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Background Information

or GASTRICComems
ANALYSIS (Come/n Appucmoms DATA, p. 421),
Gastric tluid analysis has two major components: (1) macroscopic analysis
and (2) microscopic analysis. Macroscopic analysis includes examining the
specimen for overall physical and chemical characteristics such as color, pres-
ence of mucus and blood, and pH determination. Microscopic analysis involves
examining the specimen for organisms such as bacteria and parasites. Cytologt
ical examination for abnormal (i.e., malignant) exfoliated cells also may be
done, although special techniques must be used so that the .cells are not
destroyed prior to analysis.
Specimens for gastric analysis are normally collected in the morning after
the client has been fasting for 12 hours. Approximately 20 to 100 ml of gastric
fluid should be present in the stomach at that time. If digestion is normal, and
if the client has observed fasting instructions, no food particles should be

Macroscopic Analysis
Color. Gastric juice is normally a translucent, pale gray, slightly viscous
fluid. If the' gastric aspirate is yellow to green in color, the presence of bile is
indicated. This may be due to reflux of bile from excessive gagging when the
nasogastric tube was inserted for the test or it may indicate an obstruction in
the small intestine distal to the ampulla of Vater, the site where bile is secreted
into the small intestine.0 Pink, red, or brownish gastric secretions indicate the
presence of blood (see further on).
Mucus. Mucus is normally present in gastric secretions and derives mainly
from the mucus secreted by the gastric glands. The mucus content is responsible
for the viscosity of gastric secretions. Saliva also may contribute to the mucus
content, but it is frothy and tends to float on top of the sample. In tests of gastric
secretions, clients are instructed to expectorate saliva during the test so as no!
to contaminate the sample.- If mucus from the respiratory tract is present,it
tends to be more tenacious than gastric secretions and sometimes containsdust
particles.Small amounts of mucus from duodenal reflux also may be in
Blood. Blood is not normally present in gastric secretions. Small particles

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