST memory,
vigilance/motivation, and overall (hypo-, hyper-, & varied) arousal, sleep and wakefulness, and control
of reflexes. Also, work on the thymus with the thymus chakra also known as the seat of the soul, vagus
nerve chakra.

A. Affirmations of Transmutation: Faith & Hope

b. Hope= releases harmony

c. Divine Purity aka Harmony= cleansed, rebirth, patience, trust, righteous, & knowledge

b. Faith= releases peace

c. Divine Revelation aka Peace= blameless life, virtue, reverence, and reconciliation, & wisdom
Questions Provided By The Research Autism Group or online [Retrieved from

Disclaimer: These checklists, resources, recommendations,

questionnaires, etc. are not to be substituted for professional Medical
advice. These are the opinions of Tricia Cook and should not be used to
diagnose or prescribe. Tricia is not a doctor.


Functional System
Reinforce: Spiritual Mindsight w/ Self Directed Neuroplasticity

Mindsight, a skill we can all develop to break free from mental patterns that get in the way of living our
lives to the fullest; A practical definition of the mind — distilled from a dozen scientific fields; The
triangle of well-being — how to promote a healthy flow between your mind, brain, and relationships.
Self-directed neuroplasticity, then, is the ability for the brain to change itself depending on how you
direct your thoughts, focus, and attention. The “self-directed” piece refers to your ability to intentionally
shape your brain by using it in a specific way to increase resilience and positive attitude in the face of
aversion. The Sound & Color (below) can be done daily but as often as possible.

Sympathetic System Functional Dominance- ANGER DOMINATE SYSTEMS & SENSES includes hyper
spinning, going inactive or deactivated chakras: Do number #3 for anger, # 6 for strength and end in #2
for peace/bliss and for RAS #8 do #5-7 and alta major together for the unity of courage, compassion,
gratitude, comfort and unconditional love (worthy). Note: #6 chakras (need visual imagination - I see) for
I see God for I’m always present. They need spiritually for balance.


Parasympathetic System Functional Dominance- Shame DOMINATE SYSTEMS & SENSES includes hypo
spinning, going inactive or deactivated chakras: number #1 for shame, and #4 for empathy, and #2 for
peace/bliss and for RAS #8 do #5-7 and alta major together for the unity of courage, compassion,
gratitude, comfort and unconditional love (enough). Note: #5 chakras (need speak & listening- I hear
God) for I’m in the present not listening to my own ruminating thoughts of the past/future. They need
religion for balance.
Sympathetic System Functional Dominance

Sympathetic System Functional Dominance- Anger Function System & Systems includes hyper spinning,
going inactive or deactivated chakras: Do number #3 for anger, # 6 for strength and end in #2 for
peace/bliss and for RAS #8 do #5-7 and alta major together for the unity of courage, compassion,
gratitude, comfort and unconditional love (worthy). Note: #6 chakras (need visual imagination - I see) for
I see God for I’m always present. They need spiritually for balance.

1 - Support Remedies: Suggestions for Acute Initial Response to Stress Include Doshas (Routine, Consistency, Health &

Dosha Mental Body– Anger Sympathetic Functional System Dominance- (SFD) needs body/soul
consciousness, connection, and autonomy for help along with the following:

Vata dosha-2:00-6:00pm best time for EO’s, herbs, eating.

"Your vagus nerve also influences your parasympathetic nervous system (PNS) which is responsible for
restoring balance in the body after periods of stress. By stimulating that through breathwork you are
increasing parasympathetic tone while also lowering cortisol levels - the body’s stress hormone.

What is breathwork?
Breathwork is a type of practice that involves intentionally changing the way that you breathe through a
variety of controlled practices. There are many different ways to practice breathwork, each designed to
achieve their own unique outcome. Breathwork can also be a very spiritual practice with roots in a lot of
yogic traditions. However, breathwork has been utilized by many in the natural health world regardless
of their religious or spiritual beliefs. [Cole, Will, “The Best Supplements for Your Brain According to
Leading Functional Medicine Practitioner Dr. Will Cole.” Dr. Leaf, accessed on 1 Feb. 2021,


Meditations for seeing God:

Meditations for feeling worthy:

Meditations for trusting God:

Media for spirituality:

Colors-Frequency for Electromagnetic Field

This is when music therapy of certain frequency of 104.25 Hz is good for anger and 159.75 Hz and 213
Hz (cover right ear).

Specific organs: 528 Hz (Healing Frequency for Stomach, Pancreas, Spleen, Liver, Gallbladder and
Digestive System)

Specific needs:Anger and strength= 7.83 Hz, Learning 20.8Hz-33.6Hz

# 6 for strength


1111 Hz - The Maji's Lantern (Head Phone/ Audífonos) 888Hz

1111 Calm


Dominate fight/flight (flee) 417 hz with SUN 126.22

WAY_RIGHT_YOGA for anger and strength:

Specific Chakras

RAS Frequency (528Hz) Migraine:

The colors yellow, blue-purple, also, orange, purple, indigo and gold color therapy are good for students
for peace/bliss, compassion, unconditional love are needed (cover right eye).

Specific Organ

Specific organ associated: ex. gallbladder- brain, stomach- ear, vision (occipital)- sinus, pituitary-frontal

Chakra Frequencies: Do number #3 for anger, # 6 for strength and end in #2 for peace/bliss and for RAS
#8 do #5-7 and alta major together for the unity of courage, compassion, gratitude, comfort and
unconditional love (worthy). Meditation challenge:


Vata dosha-2:00-6:00pm best time for EO’s, herbs, eating.

Meditations for seeing God:

Meditations for feeling worthy:

Meditations for trusting God:

Media for spirituality:
This is when music therapy of certain frequency of 104.25 Hz is good for anger and 159.75 Hz and 213
Hz (cover right ear).

Specific organs: 528 Hz (Healing Frequency for Stomach, Pancreas, Spleen, Liver, Gallbladder and
Digestive System)

Specific needs:Anger and strength= 7.83 Hz, Learning 20.8Hz-33.6Hz


Dominate fight/flight (flee) 417 hz with SUN 126.22

WAY_RIGHT_YOGA for anger and strength:

Specific Chakras:

RAS Frequency (528Hz) Migraine:


Colors-Frequency for Electromagnetic Field

The colors yellow, blue-purple, also, orange, purple, indigo and gold color therapy are good for students
for peace/bliss, compassion, unconditional love are needed (cover right eye).

Specific organ associated: ex. gallbladder- brain, stomach- ear, vision (occipital)- sinus, pituitary-frontal

Chakra Frequencies: Do number #3 for anger, # 6 for strength and end in #2 for peace/bliss and for RAS
#8 do #5-7 and alta major together for the unity of courage, compassion, gratitude, comfort and
unconditional love (worthy). Meditation challenge:

#4 for empathy

Binaural Beats - [ 13-30 Hz ] Beta Wave Sample

Giovana Rodrigues 19

28 Hz Binaural Beats Beta Frequency

Right Brain Left Brain Balance - 18.3 Hz Beta Frequency Binaural Beats

Visualization Enhancement - 13.7 Hz Beta Frequency Binaural Beats

Parasympathetic System Functional Dominance Include Doshas
(Routine, Consistency, Health & Wellness)

hypo spinning, going inactive or deactivated chakras: number #1 for shame, and #4 for empathy, and #2
for peace/bliss and for RAS #8 do #5-7 and alta major together for the unity of courage, compassion,
gratitude, comfort and unconditional love (enough). Note: #5 chakras (need speak & listening- I hear
God) for I’m in the present not listening to my own ruminating thoughts of the past/future. They need
religion for balance.

2 - Support Remedies: Suggestions for Acute Ini tial Response to Stress


Student: DOB:

Doshas Emotional Body–Shame Parasympathetic Functional System Dominance (PFD)- needs

body/soul connection and attunement for help along with the following:

Kapha Dosha-6:00-10:00am best time for EO’s, herbs, eating, 2:00pm best time for cat nap, 4:00pm best
time for studying.


Meditations for listening to God and becoming mindful into the present not the past/future:

Praise & Worship

Sermons for gaining knowledge of God; Note: already have wisdom of God just needing more
facts/forms/functions for balance. (Chris) (Joyce)

Specific organs

Specific needs: #1

Shame and empathy= 126.22 Hz, Learning 7.83Hz-14.3Hz


Freeze (collapse) with Moon 210.42 Hz

belly breathing” again.

WAY_LEFT_YOGA for shame and empathy:
aringThis is when music therapy of certain frequency of 132Hz is good for shame and 159.75 Hz and 213
Hz (cover left ear).

Colors-Frequency for Electromagnetic Field

The colors red (shame), green (empathy), also, orange, indigo and gold color therapy are good for
students for peace/bliss, compassion, unconditional love are needed (cover left eye).

RAS Frequency (528Hz) Migraine:


1. Specific organ associated: ex. reproductive-brain, heart & small intestine-bone, hypo-thalmus-
parotid gland, pituitary-frontal sinus, Adrenal gland-brain *also needs blood circulation support
(diabetes, heart disease)

Ex. youtube

Specific Chakras 288 Hz

1. Chakra Frequencies: Do number #1 for shame, and #4 for empathy, and #2 for peace/bliss and
for RAS #8 do #5-7 and alta major together for the unity of courage, compassion, gratitude,
comfort and unconditional love (enough). Meditation challenge:


Kapha Dosha-6:00-10:00am best time for EO’s, herbs, eating, 2:00pm best time for cat nap, 4:00pm best
time for studying.


Meditations for listening to God and becoming mindful into the present not the past/future:

Praise & Worship

Sermons for gaining knowledge of God; Note: already have wisdom of God just needing more
facts/forms/functions for balance. (Chris) (Joyce)
Specific Organs

Specific needs: #1

Shame and empathy= 126.22 Hz, Learning 7.83Hz-14.3Hz


Freeze (collapse) with Moon 210.42 Hz

belly breathing” again.

WAY_LEFT_YOGA for shame and empathy:
aringThis is when music therapy of certain frequency of 132Hz is good for shame and 159.75 Hz and 213
Hz (cover left ear).

Colors & Frquency

The colors red (shame), green (empathy), also, orange, indigo and gold color therapy are good for
students for peace/bliss, compassion, unconditional love are needed (cover left eye).

Specific Chakras

RAS Frequency (528Hz) Migraine:


1. Specific organ associated: ex. reproductive-brain, heart & small intestine-bone, hypo-thalmus-
parotid gland, pituitary-frontal sinus, Adrenal gland-brain *also needs blood circulation support
(diabetes, heart disease)

2. Chakra Frequencies: Do number #1 for shame, and #4 for empathy, and #2 for peace/bliss and
for RAS #8 do #5-7 and alta major together for the unity of courage, compassion, gratitude,
comfort and unconditional love (enough). Meditation challenge:

Ex. youtube 288 H


Think about your soul (heart and mind) as energy and constantly make a hum, by focusing on the vowel
sounds, with each word can be drawn out while your fingers are in either of these intended positions.
See which “feels” right for you. The no right or wrong way!

For Anger Sympathetic System Functional Dominance, do the ones that say Hyper- ex. /luuuuumm/ with
the right hand with the thumb and index finger touching;
For Shame Parasympathetic System Functional Dominance, do the ones that say hypo- ex /loooomm/
with the left hand with the thumb and index finger touching

For Total Functional System Dominance, do the one that says balance in /vaaaaamm/ with the second
from top hand together for chi.

(adults) For Complete Functional System Dominance, do the one that says balance in /shaaaamm/ and
/oooooomm/ with the last and second to last hand together for chi

Marmas- OUR BODY POINTS OF LIGHT For Both Sym/Para Functional Dominance Systems & Total

Again, toxicity causes blockages in the marmas and nadis. The toxicity and flow of chi (balance of the
chakras) again affects the way our genes are expressed and creates epitome. Toxicity can be
environmental and in our foods which can affect our here “Marma points are energy
blockages in the body located at the seventh level of the skin but they convey messages to the deeper
layers and organs and are thus considered the “inner pharmacy of the body.” There are 117 marma
points depending upon the system you follow. When a marma is sore or sensitive to the touch, there is
inflammation or some toxicity (ama). Marmas block the flow of prana or the vital life force throughout
the body (there are 72,000 nadis or pathways in the body where prana circulates) therefore it is
important to unseat, release or clear what is stuctoon order to promote awareness of the body and

[accessed 12/31/2020]

Suggestions for Help: devotion/ blameless courage, I don’t be attached- release

Suggestions for Help: Suggestions for Acute Initial Response to Stress

Essential Oils, Supplements, Foods, Herbs, Spices


*think of daily allowance of caloric intake along with sugar, caffeine, sodium

Avoid caffeine, sugar as stimulant

*always consult with your doctor before changing diet, taking any supplements or herbal remedies

Disclaimers The sole purpose is to provide information about the tradition of ayurveda. This information
is not intended for use in the diagnosis, treatment, cure or prevention of any disease. If you have any
serious acute or chronic health concern, please consult a trained health professional who can fully assess
your needs and address them effectively. If you are seeking the medical advice of a trained ayurvedic
expert, call or email us for the number of a physician in your area. Check with your doctor before taking
herbs or using essential oils when pregnant or nursing. These suggestions are not to be substituted for
professional Medical advice. These are the opinions of Tricia Cook and should not be used to diagnose or
prescribe. Tricia is not a doctor.

3 - Sympathetic System Functional Dominance

Sympathetic System Functional Dominance-


Ylang Ylang


Blue Cypress







Dyslexia EO’s- peppermint, ginger, lavender, and lemon essential oils. Essential oils are inhaled through
an infuser (1 hour, 3 X a day) or diluted in a carrier oil before being applied topically.





Superfoods (Red & Green Foods and Indian Mulberry)

Rosaceae (such a Rose Hips)

Beet Root

Pomegranate Extract



Omega 3 Fish Oil, Strawberry Flavor

Korean Red Panax Ginseng 1000mg - 1

North Atlantic Kelp


Rajat Bhasma

Kappa Massage Oil

#3 (anger-yellow) Solar plexus – pancreas – digestive system – gas, bloating, liver issues, stomach ulcers,
eating disorders, lack of confidence, procrastination

• Yellow foods

• Carbohydrate

• Fiber

• Sweeteners

• Whole grains

• Legumes

• Starchy vegetables

• The Basics: Soluble fiber, vitamins and minerals

• Blood sugar support

• Digestive support

• Liver support

• Metabolism support


#6 Third eye (strength-violet) – pituitary – eyes – depression, poor eyesight, hormonal imbalances, poor

• Blue-purple foods

• Flavonoid-containing foods

• Cocoa

• Caffeine/Alcohol

• Amino acids for neurotransmitters

• Fatty acids

• Vitamins and minerals

• Neurotransmitter support

• Sleep support

• Eye/Vision support

• Cognition support


#1 Root (shame-red)– base – adrenals – colon issues, lower back pain, varicose veins, emotional issues
around money and security. Anger Sympathetic System Functional Dominance - *always consult with
your doctor before changing diet, taking any supplements, or herbal remedies

• Red foods: beet root, pomegranate, red apple, red tart cherry

• Protein

• Minerals

• Root vegetables- slightly cooked

• The Basics: Protein powders, insoluble fibers, vitamins and minerals

• Adrenal support

• Anti-inflammatory support

• Immune health
• Red foods: beet root, pomegranate, red apple, red tart cherry

• Superfoods high in protein and minerals such as Indian Mulberry, Rosaceae (such a Rose Hips);
Pomegranate Extract

• Root vegetables- slightly cooked

• The Basics: Protein powders, insoluble fibers, vitamins and minerals

• Adrenal support

• Anti-inflammatory support, joint health, immunity- Certain Spices and Herbs: cayenne, thyme,
parsley, basil, cinnamon, cumin, fenugreek seeds, onion powder, rosemary, mint, oregano, dill,
sage, garlic nutmeg, and vanilla, turmeric, ginger, paprika, clove and fennel

• Avoid Caffeine/Alcohol

• Joint health


#4 Heart (empathy-green)– thymus – lungs – heart and lung problems, asthma, allergies, fear of

• Green foods

• Cruciferous vegetables

• Leafy greens

• Fruits and legumes: exotic rambutan, durian, mouse melon, soursop, kafir lime, and jackfruit

• Phytochemicals, phytosterols, phytoestrogens

• Chlorophyll

• The Basics: Specific amino acids and proteins

• Vitamins and minerals

• Blood lipid support

• Circulation support

• Coenzyme Q10

• Green food powders


• Certain Spices and Herbs: turmeric, ginger, paprika, clove and fennel


Vata Massage Oil


Ylang Ylang

• Serotonin Supplements: Pure tryptophan. Tryptophan supplements contain much more

tryptophan than food sources, making it possibly more likely to reach your brain.

• SAMe (S-adenosyl-L-methionine

• 5-HTP

Parasympathetic System Functional Dominance-



Blue Cyprus






Clary Sage











Turmeric Curcumin with Bioperine

Jarrow Formulas Milk Thistle (Silymarin Marianum)

Ashwagandha, Mulungu, Hops, DLPA, Licorice Root, Valerian, Kava Kava, Passion Flower, Chamomile and
Lemon BalmDyslexia EO’s- peppermint, ginger, lavender, and lemon essential oils. Essential oils are
inhaled through an infuser (1 hour, 3 X a day) or diluted in a carrier oil before being applied topically.

Brain Power (YL): essential oils high in sesquiterpenes—including Sacred Sandalwood™, Blue Cypress,
and Frankincense: Vata Massage Oil


• Myrrh

• Cedarwood

• Ashwagandha

• Rajat Bhasma

• Kappa Massage Oil

• Dopamine Supplements: foods rich in Tyrosine. In order to make dopamine, your body needs
tyrosine which can be found in almonds, bananas, avocados, eggs, beans, fish, and chicken.

List of Environmental Toxins to Avoid:

Suggestions for Reducing Inflammation



Vitamins B & C



Fish Oil


Kava Kava


Cabbage Rose

Chebulic Myrobalan
Belleric Myrobalan





Andropgraphis paniculta




Blue Cyprus






Turmeric Curcumin with Bioperine

Jarrow Formulas Milk Thistle (Silymarin Marianum)


Blue Cypress









Sacred Lotus





Omega 3 Fish Oil, Strawberry Flavor

Korean Red Panax Ginseng 1000mg — 1

North Atlantic Kelp




Vitamin B12

Vitamin D











"Low levels of vitamin D have been linked to poor memory and brain fog. Sunshine is the most
bioavailable source of this nutrient but it’s not always possible to spend enough time in the sun,
especially if you live in a place with dark, cloudy winters. Thankfully, certain foods such as salmon and
tuna are rich in vitamin D. And if you pair them with fat-soluble vitamins like A, E, and K2 to increase
the bioavailability of vitamin D.

When looking for supplements, be sure to research brands and look for transparency in their sourcing
and avoid any unnecessary additives. So, give your brain a boost, and add in one or more of these
supplements to your routine! As always, I don't recommend trying to supplement your way out of a
poor diet. Food comes first. Moreover, you can amplify the brain boosting benefits of food as medi cine
and these supplements with flexible intermittent fasting. This is something I explore in detail in my new
book Intuitive Fasting." [Retrived from

Contributor, Guest. “The Best Supplements for Your Brain According to Leading Functional Medicine
Practitioner Dr. Will Cole.” Dr. Leaf, Dr. Leaf, 1 Feb. 2021,

Blameless Lives Bible Study: The Way, The Truth, The Light & The Eternal
Easy Bible:

Bible verses for students

I.A.B.C's - see above


The WAY:

I: Awareness of Transmutation

Body of Christ- “The Way” (Joy) =Gifts

A. Affirmations of Authority

b. I am Worthy

c. Mercy= forgiveness, justice, knowledge, unconditional Love (releases anger/strength)

b. I am Enough

c. Grace= freedom, abundance, and devotion (releases shame/empathy)


Is s/he frequently irritable?

Does s/he overreact to small problems?

Does s/he have intense, angry outbursts?

Does s/he have outbursts for little or no apparent reason? (specify situations in which

outbursts occur)?
Mental Body– Anger Sympathetic Functional System Dominance- (SFD) needs body/soul consciousness,
connection, and autonomy for help along with the following:

HPA- Part of the Hypothalamic–Pituitary–Adrenal axis which is part of RAS (6-8th chakra) along with the
4th chakra especially the 7th chakra and 8th which is the Crown, Pituitary and Soma Chakra (right
behind 3rd eye) which is known for decreasing energy (hypoarousal) and increasing consciousness.

Note: The HPA axis is responsible for the neuroendocrine adaptation component of the stress response.

Awareness of Transmutation

A. Affirmations of Authority

b. I am Worthy

c. Mercy= forgiveness, justice, knowledge, unconditional Love (releases anger/strength)

b. I am Enough

Grace= freedom, abundance, and devotion (releases shame/empathy)

— — — — — — — — — — Physical Ruled by 2nd chakra — — — — — — — — — —

(suggestion: consciousness begins around age 2 years)

-1st chakra (base) Shame/Empathy

-2nd chakra (sacral) Peace, Bliss and Joy (happiness)- motivation

-3rd chakra (solar plexus) Anger/Strength (can do 1 & 3 together- gaia gate)

Seeking & Searching The Bible In Prayer

The Way- Mercy

The Truth- Glory

The Light- Hope

The Eternal Life- Divine Love

Scripture: 'In my alarm I said, “I am cut off from your sight!” Yet you heard my cry for mercy when I
called to you for help. Love the Lord , all his faithful people! The Lord preserves those who are true to
him, but the proud he pays back in full. Be strong [glory] and take heart, all you who hope in the Lord .'
Psalms 31:22-24
4 - The Truth

The Truth:

I: Awareness of Revelation
Heart of Holy Ghost-“The Truth” (Humble) =Wishes /Dreams)

A. Affirmation Of Power

b. I am Worthy

c. Glory= I have Purity.

(releases hatred/courage)

b. I am Enough

c. Victory= I have Blamelessness.

(releases grief/compassion)

Oppositional and Aggressive Behavior:

Is your child destructive to toys or other objects?

Does s/he say “no” or refuse to comply when asked to do something?

Does your child regularly argue with you (parents), teachers?

Does s/he tease or bully another child? Has s/he been teased or bullied?

Is s/he aggressive with siblings, peers or adults, e.g., hits or pushes?

Does s/he swear, call names or make threats?

Also Mental Body– Anger Sympathetic Functional System Dominance- (SFD) needs body/soul
consciousness, connection, and autonomy for help along with the following:
HPA- Part of the Hypothalamic–Pituitary–Adrenal axis which is part of RAS (6-8th chakra) along with the
4th chakra especially the 7th chakra and 8th which is the Crown, Pituitary and Soma Chakra (right
behind 3rd eye) which is known for decreasing energy (hypoarousal) and incre asing consciousness.

Note: The HPA axis is responsible for the neuroendocrine adaptation component of the stress response.


Emotional Body–Shame Parasympathetic Functional System Dominance (PFD)- needs body/soul

connection and attunement for help along with the following:

ACC- which is part of RAS (6-8th chakra) with the Pineal, Pituitary, Carotid Glands, and PONS area of the
brain especially the 8th chakra which is the Crown, 5th & 6th chakra, and Alta Major Chakra which is
known for increasing energy (hyperarousal), also includes VACC involved in emotional appraisals,
cognitive control, and error T. Also, work on the thymus with the thymus chakra also known as the seat
of the soul, vagus nerve chakra, or aka etheric chakra.

— — — — — — — — — Mental Ruled by 8th chakra (RAS) — — —  — — — — — — —

(suggestion: starts to develop around age 7, big jump age 12+)

-4th chakra (heart) Hatred/Courage

-5th chakra (throat) Grief/Compassion (can do 4 & 5 together-earth star)

5 - The Light

The Light:

I: Acceptance of Salvation

“The Light” (Surrender)

Mind Of God In Your Soul= favor of blessings

A. Affirmations of Transmutation: Faith & Hope

b. Hope= releases trust

c. Divine Purity= cleansed, rebirth, patience, righteous, harmony, & knowl edge
b. Faith= releases peace

c. Divine Revelation= blameless life, virtue, reverence, and reconciliation, & wisdom


Do you think your child worries more than other children?

What does s/he worry about?

Does s/he ever have problems falling asleep because she is worrying about something,

can’t turn his/her mind off?

Does your child have many fears?

Is s/he easily scared?

Can s/he be easily comforted by reassurance?

Emotional Body–Shame Parasympathetic Functional System Dominance (PFD)- needs body/soul

connection and attunement for help along with the following:

ACC- which is part of RAS (6-8th chakra) with the Pineal, Pituitary, Carotid Glands, and PONS area of the
brain especially the 8th chakra which is the Crown, 5th & 6th chakra, and Alta Major Chakra which is
known for increasing energy (hyperarousal), also includes VACC involved in emotional appraisals,
cognitive control, and error T. Also, work on the thymus with the thymus chakra also known as the s eat
of the soul, vagus nerve chakra, or aka etheric chakra.

A. Affirmation Of Power

b. I am Worthy

c. Glory= I have Purity.

(releases hatred/courage)

b. I am Enough

c. Victory= I have Blamelessness.

(releases grief/compassion)

— — — — — — — — — Emotional (mind and cellular level) Ruled by 8th chakra (RAS)

-6th chakra (third eye) Grace (freedoms-abundance, devotion)

-7th chakra (cosmic) Mercy (forgiveness-release fear/unconditional love)

-8th chakra (crown) “high heart-mind=soul chakra”- Glory-gratitude/Victory-harmony

(Includes the vagus nerve (thymus), in turn includes alta major and soma chakras

6 - The Eternal Life

The Eternal Life:

I. Received Power- I AM GOD

"The Spirit of God" (Comfort)

A. Affirmations of Purity & Revelation: Divine Power & Authority aka Salvation (see below)=favor of

b. Divine Authority- releases Love

c. Love with trust brings hope= perfect unity, beauty, greatness, rejoice, miracles, & light

b. Divine Power- releases Honor

c. Honor with peace brings faith= curiosity,

integrity, praise, perseverance, & worship


What is your child’s mood like most of the time?

Is s/he often unhappy, sad or tearful?

Does your child’s mood change abruptly for no apparent reason?

Have you noticed a change in his/her interest in things s/he used to enjoy?

Have you noticed a change in his/her energy or activity level?

Is s/he more quiet than usual?

Have you noticed a change in his/her sleep patterns or appetite?

Etheric Body– Anger/Shame has problems with both the emotional and mental body (mind)

RAS including ACC/HPA along with chakras 6–8th includes the Pineal & Pituitary Gland, PONS part of the
brain, Crown, Pituitary and Alta Major/Soma Chakra (Cingulate Gyrus- the cingulate gyrus is a large arch-
like lobe in the center of the inner brain that is a part of the limbic system. This area of the brain
functions to process conscious emotional experience).

Also RAS (6-8th chakra) especially the 8th chakra which mainly is part of the brainstem via the vagus
nerve (thymus- vagus nerve chakra) involved in arousal (hyper-hypo) which helps to learn such as
focus/attention, sensory integration, hormones released, speed processing, LT/ST memory,
vigilance/motivation, and overall (hypo-, hyper-, & varied) arousal, sleep and wakefulness, and control
of reflexes. Also, work on the thymus with the thymus chakra also known as the seat of the soul, vagus
nerve chakra.

Than onto 9-12th (Older Teens)

A. Affirmations of Transmutation: Faith & Hope

b. Hope= releases harmony

c. Divine Purity aka Harmony= cleansed, rebirth, patience, trust, righteous, & knowledge

b. Faith= releases peace

c. Divine Revelation aka Peace= blameless life, virtue, reverence, and reconciliation, & wisdom

Questions Provided By The Research Autism Group or online [Retrieved from

I.A.B.C's - see above & S.O.A.P

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