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When a metal forms an ionic compound, the formula of the compound produced

depends on the energetic of the process. On the whole, the compound formed is the
one in which most energy is released. The more energy released, the more stable
the compound.

There are several energy terms to think about, but the key ones are:

The amount of energy needed to ionize the metal (the sum of the various ionization

The amount of energy released when the compound forms. This will either be
lattice enthalpy 'if you are thinking about solids, or the hydration enthalpies of the
ions if you are thinking about solutions,

The more highly charged the ion, the more electrons you have to remove and the
more ionization energy you will have to provide.

But off-setting this, the more highly charged the ion, the more energy is released
either as lattice enthalpy or the hydration enthalpy of the metal ion. (Jim Clerk,

Structures of metals complexes

(a) Central metals

(b) Properties of d-block .transition metals differ considerably between the first (3
fd) 'and the second series metals (4fd). although the differences i~ properties
between the second a~d the third series (5fd) metals is not pronounced metallic
radius of elements from scandium, sci to copper, Cu (16~ to 8pm ) are"
significantly smaller than those of yttrium y to silver, Ag (178 to 144pm) or those
oflanthanum, la, to gold, An, (188 to 146)

. Further , metal compound of the, first series transition metal are rarely coordinate
where as transition metals from the second and third series may be 2 to q
coordinate. Cerium ce (radius 182pm)2 intettium, in (radius 175) . fall between 1a
and Hf and, because of the lanthanide contraction metallic radium of the second
and third series transition metals shopw little variation. (sadler italic 2008).
K ~\l-t \ \::"'\~L

Higher oxidation states in the neither second and third series transition metals
neither are considerably nor stable than those in the first series transition metals.
Example includes tungsten. Hexachloride and platinum hexafluoride compound of
the first series transition metals is higher oxidation states are strong oxidants and
thus are rapidly reduced. Metals carbonyl cluster compound are rare.

In general metal-metal bonds are formed much more easily in the 4d and 5d metals
tharr in the 2p ones. Magnetic moment of the first series transition metals
compounds can be explained in terms of spin-only values. (Saddler 2008)

" ,

This is necessary to acknowledge and understand the significant differences in


properties that exist between metals of the first and later series metal compounds
even for element in the same group. Properties of the d-block transition metals are
different not only in

. ,

the upper and lower composition in the periodic tablebut also in the left and right

The d-block transition metals have 'spand orbital,. and those with n electrons
occupying the orbital split by the liqand field are denoted by super strict on the
.orbital symbol. For example, an ion with 3 electrons in tag and 2 electrons in eg is
described as t2g and 3eg.

(c) Ligand - leqands are neutral molecules or charged ions which possesses at least
a ionic . pair of electron to donate to the central metal ion.
A liqand can possesses one or more donor position which can be used to
coordinate with central ion liqand possessing one, donor position is called monode
nstate ligand, two donor position is called bidenate ligands and more donor
position is called chelate. Most ligands are neutral or ionic substances but catinic
ones such as the trophum ncation, are also known neutral liqands such as d- or
c5H5 - stabilized only then they are coordinated to central metals. Representative
ligands (Neqqer, 2006) these ligands with ft single ligating atom are called chelete
ligands. The number of atoms handed to central metals is the coordinated number
(Raynand, 1991).



Compounds which consist of d- block transition metalsand ligands are referred to

as complex or coordination compounds. The coordination number is determined by
the sine of the central metal, the number of the electrons on static effects arising
from the ligards complexes with coordination numbers between 12-9nare known"
in particularly 4 to 6 coordination are the most stable electronically and
geometrically and complexes with these coordination numbers are the most
numerious, and ionic sizes of transition metals, the transition elements has small
atomic and ionic sizes, because of the effective nuclear change the increase along
the period which implies more attraction on the d-orbital, hence there sne decrease
progressively along the period (Petruce 2002)


The density depends on atomic and ionic size of the elements have high density
because of the smaller ionic sizes and high atomic numbers masses, hence density
increase progressively along the period.


Some the elements are sufficiently electropositive therefore d-block elements .are
highly reactive. But not as reactive as s-block elements. Some of the transition
elements have high electrode potential to display hydrogen H2g from compounds
are capable of liberating H2g, from acid and solutions.

The ionization energy (i.z) of transition metals is transient between sand p-block
elements and is higher than that of s-block element.

Generally transition metals have higher I.E (due to there smaller comparatively
smaller atomic size and larger positive change) than the s-blocktpetruce, 2002).

Special properties of transition metals

i. Formation of complexes.I complex compound)

ii. Colour formation
iii. Variables oxidation states (due to availability of electrons in both us and 3d
orbitals (s).
iv. Catalytic properties
v. Magnetic property (Para and diamagnetic)

Most transition metals can be bond to bond to a variety of liquids allowing for a
wide variety of transition metals compound


C0CNo3)2 Cred); K2CR207 (Orange): k2CrO4 6yellow); NICl2 (turguose); Cu S04

(blue); KMNO4 (Purple).

Colour in transition senes metals compound IS generally due to electrons

transitions of two principle states.

Oxidation States

A characteristics of transition is that they exhibits two or. more oxidation is that
they exhibits two or more oxidation states, usually difference by one for example
compounds of vanadium are are known in all oxidation states (Dalton 2009) main
group elements in group b to 17 also exhibit multiple oxidation states the common
oxidation" states of these elements typically differ by two. For example,
compounds .of gallium in oxidation state if and +3 exist in which there is a single
qallium atom. Thus the main difference in oxidation state between transition
elements and other elements is that oxidation states are known in which there is a
single atom of the element and one or more unpaired electrons transition metals
shows variable oxidation state at least there is two common 0.5 in transition
element (Dalton, 2009)

One for the removal of the 4s electrons resulting to +2 (0.5) e.g in fe, Cr, Co, Mn
etc Fe.

The order removal of additional electron from 3d- -or- bital / electrons Fe(s)

Complexes with the respective coordination numbers are two coordinate


Many electrons rich d10 ions VI2 (u+, Agt. And Aut from linear complexes
(PdCPCy3)2 with very bulky tricyclohexyphosphirine liqards is also known.
Generally, stable 2 coordinate complexes are known or the cate transition metals.

Although (Fe(NCSIMes) is one example, very few 3 coordinate complexes are

known four co-ordinate complexes.

When four liqards coordinate to metals, tetrathoradral (td) coordination is the least
Congested geometry. Although a number of square planner (D4h) complexes are
known. NI(Co)2(CUCpy)4) (AuCI4) are all examples of tetralleradral complexes:
there are few known example of square planner complexes with identification
liqards. Complexes a number of square planners complexes of d8 ion, fh+, pd2,
pt2+, andAu87.


Transition metal compounds are paramagnetic when they have or more unpaired
electrons in octahedral complexes with between four and seven d electrons both
high spin and low spin states are possible. TetrahedraI transition metal complexes
such as (FeCl)2 are high spin because the crystal field, spiliting is small SO that the
energy to be gained by virtue of the electrons being in lower energy orbitals is
always less than the energy needed to pain up the spins. Some compound are
diamagnetic , these include octal ural , low-spin d, and square planner ds
complexes in these cases, crystal field spilitting is such that all the electrons are
paired up (Dalton, 2009).

The transiton metals and their compound are known for their homogenous and
hecterogenous catalytic activity. This activity is ascribed to their ability to adopt
multiple oxidation states and to form complexes vanadium (v) oxides crystalyst at
a solid surface (nanomaterial based catalyst ) involve the formation of bonds
between reactant molecules and atoms in the surface of the. catalyst (first low
transition metals utilize 3d and "4s electrons for bonding) this has the effect of
increasing the concentration of the reactant at the catalyst surface and also
.weakening of the bonds in the reactant molecules ( the activation energy is lowed )
also because the transition metals ion can change their oxidation states they
because more effective as Catalyst (Dalton, 2009).

Physical properties

Transitions are metals are metals and ths conductor of electricity. In generally
transition metals process a high density and high melting points and boiling point,
these properties are due to metallic bonding by delocalized d electrons. Heading to
cohesion which increase which increase with the number of shared electrons.

However the group 12 metals have much lower melting point and boiling point.
Since their full d subsledes prevent d-d bonding which again tend to differential
them from accepted transition metals. Mercury has a melting point of -:- 38.83°c
(137. 89°t) . and is a liquid at room temperature (Jaoven, 2005).


Most of the major classes of phamaceiticul agents contains examples of metals

compounds high are 1 current clinical use (1.2) and new area of application are
rapidly emerging. The application of inorganic chemistry to medicine (elemental
medicine) is a rapidly developing field, and novel therapeutic and diagnostic metal
complexes are new having an impact on medical practice. Advance in
biolordination chemistry are crucial for improving the design of compounds to
reduce toxic sides effect and understand their mechanisms of action (Raynand,

Plantinum (ii) complexes are now amongst the most widely used drugs for the
treatment of cancer three injectbale diaminimize .compounds have been approved
for clinical trailsi there are current emphasis or reducing the toxicity of platinum
container. Complexes towards normal cells circumventing acquired resistance to
cis plantain and increasing the spectrum of activity of bplatium complexes towards
a wider range of types of cancer (Raynand 1991).


Transition metals are those metals with partially d-orbitals in one of their occurring
oxidation state or ions and it leads to inclusion of scandium (sc) and zinc (Zn) as
transition metal due to the they have single oxidation state into their compound
(sc3+znz+) and it also show how is use to industrial like platinum (ii) complexes is
transition metals which now amongst the most the most widely use drugs for the
treatment of cancer. Three injectable diaminize compounds have been approved for
clinical use.

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