Inglés Primaria Cuarto 3

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Inglés. 4º Primaria Repaso Tercer Trimestre.

Nombre: ________________________________

Affirmative Negative Interrogative

I am (I´m) playing. I am not playing. Am I playing?

You are (you´re) eating You are not (you aren´t) eating Are you eating?

He is (He´s) reading. He is not (He isn´t) reading. Is he reading?

She is (She´s) sleeping. She is not (She isn´t) sleeping. Is she sleeping?

It is (It´s) running. It is not (It isn´t) running. Is it running?

We are (we´re) speaking. We are not (we aren´t) speaking. Are we speaking?

You are (you´re) working. You are not (you aren´t) working. Are you working?

Theyare(they´re) studying. They are not (they aren´t) studying Are they studying?

AFFIRMATIVE Subjet + to be + verb +ing ……

NEGATIVE Subjet + to be + not + verb +ing ………

INTERROGATIVE To be + Subjet + verb +ing ....…?

Escribe en negativa y en interrogativa

You are reading a book.

She is sleeping now.

We are running.

Celia Rodríguez Ruiz

Inglés. 4º Primaria Repaso Tercer Trimestre.
Nombre: ________________________________

Affirmative Negative Interrogative

I play. I don´t play. Do you play?

You eat. You don´t eat. Do you eat?

He reads. He doesn´t read. Does he read?

She sleeps. She doesn´t sleep. Does she sleep?

It runs. It doesn´t run. Does it run?

We speak. We don´t speak. Do we speak?

You work. You don´t work. Do you work?

They study. They don´t study. Do they study?

AFFIRMATIVE Subjet + verb (3 sing +s, or es)

NEGATIVE Subjet + do/does + not + verb

INTERROGATIVE Do /Does + Subjet + verb ………………………?

Escribe en negativa y en interrogativa

She goes to the cinema.

I play tenis every day.

We live in Madrid.

Celia Rodríguez Ruiz

Inglés. 4º Primaria Repaso Tercer Trimestre.
Nombre: ________________________________
Fill in the blanks

1. We _________________________________________ a book now.(read)

2. She _______________________________________ tenis on Sundays (play)

3. Ann _______________________________________ to music every moring (listen).

4. My mother____________________________________________ now. (sleep)

5. He ______________________________________________________ (study) in this moment.

6. They ______________________________________________the homeworks right now (do)

7. I _________________________________________ with my aunt every day. (talk)

8. Peter ___________________________________________________the house on Monday (clean).

9. You _____________________________________________ to the cinema once at month (go).

10. It__________________________________________________________________________ now(run).

Fill in the blanks with the present continuous or simple present tense.

1. I ___________________________________ (watch) a film now.

2. You___________________________________ (study) for my english exam every day.

3. Sarah ___________________________________ (play) guitar on Sundays.

4. They___________________________ (read) the newspaper every mornig.

5. My sister __________________________________ (go) to the cinema today.

6. Lisa________________________________ (clean) the house at this moment.

7. We_____________________________ (speak) with her friend every day.

8. She____________________________________ (eat) an apple now.

Celia Rodríguez Ruiz

Inglés. 4º Primaria Repaso Tercer Trimestre.
Nombre: ________________________________
Write the negative and the interrogative


I am playing.

We listen to music.

My father is cooking.

They are eating.

She read every day.

You study English.

My sister is driving.

Tom cleans the car.

My aunt is singing.

He is learning.

Celia Rodríguez Ruiz

Inglés. 4º Primaria Repaso Tercer Trimestre.
Nombre: ________________________________
What are they doing? Complete the questions, and write the answers.

Are they __________ tenis? (play)


________ she reading?


Are they _______________ a film? (watch)


__________ Peter and Linda sleeping?


Is he ________________ ? (eat)


__________ he playing piano?


Celia Rodríguez Ruiz

Inglés. 4º Primaria Repaso Tercer Trimestre.
Nombre: ________________________________
Complete the sentences with am, -is or are. Do or Does. Write short answer.

1. ______________ Sarah watching the TV? Yes, ___________________/ No, ________________________.

2. ______________ you study every day? Yes, _____________________________, No, __________________.

3. ______________ they playing football? Yes, ___________________, No, __________________________.

4. _______________ your sister sleeping? Yes, __________________, No, _____________________________.

5. _______________ Peter go to the cinema ?. Yes, ________________. No, _____________________.

6. _______________ the children doing their homeworks? Yes, _____________. No, _____________.

7. _______________ your mother work here? Yes, ____________________. No, ___________________.

8. _______________ Mary read a book every day? Yes, __________. No, _____________________.

Answer the questions.

What is she doing?


What does Jim do on sundays?


What are they doing?


Celia Rodríguez Ruiz

Inglés. 4º Primaria Repaso Tercer Trimestre.
Nombre: ________________________________


Affirmative Negative Interrogative

Singular Singular Singular

There is a book. There is not (isn´t) a book Is there a book?

Plural Plural Plural

There are five books There are not (aren´t) five books Are there five books?

There are some books. There are not (aren´t) any books. Are there any books?

Choose the correct answer Fill in the blanks with: there is/there are

1. There is/are three cats. 1. ________________ a boy.

2. There is/are an apple. 2. _________________ twenty boys.

3. There is/are books on the table. 3. __________________ two computers.

4. There is / are a supermarket. 4. __________________ an apple.

5. There is/are two windows. 5. ___________________ five newspapers.

6. There is/ are a girl. 6. ____________________ three windows.

7. There is/ are five cars. 7. _____________________ a house.

8. There is/ are milk in the fridge. 8. _____________________ a park.

9. There is/ are four pencils. 9. _____________________ two bedrooms.

10. There is/ are a table. 10. _____________________ five birds.

Celia Rodríguez Ruiz

Inglés. 4º Primaria Repaso Tercer Trimestre.
Nombre: ________________________________
Put the words in order to make sentences

1. Two / aren´t / at the park / there / children.

2. Is /the / Sarah / watching/TV.

3. Cat / there/at home/ is /a ?

4. They/ in/isn´t/home.

5. Pencils / there / in my schoolbag / are

6. Are / in the bedrom /there / pictures ?

7. she / sleeping/ is/now?

8. Mary/ is / reading / a/ not/ book

9. homework / are / the / doing / they

10. Are / two / there / trees / in / garden / the?

Put these sentences in the negative and interrogative form

1. There is a supermarket near to the park.


2. There are six cats in the house.


3. There is a pencil in the table.


4. There are ten cars in front of our house.


5. There is a dog in the garden.

Celia Rodríguez Ruiz

Inglés. 4º Primaria Repaso Tercer Trimestre.
Nombre: ________________________________


You are a good person

I haven´t got a mobile pho-


Is she in the cinema?

We are eating.

She doesn´t play guitar.

Can you swim?

There is a pencil.

Ann isn´t my aunt.

Have they got a blue car?

She is reading.

I can´t play the piano.

Celia Rodríguez Ruiz

Inglés. 4º Primaria Repaso Tercer Trimestre.
Nombre: ________________________________
Complete the sentences with the suitable verbs, use simple present or

present continuous.

1. They ____________________________ (play) basketball on Saturdays.

2. She ___________________________ (read) a book in this moment

3. My parents____________________________(dance) on Monday night.

4. You _________________________________ (play) guitar now.

5. They _________________________________(watch) a flim in this moment..

6. They __________________________________ (play) tenis every afternoon.

7. He ____________________________________(cook) now.

8. I ___________________________________ (do) my homeworks at this time.

9. She ___________________________ (go) to the cinema once at week.

10. He ____________________________ (sleep) now.

Celia Rodríguez Ruiz

Inglés. 4º Primaria Repaso Tercer Trimestre.
Nombre: ________________________________

Affirmative Negative Interrogative

I played I didn´t play. Did you play?

You ate. You didn´t eat. Did you eat?

He read. He didn´t read. Did he read?

She slept. She didn´t sleep. Did she sleep?

It ran. It didn´t run. Did it run?

We spoke. We didn´t speak. Did you speak?

You worked. You didn´t work. Did you work?

They studied. They didn´t study. Did you study?


Subjet + verb in past.


Subjet + did not+ verb


Did + Subjet + verb ………………………?

Celia Rodríguez Ruiz

Inglés. 4º Primaria Repaso Tercer Trimestre.
Nombre: ________________________________
Fill in the blanks with the PAST form of the verb

1. Ann ____________ (read) a book yesterday.

2. My sister _______ (play) tenis. the last Saturday.

3. We _________ (listen) to music an hour ago.

4. My brother _______ (sleep) in that room the last year.

5. They ________ (study) a week ago.

6. I ________ (do) my homeworks.

7. You ________ (speak).

8. They _________(clean) the house yesterday.

9. Tom _________ (go) to the cinema the last weekend.

10. My mother __________ (run) this morning.

Fill in the blanks with the simple past or simple present tense.

1. Sarah ___________________________________ (watch) a film every night.

2. I ___________________________________ (study) english the last year.

3. We ___________________________________ (play) guitar a week ago.

4. My brother ___________________________ (read) the newspaper every morning.

5. They __________________________________ (go) to the cinema every Saturday.

6. Peter ________________________________ (clean) the house yesterday.

7. My sister _____________________________ (speak) with her friend an hour ago.

8. We _____________________________________ (eat) an apple every morning.

Celia Rodríguez Ruiz

Inglés. 4º Primaria Repaso Tercer Trimestre.
Nombre: ________________________________

Affirmative Negative Interrogative

I was playing. I was not playing. Was I playing?

You were eating You were not (you weren´t) eating Were you eating?

He was reading. He was not (He wasn´t) reading. Was he reading?

She was sleeping. She was not (She wasn´t) sleeping. Was she sleeping?

It was running. It was not (It wasn´t) running. Was it running?

We were speaking. We were not (we weren´t) speaking. Were we speaking?

You were working. You were not (you weren´t) working. Were you working?

They were studying. They were not (they weren´t) studying Werethey studying?


Subjet + was/were + verb +ing ……………………...


Subjet + was/were not + verb +ing ……………………...


Was/were + Subjet + verb +ing ………………………?

Celia Rodríguez Ruiz

Inglés. 4º Primaria Repaso Segundo Trimestre.
Nombre: ________________________________
Complete the past of the verbs.












Celia Rodríguez Ruiz

Inglés. 4º Primaria Repaso Segundo Trimestre.
Nombre: ________________________________
Write the negative and interrogative


Ann lived in this house.

My father played tenis.

I went to the cinema.

They loved ice cream.

My mother ran.

She studied english.

My sister spoke french.

Tom did the homework.

Tina had got a cat.

He read the newspaper.

Celia Rodríguez Ruiz

Inglés. 4º Primaria Repaso Tercer Trimestre.
Nombre: ________________________________
Fill in the blanks with was/were Choose the correct answer

1. We ______ reading a book. 1. We was /were cooking dinner.

2. She _______ playing tenis. 2. My aunt was/were driving the car.

3. Ann _________ listening music. 3. I was/were reading a comic.

4. My mother_______ sleeping. 4. They was/were sleeping.

5. He ________ studying. 5. You was/were studying.

6. They ________ doing my homeworks. 6. Ann was/were doing her homeworks.

7. I ________ speaking. 7. My brother was/were playing.

8. Peter _________cleaning the house. 8. She was/were speaking.

9. You _________ going to the cinema. 9. Mary was/were singing.

10. It__________ running 10. My father was/were working.

Fill in the blanks with the past continuous

1. I ___________________________________ (watch) a film.

2. You___________________________________ (study) for my english exam.

3. Sarah ___________________________________ (play) guitar.

4. They___________________________ (read) the newspaper.

5. My sister __________________________________ (go) to the cinema.

6. Lisa________________________________ (clean) the house.

7. We_____________________________ (speak) with her friend.

8. She____________________________________ (eat) an apple.

Celia Rodríguez Ruiz

Inglés. 4º Primaria Repaso Tercer Trimestre.
Nombre: ________________________________
Write the negative and interrogative


I was playing.

We were listening.

My father was
They were eating.

She was reading.

You were studying.

My sister was driving.

Tom is speaking.

My aunt was singing.

He was learning.

Celia Rodríguez Ruiz

Inglés. 4º Primaria Repaso Tercer Trimestre.
Nombre: ________________________________


You were funny.

I didn´t speak.

Is she dancing?

We were eating.

She doesn´t study.

Can you sing?

There are two books.

Ann wasn´t reading.

Do you play tenis?

She went to the park.

I can´t play piano.

Celia Rodríguez Ruiz

Inglés. 4º Primaria Repaso Tercer Trimestre.
Nombre: ________________________________
Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets

Sarah _________________ (study) every day.

1. You ________________ (do) your homework yesterday.

2. They ________________ (play) football on Mondays.

3. She ________________ (play) football yesterday.

4. Peter _________________ (go) to the park the last week.

5. I ___________________ (live) in that house the last year.

6. My aunt __________________ (live) in this house.

7. My mother ___________________ (drive) the car every day.

8. He _____________________________ (eat) potatoes yesterday.

9. We _____________________________ (read) a page in the morning.

Escribe en negativa e interrogativa las frases anteriores

Celia Rodríguez Ruiz

Inglés. 4º Primaria Repaso Tercer Trimestre.
Nombre: ________________________________

Celia Rodríguez Ruiz

Inglés. 4º Primaria Repaso Tercer Trimestre.
Nombre: ________________________________

Celia Rodríguez Ruiz

Inglés. 4º Primaria Repaso Tercer Trimestre.
Nombre: ________________________________

Simple Present Present Conti- Simple Past Past Continuous

I go to the cinema I am going to the cinema I went to the cinema I was going to the cinema

You live in Madrid

She eats an apple.

We drink water.

They study english.

He does the homework.

Ann reads the book.

Tom writtes a letter.

I play tenis.

My father works here.

They win the race.

Celia Rodríguez Ruiz

Inglés. 4º Primaria Repaso Tercer Trimestre.
Nombre: ________________________________

Affirmative Negative Interrogative

I will play I will not (won´t) play. Will I play?

You will eat You will not (won´t) eat. Will you eat?

He will read. He will not (He won´t) read. Will he read?

She will sleep. She will not (She won´t) sleep. Will she sleep?

It will run. It will not (It won´t) run. Will it run?

We will speak. We will not (we wont) speak. Will we speak?

You will work. You will not (you won´t) work. Will you work?

They will study. They will not (they won´t) study. Will they study?

AFFIRMATIVE Subjet + will + verb ……

NEGATIVE Subjet + will not (won´t) + verb ………

INTERROGATIVE Will + Subjet + verb…?

Escribe en negativa y en interrogativa

You will read a book.

She will sleep.

We will run.

Celia Rodríguez Ruiz

Inglés. 4º Primaria Repaso Tercer Trimestre.
Nombre: ________________________________
Write the negative and interrogative


I will play.

We will listen.

My father will
They will eat.

She will read.

You will study.

My sister will drive.

Tom will speak.

My aunt will sing.

He will learn.

Celia Rodríguez Ruiz

Inglés. 4º Primaria Repaso Tercer Trimestre.
Nombre: ________________________________


Affirmative Negative Interrogative

I am going to play I am not going to play. Am I going to play?

You are going to eat You are not going to eat. Are you going to eat?

He is goingo to read. He is not going to read. Is he going to read?

She is going to sleep. She is not going to sleep. Is she going to sleep?

It is going to run. It is not going to run. Is it going to run?

We are going to speak. We are not going to speak. Are we going to speak?

You are going to work. You are not going to work. Are you goingo to work?

They are going to study. They are not going to study. Are they going to study?

AFFIRMATIVE Subjet + to be + going to + verb ……

NEGATIVE Subjet + to be + not (won´t) going to + verb

INTERROGATIVE To be + Subjet + going to + verb…?

Escribe en negativa y en interrogativa

You are going to read a book.

She is going to sleep.

We are going to run.

Celia Rodríguez Ruiz

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