România Ministerul Apărării Naţionale Neclasificat Exemplar NR

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Colegiul Naţional Militar ,,Alexandru Ioan Cuza”


UNITS 8, 9, 10, 11

I. Read the following text and circle the right answer:

People have always wondered how the world as we know it will end. One of the countless theories
states tha, in a few billion years, the sun will burn itself out. But before that, its air supply of hydrogen
fuel will be exhausted, turning it into a gigantic red star capable of sending out 100 times more energy
than it presently does. This phenomenon will make all the planets surrounding the sun incredibly hot.
Planet Earth will heat up as well, oceans will start boiling and, eventually, life on earth will come to an
end. After everything has ended, the cooling sun will be nothing more than just a tiny, weak star.

1. The author of the text expects the end of the world happen… .
A. in his lifetime
B. when the sun turns into a tiny, weak star
C. billions of years from now
D. when the earth runs out of hydrogen and fuel

2. When its supply of hydrogen fuel fails, the sun will… .

A. burn the planets around it
B. destroy itself
C. turn red
D. all of the above

3. A person who would compare the end of the world to “fire and ice” would… .
A. be totally ignorant of the theories of the end of the world
B. be knowledgeable about the theories of the end of the world
C. have very rich imagination
D. be a space scientist

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