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Apparent Specific Heat of Chicken Breast

Patties and their Constituent Proteins by
Differential Scanning Calorimetry

ABSTRACT ous protein fractions in pork meat (Lan et al., 1995). However, no
Chicken breast meat yielded three endothermic transitions, information has been published regarding the effects of temperature
with peak transition temperatures of 53, 70, and 79°C. Com- on the cp’s of chicken meat proteins.
parison with the purified protein fractions indicated that these The most commonly used methods for determining cp are the
transitions corresponded to denaturation of myofibrillar method of mixtures and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The
(53°C) and sarcoplasmic (70 and 79°C) proteins. The appar- advantages of DSC are that measurements are rapid, multiple data can
ent specific heat profile of chicken breast meat was suc- be obtained from a single thermogram, and a very small sample can
cessfully modeled as a weighted average of the apparent yield accurate results (Wang and Kolbe, 1991). DSC is the only meth-
specific heat of the constituent proteins. The specific heats od for direct determination of enthalpy associated with changes in
of sarcoplasmic protein, myofibrillar protein, and chicken protein state (Wang and Smith, 1994), and it has been applied to study
breast meat were strongly influenced by temperature; how- protein denaturation in various other food systems (Bertola et al.,
ever, the specific heat of stromal protein was nearly constant 1994; Relkin, 1994; Riva and Schiraldi, 1994; Ma and Harwalkar,
across the temperature range considered (i.e., 10 to 100°C). 1991; Stabursvik and Martens, 1980). Specifically, Wright et al. (1977)
Key Words: poultry, protein, denaturation, specific heat, reported DSC transitions for both whole muscle and the component
differential scanning calorimetry proteins of rabbit meat. Kijowski and Mast (1988a) related the ther-
mal transitions of breast, thigh, blood, and skin tissues of chicken
broilers to the denaturation of isolated protein fractions. Xiong and
INTRODUCTION Brekke (1990) studied the thermal denaturation of extracted salt-solu-
IN DESIGNING THERMAL PROCESSING SYSTEMS FOR THE FOOD ble proteins from pre- and postrigor chicken muscle. Xiong et al.
industry, one of the most important limitations is the lack of quantita- (1987) evaluated thermal denaturation of chicken breast and thigh
tive data on thermal properties (de dios Alvarado, 1991). Rizvi et al. muscle proteins from certain whole broiler carcasses. However, no
(1993) noted that the lack of data in this area has limited the application detailed data have been published on the thermal properties of com-
of many well-established engineering principles. In order to properly mercially processed chicken meat products.
design a continuous thermal process for any food product, it is neces- Our overall research program is aimed at improving methods for
sary to calculate the energy requirements. design and control of thermal processing systems in the poultry in-
In particular, specific heat (cp) indicates the energy required to dustry. Models are being developed to predict product temperature,
change the temperature of a unit mass of material. Specific heat mea- moisture content, physicochemical quality, and microbial destruction
surements have been reported for various foods, including flat bread during thermal processing. In order to optimize the accuracy and util-
(Gupta, 1990), fruit pulp (de dios Alvarado, 1991), vegetable juice ity of these models, there is a strong need for data on fundamental
(Choi and Okos, 1983, 1986), bovine and soy milk (Oguntande and thermal properties of poultry meat. Consequently, our specific objec-
Akintoye 1991), pork/soy hull mixture (Muzilla et al., 1990), seafood tive was to quantify the denaturation temperatures, denaturation en-
(Rahman, 1993), wheat, rice and oats (Hwang and Hayakawa, 1979), thalpies, and apparent specific heat of chicken breast meat and its
apples (Ramaswamy and Tung, 1981), and fat (Polley et al., 1980). constituent proteins, as related to temperature.
However, only calculated data were found for the cp of poultry prod-
ucts (Polley et al, 1980; ASHRAE, 1985). MATERIALS & METHODS
Most cp models for food systems are functions of only water
content (de dios Alvarado, 1991; Gupta, 1990). However, the cp’s of Compositional analysis
proteins, fats, and carbohydrates differ from one another and there- Ground, formed, and frozen chicken breast patties (~53g each) were
fore have variable effects on the cp of a composite food material obtained from a commercial processor. For raw compositional analysis,
(Sweat, 1995). Some models include different components of the 20 chicken breast patties were thawed 12h at 4°C. Crude fat, moisture,
food and express cp as a linear combination of the cp’s of water, fat, and protein contents were determined by AOAC procedures, sections
protein, carbohydrate, and/or ash (Oguntunde and Akintoye, 1991; 24.005, 24.002, and 24.027, respectively (AOAC, 1984).
Rahman, 1993). However, the cp’s of each component may depend on
the source; different types of proteins from the same raw material may Sarcoplasmic, myofibrillar and stromal proteins
have different cp’s. Sarcoplasmic, myofibrillar, and stromal proteins were prepared
For protein foods in general, most published data were measured using the procedures described by Lan et al. (1995), with modifica-
at a specific temperature and for a composite product (McProud and tions as follows. Unless specified otherwise, all preparations were
Lund, 1983; Rahman, 1993; Oguntunde and Akintoye, 1991; Polley, conducted at 4°C. A buffer solution of 0.05M NaCl, 0.05M potassi-
1980). However, muscle proteins are generally categorized as sarco- um phosphate, 1 mM EDTA, and 1 mM NaN3 at pH 7.0 was used to
plasmic, myofibrillar, or stromal, based on solubility. Differences in extract sarcoplasmic proteins. The extracted sarcoplasmic fractions
thermal properties, such as gelation, have been reported for the vari- were dialyzed against deionized water for 24h twice, and freeze-dried.
The myofibrillar proteins were washed with deionized water 6 times
Authors Murphy and Marks are with the Dept. Of Biological & Agricultural Engi- before being freeze-dried. The stromal proteins were washed using
neering, 203 Engineering Hall, Univ. of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR 72701. Author 0.6M NaCl in 0.05M potassium phosphate, 1 mM EDTA and 1 mM
Marcy is with the Dept. of Poultry Science, Univ. of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR 72701.
Address inquiries to Dr. B.P. Marks. NaN3 of pH 7.0 to remove salt soluble protein, followed by a deion-
ized water wash 6 times, and freeze-dried. The freeze-dried proteins

88 JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE—Volume 63, No. 1, 1998

were hand-powdered with a mortar and a pestle. The protein content Table 1–Composition of chicken breast patties
in each protein fraction was determined using the Kjeldahl nitrogen Property Meana Std. dev.
procedure (AOAC, 1990). The powdered samples were stored at 4°C Total mass, g 52.65 1.73
Total moisture content, % wet basis 78.55 3.57
and used within a week. Total protein, % dry basis 95.14 3.61
Total lipids, % dry basis 0.15 0.07
Sodium dodecyl sulphate - polyacrylamide gel Myofibrillar, % of total protein 62.63 3.30
electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) Sarcoplasmic, % of total protein 35.71 1.88
Stromal, % of total protein 1.66 0.56
The sarcoplasmic and myofibrillar fractions were subjected to SDS-
an=20; carbohydrates and ash comprised less than 5% of the dry mass
PAGE as described by Claeys et al. (1995), with modifications as
follows. The protein solutions (0.1%, w/v) were prepared by dissolv-
ing the samples in 10% SDS solution. The stacking gel was 4%, and electrophoretic patterns of sarcoplasmic proteins were similar to those
the resolving gel 12% acrylamide. Sodium 2-mercaptoethanesulfonate reported by Hay et al. (1973). This indicated that the separation meth-
was used in the loading buffer in place of 2-mercaptoethanol accord- odologies were effective, resulting in the appropriate, distinct protein
ing to the procedures described by Singh (1994). Proteins (25 µg) fractions.
were loaded into each sample slot. The molecular weights of the pro-
tein components were determined by comparison of their relative Thermal denaturation
mobilities and order of migration with those of protein molecular The onset (To), end (Te), and peak (Tp) temperatures of protein
weight standards (15,000 - 200,000 Dalton MW standards for SDS- denaturation were evaluated for the chicken breast patties and their
PAGE, GIBCO Life Technologies, Detroit, MI). protein constituents (Table 2). The enthalpies of protein denaturation
were also evaluated for sarcoplasmic, myofibrillar and stromal pro-
Thermal analysis teins, and chicken breast patties (Table 3). For convenience of com-
Powdered chicken breast meat was prepared by grinding 20 freeze- parison, an identification number (1 to 6) was arbitrarily assigned to
dried chicken breast patties, using a mortar and a pestle. The pow- each integral transition for the protein constituents and then applied to
dered sarcoplasmic, myofibrillar, and stromal proteins were prepared the corresponding transitions for the breast patties.
as described. All samples were stored at 4°C before thermal analysis. For sarcoplasmic proteins, three transitions (no. 4, 5, and 6) were
This was done to allow uniform sub-samples for subsequent analy- observed, with Tp’s of 64.2, 71.9, and 78.4°C, respectively (Table 2).
ses, and was assumed to have negligible impact on the thermal prop- The results by Kijowski and Mast (1988b) exhibited 3 peaks for
erties (Lan et al., 1995). sarcoplasmic proteins at a temperature range of 60 - 80°C. Wang and
For thermal analysis, samples were scanned in a differential scan- Smith (1994) reported that the DSC endotherm of sarcoplasmic pro-
ning calorimeter (Pyris I, Perkin-Elmer Corporation, Norwalk, CT), teins of chicken breast muscle exhibited 3 peaks at 62, 67, and 72°C.
calibrated with indium for heat flow, temperature, and enthalpy. Each Although our mean values differed from the published values, consid-
sample was prepared in an aluminum pan (Perkin-Elmer kit No. 219- ering differences in sample sources, our results were generally con-
0062) with deionized water at a sample: water ratio of 1:2.5 (w/w), sistent with previous data.
hermetically sealed, and allowed to equilibrate at 4°C for 24h before The myofibrillar proteins exhibited two transitions (no. 1 and 2),
scanning. The heating rate of the DSC scans was 10°C/min over a with (⌬H’s of 0.4 and 0.3 J/(g°C), respectively (Table 2). Of the
range of 10-100°C. Empty aluminum pans were used as the reference myofibrillar proteins, myosin and actin are the two major components
and for baseline corrections. The cp (J/(g°C)) was calculated by (sam- (Judge et al., 1989). A comparable ⌬HH of 0.3 J/g was reported by
ple heat flow rate, J/s - baseline heat flow rate, J/s)/(sample mass, g ∞ Xiong et al. (1987) for chicken actin, prepared from thigh muscle of 4
heating rate, °C/s). The extrapolated onset temperature (To) and end broilers.
temperature (Te) of transformation, temperature of peak transition (Tp), The influence of pH and ionic strength on the Tp of myofibrillar
and enthalpy of transition (⌬H) were calculated by thermal analysis protein has been well documented (Ma and Harwalkar, 1991; Staburs-
software (Pyris Series Thermal Analysis System, 1996). vik and Marten, 1980; Goodno and Swenson, 1975; Wright et al.,
1977). Kijowski and Mast (1988a, b), in their detailed studies, indi-
Statistical analysis cated that the thermal denaturation of isolated myofibrillar proteins
Total weight per patty, moisture content, total protein content, total might yield 1, 2, or 3 transitions, and the number and temperature of
lipid content, and the protein concentration in each fraction were deter- transitions were dependent upon pH and ionic strength. Our study
mined for 20 replicate patties. Means and standard deviations of To, was conducted at a neutral pH and an ionic strength near zero. The two
Te, Tp, and ⌬H were determined by analyzing 6 replicate patties. Tp’s of myofibrillar proteins were 35.0 and 54.1°C, respectively.
Specific heat data were calculated by averaging DSC scans for 6 One transition (no. 3) was observed for the stromal proteins at a Tp
replicates of each material. of 64.2°C (Table 2). Stromal proteins constitute collagen and associ-
ated insoluble proteins. Xiong et al. (1987), and Kijowski and Mast
RESULTS & DISCUSSION (1988a), in analysis of chicken breast muscle, reported that collagen
appeared as a single thermal denaturation peak at ~63 and 65.3°C,
Compositional analysis respectively. Lan et al. (1995) suggested that collagen was the pre-
The compositional data for the patties (Table 1) were compared dominant stromal protein in chicken breast muscle. Consequently, our
with published data. These values were generally consistent with a denaturation temperature of the stromal protein agreed fairly well with
report that myofibrillar, sarcoplasmic, and stromal proteins comprised that of collagen reported by Xiong et al. (1987) , and Kijowski and
~56.2, 42.3, and 1.5% of the total chicken breast muscle protein, Mast (1988a). The ⌬H for the stromal proteins (no. 3) was the smallest
respectively (Lan et al., 1995). Additionally, Lawrie (1979) reported enthalpy of transition among the tested protein fractions (see Table 3).
that myofibrillar and sarcoplasmic proteins comprised ~60 and 30% Kijowski and Mast (1988a) studied chicken breast muscle from 7-
of the total muscle protein, respectively. Differences of our values wk-old chicken broilers and obtained 5 endothermic peaks at 57, 62,
from previous reports were likely due to the sources of the samples. 67, 72, and 79°C. We used ground and formed chicken breast patties
We used SDS-PAGE to evaluate the efficiency of extraction for the and observed 3 transitions at 52-57, 67-72, and 76-83°C. The differ-
protein fractions. The protein bands obtained from SDS-PAGE were ence in numbers of peaks from the previous report could be due to the
compared with appropriate standards and published data. The electro- source of raw materials. Significant differences in physicochemical
phoretic patterns of myofibrillar proteins showed two major bands as and functional properties among the type, age, sex, and storage of
myosin heavy chain and actin at 200K and 45K, respectively, and the chicken meat were reported by Xiong and Brekke (1989).

Volume 63, No. 1, 1998— JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE— 89

Specific Heat of Chicken Proteins . . .
Table 2–Transformation temperatures of chicken breast patties and their constituent proteinsa
Peak Chicken breast muscle Sarcoplasmic proteins Myofibrillar proteins Stromal proteins
no. (°C) (°C) (°C) (°C)
To Te Tp To Te Tp To Te Tp To Te Tp
1 31.76 37.86 34.99
(2.17) (0.46) (1.45)
2 52.29 56.67 52.90 50.88 58.44 54.14
(2.48) (1.84) (2.21) (0.82) (0.92) (0.45)
3 59.61 68.37 64.18
(0.45) (1.44) (0.54)
4 58.70 67.11 64.22
(0.77) (0.19) (0.35)
5 67.04 72.44 69.76 67.68 76.06 71.93
(0.8) (1.29) (0.74) (0.17) (0.92) (0.09)
6 76.31 82.84 78.91 77.22 82.84 78.45
(1.56) (1.79) (2.43) (1.75) (4.52) (1.76)

aValues reported are means (n=6), with standard deviations given in parentheses. T , T , and T are onset, end, and peak temperature, respectively, for each of the six different observed
o e p

Table 3–Enthalpy of denaturation (⌬H) of chicken breast patties and the protein-protein/solid interactions within the chicken breast patties.
their constituent proteinsa
Additionally, these peaks exhibited relatively small ⌬H’s, which might
No Chicken breast Scaroplasmic Myofibrillar Stromal not have been discernible in the scans of the patties.
muscle proteins proteins proteins
(J/g) (J/g) (J/g) Our preliminary results indicate that although the patty meat was
inherently complex, it yielded characteristic thermograms, which might
1 0.44 (0.25)
2 0.19 (0.12) 0.33 (0.02)
be interpreted in terms of the thermal denaturation of the individual
3 0.18 (0.08) protein components. The DSC transitions found in the chicken breast
4 0.21 (0.02) patties were assigned to myofibrillar and sarcoplasmic proteins. Be-
5 0.90 (0.30) 2.50 (0.30)
6 0.11 (0.04) 0.29 (0.19)
cause of the low content of the stromal proteins in the patties, the DSC
aValues reported are means (n=6), with standard deviations given in parentheses.
transition of the stromal proteins (64.2°C) was not observed in the
DSC scan of chicken breast patty. However, the contribution of stro-
mal proteins to overall muscle properties should not be overlooked.
The possibility that some of the thermal transitions were reversible
The enthalpies of denaturation for the patty meat were also com- was investigated by re-scanning samples over the same temperature
pared to the endotherms for the constituent proteins. ⌬H no. 2 for the range. In all cases, no transitions were observed in the re-scanned
patty (Table 3) was ~60% of the magnitude of ⌬H no. 2 for the samples, indicating that under these conditions the denaturation was
myofibrillar proteins. Also, ⌬H’s no. 5 and 6 for the patties were ~36 irreversible.
and 37% of ⌬H’s nos. 5 and 6 for sarcoplasmic proteins, respectively.
These results agreed well with the compositional analysis for the Specific heat
myofibrillar and sarcoplasmic proteins (Table 1). The DSC scans of The mean apparent cp’s from 6 DSC scans of sarcoplasmic pro-
chicken breast patties did not reflect transition no. 1 (from the myo- teins, myofibrillar proteins, stromal proteins, and chicken breast pat-
fibrillar proteins), transition no. 3 (from stromal proteins), or transi- ties were compared (Fig. 1). Also the additive cp (dotted line), was
tion no. 4 (from the sarcoplasmic proteins). This may have been due to calculated as a weighted average cp of each protein component, based
on the weight fractions (Table 1). Although a slight deviation (±0.035
at the maximum) was observed at transitions between 60-80°C, the
calculated cp agreed well with the experimental data for the chicken
breast patties.
This slight deviation was possibly due to the protein-protein inter-
actions in the muscle meat complex. Changes in protein denaturation
induced by protein-protein interaction have been reported by Dono-
van and Beardslee (1975), Ledward (1978), Acton and Dick (1986),
and Xiong and Brekke (1990). In our results, the interaction between
protein and other solids was not a concern, given the low concentra-
tion of non-protein component in the patties. Based on the observation
that only minor conformational changes occurred during complex
formation, Ma and Harwalkar (1991) indicated that the effect of pro-
tein-protein interaction was due to kinetic, rather than thermodynamic
factors. Their observation was supported by our findings in this paper
that the enthalpies of the chicken breast patty were additive from the
enthalpies of the contributing constituents. Furthermore, because of
the relatively low values of the enthalpy changes (Table 3), this devi-
ation of calculated from experimental data would be negligible for the
target application of process simulation.
Fig. 1—Mean (n=6) apparent specific heats (Cp) of sarcoplasmic, myo-
fibrillar, and stromal proteins, and chicken breast patties as related Temperature effect
to temperature over a temperature range of 10–100°C (n=6). The Temperature affected the apparent cp’s of individual protein differ-
additive specific heat (dotted line) is equal to 0.3571 ∞ (specific heat
of sarcoplasmic protein) + 0.6263 ∞ (specific heat of myofibrillar ently. The specific heats of sarcoplasmic and myofibrillar proteins
protein) + 0.166 ∞ (specific heat of stromal protein). The arrows mark increased ~34 and 29%, respectively, with increasing temperature from
the endothermic peaks, as identified in Tables 2 and 3. 10 to 100°C. The specific heat of chicken breast patties also increased

90—JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE—Volume 63, No. 1, 1998

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