Our Really Big Problems

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Eg we have specific clothes shops likes Levi’s, specific

computer shops like Apple, specific car shops like Tesla.

Because then people can go to the Levi shop, and try on a
pair of jeans and then go home and find the cheapest
source of these jeans

I think that this is the reason we

see that generalist shops are
becoming specific shops

Pod offices and Coworking spaces People often try something on in a

are expanding exponentially shop and then buy it online
Many people are already
working from home Will become amusement arcades
Online shopping
$45 billion spent annually by where people hang out
is taking over
corporations sponsoring
sports and athletes DSTV etc will disappear, as micro
entertainment takes over Traffic is already CBD type Office And possibly
Shopping centres
a nightmare buildings might become flats
The jobs will be in
entertainment Will disappear They will never speed, never park illegally, never be
without an appropriate license disk (there won’t be
license disks),and if they need to speed to a hospital
Parking garages
in an emergency there will be some sort of
Why we need places like Ratanga mechanism to do this
Junction to remain
Plus see The King and The Peasant (mind map) for things poor Office buildings
people have that even the President of the United And driverless vehicles will never
States did not have 15 years ago get any kind of violation

Plumbers Camera technology will make a

Producers and Consumers
lot of on the street law
will become Prosumers
enforcement redundant
Things becoming smaller and “Minituralisation” will mean that
Electricity, water, food, education, will be made and consumed Doctors
at the point it is needed Law enforcement
So Is being automated and transport of mined
products to refineries and power stations
And $900,000 of free apps on your
happens on conveyor belts
One garbage truck of plastic dumped SmartPhone. see Abundance by
And into the ocean every minute Diamandis and Kotler
waste Eg plastic in the ocean
And predict the future Even jobs which need to be
on site will disappear
Airport luggage handling is already
Garbage I want to be automated inside the buildings
alive next week

And all the employees who are

The main point Transport jobs involved in making the system
work will be automated
All jobs are at risk

3.6% growth means 40GW

becomes 80GW in 20 years
Our really big problems Farmers and food As driverless vehicles
Doubling population means the Electricity By David Lipschitz production jobs become the norm
80GW should be 160GW 21 April 2018 Jobs

Eskom needs to be the Grid Owner or Farming is remote and in

someone else will do it: millions of South Africa it is unsafe
people in their garages
Tax Farmers are moving into
buildings in cities
Off site jobs
Eskom doesn’t understand that the importance of Tax depends on
power stations isn’t in the number of people who Shortages lead to rapidly rising prices until the jobs and profits CaseWare and DraftWorx will disrupt the
build or maintain them, but in the number who have a supplier is expunged from the market either by Accountants auditing industry. Already 90% of the
livelihood because of them small systems or by war work is done by “clients”
In a world of exponential growth and especially
exponential growth of free resources the tax base will
decrease dramatically and quickly
Water Transport
Computer Call centre jobs
Earth has an abundance of A massive disruption is on the cards with electric vehicles Fiber technology will mean
water, and energy Education that call centres will run
and driverless technology being ubiquitous within 20 years.
Food Petrol stations and their attendants, and taxi and bus drivers Design patterns and other reusable from peoples homes
will be a thing of the past technologies will mean that
Prices are rocketing and Programming is simplified Or AI will run
The third world
quality is deteriorating the call centre
population is exploding

Eg water quality is reducing and standards But the people who

are being widened so that poor quality water understand how it all fits
Yet today food can be grown in buildings
still meets the “standard” The world’s ability to educate Online education together will be in demand
and quality can be increased
these people using the current Even with MOOCs
paradigm is decreasing At the moment Programming is
becoming more complex
Massive open
online course
The opportunity is to find a way to “educate” people
without them needing to be literate. Writing and reading
are relatively new features in our lives, only 6,000 years
old, and hence why The Old Testament says that the world
is only 6,000 years old

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