Soal PTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII-SMK

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Identitas Siswa Nilai

Nama :
Kelas :

A. Complete the following dialogue by choosing A,B,C,D or E !

A : Good evening, … …1 get you a drink ?
B : Sure, … … 2 like a coke
A : Would you like to order anything off the appetizer menu ?
B : Let’s see, can i get some frien zucchini, please ?
A : Would you like to … …3 anything else ?
B : No, that’s it. Thanks
A : No Problem, Cal me when you raedy to place the rest of your order
B : I would like to order my food now.
A : … … 4 You want to order ?
B : … …5 Get a cheesburger and some fries ?
A : Can I get you anything else ?
B : That’s all, … … 6

No Choices
1 a. I would b. Would I c. I can d. Can I e. Yes, I Can
2 a. I could b. I would c. I can d. I could e. I Can’t
3 a. Like b. Show c. Order d. See e. Ask
4 a. When did b. Why did c. How did d. Where e.What did
5 a. I can b. Can I c. Could I d. I Could e. I Hope
d. No,
6 a. You are welcome b. Nice c. Thank you e. yes, please

B. Complete the following dialogue by choosing A,B,C,D or E !

Anita : … …7 Me to help you on your new project?
Budi : … … 8 Love the help! Would you prefer helping me with writing part or is
programing more your thing ?
Anita : I would enjoy with the writing portion.
Budi : Perfect! But, You will be working alone on that portion. … … 9 like to work
alone ?
Anita : Thats OK sometime
Budi : Our first meeting is next Monday, could you meet with us at that time ?
Anita : No, … …10 be there
Budi : Please send me you background information before the meeting so I can
look at it.
Anita : I can send that information to you
Budi : OK. I look forward to working with you. Enjoy your week.
No Choices
7 a. Could I b. Would I c. Would you d. You Would e. I would
8 a. Could I b. Would I c. Would you d. You would e. I would
9 a. do they b. do you c. does you d. do her e. do I
10 a. I can’t b. I can c. Can’t I d. Can I e. Can’t

C. You can use these expressions to ask a shop assistant for help. Write the words in the
correct order!
11 Help/me/you/can/me/excuse/please?
Correct Order:
12 Me/help/please?/could/excuse/you/me
Correct Order:
13 Think/help/you/do/you/could/me?
Correct Order:
14 You?/help/I/may/reservation/hotel/stanton
Correct Order:
15 A reservation/to/like/make/yes/I’d
Correct Order:

D. Now, look at the sample of the application letter. Then aswer the question!

123 Main Street

Prince George, BC V2L 3L6
16. Who Write the Letter ?
17. To Whom the letter is written?
June 9, 2015
18. What is the addres of the
Miss Pamela Brown, Principal writer ?
Green Acres Elementary School 19. When did the writer write the
456 Alice Road
Prince George, BC V2L 3L6 letter ?
20. What does the writer expect
Dear Miss Brown
from the company he applied
Please consider me the position of Noon our supervisor that for ?
you advertised in The Herald.

As you can see in the attached resume, I have three years of

experience supervising children at Potter’s Daycare. In
addition, I have raised three children of my own and have
learned to help young people make good choices and solve

I would appreciate an interview to discuss the position and the

skill i would bring. Please contact me at 250-555-555 to set up
an appointment.

Thank you for considering my application.

Ted Danson
Ted Danson

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