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Page 1 of 8 Organic Defoamer Group Safety Data Sheet - North American Effective date: 09/03/14 1- Identification Product identifier: De 592 Product number: NA Recommended uses of the chemical and restrictions on ust Multipurpose Defoamer ‘Manutacturer/Suppli ORGANIC DEFOAMER GROUP 270 Veronica” Lane Jackson, WY, 83001 USA ‘Telephone: (970)204-4600 FAX: (970)204-4602 For further information about this Email: SDS: Emergency telephone number: Chemtrec (24 hours) USA 1-800-424-9300 International: +001-703-527-3887 2 - Hazard(s) identification Potential physical and environmental effects: See below for adsitonal product deta. Potential health effects: Acute health effects: May cause eye and skin initation. Inhalation may cause initation of the respiratory tract and mucous membranes. Ingestion may cause imitation, HIGHLY REFINED PETROLEUM DISTILLATES: May cause eye and skin iritation: prolonged or repeated skin contact can cause redness, iritation and dermatitis. Short term exposure to vapors and oil mists can cause respiratory tract iritation. Ingestion may cause initation. Chronic health effects: HIGHLY REFINED PETROLEUM DISTILLATES: Prolonged or repeated skin contact can defat the skin and produce dermatitis. Long-term inhalation exposure can cause lung fibrosis. Carcinogenie status: The components of this mixture are not known to be listed or regulated by IARC, NTP, OSHA or ACGIH. Reproductive effects: None Expected See Section 11 for toxicological information. 3 - Composition / information on ingredients | Mixture: Page 2 of 8 ‘Chemical Name ‘AS Number Highly refined petroleum distillates Proprietary Notes: No Additional Information ‘Amounts specitied are typical and do not represent a specification. Remaining components are proprietary, non-hazardous, and/or present at amounts below reportable limits. 4 - First-aid measures It inrtation or other symptoms (as noted above) occur or persist from any route of exposure, remove the affected individual trom the area: see a physician/get medical attention, Eye contact: Any material that contacts the eye should be washed out immediately with water. Get medical attention if symptoms occur. ‘Skin contact: Wash the affected area thoroughiy with plenty of soap and water. Get medical attention it symptoms occur. Inhalation: If affected, remove to fresh air. Get medical attention if symptoms occur. Most important symptoms and effects, both acute and delayed: Iritation. Pre-existing skin problems may be aggravated by prolonged of repeated contact. Indication of any immediate medical attention and special treatment needed: Treal symptomatically 5 - Fire-fighting measures _ NFPA flammability class: N/A Extinguishing media: Carbon dioxide, dry chemical, foam. Treat as an oll fre. Do NOT use water. ‘Special protective equipment and precautions for fire fighters: Water spray (fag) can he used to absorb heat and to cool and protect surrounding exposed material. Wear sel-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) equipped with a ful facepiece and operated in a pressure-demand mode (or other positive pressure mode) and approved protective clothing. Personnel without suitable respiratory protection must leave the area to prevent significant exposure to hazardous gases from combustion, burning or decomposition. In an enclosed or poorly ventilated area, wear SCBA during cleanup immediatoly after a fire as well as during the attack phase of firtighting operations. Water may cause splattering. Do not direct a solid stream of water or foam into hot, burning pools; this may cause frothing and increase fire intensity. ‘Specific hazards arising from the chemical: Initating of toxic substances may be emitted upon burning, combustion or decomposition. Closed container may rupture (due to build up in pressure) when exposed to extreme heat. ‘See section 9 for additional information. 6 - Accidental release measures _ | Personal precautions, protective equipment and emergency procedures: See Section 8 for recommendations on the use of personal protective equipment. Personal Protective Equipment must be worn, Environmental precautions: Do not flush quid into public sewer, water systems or surface waters. Methods and material for containment and cleaning up: Contain spl. Wear proper personal protective clothing and equipment. Absorb spill wth an inert material. Place into labeled, closed container, store in safe location to await disposal. Change contaminated clothing and launder before reuse. Eliminate ignition sources. Wash tho spill area with soap and water. Spillage may cause SLIPPERY CONDITIONS. (especially when we). Page 3 of 8 7 - Handling and storage Precautions for safe handling: As with any chemical product, use good laboratory/workplace procedures. Do not ingest, taste, or swallow. Use under well-ventilated conditions. Wash thoroughly after hancling this product. Always wash up before eating, smoking or Using the facilities. Avoid eye and skin contact. Avoid inhalation of aerosol, mist, spray, fume of vapor. Provide eyewash fountains and safely showers in the work area. Conditions for safe storage, including any incompatibilities: Store cool and dry, under well-ventilated conditions. Do not allow product to freeze. Do not store in open, unlabeled or mislabeled containers. Keep container closed when rot in use. Do not reuse empty container without commercial cleaning or reconditioning, 8 - Exposure controls / personal protection _ ACGIH —— OSHA = Mexico Twa ‘STEL Twa ‘TEL Hohl refined poveloun detistes _8.00mgin9 fala Ne drain fl ist NE Smgles TWA, 10 rion) ‘ging STEL (al mic, mera) Notes: Contains mineral oll, Under conditions which may generate mists, observe the AGGIH § mgim3 TWA (inhalable traction). Appropriate engineering controls: Always provide effective general and, when necessary, local exhaust ventilation to draw spray, ‘erosol, fume, mist and vapor away from workers to prevent routine inhalation. Ventilation must be adequate to maintain the ambient workplace atmosphere below the exposure limit(s) outlined in the SDS. (Ventilation guidelines/techniques may be found in publications ssuch as Industrial Ventilation: American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists, 1330 Kemper Meadow Drive, Cincinnati, OH, 45240-1634, USA) (httpz/wrww.acaih.orgfhome.htm) Eyelface protection: Wear eye protection. ‘Skin and body protection: Wear chemical resistant (impervious) gloves. Use good laboratorylworkplace procedures including personal protective clothing: lab coat, safety glasses and protective gloves. Respiratory protection: Wear an approved respirator (e.g, an organic vapor respirator, a fll fac air puritying respirator for organic vapors, o a sell-conlained breathing apparatus) whenever exposure to aerescl. mist, spray, fume or vapor exceed the applicable exposure limit(s) of any chemical substance listed in this SDS. Use respirator in accordance with manufacturer's use limitations and OSHA standard 1910.134 (29CFR). General protection: Eyewash fountains and safety showers are recommended in the work area. 9- Physical and chemical properties Form Liquid pH 78 ‘Appearance Opaque, White Specific gravity 0.9- 1.0 (256) Odor Mild ‘%Volatile by weight Not Available Solubility in water Dispersible voc Not Available Evaporation rate Not Available Flash point Not Available Pensky-Marten Closed Cup Vapor pressure Not Available Bolling Point F 212F Bolling Point € 1006 Pattition coefficient Not Available Oxidizing properties Not oxidizing \Vapor Density Not Applicable Flammability Not Applicable (liquid) (solid, gas) Melting point / Freezing 34F (16) Explosive range LEL Not Available Page 4 of 8 point UEL Not Available Autoignition Not Avalable Decomposition Not Available Tomperature temperature Viscosity 1000 - 3000 cPs Bulk Density Not Available (25€) Other information: Amounts specified are typical and do not represent a specication. Reactivity: None known. Chemical stability: This product is stable. Possibility of hazardous reactions: Hazardous polymerization will not occur. Conditions to avoid: Excessive heat and igition sources. Incompatible materials: Avoid contact with strong oxidizing agents. Hazardous decomposition products: Carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons. Notes: No Additional Information. CGaution must be exercised through the prudent use of protective equipment and handling procedures to minimize exposure. Information on toxicological effects: General: No Additonal Information Inhalation: Inhalation may cause initaion of the respiratory tract and mucous membranes. Eyes: May cause eye iitation. Skin: May cause skin initation. Ingestion: Ingestion may cause initation. Acute toxicity informati ‘Shemicat Name LosDInholation Species —LDSDOraL Soecies —«LDSOSkin Species Highly refined pevcoum dstiltes «Saf (Shows) —«“a/adut «—««>S000mphg «avast © >5000-mghg ——~ab adult. ‘ShomicaL ame Lox Inhalnion Species LD SD.Orat ‘Species © -LDS0Siin species Hoh ines petclum dstiltes NE NE NE ‘Shemical Name Evelition _—SeclewDose Skininitaion _—Speciew/Dose Sin Sensitization SoeciontDese Hihiy eines peticloun dinates NE NE NE Other toxicity information: No additional information available. Ecotoxicity: No ecological testing has been conducted on this product ‘Shemical Name, Fish 9S hourlcso Species igh reined petleum cst Stormer Species unkroun ‘Shemica Name mimes our Spaces Highly rfid petceum cst: SToomg Specie unkrown ‘Ghemical Name ‘Algal 96 nour EGs0 © Spacies Highly refined petceum dstiates Sr0omat Species unkrown Persistence and degradability: ‘Ghemical Name ‘Blodearadation Fight aired pevclum soto: Natrendly badegraable Bioaccumulative potential: ‘Shemica Name Bioconcen iy resres petreun distes Not especie Mobility in soil: ‘Shemical Name Highy reed pettcloun datates Not expected, Other adverse effects: No Additional Information _ 12 - Ecological information Page 5 of 8 Fish 96 hourLcso Species fie Jwetebeaes 2¢nour Species cso. Ne ‘Algal 72 how Ecs0 Species ne og Kow Ne 13 - Disposal considerations For waste disposal purposes, this product is not known to be defined or designated as hazardous by current provisions of the Federal (EPA) Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA, 40CFR261). Incinerate waste product when in liquid form (i.e. as supplied) in 2 properly permitted (approved) incineration facility in accordance with federal, stale and local regulations. Liquids cannot be disposed of in a landfl 14- Transport information ‘The information below is provided to assist in documentation. It may supplement the information on the package. The package in your possession may carry a different version of the label depending on the date of manufacture. Depending on inner packaging quantities and packaging instructions, it may be subject to specific regulatory exceptions, UNINA Number: NA U.S. DOT Clas: NA Packing Group: NA ICAONATA Class: N/A ADRIRID Class: NA Proper shipping name: Not regulated - See Bill of Lading for Details Environmental hazards: Marine pollutant: Not Applicable Hazardous substance (USA): Not Applicable Special precautions for user: Not Applicable IMDG Class: NA ‘TDG Class: NA Page 6 of 8 ‘Transport in bulk according to Annex Il of MARPOL 73/78 and the IBC Code: Not Applicable Notes: No Additional Information 15 - Regulatory information Safety, health and environment regulations/legislation specific for the product: U.S. federal and state regulations/egislation: ‘This MSDS has been prepared in accordance with the hazard criteria of the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard, 29 GFR 1910.1200. U.S. Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA) Reportable Quantity (RQ): Not Applicable U.S. Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act (SARA): ‘SARA Title Ill Section 312 Hazard Category (40 CFR 370): Not Hazardous SARA Section 313: This product contains the following toxic chemicals subject to the reporting raquirements of Section 313 of the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act of 1986 and 40 CFR 972: None Known California Proposition 65: ‘Waring: The following ingredients present in the product are known to the state of California to cause Cancer: None known to be present or none in reportable amounts for occupational exposure as per OSHA's approval of the California Hazard Communication Standard, Federal Register, page $1159 ff, 6 June 1997. Waming: The following ingredients present in the product are known to the state of California to cause birth defects, or other reproductive hazards: ‘None known to be present or none in reportable amounts for occupational exposure as per OSHA's approval of the California Hazard Communication Standard, Federal Register, page 31159 ff, 6 June 1997. Notes: No Additional Information ‘The chemical identity of some of all components present is confidential business information (trade secret) and is being withheld as permitted by 29CFR1910.1200 (i). Notes: No Additional information Canadian regulationsilegisiation: Canadian Ingredient Disclosure List: The following components are on the Canadian Ingredient Disclosure List (WHMIS): None Listed ‘Canadian Workplace Hazardous Material Information System (WHMIS) classification: Not controlled ‘Tris product has been classified in accordance with the hazard criteria of the Controlled Products Regulations and the SDS contains all the information required by the Controlled Products Regulations. Notes: No Additional Information Chemical inventories: Page 7 of 8 Regulation Canadian Domestic Substances List (DSL): Canadian Non-Domestic Substances List (NOSL): European Inventory of Existing Chemical Substances (EINECS): European List of Notified Chemical Substances (ELINCS): U.S. Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA): is Saneae ‘A isting ineates 2 intantonaly aces components are exher ete or ae there compat wih the regulation. AN" lstng indica tha for one or ‘more components: 1) there sno listing on te pubic neti, 2) no ermaton is aval: o 3) the campanert has net been Toone, Chemical inventory notes: No Additional Information Notes: No Additional information 16 - Other information Notes: No Additional information MSDS Revision date: 9/3/2014 HMIS Rating Health: 1 Flammability: 1 Reactivity: 0 Personal Protection: X NFPA Rating Health: 1 Flammability: 1 Reactivity: 0 Key: O-Insignificant; 1=Slight; 2=Moderate; 3-High; 4~Extreme. An asterisk appearing after the HMIS Health numerical rating denotes a chronic. hazard. Hazardous Materials Identification System (HMIS), National Paint and Coating Association, rating applies to product "as packaged! (i« ambient temperature). Ratings are based upon HMIS® Ill and NFPA 704 (2007). An asterisk appearing after the HMIS Health® It ‘numerical rating denotes a chronic hazard. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) rating identifies the severity of hazards of material during a fire emergency (i.e., on fire"). Legend: ACGIH: ‘American Conference of Governmental industrial Hygienists, Confirmed human carcinogen Suspected human carcinogen Animal carcinogen Chemical Abstract Service Registry Number European dangerous goods transport road and rail regulations Comprehensive Environmental Resonse,Compensation and Liability Act (U.S. EPA) Department of Transportation (U.S.) Environmental Protection Agoncy (U.S.) Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals Hazardous Materials Identification Sysiem International Agency for Research on Cancer Carcinogenic to humans Probably carcinogenic to humans Possibly carcinogenic to humans Unclassified as a carcinogen to humans International Air Transport Association International Civil Aviation Organization International Maritime Dangerous Goods code Material Safely Data Sheet National Fire Protection Association ‘National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health National Toxicology Program Not Applicable None Established

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