Hindu Girl Creative Writing - English 1

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I let the water pour over my body, letting it clean and cleanse my body.

I needed to be spotless before I began my morning prayer. Getting out of the shower I wrapped

the towel around myself and walked towards my room to get dressed. Today I decided would be

a good day. One where my actions would give me great fortune. A person could only hope.

Once I finished getting dressed I sat down and put my hands together. Grabbing my bindu

I placed it on my head and started my prayers. KARAGRE VASATHU LAKSHMI, KARAMADHYE


The goddess of life Lakshmi is who I prayed to. She gives me life and is the reason I'm

here. Whenever people mess with me because of what I believe in I pray to her and Brahma

because they’re the reason I don’t give up.

A knock sounded at the door as I finished my prayer. My heart jumped when they

knocked again but not as politely as the first. Might as well open it if it's that urgent. Creeping

towards the door I listened carefully to any movement I could hear but heard nothing.

As I opened my door my eyes met two people I did not recognize. “Yes, can I help you?”

They looked at each other and gave me a very full grin.

“Yes you can help us. I heard that Aanya lives here, is that right?” Okay that's officially

freaking me out. I silently prayed Vishnu would protect me from anything because at this

moment I did not feel safe.

“Uh she is not home. I’m her roommate but if you want me to give her a message…”

They looked angry. Their eyebrows slanted inward, lips curled, and jaw clenched but then the

face was gone and replaced with heartwarming smiles that any foolish person would’ve fallen for

“No It’s okay we’ll be back.” As I closed the door my heart pounded and my breathing

was going faster than a hundred miles per hour. I didn’t know who those guys were or why they
were asking for me but I figured it was better to say it wasn’t me. Vishnu was there for me today

and that is one of the many reasons I serve him. Staying inside was my best option. For some

reason I didn’t feel safe. I got bad energy from those guys and I’m not leaving anytime soon to

find out why.


When I figured the coast was clear I decided to go for a ride to my local grocery store to

get some fresh vegetables because I don't believe in eating meat. I think all animals have souls

and that they too can be reincarnated just like me.

As I exited my apartment and set towards my car I heard some shuffling behind me

before I felt a prick in my neck and slowly everything faded to black.

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