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=~, SAN BEDA UNIVERSITY Zk) COLLEGE OF LAW 42/2018 CENTRALIZED BAR OPERATIONS MEMORY AID POLITICAL LAW ) 8 e 2 3 [3 ae ae 2018 CENTRALIZED BAR OPERATIONS EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Over-all Chairperson Chairperson for Academics Chairperson for Hotel Operations Vice Chair for Operations Vice Chair for Secretariat Vice Chair for Finance Vice Chair for Audit Vice Chair for Electronic Data Processing Vice Chair for Logistics Vice Chair for Membership Kates Jastin E. Aguilar Christine P. Monderin Cheska Arla C. Agrupis Mara Clara M. Estrella Mary Cyriell C. Sumanqui Artlyn Gem G. Sefioran Zaire Xandra M. Reyes Asmenah M. Barambangan Martin Alec N. Bautista Marvie L. Pagcaliwangan LAYOUT AND CONTENT EDITORS: Jordan N. Chavez Roger P. Cuaresma Joelle Mae J. Garcia Marie Anna Karla M. Regencia Jecko G. Bello Christopher Lawrence C. Ferriols Jean Claudette L. Galvez Agatha Josephine V. Matabuena Jeremy M. Mercader Dentzen S. Villegas SAN BEDA COLLEGE OF LAW ADMINISTRATION Dean Vice Dean Prefect of Student Affairs Administrative Officer Legal Aid Bureau Director Alty. Virgilio B. Jara Atty. Marciano G. Delson Alty. Risel G. Castillo-Taleon Atty. Francesca Lourdes M. Sefiga Atty. Peter-Joey B. Usita 2018 CENTRALIZED BAR OPERATIONS CORE GROUP OVERALL Carmelo R. Aguilar Jr, Ma. Angelica B. de Leon, Joseph Nicholas R. Serrano ACADEMICS Jecko G. Bello, Christopher Lawrence C. Ferriols, Jean Claudette L. Galvez, Agatha Josephine V. Matabuena, Jeremy M, Mereader, Dentzen S. Villegas HOTEL OPERATIONS Dohn Albert E. Arquilizan, Ronalyn A. Gacuia, Ruth P. Balladares, John Paul P. Bartolome, Hannah A. Caceres, Vincent Paul C. David, Lorenzo Thaddeus Ruel D, Galandines, Tagma Esther V. Garabiles, Carlo C. Saplan OPERATIONS Roi Christopher T. Dizon, Ursulaine Grace C. Feliciano, Ferdinand Elbert D. Jomilla J, Lydia Marie L Mirabel, Ma, Lourdes M. Santos SECRETARIAT Elaine ‘Anne L. Bernardino, Jessica Sharla G. Bustamante, Jhelsea Louise B. Dimaano, Doane Kevin P. Jacinto, Grahara ison G. Ragsac FINANCE Jenica A. Aquino, Colleen P.Dilla, Lex Angelo A. Rosario, Kathrina Grace C. Sanche?, -Merivila R. Tulayan AUDIT Ma. Consolada V. Ben, Arra Olmaya J. Badangan, Guenavere J. Hao, Lorelie M Santos, Apollo Julius S. Sta. Maria ELECTRONIC DATA PROCESSING jordan N. Chaver, Roger P. Cuaresma, Joelle ‘Mae J. Garcia, Marie Anna Karla M. Regencia LOGISTICS Daniel Philip V. Barnachea, Jose Emmanuel I. Cabel, Sophia Victoria E, Mina, Fatima Miana J. Rodriguez, Hanz Darryl D. Tiu MEMBERSHIP Eric Winson F. Cea, ‘Agatha Loren S. Edillor, Mark Benedict 8. Francisco, Antonio C. Manaligod IV, justine Renee C. Sison POLITICAL LAW Subject Chair Assistant Subject Chair Electronic Data Processing Constitutional Law I Constitutional Law IL Law on Public Officers ‘Administrative Law Election Law Law on Public Corporations Public International Law JOHN PSALMUEL V. CHAN EMIL L. SAMANIEGO YSABELLA JUSELL L.SUMAYA ‘SUBJECT HEADS RAYMOND F. RAMOS FRANCIS ARTHUR A. CORPUZ KARL EARVIN M. JUSTO PAMELA DENISE D.V. HILARIO CHARLOTTE VINA S. CASINILLO JORDAN C. CABANDONG VINCE NOEL L. LUPANGO MEMBERS GIANCARLO LORENZO S. GEMPIS. JEEN KATHLEE B. LIM MARY EVIELYN N. MATEO LYDIA MARIE L. MIRABEL GIZELLE KARINA D. MONTERO SUELLEN C. OGENA EARL JAMES G. REYES EURIKA C. ROSARIO JUSTIN EARL DARYLL P. SALAPARE ‘AURA EUNICE S. SANTOS BEA CHERYL C. YU ADVISERS COMM. RENE V. SARMIENTO ATTY. ADONIS V. GABRIEL ATTY. MARICRIS B. PAHATE ATTY. PETER-JOEY B. USITA ATTY. ZOILO A. VELASCO. ATIY. EDWIN R. SANDOVAL ATTY. JOSE ANGELO A. DAVID TABLE OF CONTENTS SAN BEDA MEM@RY AID 2018 CONSTITUTIONAL LAW! ‘THE PHILIPPINE CONSTITUTION .. ‘A DEFINITIONS, NATURE, AND CONCEPTS Poltcal Law ‘Subjects Covered by nd inchaded inthe Study of Phillppine Polical Law * Consttusonal Law 2 Aaministratve Law 3 Election Law 4 Low of Puble Ofteare 5. Law on Municipal Corporations Constitution Kinds of Constitutions “Welle or Unwiton 2. Enacted (Conventions) or Evolved (Cumtatve) 43. Rigi or Flenbie. Eoctvty of the Constision Pringles of Consttutonal Construction 1 Verba eg 2 Ratio logs est anima {8 ESSENTIAL PARTS OF A GOOD WRITTEN CONSTITUTION " Conetution of Uborty 2 Conetitiion of Sovereignty 8. Constitution of Goverment (¢- AMENOMENTS AND REVISIONS ‘Tworpar test empioyed in Lambino Case to determine whether the proposal was a revision or amendment "1 Quantatve test 2. Quaitatve test ‘Sts in the Amendment oF Revision ofthe Constnaion ‘The inte and Referendum Act (A. No. 6735) Doctrine of Proper Submission Date of Efecty of an Armenment or Revision ‘iui Review o Proposals atirs which may be reviewed bythe Court 0. GENERAL PROVISIONS (CONST. Art. XVI) Seaton 1 Section 2 ‘The Flag and Heralalc Code ofthe Phipps GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS A/NATIONAL TERRITORY. ‘Terrtory ofthe Phiippines ‘Doctrine rcipotagie ‘The dotntion n Atle 1 covers the folowing lnttres DDinitons under the 1982 United Nations Convention onthe Law of the Sea 8, THE CONCEPT OF THE STATE Effect of Revolutionary Government Doctrine of Ato-Lnaton Imperium ‘omiium Principle of Jus Postiinium ‘Goverment ofthe Republic ofthe Philippines Gesaticabon of Government Funsions of Government 2018 SAN BEDA CENTRALIZED BAR OPERATIONS | TABLE OF CONTENTS SAN BEDA MEMORY AID 2018 STATE IMMUNITY Test to Determine f Sutis Against he State \Viaiver of State immunity Essorialy Lepsatve Forme of State's Consent tobe sued "Express Consent 2 impos Consent Effet whore no consents cleary shown ‘State Immunty of Foreign Statos Exiont of Sovereign immunity ‘Rules Regarding Suts against Government Agoncios Rules Regarding Gamishment or Levy of Goverment Funds in Goverment Depository Rufos Regarding Paymont of Interests by Government in Money Judgmonts against Rules Regarding Sul against Pubic Ofcers . GENERAL PRINCIPLES AND STATE POLICIES: 1. Demoorate and Republican State 2. Renunciation of War and Doc of corporation ‘Two Methods of Making Infematonal Laws Par ofthe Local Laws of the Pilpines Rulee In Case of Confit between ltomatonal Law an Municipal Law 3. Civitan Supremacy ‘£ Compulsory Miltary and Civil Sorc; Protection of Poople and State 5, Peaco and Order, General Wotae 6. Soparation of Church and Stato 7 Independent Feeign Pacy and Froedem from Nuclear Weapons 8 Social Order 8, Socil Justice 10. Ful Respect of Human Rights and Dignity of Every Person 41, Right to Life of the Unto 42; Right oa Balanoed and Heat Ecology 13. Labor 14, Economy 15. Agrarian Reform 46. Local Autonomy. Kinds of Decontalization 17- Equal Access to Opporunty for Puble Serie 18, Honesty and nteety in Public Service 18, Fal ube Disclosure of ll Traneacons Involving Publ lteest| E, SEPARATION OF POWERS Principle of Blending of Powers CHECKS AND BALANCES: ‘Test in dotomining whother a givon powor has boon vay exercised by a pareutardepariment G. DELEGATION oF POWERS. rinipie of Now Delogably of Logilatve Powor CGondtions foro vesture of emergency powers inthe Present ‘Bower to Deciare Site of Emergency v. Emergency Powers “Two fold taster Valié Delegation ‘THE LEGISLATIVE DEPARTMENT Power, Defined Legislative PEOPLE'S LEGISLATIVE POWER THROUGH INTIATIVE AND REFERENDUM (Casses of nitive 19 President's legllative power during marta law and under a evolaionary goveenment President doos nat have tgisltve power ding martial tw onder te 1067 Constuton HOUSE OF CONGRESS. CCompositon Qualicatons/Terms of Ofice Resisonce ‘Thoory of LogalImpossibity CONELEC cannot eniage the consttutonl requirements HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ‘Qualfetions under the Consttstn: “Unies otherwise fed bylaw" ‘Germansering PARTY-LIST REPRESENTATIVES ELECTIONS Regular Special Vacancies Salaries Logltatve PriviogesPartamontary Immunities Requirements to avallo the prviege of speech and debate Ji] 2018 SAN BEDA CENTRALIZED BAR OPERATIONS, TABLE OF CONTENTS SAN BEDA MEMORY AID 2018 Disqualifteations and inhibitions SESSIONS Regular Sessions Special Sessions Election of Senate Presigent, Speaker of the House, and Other Officers QUORUM AND VOTING MAJORITIES Dscpline of Members Matters Mandated by the Consttuton tobe Entered into the Journal Enrolled Bit Theory Adourment HE ELECTORAL TRIBUNALS Independence of Electoral Tribunal CCONMISSION ON APPOINTMENTS POWERS OF CONGRESS Legisiatve NonLepisiative Limitations on the Power of Congress Hodgepedge or iog-oing legislation Bicameral Confernce Commitee, Power of Appropriation ‘Clasetteation of Appropriation Laws “The Government Buageting Process ‘Pork Bart: Unconsttonal ‘Congressonal Pork Barrels unconstautonel Lmtatons onthe Power to Appropriate Profisted Cross-Border Augmentation DAP (Disbursement Acceleration Program) Unprogrammed Funds Discretionary Funes. LEcistamive Process: Pocket Veto Presidential Voto Legisiatve/Congressional Veto Powe of Legislative Investigation and Oversight Function LUmitations on the Power of Legslatve investigation Power to lesue Summons Power to Punish Contempt Continuity of Legisatve inquires ‘Roplicaity of Sub Judes Rule to Leglative Inquiries (Oversight Function of “Question Hour" Post Enactment Measures Undertaken by Congress (Categories of Congressional Oversight Functions Executive Pvilege Operational Pronmty Test ‘THE EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT : . Executive Power ‘Qualifatione of the Prestient and the Vice-President ELECTION ‘Congress as Canvassing Boars SSC asthe Presidential Electoral Tebunal PRIVILEGES ‘Duration of Presidonta immunity ‘Requists forte executive pivlege tobe validly claimed by the President 7 ‘Scope of Execuve Prvlege Powers of he Present Power of Adminitative Reerganizaton ‘nds of Presental Appointments Exception te Midnight appotniments ‘Tee stke Rule ‘Appointments Requring the Consent of the Commission of Appointments ‘Appointments wih Prot Recommendation or Nomination byte ducal ond Bar Counet ‘Appointments Requiring Nominations by Mutt Sectoral groupe ‘Appotntments witout need of CA Confrmation ‘Appointing Proveaure for thse that need CA Confemation Doubienttple Ofces Power of Supervision Doctrine of Guatfed Poltical Agency or Ater Ego Prince Etec of suspension of prvlge ofthe wrt ‘Ganstiutional imitations onthe suspension of the prvlege of he we of habeas corpus and decaration of marta aw [Auth of Congress to revoke or exiand tne efeciy of proclamation ‘Ways tot the prociamation or suspension MILITARY POWER (Maral Law) Doctrine of Non Dimiution/Non-Impalment ofthe Presient's Power of Pardon ind of Pardon 40 2018 SAN BEDA CENTRALIZED BAR OPERATIONS |i TABLE OF CONTENTS SAN BEDA MEMORY AID 2018 Amnesty Remission of tes and foetus ‘Treaty Making Power and Ratieaton Conditions forthe Exercise of he President of Emergency Powers Gating Out Power ofthe President v. Emergency Powers RULES OF SUCCESSION ‘A President 8. Vice-President Procedure f Cases of Vacancies in the Ofc ofboth President and Vice President ‘Suocession in Case of Disaisty Serius lness of the President ‘THE JUDICIAL DEPARTMENT oe JUDICIAL POWER Section Expanded Jurisdiction and Author of the Supreme Court Grave Abuse of Diserelon Amountng to Lack of Jursdson {tation of seit Power SUDIGIAL REVIEW Doctrine of Judicial Supremacy Requistos of Judicial Review Justclable Controversy Susteiabity Requirements ‘Moot Questions era interpretation on Standing for Constutonal issues ‘Surymary of ues onthe Liberal Appreach on Locus Stan Fecal Challenge Funeions of dela Review Effet of Declaration of Unconettaonalty Operative Fact Doctrine ‘Safeguards of Judi Independence ‘isi! Restraint ‘opointments tote Judean, Requrements Power to Dscipine "THE SUPREME COURT Cases tobe Heard and Decised En Bane Drision Cares Peo for Rendering Decisions Powers of he Supreme Court “JUDICIAL AND BAR COUNCIL Posttons Requing te Screening and Nomination by the JBC ‘isdelal Prvoge ‘CONSTITUTIONAL COMMISSIONS .... rotons and innbitons ‘Safeguards that Guarantee Independence of Commission Deations of the Commision Rewaw of Final Order. Resolton, and Oscsons anner of Review |LCWIL SERVICE COMMISSION ‘Scope of Civ Service Partean Poli! Activity Role of the Civ Service Commission in Appointments ‘Secuny of Tenure and Removal ‘Nomcompetive poston alo enjoy secu of tenure ‘Sel Organizaton Functions ofthe CSC as the Cental Personnel Agency ofthe Government = Prombton against Additonal and Double Compensation 11, COMMISSION ON ELECTIONS Quattcations| Engaging h the Pracice of Law ‘Appomtment and Tern CConstisional Powers and Functions Regulation of Puble Ulltes, Media, and Franchises FRules on he Exefise ofthe COMELEG of ts Quasi uci! Powers sudiial Review ofthe Deasions ofthe COMELEC 1M COMMISSION ON AUDIT Compositon Guateatons ‘Appotiiment and Tern Powers and Duties of COA ‘The COA has post susting uthonty Iv | 2018 SAN BEDA CENTRALIZED BAR OPERATIONS 52 63 TABLE OF CONTENTS SAN BEDA MEMORY AID 2018 COR's non-exctusve power to aust “Iorediton ofthe Commission NATIONAL ECONOMY AND PATRIMONY ‘Thvee-fld Goal of the National Economy ‘Rogatan Doctine (Jura Regal) LUmitatons on the disposition ofthe State of alenable lands of the public domain Public Uses ‘Cassiieaion of Lands ofthe Public Domain ‘Requirement of Recasseation or Conversion Private Lands Practice of Profession Organization of Corporations ‘Nonopates, Resvalnt of Trade, and Unta Compettion ‘Temporary Takeover of Business Aflecied wih Puble Interest 70 SOCIAL JUSTICE AND HUMAN RIGHTS 2.0000 72 ‘Social Juste as envisioned by the Constitution Social Justice ‘Agrarian efor, contol over agreutural ands COMMISSION ON HUMAN RIGHTS ‘Gompositon| ‘Guatieatons Powers and Functone Limitation on the powers ofthe CHR. EDUCATION, SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, ARTS, CULTURE AND SPORTS. 4 Principat Characiarstes of Education which the Sta must Promote and Protect ‘Natonal angvage ‘eadamie Freedom ‘Aspects of Acaceml Freedom Three Views Requisies of Dues Process for Stasets belore Imposition of Diciptinary Sanctions ‘Termination of Contract Rule ‘THE FAMILY CONSTITUTIONAL LAW II FUNDAMENTAL POWERS OF THE STATE or 76 FUNDAMENTAL POWERS OF THE STATE 4. Police Power 2. Eminent Domain 3. Taxation LUmitation ofthe Inverent Powers ofthe State ‘Simiares among the Fundamental Powers 75 A.POUICE POWER ‘Basis In Fundamental Legal Principles ‘Basic Lmitatone on the Exerciee of Police Power Requisite fora Vabd Exercise of Pace Power Exaeise of Potce Power, n General ‘Exereise Must Not Be Arbitrary Exerise of Polce Power Essential Legisative Powors of Eminent Domain and Taxation as implement of Police Power Zoning Ordnance as Vaid Exercise of Police Power ‘Superorty of Police Power 18. POWER OF EMINENT DOMAIN ‘Two Stages of Eminent Domain Cases Roquistes ofthe Exercise of Eminent Domaln Enect of Los of Public Necessy Effect of Abandonment of inlended Use and Right to Repurchase Instances of Taking: Instances of Canttuetve Taking Subject to Compensation RRequistes of Actual Taking Entec of taking wehout gong trough the legal process Fair Market Vatue Non-Paymest of Just Compensation as gounds to recover Property Expropriation as Exeresed by LGUs Ovough a Vai Delogation (C, POWER OF TAXATION Tiheiood Decrine 2018 SAN BEDA CENTRALIZED BAR OPERATIONS |v TABLE OF CONTENTS SAN BEDA MEMORY AID 2018 ‘Scope of Taxation Wino May Exercise LUmtations on te Power of Taxation Double Taxation ‘Tax Exemptions Enos and Matter Exemps rom Some Kinds of Taxes by the Constution ARTICLE Ill: BILL OF RIGHTS. Private Acte and the Bil of Rights Plimaey at Human Righs eerarehy of Rights DUE PROCESS OF LAW Rights Protected by the Oue Process Clause Eetonce of Oue Process ‘Aspects of Due Process Reruistes of Substantive Due Process Two Areas of Application of Procedural Oue Process 7 ADMINISTRATIVE OUE PROCESS ‘Admiisrtve Due Process Only Applicable n exercise of Quasi usc powers ‘Appeal and Due Process ‘Avatabity of Dus Process in Etradton Proceedings ‘vallabityof Oue Process in Deportation Proceecings Consttutanal and Statuary Due Process Vord-or-Vagueness Rute ‘Due Process as Limtaton of Patice Power EQUAL PROTECTION OF LAW Requsies of Vad Clessifestion ‘Tyee Tests in Determining Compliance with the Equal Protection Clause Determination o Testo be Apped DDoctne of Relative Consttutonally r Prinple of Altered Circumstance ‘Secton 2: SEARCHES AND SEIZURES ‘Scope of Protection ‘Avalabity ofthe Right ‘Searches and Seizures, When Unveaseneble RRearonableness isa Jusicial Question Requsiles of a Vata Warrant ‘Specie Kinds of Probable Cause Requiste fora Vat Judicial Determination Determination of Probable Cause fs Not Requied in Deportation Proceedings Oath ‘tation dom Doe Warrants ‘Satter shot Warrants ‘General Werranis Exclustonary Rule (Fruit ofthe Poisonous Tree) Recovery of Sezed Aces Warantess Arrests, When Vat Reliable information doesnot Satsty “Personal Knowledge” Requirement ‘Appleaton for Bal Nota Barto Queston Vay of est ‘Aamissvatve Arrest ‘Warrantess Searenes, When Va Requsites of & Vabd Checkpoint Pram View Boctine Drug, Alcohol and Blood Tests under R.A. 9165 Koek-and-Announee Pence ‘Sesion 3: PRIVACY OF COMMUNICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE Requstes of Exctence of ight to Privacy Reasonable Expectation of Privacy “Toe Strands ofthe Right to Privacy Forms of Crespondence and Communiaton Covered ‘Anite Tapping Aet (FA. No. 4200) Right to Privacy of Detainees LUmitaton under the Human Securty Act (RA. 8972) Fight to privacy in eine social networking ‘Meaning of "Etty Engaged inthe Gathering Data" under the Rule on Habeas Data ‘Section 4: FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION Avalablty Dual Aspect of Freedom of Expression LUmitaton onthe Proton of Prior Restraint ‘Test of Permisoble Prov Restraint Dootines Applied to Free-Speoch Cases vi] 2018 SAN BEDA CENTRALIZED BAR OPERATIONS, TABLE OF CONTENTS SAN BEDA MEMORY AID 2018 1. Facial Chatenge 2, Ovorbroadth Doctine “Tests for Val Goversmnt Interference to Freedom of Expression Heckler Veto State Regulation of Diferent Types of Medio Gommoreiat Spoech Brivloge Communication Kinds of Prvioge Commanicaton FRequisites to trvoke Quaiied Prvega Communication Public itorect, CCatitam of an Offical Conduct Publi Figures Ube! against Puble Oficial ard Pubic Figures Regulation of Spooch During Elecdons Fest of Obscenty Hlorarchy of Rights ‘Scape of State Regulation of the Right to Assembly ‘Tost of a Lawful Asemely Applying fr a Pemit to Assemble and Petition Procedure undor B.P. 800 ‘Bemonsration within the Vicinty of Courts Demonstration in Schoo! Premises Right of Associaton ‘Section 5: FREEDOM OF RELIGION Religion ‘Approaches of Courts othe Freedom of Region ‘Three (8) Prinopal Pats of Secton 5 ‘Manifestatons ofthe Nor-Estabiatment Clause under the Constitston Tstances of Non-Vioiaion of tho Non Establishment Clause Freedom to Boliove not Subject o Regulation ‘Competing stuserts to salute flag Gung fog cacomony violates religious freedom ‘Courts nave no contr en dcipine of religious members f Tests in Determining Free Exercise Clause Violations. ‘Section 6: LIBERTY OF ABODE and RIGHT TO TRAVEL nT: RIGHT TO INFORMATION {0 Determine When the Right Ie nvocable oterest 3s Relating tothe Right o lvermation in Case of Dena of Rignt *UTIVE ORDER No. 2,5. 2016 Access t information Linked es in Cases of Denial of Request 8: RIGHT TO FORM ASSOCIATIONS ‘8: EMINENT DOMAIN, 30: NON.IMPAIRMENT OF CONTRACTS '8 Impairment JE FREE ACCESS TO COURTS: {o Natura Persone Only : Assistance Act of 2010 (R.A. No. 9999) rents for Avaliment of Free Legal Sorvices wtory Logal Ai (Bar Matter No. 2012) £2: RIGHTS OF SUSPECTS UNDER CUSTODIAL INVESTIGATION. ‘©f Suspects under Custodial vestigation or the “Miranda Rights 8 of involuntary or Gooreed Conession subject to tho Excusionary Rule a Used by tha Prilppine National Police to Comply wit Secon 12 ‘©F Admissible Etrajcilal Confession : 2018 SAN BEDA CENTRALIZED BAR OPERATIONS | vi TABLE OF CONTENTS SAN BEDA MEMORY AID 2018 Police Lineup Section 13: RIGHT TO BAIL Forms of Bi Wen Bal ies Mater of Right ‘When Baile Matter of isration Ball Hearing Exceptions to the NoBall Rule Standards for Fang Amount of Bal Cancotaton of Bal Seution 14: RIGHTS OF THE ACCUSED CCimina Due Process and Pubic Ressonable Doubt Equpotse Rue Fights o Counce dung Tia Factors to Consider Whether Right to Spoody Tia is Violated Wiaver of Speedy Trial Fight asa ile not avaiable outside tat Waiver of Right to cose-examination Requtstes for Tan abort Tests of Propity forthe Issuance of Subpoena Duces Tecum ‘Setlon 15: WRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS Ettocts of Absence of Preliminary investigation Etteas of Release of Detained Person Priogo of he Whi of Haboss Corpus Wintof Amparo Enforced Dseppesrance and Extrajucil Kilings ‘Namisebaty of Hearsay Ewdonce 'No Presumption f Reguarty of Perfomance of Oficial Function ‘We of Habeas Data Wt of Kalkason . ‘Section 16: RIGHT TO SPEEDY DETERMINATION OF CASES Section 17: SELF-INCRIMINATION. Incrminaion queston ‘Who May invoke the ight against Sel inrtnination ‘Acs Not Covered by the Prohibiton against Se rcrmination Derivative Evidence Ruse Imunty Statutes ‘Section 18: NON-DETENTION BY REASON OF POLITICAL BELIEFS OR ASPIRATION Involuntary Servtude ‘Section 19: EXCESSIVE FINES AND CRUEL AND INHUMAN PUNISHMENTS. ‘Section 20: NON-IMPRISONMENT FOR DEBT BP. 22 (Bouncing Chocks Law) Section 21: DOUBLE JEOPARDY FRequites fr Double Jeopardy to Apply “Two Types of Double Joopardy Procedural Concepts and thei Effect onthe Rule on Double Jeoparty Reopening of he Kuralong Balleng Cases ‘Secton 22: EX POST FACTO LAW and BILL OF ATTAINDER Ex Post Facto Law ‘kinds of Bx Post Facto Laws Biot Atainder ARTICLE IV: CITIZENSHIP Modes of Acauiing Ciizonship ‘Section 1: CITIZENS OF THE PHILIPPINES Cam Ruse ‘Section : NATURAL-BORN CITIZENS. + Etecion of Philippine Cizenship of Those Bom with Fitpino Mothers Founding ae Natura-Bom Ciizens [Natrat-Bom Ctlzons and Public Offoe Naturalization Modes of Natrazation : Dctine Indole Allegiance (Qualicaton for Naturalization Diequaiicaton for Naturatzaton Prosedure for Naturalization 129 vil 2018 SAN BEDA CENTRALIZED BAR OPERATIONS TABLE OF CONTENTS SAN BEDA MEMORY AID 2018 Effects of Naturatzaton ‘Grounds for Denaturatzaton ‘Acminetesive Naturalization ‘Application of CA 473 ond RA 0139 Seution 3 and 4: LOSS AND REACQUISITION OF CITIZENSHIP Loss of Philippine Chizenship CCollatera! tack on Citzenchip is Proitited Fes Judeala in Cizenship Caves Rescquston of Citzanstp ‘Sesion : DUAL ALLEGIANCE Dial Ciizershp and Public Ofice HUMAN RIGHTS ..... : 137 Human Rights Defined Human Rights in the Philpines ‘Sources of Human Rights Uw ‘Basic Chaactoristis Of Human Rights ‘Generation of Human Rights Fights under the Fst Generation of Human Rights ‘Torture, Crue, Inhuman or Degrading Treament and Punishment Fights under the Second Generation of Human Rights Fights under he Third Generation of Human Righs: Remedies "THE COMMISSION ON HUMAN RIGHTS (CHR) Compostion and Qualicatons . Powers and Functions ‘An Inwesigatory Body LAW ON PUBLIC OFFICERS GENERAL PRINCIPLES .. aw on Pubic Offcars Puble Ofice | Elements of Puble Ofico Manners of Ceaton Charactosstes DDeintone of a Pubic Offcor Classticabon of Pubic Oticor MODES OF ACQUIRING TITLE TO PUBLIC OFFICE .. 1. By election 2. By sppainimont Nature of Appointments Requisite fora Valé Appointment Vacancy “Two Principles on Vacancy Revocaily f Appartment ‘Sope in Appointing Puble Offciats Power to Appoint as Presiden Prrogatve rosidon's Power to Appoint OICs in ARMM MODES AND KINDS OF APPOINTMENT ... ‘Accorng to Term of Appoiniment Power of the President fo make Temporary Appointments Power to Appoit by the President Grated by Law Cannot Be Detogated ‘According When Appointment is Made Reappointment ‘Midight Appoiniment DE FACTO OFFICERS 2.00 Do dire Offcore De Facto Oficers CChalonge against 2 De Facto Oficor ‘THE CIVIL SERVICE 142, 143 147 Function of Mort Systom Protection Board (SPB) in administrative cases aster tothe CSC = Classiicaton of Positons inthe Chl Service OIE SAN BEDA CENTRALIZED BAR OPERATIONS | ix TABLE OF CONTENTS SAN BEDA MEMORY AID 2018 Exomptod from Compete Examinations Porconnal Actions ‘Automatic Reversion Rule ‘Reguisies of Automatic Reversion Rule (Grounds fr Diecipinary Action ELIGIBILITY AND QUALIFICATIONS ... Elgtty Elgile Nature of Right o Hold Puble Offs Limtatons in Preserbing Qualfcatione Presumption of egy DISQUALIFICATIONS AND INHIBITIONS Disquatifcations Disquatiieations undes the Consttion Disqualification under tha Local Govamment Code Nepotsm NNepedem under the Constitution [Exemption under the Nepotsm Rule lnmbitone under the Constitution 153 2155 POWERS AND DUTIES OF PUBLIC OFFICERS ‘Autatties of Pubic Offcers Dootne of Necessary Impcation (Consttucton of Grant of Powers. DDoctne of Qualified Potical Agoncy (Aer Ego Pricile) ‘Source of Powers of Pubes Oficrs CLASSIFICATIONS OF POWERS AND DUTIES DUTIES OF PUBLIC OFFICERS Dodtine of nappeabily of Estoppel Against Government RIGHTS OF PUBLIC OFFICERS .. Elements of Salary a8 a ight MODES OF TERMINATING OFFICIAL RELATIONSHIP .. ‘A. Expzaon of Term or Tenure 8. Accompahmont of the Purpose CC. Reaching the Age Lint D. Resignation .Abaronmeat F Acooptance ofan Incompatible Office 6 Removal A. Reoat [impeachment 4 Abottion of Ofice i Preseapton ofthe Rights to Oice UC Oeath 1 Fare to Assume Ofce NConwiobon ofa ‘TERM LIMITS. ‘Term v. Tenure ‘Term Lint ‘TERM LIMITS OF APPOINTIVE CONSTITUTIONAL OFFICERS. TERM LIMITS OF ELECTIVE OFFICAL. APPLICATION OF THE THREE-TERM LIMIT LIABILITIES OF PUBLIC OFFICERS ... Enforceabiliy of Liaity of Pubic Ofioars awit of Super Ome ‘as Boctine ‘These Froid Uabity Rese Criminal Lily of Pubs Omcare ‘Gh Uabity Gabi of Ministerial Ortors ‘Doctrine of Condonaton(Aguinaléo Doctrine) Doctine of Condonaton, Abandoned 188 160 162 167 ENFORCEMENT OF LIABILITY OF PUBLIC OFFICERS. PREVENTIVE SUSPENSION Vality of Indefinite Suspension ‘Two (2) Kinds of Proventve Suspension of Ci Sonice Employees 170 x1 2018 SAN BEDA CENTRALIZED BAR OPERATIONS TABLE OF CONTENTS SAN BEDA MEM@RY AID 2018 RULES ON PREVENTIVE SUSPENSION APPEAL BY CSC ANDIOR GOVERNMENT PARTY ON MODIFICATION OF ITS DECISIONS IN ADMINISTRATIVE CASES IMPEACHMENT IMPEACHMENT PROCEDURE [ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEEDINGS UNDER THE OlISUOSMAN Powers ofthe Ombudsman slucial Review of Decisions rendered Administrative Proceedings before the Ombudsman ‘CRIMINAL PROCECOINGS BEFORE THE SANDIGANBAYAN, Composition Siusedion ‘CIVIL PROCEEDINGS TO RECOVER ILL-GOTEN WEALTH. IMMUNITY OF PUBLIC OFFICERS Rationale for Granting Immunity Inwmunay from Suit of the President Term of nmin ADMINISTRATIVE LAW GENERAL PRINCIPLES .. ‘Aivistratve Law ‘Sources ‘Orgn and Development ‘Scope of Administrative Law ‘Admieraton is Understood i wo senses: “i as aninatuton 2. A a funtion ‘Two Aspecis of Adminstration a8 a Function Casericaton of Adminitrative Ln 178 179 ADMINISTRATIVE BODIES OR AGENCIES ‘Admbistratve Agency ‘Necessity forthe Creation of Administrative Agencies "Types of Administrative Agencies ‘ambistratve Restionshipe Supervsion and Cont ‘Administrative Supervision ‘tachment Relatonshp of GOCCS tothe department Relationship of regulatory agencies to the department ORGANIZATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE BODIES OR AGENCIES. Manner of Organization 180 182 creation Three Ways of Creating a Pubic Ofice/Adminstrative Agency ‘Aaminsrative Agencies Drecty Created by the 1987 Conattiton| Power of the President to Create Public Offce CConsttittonaliy ofthe Phippine Teh Commission (PTC) (Ordnance Power ofthe Presicent B. Reorganization of Aminisvaive Agencies Reorganzation, How effected [Bases ofthe Power ofthe President lo Reorganize : Test of Valaty of Reorganization Reorganization asa Vaid Cause for Remov CCreumstances Which May Be Considered as Evidence of ad Fath CC. Abotiion of Administrative Agancies ‘botion Manner of Abolition ‘eat of Vatty of Abatton 1. Deactivation of Administrative Agencies Desctvation Desetatin v. Abolition POWERS OF ADMINISTRATIVE AGENCIES Express and implied Powers Doctine of Necessary Impicaion ‘aambtratve Function Powors of Adminitrave Agencies 184 OLB SAN BEDA CENTRALIZED BAR OPERATIONS |x) TABLE OF CONTENTS SAN BEDA MEMORY AID 2018 ‘A. QuashLegslatve or Rule-Making Power Practical Necessity of the ule-Making Power kinds of Administrative Rules and Regulations Reauistes fora Vakd Adminisirave Reguation ‘Tests of Vaid Delegation Effect of Rule Which Substantaly Increases the Burden of the Governed ‘Standard of Rearonableness instances of Reasonable Reguation ‘Adminitrative Rules wth Penal Sanctions FRogutstes for Val of Administrative Rules wth Penal Sanctions sunsicton t Determine Vay of Administrative Reguatons DDodtne of Legisaive Approval by Re-Enactment Destine of susetl Respect for Adminiraive Construction Operative Fact Doctine 1. QuacJusiial Power or Adjuscatory Power Reason fr Grat of Quas- Judicial Power Requistes fr Proper Exercise of Quae Judicial Power . Determinatve Powers ‘Administrative Ove Process Cardinal Pnepies Entec of Violation of any Carnal Principles of Due Process in Administrative Proceedings ‘Quantum of prot in administrative proceedings -Appleabity of Rules of Cout in Administrative Proceedings ‘Avalabity of Right against Set-nctminaion| ‘Avaiabity of Right to Course! Note ana Heanng Due Process isnot Viotated When An Adminicvative Board Instutes Motu Proprio A Case Against Pettioner ‘Aambistatve Determinations Where Nace and Hestng are NOt Necessary, Ciassiteaton of Deteminatve Power Fact Finding or Investigatonyinquistorial Power Purposes of Grant of Invesugatry Powers Right to Counsel in Administrative Investigations, Not Mandatory Exclusionary Rule in Custodial Investigaton, Not Applicable in Asministratve Investigations Fight oe Informed of Fnding and Recommendations of Investigation Commits, Not Obligatory ‘Three (3) Base Principles in Administrative invostgaions Inated by a Complaint Test to Detormine Whether an Administrative Body s Exercising Judisal Functions or Meraly investigatory Functions Power tof rates, wages, and prices Factor to consider n rate bong, sensing or Enating Power 1 As o Degree of Subjective Choice 1A Diseretonary Power 8 Minsteral Power Ministerial Act Remedy for falure o refusal to perform minister uty ‘Administrative Appeal or Review Mane of Enforcement of Amunisratve Decisions ‘aministatve Res Juccata JUDICIAL RECOURSE AND REVIEW son 194 “luda Review of Administrative Decisions Bases of 1uscil Revew of Administaive Determinations ‘Questions Reviewable on Judicial Review Exon of Judea ineference or Review Purpose of ducal Review FRoguittes of Juacial Review Doatne of Primary Adminitrative Jurisdiction (Dactrine of Prior Resort) Reasons for the Doctine of Prmary Administative Juriesicbon . DDoctine of Exhauston of Administrative Remedies Reasons for the Doctrine of Exhauston of Admunistative Remedies Effects of Faure to Exhaust Aambistrabve Remedios sudeat Ree rm Tivealened Acministratve Acton Factual Findings of Administrative Agencies: Substantial Evidence Rule Doctrine of Finlity of Adminstvatve Acton Dootine of Ripenecs for Judicial Review Doctine of Non-ntrerence of Thal Courts with Co-Equal Administrative Bodies : ELECTIONLAW GENERAL PRINCIPLES 9 ‘Theory of Popular Sovereignty x | 2018 SAN BEDA CENTRALIZED BAR OPERATIONS TABLE OF CONTENTS SAN BEDA MEMORY AID 2018 0p? of Electon kinds °F teeton Adopted in the Philippines “THE COMMISSION ON ELECTIONS THpeatns of Members ‘rent AE raction of COMELEC SBE ay Sos eo eage and Ene St cacenetsteaaer Masti hactire oe tovaec Peer Se See e S ne Se ey Scat en ecere pers Soe cose r IGATION AND REGISTRATION OF V an en oTeRs Sere eT ores 204 area and Posting fhe Catia Lit of Voters tan Canara reperaon et Vors Sri cco Raho Ree Soma Ve Reisaton Vacation ton yetemencement of Vat can ue to Submit Vakaton eter ste Peso Pear ih Osby apne ch aaengasemens YO") meerraiton ce eecoaron FA en a fe oe ReoceaTioN FA eee ree ee worn AHO OSes eo Goons Ve sare copra nr 0 Seas Secale cea oa mmcedngs ne Matec icon Bacon sesarte eine ter tn, xen and Caron te te one Te cy aig Sree ers Renan oto CANDIDATES AND CERTIFICATES OF CANDIDACY rae Sinmteations usticmoy in Ceeon Law | 2018 SAN BEDA CENTRALIZED BAR OPERATIONS TABLE OF CONTENTS SAN BEDA MEMORY AID 4018 [MODES OF ACQUIRING AND LOSING TERRITORY AIR AND SPACE LAW... ee re 335 LAW OF THE SEA ssn ae 1 336 BASELINES “Types of Baseine INTERNAL WATERS. TERRITORIAL SEA OBLIGATIONS OF A STATE PERTAINING TO ITS TERRITORIAL SEA RIGHTS OF A STATE PERTAINING TOTS TERRITORIAL SEA, EXCLUSIVE ECONOMIC ZONEJPATRMONIAL SEA ‘CONTINENTAL SHELF HIGH Seas : Right to Vist Fight to Hot Pursuit THE AREA mos: NATIONALITY OF VESSELS INTERNATIONAL MODES OF SETTLING DISPUTES Classes of Intemational pute Mediation ‘tration Conetiaton Enquiry INTERNATIONAL HUMAN RIGHTS LAW UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS, oe 345 347 INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL LAW ... Intemational Ciminal Law GENERAL PRINCIPLES. Dectine of Cumuiatve Convictions INDIVIOUAL RESPONSIBILTY, INTERNATIONAL LAW ON TERRORISM 0.00 WAR INTERNATIONAL HUMANITARIAN LAW 387 NEUTRALITY 363 INTERNATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL LAW — rene 385 INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC.LAW MADRID PROTOCOL AND THE PARIS CONVENTION ... FOR THE PROTECTION OF INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY 354 384 355 366 369 2018 SAN BEDA CENTRALIZED BAR OPERATIONS |x THIS IS THE INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY OF THE SAN BEDA COLLEGE OF LAW 2018 CENTRALIZED BAR OPERATIONS THE UNAUTHORIZED COPYING, REPRODUCTION, MODIFICATION, OR DISTRIBUTION OF ANY OF THE | CONTENTS OF THIS BOOK IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. | CONSTITUTIONAL|LAW | Tue Puiviprine ConstITUTION A. DEFINITIONS, NATURE, AND CONCEPTS. olitical Law Reetss“branch of publc law which deals wih the Srganization and operations of the governmental Grgans of the State and defines the relations of the State with the inhabitants of its territory (CRUZ & GRUZ, Philippine Constitutional Law, (20} hereinafter, CRUZ) ‘Subjects Covered by and Inclu Philippine Political Law: (CAEL?)- 4. Gonstitutional Law ~ tis a formation, amendment, (SINCO, Philippine Political fnereinatter, SINCO) 2. Administrative Law — itis a si {that regulate the administrative of operations of the governmental" SBite ‘and. determines the comp administrative authorities and the valiable to the Individual in case of his rights (Ibid) x 3, Election Law — Itis a study of the laws 93 End procedures involving the conduct of ‘lection of al pubic officials who will exercise’ powers of government as allocated to and within {heir functions and responsibilities (Ibi). 4. Law of Public Officers ~ It is a study of the Ereation, modification, and dissolution of pubic Office as well as the eligbilty of public officers, the manner oftheir election or appointment and ‘assumption of office, ther rights, duties, powers, jnhibitons and labiliies, and’ the modes of terminating oficial relations (Ibi). 5, Law on Municipal Corporations ~ It isa study ‘of the general principles. governing municipal SAN BEDA MEMORY AID corporatigns, the laws affecting the creation, organization, and the goverment of provinces, cities, mdnicipalities, and barangay; the scope r reference to the Constitution of the }e Philippines; itis a written instrument 1@ digéct action of the people by which powers of the government are led, and defined, and by which those ‘distributed among the’ several nts Yor their safe and useful exercise, for the ‘body politic (MALCOLM & LAUREL, iStitutional Law (1936), p. 6). is pf Constitutions: (WER) ten br Unvriten; ted (Conventional) or Evolved (Cumulative); nd 7 3/ Bdge Fiese (NACHURA, Outine Revowor f ical Law (2016), p. 4 {hereinafter, GDSaCHURAD. “Written constitution — one whose precepts are ‘embodied in one document or set of documents. (bia). Unwritten constitution — consists of rules which have not been integrated into a single, concrete form but are scattered in various sources, such as statutes ‘of a fundamental character, judicial decisions, ‘commentaries of publicists, customs and traditions, and certain common law principles (Ibid). Enacted (Conventional) constitution one that is formally struck off at a definite time and place EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. KATES JASTIN E AGUILAR Overall ‘Chairperson, GamistINE P. MONDERIN Chairperson for Academics CHESKA SUBJECT COMMITTEE JOHN PSALMUEL V. CHAN Subject Chair, | EMI 1. SAMANIEGO sistant Subject Chai, YSABELLA JUSELLE SUMAYA’ Elecronie Data Processing, RAYMOND FE RAMOS Constitutional Lew 1 FRANCIS ARTHUR A. CORPUZ Constitutional Law” KARL EARVIN-M. JUSTO Law on Public Offices PAMELA DENSE "DV. HILARIO Adminitrative aw, CHARLOTTE. VINA 'S lection Law, JORDAN C. CABANDONG Law ‘on Public Corporations, VINCE NOEL LTUPANGO Public International Law "autho. “ncRons Cpercon or Hotel Operations Sree elt ESTRELLA erC hor Operation, MARY Cesc © Sona Vee Se Saar ARTLIN SBE Esehona vce char ei nce DAME XANDRA ML See Vice Chan fr Aad mo fa BSMANBANGAN Vex Chal fo ane bets Pacing ELSON ALBE N. BAUTISTA MA for Logs MARVIE Pe EACCALWANGAN Vee Ena frame ADVISERS CCONDM. RENE V. SARMIENTO, ATTY. ADONIS V. GABREL. ‘ATTY, MARICRIS B. PAHATE, ‘ATTY, PETERJOEY B. USITA, ATTY, ZILA. VELASCO, ‘ATTY, EDWIN R SANDOVAL, ATTY. JOSE ANGELO A. Davip ‘MONTERO, OGENA, EARL JAMES. G. REYES, EURIKA C. ROSARIO, JUSTIN. EARL DARYLL P. SALAPARE, AURA EUNICE SANTOS, BEA CHERYL C. YU

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