Test La Limba Engleză, Clasa A Xi-A UNITS 8, 9, 10, 11 I. Read The Following Text and Circle The Right Answer: (4 X 5p. 20p.)

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Colegiul Naţional Militar ,,Alexandru Ioan


Numărul 2
UNITS 8, 9, 10, 11
I. Read the following text and circle the right answer: (4 x 5p. = 20p.)
One July morning, I woke up in a warm sweat. All I could Think of was to run to the fridge and
get a cold drink, but the refrigerator was broken and everything inside was just as hot as I was. I
walked over to my ventilator, but this one wasn’t working either. Then, I wanted to turn on the
TV set and finally realized that there was something wrong with the electricity in my house. It
was out.
Everything was melting and, later that day I decided to go to the pool to cool off. I dived
right in! After swimming eight laps, I was exhausted. My friend Paul bought an ice cream cone
for me. It was a vanilla ice cream cone with rainbow sprinkles. Somehow I managed to have a lot
of fun that day, even though it was boiling hot.

1. Why did the narrator run to the refrigerator?

A. He wanted some cool air
B. He needed the ventilator
C. He wanted something to drink
D. He wanted to repair it

2. Why was the ventilator not working?

A. It was broken, like the refrigerator
B. The power was out
C. The batteries had to be recharged
D. It needed oiling

3. How long did it take the narrator to get tired of swimming?

A. After eight laps
B. After two laps
C. After three laps
D. After seven laps

4. What was the flavor of the ice cream?

A. Vanilla
B. Rainbow
C. Cone
D. Sprinkles
II. Think of one word only which can be used appropriately in all three sentences.
Think about whether you need singular or plural form. You will need the same
form in all three sentences: (10 x 1p.=10 p.)
1. The team is now back to full …………………………..after a number of injuries to key
players last month.
It’s always an advantage to be able to negotiate from a position of
It’s easy to understand the ………………………..of public feeling against the use of
nuclear energy.

2. I don’t know how dangerous the jungle is- if you go, you’ll have to take your
The ………………………………..are that the zoo will be forced to close.
Doing the course will certainly improve your ……………………………to get the job.

3. She’s in no ………………………….to undertake such a physically demanding trip.

He was allowed to leave the country on ………………..………..that he returned within
three weeks.
Anyone suffering from a serious medical…………………………should think twice
before undertaking strenuous physical exercise.
I’d like to run a marathon this year, but I’m a little out of ............................

III. Complete the following sentences with a compound noun made from the word in
capitals and a particle from the box. ( 5 x 4p.=20p.)
Up, down,
out, back

1. The project suffered a severe ……………………………when the main sponsor

pulled out. SET
2. There was a great………………………….for the rock concert, including the
country’s number one singer.
3. The company’s finances suffered a real …………………….after the chairman
resigned. TURN
4. The school leaver waited anxiously to hear the ……………….of his first job
interview. COME
5. Some people can change their attitude and develop a whole new……………….on
life. LOOK

IV. Write the first two paragraphs of a proposal for the ideal workplace. (150-200
words) (40 p.)

10 points granted

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