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Name: Londiwe Muriel Ngwenya

Student Number: 21203743

TLOS701: Teaching Life Orientation Senior Phase 1

Involvement Task 1: Unravelling the CAPS document

1. What is the purpose of life orientation?

Life Orientation focuses on the development of self in society. It helps students set goals for
themselves. The subject also encourages students to motivate themselves, solve problems they
face, and also helps elevate students' decision-making skills. Life Orientation aims to prepare
students for society and helps them improve and develop intellectually, socially, emotionally,
and so forth.

2. I have a child who is in Grade 9. He has no clue about what he wants to do after he finishes
school. Guidance is no longer offered in the school. How will my child be helped to have some

One of the main topics that are covered in Life Orientation is careers. Life Orientation is a
subject that has themes that rigorously enlighten students about the different types of work that
exist in the world. In these themes, students are taught about time management skills, career, and
school subject options as well as school and career funding providers. Additionally, if the child is
still unsure and indecisive, I, as the teacher could be able to assist. We could have a chat. I’d ask
the student to list some of his or her strengths and weaknesses, both personal as well as
academic. I’d also ask the student to list and rank what he or she enjoys doing. Once we’ve
established that list, we’d work from there.
3. My child is hard of hearing. Is the school able to cater for his needs?

The National Curriculum Statement Grades R-12 is sensitive to issues relating to human rights
and inclusivity. Inclusivity is encouraged in planning and teaching. This implies that teachers
should have a sound understanding of how to recognize and address barriers to learning, and
should plan for diversity.

4. How much of time is given to Life Orientation in the senior phase?

Two hours per week is allocated to Life Orientation in the National Curriculum Statement
(NCS). One hour per week will be spent on Physical Education and the remaining hour will be
split among the other four topics which will be covered in Life Orientation. There are usually 70
hours available for the teaching of Life Orientation, excluding the examination period.

5. How are the students assessed in Life Orientation in Grade 7 to 9?

There are a variety of formal and informal assessments to evaluate students throughout the
school year. Informal assessments include; short class tests, discussions, debates, short
homework tasks, worksheets, group work, oral and written presentations as well as much more.
Formal assessment tasks are subject to moderation for quality assurance and to ensure that
appropriate standards are maintained. These assessments provide teachers with a systematic way
of evaluating how well learners are progressing in a grade and a particular subject.
6. What is the difference between informal and formal assessment?

Informal assessments are assessments that can be incorporated into the day-to-day classroom

They measure student performance and progress. These assessments are usually not marked.
Formal assessments are systematic, pre-planned tests that measure what students have learned
and how well they’d learned particular themes or topics. These assessments are marked and
recorded by the teacher for progression and certification purposes.

7. What will my child who is Grade 8 learn about constitutional rights and responsibilities?

Under this topic, students will learn about the different contributions which were made by
different religious groups on the subject of peace. They will also learn about ethics in sports,
showing respect to all individuals as well as the importance of respecting human rights.

8. Drug abuse is a big problem in the area in which we live. How can you help to address this

Another one of the themes that Life Orientation alludes to, is substance abuse and the impact it
has on the lives of abusers as well as society. Students also learn about some of the
circumstances and factors that could result in individuals being exposed to and ultimately being
drawn into the world of substance abuse.
9. We have come over to South Africa from Syria. My daughter, who is in Grade 8 has just
joined the school. She is afraid that she will be discriminated against. How can the school help

Schools in South Africa generally have no tolerance towards discrimination. Most schools
highlight this in their Code of Conduct. Students who are caught violating the code of conduct
face the consequences, this could include, suspension of the offender or in more serious cases

10. What is the value of having PE in the curriculum if only one hour a week is dedicated to it?

Physical Education (PE) aims to develop learners’ physical well-being and knowledge of
movement and safety. It aims to promote and encourage students to adopt an active and healthy
lifestyle. It also aims to develop learners’ confidence and generic skills, especially those of
collaboration, communication, creativity, critical thinking, and aesthetic appreciation. Learner
participation in PE is assessed and reported at the end of each term.

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