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Workshop Week 9

Review Questions
1. What is the relationship between the SDLC and the DBLC?
Database Design, as an aspect of information technology, can be represented and use a
related SDLC methodology named DBLC (Database Development Life Cycle). DBLC is
made out of a sequence of iterative steps, comparable like SDLC (which vary slightly
depending on the model used). The System Development Life Cycle (SDLC), which oversees
the computer system's growing requirements, is used to create and run the information
system. The Database Life Cycle (DBLC) is the monitoring of database changes.
2. What does the acronym DBLC mean, and what does a DBLC portray? What are the
phases? List and explain.
The Database Development Life Cycle, or DBLC, is a design and planning cycle which is
used to develop, test, and integrate database for issue settings. The SDLC utilizes
communication systems that are based on database. Database initial study, computer
architecture, installation and load, development and testing, operating, and administration and
modification are the six phases of the Database Life Cycle (DBLC).
1. Initial Research on the Database: The developer must examine the current system's
functioning inside the business and discover why and how it fails in the Database initial
2. Designing Database: The database model that will enable the company's business and
objectives is defined in the second step. The most important aspect of the DBLC is
ensuring that the final output matches user expectations.
3. Loading and Implementation: The database conceptual design provides a set of
instructions for building columns, features, subdomains, perspectives, indices, safety
constraints, and space and performance requirements, among many other things. That's
where you execute all of the design requirements.
4. Evaluating and testing: Mostly during design phase, choices were taken to ensure
database integrity, safety, efficiency, and reliability. Throughout the development and
reloading phase, these strategies were put in place. The DBA examines and fine-tunes the
database via development and analysis to verify that it works as expected. This step
occurs simultaneously with application software.
5. Operation: Once the database has survived the evaluation, it is considered operational. At
the period, the database, its administration, its clients, and its software applications form a
complete information management system. The operating stage of the system always
begins with the start of the process.

Review questions are taken from C. Coronel, S. Morris, P. Rob, K. Crocket (2013) Database Principles:
Fundamentals of Design, Implementation, and Management, 2nd Edition, Cengage Learning
6. Upkeep and Development: The database administrator should be ready to manage the
database on a regular basis.

3. What are business rules? Why are they important to a database designer?
A business process is a declaration that puts a restriction on a given database characteristic,
including the content of a particular  field definition or the characteristics of a particular
connection. Organization's strategic standards serve to establish expectations recommendations
for just how work must be performed. To business conforms with municipal, county, and national
administrative requirements, business rules should be used. In database design, business rules are
frequently used. The designer will use business rules to establish relationship participation
criteria and restrictions, as well as a proper data model. Business requirements define way
entities, attributes, and relationships are categorized.

4. What is the data dictionary's function in database design?

Data dictionaries are used to offer extensive information on the content of a dataset or
database, such as measurement column names, types of data and forms, and textual
information. Whenever it came to analyzing information, a data model comes in useful. Data
elements with the same interpretation, applicability, and reliability for all clients are assured
through common dictionaries. People who build information systems and applications also
can benefit from data dictionaries.

Review questions are taken from C. Coronel, S. Morris, P. Rob, K. Crocket (2013) Database Principles:
Fundamentals of Design, Implementation, and Management, 2nd Edition, Cengage Learning

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