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Weight Loss Strategies for Obese Adults:

Personalized Weight Management Program vs.

Standard Care
Nuala M. Byrne,* Jarrod D. Meerkin,* Raija Laukkanen,† Robert Ross,‡ Mikael Fogelholm,§ and
Andrew P. Hills*

Abstract being women (PWMP: 2 men vs. 7 women; SC: 2 men vs.
BYRNE, NUALA M., JARROD D. MEERKIN, RAIJA 4 women). At 32 weeks, PWMP completers had signifi-
LAUKKANEN, ROBERT ROSS, MIKAEL cantly (p ⬍ 0.001) greater losses in body weight [6.2 ⫾ 3.4
FOGELHOLM, AND ANDREW P. HILLS. Weight loss vs. 2.6 ⫾ 3.6 (standard deviation) kg], fat mass (5.9 ⫾ 3.4
strategies for obese adults: personalized weight vs. 2.2 ⫾ 3.6 kg), and waist circumference (4.4 ⫾ 4.5 vs.
management program vs. standard care. Obesity. 2006;14: 1.0 ⫾ 3.6 cm). Weight loss and fat loss were explained by
1777–1788. the exercise energy expenditure completed and not by
Objective: The objective of this study was to evaluate the weekly exercise duration.
effect of a 32-week personalized Polar weight management Discussion: More effective weight loss was achieved after
program (PWMP) compared with standard care (SC) on treatment with the PWMP compared with SC. The results
body weight, body composition, waist circumference, and suggest that the PWMP enables effective weight loss
cardiorespiratory fitness in overweight or obese adults. through tools that support self-monitoring without the re-
Research Methods and Procedures: Overweight or obese quirement of more costly approaches to program supervi-
(29 ⫾ 2 kg/m2) men and women (n ⫽ 74) 38 ⫾ 5 years of sion.
age were randomly assigned into either PWMP (men ⫽ 20,
women ⫽ 21) or SC (men ⫽ 15, women ⫽ 18). Both groups Key words: weight loss, exercise, diet, weight manage-
managed their own diet and exercise program after receiv- ment, intention-to-treat
ing the same standardized nutrition and physical activity
advice. PWMP also received a weight management system
with literature to enable the design of a personalized diet Introduction
and exercise weight loss program. Body weight and body The epidemic of obesity coupled with poor success of
composition, waist circumference, and cardiorespiratory fit- cost-effective weight loss treatments has prompted the call
ness were measured at weeks 0, 16, and 32. for further research to determine viable treatment options
Results: Eighty percent of participants completed the 32- (1). Physical activity is important but is not the sole deter-
week intervention, with a greater proportion of the dropouts minant of successful weight loss (2). Data from the Diabetes
Prevention Program revealed that both exercise and dietary
restraint facilitate weight loss and its long-term maintenance
Received for review November 8, 2005. (3). The frequency of monitoring dietary intake was related
Accepted in final form July 14, 2006. to success at achieving the physical activity goal (minimum
The costs of publication of this article were defrayed, in part, by the payment of page
charges. This article must, therefore, be hereby marked “advertisement” in accordance with of 150 minutes moderate exercise per week), suggesting that
18 U.S.C. Section 1734 solely to indicate this fact. adherence to one aspect of the intervention is related to
*School of Human Movement Studies, Queensland University of Technology, Kelvin
Grove, Australia; †Polar Electro Oy, Kempele, Finland; Department of Public Health
adherence in other aspects. Likewise, success at achieving
Science and General Practice, University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland; ‡Queen’s University, the physical activity goal was related to success at achieving
School of Physical and Health Education, Kingston, Ontario, Canada; and §The UKK the weight loss goal (7% initial body weight) in ⬃24 weeks
Institute for Health Promotion Research, Tampere, Finland.
Address correspondence to Nuala M. Byrne, School of Human Movement Studies, Queens- and also in maintaining the reduced-weight for an average
land University of Technology, Victoria Park Road, Kelvin Grove, Q4059 Brisbane, 3.2 years (3). These results support the notion that success-
Queensland, Australia.
ful weight loss is enabled when behavior changes cluster;
Copyright © 2006 NAASO with participants who adhere to one aspect of the lifestyle

OBESITY Vol. 14 No. 10 October 2006 1777

Weight Loss: Personalized Management vs. Standard Care, Byrne et al.

regimen more likely to adhere to other aspects (4,5). Such

findings suggest the need for weight loss interventions that
link strategies for increasing physical activity levels with
monitoring dietary intake. Importantly, however, these stud-
ies included considerable support networks of research staff
to educate, prescribe, and monitor the intervention for the
participants. For instance, in obese children/adolescents,
biweekly phone contact has been shown to mediate weight
maintenance after an intensive live-in weight loss program
(6). While effective, there is a significant economic burden
in such approaches.
In contrast to research studies or professionally managed
treatments, some individuals have successful weight loss
through self-management strategies. The National Weight
Control Registry surveyed behaviors of ⬎1000 individuals
Figure 1: Flow of participants in the study.
who self-reported successful weight loss and maintenance
over a number of years (7). Approximately 45% of regis-
trants had lost weight on their own, and as shown in other
studies (8 –10), the majority of individuals reported using predicted degree of change in body composition and success
behavioral strategies such as lowering dietary fat, increasing in meeting a self-defined target weight loss.
physical activity or structured exercise programs, weekly
weighing, and self-monitoring of food intake. Self-help
Research Methods and Procedures
strategies purportedly have the additional advantage of en-
abling individuals to obtain a sense of power and the inward Participants
resources that give them more control over themselves and Seventy-four participants were recruited for the study
their environment (11). However, despite these successes, from the Brisbane metropolitan area through the public
some individuals who have lost weight and attempt to media (e.g., local radio, newspapers) and within the Uni-
versity (Figure 1). Respondents were initially screened by
maintain the weight-reduced state on their own express the
telephone, and if eligible based on self-reported height,
need for programs with ongoing support offered at low or
weight, and medical history, were invited to attend an
no cost (12). For these individuals, there is the need for
information session. Eligibility criteria were 30 to 45 years
tools, in addition to currently available resources, to assist in
of age, overweight/obese (BMI ⫽ 27 to 32 kg/m2), seden-
learning how to self-manage weight loss and long-term
tary (defined as ⬍30 minutes of intentional moderate phys-
weight maintenance.
ical activity per week over the past 12 months, including
This study was designed to evaluate whether a 32-week
work-related physical activity), weight stable (⫾2 kg) for
personalized weight management program (PWMP)1 would the last 6 months, and ambulatory. Exclusion criteria were
enhance weight loss compared with standard care (SC). It medications known to affect HR or body composition, preg-
was hypothesized that, compared with individuals given nancy or lactation, planning to get pregnant during the
standard diet and physical activity advice, overweight/obese intervention period, post-menopausal, and smoking. Addi-
individuals given exercise energy expenditure targets and tional exclusion criteria included the inability to walk on a
heart rate (HR) and dietary intake monitoring are better able treadmill or to undertake a graded test to achieve maximum
to achieve a self-defined target weight loss. A further pur- aerobic capacity. Only those respondents who identified
pose of the study was to determine whether body size, body that they were in the “ready to change” stage according to
composition, and cardiorespiratory fitness improvements the Transtheoretical Model (13) were included. Further-
gained over the first 16 weeks of intervention, which in- more, participants categorized as overweight or obese but
cluded weekly contact with research staff, could be main- otherwise healthy gained clearance from their medical prac-
tained over the second 16 weeks when there was no contact titioner before enrollment in the study. The study was ap-
with study participants. A final aim in the PWMP group, proved by the University Human Research Ethics Commit-
where objective exercise training data were available, was tee, and all participants gave written informed consent.
to determine whether adherence to the exercise prescription
After baseline testing, participants were randomly as-
Nonstandard abbreviations: PWMP, personalized weight management program; SC, stan-
dard care; HR, heart rate; ITT, intention to treat; V̇O2, oxygen uptake; V̇O2max, maximum
signed to either of two intervention groups: PWMP or SC.
oxygen uptake; HRmax, maximum HR. Participants were stratified according to sex (men and

1778 OBESITY Vol. 14 No. 10 October 2006

Weight Loss: Personalized Management vs. Standard Care, Byrne et al.

Table 1. Baseline characteristics of participants by randomization group and sex

PWMP (N ⴝ 41) SC (N ⴝ 33)
PWMP SC Men Women Men Women
(N ⴝ 41) (N ⴝ 33) (N ⴝ 20) (N ⴝ 21) (N ⴝ 15) (N ⴝ 18)
Age (years) 37.6 (4.4) 38.6 (4.8) 37.4 (4.5) 37.9 (4.5) 39.8 (5.3) 37.5 (4.3)
Height (m) 1.71 (0.10) 1.69 (0.10) 1.80 (0.10) 1.63 (0.10) 1.78 (0.10) 1.62 (0.10)
Weight (kg) 87.2 (12.6) 85.7 (12.5) 97.9 (8.1) 79.2 (7.4) 96.7 (11.1) 78.8 (8.4)
BMI (kg/m2) 29.3 (1.6) 29.3 (1.8) 29.3 (1.6) 29.3 (1.8) 29.3 (1.6) 29.3 (1.8)
Body fat (%) 35.5 (6.0) 36.4 (2.1) 30.7 (4.0) 40.0 (3.4) 30.6 (5.2) 41.2 (4.2)
Waist (cm) 90.4 (8.7) 91.4 (9.2) 97.0 (5.2) 84.0 (6.3) 98.6 (5.9) 85.4 (6.8)
V̇O2max (mL/kg/min) 37.6 (7.1) 35.4 (7.8) 43.4 (4.8) 32.4 (4.1) 39.6 (7.6) 31.8 (7.3)
V̇O2max (mL/kg FFM/min) 58.6 (7.0) 55.5 (7.1) 62.8 (7.0) 54.3 (7.1) 56.8 (7.0) 54.2 (7.0)

PWMP, personalized weight management program; SC, standard care; V̇O2max, maximum oxygen uptake; FFM, fat-free mass. Data
presented as mean (standard deviation).

women), age (30 to 37 and 38 to 45 years), and BMI (27 to program, and weight management program education re-
29.9 and 30 to 32 kg/m2) and were randomized to enable the sources (Polar Electro Oy, Kemple, Finland). These re-
intervention groups to be matched as closely as possible. sources included an explanatory booklet with an overview
Unfortunately, there were not enough volunteers in the BMI of the program, users manual, diet diary, tape measure, and
range willing to be randomized into the standard care group “calorie counting” book (15) that provides a comprehensive
to enable a balanced research design; time restrictions pre- analysis of the energy content of most of the foods and
cluded further recruitment of participants. However, as ingredients available in Australia. The program calculates a
shown in Table 1, although the groups were not equal in weight loss (or maintenance) program, including the rec-
number, there was no difference in outcomes variables at ommendation for daily energy intake and weekly exercise
baseline. energy expenditure (defined in kilocalories). These individ-
ualized goals are based on information provided by each
SC subject (body weight, height, age, sex, target weight, daily
Participants received standard care advice on weight occupational activity assessment) and also on the chosen
management from a health professional with dual qualifi- exercise intensity (low: 110 to 130 beats/min; moderate:
cations in dietetics and exercise physiology. The single 130 to 160 beats/min). The program allows the user to
consultation included simple advice regarding ways to in- follow his/her progress daily in an electronic diary by track-
crease physical activity levels and reduce energy intake, ing body weight, energy intake, and exercise energy expen-
with clear directions that the goal should be to lose no ⬎1 diture (whenever exercising with the transmitter belt). Ad-
kg per week. This maximum was important to parallel the ditionally, the program provides weekly updates and makes
average target rate of weight loss selected by the PWMP adjustments according to the progress of the individual by
group. Guidelines for physical activity participation were giving updated daily energy intake and weekly exercise
consistent with the Australian National Physical Activity energy expenditure values. Because the intention of the
Guidelines (14) for safe exercise by relatively unfit but study was to investigate the effectiveness of the PWMP in
otherwise healthy individuals. Nutrition advice was consis- the form that it would be provided to the general public, no
tent with an ad libitum low-fat diet. Each week during the additional requirement to complete exercise or diet diaries
first 16 weeks of the intervention, participants reported to was deemed appropriate.
the University for the measurement of body weight and Participants were introduced to the PWMP in a training
waist circumference. session to ensure comprehension of all functions. In the first
few weeks of the intervention, participants were encouraged
PWMP to e-mail a member of the research team if they encountered
In addition to the standard care treatment outlined above, any problems with the program or needed assistance to
these participants were provided with an HR transmitter follow instructions. As did the SC group, PWMP partici-
belt, a receiver watch with built in weight management pants reported to the University Clinic each week for the

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first 16 weeks of the study for the measurement of body point method using the spectrophotometric assay procedure
weight and waist circumference. For the following 16 (19). To confirm that the peak values obtained were repre-
weeks, participants had no contact with the study team. All sentative of maximal capacity, a booster test was used after
baseline measurements were repeated after Weeks 16 and the participants had rested for 5 minutes. A “booster” test is
32 of the intervention. when the individual undertaking a test to volitional exhaus-
tion is required, after a short rest, to resume exercising at the
mechanical work they stopped at, and continue the test with
Experimental Protocol the usual mechanical work increases until again reaching a
All participants attended two testing sessions at baseline point of volitional exhaustion. Five commonly used markers
and after Weeks 16 and 32 of the intervention. On both of maximal cardiorespiratory capacity were measured, and
testing days, participants reported to the University labora- the data were accepted provided three of the following were
tory a minimum of 3 hours after their last food or fluid achieved in the main test: oxygen uptake (V̇O2) increase
intake, wearing light-weight, comfortable clothing, having ⬍0.8 mL/kg per minute per percent grade in last stage;
abstained from physical exercise and consumption of caf- respiratory exchange ratio ⱖ1.10; HR greater than predicted
feine or alcohol in the previous 12 hours. The first session maximum (220 – age) – 10 beats/min; blood lactate ⬎8
involved anthropometric measurements (height, body mM; and rating of perceived exertion ⱖ18.
weight, and waist circumference) and body composition
assessment by DXA (DPX-L; Lunar Radiation Corp., Mad-
Statistical Analyses
ison, WI). The scans were analyzed with the ADULT soft-
To determine the sample size required to detect a differ-
ware, version 1.33 (Lunar Radiation Corp.), and body com-
ence between two interventions, the power calculations
position was determined as previously reported (16).
were based on prior observations of modest weight losses
Measurements of body height (stretch stature) were taken
through diet and exercise interventions (6% and 7% initial
using a Harpenden stadiometer, body weight was recorded
weight, respectively) in obese women (20). The within-
on a digital scale, and BMI (weight divided height squared)
group changes in body weight derived from a dietary inter-
was calculated from height and weight values. Waist cir-
vention and an exercise intervention over 14 weeks were
cumference was measured at the narrowest point below the
5.2 ⫾ 1.2 and 6.1 ⫾ 1.2 kg, respectively. To detect this
inferior border of the last ribs and above the iliac crest. magnitude of between-group difference as statistically sig-
Subsequently, participants were familiarized with the max- nificant with ␣ set at 0.05 and at a power of 0.80, 24
imal aerobic power test protocol, breathing apparatus, and participants per group were required.
treadmill. Participants were familiarized with walking at 5.6 All statistical calculations were performed using SAS
kph, the optimal walking and running speeds for the max- (version 8.02) with p ⬍ 0.05 considered significant. Data
imal graded exercise test were identified, and participants are presented as mean ⫾ standard deviation or mean ⫾
were familiarized with the Borg 6 –20 scale for the rating of standard error as specified, and 95% confidence intervals
perceived exertion (17,18). for the mean group differences were calculated. Differences
On the second testing day, participants undertook a between characteristics of completers vs. dropouts were
graded exercise test to assess maximal aerobic capacity. tested using independent t tests. When comparing treatment
After being fitted with a Hans-Rudolf headset (with two- effects, data were analyzed using both completers-only data
way breathing valve and pneumotach), a nose clip, and a and intention-to-treat (ITT) analysis approaches. For the
Polar Coded Transmitter (Polar Electro Oy), participants completers analyses, only data from the participants (N ⫽
walked for 4 minutes at 0% grade and 5.6 kph and the speed 59) who completed the 32-week intervention was included.
increased to an individualized speed, after which grade ITT analysis included all randomized participants (N ⫽ 74)
increased by 2.5% per minute until volitional exhaustion. with missing values imputed by last-observation-carried-
Respiratory gases were collected throughout the test using a forward method. Comparisons of outcome variables before
Q-PLEX Gas Analysis System (Quinton Instrument Co., and after 16 and 32 weeks of the intervention were assessed
Seattle, WA). The O2 and CO2 analysers were calibrated after adjusting for sex, using 2 (group) ⫻ 3 (time) repeated-
before each test against known gas concentrations and the measures analysis of covariance. When significant F ratios
flowmeter calibrated against a 3.0-liter syringe. HR and were obtained, Bonferroni post hoc tests were performed to
respiratory gases were averaged for the last 30 seconds of locate differences among means.
each stage and the highest average value for 30 seconds
(provided respiratory exchange ratio ⱖ1.10) was recorded
as the peak value. Duplicate 0.5-mL samples of capillary Results
blood obtained by the finger-prick method were collected The baseline characteristics of the study sample are out-
immediately at the end of each test. Blood lactate concen- lined in Table 1. As expected, compared with women of the
trations were subsequently analyzed by an ultraviolet end- same BMI, men had significantly lower percentage body fat

1780 OBESITY Vol. 14 No. 10 October 2006

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Table 2. ITT analysis of changes 关mean (standard error)兴 in weight, waist, fat mass, and V̇O2max
95% confidence
PWMP SC Group effect Difference limits for
(n ⴝ 41) (n ⴝ 33) (p value) between means group difference
Weight (kg)
Week 0 to Week 16 ⫺4.46 (0.5) ⫺2.35 (0.6) NS 2.11 ⫺4.52 0.30
Week 16 to Week 32 ⫺0.39 (0.5)*† 0.12 (0.6) NS 0.51 ⫺2.92 1.90
Week 0 to Week 32 ⫺4.84 (0.5) ⫺2.19 (0.6) ⬍0.05 2.65 ⫺5.06 ⫺0.24
Waist (cm)
Week 0 to Week 16 ⫺3.15 (0.6) ⫺1.28 (0.7) NS 1.86 ⫺4.62 0.90
Week 16 to Week 32 ⫺0.31 (0.6)*† 0.37 (0.7) NS 0.68 ⫺3.43 2.08
Week 0 to Week 32 ⫺3.44 (0.6) ⫺0.86 (0.7) 0.09 2.58 ⫺5.34 0.18
Fat mass (kg)
Week 0 to Week 16 ⫺3.99 (0.5) ⫺2.12 (0.6) NS 1.87 ⫺4.21 0.46
Week 16 to Week 32 ⫺0.65 (0.5)*† 0.21 (0.6) NS 0.85 ⫺3.18 1.48
Week 0 to Week 32 ⫺4.63 (0.5) ⫺1.87 (0.6) ⬍0.01 2.76 ⫺5.09 ⫺0.42
V̇O2max (mL/kg/min)
Week 0 to Week 16 3.14 (0.6) 2.68 (0.7) NS 0.46 ⫺2.14 3.05
Week 16 to Week 32 0.08 (0.6)*† ⫺0.74 (0.7)* NS 0.82 ⫺1.77 3.42
Week 0 to Week 32 3.21 (0.6) 1.92 (0.7) NS 1.29 ⫺1.31 3.88
V̇O2max (mL/kg FFM/min)
Week 0 to Week 16 1.90 (0.7) 2.92 (0.8) NS 1.02 ⫺2.05 4.09
Week 16 to Week 32 0.61 (0.7) ⫺1.22 (0.8)* NS 0.62 ⫺3.68 2.45
Week 0 to Week 32 1.29 (0.7) 1.70 (0.8) NS 0.41 ⫺2.66 3.47

ITT, intention to treat; PWMP, personalized weight management program; SC, standard care; FFM, fat-free mass; V̇O2max, maximum
oxygen uptake; NS, not significant.
* Significantly different (p ⬍ 0.05) from Week 0 to Week 16 within the same intervention group.
† Significantly different (p ⬍ 0.05) from Week 0 to Week 32 within the same intervention group.

and larger waist circumference. There were no differences loss and frequency of attendance. Reasons for dropping out
between groups for any of the primary outcome variables at of the study were similar between groups; including per-
baseline, and no within-sex differences in body size or sonal reasons, work commitments, and unexpected require-
composition were noted between groups. Of the starting ment to travel overseas. However, two of the participants
cohort, 80% of the participants completed the study (Figure dropped out in week 2 because of being disappointed with
1). The retention rate was comparable between groups being randomized into SC.
(PWMP ⫽ 78%, SC ⫽ 81%), but greater for men (89%) Table 2 outlines group and sex comparisons of changes in
than women (72%). After adjustment for sex, examination body weight, waist circumference, body composition, and
of the average baseline characteristics for the completers maximal aerobic power from ITT analysis. Table 3 shows
(N ⫽ 59) compared with dropouts (N ⫽ 15) showed no the same analysis, but using only data from participants who
significant difference in body weight (87.0 vs. 89.5 kg; p ⫽ completed the 32-week intervention. The results of the two
0.36); waist circumference (91.6 vs. 89.7 cm; p ⫽ 0.33); fat analysis approaches are comparable, with the magnitude of
mass (30.4 vs. 32.3 kg; p ⫽ 0.51); fat-free mass (56.4 vs. intervention effects defined by the ITT analyses being more
57.0 kg; p ⫽ 0.73); relative body fat (35.5% vs. 36.3%; p ⫽ modest. In terms of the participants who completed the
0.54); or V̇O2max (37.1 vs. 36.0 mL/kg per minute; p ⫽ 32-week study, at 32 weeks, PWMP had lost 3.5 kg more
0.53). Ninety percent of the participants attended at least weight, 3.7 kg more fat mass, and 3.3 cm more waist
80% of the weekly weigh-in sessions during the first 16 circumference than SC. However the improvement in car-
weeks of the study. There was no difference between groups diorespiratory fitness was not appreciably greater in PWMP
in the attendance rate and no relationship between weight than SC.

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Weight Loss: Personalized Management vs. Standard Care, Byrne et al.

Table 3. Completers analysis of changes 关mean (standard error)兴 in weight, waist, fat mass, and V̇O2max
95% confidence
PWMP SC Group effect Difference limits for
(n ⴝ 32) (n ⴝ 27) (p value) between means group difference
Weight (kg)
Week 0 to Week 16 ⫺5.66 (0.6) ⫺2.82 (0.7) ⬍0.05 2.84 ⫺5.56 ⫺0.12
Week 16 to Week 32 ⫺0.45 (0.6)*† 0.19 (0.7)* NS 0.64 ⫺3.36 2.07
Week 0 to Week 32 ⫺6.15 (0.6) ⫺2.3 (0.7) ⬍0.01 3.53 ⫺6.24 ⫺0.81
Waist (cm)
Week 0 to Week 16 ⫺3.91 (0.8) ⫺1.52 (0.7) NS 2.39 ⫺5.76 0.97
Week 16 to Week 32 ⫺0.31 (0.8)*† 0.50 (0.7) NS 0.81 ⫺4.17 2.56
Week 0 to Week 32 ⫺4.29 (0.8) ⫺1.00 (0.7) 0.06 3.29 ⫺6.65 0.08
Fat mass (kg)
Week 0 to Week 16 ⫺5.08 (0.6) ⫺2.55 (0.7) 0.07 2.53 ⫺5.18 0.12
Week 16 to Week 32 ⫺0.79 (0.6)*† 0.29 (0.7)* NS 1.09 ⫺3.74 1.56
Week 0 to Week 32 ⫺5.89 (0.6) ⫺2.25 (0.7) ⬍0.001 3.65 ⫺6.30 ⫺1.00
V̇O2max (mL/kg/min)
Week 0 to Week 16 4.03 (0.7) 3.26 (0.8) NS 0.77 ⫺2.33 3.87
Week 16 to Week 32 0.10 (0.7)*† ⫺0.93 (0.8)* NS 1.03 ⫺2.07 4.13
Week 0 to Week 32 4.12 (0.7) 2.33 (0.8) NS 1.79 ⫺1.31 4.89
V̇O2max (mL/kg FFM/min)
Week 0 to Week 16 2.41 (0.9) 3.57 (0.9) NS 1.16 ⫺4.95 2.64
Week 16 to Week 32 0.69 (0.9) ⫺1.49 (0.9)* NS 0.81 ⫺2.99 4.60
Week 0 to Week 32 1.69 (0.9) 2.08 (0.9) NS 0.39 ⫺4.19 3.40

V̇O2max, maximum oxygen uptake; PWMP, personalized weight management program; SC, standard care; FFM, fat-free mass; NS, not
* Significantly different (p ⬍ 0.05) from Week 0 to Week 16 within the same intervention group.
† Significantly different (p ⬍ 0.05) from Week 0 to Week 32 within the same intervention group.

As shown in Figure 2 and Table 3, the average weight loss by Week 16 (63% and 30%, respectively); these pro-
loss from baseline was significantly greater for PWMP portions were comparable at Week 32 (59% PWMP and
compared with SC both at Week 16 and Week 32 for the 33% SC).
completers analysis; but only at Week 32 for the ITT While fat loss was significant for both groups, the loss
analysis. The weight loss at Week 32 equated with a 7.1% from baseline was significantly greater at both Week 16 and
and 3.1% decrease from baseline values for PWMP and SC, Week 32 for PWMP compared with SC (p ⬍ 0.01). Simi-
respectively. The self-defined weight loss “target” was com- larly, waist circumference decrease from baseline was
parable for both groups: 8.9 ⫾ 1.2 and 8.6 ⫾ 1.2 kg for greater on average for PWMP compared with SC at both
PWMP and SC, respectively. PWMP achieved a greater Week 16 and Week 32 (Figure 2). The average increase in
proportion of the weight loss goal than SC both at Week 16 V̇O2max from baseline for PWMP did not differ significantly
(60 ⫾ 36% vs. 34 ⫾ 41%; p ⫽ 0.01) and Week 32 (70 ⫾ from SC at Week 16 or Week 32 (p ⬎ 0.1). For all
51% vs. 30 ⫾ 51%; p ⫽ 0.008). As shown in Figure 3, at measures, the change from baseline for both groups was
Week 16, the 50th percentile for SC equated with 26% of significant at both Week 16 and Week 32, but changes
target weight loss, whereas for PWMP, the median was between Week 16 and Week 32 were not significant.
72%. At Week 32, the 50th percentile for SC had dropped Table 4 outlines the exercise prescription goals and the
to 18% of target weight loss, whereas the PWMP median exercise completed by the PWMP group. Despite a wide
remained at 72%. A weight loss of ⱖ5% initial body weight range of prescribed exercise energy expenditure being com-
is often referenced as an important clinical outcome. More pleted (28% to 145%), the PWMP, on average, achieved
of those in PWMP than SC achieved this relative weight two thirds of the energy expenditure target over an average

1782 OBESITY Vol. 14 No. 10 October 2006

Weight Loss: Personalized Management vs. Standard Care, Byrne et al.

Figure 2: Mean weight and waist change by group (error bars indicate standard error). Between-group difference (* p ⬍ 0.05; ** p ⬍ 0.01;
§ p ⫽ 0.06).

2.8 h/wk (range: 1.3 to 5.4 h/wk) and at a mean intensity of weight change and average weekly exercise energy expen-
72% maximum HR (HRmax; 61% to 88% HRmax). There diture completed. Based on the resulting prediction equa-
was no difference between men and women in the average tion, even with no reduction in energy intake, the average
weekly exercise training completed. Pearson correlation target weight loss (8.9 kg) would have been achieved with
analyses showed that duration of weekly exercise completed an average exercise energy expenditure of 2341 kcal/wk.
did not explain the variance in weight loss (r ⫽ 0.21; 95% Furthermore, after adjusting for sex, the proportion of target
confidence interval, ⫺0.21 to 0.57; p ⫽ 0.32) or fat loss exercise energy expenditure completed by PWMP partici-
(r ⫽ 0.21; 95% confidence interval, ⫺0.22 to 0.57; p ⫽ pants was positively related to weight loss (r ⫽ 0.55, p ⬍
0.34). In contrast, Figure 4 shows the relationship between 0.05) and fat loss (r ⫽ 0.49, p ⬍ 0.05).

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Figure 3: Cumulative frequency distribution of the target weight loss achieved by Week 16 (top) and Week 32 (bottom).

Table 4. PWMP completers exercise prescription and training data 关mean (standard deviation)兴
Total 95% confidence
PWMP Men Women Sex limits for sex
Variable (n ⴝ 32) (n ⴝ 18) (n ⴝ 14) difference difference
Target weight loss (kg) 8.9 (1.2) 9.7 (0.8) 7.8 (0.7) 1.9* 1.3 3.5
Actual weight loss (kg) 6.2 (3.7) 7.3 (3.2) 5.7 (3.9) 1.6 1.6 4.7
Proportion of target weight loss (%) 73 (40) 75 (31) 71 (50) 4 ⫺32 39
Target exercise energy expenditure (kcal/wk) 2341 (519) 2796 (234) 1846 (117) 950* 787 1114
Target exercise energy expenditure (kcal/kg/wk) 26.2 (3.3) 28.9 (1.4) 23.1 (1.5) 5.7* 4.5 7.0
Actual exercise energy expenditure (kcal/wk) 1509 (554) 1637 (562) 1369 (536) 268 ⫺209 745
Actual exercise energy expenditure (kcal/kg/wk) 16.9 (5.5) 16.9 (5.4) 17.0 (6.0) 0.1 ⫺5.0 4.9
Proportion target exercise energy expenditure (%) 66 (31) 57 (21) 74 (39) 18 ⫺45 18
Exercise time (h/wk) 2.8 (1.0) 2.5 (0.7) 3.2 (1.3) 0.7 ⫺1.5 0.2
Exercise heart rate (beats/min) 132 (13) 134 (15) 131 (11) 2.7 ⫺10 14
Exercise heart rate (%HRmax) 72 (7) 72 (8) 73 (6) 0.7 ⫺7 6

PWMP, personalized weight management program; %HRmax, percentage of maximum heart rate.
* p ⬍ 0.001.

1784 OBESITY Vol. 14 No. 10 October 2006

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Figure 4: Weight change at 32 weeks relative to average weekly exercise energy expenditure.

Stepwise and best-subsets regression analyses were used ference and a 30% reduction in visceral fat. Based on the
to determine which variables best explained the variance in dose–response relationships between weight loss, waist cir-
average weekly exercise energy expenditure. Average cumference reduction, and visceral fat loss shown in these
weekly exercise energy expenditure was best explained (r ⫽ previous studies, it can be speculated that the current 32-
0.92, p ⬍ 0.0001) by a combination of weekly exercise dura- week intervention resulted in greater losses in visceral fat
tion and exercise intensity (HR or %HRmax); addition of sex for PWMP compared with SC. Thus, the greater weight loss
explained a further 6% of the variance. for PWMP was accompanied by greater fat loss and impor-
tantly greater reduction in abdominal girth than SC. Collec-
tively, these findings show that weight loss over 32 weeks
Discussion is possible with both SC and PWMP; however, the addi-
These study results support the hypothesis that over- tional support provided by PWMP augments the favorable
weight and obese individuals given exercise energy expen- changes achieved with SC. These findings hold both in
diture targets, HR monitoring, and calorie counting moni- analysis of “completers” data and ITT analyses.
tors are better able to achieve a self-defined target weight The second purpose of the study was to determine
loss than those given standard diet and physical activity whether improvements gained over the first 16 weeks of the
advice. The PWMP group achieved twice the weight loss of intervention, which included weekly contact with research
SC in both relative and absolute terms. Furthermore, the staff, could be maintained over the second 16 weeks when
PWMP group achieved, on average, twice the proportion of no contact was made with study participants. The results
the individualized weight loss goal. As expected, partici- showed that, although the changes elicited in the second
pants in the PWMP group achieved a greater reduction in phase of the intervention were not significantly different
absolute and percentage body fat compared with SC and between groups, the pattern of change tended to reflect
significantly greater reduction in waist circumference. further reductions in body weight and body composition for
The proportion of weight lost by PWMP is clinically the PWMP group. The SC group tended toward a reversal in
meaningful (21). Previous weight loss studies have shown the improvements gained during the first phase. For some
that waist circumference changes are matched with changes individuals, the cessation of the weekly “conscience” meet-
in intra-abdominal fat. While Irwin et al. (22) found a 2-kg ings may have resulted in lowered motivation to adhere to
weight loss in women was accompanied by a 7% reduction diet and exercise goals. However, despite no weekly weigh-
in visceral fat, Slentz et al. (23) also noted a 2-kg weight ins, the PWMP group, in using electronic monitoring of
loss was accompanied by a 7% reduction in visceral fat, and exercise energy expenditure and dietary intake, had contin-
Ross et al. (20) reported a 6-kg exercise-induced weight loss ued (albeit non-significant) body size and body composition
was accompanied by a 6.5-cm reduction in waist circum- reductions in the second 16 weeks.

OBESITY Vol. 14 No. 10 October 2006 1785

Weight Loss: Personalized Management vs. Standard Care, Byrne et al.

In a study of similar design, Heshka et al. (24) compared sidered with reference to the extent to which participants
weight loss achieved and maintained through self-help strat- adhered to the intervention as prescribed. The third aim of
egies with a structured weight loss program. The self-help the study was to determine whether adherence to the exer-
group was provided with two 20-minute consultations with cise prescribed predicted magnitude of body composition
a dietitian and was given publicly available printed dietary changes and success in meeting weight loss targets in par-
and exercise advice, web sites, and health organization ticipants who finished the 32-week intervention.
contact details. The individuals randomized to the commer- Participants who finished the 32-week intervention com-
cial weight loss group were provided with vouchers enti- pleted, on average, two thirds of the exercise energy expen-
tling them to attend Weight Watchers. The self-help group diture prescribed and achieved approximately three quarters
achieved an average peak weight loss of 1.6 kg (1.7%) after of the target weight loss. It is of interest to note that if the
6 months of the intervention period compared with com- average prescribed exercise energy expenditure had been
mercial intervention, which, also peaking at 6 months, completed, the average target weight loss would have been
achieved an average loss of 5.5 kg (5.8%). Weight losses at achieved (Figure 4). However, it is important to recognize
16 weeks were, on average, ⬃1.5 (1.6%) and 4.5 kg (4.8%) the relatively large standard error of the estimate of this
for the self-help and commercial groups, respectively. prediction. The average exercise energy expenditure was
These findings suggest that even with continued “con- 1509 kcal/wk (17 kcal/kg per week), and the time commit-
science” meetings, weight may be slowly regained after 24 ted to structured exercise was, on average, 168 min/wk
weeks. (range, 78 to 324 min/wk). An important finding was that
Recidivism in the months after weight loss elicited minutes spent exercising did not explain the variance in
through behavior modification interventions are common- weight loss or fat loss. However, absolute and relative
place, and, thus, strategies to assist self-management of exercise energy expenditure completed was positively re-
weight loss and weight loss maintenance in the longer term lated with weight and fat mass losses. Exercise energy
are required. The results from this study suggest the PWMP expenditure was best explained by the combination of ex-
may provide a less costly way to enable individuals to ercise duration and exercise intensity. This is an important
self-monitor their weight loss process using more objective finding, given that in many clinical and public health set-
targets. Self-help strategies also theoretically have the ad- tings, exercise recommendations are based around time,
ditional advantage of enabling individuals to obtain a sense with vague exercise intensity prescriptions.
of power and the inward resources that give them more The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention promote
control over themselves and their environment (11). Segal et population-level recommendations of 150 minutes of exer-
al. (25) argued that empowerment may be a primary prin- cise of moderate or greater intensity per week (27). These
ciple underlying self-help goals and that empowerment are comparable with the commonly cited 1000 kcal/wk
may, in turn, increase self-efficacy, self-esteem, and the (4184 kJ/wk) additional energy expenditure through pur-
sense that one’s own efforts can effect positive change. A poseful physical activity or exercise recommended for
longer period of self-management without weekly weigh- weight reduction (28). On average, participants in the
ins using PWMP and SC would be required to determine PWMP met both of these recommendations. With no con-
whether the trends we observed in the second 16-week comitant change to dietary intake, completing 1000 kcal/wk
period would reach statistical significance. Further research of exercise should result in a weight loss of ⬃2 kg over 16
to determine the impact of PWMP on self-efficacy and weeks. This rate of weight loss is supported by the studies
self-esteem in relation to capacity to successfully self-man- of Ross et al. (29), in which, for men, a daily exercise
age weight loss and long-term weight management would energy expenditure of 700 kcal and isocaloric diet over 12
be valuable. weeks (55,800 kcal) elicited the predicted 7.2-kg weight
Treatment efficacy is a measure of the benefit resulting loss. Similarly, for women, a daily exercise energy expen-
from an intervention for a given health outcome under ideal diture of 500 kcal and isocaloric diet over 14 weeks (49,000
conditions of a study; as such, it refers to the degree to kcal) elicited the predicted 6.3-kg weight loss (20). Based
which the intervention is shown to scientifically accomplish on the relationship between energy deficit and weight loss
the desired outcome in people who fully comply with the (3500 kcal energy deficit ⫽ 0.45 kg weight loss), the
intervention. In contrast, effectiveness is a measure of the predicted average weight loss of the PWMP in the current
benefit resulting from an intervention under usual condi- study would be 6.3 kg. The actual average weight loss was
tions of clinical care for a particular group; hence, it con- 6.2 kg.
siders both efficacy of an intervention and its acceptance by Another important finding of this study was that, despite
those to whom it is offered (26). The data discussed thus far men having a higher exercise energy expenditure target,
indicate that PWMP was more effective than SC in achiev- women and men completed the same weekly exercise en-
ing body size and body composition improvements over 32 ergy expenditure, and this was undertaken at the same
weeks. However, the efficacy of PWMP needs to be con- relative intensity. Unlike many other weight loss studies, the

1786 OBESITY Vol. 14 No. 10 October 2006

Weight Loss: Personalized Management vs. Standard Care, Byrne et al.

weight loss (absolute and relative) did not differ signifi- speculate that the modest improvements in cardiorespiratory
cantly between men and women. Doucet et al. (30) noted a fitness are attributed to modest training rather than evidence
difference in fat mass losses between men and women when of a ceiling effect.
participants were on a moderate dietary restriction plus In conclusion, this study was designed to determine the
exercise program and reported that the effect could be efficacy and effectiveness of a personalized weight man-
entirely explained by the difference in the net energy cost of agement strategy using biofeedback of exercise intensity
the exercise. The authors suggested that this sex difference and exercise energy expenditure and dietary energy targets
was attributable to an exercise intensity effect (31,32), re- compared with generalized standard care. Our ability to
porting that, despite the same exercise intensity being pre- more definitively attribute causality of the exercise dose on
scribed, women exercised at a relative exercise intensity of, the weight (or fat) loss is limited by not having objective
on average, 19%, which is lower than for men. In this study, data on changes in dietary patterns or energy intake. How-
the monitored exercise intensity revealed that men and ever, despite this limitation, the data, analyzed both by
women exercised as the same physiological intensity, and completers and ITT analysis, revealed a strong intervention
the resultant weight loss did not differ between men and effect on the magnitude of change in outcome variables.
women. Compared with SC, PWMP showed greater reduction in
According to the American College of Sports Medicine, body weight, waist circumference, and body fat at Week 16
and after a further 16-week period without weekly weigh-in
depending on the quantity and quality of training, improve-
meetings. The study showed that provision of PWMP more
ment in V̇O2max ranges from 5% to 30% (33). In this study,
than doubled the changes in body weight and body compo-
the average relative change in V̇O2max (mL/kg per minute)
sition achieved with standard nutrition and physical activity
was ⬃10%; however, only 66% of the prescribed exercise
advice. However, individuals given the opportunity to self-
was completed (PWMP). Thus, although the relative im-
manage behavior with the aid of PWMP varied in the extent
provements are at the lower end of the expected range, the
to which they met the exercise energy expenditure and
completed exercise was much less than prescribed in the dietary guidelines. While successful weight loss and weight
majority of participants. While genetics explains some of maintenance can be achieved with varying strategies, the
the variance in the magnitude and rate of change in cardio- PWMP is a tool that more effectively assists overweight and
respiratory fitness with aerobic training, initial V̇O2max may obese individuals to self-manage this process. It remains to
also be a factor (34). The average baseline V̇O2max values for be determined whether such self-management strategies
the PWMP men was between the 50th and 60th percentile will prove effective for longer-term weight management.
and for SC men was in the 40th percentile; for women in
both groups, the average was between the 30th and 40th
percentile (33). However, the range for both sexes was from Acknowledgment
the 10th to the 90th percentile. Therefore, there was con- The authors thank Connie Wishart and Nigel Smith for
siderable variance within the cohort; and no reason to an- laboratory assistance during the study. Funding for this
ticipate that improvement in cardiorespiratory fitness would study was provided by the Queensland University of Tech-
nology Industry Collaborative Grant Scheme and Polar
be limited in either group. Furthermore, it is important to
Electro Oy.
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