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Description of Issue: the deterioration of Baguio’s environment
and ecology due to the abuse of the natural sources and all kinds

of pollution on nature.

Main Causes and Effects:

Tourism: Adds to overcrowding and traffic in the city.  Lack of supervision of tourists and

their activities can increase the pollution of the city and tourist spots.

Industrialization: Industries such as mining and logging use areas of Baguio in order to get

resources which can lead to pollution and deforestation of areas.

Urbanization: because of development projects, there is a need to clear forests in order to

construct buildings, roads, and other infrastructure.

Other Causes and Effects:

Traffic: there are many vehicles that emit smoke which affect the air quality of the city.

Use of Plastic and Styrofoam: these materials can end up littered around the city and are

harmful to the environment because they are slow to biodegrade and can release toxic


Public Market and Slaughterhouses: the lack of supervision over the public market and

livestock farms allows sludge and waste into the waters.

Poor Waste Management: The lack of a proper plan or system in order to deal with waste and

dumps causes and increases pollution.

The utilization of Baguio City’s resources has become overwhelmingly extended beyond its

actual capabilities given that the city has already exceeded its carrying capacity

There is a need to restrict profit-creating establishments for the welfare and state of the

environment. Otherwise, the city’s environment would continue to deteriorate.

Balance: economic development and environmental protection

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